MSG :: Volume #22

#2139: Sees the heart bright Deity division

„Was your majesty and you says seriously?” “陛下当真是和你这么说的?” In the Jinglegong in Spirit Mountain, just settled Yang Jian of hospitable person to knit the brows to look to the monkey of conveying a message. But facing the interrogation that Yang exterminates, the monkey stopped Shea in hand immediately, then wipes the mouth was saying to Yang Jian. 灵山的净乐宫里,刚刚安顿好客人的杨戬皱着眉看向了传话的猴子。而面对杨戬的这一番质问,猴子当即停下了手里的胡塞海塞,然后一抹嘴巴的就对着杨戬说道。 Your majesty words, my old Sun does not dare to pass on randomly. Your majesty indeed said that naturally becomes inadequate, that must look at that little elder brother the meaning.” “陛下的话,俺老孙可不敢乱传。陛下的确是如此说的,当然成不成,那还要看那个小哥儿的意思。” Such being the case, comes with me.” “既然如此,跟我来吧。” Yang Jian knew in the heart that the monkey is the huge courage, does not dare to crack a joke with the Zhou Yi matter. Reason that asked, is mainly in order to a on many insurance. Since the monkey said that he also no longer oversuspicious, conveniently standing somewhat restless Peter in the guest's seat greets, when first walks toward outside. 杨戬心知猴子就是天大的胆子,也不敢拿周易的事情开玩笑。之所以这么问,主要是为了能多上一层保险。而既然猴子这么说了,他也就不再多疑,顺手给站在客座上有些坐卧不安的彼得打了个招呼,就当先的向着外面走去。 Three people passed through layer upon layer the palace, sees all sorts, makes Peter this American have the feeling that a hick enters a city all. A five building, a ten pavilion ; The corner unpatterned silk returns, projecting eaves tile tall Zhuo. Eastern traditional architecture style dignified splendid only makes him stare dumbfounded, but that honeycomb cell swirls, the exquisite structure of bridge lying wave, is to make him praise without cease. 三人一路穿过了层层殿宇,其中所见种种,无不让彼得这个美国人有一种土包子进城的感觉。正所谓五步一楼,十步一阁;廊腰缦回,檐牙高啄。东方传统建筑风格的庄严富丽只让他瞠目结舌,而那种蜂房水涡,长桥卧波的精巧构造,更是让他赞叹不已。 By his story, he is really unbelievable, such splendid construction to take care of a person unexpectedly constructs. But palace lady guard who looks at these contacts, all when Yang Jian passed by bows the head to prostrate oneself, he while innermost feelings denounced severely this decayed attitude , the unavoidable center of the earth gave birth for several points to admire. 以他的阅历,他实在是难以相信,这么富丽堂皇的建筑居然只是为了服侍一个人而建造出来的。而看着那些往来的宫娥侍卫,无不在杨戬路过的时候俯首拜倒,他在内心里痛斥这种腐朽作风的同时,也是难免地心生出了几分艳羡来。 Although without such profound culture foundation, not being able to say anything such as the real man lives, when such as is the words come, however the Peter mood is actually and this similar. The men, will yearn for this sprawling drunk beautiful woman knee in the final analysis, pleased of awaking palm world power. Naturally, knows oneself have several jin (0.5 kg) several two, is the quality that an adult should have. Although said that yearns and envies, but, he has not had any improper ambition. 虽然没有那样的文化底蕴,说不出什么诸如大丈夫生当如是的话语来,但是彼得的心情却是与此类似的。男人,说到底还是会向往这种醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权的快意。当然,知道自己有几斤几两,也是一个成年人该具备的素质。所以虽然说向往以及羡慕,但是到底的,他还是没有生出什么不该有的野心来。 But these, Yang Jian watch, and place begins secretly. 而这些,杨戬都看在了眼里,并且也是暗自地点起了头来。 As Zhou Yi present right-hand, an issue that Yang Jian most is worried about is, Zhou Yi passing these old friends after knowing his status, will sprout a getting money idea. 作为周易如今的左膀右臂,杨戬最为担心的一个问题就是,周易过往的那些故交们在得知了他的身份之后,会萌生出一种打秋风的想法来。 This idea is very normal, after all past time, in their foreheads also has the view of similar one's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success. The especially those power and influence grave generation, the chicken dog of their family/home, perhaps want live moistening compared with many deities, comfortable. 这种想法很正常,毕竟以往的时候,他们天庭里也会有着类似一人得道鸡犬升天的说法。