MSG :: Volume #6

#507: Gave up to make peace once the foe

Disseminates news most newly Tomorrow is 515, beginning anniversary, a benefits most day. Except for the gift parcel book bag, this time 515 red packages turn crazily must certainly look, red package where has the truth that does not snatch, arranges the alarm clock to raise ~ 【最新播报】明天就是515,起点周年庆,福利最多的一天。除了礼包书包,这次的515红包狂翻肯定要看,红包哪有不抢的道理,定好闹钟昂~ Good, I know that you could not send under the person who anything used greatly to these at crucial moment too many thoughts.” Snort, white Zhou Yi. Ida said a news low voice. That side Magneto complied!” “好吧,我知道你对这些关键时候派不上什么大用的人下不了太多的心思。”哼了一声,白了周易一眼。艾达却是小声地把一个消息说了出来。“万磁王那边答应了!” Hears Magneto this name suddenly, on Jean Ge Lei or the Zhou Yi face had some changes. Jean Ge Lei is only startled purely, but Zhou Yi thoroughly pleasantly surprised. 骤然听到万磁王这个名字,不论是葛蕾还是周易脸上都有了些许的变化。葛蕾只是单纯的吃惊,而周易则是彻底地惊喜。 What kind, how that old fogy said.” “怎么样,那个老家伙怎么说的。” Looked at Jean Ge Lei, discovered that she quick returned to normal after being startled oneself mood. Ida is not evading anything, but has explained the words directly. 看了一眼葛蕾,发现她在吃惊之后很快就平复了自己的心情。艾达也不在避讳什么,而是直接就把话说明白了开来。 We and Mystique have had contact, made the contacts with Magneto directly. From the beginning that fellow as if also some ideas, however after the New York event, he on own initiative have contacted with us. The agreement condition is invariable, even he is willing to lead elite on part his hand to move into to Radiance City personally comes, becomes Mutants resident who the first batch pour into. However, he has the condition!” “我们和魔形女取得了联系,和万磁王直接搭上了线。一开始那个家伙似乎还有些想法,但是在纽约的事件之后,他就主动地联系了我们。协议条件不变,甚至他愿意亲自带领一部分他手上的精锐入驻到辉耀市来,成为第一批注入进来的变种人居民。但是,他有条件!” What condition?” “什么条件?” Has condition matter regarding Magneto, Zhou Yi has the preparation at heart. Although by his present strength, Magneto regarding him no longer is a threat. However in this world, Magneto is a not allow to neglect formidable strength. His energy in front of various countries government, not under the nuclear bombs of trillion tonnage levels. If possible, nobody is willing to annoy such a troublesome fellow. Especially in this old fogy also has in the situation of terrifying criminal record. 对于万磁王有条件这件事,周易是有着充分的心里准备的。虽然以他现在的力量来看,万磁王对于他来说已经不再是个威胁。但是在这个世界上,万磁王还是不容忽视的一股强大的力量。他的能量在世界各国政府面前,不下于亿万吨位级的核弹。如果可能,没有人愿意惹上这么个麻烦的家伙。尤其是在这个老家伙还有着恐怖前科的情况下。 But this is also Zhou Yi needs him to help own reason. Deterrent existence, can many to have the scruples obviously. Although Zhou Yi here threatening character has sufficed many, but no one minded that own strength is stronger on several points. 而这也正是周易需要他帮助自己的理由。一个具有威慑力的存在,显然能让很多人心存顾忌。虽然周易这边的威胁性人物已经够多了,但是谁也不介意自己的力量更强大上几分。 To build a own city, an own world Garden of Eden. Formidable protection strength is absolutely the indispensable thing. Although have the sufficient confidence to protect this city, but can on the methods of many several heavy protection, he naturally not mind. Only the aloof strength can enable here to have the aloof status, can make this city in this world the most special place. This point, Zhou Yi is at heart clear. 