MSG :: Volume #6

#506: The myth essence strength related in detail

Disseminates news most newly Tomorrow is 515, beginning anniversary, a benefits most day. Except for the gift parcel book bag, this time 515 red packages turn crazily must certainly look, red package where has the truth that does not snatch, arranges the alarm clock to raise ~ 【最新播报】明天就是515,起点周年庆,福利最多的一天。除了礼包书包,这次的515红包狂翻肯定要看,红包哪有不抢的道理,定好闹钟昂~ In the thing regarding myth, the majority of people are having a manner of suspicion. Even if in the present world, the Spiritual God appears in the line of sight of mortal one after another, but most people are not willing to believe regarding the fairytale. 对于神话中的东西,大部分的人是持有着一种怀疑的态度的。即便是现在的世界上,神灵一个接着一个地出现在凡人的视线中,但是大多数人对于神话故事还是不肯相信的. Not because of other, because the myth itself was really extremely strange. For example in the Norse mythology has description about Towle alcohol capacity, what said is Towle is taking one with the sea connected wine glass, after several swallow, can make the entire sea level reduce several points unexpectedly. 不是因为别的,而是因为神话本身就实在是太过离奇了。就比如说北欧神话里有一段关于托尔酒量的描写,说的是托尔拿着一个和大海相连的酒杯,几个吞咽之后,竟是能让整个海面降低几分。 If this real, then Towle absolutely can be called magnanimously. However Zhou Yi and Lancet Gia Duc person has the contact, has experienced the alcohol capacities of these people. You said that they can drink, Zhou Yi believes. However you said the letting vast expanse of water that they can drink drops several points, that kills the matter that Zhou Yi does not believe. Only if Odin can also give to build the divine tool Towle's stomach luxuriously, making him be able to eat around willfully, such Zhou Yi hold one's noses also recognizes. 这如果是真的,那么托尔就绝对可以被称之为海量了。但是周易和阿斯嘉德人有过接触,也见识过这些人的酒量。你说他们能喝,周易相信。但是你说他们能喝的让一片汪洋下降几分,那是打死周易也不相信的事情。除非奥丁能够奢侈地把托尔的胃也给打造成神器,让他能够任意胡吃海喝,那样的话周易捏着鼻子也就认了。 However obviously, Odin is not bored, Towle will not propose request that this type does not have what content. Therefore, from this can conclude, fairytale type of thing, really cannot believe. 但是显然,奥丁没有那么无聊,托尔自己也不会提出这种没有什么含量的要求。所以,由此可以断定,神话故事这种东西,实在是不能相信。 However some contents you actually have no alternative but to believe that for example various God dusk. Original Zhou Yi also thinks that this is only the result in the fairytale fabricating, to give the Spiritual God vanishes the matter in world covers. However now looks like, is actually not true. 但是其中的有些内容你却是不能不信,比如说诸神黄昏。本来周易还以为这只是神话故事里杜撰出来的一个结局,是为了给神灵消失在世界上的事情打个掩护。但是现在看来,却并非如此。 Because various God dusk really approached . Moreover the power and influence is agitated, lets entire Lancet Gia Duc the feeling of being faced with imminent disaster. In order to deal in this their eyes the catastrophe, entire Lancet Gia Duc mobilized, even does not hesitate the chipping in initial capital, brings in Zhou Yi this powerful from Lancet Gia Duc the foreign aid. 因为诸神黄昏真的来临了,而且威势汹汹,让整个阿斯嘉德都有一种大难临头的感觉。为了应付这场他们眼中浩劫,整个阿斯嘉德都动员了起来,甚至不惜下注血本,从阿斯嘉德之外引来周易这个强力的外援。 Solely in this sense, sufficiently proves various God the dusk authenticity. After all if this is false, that impossible entire Lancet Gia Duc for together this ficticious matter deliberately creates trouble. 单单从这一点上说,就足以证明诸神黄昏的真实性。毕竟如果这是假的话,那也不可能整个阿斯嘉德都跟着一起为了这件子虚乌有的事情胡闹起来。 