MSG :: Volume #6

#511: Sees clearly the plan clue interrupt

SHIELD trident building, this SHIELD nominal highest control center. Since relations between Nick Fury and Security Council become more and more stiff, he little came to here. Place that although he should stay truly, is his office in the trident building. However in fact, that turned into a dispensable thing. 神盾局三叉戟大楼,这个神盾局名义上的最高指挥中心。自从尼克.弗瑞和安全理事会之间的关系变得越来越僵硬之后,他就很少到这里来了。虽然他真正应该呆的地方,也就是他的办公室就在三叉戟大楼里面。但是实际上,那已经变成了一个可有可无的东西。 Nick Fury rather treats in the aerospace aircraft carrier, even was the central base is not willing to wait the procedure here to make this nominal chief office lose its significance. Therefore, after continuing some time, this office has changed a new master. But his present master, is the goal that Nick Fury must look. 尼克.弗瑞宁愿待在空天航母,甚至是中心基地也不愿意待在这里的做法让这件名义上的局长办公室已经失去了它的意义。所以,在持续了一段时间之后,这间办公室已经换了一个新的主人。而他现在的主人,就是尼克.弗瑞要找的目标。 Alexander. Pierce, in this world security council most position high weight one of the several directors, is the SHIELD former chief. Now sits in this office, is carrying out own routine work. 亚历山大.皮尔斯,这个世界安全理事会内最位高权重的几位理事长之一,也是神盾局的前任局长。现在就坐在这间办公室内部,进行着自己的日常工作。 But Nick Fury suddenly intrudes the work that obviously has interrupted carry on his. Whose he was face resentful face looks at an outcome first is gate does not knock such rushed. When person who when he sees unexpectedly is Nick Fury, in his eye just right has revealed such surprised. 尼克.弗瑞的突然闯入显然打断了他正在进行的工作。他先是一脸愠色地看了一眼究竟是谁连门也不敲就这么闯了进来。而当他看到进来的人居然是尼克.弗瑞时,他的眼睛里恰到好处地露出了那么一丝惊讶。 Nick, how did you come to here?” “尼克,你怎么到这里来了?” As once ally, Pierce clearly had the qualifications to call with this way his. But regarding his name, the meaning that Nick Fury has not opposed. He directly sat his opposite, was away from a desk to look at own old friend, was saying to him. 作为曾经的战友,皮尔斯显然是有资格用这种方式来称呼他的。而对于他的这种称呼,尼克.弗瑞也没有反对的意思。他只是径直坐到了他的对面,隔着一张办公桌看着自己的老朋友,对着他说道。 If we remember incorrectly, this is my office is right. What's wrong, did I come back here qualifications not to have?” “如果我们记错的话,这是我的办公室才对。怎么,我连回来这里的资格都没有了吗?” Naturally not!” Smiled temperately, Pierce raises two cups from the table, from the nearby teapot one cup of black tea, has put the Nick Fury front conveniently but actually. I am only have not thought. If you want to come back, I can move. Believes me, in less than how much time!” “当然不!”温和地笑了笑,皮尔斯就从桌子上掀过来两个杯子,顺手从边上的茶壶里倒了一杯红茶,放到了尼克.弗瑞的面前。“我只是没有想到而已。如果你想回来的话,我可以搬回去。相信我,用不了多少时间!” Ok, I do not want to treat in this dangerous place.” Is narrowing own eye, had been swept one by own vision from Pierce calmly back and forth. Nick Fury such replied. “算了吧,我可不想待在这种危险的地方里。”微眯着自己的眼睛,让自己的眼光不动声色地从皮尔斯身上扫过一个来回。尼克.弗瑞才这么回答道。 But heard him to say. Pierce has gawked obviously. The expression on his face becomes the surprise gets up, obviously, he cannot understand that very much why Nick Fury will say. 而听到他这么说。皮尔斯明显愣了一下。他脸上的表情变得诧异起来,显然,他不是很能理解为什么尼克.弗瑞会这么说。 Nick, you have made a mistake anything. But here SHIELD headquarters. In this world defends one of the most stern places. Is the defensive measure of Pentagon is not necessarily able to compare here. If this is dangerous place, the place of where also having security?” “尼克,你是不是搞错了什么。这里可是神盾局的总部。这个世界上防御最为森严的地方之一。就是五角大楼的防御措施都未必能比过这里。如果这样都算是危险的地方的话,哪里还有安全的地方可言呢?” You think here security, that is because you have not known that I have discovered anything. Indeed, here equipment is most advanced, the personnel are also sharpest. However advanced equipment. The elite personnel cannot assure here the absolute security. Especially......” “你认为这里安全,那是因为你还不知道我发现了什么。