MSG :: Volume #6

#510: Has made up mind nine clues

Zhou Yi and Magneto eventually reached an agreement. 周易万磁王最终还是达成了一致。 On this issue, Magneto obtained one is also the satisfactory answer. But Zhou Yi, obtained Magneto fruitfully completely and unretentive support. Regarding them, this is the good deed that a cooperation wins. But regarding Radiance City, this is also an extremely rare development opportunity. 在这个问题上,万磁王得到了一个还算是满意的答复。而周易,也如愿以偿地得到了万磁王全部而无保留的支持。对于他们双方来说,这都是一件合作共赢的好事。而对于辉耀市来说,这也是一个极为难得的发展机会。 However regarding obtaining this news SHIELD, this news not joyfully got up. 但是对于得到了这个消息的神盾局来说,这个消息就不那么让人高兴地起来了。 Looks report that oneself just took, the Nick Fury complexion became exceptionally ugly. He lifted from the report oneself head first, is staring at Coulson with own that one-eyed stubbornly, was asking to him. 看着自己刚刚拿到手的报告,尼克.弗瑞的脸色就变得异常难看了起来。他先是把自己的头从报告里抬了出来,然后才用自己的那只独眼死死地盯着科尔森,对着他问道。 You determined that your subordinate has not misread, Zhou Yi really and Magneto that fellow contacted, moreover discussed a morning?” “你确定你的手下没有看错,周易真的和万磁王那个家伙接触了,而且还商谈了一个上午?” Although my also hope was he misreads!” Facing the inquiry of Nick Fury, Coulson shook the head directly, has shown the expression of forced smile. But I placed several agents there to see all these. One two also possibly are the misinformation, but all people expressed the determination, then we also can only believe this fact. They indeed contacted, even also possibly talked about some not good thing!” “虽然我也希望是他看错了!”面对尼克.弗瑞的询问,科尔森直接摇了摇头,露出了苦笑的表情。“但是我安插在那里的几个特工都看到了这一切。一个两个还可能是误报,但是所有人都对此表示确定,那么我们也只能相信这个事实了。他们的确接触了,甚至还可能谈到了一些很不好的东西!” Damn, this is to do!” Made an effort to fling that report on hand directly on the table, the lion that Nick Fury looked like getting angry same roared in a low voice. „Does he want to make war with this country really? Said that he wants to support these lunatic Mutants, making them this world future master? He thinks really, we only such will shrink to visit him to make all these, doesn't dare the revolt?” “见鬼,他这是到底想要干什么!”直接把手上的那份报告使劲地甩在了桌子上,尼克.弗瑞就像是一只发怒的狮子一样低声咆哮了起来。“他真的想要和这个国家开战吗?还是说他想要支持那些疯子变种人,让他们成为这个世界未来的主人?他真的以为,我们就只会这么畏畏缩缩地看着他做下这一切,连反抗都不敢吗?” Roaring of Nick Fury sounds gratingly particularly in the ear of Coulson. However he actually very much can understand Chief the present mood. 尼克.弗瑞的咆哮在科尔森的耳朵里听起来是分外的刺耳。但是他却很能理解弗瑞局长现在的心情。 Must know the SHIELD current situation not very good. At the same time, the seepage of Hydra to this country makes them have to the majority of energy put to search on the enemy in this hideaway. But on the other hand, along with the eruption of Supreme Court event, more and more not law-abiding individuals and organization jumped, starts in the wind and rain full building country to create all kinds of disturbances in this. Let them have to spell to try to maintain stability in this national surface. 要知道神盾局目前的处境并不是非常的好。一方面,九头蛇对这个国家的渗透让他们不得不把大部分精力放到搜索这个隐藏的敌人身上。而另一方面,随着最高法院事件的爆发,越来越多的不安分的个人和组织跳了出来,开始在这个已经风雨满楼的国家里制造起各种各样的事端。让他们不得不拼尽全力去维护这个国家表面上的稳定。 In addition the independence as well as the federal government of avenger to their suspicions, the SHIELD present work it can be said that are hard to start. If, they do not hope that really saw any erupted again with the Zhou Yi related matter. However. This obviously is impossible. 再加上复仇者的独立以及联邦政府对他们的猜忌,神盾局现在的工作可以说是举步维艰。如果可以,他们是真的不希望看到任何和周易有关的事情再爆发出来了。但是。这明显是不可能的。 But has separated for several hours, these were arranged to monitor the Radiance City trend SHIELD agent to feed in the information that by them Zhou Yi and Magneto these two big dangerous character met with specially. Does this let them also to sit calmly and steadily here? 