MSG :: Volume #22

#2142: The preparation embarks all parties dynamic

Right, his friend was I.” “没错,他的朋友就是我了.” Just completed standing that Zhou of self introduction still threw out the chest to raise the head in Frank's side, is filling up the scene for him, while made a provocative look to Peter. 刚刚做完了自我介绍的周尚挺胸抬头的站在弗兰克的身边,一边为他充着场面,一边对彼得做出了一个挑衅的眼神。 He knows Peter, isn't Spider-Man? This small secret his here cannot be the secret, finds a person to ask casually can ask. But is in itself also stepped into superhero , the week after being clear about own action standard, most is hostile was these and handling matters principle different peers. 他知道彼得,不就是蜘蛛侠吗?这点小秘密在他这里都不能算是秘密,随便找个人一问都能问得出来。而本身也已经算是踏入了超级英雄的这个行列,周尚在明确了自己的行动规范之后,最为敌视的就是那些和自己处事原则不一样的同行了。 He does not like these fellow who likes slaughtering, because obviously some people, so long as breaks the leg to be good, actually gave him a happiness, this really should not. Naturally, he does not like these soft egg that the murder does not dare, for example Spider-Man of earliest period, he is such a fellow. 他不喜欢那些喜欢大开杀戒的家伙,因为明明有些人只要打断腿就好,却偏偏给了他一个痛快,这实在是不应该。当然,他也不喜欢那些连杀人都不敢的软蛋,比方说最早时期的蜘蛛侠,他就是这样的一个家伙。 No matter what criminal, even if the ten times is these shoots competent fellows, he will be only will still give to tie up in front of the police station them. Also did not consider that does this to increase policemen's work load, is really a public-spirited does not have. 不管是什么样的罪犯,哪怕是那些枪毙十次都够资格的家伙,他依然是只会把他们给绑到警察局面前。也不考虑一下这样做会不会加大警察叔叔们的工作负担,真是一点公德心都没有。 Naturally, although behind heard that Spider-Man has turned a new leaf, no longer troubled the police. However this may be unable to erase his past stained misdeeds. 当然,虽然后面听说蜘蛛侠已经改邪归正了,不再麻烦警察了。但是这可抹不掉他以往的斑斑劣迹。 In brief is a few words, that is he looked that Peter this old fogy is not quite pleasing to the eyes. But looks that this has been staring at own god two generations with the strange look, Peter is also being unable to make head or tail felt strange. 总而言之就是一句话,那就是他看彼得这种老家伙是不太顺眼的。而看着这个一直用奇怪眼神盯着自己的神二代,彼得也是丈二和尚摸不着头脑的奇怪了起来。 That, do we know?” “那个,我们认识吗?” First meeting, naturally, knowing a person by his reputation not as good as meeting him face-to-face and that's the end.” “第一次见面,当然,闻名不如见面就是了。” Present child such smelly fart?” Listened to Zhou still that some show package of words, Peter to give him subconsciously a palm of the hand. However under considering this child's background, and he might not can be victorious his fact, Peter has not been cruel enough to result in this cruel methods. “现在的小孩都这么臭屁了吗?”听着周尚那有些骚包的话语,彼得下意识地就想要给他一巴掌。不过考虑到这个孩子的背景,以及他有可能打不过他的这个事实,彼得到底还是没有忍心下得了这个狠手来。 He also whispered finally secretly, then focused on Frank's body. In the final analysis, how should do from now on must look at having made up mind of this child, if he chooses to submit to the reality, then he does not use the taking the trouble labor forces and these issue children had to do. 他最终也只是暗自里嘀咕了一句,然后就把目光放在了弗兰克的身上。说到底,今后该怎么做还是要看这个孩子的决意,而如果他选择屈从于现实的话,那么他也就不用费心劳力的和这些问题儿童打交道了。 