MSG :: Volume #23

#2209: Taking advantage of together basic strategic point

Taking advantage of?” “借?” Even if Alexander, after hearing such a reply, had an unbelievable feeling unavoidably. 纵然是亚历山大,在听到这样一个回答之后,也难免地有了一种难以置信的感觉。 In his opinion, having this type of new-style weapon on such as is grasping the divine tool to be the same together. He has not heard, some people dare to make Poseidon hand over his trident, making Athena hand over her lance and shield. This will inevitably lead to the war, but is similar to the mortal to be the same to the Spiritual God battle, he does not think oneself once the brave subordinate, can defeat to have the soldier of sharp weapon so. How that wants to be a slaughter is right. 在他看来,掌握着这种新式武器就如同手握着神器一样。他可从来没有听说过,有人敢让波塞冬交出他的三叉戟,让雅典娜交出她的矛和盾。这势必会引起战争,而就如同凡人同神灵交战一样,他可不认为自己曾经骁勇的手下,能够战胜拥有这般利器的战士。那怎么想都该是一场屠杀才对。 Side understood a next modern weapon, all views from always in this hear in addition Alexander has this cognition, he really does not think that old in will cause what errors in this place. But such being the case, he also proposed such a excuse, if that is not bad harboring evil intentions, well, he really planned makes an issue in this aspect, moreover this aspect also really had bright prospects. 只是侧面了解了一下现代武器,一切说法都是从老于这听来的亚历山大尚且有这个认知,他真不认为老于自己会在这个地方上弄出什么错漏来。而既然如此,他还提出了这么一个说辞,那么如果不是坏的居心叵测的话,那么就是说,他是真的打算在这方面做文章,而且这方面还真就大有可为了。 Since is willing to pin the trust on a body of person, then must have the greatest trust to him. This is Alexander's consistent attitude, but at this time was also same. He has not thought toward the bad place old in, but thinks purely he really has that means. Because also think that is not quite clear, he opens the mouth is asking to old in. 既然愿意将信任寄托在一个人的身上,那么就要对他有最大程度的信任。这是亚历山大一贯的作风,而这个时候也是一样。他没有把老于往坏的地方想,而是单纯地认为他是真的有那个办法。只是因为自己还想不太明白,他才张口对着老于这么问道。 Very assured appearance that although you said that but I not am quite clear, how do you plan to borrow? This type of thing can also borrow casually?” “虽然你说的很笃定的样子,但是我还是不太明白,你打算怎么借?这种东西也是能随便借到的吗?” Naturally, my your majesty. Must know the region that you place now, but in the past dozens years the world's most chaotic is also one of regions the war sends most frequently. Perhaps these tank missiles and so on kills greatly insufficiently sees, but these can arm the individual weapon of soldier, actually wants many to have many “当然,我的陛下。要知道您现在所身处的这片区域,可是近几十年来世界上最混乱也是战争最频发的区域之一。或许那些坦克导弹之类的大杀器不够多见,但是那些能够武装士兵的单兵武器,却是要多少有多少嗯” At this point, old in sized up an all around number already toward on surely the dead spirit of number, immediately changed a statement. 说到这里,老于打量了一下四周数目已经往千万上数的亡灵,当即就改口了起来。 At least said, armed your elite soldier hand/subordinate is absolutely enough.” “最起码的说,武装您手下的精锐士兵是绝对足够了的。” Spatially begins borrows? This seems like one in rags, the weaponless robber takes by force a fully-armed soldier to be the same, it is estimated that the best result was also stabbed to death by a soldier lance there.” “可是就这么空着手的去借吗?这就好像是一个衣衫褴褛,手无寸铁的强盗去打劫一个全副武装的士兵一样,估计最好的结果也就是被士兵一矛戳死在那里吧。” Naturally cannot begin to borrow this first to say spatially in the future, my your majesty. Before we do that actually a little can use.” “当然不能空着手去借不过这个先往后说,我的陛下。在我们这么做之前,其实有一点是可以利用的。” old in rouses is sucking the cheek gangs of some excrescences, routine keeping guessing. But Alexander also coordinates, cocks the ears the inquiry to say. 老于鼓咂着自己有些赘肉的腮帮,习惯性的卖起了关子。而亚历山大也是非常配合的,侧耳询问道。 For example?” “比如说呢?” For example, my just joined to you under probably the status of these deads.” “比如说,像是我这样刚刚加入到您麾下的这些亡者们的身份。” The letter/believes pointed at referred to itself also having that big piece put on the manner attitude to have the deads of significant difference from Alexander such ancient times person, old in was saying to Alexander. 