MSG :: Volume #6

#509: The special condition is in a dilemma the choice

The Magneto manner makes Zhou Yi realize that his sincerity, under this sincerity, Zhou Yi also naturally reached the agreement with him. Naturally, is only agreement orally, wanting under the official establishment this agreement also to need some steps obviously. For example, a how Zhou Yi also needs to ravel the condition that Magneto put forward is situation. 万磁王的态度让周易认识到了他的诚意,在这种诚意之下,周易也自然而然地和他达成了协议。当然,只是口头上的达成,想要正式确立下这个协议显然还需要一些步骤。比如说,周易还需要弄明白万磁王所提出的条件到底是一个怎么个情况。 The good and evil can also be considered as is he of businessman before not all matters ravel, casually a matter will not conclude an agreement. Because there are too many examples to use for reference, cloudy was butchered a person of blade to be always not infrequent by this common track, do not say that these directly by the fellow who a blade hacked to death. 好歹也能算得上是一个生意人的他在没有把所有事情弄明白之前,是不会随随便便把一件事立约下来的。因为有太多的例子可以借鉴了,被这种不起眼的小道道阴了而被人往死里宰上一刀的人从来不在少数,更不要说那些直接被一刀砍死的家伙。 Even if had the intention in this aspect, Zhou Yi is willing to clarify all matters said again. 所以即便是已经有了这方面的意向,周易还是愿意把所有事情都弄清楚了再说。 Mister Lehnsherr, since we reached the basic cooperation intention. I think that you can also and I talk clearly your condition.” 兰谢尔先生,既然我们已经达成了基本的合作意向。我想你也可以把你的条件和我说清楚了吧。” Naturally, is actually two small conditions. To you radically without the matter that mentioned fully.” “当然,其实不过是两个小小的条件而已。对你来说根本就是无足挂齿的事情。” The Magneto expression is somewhat unusual, but this difference makes Zhou Yi alert immediately. He does not want to jump toward the big hole that in others dig for no reason, therefore he clarifies the carriages and horses to say immediately. 万磁王的表情有些异样,而这异样立刻让周易警醒了起来。他可不想平白无故地往别人挖的大坑里跳,所以他立刻摆明车马地说道。 Mister Lehnsherr, without the matter that mentioned fully, was determined by me quite well? You said that is!” 兰谢尔先生,是不是无足挂齿的事情,还是由我自己来确定比较好?你说是不是!” Naturally, good. Since you did not feel relieved, then I also stated clearly!” “当然,好吧。既然你不放心,那么我也就明说了!” In the surface shook the head, but in the innermost feelings actually is Zhou Yi Magneto that acclaimed discretely has made reluctantly the expression, 11 said two conditions that oneself set. 表面上摇了摇头,但是内心里却在为周易的谨慎而赞叹的万磁王做出了无奈地表情,把自己设下的两个条件11说了出来。 „The my first condition is, hopes that you can join to the hell hot club, Sebastian who substitution died. similar, becomes this black king!” “我的第一个条件是,希望你能加入到地狱火俱乐部来,取代已经死掉的塞巴斯蒂安.肖,成为这一任的黑国王!” Hell hot club? This name my probably a little impression.” Listened to the Magneto condition, Zhou Yi to make the appearance of thinking immediately. “地狱火俱乐部?这个名字我好像有点印象。”听着万磁王的条件,周易立刻就做出了思索的模样。 However his thinking not too big significance, because Magneto told him the answer. 不过他的思索并没有太大的意义,因为万磁王已经把答案告诉了他。 Hell hot club was the 18 th century, was called Sebastian. Organization that Xiao's fellow establishes. Although on this organization is these has a special organization that the dignified person of unusual status gathers outwardly. However in fact, in the place of most core, it belongs to some abilities and status very special Mutants. The board game pieces of these core member according to chess take oneself synonym. But I once was inside King white!” “地狱火俱乐部是十八世纪,一个叫做塞巴斯蒂安.肖的家伙创立起来的组织。虽然明面上这个组织是那些拥有超凡地位的体面人聚集的一个特殊组织。但是实际上,在最核心的地方,它却是属于一些能力和地位都很特殊的变种人的。这些核心成员以国际象棋的棋子作为自己的代称。而我就曾经是里面的白国王!” Sounds is a good organization, but has any relations with me. Why wants me to join to this organization in?” “听起来是个不错的组织,但是和我有什么关系。