MSG :: Volume #23

#2208: Time disparity eternal ambition

in Sir/minister, you thought how our next should do?” “于卿,你觉得我们下一步该怎么做?” Obtained in Qian giving loyalty to from some degree, was knows that the name of Oriental was surnamed before the name. The Mt. Yali nature started regarding diving to inquire with intimate way a obviously. This is also some type tests the school, after all said that the major principle and supplies ideas cannot be counted a matter. 从某种程度上算是得到了于潜的效忠,同时也是知道东方人的姓名是姓在前名在后。亚历山大自然是用一种更显亲密的方式开始对于潜询问了起来。这也算是某种考校,毕竟说大道理和出谋划策可不能算作一回事。 in Qian can also look that this inside has the meaning of probing the depth, but is almost without hesitation, he was saying to Alexander directly. 于潜也能看出来这里面有试探自己深浅的意思,而几乎是不假思索的,他就直接对着亚历山大这么说道。 So-called labor wants the good its matter to Xianli its. The meaning of this Eastern old saying to be to complete a matter to have tool while convenient. But places your majesty here is, if your majesty wants to continue an achievement cause, I felt the matter that must first handle is, with the best weapon our these soldiers hand/subordinate arming.” “所谓工欲善其事必先利其器。这句东方古话的意思是想要做好一件事情就一定要有趁手的工具。而放在陛下这里就是,如果陛下想要继续成就一番伟业的话,我觉得最先要做的事情就是,用最好的武器把我们手下的这些士兵们给武装起来。” What's wrong?” Hears this saying, pressing strength mountain is the vision concentrates greatly immediately, then cannot bear shouldered the eyebrow. To you, under me these soldiers their stilettos and are the lances not very sharp? Are their armor not very firm?” “怎么?”听到这话,压力山大顿时便是目光一凝,然后忍不住的挑起了眉来。“难道对于你来说,我麾下的这些士卒们他们的短剑和长矛还不够锋利吗?他们的盔甲还不够坚固吗?” Alexander finishes speaking, these follow him to come back to life together, was the warriors in Macedonian empire to pull out the short-sword, is rapping shield along, while sent out resonantly shouted out. 亚历山大话音刚落,那些伴随他一同复生的,属于马其顿帝国的勇士们就已经是抽出了短剑,一边敲击着自己随身的盾牌,一边发出了嘹亮的呼喝来。 Acoustic shock four wild. This is without a doubt. After all is a weaponry that several tens of thousands people make simultaneously, on the scene, can be called absolutely shocks. Meanwhile Daly, can have the army of such level to be few, why this is also solemn a Egypt, in situation that in an arrow will not send on the surrender Alexander's reason. They very clear own level, Achaemenid Empire is not they of opponent, how possibly to defeat like this elite division. Might as well is simply happy, the surrender considers as finished. 声震四野。这是毋庸置疑的。毕竟是数万人同时做出的阵仗,就场面来说,绝对称得上是震撼。同时代里,能拥有这样水准的军队寥寥无几,这也是为什么堂堂一个埃及,会在一箭不发的情况下就投降亚历山大的原因。他们很清楚自己的水准,连波斯帝国都不是对手的他们,怎么可能战胜得了这样的精锐之师。索性还不如痛快一点,投降算了。 Although old in is also very shocked under Alexander elite of soldiers, but actually also merely is only shocking. Must say that is startled is the Celestial, thought that this is always only sees. That is cracking a joke. 老于虽然也很震惊于亚历山大麾下士卒的精锐,但是却也仅仅只是震惊而已。要说是惊为天人,觉得这是平生仅见。那就是开玩笑的了。 If nothing else, has not gone abroad that review ceremony every several years not compared with the performance difference of these Macedonian soldiers. Moreover must know behind that but millions of elite soldiers, this, native of Macedonia's these performance do not daunt his. 别的不说,还没有出国那一阵,每隔几年的阅兵仪式都不比这些马其顿士兵的表现差。而且要知道那背后可是数以百万计的精锐士兵,就这点来看,马其顿人的这些表现也是吓不住他老人家的。 