MSG :: Volume #22

#2138: Invincible forces in looking of row revenge

If you do not mind, I have this idea right.” In front of Zhou Yi, Peter performance very is honest. After all you must make war with Smith week quickly, not? Once makes war, I think that you should not have the time to take care of a child, such being the case, why does not give me him, making me be responsible for his security?” “如果你不介意的话,我是有这个想法没错。”当着周易的面,彼得表现的非常坦诚。“毕竟你很快就要和史密斯周开战了,不是吗?一旦开战,我想你应该是没有时间去照应一个孩子的,既然如此,为什么不把他交给我,让我来负责他的安全?” You worried that I will affect that child's body?” “你担心我会波及到那个孩子的身上?” Provides against contingencies. A diverting attention strength takes care of him with its minute, makes you completely not have extra worries to cope with Smith week would rather. This has the good deed of profit to your me, I think that you do not want to bring a child in such an arrangement at the battle behind.” “以防万一而已。与其分一分心力去照顾他,倒不如让你全然没有后顾之忧地对付史密斯周。这是对你我都有益处的好事,我想你也不想在交战的时候身后带一个拖油瓶吧。” You somewhat overestimate Smith week, somewhat underestimated me.” “你有些高估史密斯周,也有些低估我了。” Regarding the view of Peter, Zhou Yi disdain pulled the corners of the mouth. But later his big hand wields, like parting the fog was layer upon layer ordinary, extends a grand picture scroll before them. 对于彼得的这个说法,周易不屑地扯了扯嘴角。而随后他大手一挥,如同拨开了层层云雾一般,就在他们面前伸展出一副壮丽的画卷。 Resplendent in gold and jade green, before the front door that stands tall and erect palatially, the countless soldiers officers are gathering. They wear the mail-armor and helmet, the hand holding the blade bow candelilla. Seeming like somewhat backward compared with today, but if counted the skill and height zhang (3.33 m) that their these mount the clouds and ride the mist, the waist pan dragon snake unusual form, who must be able to plan is really an undecided excuse. 金碧辉煌,巍峨高耸的大门之前,无以计数的兵卒将士正在聚集。他们一个个身披甲胄,手持刀弓大戟。看起来似乎比起今天有些落后,但是如果算上他们那些腾云驾雾的本事以及身高丈许,腰袢龙蛇的异状的话,谁要能更甚一筹就是一个未定的说辞了。 Peter has participated in the hell war, he knows these unusual generation of fearfulness, but also clear under present pattern of war, dispirited in pure individual military force. These devils in hell were fierce enough, however in such as thermobaric bomb, armor-piercing shell and even in front of nuclear bomb type of war weapon, they also share that as before only then suffered extreme penalty. At present although these soldiers officers seem like the overwhelming power, but also not necessarily can resist today the points of these war weapons, therefore who wins who loses, he has not acted bashful temporarily clearly, can only say that is 55 opens. 彼得参与过地狱战争,他知道这些超凡之辈的可怕,但是也清楚在如今的战争形态下,单纯个人武力上的颓废。地狱里的那些个魔鬼够厉害了吧,但是在诸如温压弹、穿甲炮弹乃至核弹这种战争武器面前,他们也依旧只有伏诛的份。眼下这些个兵卒将士虽然看起来威猛,但是也未必抵得住今天那些战争武器的锋芒,所以谁胜谁负,他暂时还拿捏不清楚,只能说是五五开罢了。 Peter has not said oneself haggling over, but Zhou Yi does not know in his heart to think, therefore at this moment he is self-satisfied was introducing to Peter. 彼得没有说出自己心里的计较,而周易到底不知他心中所想,所以此刻他已然是志得意满的对着彼得介绍了起来。 