Perhaps is a coincidence. Perhaps is not. However no matter what, various God dusk this matter has hit in one with Lancet Gia Duc's present situation. But this has to look like to fairytale type the absurd matter has had several points of daydream. Because no one can affirm, this can be the last coincidence. 也许是一个巧合。也许不是。但是不管怎么说,诸神黄昏这件事都和阿斯嘉德的现状撞到了一起上。而这就不得不让人对神话故事这种看起来荒唐的事情产生了几分遐思。因为谁也不能肯定,这会不会是最后一次巧合。 It looks like Zhou Yi, he does not believe that this can be the last coincidence. Otherwise. He will not seek in this God God strange story about various God dusk all. 就像是周易,他就不相信这会是最后一次巧合。不然的话。他也不会在这种神神怪怪的故事里去寻找关于诸神黄昏的一切了。 However regarding the matter that Zhou Yi handles now, some people actually do not favor, for example Jean Ge Lei. No matter what, she is also scientific research family background people with high academic credentials. But in this person instinct has the manner that one type does not believe regarding the so-called fairytale. With that fiction, even establishes compared with the folk story that and incorrectly relayed an erroneous message completely baseless. She believes evidence truly. 然而对于周易现在做的这种事情,有些人却并不看好,比如说葛蕾。不管怎么说,她也算是一个科研出身的高学历人才。而这种人天性上就对于所谓的神话故事有一种不相信的态度。和那种子虚乌有,甚至是完全凭空编制、以讹传讹的民俗故事相比。她更相信确实的证据。 In Zhou Yi also when is doing ahead of time the preparatory work for various God the dusk matter, she cannot bear to her reminds. 所以在周易还在为诸神黄昏的事情做着提前准备工作的时候,她就忍不住对她提醒道。 Actually you do not need to look for the answer that you want in these at sixes and sevens stories. Don't forget, in our families/home also the person who walks from the myth time, if she, could provide the necessary clue to you not!” “其实你不需要在这些乱七八糟的故事里寻找你想要的答案。别忘了,我们这个家里还有一个从神话时代走过来的人,如果是她的话,也许能给你提供很多必要的线索不是吗!” You say the Lily silk?” Heard the Jean Ge Lei reminder, Zhou Yi has thought immediately of existence of Lily silk. However is quick he to have doubts asks. But she did not go to that side Europe to conform with these strengths on her hand. Prepared for the shifts of these strengths?” “你是说莉莉丝?”听到葛蕾的提醒,周易立刻就想到了莉莉丝的存在。但是很快他就疑惑地问道。“可是她不是去了欧洲那边整合她手上的那些力量。为那些力量的转移做准备去了吗?” Is some ants same existences, can cost how much time!” At this time, Ida has actually opened the mouth, was explaining to Zhou Yi. She already came back, just to prevent her these dark alien race and Mutants hand/subordinate produces any contradiction. Therefore she has assumed personal command in the dens of these dark alien races, has not come back. However I want also to have more than enough for several days, after all she is also goddess in the myth time, if including one crowd of vampires and sorcerers cannot suppress, then she is returns to her temple obediently and honestly, when her stone carving puppet!” “不过是一些蝼蚁一样的存在,能耗费多少时间!”这个时候,艾达却是张开了嘴,对着周易解释了起来。“她早就回来了,只不过为了防止她手下的那些黑暗异族和变种人产生什么矛盾。所以她才一直坐镇在那些黑暗异族的老巢里,没有回来而已。不过我想也用不了几天了,毕竟她也是一个神话时代里的女神,如果连一群吸血鬼和巫师都压制不住,那么她还是老老实实的回到她的神殿里,当她的石雕木偶吧!” Ida opens mouth is the thick smell of gunpowder, obviously, adds in the Lily silk to their ranks regarding this suddenly, she not too many sympathies. But in this issue is very Zhou Yi that is in the wrong, the idea of also not having loved to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points. He knows. Although Ida displayed the enormous opinion at this matter. However she has not manifested suddenly, that also means that she has tacitly approved this matter. 艾达一张嘴就是浓浓的火药味,显然,对于这个突然加入到她们行列中的莉莉丝,她心里并没有太多的认同感。而在这个问题上本来就很是理亏的周易,也没有哪壶不开提哪壶的想法。他知道。虽然艾达在这件事情上表现出了极大的意见。但是她并没有发作,那也就意味着她已经默认了这件事情了。 