为什么一定要我加入到这个组织中?” Good that although Magneto described this organization, but regarding Zhou Yi, it did not have what necessary value. The strength and status are placed there. This organization is in the final analysis impossible to hold this big God. 虽然万磁王把这个组织描绘的不错,但是对于周易来说,它还是没有什么必要的价值。力量和身份摆在那里。这个组织说到底也不可能容得下他这尊大神。 Only if there is any a special reason, can make him condescend to drill to this small temple. 除非有什么特殊的理由,能让他屈尊钻到这个小庙里面去。 Magneto knows his meaning, therefore he is also providing this reason for him. 万磁王知道他的意思,所以他也在为他提供这个理由。 I know that by your strength, this organization was not necessarily able to enter your vision. However since I proposed that this request, naturally has my reason. Before then. I hope that you can be a little patient, listening to me to explain.” “我知道以你的力量,这个组织未必能入得了你的眼界。但是我既然提出这个要求,自然是有我的理由的。在这之前。我希望你能有点耐心,听我解释一下。” Naturally, my time is very abundant. Even said that never like the present abundant!” “当然,我的时间很充裕。甚至说,从来没有像现在这样充裕过!” Shows a faint smile, Zhou Yi has carried oneself front coffee, has been hinting to Magneto, indicated that he can continue. 微微一笑,周易就端起了自己面前的咖啡,对着万磁王示意了一下,表示他可以继续了。 Sebastian is not a law-abiding fellow, to a certain extent, was he has created me . Moreover the way of me most not wanting. Therefore I have killed him. And won the leadership of hell hot club from his there. However I have not inherited his given name, but was in the position of King white. However, I gave up this organization quickly. Because it really does not suit me.” “塞巴斯蒂安是个不安分的家伙,从某种程度上来说,是他创造了我,而且是用我最不愿意的方式。所以我杀了他。并且从他那里获得了地狱火俱乐部的领导权。但是我并没有继承他的名号,而是占据了白国王的位置。不过,我很快就放弃了这个组织。因为它实在不适合我。” This organization only suits these leading a life of comfort people, although it is having not the small energy. However regarding my dream, it can only be shackles. Therefore I gave up it, but this caused it to fall into a hand of woman.” “这个组织只适合那些享乐主义者,虽然它拥有着不小的能量。但是对于我的梦想,它只会是一个桎梏。所以我放弃了它,而这就导致了它落入到了一个女人的手里。” Queen white, Sebastian's lover, the woman of a some wisdom and method. Meanwhile, she is very formidable Mutants. In her hand, the hell hot club not only has not deteriorated. Even was more powerful. Meanwhile, she uses the hell fire the resources, but also has made some special matters. But this matter, is I looks like you to propose the reason of this condition.” “白皇后,塞巴斯蒂安的情妇,一个有些智慧和手段的女人。同时,她还是一个很强大的变种人。在她的手上,地狱火俱乐部不仅仅没有衰败。甚至还更加强盛了起来。同时,她利用地狱火的资源,还做出了一些特别的事情。而这个事情,就是我像你提出这个条件的原因。” Mutants, although is divided into two camps. However and Charles would some special middle-of-the-roaders between me. For example past Sebastian, or is present Queen white. This woman is very interesting, because she looks like Charles very much, but compares to Charles, she actually left several points of reality and utility. Reason that I make you black king, because of her. In her hands. Is grasping in this world only another Mutants school besides the Charles Mutants school. But this school, is this city needs obviously.” 变种人虽然大致分为两个阵营。但是在我和查尔斯中间总会有一些特殊的中间派的。比如说过去的塞巴斯蒂安,亦或者是现在的白皇后。这个女人很有意思,因为她很像查尔斯,但是比起查尔斯,她却又多出了几分现实和功利。我之所以让你成为黑国王,也是因为她。在她的手里。握着这个世界上除了查尔斯变种人学校外仅有的另外一所变种人学校。而这个学校,显然是这个城市所需要的。” Here, Zhou Yi approximately understood the meaning of Magneto. As a race, the education throughout is the issue that must attach importance. Mutants cannot likely be average person such, they also need to train oneself ability. But this, was Brotherhood of Mutants cannot provide obviously. They will fight, but will actually not educate the new person. In comparison, the Professor Charles Mutants school excels at this obviously. 说到这里,周易就大致明白了万磁王的意思。作为一个种族,教育始终是一个必须重视的问题。变种人不能像是普通人那样,他们还需要培养自己的能力。而这,显然是变种人兄弟会提供不了的。他们会战斗,但是却不会教育新人。相比之下,查尔斯教授变种人学校显然更擅长这个。 