信手指了指自己还有那一大片无论是穿着还是神态作风都和亚历山大这样的古代人士有着明显区别的亡者们,老于就这么对着亚历山大说道。 I probably am an exception, after all is asking for trouble goes to this foreign country from the easiest most and comfortable country. However they may be different, they were born mostly here, and until now, should be has the relative and even the friend and so on survival. This means that they have a wee bit foundations, so long as asked their past relatives and friends to borrow by present this status, 12 spear/gun anything, were completely the casual things. After all here may never be peaceful. If under a big family hand does not have two spears/guns, but has no way to live peacefully.” “我大概算是个例外,毕竟是自讨苦吃的从最安逸的国家跑到这种异国他乡的。但是他们可不一样,他们大都出生在这里,并且直到现在,也该是有着亲戚乃至朋友之类的幸存着。这意味着他们并不是没有一丁点的根基,只要以现在这个身份去找他们以往的亲朋好友去借,一两把枪什么的,完全就是随随便便的事情。毕竟这里可从来不算是太平的。一个大家庭手底下要是没两把枪,可是没法安生过日子的。” Being equal to the mercenary is the same, making them bring the weapon and equipment participates in the fight?” “等同于雇佣兵一样,让他们自带武器和装备参与战斗吗?” Mercenary word is stems from Alexander that years Polis, but in the life that Alexander fights up and down the country has not been short and this special branch of the services has had to do. Therefore a old in such saying, he regarding as mercenary will be immediately common, was very vivid to relate the two. 雇佣兵这个词本身就是起源于亚历山大那个时代的希腊城邦,而亚历山大南征北战的一生里也没有少和这种特殊的兵种打交道过。所以老于这么一说,他立刻就将之看做雇佣兵一般,很形象得将二者联系了起来。 But such a thinks, he was also wants to understand. This also indeed in oneself do not have under premise that makes this type of new-style weapon, gaining this type of weapon most quickly is also the simplest most and direct means. This also means can only solve at best urgent matter, in the issue of solution underlying demand, futile attempt, cannot play what decisive effect. 而这么一想,他也算是想明白了。这也的确是在自身不具备生产这种新式武器的前提下,获取这种武器最快也是最简捷的办法。只是,这种办法充其量也只能是解一下燃眉之急,在解决根本需求的问题上,到底还是杯水车薪,起不到什么决定性作用。 Naturally, he also believes the wise man who oneself looked for recently will not have realized this point, therefore he consults immediately general is asking to old in. 当然,他也相信自己新近找来的这个智者不会没有意识到这一点,所以他立刻就请教一般的对着老于问道。 Then again following? Cannot depend on the strengths of these mercenaries to conquer the world.” “那么再接下来呢?总不能就靠这些雇佣兵的力量来征服世界吧。” Naturally no, at any time is strong to do to be the matter of courting destruction weakly. This has history Kejian.” “当然不,任何时候强枝弱干都会是自取灭亡的事情。这是有史可鉴的。” old in the heart is itchy for a while, some want to show off the status of history teacher, with matter that Tang end military commissioner separates matter. However thinks Alexander dead , the big Macedonian empire disintegrates, has equally good results from different methods the wonderful fact. He honest suppressed this saying at heart. 老于一时心痒,有些想显摆一下自己历史老师的身份,拿唐末节度使割据的事情来说事。但是一想亚历山大死后偌大的马其顿帝国土崩瓦解,有着异曲同工之妙的事实。他就老老实实的把这话憋回了心里。 Then must borrow, but cannot be such small scale. On few civilian cannot dig out many perquisites. Taking advantage , can only again from the rich people, is the bodies of these countries starts. But my suggestion is, we ask the dog wealthy and powerful family to borrow directly “接下来还是要借,不过不能是这样的小打小闹了。升斗小民身上也抠不出多少油水来。再借,就只能从大户人家,也就是那些国家的身上入手。而我的建议是,我们直接去找狗大户借” The deads consulted secretly for night, next day looks like the honeybee of nest general, expands outward. They have anything to plan, Ariane Kouhia did not care, they have what intention, she does not know similarly. Consumed the magnanimous supernatural power, to a certain extent has made her somewhat weak, for is actually such a she uncertain situation. 亡者们暗暗磋商了一夜,第二天就像是出巢的蜜蜂一般,向外扩张开来。他们有什么计划,阿莱克西亚不关心,他们有什么意图,她同样也不知晓。耗费了海量的神力,从某种程度上来说都已经让她变得有些虚弱了,为的其实就是这么一个连她自己也不确定的情况。 