MSG :: Volume #6

#505: Both sides well distributed myth reality

Disseminates news The attention beginning studies, receives 515 red package firsthand news, after the new year's celebration, has not snatched the schoolmates of red package, this chapter can unfold the skill. 【播报】关注起点读书,获得515红包第一手消息,过年之后没抢过红包的同学们,这回可以一展身手了。 The automobile returned quietly situated in the foreign hall outside suburb. But there, early is hoping saw daughter's Zhou Lan that for a long time has not seen already awaited eagerly. 汽车悄悄地回到了位于郊区外的洋馆中。而在那里,早期盼着看到许久未见的女儿的周岚已然是望眼欲穿了。 Son anything since childhood has the fellow of opinion, does not need her to manage does not need her to worry. Therefore sometimes, Zhou Lan was short of favoring between several points of that parent-children to drown regarding Zhou Yi on the contrary. However Shalisa is different, did not say other, said only she from small is forced to leave in the home because of the Mutants status, lodges the matter of Mutants school, sufficiently makes Zhou Lan regard the soft meat on oneself apex cordis her. 儿子什么的从小都是有主见的家伙,不用她管也不用她太操心。所以有时候,周岚对于周易反倒是少了几分那种亲子间的宠溺。但是夏芮丝可不一样,不说别的,单说她从小因为变种人身份而被迫离开家中,寄宿到变种人学校的事情,就足以让周岚把她当成自己心尖上的软肉。 Therefore saw that goes down Shalisa that the car(riage) comes, after Zhou Lan has thrown completely into the brain, other people. Zhou Yi is no exception. This type attached great importance, making her easily see some Shalisa pale complexions and blushing the eye sockets . The appearance that this was wronged obviously naturally is to let Zhou Lan this becomes mother is not happy. 所以一见到走下车来的夏芮丝,周岚完全把其他所有人都抛到了脑后。就连周易也不例外。这种重视,让她轻易地就看到了夏芮丝苍白的脸色和有些发红的眼眶。这幅明显受了委屈的模样自然是让周岚这个当母亲的不高兴了起来。 Shalisa, my treasure. You were, turned into this to touch the type? Have some people bullied you?” 夏芮丝,我的宝贝。你到底是怎么了,怎么变成这副摸样了?是有人欺负了你吗?” At this time, Shalisa, although had mother to support, what courage but did itself not have to say this and that in her of principle? Therefore she can only put in great inconvenience a small face, held oneself mother's arm silently. The appearance that this grievance and does not dare to make noise makes Zhou Lan love dearly immediately. 在这个时候,夏芮丝虽然有了母亲撑腰,但是本身就不怎么在理的她又有什么勇气来说三道四呢?所以她只能委屈个小脸,默不作声地抓住了自己母亲的手臂。这种委屈而又不敢出声的样子立刻就让周岚更加心疼了。 However since the daughter is not willing saying that she cannot force her to say. Therefore she can only put the body of Zhou Yi the line of sight, was asking to him. 但是女儿既然不愿意说,她也不能去强迫她说出来。所以她只能把视线放到了周易的身上,对着他问道。 Zhou Yi, what's the matter? How your younger sister turned into this appearance!” 周易,怎么回事?你妹妹怎么变成这个样子了!” You asked her, having a look at her to have anything to say. I have the matter, first walked!” “你自己问她吧,看看她有什么好说的。我还有事,就先走了!” Left behind such a few words, Zhou Yi that the anger has not disappeared Ida was walking from mother and daughter's line of sight on pulling. But looks at the performance of Zhou Yi, Zhou Lan keenly had also discovered place that anything does not suit. 留下了这么一句话,怒气未消的周易就拉着艾达从她们母女二人的视线里走了出去。而看着周易的这幅表现,周岚也敏锐地发现了什么不对劲的地方。 Her son such will never get angry to oneself family member, but he has such done, can only say some people do was excessive. But who can be does excessive? From the Zhou Yi look saw that 12 Zhou Lan have also guessed correctly the answer. 她的儿子从来不会对自己家人这么发火,而他这么做了,只能说有些人做的过分了。而会是谁做的过分了呢?从周易神色里已经看出12的周岚也已经猜到了答案。 Understood this, she could not attend to anything drowning regarding favoring of daughter. But has hauled in own room her directly. Twists her cheeks to ask to her. 明白了这点,她也顾不得什么对于女儿的宠溺了。而是直接把她拉进了自己的房间里。拧着她的脸颊对她问道。 Your this mischievous small girl, said that looks. How is a matter, unexpectedly will be mad that appearance your Elder Brother.” “你这个淘气的小丫头,说说看。