This is the 100,000 gifted generals under my forehead, entire 100,000 ascend record/native place in the Spiritual God of book. They have fought many battles mostly, the life and evil spirit experience fight innumerably, under the tent/account the head is incalculably. But only needs me to order, they can rush like the great river well up general, throws to the den of Smith week. At the appointed time, I manage him to ferment any schemes and tricks, actually is also how burning sun operation everywhere. Under the armies, his thing and his hand/subordinate attempt, only then changes into a fragment powder such result. But at that time, the soldier to the soldier, the king to the king, I will pinch out his all delusions personally!” “这是我天庭下的十万天兵天将,整整十万登籍在册的神灵。他们大都身经百战,一生和妖魔历战无数,帐下头颅更是无算。而只需要我一声令下,他们就能如同大江奔涌一般的,直向史密斯周的老巢扑去。届时,我管他酝酿着什么阴谋诡计,又究竟是怎么个毒火遍地的经营。大军之下,他手下的那点东西和他的那个企图,都只有化为齑粉这么一个结果。而那时,兵对兵,王对王,我会亲手掐灭他所有一切的妄想!” Zhou Yi said so assured, probably had victory in the hand radically generally. But facing his such statement, Peter actually had several points of being out of sorts feeling unavoidably. 周易说的如此笃定,好像根本就是胜券在握了一般。而面对他这样的一幅表态,彼得却是难免地生出了几分违和的感觉。 He knew that Zhou Yi also has days, what kind of person Zhou Yi is, he is also well aware. Although said that passing he sees the stance that Zhou Yi has shown to have victory in the hand like this every so often, but that performance cannot be high-profile and extremely arrogant like today. This feeling had anything to confuse his innermost feelings probably, letting him only to conduct to conceal with a doing intentionally stance is the same. But is anything can have such effect, looks sparse, completely did not have in those days the lively mansion, Peter has the answer at heart. 他认识周易也算是有段日子,周易是个怎么样的人,他也算是心知肚明。虽然说过往很多时候他都见过周易表现出这样胜券在握的姿态,但是那种表现绝不会像今天这样张扬、狂妄。这种感觉就好像是有什么搅乱了他的内心,让他只能以一种故作的姿态来进行掩饰一样。而到底是什么能有这样的效果,看着稀稀拉拉,全然没有往日热闹的公馆,彼得的心里已经是有了答案。 This is not strange, after own family member almost completely reducing rival , he if can also maintain absolute sane and calmness, who that was really sees must say that admired. The average people cannot achieve such a situation, let alone Zhou Yi such spontaneous person? 这并不奇怪,在自己的亲人几乎全部沦落敌手之后,他要是还能保持绝对的理智和冷静,那真是谁见了都要说一声佩服。普通人根本做不到这样的一个地步,更何况周易这样的性情中人? Knew reason, Peter showed the understanding. However this does not mean that he approves of Zhou Yi the brave words. In his opinion, war type of thing, did not arrive at anyone unable to say finally oneself certainly were a winner. But even if said Zhou Yi built up 100,000 Spiritual God such luxurious lineups, Peter does not believe that he certainly ninety percent sure. 知晓了其中的原因,彼得表示理解。但是这并不意味着他就赞同周易的这番豪言。在他看来,战争这种东西,不到最后谁也不能说自己就一定是赢家。而哪怕说周易集结起了十万神灵这样豪华的阵容,彼得也不认为,他就一定是十拿九稳了。 If the war in this world whose lineup is more luxurious, who can certainly win that to be good, the US has unified the world. But other series of vivid examples fully explained to the Vietnam War from Resist America Aid Korea, war art, always not that simple. 这个世界上的战争要是谁的阵容更豪华,谁就一定能取胜那就好了,美国早就统一世界了。而从抗美援朝到越南战争等一系列生动的例子足以说明,战争这门艺术,从来都不是那么的简单。 