的确,这里的设备是最先进的,人员也是最精锐的。但是再先进的设备。再精锐的人员都不能保证在这里绝对的安全。尤其是……” Here, Nick Fury actually suddenly stopped to do. But regarding this type of card in the procedure that half cannot come up suddenly, Pierce was actually discontented. 说到了这里,尼克.弗瑞却是突然间停顿做了。而对于他这种卡在一半突然上不去的做法,皮尔斯却是不满了起来。 Particularly anything, you talk clearly to me actually. Nick, you must know here importance. Regarding SHIELD, here is definitely possibly does not have one of the losing places. If here had the problem, then not far away White House must have the problem. Therefore, if you discovered anything. Had better be able state clearly, but does not hang the person appetite like the present. This is not the matter that can hang the person appetite.” “尤其是什么,你倒是给我说清楚啊。尼克,你必须知道这里的重要性。对于神盾局来说,这里是绝对不容许有失的地方之一。如果这里出现问题了,那么不远处的白宫也要出现问题了。所以,如果你发现什么了。最好能明说出来,而不是像现在这样吊人胃口。这可不是什么能够吊人胃口的事情。” Looks at Pierce's performance, Nick Fury was silent. He such sits there. Does the eye wink is staring at Pierce. Until after the expression on his face starts becomes is stiff, he opens the mouth to him to say. 看着皮尔斯的这种表现,尼克.弗瑞沉默了。他就这么坐在那里。眼睛一眨不眨地盯着皮尔斯。直到他脸上的表情开始变得僵硬之后,他才开口对他说道。 You want to know that what I have discovered? Pierce?” “你想知道我发现了什么吗?皮尔斯?” Do not keep guessing again, Nick Fury. This is not the minor matter, if you had discovered anything should say now. Before all have not occurred, before us can also recover.” “不要再卖关子了,尼克.弗瑞。这不是什么小事,如果你发现了什么最好现在就说出来。趁着一切还没有发生之前,趁着我们还能补救之前。” Is started to increase own volume by repeatedly Pierce who Nick Fury slings the appetite. He does not want to play this game with Nick Fury. However he actually has to accompany him to play this game. Therefore this makes him not be feeling well, naturally, his tone becomes is impolite. 尼克.弗瑞一再吊起胃口的皮尔斯开始加大自己的音量。他并不想和尼克.弗瑞玩这种游戏。但是他却又不得不陪着他玩这个游戏。所以这让他非常不爽,自然地,他的语气也变得不客气起来。 But regarding his change, the Nick Fury complexion is from beginning to end has not actually changed. As always stiff and indifferent like engraves on his face, cannot see he at this moment at heart true idea. 而对于他的这种变化,尼克.弗瑞的脸色却是从始至终都没有怎么变化过。一如既往的生硬和冷漠像是刻印在他的脸上一样,让人根本看不出他此刻心里真正的想法。 However, this time he did not have to continue to peel off Ersi appetite actually the idea. But is said to him directly. 不过,这个时候的他倒是没有了继续掉皮尔斯胃口的想法。而是直接对他说道。 I had discovered some evidence, proved person who SHIELD has Hydra, moreover person who that type can directly interfere the SHIELD operation.” “我发现了一些证据,证明神盾局内部有九头蛇的人,而且还是那种能够直接干涉神盾局运作的人。” This is impossible!” The Nick Fury words have not said, knit the brows breaking by Pierce. „The operation of SHIELD has been conducted according to the rule. Besides you. Can achieve this point without any SHIELD internal personnel. Only if you want to say that you are the Hydra person, otherwise this matter absolutely is impossible to occur.” “这不可能!”尼克.弗瑞话还没有说完,就被皮尔斯皱着眉给打断了开来。“神盾局的运作一直是按照条例进行的。除了你之外。没有任何神盾局的内部人员能够做到这一点。除非你想说你自己是九头蛇的人,不然这种事情就绝对不可能发生。” Right, SHIELD internal serve must come according to the rule. However besides me, other people can bypass this rule, gives orders directly.” “没错,神盾局内部的用作是必须按照条例来的。但是除了我之外,还有其他人能够绕过这个条例,去直接发号施令。” You said that person who in the Security Council has Hydra!” “你是说,安全理事会里面有九头蛇的人!” Nick Fury slightly picked up to select such. Pierce responded. He knits the brows, looks at Nick Fury, in eye prudent and worried that is everyone can see. 尼克.