到底是怎么一回事,居然会把你哥哥气成那个样子。” Mom!” Acts like a spoiled brat same was sweet to make the greasy sound to brave from the mouth of Shalisa. She wants to move mother's innermost feelings, good to have several points of superiority by oneself. However looked Zhou Lan clear is similar to the lake water same eye. Her these think that the good excuse and words could not say. “妈妈!”一声撒娇一样的甜得发腻的声音从夏芮丝的嘴里冒了出来。她本来想借此打动一下母亲的内心,好借此让自己占上几分优势。但是一看周岚清亮的如同湖水一样的眼睛。她那些想好的借口和话语却是怎么也说不出来了。 Probably is the thief under searchlight illumination is the same, that complete non- hidden feeling enabled Shalisa gave up quibbling at heart, only the truth to say obediently and honestly. 就好像是探照灯照射下的小偷一样,那种完全的无所遁形的感觉让夏芮丝放弃了狡辩的心里,只能老老实实地把实情说了出来。 But hears all that she said that Zhou Lan reluctantly sighed. 而听到了她所说的一切,周岚才无奈地叹了口气。 You, a such big person. How same to know the relative importance with the childhood? Ida and your elder brother's sentiment after life and death test. You to her said unexpectedly that words, no wonder your Elder Brother meets is not happy. This is also he favored you reason, if changed me there, I must be in front of Ida to make you attractively!” “你呀,都这么大的一个人了。怎么还是和小时候一样不知道轻重缓急呢?艾达和你哥哥的感情是经过生死考验的。你居然对她说那种话,难怪你哥哥会不高兴了。这也是他太宠你了的缘故,要是换到我在那里,我非当着艾达的面让你好看不可!” Mom, you turn toward bystander. I am your biological daughter, you do not know that is partial to my point?” Falls into leeward Shalisa to start in the Ida issue not to want once more. “妈妈,你怎么也向着外人啊。我可是你的亲生女儿,你就不知道偏向我一点吗?”在艾达的问题上再次落入下风的夏芮丝开始不愿意了。 If before that reproved because of Zhou Yi and Ida sentiment, Shalisa clenched teeth also to recognize. However now starts to reprove itself including own mothers because of this matter, she could not bear. No matter how to say, Zhou Lan is her mother, in emotion should be partial to itself in the principle is. However the situation actually obviously is not this appearance. 如果说之前的那顿训斥是因为周易艾达的感情,夏芮丝咬咬牙也就认了。但是现在连自己的母亲都开始因为这件事而训斥自己,那她就受不了了。不管在怎么说,周岚都是她的母亲,于情于理都应该更偏向自己才是。但是情况却显然不是这个样子的。 I know that your this small girl does not think clearly. Ok! Some matters do not talk clearly with you are also incorrect. After all you must also probably clarify, we move here reason also to have for any your Elder Brother will have such big change!” “我就知道你这个小丫头想不明白。算了!有些事情不和你说清楚也是不行的。毕竟你要也要弄清楚,我们搬来这里的原因还有为什么你哥哥会有这么大的变化!” Has the relations with this?” Hears these suddenly, Shalisa somewhat is blurry. She has not thought that really this looks like the ordinary matter becomes such complex. “和这有关系吗?”骤然听到这些,夏芮丝还有些迷糊。她是真的没想到这件看起来平常的事情会变得这么复杂。 Naturally has the relations, but you do not know. Why this was also I must say that your reason, the thing that your Elder Brother at heart withstands now was too heavy, if cannot share for him as you of family member, instead aggravated all that he undertook, that could not be justified.” “当然有关系,只是你不知道而已。这也是我为什么要说你的原因,你哥哥现在心里承受的东西太重了,如果连作为家人的你都不能为他分担,反而更加重他所承担的一切,那就太说不过去了。” At the same time feels this youngest daughter already and purple long hair of waist, Zhou Lan from beginning to end carefully narrates to all her reasons. But when she such narrated, another side. Ida and Jean Ge Lei is also enlightening this time mood depressed Zhou Yi. 一边摸着这个小女儿已经及腰的紫色长发,周岚就把一切的缘由从头到尾地对她细细叙述过来。而就在她这么叙述的时候,另一边。艾达葛蕾也在开导着此时心情苦闷的周易 Listened to me saying that I know you are angry now, Yi (easy)! However no matter what, Shalisa is also only a child. He is younger sister who you see to grow up. Regarding your younger sister, do you have what unforgiving?” “听我说,我知道你现在很生气,!但是不管怎么说,夏芮丝还只是个孩子。他是你看着长大的妹妹。