想要营造一个属于自己的城市,一个自己的人间伊甸园。强大的保护力量是绝对不可或缺的东西。虽然自己有充足的信心保护这个城市,但是能多上几重保护的手段,他自然也是不介意的。只有超然的力量才能使这里拥有超然的地位,才能让这个城市成为这个世界上最特殊的一个地方。这一点,周易心里非常清楚。 Therefore regarding the Magneto so-called condition. He already had the interest. If this condition has not broken his bottom line, he can definitely the benefit that for among them forms an alliance complies. 所以对于万磁王所谓的条件。他已然是有了兴趣。如果这个条件没有突破他的底线,他完全可以为了他们之间结盟的利益而答应下来。 Saw that in the Zhou Yi eye showed such look, Ida then understood immediately in his heart had having made up mind. Therefore she said immediately. 眼看着周易的眼中露出了这样的神色,艾达顿时便明白了他心中已经有了决意。所以她立即说道。 His request is he can join to your city, but as principle of benefit exchange. You must also join by your status to a special organization in led by him.” “他的要求是他可以加入到你的城市中来,但是作为利益交换的原则。你必须也以你的那个身份加入到以他为首的一个特殊组织里去。” What organization?” “什么组织?” He had not said that but said that if you had the decision, can look for him directly. At that time you spoke in detail again. Naturally, only then in this condition reached the agreement, he second condition will tell you!” “他没说,只是说如果你有了决定的话,可以直接去找他。那个时候你们再详谈。当然,也只有在这个条件上达成了共识之后,他才会把第二个条件告诉你!” Shrugs the arm. Ida displays a helpless appearance. Obviously, at her jurisdiction, now are most also can only achieve this situation. If must do are more, wants Zhou Yi this actual master to nod. 耸了耸肩膀。艾达就表现出一副无能为力的样子。显然,以她的权限,现在最多也只能做到这个地步了。如果要做的更多,还是要周易这个真正的主人来点头的。 This old fogy, really hits the wicked scheme to be many. However is also good, I indeed need with him to discuss earnestly.” Traces itself the hard beards, Zhou Yi has smiled suddenly, reveals has let the self-confident smiling face that Ida they are familiar with. “这个老家伙,打得鬼主意还真不少啊。不过也好,我的确需要和他认真地谈一谈。”摸了摸自己已经硬茬茬的胡须,周易陡然一笑,露出了让艾达她们熟悉的自信笑容。 What's wrong, can you look for them now?” “怎么,你现在就要去找他们了吗?” Naturally, this matter more early makes a final decision to be better.” Takes up own coat conveniently. Zhou Yi turns toward outside to walk. However just stepped onto several steps, he as if has thought anything is the same, turns the head they to urge to Ida. Where if Shalisa that girl asked me to go, you said that does not know. Over the two days had not given her the good complexion time, making her frighten itself again a while!” “当然,这种事情越早敲定下来越好。”顺手拿起自己的外套。周易就向着外面走去。不过刚走上几步,他就似乎想到了什么一样,转过头来对着艾达她们叮嘱道。“如果夏芮丝那个丫头问到我去哪里了,你们就说不知道。这两天还不是给她好脸色的时候,让她再自己吓自己一阵子!” Said that this saying, he with long hurried strides walked from the room. After until he has walked away, Jean Ge Lei the faint smile looked to Ida. 说完这话,他就大步流星地从房间里走了出去。而直到他走远了之后,葛蕾才似笑非笑地看向了艾达 What kind, I have not spoken incorrectly. Between he and Shalisa is impossible to have any barrier. Even if is indignant for a while, at most is only 1-2 days of times. You want to make them become estranged gradually, is impossible.” “怎么样,我没有说错吧。他和夏芮丝之间是不可能有任何隔阂的。就算是一时气愤,也顶多只是一两天的功夫而已。