MSG :: Volume #23

#2207: The twirp not hears lifetime

old in? Strange name “老于?奇怪的称呼” This is the first time that Alexander with always had the contact in this typical Oriental probably. After all in his short life, he has not visited the Eastern territory truly. 这大概是亚历山大第一次和老于这种典型的东方人产生接触。毕竟在他短暂的一生中,他都未曾真正踏足过东方的领土。 But what luckily is, as the dead, they can exchange with the dead unique way, otherwise, is only the difference of language, will be a hard-to-pass hindrance. 而幸好的是,作为亡者,他们是可以用亡者特有的方式来相互交流的,不然,光是语言的差别,就会是一座难以逾越的阻碍。 Naturally, now this hindrance does not exist. Therefore Alexander after whispering such, is the kind racket old in shoulder, was saying to him. 当然,现在这个阻碍是并不存在的。所以亚历山大在嘀咕了这么一声之后,就已经是亲切的拍起了老于的肩膀,然后对着他这么说道。 You brought a very important news to me, old in. Originally today's human has developed such a situation. The cities of over a hundred million population? Zeus on, perhaps the city that also only then the Spiritual God focuses attention on can support so many population. However this is also just right, I also worried that my army surely does not have the opportunity, all conquering will seem like the flood conflict earth hillock to be the same, insipid. However now looks like, my conquering is a little significance. Also only then such challenging matter, can be called to conquer, not?” “你给我带来了一个很重要的消息,老于。原来今天的人类已经发展到了这样的一个地步。上亿人口的城市?宙斯在上,恐怕也只有神灵所瞩目的城市才能养活这么多的人口吧。不过这也正好,我本身还担心自己的千万大军已经没有了用武之地,所有的征服都会像是洪水冲突土垅一样,索然无味。但是现在看来,我的征服到底还是有点意义在的。也只有这样有挑战性的事情,才能叫做征服,不是吗?” You may really be optimistic and open-minded. If I am you, I not conquering the super city will say like this. First this is somewhat impractical, the extremely remote matter remains talks over at heart is always saying to be more conscientious than the time. Secondly that is, the words that the goal said directly, always unavoidably will make one have guard against. Since goes to war, unexpectedly then catches off guard is the correct principle.” “您可真是乐观而且豁达啊。如果我是您的话,我就不会把征服这样的超级城市挂在嘴边。一来是这有些不切实际,太过遥远的事情留在心里念叨着总比时刻挂在嘴边要脚踏实地一些。二来也就是,把目标直接地说出来的话,总是难免会让人有所防备的。既然是打仗,那么出其不意攻其不备的才是正理吧。” Catches off guard unexpectedly? This also is really one simplifies, moreover profound view. old in, you are not the ordinary person.” “出其不意攻其不备吗?这还真是一个精简而且又深刻的说法。老于,你可不是一般的人啊。” Made an effort to pinch old in shoulder, in Alexander eyes to the interest that he revealed obvious increased much. 用力地捏了捏老于的肩头,亚历山大眼中对他所流露出来的兴趣明显的增加了不少。 This is not the truth that the average person can summarize. You said that you had taught others, looking at it like this, old in, are really you also a brilliant scholar?” “这可不是一般人能总结出来的道理。你说你曾经教导过别人,这样看来,老于,你还真是一个睿智的学者呢?” Is far from, is far from. Also ascends what others say of predecessor, I may be unable to say this words. I am also one open the supermarket, without you said is so great.” “谈不上,谈不上。也就是拾前人的牙慧,我自己可说不出这种话来。我也就是一个开超市的,没你说的那么了不起。” old in beckons with the hand again and again, routine adopted a humble stance. People like Alexander, will not make one deny oneself oneself view casually. He stickles, and gave own reason. 老于连连摆手,习惯性的摆出了一副谦逊的姿态。只是亚历山大这种人,可不会随便就让人去否定自己自己的说法。他还是坚持己见,并且也给出了自己的理由。 This is the Oriental consistent humble? I had heard actually, has not actually experienced. Really makes people not quite good to understand, this not to you what, as soon as unfolds own retaliation, ideal and ambition causes to hinder? The ambition and looks like the horses of dumb ideally, you must in the spoken language at times urges on it, rectifies it, it can have the galloping battlefield, the possibility of achievement great achievements, not?” “这就是东方人一贯的谦逊吗?