in the sewers capsizes, was too common. Even if Peter in the standpoint stands this side Zhou Yi, but he actually did not suspect, Zhou Yi will have the possibility that such in the sewers capsizes. If thinks following such mentality downward, he felt, Frank stays in oneself hand is better. Therefore immediately, he coughed, was saying to Zhou Yi. 阴沟里翻船,太常见了。哪怕是在立场上彼得是站在周易这一边的,但是他却一点也不怀疑,周易会有这样阴沟里翻船的可能性。而如果顺着这么个思路往下想,他到底还是觉得,弗兰克还是呆在自己手中要好一点。所以当下的,他干咳了一声,就对着周易这么说道。 I saw, indeed is a military might grand army. However, even if with such a army, you cannot always protect Frank's safety. Smith week and he has the vengefulness for father's murder, under this premise, what matter he makes is not strange. But according to my opinion, he is a child, since is the child, that should be far away from battlefield bloody cruel place. Therefore, gives me him. I will assure his safety.” “我看到了,的确是一种威武壮阔的军队。但是,即便是带着这么一支军队,你也不能时刻保护住弗兰克的安全吧。史密斯周和他有杀父之仇,在这个前提之下,他做出什么样的事情都不奇怪。而按照我的意见,他到底是一个孩子,既然是孩子,那就应该远离战场这种血腥残忍的地方。所以,把他交给我。我会保证他的生命安全的。” Right that you said that my have no reason to reject.” Listened to Peter to say the words, Zhou Yi nods, receives to show in the present picture scroll. „Is he willing to leave with you, must look at his wish. I gave him to arrange a good destination, looked for a good teacher to him. Therefore I think, even if you ask him to leave, perhaps he not necessarily wants.” “你说的对,我没有理由拒绝。”听着彼得把话说完,周易点了点头,收起了展现在眼前的画卷。“不过他愿不愿意和你一起离开,要看他自己的意愿。我给他安排了一个好去处,又给他找了一个好老师。所以我想,你就算是让他走,他恐怕都未必愿意的。” What? Why do you want to do that?” “什么?为什么你要这么做?” So the situation, making Peter think subconsciously Zhou Yi has to attempt. But changes mind thinks, Stark also does not have any is worth him planning is right. 如此情形,让彼得下意识地觉得周易是有企图的。而转念一想,史塔克也没有什么是值得他谋算的才对。 Stark Industries no doubt has the wealth to match a nation's, but has with a Spiritual God all compared with, their wealth, but a drop in the bucket. The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, even if said that Zhou Yi took a stand slightly, wants to look for a similar Pope such family member in human, then entire world the generation of power and influence feared that broke, wish that can also go all out snatched this seat. 史塔克企业固然富可敌国,但是和一个神灵所拥有的一切相比,他们那点财富,不过九牛一毛。说句不好听的,哪怕说周易只是微微表个态,想要在人类中找一个类似教皇那样的眷属的话,那么全世界的权势之辈怕是把头都打破,也会拼了命的想要抢到这个位子的。 Stark can give how much money, some people can want ten times of hundred times absolutely takes. The truth is very simple, because to them, money does not have the significance. A huge family wants the biography to continue, depended is never money, but is other things. It seems like Stark to close right up against two generations of wisdom to increase the family fortunes to expand is the same, in this world most powerful families depend is similar things. 史塔克能给出多少钱,绝对有人会愿意十倍百倍的拿出来。道理很简单,因为对于他们来说,钱早已经没有意义了。一个庞大的家族想要传续下去,靠的从来不是钱,而是其他的东西。就好像是史塔克靠着两代人的智慧才能发家壮大一样,这个世界上大部分的强盛家族靠的都是类似的东西。 