However Frank in the final analysis Stark type, but talent that the person of Stark, has not given way before difficulties. Does not hit the south wall not to turn head, hitting the southern top hit to put on is their consistent true colors, therefore hardly has him to anticipate that Frank said such words. 不过弗兰克说到底还是史塔克的种,而史塔克家的人,可从来都没有知难而退的天赋。不撞南墙不回头,撞了南墙头撞穿才是他们的一贯本色,所以几乎不出他意料的,弗兰克就说出了这样的话来。 I can ask for leave with Yang Jian, can look visit Los Angeles in these seven days. still En, I need you and I run together this.” “我会和杨戬请个假,看看能不能在这七天里到洛杉矶走一趟。尚恩,我需要你和我一起跑这一趟。” I?” This thinks that is only a simple station platform, to Frank sufficient scene issue. Has not actually thought, Frank hits is actually drawing the matter of together running map. Jokes aside, this made Zhou still feel somewhat hesitant, because he was not determined, oneself can leave at will. “我?”本以为只是简单的站一个台子,给弗兰克充充场面的问题。却没有想到,弗兰克打得却是拉着自己一块跑地图的事情。说真的,这让周尚感觉有些犹豫,因为他并不是非常的确定,自己到底能不能随意地离开。 Although own father very irresponsible throws itself here, but actually also assigned Yang Jianlai temporarily to be nursing to oneself. If said oneself followed Frank to leave casually, perhaps then That side Yang Jian did not feel better. 自家老爹虽然很不负责任的把自己丢到这里,但是却也是指定了杨戬来对自己暂为看护。而如果说自己随随便便地跟着弗兰克离开了,那么杨戬那一边恐怕是不太好过吧。 Zhou's still worry approximately so, but after he told these worries to Frank, Frank the small hand wields immediately, is striking one's chest was saying to him. 周尚的顾虑大致如此,而就在他把这些顾虑告诉给了弗兰克之后,弗兰克立刻小手一挥的,就拍着胸脯地对着他说道。 These are not any issues, I have the sufficient assurance to convince him. Don't forget, his duty is only nursing, rather than must imprison you. So long as your attitude, believes me strongly, how he does not dare to take you. Even said that if our two same places act, perhaps out of security concerns, he also has to play a role of bodyguard, the time is protecting our safety. In this regard, you can definitely feel relieved.” “这些都不会是什么问题,我有充足的把握来说服他。别忘了,他的任务只是看护,而不是要对你进行囚禁。只要你态度强硬一点的话,相信我,他是不敢拿你怎么样的。甚至说如果我们两个一起行动的话,出于安全的考虑,他恐怕还不得不扮演一个保镖的角色,时刻地保护着我们的安全。在这一点上,你完全可以放心。” „Did you determine?” “你确定?” Hesitations that somewhat Zhou still displayed, for clarity but, Frank said led him to go to Los Angeles to do the matter of matter together is to make his not law-abiding heart be ready to make trouble. He does not want the time waste in this bored school ground athletics. Did not say that he looks down upon these gifted generals in Yang Jian Your family place, but as the Zhou Yi son, the crown prince of heavenly palace, he really can only say one, these gifted general can hit does not have. 周尚表现的有些犹豫,但是很明显的,弗兰克说的带他一起去洛杉矶搞事情的这件事已经是让他那颗不安分的心蠢蠢欲动了起来。他可不想把时间浪费在这种无聊的校场竞技上。不是说他看不起杨戬府上的这些天兵天将,而是作为周易的儿子,天宫的太子,他真的只能说一句,这些天兵天将一个能打的都没有。 Several seem like very fierce goods obviously, fights actually is completely a feeling of silver spear/gun wax sample. This is really makes him be somewhat unacceptable. He was looks to understand, was not these fellows cannot hit, but was they do not dare to fight with. Thinks is also, in the reputation hung up crown prince such given name, they, dare to put out the real skill to come and not awfully compete. But even if said oneself had issued orders repeatedly, must have a look at their real skills. However is very obvious, they do not dare to take that risk, the tiger that pulls up his crown prince must. 