MSG :: Volume #6

#508: In the future discusses the variant new way

Mister Zhou Yi, long time no see. Said, I long ago have thought we face-to-face will discuss a cooperation like this, however speaks the truth, I have not thought that can be in this manner!” 周易先生,好久不见了。说真的,我很久以前就想过我们会这样面对面地洽谈一次合作,但是说实话,我从来没有想到会是以这种方式!” Magneto Erik. Lehnsherr bathes in early morning sunlight, is similar to all old person such whole bodies relaxes sits on a rattan chair. This appearance makes him look like is very leisurely and carefree, even makes the person have him is old person's misconception that an ordinary secure enjoys the old age. The words that however carefully looks at will discover, in his eye is flashing throughout is similar to the flame equally bright ray. This ray fully showed to all people, this old person is not ordinary, his faith is burning throughout, moreover extends for a long time. 万磁王艾瑞克.兰谢尔沐浴在清晨的阳光中,如同所有年迈的老人那样全身放松地坐在一张藤椅上。这幅样子让他看起来很是悠闲,甚至让人有一种他是一个普通的安享晚年的老人的错觉。但是仔细看的话就会发现,他眼睛里始终闪动着的如同火焰一样明亮的光芒。这种光芒足以向所有人说明,这个老人并不普通,他的信念始终在燃烧,而且亘久不息。 His not silently sits there, with that bright scorching vision looks that just walked, and sits to oneself front Zhou Yi directly. Until a moment later, him has voiced such feeling. 他就这样一言不发地坐在那里,用那明亮灼人的眼光看着刚刚走进来并且径直坐到自己面前的周易。直到片刻之后,他才发出了这样的感慨。 Short 2-3 years, Zhou Yi turned into existence that he has needed to look up to from one with his equally matched fellow. This change, making him have a humans affair to be variable, feeling of all phenomena on earth change. However he is not the person who easily speaks to give up, otherwise he will not sit here. Therefore after such sigh with emotion one, he then to has been looking at himself, faint smile Zhou Yi said. 短短两三年的时间,周易已经从一个和他不相上下的家伙变成了一个他需要仰望的存在。这种变化,让他有了一种世事无常,万象更替的感觉。但是他并不是什么轻言放弃的人,不然他也不会坐在这里。所以在这么感慨了一句之后,他就接着对着一直看着自己,似笑非笑的周易说道。 Since you came, then I whether to believe that you did accept my request?” “既然你已经来了,那么我是不是可以认为,你已经答应了我的要求了呢?” Naturally!” Looks that a face cautious model female carried one coffee to put itself in front, Zhou Yi was showing a faint smile to her, once again has put Magneto the line of sight this and on the Charles equally matched Mutants leader. Time has given you most valuable wealth, Mister Lehnsherr. You keen and brilliant vision makes me surprised. I have to acknowledge, you are I are unable to reject in the cooperation agreement that this time proposed. Therefore, I can the answer that you you want, I agree to join your so-called that organization, by the Dawn Knight status. However before then, my some issues want to consult your, Mister Lehnsherr!” “当然!”看着一脸拘谨的模型女端着一杯咖啡放到了自己面前,周易对着她微微一笑,就把视线再度放到了万磁王这个和查尔斯不相上下的变种人领袖身上。“时间给了你最宝贵的财富,兰谢尔先生。你敏锐而睿智的眼光让我惊讶。我不得不承认,你在这个时候提出的这个合作协议是我无法拒绝的。所以,我可以给你一个你想要的答复,我同意加入你所谓的那个组织,以黎明骑士的身份。但是在这之前,我有些问题想要请教你一下,兰谢尔先生!” Zhou Yi accepts own condition is the Magneto expected matter, but existences of these issues, are he have not actually thought. However this is only the small issue. Compared with their big plans is nothing to speak of radically. Therefore his slightly nodded, replied. 周易答应自己的条件是万磁王意料之中的事情,但是这些问题的存在,却是他没有想到的。不过这只是小问题。和他们的大计划相比根本不值一提。所以他只是微微点了点头,就回答道。 Please say that your excellency. I have the sincerity to come, naturally cannot, because several small issues flinch!” “请说吧,阁下。我是带着诚意来的,自然不会因为几个小小的问题而退缩!” Is very good! Since Mister Lehnsherr is sincere. Then I spoke without reservation!” Smiled to narrow the eye, Zhou Yi has adopted a leisurely and carefree stance, was asking to Magneto careless. I listened to Ida saying that Mister Lehnsherr is willing to lead elite members in part of Mutants to join to my city, became the first batch joins in radical faction Mutants to this city. This point right!” “很好!