Perhaps the operation of pains, or is winding of power and influence. However these put together, not true Spiritual God importance that cares. Can the power and influence that the operation of pains, winds again how many years insist? Hapless point 350 years, 12 generations of time on powder ; Luck good, at most is 56 generations, 180 years. Any millennium not Yi (easy) family power and influence, even so, that has not been the mere show of suspending. 或是苦心的经营,或者是权势的盘结。但是这些加在一起,也不会有一个真正神灵的眷顾来的重要。再苦心的经营,再盘结的权势能坚持上几年?倒霉点的三五十年,一两代人的时间就散了;运气好一点的,也顶多是五六代人,百八十年的时间。从来都没有什么千年不的家族权势,即便是有,那也是摆出来的空架子而已。 It can be said that power and influence in human is long-awaited, besides the eternal life, is to make own family power and influence like this prosperous probably. If must say such possibility, what but also there is compared with obtaining care of true God has the possibility? 可以说,人类中的权势者梦寐以求的,除了永生之外,大概就是让自己的家族权势这样长盛不衰下去。而如果要说有这样的可能性,还有什么比得到真神的眷顾更有可能呢? Peter cannot think of other possibilities, therefore he 100% affirmations, Zhou Yi does that definitely for is not this. Then, why does he want to do that? Regarding this, Zhou Yi gave the answer directly. 彼得想不到其他的可能,所以他百分之一百的肯定,周易这么做肯定为的不是这个。那么,他到底为什么要这么做呢?对此,周易直接就给出了答案。 Because of taking revenge, Peter. I must give him a hope of revenge.” “因为复仇,彼得。我要给他一个复仇的希望。” Hope of revenge?” Peter surprise. “复仇的希望?”彼得诧异了起来。 Right, I do not know that you had realized such mood, that type loves the family member to be killed, but oneself actually helpless mood. I have not realized, but I have experienced. I know that mood to be able compelling crazily. If the choice, can let the goal that he even more approaches that revenge, then fortunately. Although in suffering some, but is insufficient to destroy. Most fears is, from beginning to end, a hope also no despair.” “对,我不知道你有没有体会过那样的心情,那种挚爱亲人被人杀害,而自己却无能为力的心情。我没有体会过,但是我见识过。我知道那种心情是能把人给逼到疯狂的。如果说有一个选择,能让他越发地逼近那个复仇的目标,那么还好。虽然煎熬上一些,但是怎么也不至于毁灭。最怕的就是,从头到尾,一点希望也没有的绝望。” That is really will compel insanely, compels dead. I know that some people may fade from the memory the hatred, dodges by all sorts of reasons conceals own weakness. However I am very clear, the Stark son is not such coward. From his eye I can look, he wants to revenge, moreover to revenge to be reckless.” “那可是真的会把人逼疯,逼到死的。我知道有些人或许会淡忘掉仇恨,以种种的理由搪塞掩饰自己的软弱。但是我很清楚,史塔克的儿子不是这样的孬种。从他的眼睛里我就可以看出来,他想要报仇,而且是为了报仇能够不顾一切的。” I cannot make him bring death, naturally I am impossible to visit him to make any foolish matter helplessly. Therefore, I made such arrangement to him. Some person of nursing and guidances, how many a little uses not?” “我不能让他就这么去送死,当然我也不可能眼睁睁地看着他做出什么蠢事来。所以,我给他做出了这样的安排。有人看护和教导,多少还是有点用的不是吗?” Useful yes right, but “有用是没错,但是” Peter did not deny the view of Zhou Yi, because he also was almost such tenacious person. He understands Frank's feeling, thinking putting oneself in another's place, if same matter happened in this uncle or the Aunt Mei body, he perhaps will also become crazy. However the understanding turns over to the understanding, above the reason, he has is unacceptable. 彼得并不否认周易的这个说法,因为他自己也差不多是这样固执的人。他理解弗兰克的感受,设身处地的想一想,如果同样的事情发生在本伯父或者梅婶的身上,他恐怕也是会变得疯狂的。但是理解归理解,情理之上,他还是有那么一些难以接受。 