我倒是有所耳闻过,却是从来没怎么见识过。真是让人不太好理解,这难道不会对你们一展自己的报复、理想和野心造成什么阻碍吗?野心和理想就像是驽钝的马匹,你要用言语时时的鞭策它,矫正它,它才能有驰骋疆场,成就丰功伟绩的可能,不是吗?” Your view I can understand, this is also the mental dispositions of your westerner. However our Oriental thought that facts speak louder than words, words saying spread surely was also inferior under the hand made one solid. And looks as for the great ambition wildly? Our East has a story of such king to spread your time probably 200 years ago.” “您的说法我能理解,这也是你们西方人的秉性。但是我们东方人却还是觉得事实胜于雄辩,话说千万遍也不如手底下做一遍来的实在。至于雄心和野望?我们东方在您那个时代大概两百年前有着这么一位君王的故事流传着。” What said is a monarchy named King Zhuang of Chu, the country in taking a seat is turbulent, contradictory layer on layer/heavily, in has the powerful minister to rebel, outside has the enemy to lie in wait from all sides. His high-rank three years, do not say a word at the national affairs. All day in demeanor dog or horse, probably a stupid monarchy. However three years later, he actually initiated suddenly, made a good use of the loyal and straightforward fierce official, strangled to death the domestic revolting feudal official, attacked to extinguish the invading one's territory enemy. And the development economy, the substantial national strength, once became the overlord who in the Eastern various countries deserves.” “说的是一名叫做楚庄王的君主,在即位的时候国家动荡,矛盾重重,内有权臣叛乱,外有敌国环伺。他上位三年,于国事不发一言。整日里声色犬马,好像一个昏庸的君主。但是三年之后,他却是骤然发起,重用了忠直勇猛的臣子,绞杀了国内的叛臣,攻灭了来犯的敌国。并且发展经济,充实国力,一度成为了东方诸国之中当之无愧的霸主。” „, Is this king very interesting?” Similarly takes the monarchy subconsciously, Alexander competed with old in mouth King Zhuang of Chu. He is that inborn has the vision of judge, and existence that the wisdom outstanding to letting the person is unable to be a worthy opponent? I am very difficult to imagine, succumbs to the wine and women, did not ask that the monarchy of politics, even buoys up, how has can achieve such situation? The matter of country does not have the minor matter, usually needs the sagacious person to instruct from side, slowly gains in the experience to know extremely well. But probably the king in your story, he even is inborn intelligently, can inborn have such experience?” “哦,这位国王很有意思?”同样作为君主,亚历山大下意识的就和老于口中的楚庄王攀比了起来。“难道他是那种天生就带有着识人的眼光,并且智慧超群到让人无法匹敌的存在吗?我真的很难想象,一个沉湎于酒色,不问政事的君主,即便是振作,有怎么能做到那样的地步?国家的事情没有小事,往往需要贤明的人从旁指导,慢慢积累出经验才能熟稔起来。而像是你故事里的这个君王,他即便是天生就聪明,难道还能天生就有着这样的经验吗?” Some people have asked this king a few words. That is the official of king, he worries such situation very much, therefore one day heard that this king is drinking to eat the meat, listens to music to look at the dance. One hit, interrogated face to face to that king. He said, I heard the national capital has a bird, dwells above your royal palace, the entire three years, did not sound not to soar, making one not be really fully correct, what bird it is.” “有人问过这位君王一句话。那是君王的臣子,他很忧心这样的情况,所以有一天听说这位君王又在喝酒吃肉,听歌看舞。就一头撞了上去,当面对那位君王质问起来。他说,我听说国都有一种鸟,栖息在您的王宫之上,整整三年了,不鸣叫也不飞翔,让人实在是猜不透,它到底是什么样的鸟啊。” At this point, old in coughed two. Keeps guessing, is borrows potential to withdraw Alexander to grab the hand of his shoulder. 说到这里,老于干咳了两声。既是卖关子,也是借势脱开亚历山大抓着他肩膀的手。 Do not look at Alexander to seem like 30 -year-old appearances, only enough gives old in to become the son by the age. However two people physiques may really not be a scale. Alexander is the famous brave king, even can the killing lion single-handedly. This manifests in his physique is, he is a height is close to two meters robust man, strong, robust. Threatens if the look of fierce tiger is joined to like the lion long neck hair common beard again, simply is the strong man two character most real portrayals. 