你想让他们两个渐渐疏远,是不可能的。” Snort. Are you what kind of? Looks that between she and her elder brothers does have that matter? Don't forget, this is permitted. Not only I, Zhou Lan even said that all knew their people, will not permit all these occurrences.” “哼。那你想怎么样?看着她和她哥哥之间发生那种事情吗?别忘了,这是不被允许的。不只是我,周岚甚至说所有认识她们的人,都不会允许这一切发生的。” cold snort/hum. Ida asked back. But listened to her words, Jean Ge Lei to smile immediately. 冷哼一声。艾达就反问了回去。而听着她的话,葛蕾立刻笑了起来。 Meaning that I have not approved. To advise you, do not insert to this matter, after all your status is inappropriate. Not only you, we are inappropriate. Meddles with it rashly, was inferior that anything does not do!” “我并没有赞成的意思。只是想要劝告你,不要插入到这种事情里面来,毕竟你的身份不合适。不只是你,我们都不合适。与其冒然插手,不如什么都不做!” Hears this saying. Ida was silent. She has to acknowledge, regarding this matter, this is the best measure. However she is not clear, why Jean Ge Lei must remind itself in this issue. Must know, in some sense they can be considered as are the enemies. 听到这话。艾达沉默了。她不得不承认,对于这件事情,这才是最好的处理办法。但是她不明白,为什么葛蕾要在这个问题上提醒自己。要知道,从某种意义上她们可以算得上是敌人。 As if saw the meaning of Ida, in Jean Ge Leiyan the none remaining flashed, has shown the self-confident and charming smiling face. 似乎是看出了艾达的意思,葛蕾眼中精光一闪,就露出了自信而迷人的笑容。 I know that what you are thinking? In fact, if, I am not willing to receive your existences. However to this time, I am you should very clear matter, that is he is impossible to give up in us any. Such being the case, I not with the meaning of your battle. Therefore struggles with his everybody secretly, is making the impossible effort. Then might as well sits obediently and honestly, is the genuine whole family such lives in peace together likely. Do you think?” “我知道你在想什么?事实上,如果可以,我也不愿意接收你们的存在。但是到了这个时候,不论是我还是你都应该很清楚一件事情,那就是他不可能放弃我们中的任何一个。既然如此,我也没有和你们争斗的意思。所以与其大家暗地里明争暗斗,做着不可能的努力。那么还不如老老实实地坐下来,像是真正一家人那样和平相处。你觉得呢?” This was Jean Ge Lei has pondered for a long time the later heart-to-heart talk. She is very clear, the contradictions between Zhou Yi these women, if Zhou Yi chooses one among them, then other did not say, she will also think the means to destroy completely these people. However Zhou Yi with was very clear, that she said was he is not willing to give up in them any. This also means, they struggle not to have the result, will only make Zhou Yi be hard to choose. Especially if had any accident/surprise, brings to Zhou Yi only then injures. But at this time she does not want to see in any event. 这算是葛蕾思考了许久之后的肺腑之言。她很清楚,周易身边这些女人之间的矛盾,如果周易只是在她们之间选择一个,那么别的不说,她自己也会想办法把这些人灭掉。但是周易已经和她说的很清楚了,那就是他不愿意放弃她们中任何一个。这也就意味着,她们争下去是没有结果的,只会让周易更加难以抉择而已。尤其是如果发生了什么意外的话,给周易带来的就只有伤害。而这时她不论如何都不想看见的。 Therefore, as that person who earliest enters the Zhou Yi innermost feelings, Jean Ge Lei has made such having made up mind. That accepts their existences. But she hopes, is not only oneself. Other Zhou Yi side these people can also achieve this step. 所以,作为最早走进周易内心的那个人,葛蕾做出了这样的决意。那就是接受她们的存在。而她希望,不仅仅是自己。周易身边其他的那些人也能做到这一步。 