明明有几个看起来很厉害的货色,一交起手来却完全是一副银枪蜡样头的感觉。这实在是让他有些难以接受。他算是看明白了,不是这些家伙不能打,而是他们不敢和自己打。想想也是,名头上挂上了太子这么个名号,他们是不要命了,才敢拿出真本事来和自己较劲。而哪怕说自己已经三令五申,要看看他们的真本事。但是很显然,他们谁也不敢冒那个风险,去撩撩他这个太子的虎须。 In brief, senseless. Here treated less than day, Zhou still had started to think of that has the network, has the game, the world of average person meanwhile the big piles can punch independently. But now Frank proposes, actually to his appetite. But after putting on airs hesitant one next, he said by a very awkward look. 总而言之,无趣至极。只是在这里待了不到一天的时间,周尚就已经开始想念起那个有网络,有游戏,同时还有一大堆可以放手去揍的普通人的世界了。而现在弗兰克所提议的,其实正对他的胃口。而在装模作样的犹豫了一下之后,他就以一副很为难的神色说道。 Good, I give a try.” “好吧,我去试试看。” Tried to try, depends own status, Zhou still also had nothing to shrink, found Yang Jian to explain the situation directly. But as Frank expected, after his attitude was strong enough, Yang Jian indeed does not have the means to force him to squat in oneself Jinglegong. 试试就试试,仗着自己的身份,周尚也没有什么畏缩的,直接就找到了杨戬说明了情况。而不出弗兰克所预料的,在他态度足够强硬了之后,杨戬也的确是没有办法强迫他一直蹲在自己的净乐宫里。 He can only make the compromise, grants power that Zhou still acted on free will. Naturally, this power must under his eye hides, and cannot slide out of his line of sight absolutely. 他只能做出妥协,允诺周尚自由行动的权力。当然,这个权力必须是要在他的眼皮子底下,并且绝对不能脱离出他的视线。 Zhou still have no reason to reject such condition, therefore he can only accept. But after he gave Frank the news return, Frank said on the decision decision immediately. 周尚没有理由拒绝这样的条件,所以他只能接受。而就在他把消息回报给了弗兰克之后,弗兰克当即就拍板决定道。 Since situation as I expected, then we now. still En, you follows side me. Mister Parker, troubles you to conduct the protection to me secretly. I think you also should no plan of appearing in public.” “既然情况不出我所料,那么我们现在就出发。尚恩,你跟在我身边。帕克先生,麻烦你在暗地里对我进行保护吧。我想你也应该没有什么抛头露面的打算吧。” Naturally.” In the ordinary circumstances, after speaking these words, Peter should take advantage of opportunity to hide in the darkness. This can show own ability, can make Frank they feel at ease. However, he hesitant half of the day, still has not actually made any movement. But reason for this is, he is really nowhere may hide. “当然。”一般情况下来说,说完这句话之后,彼得就应该顺势隐藏在黑暗中。这样既能表现出自己的能力,也可以让弗兰克他们安心。然而,他犹豫了半天,却依然没有做出任何的动作。而究其原因则是,他实在是无处可藏。 Here is Western Paradise Jinglegong, the surroundings everywhere are the Spiritual God status gifted general. To hide among them, is not that the easy matter. Moreover, he did not feel oneself have with them makes the necessity of experiment. 这里是西天净乐宫,周围到处都是神灵身份的天兵天将。想要隐藏在他们中间,可不是那么容易的事情。而且,他也不觉得自己有拿他们做实验的必要。 I thought that first left here to say again. Los Angeles does not compare here, there I am ripe, I know how should hide itself good there.” “我觉得还是先离开这里再说吧。洛杉矶不比这里,那里我熟,我知道在那里该怎么隐藏好自己。” „Did you determine?” Although suspects the view of Peter very much, since he said that Frank will not naturally remove his stage at this time. They asked Yang Jian the matter finally, but has made Yang Jian who granted to them is also very simple returned to them the world of mortals. “你确定?”