尤其是那些权势深重之辈,他们家的鸡犬,恐怕要比许多神仙都要活的滋润、自在呢。 Yang Jian has no intention to indicate anything to this situation, but he actually has to worry, what kind of situation such matter happened on the body of Zhou Yi can be. Zhou Yi is not the ordinary person, once he were trapped in the past friendship, but has to make the words that anything compromised to these people, order that then establishes regarding the present forehead, without doubt will be a hidden danger. 杨戬无意对这种情况表述些什么,但是他却不得不担心,这样的事情发生在周易的身上会是怎么样的一个情况。周易到底不是一般的人,一旦他受困于往日的情谊,而不得不对这些人做出什么妥协的话,那么对于如今天庭里建立起来的秩序,无疑就会是一个隐患。 Yang Jian does not want to see existence of this hidden danger, in fact, for Zhou Yi, he even once had has eliminated these troublesome ideas for him. However now looks like, can save such trouble actually. 杨戬不想要看到这种隐患的存在,事实上,为了周易,他甚至一度有过为他清除这些麻烦的想法。不过现在看来,倒是可以省了这样的麻烦。 Peter seems like a person who understands the discretion, even after the experience crossed these, he still has not revealed any improper look. This point is very good, made Yang Jian to his appraisal high such several points. When strolls to arrive at a school ground, he has pointed at the phenomenon that the distant place dust is flying upwards, was explaining to Peter. 彼得看起来是一个懂分寸的人,哪怕是在见识过了这些之后,他也依然没有流露出什么不该有的神色。这一点就很好,也让杨戬对他的评价高了那么几分。所以在漫步来到一处校场的时候,他就已经是指着远处尘土飞扬的异象,对着彼得说明了起来。 Person who you must find there. Right, crown prince also.” “你们要找的人就在那里。对了,太子也在。” Crown prince?” Peter is still being curious for this name, has followed actually to have a fit of bad temper probably general in their monkeys, hurry, fled. “太子?”彼得还在为这个称呼感到好奇,一直跟在他们身边的猴子却已经是好像炸毛一般的,慌忙地后窜了起来。 I suddenly thought probably, on my also a little matter must be done on hand probably. Therefore, I accompany here, does not need to deliver, does not need to deliver “俺好像突然想起来了,俺手头上好像还有点事情要做。所以,俺就奉陪到这里吧,不用送,不用送啊” The voice has not fallen, he seemed like the escape to flee from here generally, but looks stance that his somersault cloud took, Yang Jian was the brow jumps immediately, ill-humored saying. 话音还没有落,他就好像是逃命一般的逃离了这里,而看着他连筋斗云都拿出来的架势,杨戬当即就是眉头一跳的,没好气的说道。 This macaque, so many years, cannot change the problem of this bracelet. Really does not know that his so many annual the Buddhism practice to cultivate on the dog belly.” “这猢狲,这么多年了,还是改不了这个跳脱的毛病。真不知道他这么多年的佛门修行是不是修到了狗肚子上。” Really, is he that Buddhism war-god?” “果然,他就是那个佛门战神吗?” Because the middle and monkey opened such a reason of joke, Peter was not good to be in front of monkey to affirm his status. After all he knows, the monkey may never be any broadminded fellow. If this makes him know before oneself, is playing him to play, then said that certainly, he do not toss about any right and wrong. 因为中间和猴子开了那样一个玩笑的缘故,彼得一直不好当着猴子的面肯定他的身份。毕竟就他所知道的,猴子可从来不是什么宽宏大量的家伙。这要是让他知道自己之前是在耍他玩,那么说不准的,他就要折腾出什么是非来。 Although Peter does not fear this matter, but actually does not mean that he must provoke these trouble with no reason at all. Especially this is at the home game of monkey. He naturally must restrain some. 彼得虽然不怎么怕这种事情,但是却并不意味着他就要招惹这些无缘无故的麻烦。尤其是这还是在猴子的主场上。他自然是要更加的克制一些。 Naturally, now the monkey had slid, then he naturally did not have so many scruples. Also pries the information, he starts to pretend to have no intention was inquiring to Yang Jian. 当然,现在猴子已经溜了,那么他自然也就没有那么多顾忌了。也算是刺探一下情报的,他开始装作无意的对着杨戬询问了起来。 He indeed is that fights to defeat Buddha right, but this is the old almanac. Present he was only God your presence making an inspection tour general, the status is not may initially compared with.” “他的确是那个斗战胜佛没错,不过这已经是老黄历了。如今的他只是天帝座前的巡守将军,身份已然不是当初可比的了。” Why? I remember in the Eastern myth, the status of Buddha should not be very high? Even if places in front of your jade emperor, can still be treated as the guest to entertain?” “为什么?