Let a child turn into one only to know that revenge machine, this was too has not taken on. But more thinks toward this aspect, he more wants to pull from this vortex Frank. Therefore, he even more insists. 让一个孩子就这么变成一个只知道复仇的机器,这到底还是太没有担当了。而越是往这方面去想,他就越是想要把弗兰克从这个漩涡中拉扯出来。为此,他越发地坚持起来。 Makes me see him. Let me and he contacts. I can try to reverse his idea “让我见一见他吧。让我和他接触一下。我可以试着扭转他的想法” Reverses? How you plan to do.” “扭转?你打算怎么做。” The Peter excuse made Zhou Yi unable to bear shoulder the eyebrow, perhaps he guessed correctly naive of Peter, but has not thought, he will be in such a situation unexpectedly naively. 彼得的说辞让周易忍不住挑起了眉,他或许猜到了彼得的天真,但是着实是没有想到过,他居然会天真到这样的一个地步。 The love and hate of human, is always timeless. Loves one or hates a person, is always several years, dozens years of even several hundred years of such biography continues. Human will no doubt fade from the memory, but some people will always return in the innumerable midnight dreams, time and time again engraves this emotion in the bone. This person, wish makes him fade from the memory is the difficult matter, said that let alone is reverses this simply is a daytime sleep-talking. 人类的爱和恨,是从来都是历久弥新的。爱一个或者恨一个人,从来都是几年,几十年甚至几百年这样传续下去的。人类固然会淡忘,但是总有人会在无数次的午夜梦回,一次又一次的把这种情感刻印在骨子里。这种人,想要让他淡忘掉都是难事,更何况说是扭转这简直就是一个白日梦话。 Zhou Yi does not favor the idea of Peter, but this could not prevent Peter to have made up mind on firmness. 周易是不看好彼得的想法的,但是这阻止不了彼得决意上的坚定。 I will divert and shift his attention step by step, then allows him to understand slowly, the revenge is not he lives the entirety. His life just now starts, does not need to give to toss about to such a for a lifetime forever in the abyss without limits. I want to be able to make him realize that the happiness of life, realizes in this world also to have other thing to be worth him treasuring, then reverses his idea should not be the issue.” “我会一步一步的分散和转移他的注意力,然后让他慢慢地了解到,复仇并不是他生活中的全部。他的人生才刚开始,没有必要把一辈子都给折腾到这么一个永无止境的深渊之中。我想只要能让他意识到生活的美好,意识到这世界上还有别的东西值得他珍惜,那么扭转他的想法应该不是什么问题。” Naive. Zhou Yi in got down such appraisal at heart, but he has not said the words that anything refuted from the mouth. As the Tony old friend, gives the devil his due, he does not hope the child who own old friend falls into to the revenge during holds to read, because that does not have the road of future, particularly he is unable to complete the revenge under by himself the premise. 天真。周易在心里下了这么个评价,不过他到底还是没有从嘴上说出什么反驳的话语来。作为托尼的故友,平心而论,他也并不希望自己老友的孩子就这么陷入到复仇的执念之中,因为那是没有前途的一条路,尤其是他根本无法靠自己完成复仇的前提下。 Therefore, if he is willing to give up this hatred, starts a new life, he is glad to see absolutely. But he also believes that even Tony oneself, so will still be hoping. 所以,如果说他愿意放弃这份仇恨,开始一个新的生活,他绝对是乐意看见的。而他也相信,即便是托尼本人,也是会如此希望着的。 This is he is willing to make Peter try the key. Since had sprouted such idea, he simply also on pushing the boat along was saying to Peter. 这是他愿意让彼得尝试一下的关键。而既然已经萌生了这样的想法,他干脆也就顺水推舟的对着彼得说道。 I did not oppose that you do that but I must respect the choice of Frank. Therefore, this can only go by you diligently.” “我不反对你这么做,但是我到底还是要尊重弗兰克自己的选择。