In the self- determination, eats a moat to grow her of wisdom not to improperly belittle oneself. She is very clear, oneself no doubt are intelligent, in the intelligence quotient in scientific study must far exceed in this world 99.99% human, may be called the absolute talent. However that also in science. But in the talent in schemes and tricks aspect, she with does not act. 在对自我的判定上,吃过一堑长过一智的她并不妄自菲薄。她很清楚,自己固然是聪明,在科学研究方面的智商要远超这个世界上百分之九十九点九九的人类,堪称绝对的天才。但是那也只是在科学上。而在阴谋诡计这方面的天赋上,她着实是拿不出手的。 Perhaps is strong a little compared with the average person, this gives credit to her logic is also meticulous. However must say that overall layout and tactical strategical application, she really does not have that high talent. 或许比一般人强那么一点,这归功于她逻辑还算是缜密。但是要说整体的布局以及战术战略上的应用,她实在是没有那么高的天赋。 The women are always limited in this aspect talent. This point star King historically is the male can be inferred mostly. Although said that the paternalistic society system has a large part of factors, but if is really the awl sets in the pouch, then this/should has one day of blooming. If cannot grip to break this sack, then also can only say, your ability was extremely limited. 女人在这方面天赋从来都是有限的。这一点从历史上的名将王者大都是男性就可见一斑。虽然说父系社会体系有很大一部分因素在,但是如果真的是锥置囊中的话,那么就该是有脱颖而出的一天。如果说没有能扎破这个囊袋,那么也就只能是说,你的才能太过有限了。 Ariane Kouhia not with what women's rights and so on finds the excuse for oneself, she is willing to acknowledge that some fact, then finds the way to fill the vacancy in this aspect from other aspects. It looks like now this. Since oneself have a big flaw in tactical strategical bringing under control, then comes out famous Alexander, making him come for oneself under this chess not on the line? 阿莱克西亚不会用什么女权之类的为自己找借口,她更愿意承认某个事实,然后想办法从其他方面填补这方面的空缺。就像是现在这样。既然自己在战术战略上的布控有着不小的缺陷,那么把鼎鼎有名的亚历山大拉出来,让他来替自己下这一盘棋不就行了嘛? Runs amuck a time, lets the entire time low-spirited colorless character, was impossible saying that traded a time became unsuccessfully. Some things of talent decision, even if said that covers up him to the total darkness abyss, he also would blooming the dazzling ray. 横行一个时代,让整个时代都黯然无色的人物,不可能说换了个时代就变得碌碌无为了。有些天赋决定的事情,哪怕说是把他遮掩到暗无天日的深渊里,他也总会有绽放出耀眼的光芒来。 Alexander should be such person, so long as he remains above this world, will be doomed to make this world for him turbulent. 亚历山大就该是这样的人,他只要还存在于这个世界之上,就注定会让这个世界为他而动荡。 It seems like the fierce tiger returns to the mountain forest to be the same, resurrected Alexander's such character, Ariane Kouhia was doomed to undertake by the risk that he backlashed. Wants solely to deter such a King in the name of Spiritual God, does not cut the actual matter. 只是,就好像是把猛虎放归山林一样,复活了亚历山大这样的人物,阿莱克西亚就注定要承担被他所反噬的风险。想要单单以神灵的名义来威慑这样的一位王者,到底还是不太切实际的事情。 Don't forget, he conquered Egypt, making people call him the man of child of sun god. Is a sword cuts off prediction the man in Solomon king Jie. The position of Spiritual God in his heart, like that lofty, regarding a King who not necessarily such as the average person thinks, what itself should not have to be able let alone to dominate above him, not? 别忘了,他可是征服了埃及,让人们称他为太阳神之子的男人。更是一剑砍断预言中的所罗门王结的男人。神灵在他心中的地位,未必如一般人所想的那般崇高,更何况对于一个王者来说,本身就不该是有什么能够凌驾在他之上的,不是吗? Ariane Kouhia never, in own status can play in the major role to hold anything to hope. Compares in this type purely by the lucky possibility, she is willing wanting to repose above that three months of time limit that in oneself set. 阿莱克西亚就从来没有在自己的身份能够起到多大作用上抱有什么希望。相比较于这种纯靠侥幸的可能,她更愿意把希望寄托在自己所设定的那三个月的时限之上。 