我记得东方神话里,佛陀的地位不应该是很高的吗?即便是放在你们的那个玉帝面前,也是可以被当做座上宾招待的?” Because is different at this time in those days. In those days in the Buddhism influence sat in a big way, the jade emperor is the weak and incompetent generation, naturally can only treat with good manners. However now, the forehead is the God is master of own affairs, in front of the God, not being able to allow these ambitious generations to sleep soundly in the side of bed. Therefore the entire Buddhism from their Buddha, had been swept clear. Removes these ambitious generations, the remaining present has belonged to my Jinglegong to manage.” “因为今时不同往日。往日里佛门势力坐大,玉帝又是软弱无能之辈,自然是只能以礼相待。但是现在,天庭是天帝当家做主,天帝面前,容不得这些野心勃勃之辈酣睡于卧榻之侧。所以整个佛门自他们的佛祖起,都已经是被清扫一空。去除掉那些野心勃勃之辈,剩下的如今都已归于我净乐宫下辖。” Side is sun set Xishan, side is rising. Therefore the nature, the monkey takes under the God the making an inspection tour general compared with him as many of power and prestige a Buddha comes.” “一边是日暮西山,一边是如日中天。所以自然的,猴子作为天帝麾下巡守将军要比他作为一介佛陀来的威风的多。” This is the secret of forehead, should not be a mortal should know. However the Peter status is different, Yang Jian said that these to him listen, to pour have nothing at the worst. 这算是天庭的秘闻,不该是一介凡人应该知晓的。不过彼得毕竟身份不同,杨戬说这些给他听,倒也没有什么大不了的。 Naturally, there is nothing at the worst is Yang Jian feeling. But regarding Peter, such view some was too rather unexpected. 当然,这没有什么大不了是杨戬的感觉。而对于彼得自己来说,这样的说法未免就有些太出乎意料了。 I also think that your Spiritual God the world will be quite more genial. After all, you are god “我还以为你们神灵的世界会比较和善一些。毕竟,你们是神” Right, we are the gods. However because just we are the gods, therefore we imagine your mortals is more real. Different must haggle over the benefit from your mortals, in the world of Spiritual God, the strength is to decide all keys. The most powerful god grasps all, the whole world will revolve according to your will. If you are unable with it being a worthy opponent, then either is the bow, since, destroys either, will not have many choices.” “没错,我们是神。但是正因为我们是神,所以我们才要比你们凡人想象的更加真实一些。不同于你们凡人还要计较利益,神灵的世界里,力量就是决定一切的关键。最强大的神掌握有一切,整个世界都会按照你的意志来运转。而如果你无法与之匹敌,那么要么是躬从,要么是毁灭,不会有更多的选择。” So that's how it is.” Understands clearly nods, Peter was also deepened an impression to the so-called god. Naturally, he also sighs with emotion many. I also think that the Spiritual God can be any noble existence. Their motives purely and great, for example for the glory, or shoulders any huge mission and so on. However now looks like, is the so-called god also mediocre?” “原来如此。”了然地点了点头,彼得也算是对所谓的神加深了一层印象。当然,他也不乏感慨的。“我还以为神灵就一定会是什么高尚的存在。他们的动机会更加纯粹和伟大,比方说为了荣耀,或者肩负起什么巨大的使命之类的。但是现在看来,所谓的神也不过如此吗?” God and mortal are the same, to live, for live is better. Naturally, you said for very purely and great thing, not does not exist. I said that or bow since, either destruction. If you thought that the bow from trampled anything, you can choose the destruction greatly and that's the end. The life is your, how should live, originally should be right that you choose.” “神和凡人一样的,都只是为了活着,为了活的更好而已。当然,你说为了很么更加纯粹和伟大的东西,也并不是不存在的。我说了,要么躬从,要么毁灭。如果你觉得躬从是践踏了什么东西的话,你大可以选择毁灭就是了。命是你自己的,该怎么活,本来就应该是你自己选择的才对。” „The tone that you spoke and I imagined was not quite same, Erlang Shen your excellency.” “你说话的口气和我想象中的不太一样,二郎神阁下。” Listens to Yang Jian narration, Peter to think, later is sprinkles however smiles. But his view aroused Yang Jian interest obviously, he is then gazing at Peter, the raw and cold solid ice same facial features probably reveals the curious look for the first time. 听完杨戬的讲述,彼得想了一想,随后便是洒然一笑。而他的这个说法显然是引起了杨戬的兴趣,他回头注视着彼得,生冷的好像坚冰一样的面容第一次流露出好奇的神色来。 