Since she has tacitly approved, has gained greatest cheap Zhou Yi naturally is also not good casual to continue to stimulate her in this topic. Therefore he transformed the topic very much wisely. 而既然她已经默认了,已经赚了莫大便宜的周易自然也是不好随随便便在这个话题上继续去刺激她。所以他很明智地转化了话题。 Was good, this matter has not needed to worry temporarily. In comparison. I care about the pattern in Radiance City actually. On our present is grasping how many strength has, can make us protect oneself?” “好了,这件事暂时还不用太着急。相比之下。我倒是更关心辉耀市里的格局。我们现在手上掌握着的力量有多少,能够让我们自保了吗?” Self-preservation? If you want to achieve this degree merely, naturally does not have the issue.” White Zhou Yi, Ida started to count in his hand is grasping the strength to him. We on outwardly are grasping now strength only then Sunglow Group, but only closes right up against its existence. This country is not necessarily able we to be what kind. After all we are a legitimate company, about 1 million people of livelihoods grasp in our hands. If not want to make the major problem. They are impossible to begin to us. Moreover, is they want to begin, Wall Street will have other financial giants not to allow that they will do. This is in touching the benefit of entire capital social stratum, but in this capital country, this action is permitted absolutely.” “自保?如果你仅仅是想做到这个程度的话,当然是没有问题的。”白了周易一眼,艾达就开始对他细数他手上掌握着的力量。“我们现在明面上掌握着的力量只有日冕集团一个,但是只靠着它的存在。这个国家就未必能把我们怎么样。毕竟我们还是一个合法的公司,近1000000人的生计都掌握在我们的手里。如果不想闹出大问题的话。他们是不可能对我们动手的。而且,就是他们想要动手,华尔街还有其他的金融巨头也不会容许他们那么做。这是在触动整个资本阶层的利益,而在这个资本国家里面,这种举动是绝对不被允许的。” Cannot hoping to place on these capitalists completely, who they are, you are clearer than me! In their eyes only has the benefit, now is just because our benefits are related, they are not willing to notice that the government begins to us. But if places in front of a bigger benefit them, they will not care about our lives! Even, does not run to nip our one at that time, even if were they are a little amiable!” “不能把希望全部放在那些资本家身上,他们是什么人,你比我更清楚!他们眼里只有利益,现在只不过是因为我们的利益相关,他们才不愿意看到政府对我们动手。但是如果把更大的利益放在他们面前,他们才不会在乎我们的死活呢!甚至,不在那个时候跑出来咬我们一口,就算是他们有点仁义了!” Listened to Ida saying that Zhou Yi with a smile shook the head. Regarding the so-called capitalist, he is 10,000 does not trust. The heart black degrees of these people under these shameless politicians, do not believe that they are equal to simply oneself sale price life taking away gambling establishment unrestrained gambling, is really dislikes itself dead insufficient quick. 听着艾达这么说,周易就笑着摇了摇头。对于所谓的资本家,他是10000个不信任。这些人的心黑程度不在那些无耻的政客之下,相信他们简直就等同于把自己的身价性命拿去赌场豪赌,实在是嫌自己死的不够快。 I know certainly this point, otherwise my ignores Lily silk that woman will not grasp in this city the strength in darkness.” The argue obstinately, Ida continued to say to the Zhou Yi solution. Secretly I did not state clearly with you about these strengths, waited for that woman to come back. You asked that she goes. I first with you explain the strength that in our hands can take advantage of now.” “我当然知道这一点,不然我也不会放任莉莉丝那个女人去掌握这个城市中黑暗里的力量。”强辩了一句,艾达就继续对着周易解说道。“关于暗地里的那些力量我就不和你明说了,等那个女人回来了。你自己去问她去。我现在先把我们手上能够依仗的力量跟你说明白了。” First is our sunglow own security army. These people majority of the indication from the soldier of fortune come, part is the original Raccoon City survivor. Regarding sunglow. They have high approval. But if you want to make some dirty dirty/small error with them the matter, is some dangers. Although they definitely will do, but after completion, can have any idea, I cannot affirm.” “首先是我们日冕自己的安保部队。