弗瑞只是稍稍提点了那么一下。皮尔斯就反应了过来。他皱着眉,看着尼克.弗瑞,眼睛里面的慎重和担忧是谁都能看得到的。 Nick! You must know that you were saying anything, the Security Council is not the object who can accuse casually. If you do not have the clear evidence, then waited for that your will be the severest penalty. On this issue, even if you are the SHIELD chief, will not have any help to you.” “尼克!你必须知道你到底在说些什么,安全理事会可不是什么随随便便能指控的对象。如果你没有确切的证据,那么等待你的将会是最严厉的惩罚。在这个问题上,就算你是神盾局的局长,也不会对你有任何的帮助。” I have certainly the evidence, otherwise you think I such for no reason direct runs over, spoke this words to you? In my hand is grasping evidence is not a least bit, so long as follows up a clue to be quick I to be able only to hide clutching in the SHIELD internal mouse this.” “我当然有证据,不然你以为我会就这么平白无故的直接跑过来,对你说这种话吗?我手上握着的证据不是一点半点,只要顺藤摸瓜很快我就能把这只躲藏在神盾局内部的老鼠给揪出来。” But didn't you have the full assurance now?” Had guessed correctly from the Nick Fury words his Pierce of meaning wrinkled the eyebrow once again. He is fixing the eyes on opposite Nick Fury, until a moment later, such was saying to him. I could help you, but you must know, this help has the principle, does not have of lower limit. The matter that I must consider are many, is impossible is original such anything does not attend to likely.” “但是你现在还没有十足的把握是吗?”从尼克.弗瑞的话里猜到了他的意思的皮尔斯再度把眉毛皱了起来。他紧盯着自己对面的尼克.弗瑞,直到片刻之后,才这么对着他说道。“我也许可以帮你,但是你要知道,这种帮助不是没有原则,没有下限的那种。我要考虑的事情很多,不可能像是原来那样什么都不顾。” I know, Pierce. I want you to give my help to be very simple, absolutely is that you can accomplish.” “我知道,皮尔斯。我要你给我的帮助很简单,绝对是你能办得到的那种。” As if already waited for Pierce to say Nick Fury of these words to put out a USB from the personal pocket directly, threw Pierce's front. Then was saying to him. 似乎早就等着皮尔斯说出这句话的尼克.弗瑞直接从自己贴身的口袋里拿出了一个u盘,扔到了皮尔斯的面前。然后对着他说道。 I need this thing the material. I want to know that was who bypassed me, adopted this plan.” “我需要这个东西的资料。我想知道是谁绕过了我,通过了这项计划。” Pierce has not spoken, but was inserts on own computer port oneself front USB directly. When he sees to appear in front of himself on the giant aerospace aircraft carrier as well as the aircraft carrier that extremely conspicuous the automatic attack weapons, his pupil independently will not have contracted. 皮尔斯没有说话,而是直接把自己面前的u盘插到了自己的电脑端口上。而当他看到出现在自己面前的巨大空天航母以及航母上那极为显眼的自动攻击武器的时候,他的瞳孔才不会自主地收缩了起来。 Change on this expression cannot hide the truth from that one-eyed of Nick Fury. He asks immediately. 这种表情上的变化瞒不过尼克.弗瑞的那一只独眼。他立刻问道。 You as if had answer evidently, what can tell me you to know?” “看样子你似乎是有答案了,能告诉我你到底知道些什么吗?” Pierce long vented anger, slowly sat, is facing up to opposite Nick Fury. After long time, replied to him. 皮尔斯长出了一口气,慢慢地坐了下来,正视着自己对面的尼克.弗瑞。半晌后才对他回答道。 This plan is called to see clearly plan, is passes through my hand to pass.” “这项计划叫做洞察计划,是经过我的手通过的。” What did you say?” Pierce's reply made Nick Fury narrow the eye immediately. But looks at his appearance. Pierce has revealed the forced smile immediately. “你说什么?”皮尔斯的回答让尼克.弗瑞立刻眯上了眼睛。而看着他的这幅模样。皮尔斯立刻露出了苦笑。 I know somewhat inconceivable, but this plan indeed is I passes. Exactly said, this named sees clearly the special construction duty of plan, is I more than 20 years ago, but also is Chief SHIELD time passes. Not is only I, at that time other chancellor people in SHIELD also agreed this plan, this also includes Howard actually. I have not thought, this plan has put aside obviously, why will appear at this time in your hands!” “我知道有些不可思议,但是这项计划的确是我通过的。确切的说,这项名为洞察计划的特殊建造任务,是我在20多年前,还担任神盾局局长的时候通过的。不仅仅是我,就连当时神盾局里的其他主事人也同意了这个计划,这其实还包括霍华德。