MSG :: Volume #22

#2141: The handed down in the family base industry does not allow to covet

Better choice? I do not understand your meaning, Peter Parker.” “更好的选择?我不明白你的意思,彼得帕克。” Frank sneers again and again, does not care these words that Peter spoke obviously. What kind of attitude although can look at him now is, Peter has to do best to convince expostulate to him. 弗兰克冷笑连连,显然根本不把彼得说的这些话放在心上。而虽然能看出来他如今到底是怎么样的一个态度,彼得还是不得不苦口婆心地对着他劝诫起来。 Your mother, your family. What present you first should do defends your family's base industry, rather than complete places above an unattainable revenge at heart. Gives the devil his due, you really thought that you can take revenge? Facing Smith week such monster, you felt all that you make are meaningful? I think you actually should very clear this answer is right. Therefore with it own life waste at this pointless matter, might as well must preserve the completeness of your family as far as possible.” “你的母亲,你的家庭。现在的你首先应该做的是守住你们家的基业,而不是把全部的心里都放在一个遥不可及的复仇上面。平心而论,你真的觉得你能复仇吗?面对史密斯周那样的怪物,你觉得你所做的一切都有意义吗?我想你其实应该很清楚这个答案的才对。所以与其把自己的人生浪费在这种没有意义的事情上,还不如尽可能得保存你家庭的完整。” I need to remind you, child. Your family's base industry present had peeped at to covet by countless people. If you are not willing to defend this base industry now, then waits for you are being, your grandfather and your father two generations of effort and operation were swallowed thoroughly cleanly by others. Did not say you not to have a thing in the world, but definitely, Stark family magnificent will drop the valley. Such matter, is you are also willing to see?” “我需要提醒你,孩子。你们家的基业现在已经是被无数人窥视觊觎着。如果你现在不愿意守住这份基业,那么等待着你的将是,你祖父、你父亲两代人的努力和经营彻底地被他人所吞食干净。不说你一无所有,但是肯定的,史塔克家族的辉煌将就此跌落到谷底。这样的事情,难道也是你愿意看到的吗?” At this time if Frank dares to shout to shout that I wanted, that the matter that opened the eye to talk nonsense. In fact, even he again how foolish in revenge, does not mean that he is willing to look the family that own ancestor two generations of operate, welcomed the deterioration in own hand. He thinks oneself have taken advantage. 这个时候如果弗兰克敢扯着嗓子大喊一声我愿意,那才是睁着眼睛说瞎话的事情。事实上,即便他再怎么痴心于复仇,也并不意味着他就会愿意看着自己祖上两代人经营起来的家族,在自己的手中迎来衰败。他只是认为自己有所依仗罢了。 This is the impossible matter. Jarvis is controlling the fund and resources of entire company mixes, without my permission, anybody is impossible to forgive Jarvis, steals the company tiny bit wealth from his there. They are doing not studiously.” “这是不可能的事情。贾维斯控制着整个公司的资金以及资源调配,没有我的允许,任何人不可能饶过贾维斯,从他那里窃取到公司一分一毫的财富。他们只是在做无用功罢了。” That said right, but, Jarvis was don't forget powerful, was impossible to control human the thought. But these average people in your company, they not like Jarvis loyal not two to you. Once said that some people combined threats with inducements they, you thought that what they won't make to your company? If again or you determined by the government and society as the death, then as a deceased person, what qualifications you also had, inherited your father's company?” “话是这么说没错,但是别忘了,贾维斯再强大,也不可能控制住人类的思想。而你公司里的那些普通人,他们可不会像贾维斯那样对你忠心不二。一旦说有人威逼利诱他们,你觉得他们不会对你的公司做些什么?再或者说,如果你们被政府以及社会判定为死亡,那么作为一个死人,你又有什么资格,继承你父亲的公司呢?” They are impossible to do that this is my father's company. But my father, once saved this country!” “他们不可能这么做,这是我父亲的公司。而我父亲,曾经拯救了这个国家!” Had not denied what Peter said is right. Explained that Frank has listened to his words. However he is also retaining three points of tenacity as before, the main reason is, he thinks that these human have no reason to make such despicable matter to his father's company. 并没有否认彼得说的是对的。说明弗兰克已经听进了他的话。不过他依旧还保留着三分固执,最主要的原因就是,他认为那些人类没有理由对他父亲的公司做出这么卑劣的事情。 