Your majesty, I am the professor history. I know that in the periphery of Macedonia, original Italian Clan and tribe was once regarded as by the Zhucheng nation of your Greece for barbarian general existence. Besides the inherent prejudice, in this indeed also some are because in indeed some clans and tribes, but also is maintaining the reason of primitive nomadic and tribe system. Does the strength that then my your majesty, you can such a by your regarding for the barbaric clan and tribe soldier, their equipment and can show, make a comparison with your subordinate soldier?” “陛下,我是教授历史的。我知道在马其顿的周边,原始的意大利部族一度被你们希腊的诸城邦视作为野蛮人一般的存在。除了固有的成见之外,这里面的确还有一些是因为里面的确是有一些部族,还在保持着原始的游牧以及部落制度的原因。那么我的陛下,你能将这样一个被你们视之为野蛮的部族战士,他们的装备以及所能展现出来的战力,和您麾下的士兵做一个比较吗?” These barbarians in Italian Peninsula? This is actually not difficult.” The wise men have the custom of keeping guessing, Mt. Yali had been familiar with this point early in the morning. Therefore always changes in this says suddenly, although somewhat handles to guard, but has not actually expected completely. Also is to respect the knowledge of wise men, Alexander will often push the boat along, but at present this is also same. “意大利半岛的那些野蛮人吗?这倒是不难。”智者们都有卖关子的习惯,亚历山大早已经是熟悉了这一点。所以老于这一个骤然变道来的虽然有些措不及防,但是却也不是完全没有料到的。也算是为了尊重智者们的学识,亚历山大往往都会顺水推舟,而眼下这回也是一样。 I in young have experienced wars between my Royal Father and these barbarians actually. They are often putting on the animal skin, uses the wooden the lance and lithical weapon. Although in some manpower will have the bronze weapon, but often grabs or exchange comes. They do not have this technology that smelts the metal. Therefore, they impossible and my subordinate Macedonian soldier compares.” “我倒是在年轻的时候见识过我父王和那些野蛮人之间的战争。他们往往是穿着着兽皮,使用木质的长矛和石质的武器。有些人手里面虽然会有青铜武器,但是往往都是劫掠或者交易过来的。他们自己是没有这种冶炼金属的技术。所以,他们不可能和我麾下的马其顿士兵比。” My subordinate soldier, what standard configuration is the helmet and mail-armor and helmet of copper system and protects the shin. The lances and round shields of two sections of types have the short-sword, is the metal quality of material. The one-to-one words, are relying on the advantage on equipment, my subordinate warrior can easily kill a barbarian, resists two to three barbarians. But must become the array resistance words, my subordinate 300 soldiers, defeat 2000 barbarians sufficiently!” “我麾下的士兵,标配的是铜制的头盔、甲胄和护胫。两截式的长矛、圆盾还有短剑,都是金属质地的。一对一的话,凭借着装备上的优势,我麾下的勇士可以轻易杀死一个野蛮人,对抗两到三个野蛮人。而要成阵列对抗的话,我麾下三百士卒,足以战胜两千个野蛮人!” Perhaps this type is almost the battle loss of one against ten compared with sounds in other place somewhat exaggerates, however Alexander here truly indeed so. The support of Ancient Macedonian military the steamroll advantage that in the metallurgy science and technology brings, in addition he becomes famous, only if said what resistance was the East has peeped towering Qin Nu or is the large-scale chariot impact, otherwise simultaneously Daly, he seriously was invincible existence. One against ten, is really the small gift. Goes to war with Persia, 1 : 20 battle loss he hits. 这种差不多是以一敌十的战损比在别的地方听起来或许有些夸大其词,但是在亚历山大这里确实的确如此。冶金科技上带来的碾压优势,再加上他成名的马其顿方阵的支持,除非说对抗的是东方已经初现峥嵘的秦弩或者是大规模的战车冲击,不然同时代里,他当真是无敌的存在。以一敌十,实属小意思。和波斯打仗的时候,一比二十的战损他都打出来过。 old in knows certainly Macedonian soldiers in then fierce asked such issue, but he asked that this words naturally have attempt. 老于当然是知道马其顿士兵在当时的厉害才问出这样的问题,而他问这种话自然也是有所企图的。 