对于自己的妹妹,你难道还有什么不能原谅的吗?” First said that Jean Ge Lei of this saying, as Shalisa once teacher, her instinct had an intimate feeling to Shalisa. But why this is also she here for the reason that Shalisa gets free. She does not want to look at this really to the dear brother and sister because of this minor matter, but has any obstruction in the heart. 首先说这话的葛蕾,作为夏芮丝曾经的老师,她本能地对夏芮丝有一种亲近的感觉。而这也就是她为什么在这里替夏芮丝开脱的原因。她是真的不想看着这对亲爱的兄妹因为这点小事而在心中出现什么芥蒂。 But after her, has been cold Ida of face also to sigh, has stretched in the same place eyebrow the tight wrinkle. 而在她之后,一直冷着脸的艾达也叹了口气,把紧皱在一起的眉毛舒展了开来。 Good. I was not angry. Are you still angry? In the final analysis is your younger sister, you also want not to give her the good complexion to look for a lifetime!” “好了。我都不怎么生气了。你还在生什么气?说到底都是你的妹妹,难道你还想一辈子不给她好脸色看嘛!” They such one after another urged, from came back to take a seat in the study room to hold fat books, the book has put Zhou Yi that the entire face has buried going in finally. He looked at these two suffering woman hearts first, wholeheartedly for woman one eyes that own family worries about harmoniously, then has squeezed a smiling face from the stiff face reluctantly. 两人这么轮番一劝,从一回来就坐到了书房里抱着一本大部头书籍,把整个脸都埋了进去的周易终于是把书放了下来。他先是看了这两个苦头婆心,一心为自己家庭和谐操心的女人一眼,然后才从自己生硬的脸上勉强挤出了一丝笑容。 Relax, I do not have to be angry again. Because if these minor matters I have been angry, I perhaps already the fellow who harbored evil intentions by outside these irritating!” “放心吧,我没有再生气。如果因为这些小事我就一直生气的话,我恐怕早就被外面那些居心叵测的家伙给气死了!” You were not mad Shalisa to be good. Believes that at this time the mother should also and she talks clearly the matter. After she knows these truth, she naturally knows what mistake oneself have made. I thought that among you finds an opportunity to chat well, and will talk clearly to be good contradictory all misunderstanding.” “你不生夏芮丝的气就好了。相信这个时候你妈妈也应该把事情和她说清楚了。等她知道这些真相之后,她自然就知道自己犯了什么样的错误。我觉得你们之间找个机会好好聊一聊,把所有的误会和矛盾说清楚就一切都会好起来的。” On this issue, Jean Ge Lei is supplying ideas as before positively, but regarding her suggestion, Zhou Yi unhurriedly shook the head. 在这个问题上,葛蕾依旧在积极地出谋划策,而对于她的这个建议,周易则是不慌不忙地摇了摇头。 This does not use beforehand anxiously, the Shalisa disposition I am very clear. If so is about to have forgiven her, she will forget this lesson quickly. Therefore waited for two days to say again, happen, I also want to reorganize the mentality while this free time, clarified me while convenient continuously something that wanted to understand.” “这件事先不用急,夏芮丝的性格我很清楚。要是这么快原谅了她的话,她很快就会忘掉这次的教训。所以等两天再说,正好,我也想趁着这个空闲整理一下思路,顺便弄清楚我一直想要了解的一些事情。” What matter, haven't you planned the life of living in seclusion? How also to have what matter to be busy?” “什么事情,你不是都已经打算过隐居的生活了吗?怎么还有什么事情要忙的?” Regarding matter that this is sudden, has made the Ida cannot help but knitting the brows wool of the personal steward is working. Situation that this she does not find out made her understand not a steadfast feeling once again. Obviously, she associated from Zhou Yi these words to any not good thing. 对于他这突然起来的事情,一直做着贴身管家工作的艾达不由得皱起了眉毛。这种她不了解的情况让她再度体会到了一种不踏实的感觉。显然,她又从周易的这番话里联想到了什么不太好的东西。 To come back the Sherry belt, I requested Lancet Gia Duc that crowd of Spiritual God have given my some necessary help. But as the condition, I also complied to help their one slightly busy. Cultivates the behavior to be able do without the good faith, since promised them, I naturally must care this matter. Therefore, happen to while the free time of present, clarified something!” “为了把雪莉带回来,我请求了阿斯嘉德那群神灵给与了我一些必要的帮助。而作为条件,我也答应了帮助他们一个小忙。做人不能没有诚信,既然答应了他们,我自然是要把这件事情放在心上的。所以,正好趁着现在的这个空闲,把一些事情弄清楚了!” Ida knits the brows, Zhou Yi knew she definitely is worried. Therefore he answered hastily, meanwhile feared that she did not feel relieved, added a guarantee. 艾达一皱眉,周易就知道了她心里肯定又在担心起来。