Stark Corporation may be only a company is not so only simple, the president as US, is almost a role of national hero Tony Stark acts. Even if said that many people are denouncing his behavior, what has to acknowledge, most rational people believe absolutely, he saved this country, and saved from disease in peril this country. It can be said that if not the country just when the turbulent ten points, is really not suitable builds these face-saving projects, then president the president in park looks like now has been able to add on one again. But has such a connection, even if said Stark already no longer , the property of there is to go to him who what person dares to face universal condemnation to leave behind? 史塔克公司可不仅仅只是一家公司那么简单,作为美国的总统,托尼史塔克扮演的几乎是一个国家英雄的角色。哪怕说有很多人在诟病他的行为,但是不得不承认的是,绝对大多数理性的人还是认为,他拯救了这个国家,并且把这个国家从危亡的疾病中挽救了回来。可以说,如果不是国家正值动荡十分,实在不适宜搞那些面子工程的话,那么现在总统公园的总统像就已经可以再加上一个了。而有着这么一层瓜葛在,哪怕说史塔克已经不再了,又有什么人敢冒天下之大不韪的去动他留下的财产呢? Frank's energy came from here. He does not believe that the present government dares to withstand/top the infamy of the world and internationally Taotao's public opinion trend does this leaving a stink for ten thousand years matter. However he neglected an issue obviously, that is the evasiveness of will of the people under this turbulent situation. 弗兰克的底气来自于这里。他不相信如今的政府敢顶着世人的骂名以及国际上涛涛的舆论趋势来干这种遗臭万年的事情。但是他显然忽略了一个问题,那就是人心在这种动荡局势下的不可捉摸。 In this regard, has seen the life hundred condition, Peter of fickleness of human relationships may probably have many of right to speak compared with him. Therefore he made noise to break his luck immediately. 在这一点上,早已经见惯了人生百态,世态炎凉的彼得可比他要有话语权的多。所以他当即就出声打破了他的这份侥幸。 „If 20 years ago, you said that this words are perhaps useful. However today, in this government is on the verge in again the brink of collapse. Let alone your father Stark is the hero in this country, the parents in his entire US, the government should even to him the meaning that will begin is not a little forgiving absolutely.” “如果是二十年前,你说这种话或许有用。但是在今天,在这个政府再一次濒临崩溃的边缘上。别说你父亲史塔克是这个国家的英雄,他就算是整个美国的衣食父母,政府该对他动手就绝对不会有一点留情的意思。” Also, you think where my information does come? Where did I know your matter? This was Coulson found me specially, and all these that told to me. He is the conscience has not vanished, is different from these people, exerts its utmost to you. However only depends on him, you thought that can prevent so many benefits to smoke the fellow of heart? Let alone their interest has not smoked the heart thoroughly, inside is also mixing with all the ingredients of having no recourse. But is this, they more are hard to prevent. I said, you can understand?” “还有,你以为我的情报是从哪里来的?我又是从哪里知道了你们的事情?这是科尔森专程找到了我,并且对我讲述的这一切。他还算是良心未泯,没有和那些人一样,对你们势在必得。但是仅凭他一个人,你觉得能阻止得了那么多利益熏心的家伙吗?更何况他们还不是彻底地利益熏心,里面还夹杂着一切迫不得已的成分在。而越是这样,他们就越是难以阻止。我这么说,你能够明白吗?” The situation is somewhat complex, although Peter enough has conducted to explain briefly, but he is somewhat worried, understanding that at present this 5 or 6-year-old child can listen. Although had heard before, the Stark son since childhood is a talent, studies anything to get it done in one action. However worldly wise type of thing, is not the brain good sufficient. This needs the story, but he is short, exactly is this story. 事态有些复杂,尽管彼得已经足够简略地进行说明了,但是他还是有些担心,眼前这个不过五六岁的孩子到底能不能听的明白。虽然以前就曾经听说过,史塔克的儿子从小就是一个天才,学什么都能一蹴而就。但是人情世故这种东西,可不是脑子好就够用的。这需要阅历,而他所欠缺的,恰恰就是这份阅历。 In brief is, Peter has completed the plan of patient and persistent work. But what however he has not thought that Frank was only closes one's eyes to think deeply about a while, then soon understood his meaning. 总之就是,彼得已经做好了水磨工夫的打算。