You felt, under this disparity, is the soldier individual brave importantly, equips on disparity more important?” “您觉得,在这种差距之下,是士兵个人的勇武更重要一点呢,还是装备上的差距更重要呢?” Naturally is Alexander's subconscious wish reply is brave, after all in his time, this is the widespread understanding, the Greek advocates the sports, often eulogized the heroic literary reference, some people can obtain great achievements in this aspect, they often subconscious thinks that this was the result that brave or the wisdom must come. But few people can associate, this whether and regarding has what relations for the weaponry of tool. “当然是”亚历山大下意识的想要回答是勇武,毕竟在他那个时代里,这是普遍的认识,希腊人崇尚体育,也经常歌颂英雄典故,有人能够在这方面取得丰功伟绩,他们往往下意识的都会以为这是勇武或者智慧得来的结果。而很少有人会联想到,这是否和视之为工具的武器装备有什么关系。 Alexander also fell into such strange circle. However he as an intelligent King, was many a mind. Has not given the answer immediately , because he this issue in brain. But considers carefully repeatedly, he is actually has no way to affirm, the answer that oneself think is correct. 亚历山大也是陷入了这样的怪圈。不过他作为一个智慧的王者,却是多了一个心眼。没有立刻给出答案,是因为他把这个问题又在脑子里过了一遍。而这么仔细地一再斟酌,他却是没法那么肯定,自己所想的答案就是正确的了。 On brave, a native of Macedonia is not no doubt bad. Otherwise impossible to start to fight up and down the country from his father that generation, conquers half world to build the foundation for him. However must say Italy these indigenous be worse than their natives of Macedonia, this may on some meaning against one's conscience. 论勇武,马其顿人固然不差。不然也不可能从他父亲那一代开始就南征北战,为他征服半个世界打下基础。但是要说意大利的那些土著们就要比他们马其顿人差,这可就有些昧着良心的意思了。 With once regarded Macedonia for barbaric Greece( Macedonia's most edge in Greek world), time-honored Egypt and does not miss many what Persia and India are different, Italian Peninsula these indigenous may really can be the barbarian in that time. The living resources basically depend on nomadic and hunting, constructs the ability of city-state not to have continually, the city that constructs is a city, rather is the earth encircles, is simple mixes up to overhang an appearance the wood/blockhead and soil. 和一度视马其顿为野蛮的希腊(马其顿在希腊世界的最边缘),历史悠久的埃及以及不差多少的波斯、印度不一样的是,意大利半岛的那些土著在那个时代可真算得上是野蛮人。生活资源基本上靠游牧和狩猎,连兴建城邦的能力都没有,所建造的城市与其说是城市,不如说是土围,就是简简单单的把木头和泥土混在一起撑出个样子而已。 In the civilization degree, he absolutely is the Greek world peripheral zone most discriminated place. However because of this, Alexander does not dare saying that their braveness are inferior to a native of Macedonia. 在文明程度上,他绝对是希腊世界边缘地带最被歧视的地方。但是也正因为如此,亚历山大才不敢说,他们的勇武不如马其顿人。 The most direct change that civilization, brings is the change of human habitat. A state of enough civilization, will present lots of artists and scholars, the production activities will also turn into the calm and steady agricultural production planter from hunting nomadic of danger. This change is overall good, but places on the individual is, the universal physical quality of person will drop. 文明,所带来的最直接的改变就是人类生活环境的变化。一个足够文明的国度,会出现大量的艺术家以及学者,生产活动也会从危险的狩猎游牧变成安稳的农产种植。这种改变在整体上来说是好的,但是放在个体上就是,人的普遍身体素质会下降下来。 A farmer and an Italian indigenous herdsman in casual Greece, are the herdsman must be stronger absolutely. Because he must graze a horse, must cope with the pack of wolves and Beast. But similar truth, Macedonian soldiers, although is brave, but struggles in the difficult environment year to year, and must the mortal body resist the Beast indigenous soldiers frequently, their braveness will not be inferior. 