所以,这只能靠你自己去努力了。” He speaking of this, does not give the opportunity of Peter anything idle talk, but was directly to standing to tell in nearby monkey. 他说到这,也不给彼得什么废话的机会,而是直接就对侍立在一旁的猴子吩咐了起来。 Wukong, you lead him to go to there Yang Jian. Said that is I lets, lets that new apprentice who he sees Yang Jian, has a look at him to convince that tenacious little fellow while convenient. If Ok, then ignores that little fellow leaves might also as well, if not good, then all as usual.” “悟空,你带他去杨戬那儿。就说是我让的,让他见一见杨戬的那个新徒弟,顺便看看他能不能劝动那个固执的小家伙。如果可以,那么放任那个小家伙离开也无妨,如果不行,那么就还是一切照旧吧。” Respectfully follows the master law aim.” Monkey single knee kneels, after meeting the decree, sways to the Peter side, was exchanging flattery and favors to him. “谨遵老爷法旨。”猴子单膝一跪,接了旨意之后,就晃荡到彼得的身边,对着他拉拉扯扯了起来。 Walks, little elder brother. My this leads you to the mansion of Erlang Shen there. These is not far, you may probably grasp my old Sun well are.” “走吧,小哥儿。我这就带你到二郎神的府邸那儿去。这一趟可不远呢,你可要好好地抓紧俺老孙才是。” Waits, my also issue must ask!” “等一等,我还有一个问题要问!” Puts together the strength, Peter obviously is not the opponent of monkey. But in him, must staggering the monkey pulls, he fiercely loudly shouts, is shouting to Zhou Yi. 拼力量,彼得显然不是猴子的对手。而就在他踉踉跄跄的,要被猴子拉扯出去的时候,他却是猛地高声一呼,对着周易嚷嚷了起来。 Said, what but also there is to ask?” “说,还有什么想问的?” About you, this world? How do you think actually?” “关于你,还有这个世界?你倒是怎么想的?” This issue does not calculate that conceives a plan temporarily, but since knew Zhou Yi returns to Earth after a ticket Spiritual God he has sprouted. 这个问题不算是临时起意,而是自从得知周易带着一票神灵回归地球之后他就已经萌生出来的。 The Spiritual God, regarding this world is good is bad, has not determined the nature. However the good and evil and supreme master had him of contact to have a similar answer, that regarding the world of human, the Spiritual God had in not being able to contact in the position is quite good. 神灵,对于这个世界是好是坏,并没有一个定性。但是好歹和至尊法师有过接触的他心里早已经是有了一个差不多的答案,那就是对于人类的世界来说,神灵到底还是存在于接触不到的位置上比较好。 The two disparity is too big, contact arbitrarily will only make a side the dependency and slave. But as the side of human, he actually does not want to see that such situation happened. Therefore he is very scruple, is very hard to act bashful the own standpoint. 二者差距太大,擅自的接触只会让一方成为附庸和奴隶。而作为人类的一方,他其实并不想要看到这样的情况发生。所以他很迟疑,也很难拿捏准自己的立场。 First, he is not definitely willing to betray human. However at the same time, he does not want to betray oneself old friend absolutely. This lets his urgently needed answer, but facing his demand, Zhou Yi immediately is a brow wrinkle, then the sinking sound said to him. 一来,他肯定是不愿意背叛人类的。但是同时的,他也绝对不想背叛自己的老朋友。这让他急需一个答案,而面对他的这种需求,周易当即就是眉头一皱,然后沉声就对他说道。 I can only tell you, Peter. The turning over to Spiritual God of Spiritual God, person returning home class of human. I am only wish make my subordinate Spiritual God return to the native land, as for interfering with this world, we did not have such demand.” “我只能这么告诉你,彼得。神灵的归神灵,人类的归人类。我只是想要让我麾下的神灵重归故土,至于干涉这个世界,我们还没有这样的需求。” I these words, Mister Zhou. If you one day forgot, I will help you.” “我记着这番话,周先生。如果你有一天忘了,我会帮你记起来的。” .
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