而然他没有想到的是,弗兰克只是闭着眼思索了一会儿,然后就很快的理解了他的意思。 You were said that because before , that disaster that Mame brought, US started to be in upheaval. In addition before , the destruction that the loss and this disaster of war accomplish directly, the finance of government has been not enough to conduct the control and reconstruction to the social order, therefore they did have the idea on my family's company?” “你是说因为之前多玛姆带来的那场灾难,美国社会又开始陷入动荡。再加上之前战争的损失以及这场灾难直接造就的破坏,政府的财政已经不足以对社会秩序进行控制和重建,所以他们就把主意打在了我家的公司身上?” Approximately is this meaning right.” “大致是这个意思没错。” Somewhat surprised, but Peter answered honestly. 有些吃惊,但是彼得还是老老实实地做出了回答。 Benefit alliance that these my father form? They should not extend the aid at this time?” “那些我父亲组建起来的利益联盟呢?他们不是应该在这个时候伸出援手的吗?” Coulson said, because of your father's death, they now as if to whether and government continues to cooperate to have some scruple. But affirmed very much, they do not think oneself can from the present government, obtains return that they want.” 科尔森说,因为你父亲的死,他们现在似乎对是否和政府继续合作下去有一些迟疑。而很肯定的,他们并不认为自己能从如今的政府身上,得到他们想要的回报。” I understood.” The mouth said was understanding, indeed understood probably at heart. On Frank's face almost revealed a ridicule bluntly sneers. “我明白了。”嘴里讲着明白了,大概心里也的确是明白了。弗兰克的脸上几乎就是不加掩饰地露出了一种嘲弄的冷笑来。 How should say that before the benefactor in own father this country, president in US, the wright of new government. Then the moment, because of him people of profit, these once had a common goal with him, altogether said that the fellow of comrade already under the obligation of benefit, ponders over heritage how should divide him to leave, how even if such behavior hangs up an attractive pretty reputation, is unable to conceal its despicable essence. 该怎么说呢,之前自己的父亲还是这个国家的恩人,美国的总统,新政府的建造者。而后一刻,那么因为他而获利的人们,那些曾经和他志同道合,共称同志的家伙就已经是在利益的驱使之下,琢磨着该怎么划分他留下的遗产,这样的行为哪怕是挂上怎么一个光鲜靓丽的名头,都无法掩盖它卑劣的本质。 Originally oneself father is the president, Frank had not thought that the politician can be a despicable occupation. However now looks like, the online person said indeed right, if human all occupations must according to the despicable minute of rank, then the politician said oneself for first, others really did not have the means and they compare. What kills and torches, rapes to plunder , compared with politician these dirty methods is really not worth mentioning. Even the people on one's own side can under the knife, Frank not know how should say they were good. 原来自己的父亲当总统的时候,弗兰克还不怎么觉得政客会是个卑劣的职业。但是现在看来,网上的人说的的确没错,如果人类所有的职业要按照卑劣分等级的话,那么政客称自己为第一,别人还真没办法和他们作比较。什么杀人放火,奸淫掳掠,和政客这些肮脏的手段相比真是不值一提。连自己人都能下刀子,弗兰克已经是不知道该怎么说他们好了。 It can be said that since childhood because of the work of father, but does not have too many favorable impression him to the US government, at this moment already own fell the negative value to the favorable impression of government. But at this time he also clearly realized an issue, that is anything does not do again here, perhaps then own base industry really must unable to preserve. 可以说,从小就因为自己父亲的工作而对美国政府没有太多好感的他,在此刻已经是把自己的对政府的好感降到了负值。而这个时候他也清楚地意识到了一个问题,那就是自己再在这里什么都不做,那么自家的基业恐怕是真的要保不住了。 Although said that revenges is first, family property anything must arrange in the future. However this does not mean, he is thinking presented own base industry to one crowd behind submissively holds the supercilious look wolf of knife. With it such greatly the benefit gives them, he rather entire Stark Industries firing one handful of ashes, does not stay behind to them absolutely tiny bit. But with such a mood, in his heart has one to have made up mind. 虽然说报仇是第一位的,家业什么的要往后排。但是这并不意味着,他就会想着把自己家的基业拱手奉送给一群背后捅刀子的白眼狼了。