别看亚历山大看上去才三十来岁的模样,论岁数只够给老于当儿子的。但是两人的体格可真不是一个档次的。亚历山大是出名的勇武君王,甚至能单枪匹马的杀死狮子。这体现在他的体格上就是,他是一个身高接近两米的壮汉,膀大腰圆,虎背熊腰。气势汹汹如若猛虎的眼神再配上如同狮鬃一般的胡须,简直就是猛男两个字最真实的写照。 But under compares, old in old, stature, although is not too short, but will not be high. Long ago year to year studied to write to leave behind the eye disease, eyeglasses thick was like the bottle bottom. Afterward opened a supermarket Egyptian here, the easy life crossed comfortably, grew a big wholesale market. This person, is called the middle and old aged greasy uncle. But by having the battle efficiency, Alexander estimated that hits old in this, coming 20 not to bring to gasp for breath. 而相比较之下,老于年纪不小,身材虽然不算太矮,但是也不会太高。早年常年读书写字留下了眼疾,眼镜厚的跟瓶底一样。后来在埃及这里开了间超市,小日子过得舒坦了,更是长出了不小的啤酒肚。这种人,简称中老年油腻大叔。而论起战斗力,亚历山大估计打老于这样的,来二十个都不带喘气的。 Therefore was patted such several by Alexander, he is really in the bone has one type soon to be patted the loose feeling. But on outwardly he of not good truth , can only taking this opportunity, escape from his evil clutches. Naturally, his story must continue. 所以被亚历山大拍了这么几下,他真是骨头里都有一种快要被拍散的感觉。而明面上又不好实说的他,也只能是借着这个机会,从他的魔爪中逃脱出来。当然,他的故事还是要继续说下去的。 This king hears his official to inquire itself, spoke such words. He said, this bird is not the ordinary bird, his three years do not fly, only to soar. But its three years did not call, to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. This is the phoenix, King in hundred bird.” “这个君王听到他的臣子这么询问自己,却是说了这么一番话。他说,这只鸟不是普通的鸟啊,他三年不飞,只为了一飞冲天。而它三年不鸣,则为的是一鸣惊人。这是凤凰,百鸟之中的王者啊。” I think that I understood your meaning, old Mr. in.” To old in name add-on a mister, this explained that Alexander has subdued for his knowledge. This is not embarrassed regarding a King, because no one has stipulated that King on if certainly in that knowledge exceeds everyone's existence. “我想我明白你的意思了,老于先生。”在对老于的称呼后加了一个先生,这说明亚历山大已然是为他的学识所折服。这对于一个王者来说并不难堪,因为谁也没有规定过,王者就一定要是那种学识上胜过所有人的存在。 The true King, does not need the best knowledge, does not need the most excellent braveness, what he needs is only the broadest mind. Can hold all compared with he better existence, and has for the consciousness and boldness of its using, this is the King should have the quality that. 真正的王者,不需要有最好的学识,也不需要有最过人的勇武,他需要的只是最广阔的胸襟。能够容纳所有一切比他更好的存在,并且有着将之为其所用的意识、魄力,这才是王者该有的品质。 Alexander without a doubt is that true King, he can increase the family fortunes from a small city-state of Macedonian such Greece remote areas to almost conquered half world, but not only by brave. All rivers run into sea, attempts to integrate in own system all beautiful powerful things, is he becomes the true key of King. 亚历山大毫无疑问是那种真正的王者,他能从马其顿这样一个希腊偏远地区的小城邦发家到几乎征服了半个世界,可不仅仅只是靠勇武而已的。海纳百川,尝试把一切美好强大的事物融入到自己的体制之中,才是他成为王者的真正关键。 At this time was also same, he obviously heard from old in story made him feel thing that benefitted greatly. But this is also makes him more excited is patting old in shoulder, sees the beautiful woman general like the lascivious person, to his flashing eyes shining saying. 这个时候也是一样,他明显是从老于的故事中听到了一些让他感觉受益匪浅的东西。而这也是让他更加兴奋得拍着老于的肩膀,如同好色之人看到美人一般,对着他目光炯炯发亮的说道。 This king three years succumb to the appearance that the image in wine and women is only he deliberately displays, in fact make fully the preparation in him secretly, only treat a perfect time, are good to grasp all in oneself hand. Before this and you , that said catches off guard unexpectedly is about a truth. However actually must bearing patiently and has aspiration some.” “这个君王三年沉湎于酒色之中的形象只是他刻意表现出来的模样,实际上在暗地里他已经是做足了准备,只待一个完美的时机,好来把一切都掌握在自己的手中。这和你之前所说的那个攻其不备出其不意大约是一个道理。