这些人大部分是从雇佣兵里征兆过来,还有一部分是原来拉肯市的幸存者。对于日冕。他们有着很高的认同度。但是如果你想用他们去做一些肮脏龌蹉的事情,还是有些危险的。虽然他们肯定会去做,但是做完之后会不会有什么想法,我就不能肯定了。” This I know certainly. Initially established their times. Also to safeguard the security of this city, in view of the Umbrella surviving influence. Their existences to eliminate the biochemical crisis, simultaneously protect the interests of sunglow. In addition, I have not been thinking they can play other any roles.” “这点我当然知道。当初成立他们的时候。也是为了维护这个城市的安全,针对安布雷拉的残存势力而已。他们的存在本来就是为了清除生化危机,同时保护日冕的利益。除此之外,我也没想着他们能起到什么其他的作用。” The accurate point said, these people are the advertisements of sunglow. Can devote to safeguarding the world peace. Definitely can undergo the inspection of public without the personal army that any dirty/small error has, lets objective that the people understand the sunglow, thus makes the sunglow have a decisive superiority in the morals. 确切点说,这些人是日冕的招牌。一个能够致力于维护世界和平。没有任何龌蹉存在的私人部队完全可以经受得起公众的检视,让人们明白日冕的宗旨,从而让日冕在道德上具备一个决定性的优势。 Can play such role, Zhou Yi enough satisfies. Regarding majority is the sunglow security armies of average person, he really does not have any too big idea. Compared with them, what he attaches great importance to is these has the army of special capability. For example other Mutants or anything people. This is trustworthy strength. 能起到这样的作用,周易就足够满足了。对于大部分都是普通人的日冕安保部队,他实在是没有什么太大的想法。和他们相比,他更重视的是那些拥有特殊能力的部队。比如说变种人或者其他的一些什么人。这才是值得信赖的力量。 But as if saw the meaning of Zhou Yi, Ida also shifted toward that aspect the introduction explanation center of gravity. 而似乎是看出了周易的意思,艾达也把介绍说明的重心向着那方面转移了过去。 Besides the security army, we invested the Mutants assault forces that the tremendous effort constructs currently also to have certain scale at that time. Naturally, their status are placed there, making them be partial to us. Without the issue. But if you want to make them disobey your principle, forcing them to be some not to want the matter that not big possibility.” “除了安保部队之外,当时我们投入巨大精力建造出来的变种人突击部队现在也有了一定的规模。当然,他们的身份摆在那里,让他们偏向我们。没有问题。但是如果你想让他们违逆自己本身的原则,强制他们去做一些自己不太愿意的事情,那就不大可能了。” The Mutants assault forces, are biochemical crisis erupt later Zhou Yi to arise suddenly a special tactical army that the fantasy constructs. Before its ingredient some shapes, Raccoon City, is occupies the leading power by the sunglow investment, but is actually commanded a responsible tactical army by the Radiance City police authorities. 变种人突击部队,是生化危机爆发之后周易突发奇想建造出来的一个特殊战术部队。它的成分有些像之前拉肯市的,是由日冕出资并占据主导权,但是却又由辉耀市警局统领负责的一只战术部队。 Different in the New York Mutants special police officer with the activity, although this tactical army is also comprised of Mutants, the work that but in him the member carries out actually must more dangerous many. For example New York Mutants still in carrying on to arrest the thief thief, maintains public peace type the time of not having what nutrition work, the Mutants assault forces actually penetrated into the biochemical monster crowded danger zone. Has carried out the life-and-death fight with there monster. 和活动在纽约变种人特警不同,这只战术部队虽然也同是由变种人组成,但是他里面成员进行的工作却是要更加危险的多。比如说纽约变种人还在进行抓捕小偷窃贼,维护公共治安这种没有什么营养工作的时候,变种人突击部队却已经深入到生化怪物密集的危险地带中。和那里的怪物展开了殊死搏斗。 