既然兰谢尔先生诚意十足。那么我就直言不讳了!”微笑着眯起了眼睛,周易就摆出了一副悠闲的姿态,对着万磁王漫不经心地问道。“我听艾达说过,兰谢尔先生愿意带领一部分变种人中的精锐分子加入到我的城市中,成为第一批加入到这个城市中的激进派变种人。这一点没错吧!” Naturally, this city is in my this life has seen the most beautiful place, particularly regarding our Mutants. Therefore, I am glad very much into its member. Naturally, my these hand/subordinate are also!” “当然,这个城市是我这一生中所见过的最美丽的地方,尤其是对于我们变种人来说。所以,我很乐意成为它的一份子。当然,我的这些手下们也是!” Regarding this issue, Magneto wants not to think that replied. The matter that this was he already set firm resolve, naturally impossible to have any change at this time. 对于这个问题,万磁王想也不想地就回答道。这是他早就已经下定决心的事情,自然不可能在这个时候有任何的变动。 But listened to his reply, the eye of Zhou Yi to narrow the eyes immediately thin. 而听着他的回答,周易的眼睛立刻就眯得更细了。 That, I want to ask. Mister Lehnsherr planned how many radical faction Mutants pours into to my city? Is only then your several, requests in the beforehand agreement like me digit?” “那么,我想问一下。兰谢尔先生打算向我的城市注入多少激进派变种人呢?是只有你们几个,还是像我在以前的协议里要求的那样的数字?” Hears Zhou Yi such to ask. Magneto silent. He unemotionally to look at Zhou Yi, finger actually gently knocks on the arm rest of rattan chair. This means that he was pondering, was pondering should give what kind of answer to make Zhou Yi satisfy. But looks at his petty action, Zhou Yi has not urged him. This is a decision of not too easy, wants to set firm resolve the prudent ponder and inevitable consciousness obviously has not been incorrect. Therefore, he has the patience very much. 听到周易这么问。万磁王沉默了下来。他面无表情地看着周易,手指却是在藤椅的扶手上轻轻地敲动了起来。这意味着他在思考,思考着该给出一个怎么样的答案才能让周易满足下来。而看着他的小动作,周易并没有催促他。这是一个不太容易的决定,想要下定决心没有慎重的思考和必然的觉悟显然是不行的。所以,他很有耐心。 However, Magneto has not made him on and others too long, because is quick he in own weighed the answer at heart. 不过,万磁王并没有让他等上太久,因为很快他就在自己的心里衡量出了答案。 Your excellency, I remembers that initially you in the digit that agreement mentioned are 10,000 people, right!” “阁下,我记得当初你在协议里提到的数字是10000人,没错吧!” Yes. 10,000 people. This is the minimum requirement of my heart. Mister Lehnsherr, you should know, wants to create me to form in one's mind the world, regarding the need of Mutants quantity only compared with this more will be. This city needs injection of new blood. But you, are I best claim goal!” “是的。10000人。这是我心底的最低要求。兰谢尔先生,你应该知道,想要创造一个我构思中的世界,对于变种人数量的需要只会比这更多才是。这个城市需要新的血液的注入。而你,是我最好的索取目标!” Zhou Yi these words made the Magneto old cheeks start to twitch erratically. Very obviously, he is unsatisfied regarding the view of Zhou Yi. However compared to them exchange the value of the matter, this individual honor or disgrace is can definitely get rid. Therefore he tidied up the complex mood quickly, was saying to the Zhou Yi response. 周易的这句话让万磁王苍老的脸颊开始不规律地抽动了起来。很显然,他对于周易的说法并不满意。但是相对于他们所交易的这件事的价值,这种个人的荣辱是完全可以被抛弃的。所以他很快地就收拾掉了自己复杂的心情,对着周易回应道。 I can you two ten thousand Mutants, even can in the name of my to the entire world summon that many Mutants join to your city. However. You must provide protection to these people, letting them to arrive here safely. This is the inevitable price, you should know.” “我可以给你两万变种人,甚至可以以我的名义向整个世界号召更多的变种人加入到你的城市来。但是。你必须给这些人提供保护,让他们能安然地抵达这里。这是必然的代价,你应该知道的。” This is the minor matter, naturally. Then, Mister Lehnsherr. My also issue, I think that you should know, if you and your radical faction Mutants hand/subordinate join to my city, your status will therefore change.” “这是小事,理所当然的。