只是我没有想到,这个计划明明已经搁置了,为什么会在这个时候出现在你的手里!” I am also very strange! Why will have such a plan.” “我也很奇怪!为什么会有这么一个计划。” The Nick Fury sound became faint, looked like the ice-cold machinery is narrating an immaterial matter to be the same. 尼克.弗瑞的声音变得淡漠了起来,就像是冰冷的机械在叙述一件无关紧要的事情一样。 I have been investigating the matter about Hydra recently. Then I discovered. Has in SHIELD massive without the fund as well as the undertake transfer of personnel that I permit. This flowing has brought to my attention, when I seek following this clue, I have discovered these things. You can tell me, why will a put aside plan also be conducted after such a long time? Also, why can you initially put aside this plan?” “我最近一直在调查关于九头蛇的事情。然后我就发现了。在神盾局内部有大量未经我许可的资金以及人员流动。这种流动引起了我的注意,而当我顺着这个线索寻找下去的时候,我就发现了这些东西。你能告诉我,为什么一个被搁置的计划会在这么长时间之后还会进行吗?还有,你们当初为什么要搁置这个计划?” The tone change of Nick Fury is enormous, change in this tone makes Pierce know, oneself became the goal that he suspects. Therefore he starts to answer with every effort. 尼克.弗瑞的语气变化极大,这种语气上的变化让皮尔斯知道,自己已经成为了他所怀疑的目标。所以他开始尽力解释道。 Initially some people to us proposed this plan time, we indeed very much favor this plan the prospect. Sees clearly the plan to have the significance of cross time, the stage that even can from most germinate, strangles all possibly exists the threat to the world that. However. Quick Howard has discovered an issue. That is this plan has a fundamental flaw.” “当初有人向我们提出这个计划的时候,我们的确很看好这个计划的前景。洞察计划具有跨时代的意义,甚至能从最萌芽的阶段,扼杀掉所有可能存在的对世界的威胁。但是。很快霍华德就发现了一个问题。那就是这个计划存在一个根本性的缺陷。” Looks on the Nick Fury face to change, Pierce continues to say hastily. 看着尼克.弗瑞脸上有所变化,皮尔斯连忙继续说道。 Sees clearly the original intention of plan is the use aerospace aircraft carrier carries on all -weather monitoring and patrol around the world, the use erects on the criminality that in aircraft carrier the supercomputer monitoring human society all possibly has, then before the crime starts punishes it.” “洞察计划的本意是利用空天航母进行全世界范围内的全天候监控和巡逻,利用架设在航母上面的超级电脑监控人类社会中所有可能存在的犯罪行为,然后在犯罪开始之前就对其进行制裁。” But. Howard actually believes, this plan is invalid. The variability of human is too big, cannot close right up against the monitoring operation of computer to complete this plan purely. Only if, human can invent one computational method of all possibly budgeting. However is very obvious, this at that time was impossible. Even if today, is impossible. Therefore. This plans naturally was put aside.” “但是。霍华德却认为,这种计划是行不通的。人类的可变性太大,根本就不能单纯的靠着电脑的监控运算来完成这项计划。除非,人类能够发明一个把所有可能都预算进去的计算方法。但是很显然,这在当时是不可能。就算是今天,也不可能。所以。这项计划理所当然的就被搁置了。” Said, I have not thought really this plan still exists. I think that it had already terminated!” “说真的,我真的没有想到这项计划真的还存在着。我以为它早就已经终止了!” Put out a hand, breaks the meaning that Pierce continued. Nick Fury knits the brows, sends to ask. 伸出了手,打断了皮尔斯继续说下去的意思。尼克.弗瑞皱着眉,发问道。 You said that some people did propose this plan to you? Is who says.” “你说是有人向你们提出了这个计划?是谁提出来的。” Dr. Zola, after second war, surrenders we, by a Nazi scientist who then SHIELD bought.” “左拉博士,二战以后投降我们,被当时的神盾局吸纳的一个纳粹科学家。” Where is his present person at?” “他现在人在哪?” Hears this saying, Pierce's facial expression immediately became strange. 听到这话,皮尔斯的神情立刻变得古怪了起来。 You were impossible to find his, he died. Many years ago died! I and Howard witnessed his death with own eyes, this point I have been able to guarantee to you!”( To be continued.) “你是不可能找到他的,他已经死了。很多年前就死了!我和霍华德亲眼见证了他的死亡,这一点我能对你保证!”(未完待续。)
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