How did this words say?” “此话怎讲?” I think that the so-called Spiritual God should warns the mortal, how should do, lets them right that simply directly, for any lofty thing sacrificed. Finally I your here, heard other views actually. The life is own, oneself make the choice. If the choices of some people are you go against on the contrary, this is also you permits?” “我以为所谓的神灵理应是告诫凡人,该怎么做,或者干脆一点,直接让他们为了什么崇高的东西去牺牲的才对。结果我倒是在你这里,听到了其他的说法。命是自己的,自己做选择。如果说有些人的选择是和你相反相逆的,这难道也是你允许的吗?” Naturally, why I do not permit. I self-examined that is impossible never to make a mistake, sometimes therefore has the mortal idea to be able with me to be different, this is not very normal? So long as he line does not overstep the legal principle theory of law law, then I really do not think that any necessity, castigates such behavior.” “当然,为什么我不允许。我自问不可能永远都不会出错,所以有时候有凡人想法会和我不同,这不是很正常的吗?只要他所行不逾越法理法度,那么我实在不认为有什么必要,去苛责这样的行为。” If the god demon in this world can a lecture of affair like you, perhaps then this world will not become this appearance bad.” “要是这个世界上的神魔都能像你这样讲事理,那么恐怕这个世界也不会糟糕成这个样子。” In front of God, not being able to allow the irrelevant people dissolute. If some people want not to defer to the custom, then I and others will naturally make him know, my forehead law stern fierce.” “天帝面前,容不得闲杂人等放肆。若是有人想要不按照规矩来,那么我等自然是会让他知道,我天庭法度森严的厉害。” Yang Jian seemed like speaks thoughtlessly to say such words, but listened to his these words, Peter actually to realize other meanings immediately. 杨戬似乎是随口说出了这样的一番话,而听着他的这番话,彼得却是顿时从中体会到了其他的意思。 Wait, you mean, can your foreheads take over control of this world?” “等等,你的意思是,你们天庭要接管这个世界?” More specifically, takes over control of the world beside your mortal. My forehead returns to in world, naturally must have an achievement. But according to your majesty view, reorganizes monsters and freaks in the next present world, these want to remain in limelight turns over to put under the law of my forehead the idiot and ambitious generation that this is the matter that my forehead most should handle.” “更确切的说,是接管你们凡人以外的世界。我天庭重归于世,自然是要有一番作为的。而按照陛下的说法,整顿一下如今世界上的牛鬼蛇神,将那些不甘寂寞的蠢货以及野心勃勃之辈归置于我天庭的法度之下,这才是我天庭最应该做的事情。” This world in these should not under existence the influence of strength, the displacement was too far. Will move returns to above the stock rail, lets be the adscription Spiritual God of Spiritual God, is the adscription mortal of mortal. By doing so, regarding the god is to people, should be the matter of satisfying both sides. Therefore, such surprised that you do not need to display.” “这个世界本身就已经是在那些不该存在的力量的影响下,偏移的太远了。将之挪回到正轨之上,让属于神灵的归于神灵,属于凡人的归于凡人。这样做,不论是对于神还是对于人来说,都应该是两全其美的事情。所以,你不必表现的如此吃惊。” But, how you plan to divide this difference. I meant that mortal and Spiritual God, among this two would that confusion some places, but in this place, you know how should divide?” “可是,你们打算怎么划分这种区别。我是说凡人和神灵,这二者之间总会有那么一些混淆不清的地方,而在这种地方上,你们知道该怎么划分吗?” No wonder that Peter asked that such issue, because of according to the view of Erlang Shen, he cannot affirm, actually oneself should be which part. 无怪乎彼得的问出这样的问题,因为按照二郎神的说法,他自己都不敢肯定,自己究竟该属于哪一部分。 Said that is human, he indeed comes human right, the ability that but he has, including the evil spirit knight great power, is to make him be separated from the category of human. But must say that he is the words of any god demon, perhaps he is not willing to acknowledge such view. 说是人类吧,他的确出身人类没错,但是他所拥有的这一身本领,包括恶灵骑士的强大力量,都已经是让他脱离了人类的范畴。而要说他是什么神魔的话,恐怕他自己都不会愿意承认这样的说法。 After all he from beginning to end, will regard as is a human. If hard divides in him other any domains, then he will be will not accept such a result inevitably. 毕竟他从始至终,都将自己视作为一个人类。而要是硬把他划分到其他的什么领域上,那么他是必然不会接受这样的一个结果的。 