随便拉一个希腊的农民和一个意大利土著牧民,绝对是牧民要更加强壮一些。因为他要放马,要对付狼群和野兽。而同样的道理,马其顿士兵虽然勇武,但是常年在艰苦环境中挣扎,并且要经常肉身对抗野兽的土著战士们,他们的勇武也是不会逊色的。 Even said that will be stronger. Because in the Macedonian soldiers has the weak one to exist, so long as in allowing in category. However the barbarian soldier will not have the too weak person, because of the severe environment these so-called weak ones, will fall to direct elimination. 甚至说会更强。因为马其顿士兵里有弱者存在,只要在容许的范畴之内。但是野蛮人战士可不会有太弱的人,因为严苛的环境就会把这些所谓的弱者,给直接的淘汰掉。 Even but if so, a native of Macedonia can easily defeat the barbarian as before, this inside real reason is anything, could still be imagined. 可即便是如此,马其顿人依旧能轻易地战胜野蛮人,这里面真正的原因是什么,也就可想而知了。 Good, it seems like function of weaponry indeed very important. Therefore, you are want to tell me, I should allocate the enough sharp sword and firm mail-armor and helmet for under my hand these soldiers, in Sir/minister?” “好吧,看来武器装备的作用的确非常的重要。所以,你是想要告诉我,我应该为我手底下的这些士兵们配发足够锋利的刀剑和坚固的甲胄了吗,于卿?” Yes, your majesty. But said, your word usage possibly has that some is not inappropriate, un, is not very accurate meaning.” “是的,陛下。只不过说,您用词可能有那么一些不恰当,嗯,不是很准确的意思。” Gesticulates the distance that with the hand two fingers almost can close up, looks very small, but also old in know, this distance how remote. 用手比划了一个两个指头差一点就能合拢的距离,看起来很小,但是也只有老于自己才知道,这个距离到底是多么的遥远。 He is a Chinese, the Grandmaster race of face study. Since said that gave loyalty to Alexander, then the speech management naturally must set to save enough face to him. At present says, to save face to him. But since the face remains well, then should say should also talk clearly. 他到底是个华人,面子学的大师种族。既然说效忠于了亚历山大,那么说话办事自然是要给他置留足够的面子。眼下这么说,就是为了给他留面子。而面子既然已经留好了,那么该说的也就该说清楚了。 Your majesty, what first you must understand, how long from your time to have passed. We calculate according to the A. D. year, you probably were the B. C. more than 300 years of people, but now after was 2000 . In other words, had passed fully about in 2400 from your time.” “陛下,首先你要明白的是,距离您的那个时代到底已经过去了多久。我们按照公元年来算,您大概是公元前三百多年的人,而现在则是2000之后。也就是说,距离您那个时代已经整整过去了将近两千四百年。” „In 2400, the civilization development of enough human to the situation that you may be unable to imagine. I said that probably your some are unreadable, then I change a view. As war pattern that you know very well, is the cold weapons war that our modern people said often, it had left the stage of history. With the development of weapons technology, the progress and change of science and technology, the way of war had had the obvious change. Has the person wants conservatively was insisting this type of ancient creed, writes the history in the way of cold weapons combat, however the price of blood enough lets them throws into the corner corner all ancient and obsolete things.” “两千四百年时间,足够人类的文明发展到一种你可能无法想象的地步。我这么说大概您有些难以理解,那么我换个说法吧。作为你所熟知的战争方式,也即是我们现代人经常说的冷兵器战争,它已经是退出了历史的舞台了。随着武器技术的发展,科技的进步和变迁,战争的方式已经发生了明显的改变。不是没有人想要墨守成规的坚持着这种古老的信条,以冷兵器作战的方式来书写历史,但是血的代价足够让他们把所有古老和陈旧的东西丢进犄角旮旯里。” Gives an example to explain. The English invented the Maxim gun, and on coping with Africa the war of indigenous Mejta Billy Su scholar. Using battlefield of this new invention in kills greatly, 50 British soldiers repelled more than 5000 Mejta altruistic dozens charges, killed more than 3000 people directly. But British dying in battle was zero.” “举一个实例来说明一下。