However, the Charles Mutants school obviously is unfortunately impossible to move to Radiance City comes. Especially after Zhou Yi becomes the dangerous target that this country most pays attention, he will not agree that puts here own base industry. 但是可惜的是,查尔斯变种人学校显然是不可能搬迁到辉耀市来的。尤其在周易成为这个国家最关注的危险目标之后,他更加不会同意把自己的基业放到这里来的。 It is not because he is snobbish, because of his standpoint. He impossible for Zhou Yi, but opposes with the entire US, impossible to place the Mutants future that oneself will attach great importance to Zhou Yi this unstabilizing factor. This risk huge behavior is always not his choice, he will only compromise, only will draw a line under forcing and Zhou Yi of US government. 不是因为他势利,而是因为他的立场。他不可能为了周易而和整个美国作对,更不可能把自己最重视的变种人的未来安置在周易这个不稳定因素上面。这种风险巨大的行为从来都不是他的选择,他只会妥协,只会在美国政府的逼迫下和周易划清界限。 This is the affirmative matter, Zhou Yi or Magneto can guess correctly this point. Therefore in about Radiance City in the issue of Mutants futurological education, Magneto gave up Professor Charles directly, then has chosen unknown, even can mediate her some Queen white of gratitude and grudges. 这是肯定的事情,不论是周易还是万磁王都能猜到这一点。所以在关于辉耀市变种人未来教育的问题上,万磁王直接放弃了查尔斯教授,转而选择了名不见经传,甚至可以说和她有些恩怨的白皇后。 This obviously is the Mutants future, but the layout, Zhou Yi naturally has no reason the rejection. However he is not clear, why Magneto do not do these matters, but wants him to act. Therefore he asked. 这显然是在为变种人的未来而布局,周易自然没有理由拒绝。不过他不明白,为什么万磁王不自己去做这些事,而一定要他出面。所以他发问起来。 Mister Lehnsherr, I am not clear. Since you once were King white of hell fire, why you did not act to convince that Queen white, but can make me come?” 兰谢尔先生,我不明白。既然你曾经是地狱火的白国王,为什么你不出面去说服那个白皇后,而一定要让我来呢?” Answer is very simple. I cannot convince her. So-called convincing, actually also and uses the hand two methods with the mouth. But with the mouth, I apparently does not have this ability. Although Queen white is Mutants, but she is an authority ** very strong woman. The Mutants future was unable to become she occupies the reason under person. As for beginning. Very regrettable. Although I can defeat her, but is actually not able to force her. Between I and her strength disparity is not big! However you act to be different, I believe that if you act, no matter what only then has a result!” “答案很简单。我说服不了她。所谓的说服,其实也就是用嘴和用手两个方法而已。而用嘴,我显然没有这个能力。白皇后虽然是个变种人,但是她更是一个权力**很强的女人。变种人的未来还不能成为她屈居人下的理由。至于动手。很遗憾。虽然我能够战胜她,但是却无法强迫她。我和她之间的力量差距还没有那么大!但是你出面就不一样了,我相信如果你出面的话,不管怎么说都只有有一个结果的!” You also to me are really self-confident, but I am not Mutants. This matter I act am not very good. Like this, I have a proposition, do you listen what kind of?” “你还对我真是自信,不过我并不是变种人。这种事情我出面并不是很好。这样吧,我有个提议,你听听怎么样?” Accepted the reason of Magneto reluctantly, but Zhou Yi is not willing to bully a woman obviously. Therefore he has thought of a method immediately. 勉强算是接受了万磁王的理由,但是周易显然不愿意去欺负一个女人。所以他立刻想到了一个方法。 Please say?” “请说?” Magneto also at this time can find out the means that anything solves to be very curious to Zhou Yi obviously, this matter regarding him only needs the result, how not to care as for process him very much. Therefore, if Zhou Yi can have other any solutions, he can also accept. 万磁王显然也对周易这个时候能想出什么解决的办法很好奇,对于他来说这件事情只需要结果,至于过程怎么样他并不是很在乎。所以,如果周易能有什么其他的解决办法的话,他也是能够接受的。 Actually is very simple, I can accept the title of black king. However I do not act, at this matter. I think that Jean Grey will be more entitled than me. Therefore I want to make her take over the title of black empress, then replaces me and Queen white discusses well, had better be able receive the influence on her hand. Do you think?” “其实很简单,我可以接受黑国王的称号。但是我并不出面,在这件事情上。我想琴格蕾会比我更有资格。