与其把这么大把的利益让给他们,他宁愿把整个史塔克企业给烧成一捧灰,也绝对不给他们留下一分一毫。而带着这样的一个心情,他心里面已经有了一个决意。 You said right, I indeed cannot the ignores they steal my family's base industry. However, I have an issue, that is your you urges me, and also wants to help my appearance, for what?” “你说得对,我的确是不能放任他们窃取我家的基业。但是,我有一个问题,那就是你你这么劝我,并且还一副想要帮我的样子,到底是为了什么?” Said this saying time, Frank stares in a big way the eye, observed closely Peter every action and every movement stubbornly. But Peter from his look can look, he has distrust how to himself. 说这话的时候,弗兰克已然是瞪大了眼睛,死死地盯住了彼得的一举一动。而从他的眼神里彼得就能看得出来,他对自己到底是有多么的不信任。 This is not strange. One group of fellows who after all just he most should trust held his knife in the back li (0.5 km), but under such situation, he can not trust oneself this pit to cross his father fellow, is the matter in reason. Even said that Peter somewhat suspected, in his consistent attitude and prestige are also the good words, these words that just he spoke, can be regarded as to by Frank slandering of government. 这并不奇怪。毕竟刚刚他最应该信任的一群家伙在背后里捅了他的刀子,而在这样的情况之下,他会不信任自己这个曾经坑过他父亲一把的家伙,也是情理之中的事情。甚至说彼得都有些怀疑,要不是他一贯的作风以及声望上还算是良好的话,刚刚他说的那些话,会不会被弗兰克当做是对政府的诋毁。 Is good because, Frank has not had anything to misunderstand in this point, but suspects own goal. Regarding this, the body was not fearing shadow slanting Peter displayed unusual was broad and level. 好在,弗兰克并没有在这一点上有什么误会,而是怀疑起自己的目的来。对此,身正不怕影子斜的彼得则表现出了非同一般的坦荡来。 I have said that I do that to repay Stark. Naturally, you can also not believe these words that I spoke. However thinks thinks carefully, I can also fish what advantage from this inside?” “我说过,我这么做是为了偿还史塔克。当然,你也可以不相信我说的这些话。不过动脑子仔细想一想,我难道还能从这里面捞到什么好处吗?” I am not the government, back also no influence and organization. I only then I alone, but you felt only I alone, has the skill to rob your family property from the hand of government? Good, first did not say that I do have such skill, even if I have, why I must seek to seize these things. Money? Benefit? You thought that only depends on these things, can urge me?” “我不是政府,背后也没有什么势力和组织。我只有我一个人,而你觉得,单凭我一个人,就有本事从政府的手里抢夺走你的家业吗?好,先不说我有没有这样的本事,就算是我有,我又为什么要谋夺这些东西。金钱?利益?你觉得仅凭这些东西,就能驱使得了我吗?” The side that Peter this saying said that has the energy, because to him, him has really not paid attention to money type of thing. Perhaps before, the strength of money can also can be greatly. However with the big change of the world, many social common things has been changing subtly. But a very important point is, the status of money is unimportant. 彼得这话说的极有底气,因为就他个人而言,他还真不把钱这种东西放在眼里。或许在以前,金钱的力量还能算得上是巨大的。但是随着世界的大变迁,很多社会常识性的东西都已经是在潜移默化地发生着转变。而其中很重要的一点就是,金钱的地位已经并非是那么的重要了。 The strength, or the power and influence, these thing really has dominated above money. Cites a very simple example, in the past, you, so long as can buy a very Gatling richly, but today, you spend three times of prices even, must ask that the opposite party is willing to sell to you to be good. 力量,或者权势,这些实打实的东西已经是凌驾在了金钱之上。举一个很简单的例子吧,在过去,你只要有钱能能买上一挺加特林,而今天,你就算是花三倍的价钱,也要问对方愿不愿意卖给你才行。 Peter is grasping as the essential strength, naturally has the qualifications to come a statement that regards money such as the muck. Even if said that Frank is half believing and half doubting regarding his view, cannot put out anything to refute his excuse. Simply, he not for this issue waste many mental abilities, but was inquired to him directly. 彼得掌握着作为关键的力量,当然有资格来一个视金钱如粪土的表态。而即便说弗兰克对于他的说法将信将疑,也根本拿不出什么能够反驳他的说辞来。索性,他也不为这个问题浪费过多的脑力,而是直接就对他询问了起来。 