英国人发明了马克沁机枪,并且将之用在对付非洲的土著麦塔比利—苏鲁士人的战争上面。利用这种新发明的战场上的大杀器,五十个英国士兵打退了五千多麦塔比利人的几十次冲锋,直接杀死了三千多人。而英国这边的阵亡是零。” Grasps the cold weapons, naturally is impossible to cause any casualties to the defense line of machine gun. This in the present time is the general knowledge, but places in front of the Alexander more than 2000 years ago ancient, this may be the real not empty miracle. 手持冷兵器,冲不过机枪的防线自然是不可能造成任何的伤亡。这在如今的时代里算是常识,但是放在亚历山大这个两千多年前的古人面前,这可就是真实不虚的奇迹了。 Any cold weapons war, how even if again the brave soldier, again how the command of wise supernatural might, was impossible saying that was one person does not die on the winning next war that a person did not injure. So long as started, even if that opposite is one flock of rabbits, relies on luck can still bite to death such several people occasionally. 任何的冷兵器战争,哪怕是再怎么骁勇善战的士兵,再怎么英明神武的统帅,也不可能说是一人不死一人不伤的就赢下一场战争。只要是开打了,那么就算对面是一群兔子,凭借着幸运也能偶尔咬死那么几个人的。 This is the habit, is the reality in Alexander cognition. But now old in introduction, breaks him obviously the general knowledge in cognition, renovated him regarding the cognition of war. This makes him unavoidably somewhat confused, after all the most familiar domain turns into the condition that he did not understand suddenly, will be individual will have such response. However quick, his King instinct vigorous great ambition and conquered to surge upward again. But he, showed an incomparably exciting smiling face at this time. 这是常态,也是亚历山大认知中的现实。而现在老于的介绍,显然是打破了他所认知中的常识,同时也刷新了他对于战争的认知。这让他难免有些迷茫,毕竟自己最熟悉的领域突然变成了一个他所不了解的状况,是个人都会有这样的反应。但是很快的,他王者天性的勃勃雄心以及征服欲就已经是再度高涨了起来。而他,在这个时候也是露出了一个无比兴奋的笑容来。 New war pattern and rule? This sounds is very interesting.” “新的战争方式和规则吗?这听起来就很有意思啊。” Is stroking gently the lush beard, what in Alexander's look reveals is the ray of flame general burning hot. 摩挲着自己茂盛的胡须,亚历山大的眼神里面流露出的是火焰一般炙热的光芒。 Compared with already me who in your so-called cold weapons war sweep away all obstacles, a brand-new war pattern, being no different is one brand-new . Moreover the challenge of rich pleasure. Without a doubt, this challenged me to meet. Then the issue came, my dear in Sir/minister, can tell me, how should I be able to start this brand-new game? Or how I should, be have the qualifications of entering this new war?” “比起已经在你所谓的冷兵器战争中所向披靡的我来说,一个崭新的战争方式,无异于是一个全新的,而且富有乐趣的挑战。毫无疑问,这个挑战我接了。那么问题就来了,我亲爱的于卿,能告诉我,我该怎么样才能开始这场崭新的游戏呢?或者说,我该怎么样,才能有进入这种新的战争的资格呢?” Similar to such that Alexander said that the advance of time has not made him feel that dreads and flinches, instead stimulated him to be the fighting spirit of King, making him even more probably want through adapting to this time, obtains new conquering and victory. This perhaps is the extremely arrogant performance, but is not this arrogance, accomplished the miracle of named Alexander the Great. 就如同亚历山大自己所说的那样,时代的进步并没有让他感到畏惧和退缩,反而是激发了他属于王者的斗志,让他越发得想要通过适应这个时代,来获得新的征服与胜利。这或许是狂妄的表现,但是不就是这种狂妄,才造就了名为亚历山大大帝的奇迹吗。 old in has the preparation early, after Alexander so opens the mouth, he says immediately. 老于对此早有心理准备,所以当亚历山大如此开口之后,他就立刻说道。 