那么,兰谢尔先生。我还有一个问题,我想你应该知道,如果你和你手下的那些激进派变种人加入到我的城市中来,你们的身份就会因此而发生变化吧。” Arrived that time, you could not again be any so-called radical faction, before cannot continue to hug you that destruction human, Mutants high-rank stupid thought. You can only be the resident in this city, is enjoying this city all rights, is fulfilling this city all duties. In other words, you must be together with here ordinary human harmoniously. These hostile human members of your even your side, must put aside oneself hostile feeling at heart. This point, do you have the opinion?” “到了那个时候,你们不能再是什么所谓的激进派,更不能继续抱着你以前的那种毁灭人类,变种人上位的愚蠢念头。你们只能是这个城市的居民,享受着这个城市所有的权利,承担着这个城市所有的义务。也就是说,你们必须和这里的普通人类和谐相处。你甚至你身边的那些敌对人类分子,都必须放下自己心里的敌对情绪。这一点,你们有意见吗?” If before trading does, does not need the Magneto opens the mouth, his these Mutants hand/subordinate the request to Zhou Yi will send out the protest and opposition. However at this time is different in those days, in human and Mutants relational more and more complex today, when Radiance City bit by bit in sacred place toward Mutants heart is starting to evolve, this so-called request was accepted by most Mutants. But in this, even included Magneto once firm supporters. 如果换做以前,不需要万磁王开口,他手下的那些变种人们都会对周易的这个要求发出抗议和反对。但是今时不同往日,在人类和变种人的关系越来越复杂的今天,在辉耀市正一点一点地向着变种人心中的圣地开始演变的时候,这种所谓的要求已经被大多数的变种人接受了下来。而这里面,甚至包括万磁王曾经的坚定支持者们。 Game is as good as lost of Mutants radical faction, this is the matter that no one is able to deny. First did not say Charles that help/gang moderates Mutants hand/subordinate because of Rogue their enterprise, but is getting more and more prestigious in the world, only they achieved the matter of union with the avenger, can let all still high have a liking for three points in Mutants of hesitant camp to them. 变种人激进派的大势已去,这是一件谁都无法否认的事情。先不说查尔斯手下的那帮温和派变种人因为小淘气他们的事业而在人类世界中越来越具有声望,单是他们已经和复仇者达成同盟的这件事,就能让所有还在犹豫自己阵营的变种人对他们更加高看上三分。 In addition Zhou Yi Radiance City gradually turned into the milestone -type city that a human and Mutants can be together harmoniously. Many Mutants no longer favored Magneto their enterprise. 再加上周易辉耀市已经渐渐变成了一个人类和变种人能够和谐相处的里程碑式的城市。很多变种人都已经不再看好万磁王他们的事业。 Indeed, many Mutants especially those had been persecuted Mutants records hatred in oneself heart very much unforgettablily. However the enmity wishes one could to represent all, particularly in the future choice, the hatred can never bring the thing that they want. The Mutants radical faction and Magneto have striven for success these many years, what they obtain is anything, will not be a more and more smelly reputation and a gloomy future. 诚然,很多变种人尤其是那些曾经被迫害过的变种人很难忘记自己心中的仇恨。但是仇恨不能代表一切,尤其是在未来的选择上,仇恨永远不能带来他们想要的东西。变种人激进派和万磁王拼搏了这么多年,但是他们得到的是什么,还不是一个越来越臭的名声和一个黯淡无光的未来。 Along with passing of time, the Magneto ideal world will receive the question unavoidably. Especially after all these, is so. Do not say others, even Magneto, started to have the vacillation to oneself these years actions. Otherwise, he will not sit here and Zhou Yi discusses this issue. 随着时间的流逝,万磁王的理想世界是难免会收到质疑。尤其是在这一切之后,更是如此。不要说别人,甚至就连万磁王自己,也开始对自己这些年的所作所为发生了动摇。不然,他也不会坐在这里和周易商谈这个问题。 What he pursues will be the Mutants bright future. When his all efforts are unable to make him foresee that future. In addition seeks his road became his only choice. But Zhou Yi, is the choice that he makes. Therefore this time, the Magneto even/including Guoduo ponder does not have, was accepting to Zhou Yi. 他追求的是变种人的光明未来。当他所有的努力都无法让他预见那个未来的时候。另寻他路已经成为了他唯一的选择。而周易,就是他做出的选择。所以这一次,万磁王连过多的思考都没有,就对着周易应承了下来。 