Only then each other lets loose the alert. They can be together truly like the whole family. Therefore, she found status of Ida Wang this in the Zhou Yi heart to be extremely heavy responsibly, is most very powerful, is most likely to initiate one of the battle. So long as she is willing to nod. To a certain extent, this matter also has become the larger part. Therefore, becomes with inadequate, actually on the body of Ida. 只有彼此放开彼此之间的戒备。她们才能真正地像一家人那样相处下去。所以,她首当其冲地找到了艾达.王这个在周易心中地位极重,也是最好强,最有可能引发争斗的一个。只要她肯点头。从某种程度上说,这件事情也就成了一大半。所以,成与不成,其实都在艾达的身上。 But looks that Jean Ge Lei has gazed at own look, Ida is going through the consideration at heart. Nodded eventually. 而看着葛蕾一直注视着自己的眼神,艾达心里几经思虑。终究还是点了点头。 She is also very clear, this matter battle gets down not to have the result. If always insist, the result of then obtaining is very likely her not to be willing to see. Also, the harmony like the whole family has been together is a matter, but can have a high opinion of by Zhou Yi that is a different matter. 她自己也很明白,这件事情争斗下去是没有结果的。而如果自己始终坚持下去,那么得到的结果很有可能是她所不愿意看到的。再说了,像一家人那样和谐相处是一回事,但是能不能更被周易倚重那就是另一回事了。 In this regard, Ida has the sufficient self-confidence. Regarding her, this was only has changed a place the battle. Even if they will obtain finally only the same thing, but she believes that by own ability, oneself can also obtain best that. This is her self-confidence, is her pride. 在这点上,艾达有着充足的自信。对于她来说,这只是把争斗换了一个地方而已。就算是她们最终只会获得一样的东西,但是她相信凭借自己的能力,自己也能获得最好的那一份。这是她的自信,也是她的骄傲。 What Ida thinks is anything. Regarding Jean Ge Lei who can watch for the will of the people, is really not the secret. However she not, because her small thoughts have anything to be inwardly angry, instead laughed in the innermost feelings. Ida thinks that she also thinks similarly. But discussed self-confidently, was she possibly also less than Ida on the slightest? 艾达想的是什么。对于能窥伺人心的葛蕾来说,实在不是什么秘密。不过她并没有因为她的小心思而有什么愠怒,反而在内心里发笑了起来。艾达是这么想的,她同样也是这么想的。而论起自信,她又怎么可能比艾达少上分毫呢? Actually the luck of the draw, eventually is respectively depending on the method. 究竟花落谁家,终究还是各凭手段而已。 In the foreign hall, two status most special women reached the agreement. But outside the foreign hall, outside a guest room in hotel, Zhou Yi has actually knocked the door of shutting tightly. 洋馆之中,两个身份最特殊的女人已经达成了协议。而在洋馆之外,一座酒店的客房外,周易却是已经敲开了紧闭的房门。 Opens the gate flash suddenly, saw that actually outside stood is whose Mystique lost the color with amazement. She at this moment uses exactly is she most commonly used that natural stance. When on her face changes colors with amazement, immediately lets the impulsion that the person produced me to see still pities. 骤然打开门的一瞬间,看到外面站得究竟是谁的魔形女已经骇然地失去了颜色。此刻的她用的恰好是她最常用的那副天然姿态。而当她脸上骇然失色的时候,顿时就让人产生了一种我见犹怜的冲动。 However Zhou Yi eventually is not that once Zhou Yi, has intimate contact Mystique regarding this, he shows a faint smile said to her. 不过周易终究已经不是那个曾经的周易了,对于这个有个亲密接触的魔形女,他只是微微一笑就对她说道。 Long time no see. Raven. Mr. Erik in? I think, I need to chat with him!” “好久不见了。瑞雯艾瑞克先生在吗?我想,我需要和他聊一聊!” In, him naturally. Come in! Please come in quickly!” Is facing sudden visiting Zhou Yi, Mystique Raven actually displays enormous respectful. But this all changes, come from the Zhou Yi strength. “在的,他当然在。