虽然很怀疑彼得的说法,但是既然他这么说了,弗兰克自然也不会在这个时候拆了他的台。他们最终还是把事情求到了杨戬这边,而早已经对他们做出允诺的杨戬也是很干脆的把他们送回到了凡间里。 Treadons on the land of the world of mortals, the Peter confidence surged upward immediately three points. He without delay, displayed himself to go into hiding the skill of whereabouts, jumped to vanish in the gloomy woods. But looks he conducted such performance until this time, Zhou still the brow selected, could not bear the game that wants to play to find fault. Is good because, Frank in a timely manner stopped him. 脚踏在凡间的土地上,彼得的信心当即就高涨了三分。他二话不说,就施展出了自己隐匿行踪的本事,一个纵身就消失在了阴暗的树林里。而看着他直到这个时候才进行这样的表演,周尚眉头一挑的,就忍不住想玩玩找茬的游戏了。好在,弗兰克及时阻拦住了他。 Do not waste the time here, we only have seven days. You do not want to stroll the Los Angeles lively metropolis, perhaps seven days of may insufficiently you stroll.” “别在这里浪费时间了,我们只有七天。你不是想逛逛洛杉矶繁华的大都市吗,七天的时间恐怕可不够你逛的。” Good, calculates that he is in luck.” Whispered, Zhou still sneaked in the transmission gate with Frank directly, but in them behind, a vigorous form is to also follow. “好吧,算他走运。”嘀咕了一声,周尚和弗兰克直接就钻进了传送门,而在他们身后,一个矫健的身影也是紧随其后。 Is the people of seeing the world, who does not know Cammas safe Ji's transmission gate. If you said Los Angeles in the entrance, then Peter perhaps will be reserved, walks by skill. But the issue is Los Angeles in US another head the brothers, these several thousand kilometers, you make him have not to walk to run by the skill, his brain will pull out will do such matter. 都是见过世面的人,谁不认识卡玛泰姬的传送门啊。你要是说洛杉矶就在门口,那么彼得或许还会矜持一下,靠本事自己走过去。可问题是洛杉矶在美国另一头啊兄弟,这几千公里的,你让他有门不走靠本事跑过去,他脑子抽了才会干这样的事情。 In brief is, three people arrived in Los Angeles smoothly. But when their front leg just left, Yang Jian had arrived at the Zhou Yi front, explained all situations to him. 总之就是,三个人顺利的到达了洛杉矶。而就在他们前脚刚刚离开的时候,杨戬就已经是来到了周易的面前,向他说明了所有的情况。 Careful does not have the blunder, Yang Jian handles affairs is always steady, this is also Zhou Yi can feel relieved that delivers the rear area to his reason. But listens the situation that Yang Jian is reporting, Zhou Yi to think, the big hand wields so said. 小心无大错,杨戬行事向来稳重,这也是周易可以放心把后方交付给他的原因。而听着杨戬所汇报过来的情况,周易想了一想,大手一挥的就这般说道。 Might as well. Let them go restless, so long as you favor them, do not let them have an accident on the line.” “无妨。让他们自己去闹腾吧,你只要看好他们,别让他们出事就行了。” This is natural. As long as the subordinate has the one breath, does not make the crown prince injure and a soft body hair absolutely.” “这是自然。但凡属下有一口气在,就绝对不让太子伤及一根毫毛。” Such being the case, that asked you.” “既然如此,那就拜托你了。” Yang Jian took a stand loyally, Zhou Yi was naturally liberal in affirmed orally. Him, there is Yang Jian to solve these numerous and diverse trivial matters in the side, indeed was makes him save many times. At least is coping with Smith. Week time, he was insufficient to divert attention to care about other things again. 杨戬忠心表态,周易自然不吝于在口头上予以肯定。于他来说,有杨戬在身边解决这些繁杂琐事,的确是让他省了不少的功夫。最起码在对付史密斯.周的时候,他不至于再分心去顾及其他的事情了。 This can the government official, the feudal official of brachium stock should have the performance that. But has such competent subordinate, Zhou Yi while aware lucky, starts at own present important matter. 这就是能吏,肱股之臣该有的表现。