Ok, does not have the issue!” “可以,没有问题!” Reply of Magneto simple has exceeded the imagination of Zhou Yi simply, therefore he cannot bear to him reminds. 万磁王的回答干脆的简直超出了周易的想象,所以他忍不住对他提醒道。 Mister Lehnsherr, in line with principle of fair cooperation. I thought that I must explain with you, this was not you said that did not have the issue to be solved. This means you, once complies, then you were equal to losing all your rights. These people again are not your subordinate, even can say that your Brotherhood of Mutants will vanish therefore into thin air, do you understand?” 兰谢尔先生,本着公平合作的原则。我觉得我必须和你说明白了,这不是你说一句没问题就可以解决的。这意味着你一旦答应下来,那么你就等同于失去了你所有的权利。这些人不会再是你的属下,甚至可以说你的变种人兄弟会都会因此而烟消云散,你明白吗?” Since seeing Zhou Yi, the expression on Magneto face has been insipid, even is gloomy. However now, when Zhou Yi such asked him, on his face has actually shown smiling face beyond description. 从见到周易以来,万磁王脸上的表情一直是寡淡的,甚至是阴沉的。但是现在,在周易这么问他的时候,他的脸上却是露出了难以形容的笑容。 Mister Zhou Yi, you still remember our first meeting time. Did I once look like you have promised the thing?” 周易先生,你还记得我们第一次见面的时候。我曾经像你许诺过的东西吗?” This issue let the Zhou Yi surprise, he just nodded, Magneto then said. 这个问题让周易诧异了起来,他刚点了点头,万磁王就已经接着说了起来。 At that time I once looked like you to promise, if you are willing to join to my side, then you become future control. You can stand with me shoulder to shoulder, even after I passed away, the Mutants all junction will hold in your hand. You can be their kings, the master of this world. Right!” “那个时候我曾经像你许诺,如果你愿意加入到我的那一边来,那么你就会成为未来的主宰者。你可以和我并肩而立,甚至在我去世之后,变种人的一切都会交托到你的手上。你会是他们的王,这个世界的主人。没错吧!” Right, at that time you think that I am also Mutants, therefore you to win over me, to me promised that these I am understandable.” “没错,那个时候你以为我也是个变种人,所以你为了拉拢我,向我许诺那些我是可以理解的。” Does not win over, but is my meaning indeed so. Regarding me, the so-called Mutants leadership, is actually a dispensable thing. You think like me arrive at today from the second war, and entire world for is really only a little authority that the person of enemy did care? No, I care at all is not this. If can achieve my ideal, I can definitely hand over all these present. Was a pity, my ideal was too difficult to come true, therefore I have to take a compromise method. But you, are my choice.” “并不是拉拢,而是我的意思的确如此。对于我来说,所谓的变种人的领导权,其实不过是一件可有可无的东西。你觉得像我这样从二战走到今天,一直和整个世界为敌的人在乎的真的只是这么一点权力吗?不,我在乎的根本不是这个。如果能达成我的理想,我完全可以在现在就把这一切拱手相让。只是可惜,我的理想太难实现了,所以我不得不取一个折中的法子。而你,就是我的选择。” You and Charles are different, Charles will only compromise, but you cannot. I am very in addition clear your manner, you watch to all me who Mutants is. If you, I can definitely accept, is inherited all my by you.” “你和查尔斯不同,查尔斯只会妥协,而你不会。再加上我很清楚你的为人,你对变种人所做的一切我都看在眼里。所以如果是你的话,我完全可以接受,由你来继承我的一切。” Actually in the final analysis, all had to turn back the zero point. But has changed a way. Zhou Yi, my dream broke, but you made me see the new future. Therefore, I am glad to notice that very much you accept all my.” “其实说到底,一切有走回到了原点而已。只不过是换了一种方式。周易,我的梦想破碎了,但是你却让我看到了新的未来。所以,我很乐意看到你来接受我的一切。” The Magneto words make the expression on Zhou Yi face go through the change, but he actually reluctantly has smiled finally. 万磁王的话让周易脸上的表情几经变化,但是最终他却是无奈地笑了起来。 Mister Lehnsherr, I have to acknowledge. I underestimated you, you are an honourable person. I think, we should be able cooperation to be happy!” 兰谢尔先生,我不得不承认。我小看了你,你是一个值得尊敬的人。我想,我们应该能够合作愉快!” Said here, Zhou Yi was putting out a hand to Magneto.( To be continued.) 说道这里,周易对着万磁王伸出了手。(未完待续。)
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