只不过是隔了几个小时,那些被他们专门安排监视着辉耀市动向的神盾局特工就传回了周易万磁王这两大危险人物会面的信息。这让他们怎么还能安稳地坐在这里? Zhou Yi or Magneto, are the top dangerous elements who SHIELD registered. Every day the light monitors their trends, needs to consume SHIELD a huge amount of manpower and physical resources. They need to know every action and every movement of these dangerous character. Because they really do not think this world because they have the turbulence that any is unable to suppress again. 不论是周易还是万磁王,都是神盾局内部挂了号的顶级危险分子。每天光是监视他们的动向,都需要耗费神盾局大量的人力和物力。他们需要知道这些危险人物的一举一动。因为他们实在不想这个世界因为他们再产生任何无法抑制的动荡。 Although hopes few, so long as there is a such faint trace possibly to make them sentence their trend in advance, may make them avoid greatly and irretrievable loss. This preventive measure to prevent the eventuality, but works as this accidentally real oncoming, is many people are unacceptable. Therefore. Why Coulson can understand Nick Fury to be able really very much so the violent anger. 虽然希望寥寥,但是只要有那么一丝丝可能能让他们预判到他们的动向,都有可能让他们避免巨大而不可挽回的损失。这种预防措施只是为了防止万一,而当这个万一真的来临的时候,却是很多人都不能接受的。所以。科尔森真的很能理解尼克.弗瑞为什么会如此暴怒。 However compared with his awful mood, Coulson actually relatively optimistic. He looks at a face angry look Nick Fury, smiled has picked up the report on table, was saying to him. 不过和他的糟糕心情相比,科尔森倒是相对地乐观一点。他看着一脸怒色的尼克.弗瑞,笑了笑就拾起了桌子上的报告,然后对着他说道。 Senior official, I thought actually this matter you have not imagined is so serious.” “长官,其实我觉得这件事没有你想象中的那么严重。” Coulson, were you too optimistic a point.” Heard Coulson saying that Nick Fury stared his one eyes, was black the face to say cloudy. You must know, present he is not original he. He has stood in the enemy of human opposite, fiendish person same existence. But no longer is the hero who anything protects human. No longer is your friend. As your boss, I must remind you, should not be swayed by personal feelings. Your sense cannot change fact!” 科尔森,你是不是太乐观了一点。”听到科尔森这么说,尼克.弗瑞瞪了他一眼,就黑着脸阴沉沉地说道。“你要知道,现在的他已经不是原来的他了。他已经是站在人类对立面的敌人,一个魔王一样的存在。而不再是什么保护人类的英雄。更不再是你的朋友。作为你的上司,我必须要提醒你,不要意气用事。你的感官改变不了事实!” I understand, senior official!” Faced this nearly heartless reproving, on the Coulson face that consistent smiling face is starting to restrain. However his expression is as before firm, the look does not have the slight vacillation. But I thought, the fact possibly really imagines with you are different. By me to his understanding, he should not have what plot to exist at this matter.” “我明白,长官!”面对着这番近乎无情的训斥,科尔森脸上那一贯的笑容都开始收敛了起来。不过他的表情依旧坚定,神色也没有丝毫的动摇。“但是我觉得,事实可能真的和你想象的不一样。以我对他的了解来看,他在这件事情上应该没有什么阴谋存在着。” You to his understanding?” The Coulson words made Nick Fury laugh. Then why initially you did not tell me, by you to his understanding, you can not guess correctly that he will turn into this appearance finally?” “你对他的了解?”科尔森的话让尼克.弗瑞嗤笑了起来。“那么为什么当初你不告诉我,以你对他的了解,你会没有猜到他在最后会变成这个样子?” That is because we had not guessed correctly. Deep that such Hydra can seep, moreover dares to begin to his person unscrupulously. This result is human has only self to blame, don't you think? Senior officials!” “那是因为我们谁都没有猜到。九头蛇会渗透的这么深,而且还敢肆无忌惮地向他身边的人动手。这个结局是人类咎由自取的,你不这么认为吗?长官!” Although in name Coulson and Nick Fury share is the upper and lower layer, but in fact. Among them the relations are more like the family member and friend. Some matters, Coulson will not speak irresponsibly to other people, but regarding Nick Fury he actually not so many scruples. 虽然名义上科尔森尼克.弗瑞份属上下级,但是实际上。他们两人之间的关系更像是亲人和朋友。有些事,科尔森不会对其他人乱说,但是对于尼克.弗瑞他却是不会有这么多的顾忌。 This is an absolute trust, means he can definitely oneself thinks to think, does not have the reservation to reveal completely to Nick Fury, but does not need to be worried that has any serious consequence to wait for him. 