Therefore, how you do plan to help me?” “所以,你打算怎么帮我?” This needs to look how your is to think. If you want to defend your family property, then must covet the Stark Industries person to make one to struggle with these. The interest game under conventional shape I do not participate, I will not play this trick, does not plan to mix in this matter. Naturally, if the opposite party plan is playing any underhanded method secretly, then I will naturally intend to protect you and your mother's safety. In brief a few words, I will guarantee your mother and child two people safety, till you are capable of protecting oneself. Believes if I achieve this situation , has one to confess to your father reasonably.” “这需要看你自己的是怎么想的了。如果你想要守住自己的家业,那么就必然要和那些觊觎着史塔克企业的人做一番明争暗斗。常规形态下的利益博弈我不参与,我不会玩这种把戏,也不打算掺和到这种事情里。当然,如果对方打算在暗地里玩什么下作的手段的话,那么我自然是会出手保护住你和你母亲的安全的。总之一句话,我会确保你们母子两人的安全,直到你们有能力自保为止。相信如果我做到这个地步的话,也算是对你父亲有一个合理的交代了。” Said this saying time, Peter cherished the memory of elapsed Stark. But looks on his face this very obvious recalling look, on Frank face sinks immediately, then in the eye glittered immediately the chill/yin cold ray. 说这话的时候,彼得缅怀了一下已经逝去的史塔克。而看着他脸上这幅很明显的缅怀神色,弗兰克脸上当即就是一沉,然后眼睛里顿时闪烁起了阴寒的光芒来。 Is Peter the good intention? Frank has 80% assurances to be certain, he indeed is good intention wants to help, repays him by this to own father guilty. However must say that merely because of so, he must be grateful to Peter, that was too laughable a point. 彼得是好心吗?弗兰克有百分之八十的把握可以肯定,他的确是好心好意想要来帮忙,以此来偿还他对自己父亲的愧疚的。但是要说仅仅因为如此,他就要对彼得感激涕零,那就太可笑了一点。 He remembers clearly, oneself father in deception of him and under ancient master, what kind of loss suffered. Even said that following Mame's appearance, they must take part of responsibility. Although Stark does not die in Mame's hand, but direct indirect, also many and this little relate. But this also means, they must be responsible for oneself father's death. 他可是记得清清楚楚,自己的父亲在他和古一法师的瞒骗之下,到底遭受了怎么样的损失。甚至说后面多玛姆的出现,他们也要负上一部分责任。史塔克虽然不是死在多玛姆的手中,但是直接间接之下,也多少和这有一点关系。而这也就意味着,他们要为自己的父亲的死负责。 Although said that is not the primary responsibility, but also makes him bear a grudge Peter sufficiently on. Can say, if he has the opportunity to kill with one's own hand the foe Smith week, then probably Peter such fellow, do not want to run. Did not say wants their lives such brutally, but at least, must taste his father pain entirely, in their bodies exert on one to be good. 尽管说不是主要责任,但是也足以让他把彼得记恨上。可以说如果他有机会能够手刃仇敌史密斯周的话,那么像是彼得这样的家伙,一个个的都别想跑。不说要他们的命这么残酷的了,但是最起码的,也要把他父亲曾经尝过的苦痛通通的在他们的身上施加上一遍才行。 To Frank, this is he repays oneself father most to have the price that. Naturally, at the present, he needs the Peter strength to come for oneself to provide a help. 对于弗兰克来说,这才是他偿还自己父亲最该有的代价。当然,在现在,他还是需要彼得的力量来为自己提供一点帮助的。 I understood your meaning. Such being the case, I have seven days, in these seven days, lets the issue that we began to solve you to say.” “我明白你的意思了。既然如此,我有七天的时间,那么在这七天里,就让我们着手来解决一下你说的这个问题吧。” How do you plan to solve?” “你打算怎么解决?” The Peter tone is somewhat curious, because Frank's tone sounded seems like confident generally. 彼得的语气有些好奇,因为弗兰克的口吻听起来就好像是已经成竹在胸了一般。 This does not conform to the common sense, because in his tentative plan, does to struggle with the government should not be a extremely small matter. Any condition may happen, any difficult problem may meet. Under such situation, he possibly had confidence, moreover can say within seven days to solve his boast? 这并不符合常理,因为在他的设想中,和政府做明争暗斗并不应该是一件太过轻松的事情。什么状况都有可能发生,什么难题都有可能遇见到。在这样的情况之下,他怎么可能有把握,而且还能说出七天之内解决他的这种大话? This is my secret, later I will tell slowly to you know. However at the present, I needs to give you to introduce my new friend “这是我的秘密,以后我会慢慢告诉给你知道的。不过在现在,我需要给你介绍一下我的新朋友”
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