但是却要更加的隐忍以及有抱负一些。” old Mr. in, I indeed looks right. You are really a brilliant scholar. Can so have the story of philosophy to have words at fingertips and write with facility, this is not the matter that generally the knowledgeable person can achieve. In brief, becomes my helping, old Mr. in, thinks that your wisdom can become us to conquer the cornerstone of the world, such achievement also being insufficient makes you feel choked up with emotions?” “老于先生,我的确看的没错。你果真是一个睿智的学者。能将这般有哲理的故事信手拈来,这可不是一般有学识的人能够做到的事情。总之,成为我的臂助吧,老于先生,想一想你的智慧能够成为我们征服世界的基石,这样的成就难道还不足以让你感觉到心潮澎湃吗?” „It is not, I old in want to say one simply, I am not such person who you think, I do not have that big skill that you said that words that do not speak irresponsibly and so on, but Alexander does not give him such opportunity, instead taking advantage of whipping the crevice of his shoulder, pressed firmly between the fingers his shoulder stubbornly, and does not want you to think by me, the tone that so long as I I think, on was saying to him. “不是,我”老于很想干脆得说一句,我不是你想的那样的人,我没有你说的那么大的本事,你别乱说之类的话,但是亚历山大根本就不给他这样的机会,反而借着拍打他肩膀的空隙,死死地就捏住了他的肩膀,并且以一副我不要你以为,我只要我以为的语气,就这么对着他说道。 old Mr. in. I do not understand why you would an idea of rejection, but I can guess that your feared entire life cannot the opportunity that own life studies to expose all. But this, exactly is the saddest matter that I think.” “老于先生。我不明白你为什么总会有一种拒绝的想法,但是我能猜测到你这一生怕是都没有能把自己的一生所学尽数展露出来的机会。而这,恰恰是我认为的最让人悲哀的事情。” We arrive in this world for what, to come merely? No, in my opinion, we arrive at this world to make anything, the correct matter is also good, wrong matter. Must stay behind a trace after all, leaves behind something to prove we have come, we have not wasted this radiant, short and happy and let the life that the person regrets.” “我们来到这个世界上是为了什么,难道仅仅只是为了来过吗?不,在我看来,我们来到这个世界是要做点什么的,正确的事情也好,错误的事情也罢。总归是要留下一点痕迹,留下一些东西来证明过我们来过,我们没有浪费这璀璨、短暂、美好而又让人惋惜的一生。” Is same like me. old Mr. in, if you study my lifetime to discover, my life is actually not long. Short 33 years of years, in human actually should be the golden general years, is the excellent son most can perform good deeds. However, the illness claimed my life at that time, making me peep the end of the world not to have with enough time, to pour above my battle path. This is how regrettable matter, but you, if asked that I had regretted my such life, I can by firmly also be the loudest and clearest sound that a person can send out tell you, I press strength mountain to be big, king in Macedonia, Iscandar Great Emperor in Persian population, the vanquisher in the world, I always not, will not regret absolutely, during my life in such army horse and conquered passed.” “正如同我一样。老于先生,如果你研究过我的一生的话就会发现,我的一生其实并不漫长。短短三十三年的岁月,于人类来说却正该是黄金一般的岁月,是大好男儿最能够建功立业的时候。但是,病魔在那个时候夺去了我的生命,让我连一窥世界尽头都还没有来得及,就已经是倒在了我的征途之上。这是多么遗憾的事情啊,但是你要是问我有没有后悔过我这样的一生,我就可以以一个人所能发出的最坚决也是最洪亮的声音来告诉你,我压力山大,马其顿的国王,波斯人口中的伊斯坎达尔大帝,世界的征服者,我从来都不曾,也绝对不会后悔,我的一生是在这样的戎马和征服之中度过的。” „Can how many people like me, become surely in the vanquisher of land? Can how many people like me, by the man, woman, old person and child lying prostrate in worship? I established my country, left behind own prestige, enabling my name thousands of years later was also praised by the entire human. This is the splendid life, then vertical has some that regrets, will not make me have the slight regret. Even if comes again one time, even if said that is ahead of time to know oneself will die of illness in that foreign country, I, will also ride my steed without hesitation, leads my loyal soldier, leaves for toward there! But you?” “有多少人能够像我这样,成为千万里土地的征服者?有多少人能够像我一样,被男人、女人、老人以及孩子给顶礼膜拜?