The monster that because the biochemical crisis the variation comes out regarding any human is a terrifying nightmare, even if the elite combatants, the time of monster that facing this living bosom fearful virus, is hard the assurance that has to win. Therefore Mutants assault forces arise at the historic moment. 因为生化危机所变异出来的怪物对于任何人类来说都是一个恐怖的梦魇,即便是再精锐的战斗人员,面对这种生怀可怕病毒的怪物的时候,也难以有必胜的把握。所以变种人突击部队就应运而生。 Mutants and human are different. The monster that the biochemical crisis accomplishes regarding them can only reluctant be a threat, even if there is danger, however actually cannot turn any big wave in the face of the strength that they emerge one after another incessantly. Also therefore just, their existences are necessary. Regarding having biochemical threat Radiance City, is regarding Mutants this ethnic group. 变种人和人类不同。生化危机造就的怪物对于他们来说只能勉勉强强算是一个威胁,纵然是有危险,但是在他们层出不穷的力量面前却也翻不出什么大的波浪。也正因此,他们的存在才是必要的。不论是对于存在着生化威胁的辉耀市来说,还是对于变种人这个族群来说。 Radiance City needs their strengths to eradicate to threaten own biochemical monster, needs them to protect in this city the safety of ordinary citizen. But Mutants also needs to use the status of this protector. Scrubs on them to have for a long time that evil reputation. This bidirectional demand causes was Radiance City even must earlier accept existence of Mutants compared with New York. In this city, some people are perhaps discontented with Mutants, but definitely some people will not have any comment to the Mutants assault forces. They are the protector in this city, this in the city is a matter of recognition. 辉耀市需要他们的力量来铲除威胁到自己的生化怪物,需要他们来保护这个城市里普通市民的安全。而变种人也需要用这种保护者的身份。洗刷掉他们身上存在已久的那种恶名。这种双向需求导致的就是辉耀市甚至比纽约还要更早地接受了变种人的存在。在这个城市里,或许有人对变种人不满,但却却绝对不会有人对变种人突击部队有任何意见。他们是这个城市的保护者,这在城市里已经是一件公认的事情了。 The arrangement of Zhou Yi has given this group of Mutants by the dignity, but this dignity gives, has made their bodies get the Zhou Yi label. Under this premise, they have been partial in Zhou Yi this side naturally. Therefore naturally, when the strength that referring to oneself hand can use, Ida has arranged in order them. 周易的安排给了这伙变种人以尊严,而这尊严的给予,已经让他们的身上打上了周易的标签。在这种前提下,他们天然地就已经偏向于了周易这一方。所以自然地,在谈及自己手上能动用的力量时,艾达把他们列了出来。 However, regarding existence of Mutants assault forces, Zhou Yi is also not favoring. Although this group of people hang in the name of sunglow, but wants to order them to handle any matter, but also has wanted Mutants that pass/test. Is this, keeps Zhou Yi from them feeling relieved thoroughly. After all Mutants will also compromise, no one knows when Charles can that group of fellows with White House reach any agreement. Once to that time, the so-called Mutants assault forces can maintain a complete organization system, is an issue. The Charles influence is placed there, is no one can disregard him. 但是,对于变种人突击部队的存在,周易也并不是十分的看好。这伙人虽然挂在日冕的名下,但是想要命令他们做什么事情,还要过了变种人那一关。仅仅是这点,就让周易无法对他们彻底放心。毕竟变种人也是会妥协的,谁也不知道什么时候查尔斯会和白宫的那群家伙达成什么协议。一旦到了那个时候,所谓的变种人突击部队能不能够维持一个完整建制,都是个问题。查尔斯的影响力摆在那里,不是什么人都能把他无视掉的。 But looks at Zhou Yi to shake the head, Ida snort/hum, said the final card in a hand. 而看着周易摇头,艾达哼了一声,说出了自己最后的底牌。 under ps.5.15 beginning red package rain! 12 : 00 pm start to snatch one round every hour, big wave 515 red packages looked at the luck. You snatch, the beginning coin that snatches continue to subscribe my chapter!( To be continued.) ps.5.15起点下红包雨了!中午12点开始每个小时抢一轮,一大波515红包就看运气了。你们都去抢,抢来的起点币继续来订阅我的章节啊!(未完待续。)
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