If in the King of talent, is impossible to resist the corrosion of time. It seems Alexander to be the same before death, even if he again how outstanding ability and grand vision, meets total defeat unavoidably before own predestined time of death. Now is also same, even if he really can continue itself to conquer the prestige of king again, in the way of the world that in this has changed makes a own stretch of the world, he three months of predestined time of death should still become the rope that will tighten his nape of the neck, making him have the huge skill also difficult to turn out the day from Ariane Kouhia's palm. 任是在天才的王者,也不可能抵挡住时间的侵蚀。就好像亚历山大生前一样,他纵使再怎么雄才伟略,也难免会折戟沉沙在自己的大限之前。如今也是一样,就算是他真的能够再续自己征服王的威名,在这早已经改变的世道里打出属于自己的一片天地,他三个月的大限也会成为勒紧他脖颈的绳索,让他有天大的本事也难从阿莱克西亚的手掌心上翻出天来。 This does not need to let the issue that Ariane Kouhia is worried about, therefore nature, she also whatever these deads displayed freely. 这是不需要让阿莱克西亚担心的问题,所以自然的,她也就任由这些亡者们自由发挥了起来。 In both sides have suspended on the checkerboard of battle formation playing chess to throw an apple again, this is she planned one point. On the writing skill, such writing skill is nothing less than big. Inscribed the King above river of history to give to draw continually, including the national capital of deceased person calling in the world, this absolutely was the huge writing skill. 在双方早已经摆好阵势对弈的棋盘上再扔进去一个苹果,这本来就是她计划中的一环。就手笔来说,这样的手笔不可谓不大。连铭刻于历史长河之上的王者都给拉了出来,连死人之国都给唤到了世界上,这绝对是天大的手笔了。 May forgive is so, Ariane Kouhia will still not feel satisfied. She will always feel oneself should the more better of doing, but the present situation is, she has not reached the limit that oneself can make obviously. 可饶是如此,阿莱克西亚仍然不会感到满足。她总是会觉得自己该做的越多越好,而现在的情况是,她显然还没有达到自己所能做的极限。 The intelligent life that only Ultron, human makes wants with Hydra, with Smith. The week opposes. This is not the behavior of considering resources bite off more than can chew, this is bringing about own destruction simply. 区区一个奥创,人类制造出来的智能生命就想要和九头蛇,和史密斯.周作对。这已经不是自不量力的行为了,这简直就是在自寻死路。 Naturally, she does not plan to let Smith. The week deals with Ultron this issue personally, because in her opinion, Ultron apparently did not have such qualifications. Although said that from the present condition, Ultron has done to make a name Europe, had a own situation. However, she has enough self-confidence, from oneself here Ultron detaining. 当然,她可不打算让史密斯.周亲自来处理奥创这个问题,因为在她看来,奥创显然还没有这样的资格。尽管说从现在的状况来看,奥创已经是在欧洲这边作成了气候,有了属于自己的一番大势。但是,她还是有足够的自信,从自己这里就把奥创给拦阻下来的。 So-called devil, so-called dead, but is she with ahead of time arrangement that Ultron separates contests spatially. But these can only frustrate the point of Ultron attack, actually had no way saying that fundamentally cracked down on the Ultron influence. This is a very major problem, if can only achieve such situation merely, then also contains the Ultron temporary movement at best, when he got strength back, as before again he can continue to take an action. 所谓的魔鬼,所谓的亡者,不过是她在和奥创隔空过招的提前布置而已。而这些只能挫败奥创进攻的锋芒,却没法说从根本上对奥创的势力进行打击。这是一个很大的问题,因为如果仅仅只能做到这样的地步的话,那么充其量也就是遏制住奥创暂时的动作,等他缓过劲来了,他依旧是能够再继续有所行动的。 This is not the result that Ariane Kouhia wants, since she had planned that began to Ultron, that naturally wants in one vigorous effort him to direct killing. But how should be able to wipe to vanish such a opponent fundamentally, Ariane Kouhia has the plan. 这可不是阿莱克西亚想要的结果,她既然已经打算对奥创动手了,那自然是想要一鼓作气的把他给直接打死为止的。而该怎么样才能把这样的一个对手从根本上抹消掉呢,阿莱克西亚心里早已经是有了打算。 As the enemy, knowing oneself and other side is one very essential step. Since had determined Ultron takes own opponent, Ariane Kouhia naturally must have a thorough understanding of the Ultron situation. 作为敌人,知己知彼是一个很关键的步骤。而既然已经确定了奥创来作为自己的对手,阿莱克西亚当然是要对奥创的情况有一个深入的了解。 Intelligent life, this is a very important information. As a distinguished scientist, Ariane Kouhia is also unusual understanding, this status means anything. 智能生命,这是很重要的一个情报。作为一个杰出的科学家,阿莱克西亚也是非常的明白,这种身份到底会意味着什么。 