而有着这么能干的下属,周易在自觉幸运的同时,也是开始着手于自己眼下的大事上。 His forehead army, is following four Tienchu to move into the world at this moment unceasingly. Made the goal is big a point, sneaked across the method of the world compared with these hell devils, was some is extremely indeed free. However, the day pillar/backbone wins on the victory in the stability. 他的天庭大军,此刻正顺着四根天柱不断地入驻人间。这么做目标是大了一点,比起那些地狱魔鬼偷渡人间的手段,的确是有些太过招摇。但是,天维支柱胜就胜在稳定上。 Probably devil the gate of hell, so long as found the place, a round of nuclear bomb got down to give it to rumble a pulp. But such as Asgard Rainbow Bridge, needs the world tree huge power supply to be able durable opening. 像是魔鬼的地狱之门,只要找准了地方,一发核弹下去就能给它轰个稀巴烂。而诸如阿斯嘉德的彩虹桥,也需要世界树庞大的能量供给才能持久性的开启。 The day pillar/backbone is different, they are such as construct the wooden such divine object, but adds on guarding of square god Monarch to dominate again, even if said the frank and upright swayed there, commonplace method still at all impossible they how. Moreover the day pillar/backbone is a channel is not so only simple, the most important thing is, it is the foundation and pillar/backbone of Heaven anchor Earth. 天维支柱则不同,它们本身就是诸如建木这样的神物,而再加上四方神君的驻守把持,即便是说光明正大的摆在那里,等闲手段也根本不可能奈他们如何。而且天维支柱不仅仅是个通道那么简单,最重要的是,它还是天界锚定地球的根基、支柱。 Had the day of pillar/backbone to support there, Heaven forever and world of mortals colluded together. Only if said that each soldiers officers in Heaven died in battle on the battlefield, so long as otherwise Zhou Yi orders, will have the continuous invincible force to rush to kill following Tienchu. 有了天维支柱在那里支撑,天界永远都和凡间勾连在一起。除非说天界里的每一个兵卒将士都战死在沙场上了,否则只要周易一声令下,就会有源源不断的天兵顺着天柱奔杀下来。 It can be said that Zhou Yi establishes these four day props, is under decided thorough destruction Smith. The week subordinate influence, does not preserve the plans of a wee bit hope to him. But within this short half-day time, thousands of gifted generals had assembled and awaited orders. 可以说,周易立下这四根天维支柱,已然是下定了彻底覆灭史密斯.周麾下势力,不给他存留一丁点希望的打算。而就在这短短的半天时间之内,数以万计的天兵天将就已经是集结待命了起来。 Zhou Yi waited is so long, waited was this time. But mobilizes the army in him, the preparation and Smith. When Zhou to come a soldier to soldier, king to the duel of king, the whole world because of his movement, but mighty waves turbulent. 周易等了这么久,等的就是这个时刻。而就在他动员军队,准备和史密斯.周来一场兵对兵,王对王的决斗时,整个世界都因为他的这番动作而波涛汹涌了起来。 Eventful time, this is the official view. But if in fact must the present situation popularization to the heart of each human, then overall summarized is also wmlgb can explain probably. 多事之秋,这是官方的说法。而事实上如果要把眼下的情况普及到每一个人类的心中,那么总体概括下来大概也就是一句wmlgb可以解释得了的的。 In restoring most government key functions, particularly after restoring the satellite system of important surveillance the whole world trend, the arrival of appearance and gifted general of Tienchu without doubt was the swayed of scarlet fruits in the front of all governments. But faces these clearly is not the divine creative force and army of this world, state leader who all can move almost simultaneous made a movement of racket forehead. 在恢复了大部分的政府主要职能,尤其是在恢复了至关重要的监视整个世界动向的卫星体系之后,天柱的出现以及天兵天将的登场无疑是赤果果的摆在了所有政府的面前。而面对着这些明显不属于这个世界的造物以及军队,所有能动弹的国家首脑几乎是同时的做了一个拍脑门的动作。 