所以我想让她接任黑皇后的称号,然后代替我和白皇后好好谈一谈,最好能把她手上的势力接收下来。你觉得呢?” Magneto needs can the absolute pressure trig the strength of Queen white, but obviously, Jean Grey without doubt is also a candidate. Even looks like such that Zhou Yi said that she is more appropriate than Zhou Yi, because she is Mutants. 万磁王需要的只是能够绝对压制住白皇后的力量,而显然,琴格蕾无疑也是一个人选。甚至就像是周易说的那样,她比周易更加合适,因为她是个变种人 Therefore Magneto nodded directly, then accepted the proposition of Zhou Yi. Who as for the original black empress is, said the sentence , but also was not cared by them. 所以万磁王直接点了点头,便应承下了周易的这个提议。至于原来的黑皇后是谁,说句实在的,还真的不被他们放在心上。 After having solved a problem. Second. At this time, Magneto started to propose the own second request. 解决了一个问题之后。还有第二个。在这个时候,万磁王开始提出自己第二个要求。 „The my second request is somewhat troublesome, but if you are willing to act. Actually is not an issue!” “我的第二个要求有些麻烦,但是如果你肯出面的话。却并不是个问题!” You first said that Mister Lehnsherr. Those words. Am I need to judge an issue!” “你还是先说吧,兰谢尔先生。还是那句话。我需要自己来判断是不是个问题!” On the face tore a somewhat strange smiling face, Zhou Yi such was saying to Magneto. But hears this saying, Magneto sighs, said oneself all calculations. 脸上扯开了个有些怪异的笑容,周易就对着万磁王这么说道。而听到这话,万磁王叹了口气,把自己所有的盘算都说了出来。 I planned that transports from the sea my city, lands from the West coast, then lands to the Radiance City nearby. I want to make it the Radiance City satellite town. Becoming part of this city!” “我打算把我的城市从大海中搬运出来,从西海岸登陆,然后空降到辉耀市的边上。我想让它成为辉耀市的卫星城市。成为这个城市的一部分!” This saying, Zhou Yi narrows the eye immediately, has sneered. 这话一出,周易立刻就眯起了眼睛,冷笑了起来。 Mister Lehnsherr, you that want to look that I do make war with the US government?” 兰谢尔先生,你就那么想看着我和美国政府开战吗?” An airborne steel city lands US, even the climbing mountains and crossing rivers thousand li (500 km) lands to one originally on the issue numerous cities. Such situation no matter how looks will touch US government that tight nerve. 一个空中的钢铁城市登陆美国本土,甚至跋涉千里空降到一个本来就问题重重的城市中。这样的情况不管怎么看都会触动美国政府那紧绷的神经。 Zhou Yi is completely conceivable, so long as Magneto has such done, does not take a half hour, the army of entire US will send out. But the present US government reckless consequence will also declare war to Radiance City. If they also want to maintain the only that dignity, absolutely is impossible to make a obvious danger enter to the territory of US. Is more impossible to make it Radiance City part. 周易完全可以想象,只要万磁王这么做了,不要半个小时,整个美国的军队都会出动起来。而现在的美国政府也会不顾一切后果地向辉耀市宣战。他们如果还想维持自己仅有的那么点尊严,就绝对不可能让一个如此明显的危险进入到美国的领土之中。更不可能让它成为辉耀市的一部分。 Because that is equal to announced to the entire world, US were many a state within a state, the US did not maintain including own territory and sovereign integrity. This obviously is when the American father's federal government could not accept, was America people cannot accept. Therefore finally only has one, that is the war. 因为那等同于向全世界宣布,美国多了一个国中之国,美国连自己的领土和主权完整都维护不了。这显然是当惯了美国爸爸的联邦政府接受不了的,也是所有美利坚人接受不了的。所以结果只有一个,那就是战争。 The war, sounds, although fearful, looks like the strength of both sides is not coordinated. However must say really, Zhou Yi instead wins surface bigger one, so long as he has this intention. However is very obvious, Zhou Yi does not have this intention, his original intention, he does not want to launch this war. 战争,听起来虽然可怕,看起来双方的实力并不对等。但是真要说起来,周易反而是赢面更大的一个,只要他有这个意向。但是很显然,周易并没有这个意向,就他的本意来说,他也并不想发动这场战争。 However, like this gives up the strength on Magneto? This is Zhou Yi does not want obviously. Therefore suddenly, Zhou Yi fell into during the long thinking and weight.( To be continued.) 然而,就这样放弃万磁王手上的力量?这显然也是周易所不愿意的。所以一时间,周易陷入了漫长的思索和衡量之中。(未完待续。)
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