我建立了自己的国家,留下了自己的威名,让我的名字能直到千万年之后还被整个人类所传颂。这是何等精彩的一生,便纵是有那么些许的遗憾,也绝不会让我有丝毫的后悔。哪怕是再来一次,哪怕说是提前知道自己会病死在那个异国他乡里,我也会毫不犹豫的,骑上我的骏马,带着我忠诚的士兵,向着那里开赴过去!而你呢?” „Can old Mr. in, your life like me regretless? Whether like me proud claimed to this world, I had come?” “老于先生,你的一生是否能像我一样无悔呢?能否像我一样骄傲的对这个世界声称,我曾经来过呢?” I do not know that what kind of life you before death are, but I think, so long as is a man, the opportunity that will have to want own name forever sings. Many people are its life cannot have this opportunity finally, but now, my Alexander the Great, has been placed this opportunity in your front. old Mr. in, the god gave your second opportunity, making you be able to arrive at my front fortunately, again chooses. But how will you choose?” “我不知道你生前是怎么样的人生,但是我想,只要是一个男人,都会有着想要把自己的名字永远的传唱下去的机会。很多人是终其一生都得不到这个机会的,但是现在,我亚历山大大帝,已经是把这个机会摆在了你的面前。老于先生,神给了你第二次机会,让你有幸能够来到我的面前,再一次的进行选择。而你会怎么选择呢?” Obscure passed these three months, probably all ordinary man such, to dying have not left behind oneself name, forgot you after all your friends and relatives, on radical disappearance above this world, simply has not come to this world to be the same probably. Said, you imagine me to be the same, inscribes own name above the history, lets all people who watch the history so long as open the page, can see your existence. Even if said after your life and death soul extinguishes , does forever world remember?” “是默默无闻的度过这三个月,像是所有平凡的男人那样,到死也不曾留下自己的姓名,直到你所有的亲戚朋友都把你遗忘了之后,就彻底的消失在这个人世之上,好像根本没有来过这个世界一样。还是说,你想像我一样,把自己的名字铭刻在历史之上,让所有观看历史的人只要翻开书页,就能看到你的存在。哪怕说是在你生死魂灭之后,也永远的世人所记忆呢?” I “我” This time, said oneself as old in, thinks oneself are only a man of salt fish, his false heart is did not beat law-abidingly. 这一次,自称自己为老于,认为自己只是一条咸鱼的男人,他那虚假的心脏已经是不安分地跳动了起来。 The ambition, this has never sprouted on him, but has not lost from him the thing is common like the weeds that receiving the rainwater moistened, started to grow in his innermost feelings insanely. 野心,这个从未在他身上萌发过的,但是也从来没有从他身上丢失过的东西如同受到了雨水滋润的野草一般,开始在他的内心里疯长了起来。 He is an unsuccessful person, is exercising forbearance and flinching for a lifetime. Earlier time wants to be a good teacher, because of all sorts of accidents but has to choose giving up. He loses everything to go to the overseas, not evading meaning. But such result is anything, approximately also forgot, such as Alexander said that has not come to be excessively same probably. But he engages in introspection, this is really wants? 他是个碌碌无为的人,一辈子都在忍让和退缩。早年的时候想要当个好老师,但是都因为种种事故而不得不选择了放弃。他倾家荡产跑到国外,未尝没有一点逃避的意思。而这样的结果是什么呢,大约也只是被人遗忘,如同亚历山大所说的那样,好像根本不曾来过一样。而他扪心自问,这真的是自己想要的吗? The answer, does not certainly change into any to live person to have such idea again a time. He is also naturally no exception, therefore at this time, he was also sighing deeply finally the one breath, was kneeling down on single knee to Alexander. 答案当然是不,换成任何一个再活一次的人都会有这样的想法。他自然是也不会例外,所以这个时候,他也终于是长叹着一口气,然后对着亚历山大就单膝跪倒了下来。 Is indebted your not abandoned, my main Mr . Perhaps looks like such that you said that I really do not want in this final three months, seeming like am same before death, obscure died to oneself till. Therefore, since you like to believe me, thinks that I have to help you complete your regrettable ability, then I will also certainly put one's heart and soul, sincere until my heart stops beating. Until makes the world submit to your under foot! Let this world remember, my in Qian had come!” “承蒙您的不弃,我的主君。也许就像是你所说的那样,我也实在是不想在这最后的三个月里,还像是生前一样,默默无闻的一直到自己死去了为止。所以,您既然愿意相信我,认为我有帮助您完成您遗憾的能力,那么我也必将尽心竭力,鞠躬尽瘁死而后已。直至让世界臣服在您的脚下!让这个世界都记得,我于潜曾经来过!” :.: :。:
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