这是一种绝对的信任,意味着他完全可以把自己的所思所想,全部而没有保留地向尼克.弗瑞吐露出来,而不用担心有任何严重的后果等着他。 But looks like he believes that Nick Fury is the same. Nick Fury is also unusual regarding his trust. Therefore after listening to his these words. Nick Fury not only has not been angry, instead starts to restrain itself already because of the violent anger, but not the restrainable temperament, looked by a sane vision again to Coulson. 而就像是他相信尼克.弗瑞一样。尼克.弗瑞对于他的信任也是非同一般的。所以在听了他的这番话之后。尼克.弗瑞不仅仅没有生气,反而开始收敛自己已经因暴怒而不可抑制的脾气,重新以一个理智的目光看向了科尔森 Said that your analysis, why told me you to think this matter will have the optimistic possibility!” “说说你的分析,告诉我你为什么认为这件事还会有乐观的可能!” Actually is very simple, the issue leaves on the body of Zhou Yi. We in the agent of that several surveillance his side sets up, after he returns to Radiance City did not have anything about his news. He has made anything in these days, where does not know to them. However is actually today, when he and Magneto met with, the work of these agents suddenly smooth. Let alone Zhou Yi, under Magneto and his hand these Mutants had not discovered that their existences, does not have. This no matter how looked that has issue. I am their bosses, I is very clear regarding their abilities. If other people, perhaps they can give me to select pleasantly surprised. But if the goal is that person, forget about it. Therefore, perhaps I to have a more profound meaning in want this inside!” “其实很简单,问题就出在周易的身上。我们在他身边设立的那几个监视的特工,在他回到辉耀市之后一直没有什么关于他的音信。他在这些天里做了什么,到了什么地方他们统统都不知道。但是偏偏却是今天,当他和万磁王会面的时候,这些特工的工作就突然间顺利了起来。别说周易,就连万磁王和他手底下的那些变种人都没有发现他们的存在,一个都没有。这不管怎么看都是有问题的。我可是他们的上司,对于他们的能力我心里很清楚。如果是其他人,也许他们可以给我点惊喜。但是如果目标是那个人的话,还是算了吧。所以,我在想也许这里面有着更深刻的含义!” The analysis of Coulson made Nick Fury narrow own eye once again. 科尔森的分析让尼克.弗瑞再度眯上了自己的眼睛。 You said. This is he intends to the news that we disclosed. However why? We know that what advantage he and Magneto do contact to him have?” “你是说。这是他有意向我们透露的消息。但是为什么呢?我们知道他和万磁王接触对他有什么好处吗?” Naturally has the advantage, I can guess correctly a little about his thoughts.” At this time, on the face of Coulson has revealed the somewhat helpless forced smile. Obviously, he had a strange feeling regarding the answer that oneself guessed correctly. I think. He is possibly warning us, do not look for trouble for him. He does not want to look for a job, but does not think that we annoy him.” “当然有好处,关于他的心思我能猜到那么一点。”这个时候,科尔森的脸上露出了有些无奈的苦笑。显然,他对于自己猜到的答案有了一种奇怪的感觉。“我想。他可能是在警告我们,不要给他找麻烦。他不想找事,但是也不想我们去惹他。” This is not we must annoy him, but is he in the nerves of challenge many person. Magneto is whose he doesn't know? The person who when their two, will let many knowing the circumstances of the matter together is therefore fearful and apprehensive. Doesn't he have little understanding?” “这不是我们要惹他,而是他在挑战很多人的神经。万磁王是什么人他不知道吗?当他们两个在一起时,会让多少知情的人因此而心惊胆战。他难道就没有一点点的了解吗?” Made an effort to pound on the table. The Nick Fury whole person appears indignant. If really likely is such that Coulson said that is very obvious, he as well as entire human was despised. Who this matter trades to be done is, is unlikely to get down calmly. 用力地拍了拍桌子。尼克.弗瑞整个人都显得气愤非常。如果真的像是科尔森说的那样的话,那么很显然,他以及整个人类都被看低了。这种事情换做是谁,都不大可能能够冷静地下来。 However obviously, Coulson can be this exception. He makes him therefore be very much angry with the Zhou Yi special relations difficultly, in addition his that good-hearted person same disposition, was makes him maintain at this time the rare calmness. 不过显然,科尔森会是这个例外。他和周易特殊的关系让他很难因此而生气,再加上他那老好人一样的性格,更是让他在这个时候保持了难得的冷静。 