所以他连忙解释道,同时还怕她不放心,又添上了一个保证。 Relax, this time matter regarding me is only a minor matter. Moreover also not necessarily is now, that group of fellows who must wait till Lancet Gia Duc will notify to request reinforcements I to send out. You must know, they after all are the Spiritual God, perhaps cannot use me, they solved this trouble!” “放心吧,这次的事情对于我来说只是一个小事而已。而且也未必就是现在,要等到阿斯嘉德的那群家伙来报信求援我才会出动。你要知道,他们毕竟是神灵,说不定用不到我,他们就把这个麻烦解决了呢!” Such should!” Snort, expressed oneself disaffection at heart. Ida has pulled out the book in Zhou Yi, asked. But, since you promised them. Certainly must fulfill own commitment. What's wrong, you have thought now, how can help them solve their problems?” “那样最好不过!”哼了一声,表示出了自己心里的不满。艾达就把周易手里的书抽了过去,问道。“不过,既然你答应了他们。肯定也是要兑现自己的承诺的。怎么,你现在已经想好了,怎么才能帮他们解决他们的问题了吗?” Possibly so to be how quick, haven't you seen me now also in the search material?” Shakes the head to give such an answer, Zhou Yi has taken another fat books to glance through from own bookshelf. But looks at his performance, Jean Ge Lei and Ida also came the interest. “怎么可能这么快,你没有看见我现在还在查找资料吗?”摇着头给出了这么个答案,周易又从自己的书架上拿下了另一本大部头书籍翻阅了起来。而看着他的这幅表现,葛蕾和艾达也是来了兴趣。 „Are you reading? Can these things also give these Lancet Gia Duc person what to help?” “你在看什么书?难道这些东西还能给那些阿斯嘉德人什么帮助吗?” Naturally, they leave behind the myth on this star after all the Spiritual God. God of thunder Towle, evil God Lokey, God's father Odin. Names in these Norse mythologies became the reality, then also means the fairytale that these early already been sick is not the lie of having no merit to speak, in it definitely also has certain secret information.” “当然,他们毕竟是在这个星球上留下神话的神灵。雷神托尔、邪神洛基、众神之父奥丁。这些北欧神话里的称呼都变成了现实,那么也就意味着那些早已经被人厌烦的神话故事并不是一无是处的谎话,它里面肯定也是有着一定的隐秘信息的。” Has raised the books in hand, above lets Jean Ge Lei and Ida can see clearly Norse mythology collection of stories name, Zhou Yi smiles, while has given a they such explanation. 扬了扬自己手里的书本,让葛蕾和艾达能够看清楚上面“北欧神话故事集”的名称,周易一边笑着,一边给出了她们一个这样的解释。 However heard him saying that Jean Ge Lei first has actually smiled. 但是听到他这么说,葛蕾却是最先笑了起来。 Although Towle and Lokey exist, but you cannot deny. Thing and reality in the fairytale compare, there is a that certain disparity. Lokey in most minimum fairytale is not the fine delicately beautiful young girl, but is one does not know that has given birth to one pile of monsters with any means the god of disasters!” “虽然托尔和洛基是真实存在的,但是你也不能否认。神话故事里的东西和现实比起来,还是有那么一定的差距的。最起码神话故事里的洛基可不是什么纤纤美少女,而是一个不知道用了什么办法才生下一堆怪物的恶神!” This is also the thing that I am interested in! That crowd of monsters that in the fairytale, Lokey gives birth to let the main force factor that various Gods perish. Since Lokey is the status of now this and in the myth not tallying, then that was only known as Lear who can swallow the sky, what status that can surround snake of Ye Mengjia world this mortal world to be? Has cut by biting the poisonous dragon of world tree finally, these are the things that makes me be interested in very much.” “这也就是我感兴趣的东西!神话故事里,洛基生养的那一群怪物可是让诸神灭亡的主力因素。既然洛基是现在这个和神话里根本不相符的身份,那么那只号称能够吞下天空的芬里尔,那个能够环绕世界一圈的尘世之蛇耶梦加得又是什么身份呢?还有最后咬断了世界树的毒龙,这些都是让我很感兴趣的东西啊。” Here, on the Zhou Yi face suddenly had the smiling face of interested. This has as if proven, he started to have the special idea regarding that matter that oneself pledged. 说到这里,周易脸上突然出现了饶有兴趣的笑容。这似乎证明了,他对于自己所承诺的那件事情已经开始产生了特殊的想法。 ps. pursues baby shoes, the free appreciation ticket and did the beginning coin have ~ 515 red package list countdowns, I drew a ticket, asked to increase price and appreciate the ticket, finally flushed!( To be continued.) ps.追更的童鞋们,免费的赞赏票和起点币还有没有啊~515红包榜倒计时了,我来拉个票,求加码和赞赏票,最后冲一把!(未完待续。)
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