This means that Ultron is almost impossible to be destroyed, only if said that gives to damage the network of the world, gives before the civilization of entire human backs up the information revolution, otherwise he can in the network world that in human constructs found taking shelter place. 这意味着奥创几乎不可能被毁灭,除非说将全世界的网络都给破坏掉,将整个人类的文明都给倒退回信息革命之前,否则他都能在人类构造出来的网络世界里找到一个容身之地。 Let alone does human have such boldness, or does she have such ability. Even has, Ultron will not have provided for a rainy day, do oneself give himself to build a local area network? 别说人类有没有这样的魄力,或者她有没有这样的能力。就算是有,难道奥创还不会未雨绸缪的,自己给自己搭建出一个局域网来吗? Therefore this move is doomed to walk does not pass, but Ariane Kouhia does not have that type to kill the enemy 1000 to damage 800 ideas, plans to resort to such method. What she settles on, other one possibility. 所以这一招注定是走不通的了,而阿莱克西亚也没有那种杀敌一千自损八百的想法,打算动用这样的手段。她看中的是,另外的一种可能。 This possibility first is to clarify the Ultron present influence, how to build? 这种可能首先就是要弄清楚奥创如今的势力,是怎么样营造出来的? Superficially, is he by own scientific and technical strength, forcefully kills a way out to come from all influence of human. However, this eventually is only a superficial view. But as the enemy, very difficult the person from human camp, Ariane Kouhia actually to believe, this inside must have an explanation of deeper level. 表面上来看,是他凭借自身的科技实力,硬生生的从人类的各方势力中杀出一条生路来的。但是,这终究只是一个表面性的看法。而作为敌人,一个很难从人类自己阵营出发的人,阿莱克西亚却认为,这里面应当是有一个更深层次的解释。 For example, he took advantage of the mastery of human. 比方说,他依仗了人类的底蕴。 This is the view that ponders very much, if deeply understood that Ultron can discover, this by the life that human creates, is shows to dominate the development potential completely above human. Currently the level of human, he does not seem to need existence of human, solely only by own development, can mold a similar civilization system to come out. However, he has not chosen does that. But in another way, completed the mold of oneself system. 这是一个很玩味的说法,因为如果深入了解奥创的话就可以发现,这个被人类所创造出来的生命,已经是展现出了完全凌驾于人类之上的发展潜力。就目前人类的水平来看,他似乎根本就不需要人类的存在,单单只靠自身的发展,就能塑造出一个类似的文明体系出来。然而,他并没有选择这么做。而是以另一种方式,完成了自身体系的塑造。 Probably attaches in lofty tree wisteria is the same, he lets oneself social climbing above this big tree, to absorb the way of common nutrient and sunlight comes with the breath, develops. Even said, he also has to return nurturing to parents this big tree, lets meaning that this big tree grows healthy and strong. 就好像是依附在参天大树身上的藤萝一样,他只是让自己攀附在这颗大树之上,以吸收共同养分和阳光的方式来同呼吸,共发展。甚至说,他还有着反哺这棵大树,让这颗大树更加茁壮成长的意思。 Seriously is very unusual idea, it can be said that does not conform to the species development the common sense. But without the means that this is the choice of Ultron, and currently speaking, he as if does well, dramatical has spread the path of development to human. 当真是很奇特的想法,可以说是根本不符合物种发展的常理。但没有办法,这就是奥创的选择,并且从目前来看,他似乎做得不错,有声有色的就已经是给人类铺好了发展的道路。 This also left the hidden troubles to him. Because looks like the issue that all parasitic plants must face to be the same. As the wisteria of social climbing above human big tree, Ultron needs be cautious to maintain present, but regarding is not drains the human the nutrient, living this big tree entangling. 只是,这到底是也给他埋下了隐患。因为就像是所有寄生植物所要面对的问题一样。作为攀附在人类这个大树之上的藤萝,奥创必须要小心翼翼得才能保持住眼下的这个局面,而不至于说是抽干人类的养分,以至于活生生的把这棵大树给缠死喽。 But unfortunately, Ariane Kouhia also noticed this point, she also prepared to begin from this point. 而不幸的是,阿莱克西亚也注意到了这一点,并且的,她也准备从这一点上动手。 The skin does not save hair Jiangan to attach, without the support and protection of big tree, as the wisteria, he also had the leeway of survival? To come, should not have. 正所谓皮之不存毛将安附焉,没有了大树的支撑和保护,作为藤萝,他难道还有生存的余地吗?想来,应该是没有的。
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