They could not have borne. 他们已经是受不了了。 The beforehand Mame incident is to make the entire Earth have a fracture without doubt, spoke the sentence words not of pleasant to hear, when the human society order fully restores, said that did not permit several countries to license to sell or reorganize. It can be said that such a tosses about, the civilization of human a few backed up for more than ten 20 years. But this even/including gasping for breath opportunity does not have, in an instant came one group of unexpected visitors, this was really makes them be unacceptable genuinely. 之前的多玛姆事件无疑已经是让整个地球伤筋动骨,说句不好听的话,等到人类社会秩序完全恢复,说不准有几个国家就要挂牌出售或者重组了。可以说那么一折腾,人类的文明少数倒退了十几二十年。而这连一个喘气的机会都没有,转眼间又来了一帮不速之客,这实在是让他们打心眼里难以接受了起来。 Before must know the present situation, also different, although before is unable to resist Mame, but facing Mame's thug, is that void monster, they have the outer space defensive system to keep up the appearance. However now, was known as continually was human defends the outer space defensive system of fortress to collapse finally, only depending on them the weak and sickly army, wants with this type now obviously is not the common goods intruder resistance, was really a worrying matter. 要知道现在的情况和之前还不同,之前虽然无法对抗多玛姆,但是面对多玛姆的打手,也就是那个虚空怪兽,他们好歹还有太空防御体系来撑一下门面。但是现在,连号称是人类最后防御堡垒的太空防御体系都崩了,仅凭他们如今五劳七伤的军队,想要和这种明显不是一般货色的入侵者对抗,实在是一件堪忧的事情。 Worst is also not this, worst did not have the space station, among the world leaders including an opportunity that meets to discuss not to have. After all now most national orders just restore, many state leaders also squat in oneself safe house do not dare to appear. If the space station still, them can also project a collective conference by the total information. However now the space station, them does not want in the state leader who under such chaotic aspect relates these to hide from, draws a collective conference most people, itself some are not realistic. 最糟糕的还不是这个,最糟糕的是没了太空站,各国首脑之间连一个碰头洽谈的机会都没有。毕竟现在绝大多数的国家秩序才刚刚恢复,有不少国家首脑还蹲在自己的安全屋内不敢露头。如果说太空站还在,他们还能靠全息投影开一个集体会议。但是现在连太空站都不在了,他们想要在这么混乱的局面下联系到那些躲起来的国家首脑,把大多数人拉出来开一个集体会议,本身就有些太不现实了。 At this time, everyone can only hit own small 99. Some people prepare to travel, they do not even hesitate to utilize the national resources, planned that delivers to itself Jupiter to come up with the aerospace ship. Some people prepare to surrender, before to Mame time does not have the opportunity to attempt, but at present this situation, they really do not mind to try, have a look opposite to accept the surrender, gives favored treatment to the idea of captive. 这个时候,每个人都只能打着自己的小九九。有些人准备跑路,他们甚至不惜动用国家资源,打算用航天船把自己送到木星上去。有人则准备投诚,之前对多玛姆的时候没有机会尝试,而眼下这个情况,他们真的不介意试试,看看对面有没有接受投降,优待俘虏的想法。 Naturally, has the person of this idea basically is the weak chickens, on this Earth also is never calculation that they said. The true right to speak and initiative always grasp in these extremely few retreating the hand of person, but at this moment their attitudes are 当然,有这种想法的人基本都是弱鸡,这个地球上也从来不是他们说的算。真正的话语权和主动权向来是掌握在那些极少退却的人的手中,而此刻他们的态度则是
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