Weapon, your majesty. We need enough many weapons, did not say that gives to arm everyone, but at least, must in the tooth of elite strength us arming on.” “武器,陛下。我们需要足够多的武器,不说把所有人都给武装起来,但是最起码的,也要把我们之中的精锐力量给武装到牙齿上。” Probably weapon, you just said that that thing named Maxim gun?” “武器,像是你刚刚所说的,那种叫做马克沁机枪的东西?” Alexander is somewhat curious, regarding thing that in this new-style war has, his instinct must harbor the huge curiosity. Also is the condition does not permit, otherwise he really wants to make the modern warfare weapon to himself in front, studies well. 亚历山大有些好奇,对于这种新式战争中才存在的事物,他本能得怀有着巨大的好奇心。也就是条件不允许,不然他真的想要弄一点现代战争武器到自己面前来,好好地研究一下。 Continues. The Maxim gun was the quick 200 years ago product. Until now, the development of weapon has a more complete system and type. Said toward the individual on, has same serves as the urgent spare pistol with the short-sword, like serves as the war general rifle with the lance generally. Naturally, in the use the so-called spear/gun is possibly more similar to the arrows of your time, they need a fitting of named bullet to use normally. Otherwise is a lighting a fire stick.” “不止。马克沁机枪是快两百年前的产物了。时至今日,武器的发展早已经有了更加完备的体系和种类。往单兵上说,有和短剑一样用作紧急备用的手枪,也有如同长矛一般用作战争通用的步枪。当然,使用上所谓的枪可能更类似于你们那个时代的弓箭,他们是需要一种名为子弹的配件才能正常使用的。否则就是个烧火的棍子。” In addition the modern warfare also has some difficultly with the new-style equipment that the equipment of your time described. For example the tank, looks like the bull that one crowd of whole bodies wear armor, moreover can spout the thunder lightning general destructive power the shell. The missile, the might is hugest, you were even conceivable to let in the camp of opposite party suddenly presented the earthquake or the volcanic eruption are the same.” “此外现代战争还有一些很难用你们那个时代的装备来形容的新式装备。比如坦克,就像是一群全身披甲的公牛,而且还能喷出雷霆闪电一般破坏力的炮弹。还有导弹,威力最巨大的,你甚至可以想象为让对方的阵营里突然出现了地震或者火山爆发一样。” This may be really mysterious, has the war developed such situation? That said how many people insufficiently killed?” “这可真神奇,战争已经发展到了这样的地步吗?那岂不是说多少人都不够杀了吗?” Alexander acclaimed, but old in sighed with emotion at this time. 亚历山大只是赞叹,而老于则在这个时候感慨了起来。 Yes, many people insufficiently killed. Teaches the history actually knows, an ancient war weaponry killed several thousand people to calculate many. However the modern warfare, dying several million people are normal. Is getting down, human sooner or later will play oneself, the point is that could not stop.” “是啊,多少人都不够杀了。教历史的其实都知道,古代战争一场仗下来打死个几千人都算多的了。但是现代战争,死个几百万人都算正常。在这么下去,人类早晚有一天把自己给这么玩死了,可问题是,停不住了啊。” That finds the way to conquer everyone, lets human not the reason that continues to slaughter. Is same like the empire that I found.” “那就想办法征服所有人,让人类没有继续厮杀的理由。就如同我建立起来的帝国一样。” Alexander did not think actually the war deceased person has what incorrect. He deeply loves to conquer, naturally does not care about deceased person issue. But when compares in this feeling sorrowful, now he cares is. 亚历山大倒是不觉得战争死人是有什么不对的。他热爱征服,自然就不在意死人这种问题。而相比较于这种感时伤怀,他现在更关心的则是。 How can we be able to make the weapon that you said?” “我们要怎么样才能造出你所说的这种武器?” Makes? Cannot make. No complete industrial system and technical reserve, cannot make such developed thing. We can only think its law in addition, for example taking advantage of!” “造?造不出来。没有一个完备的工业体系和科技储备,根本造不出来这么发达的东西。我们只能另想它法,比如说借!” :.: :。:
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