Senior official, we are very actually clear, that person does not care about us. But his meaning is very obvious, among us enters the water not to violate the river water. Maintains the distance of present is good. Moreover spoke the sentence innermost thoughts, I thought that the current situation was very good. We do not need to break this aspect.” “长官,其实我们心里都很清楚,那个人根本就不怎么在乎我们。而他的意思很明显,我们之间进水不犯河水。保持现在的这种距离就好。而且说句心里话,我觉得目前的这个情况已经很好了。我们没有必要打破这个局面。” Is this aspect very good? Regarding this issue, Nick Fury has own opinion obviously. Before war of opening New York, the pattern of this world is also not this appearance, although Zhou Yi the strength is strong, but can also maintain a manner of humble and enough restraint. Moreover the SHIELD situation likely is not the present like this is distressed, even to a certain extent, their strengths also once stood the peak of this world. 这个局面很好嘛?对于这个问题,尼克.弗瑞显然有着自己的见解。在纽约之战开启之前,这个世界的格局还不是这个样子的,周易虽然力量强大,但是还能保持一个谦卑而且足够克制的态度。而且神盾局的处境也不像是现在这样狼狈,甚至某种程度上来说,他们的力量还一度站到了这个世界的顶峰。 However after the war of New York, all were different. Or when Hydra starts to expose the figure. All started differently. 但是纽约之战过后,一切都不同了。或者说,当九头蛇开始展露身形的时候。一切就已经开始不同了。 Human, Mutants and super hero, even includes their SHIELD, was stirred in a giant vortex. The fierce turbulence makes all start in the beyond control direction to change. But what is most important, this change as if no end. Continuously to the present, situation still in continuous worsening. 人类、变种人、超级英雄,甚至包括他们神盾局,统统都被搅进了一个巨大的漩涡之内。剧烈的动荡让一切都开始向着无法控制的方向变化起来。而最重要的是,这种变化似乎是没有尽头的。一直到现在,情况仍然在持续不断的恶化中。 Hydra looks like a tumor is the same, is infecting human and even the entire world. Their little belt to abyss of destruction. This point is the future that Nick Fury foresees. But whether to eradicate this malignant tumor, is the matter that he most cares about now. 九头蛇就像是一个肿瘤一样,感染着人类乃至整个世界。把他们一点点带向毁灭的深渊。这一点是尼克.弗瑞所预见的未来。而能否铲除这颗毒瘤,就是他现在最关心的事情。 He has placed on all energy this, even he started to watch for some clues. Therefore in this crucial time, he does not hope has any other troublesome matters to disturb him. However the Zhou Yi matter is actually an exception. Because this fellow has the reason that he has to attach great importance. 他已经把所有的精力都放在了这个上面,甚至他已经开始窥伺到了些许的蛛丝马迹。所以在这个关键的时刻,他绝不希望有任何其他的麻烦事情来打扰他。但是周易的事情却是个例外。因为这个家伙有他不得不重视的理由。 When a person had the strength of destruction world, even if he is harmless by the vision that throwing to dread. Let alone he not necessarily so is more harmless. Facing such person, the line bad misstep slightly may cause the most serious consequence, therefore is beyond control he not to attach great importance. 当一个人拥有了毁灭世界的力量的时候,哪怕他再无害都会被人们投之以忌惮的目光。更何况他还未必那么无害。面对这样的人,稍微的行差踏错都有可能导致最严重的后果,所以由不得他不重视。 However the explanation of Coulson also has certain truth. Therefore Nick Fury has thought after being very long, the decision believes this many years of assistant. 但是科尔森的解释却也有着一定的道理。所以尼克.弗瑞想了很久之后,还是决定相信这个自己多年的副手。 You continue maintain to his surveillance, Coulson. I hope that all can like you think.” “你继续保持对他的监视,科尔森。我希望一切能像你想的那样。” Put down these words, Nick Fury gave up regarding this report continued to investigate. In his hand the evidence about Hydra has aimed at a very special goal. Therefore present he must put on his energy. 放下了这句话,尼克.弗瑞就放弃了对于这份报告的继续追究。他手上的关于九头蛇的证据已经指向了一个非常特殊的目标。所以现在的他必须把自己的精力放到这个上面。 Found this person, has a look such that all are such as he think. This is the matter that he must handle now. But at this time, Nick Fury had a premonition. Hydra has lifted oneself in a veil of mystery to him.( To be continued.) 找到这个人,看看一切是不是如他所想的那样。这就是他现在要做的事情。而此时,尼克.弗瑞已经有了一个预感。九头蛇已经向他掀开了自己神秘的面纱。(未完待续。)
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