请进!快请进来!”面对着突然来访的周易,魔形女瑞雯却是表现出了极大的恭敬。而这所有的变化,都来自周易的力量。 Not long, Zhou Yi is also one has the lovable boy of intimate relation regarding her. However now Zhou Yi regarding her, has actually been far in excess of the world all existence that is worth awing. Even if Magneto Erik, in her was also inferior that Zhou Yi is worth awing. 曾几何时,周易对于她来说还不过是一个有着亲密关系的可爱男孩。但是现在周易对于她来说,却远远超越了世界一切值得敬畏的存在。就算是万磁王艾瑞克,在她心里也不如周易更加值得敬畏。 This is one compared with Spiritual God more formidable existence, his strength makes all people give him sufficiently the biggest respect. But at the same time, he for the contributions that Mutants makes, was makes majority of Mutants always remember his benevolence. 这是一个比神灵更加强大的存在,他的力量足以让所有人给与他最大的尊敬。而与此同时,他为变种人所作出的贡献,更是让大部分变种人都铭记了他的恩情。 This point, in this city, Mutants most has the experience. Which city energy likely has not been Radiance City this, can make the figure disassimilation Mutants walk frankly and uprightly in the street, but does not come under the attack of ridicule even evil intention. Even if occasional direction, is only out of curiosity. 这一点,在这个城市里,变种人是最有体会的。从来没有哪个城市能像是辉耀市这样,能够让身形异化的变种人光明正大地走在街头上,而不受到嘲笑甚至恶意的攻击。就算是偶尔的指指点点,也只是出于好奇而已。 Such place, regarding any Mutants like is a heaven. Especially experiences suffering persecution Mutants because of the appearance regarding these, here is so. In their eyes, Radiance City looks like its name is the same, is one forever by the bright place that Sun shines. But Zhou Yi, the founder in this city, is existence that is worth them respecting. He gave them to hope, gives the light future that they have been able to see. This sufficiently makes majority of Mutants feel grateful to weep to him. 这样的地方,对于任何一个变种人来说都像是天堂一样。尤其是对于那些因为自己外貌而受尽迫害的变种人来说,这里更是如此。在他们的眼中,辉耀市就像是它的名字一样,是一个永远被太阳照耀的光明之地。而周易,这个城市的缔造者,更是一个值得他们尊敬的存在。他给了他们希望,给了他们一个可以见到的光明的未来。这就足以让大部分变种人对他感恩涕零。 Naturally, has the exception. For example Magneto Erik, this Zhou Yi once enemy. He regarding the Zhou Yi emotion is unable like other Mutants pure. Even said that at this time, when he sees Zhou Yi, his instead had mixed feelings. 当然,也是有例外的。比如说万磁王艾瑞克,这个周易曾经的敌人。他对于周易的情感就无法像其他变种人那样单纯。甚至于说,在这个时候,当他看到周易的时候,他的心情反而更加复杂了起来。 Long time no see, Mister Zhou Yi. Or Dawn Knight!” “好久不见了,周易先生。或者说,黎明骑士!” Indeed long time no see, Erik. Mister Lehnsherr. Said, I think that we have not thought will have such one day!” “的确好久不见了,艾瑞克.兰谢尔先生。说真的,我想我们双方都没有想到会有这么一天吧!” Once enemy turned into the collaborator of present, this indeed is the matter that no one has thought. However regarding variable of destiny, who can say anything! 曾经的敌人变成了现在的这种合作者,这的确是一件谁都没有想到的事情。但是对于命运的无常,谁又能说些什么呢! under ps.5.15 beginning red package rain! 12 : 00 pm start to snatch one round every hour, big wave 515 red packages looked at the luck. You snatch, the beginning coin that snatches continue to subscribe my chapter!( To be continued.) ps.5.15起点下红包雨了!中午12点开始每个小时抢一轮,一大波515红包就看运气了。你们都去抢,抢来的起点币继续来订阅我的章节啊!(未完待续。)
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