However although words saying, but actually does not mean that he repels Yang Jian their approach. In fact in his opinion, falls from the sky in the supreme master, the supreme master of new generation has not grown, in the season that the innumerable evil strengths in drool with envy about Earth, the forehead that Zhou Yi leads is willing to take over this trouble, without doubt is helping human, helping the whole world solve a huge hidden danger. 不过话虽这么说,但是却并不意味着他就排斥杨戬他们的这种做法。事实上在他看来,在至尊法师陨落,新一代的至尊法师还没有成长起来,无数的邪恶力量都在对地球垂涎三尺的这个时节里,周易所率领的天庭愿意接手这个麻烦,无疑是帮着人类,帮着整个世界解决了一个天大的隐患。 By ability that they display, can unable to say the unexpected words, probably many Mame's such situation is almost is impossible to appear again. If comes to see by this premise, opinion that their these status slurred fellows expressed that actually not was so instead important. 以他们所展现出来的能力,可以说不出意外的话,像是多玛姆那样的情况就几乎是不可能再出现的了。而如果是以这个前提来看的话,他们这些身份模糊不清的家伙所表达出来的意见,反倒不是那么重要了。 Under the common sense, they are that part that under the situation can sacrifice. He is also clear, own issue must be neglected and ignored. However, according to his idea, he actually does not want to be sacrificed. Therefore, he asked such words. 常理之下,他们是大势之下可以牺牲掉的那一部分。他自己也清楚,自己的这点问题是应当被忽略和漠视掉的。但是,按照他个人的想法,他却是一点也不想就这么被牺牲掉。所以,他就此问出了这么一番话来。 Divides this type of thing, I like art one discussing the view of mark by the heart. How your to think at heart, is to take the god demon general exists to live, is only a pure achievement average person? In this does not have any hypocritical view, what kind of life you chose, what kind of division you should accept. It looks like you, Mr. Peter Parker. If you choose to be an average person, I will act personally, seal your within the body that the strength of being the demon. At that time, you will seem like average person same birth and death, after when you died, I naturally can find a place, continued the seal to get down that strength.” “划分这种东西,我更喜欢讲究一个论心论迹的说法。你的心里是怎么想的,是想要作为神魔一般的存在生活下去,还是只是单纯的作为一个普通人?这里面不存在什么口是心非的说法,你选择了怎么样的生活,你就应该接受怎么样的划分。就像是你,彼得.帕克先生。如果你选择做一个普通人的话,我会亲自出手,封印你体内那股属于邪魔的力量的。那时,你会像是一个普通人一样生老病死,而等到你死了之后,我自然会找个地方,把那股力量继续封印下去。” Yang Jian reply made Peter fall into silent. He thinks, then like this asked. 杨戬的回答让彼得陷入了沉默。他想了一想,然后这样问道。 If I choose to retain my strength, by isn't the status of average person exists?” “如果说我选择保留我的这份力量,以并非是普通人的身份存在呢?” You must leave this world, to a world life that is the Spiritual God to have. Believes me, Mister Parker, that will not be you will want. If you chose these, then means that you are going to cut off between you and average person thoroughly relate. The family member, the lover, for the strength, has not been worth paying such big price.” “那你必须离开这个世界,去往一个属于神灵存在的世界生活。相信我,帕克先生,那不会是你想要的。因为如果你选择了这些的话,那么既意味着你将要彻底斩断你和普通人之间关系。亲人,爱人,为了力量,还不值得你付出这么大的代价。” Has no means of satisfying both sides?” “难道就没有什么两全其美的办法吗?” No.” On this issue, indifference that very Yang Jian replied. When your majesty exterminated this world all betraying the party, Tienchu will become the only relation of human and spirit world. When this world only has these mortals, if you are also maintaining the strength of being the god demon, is unfair to them.” “没有。”在这个问题上,杨戬回答的很冷漠。“当陛下剿灭了这世间一切的叛党,天柱就将成为人类和神灵世界的唯一联系。而当这个世界只剩下那些凡人的时候,你如果还保持着属于神魔的力量,那么就对他们太不公平了。” I know that you and your majesty have the great relations, you no doubt can beg your majesty, opens an exceptional case for you. However believes me, that will not be the result that you will want. Such does, will only make you different kind in human, forever is unable by existence that they accept.” “我知道你和陛下有着不浅的关系,你固然是可以央求陛下,为你开一个特例的。但是相信我,那不会是你想要的结果。那样做,只会让你成为人类中的异类,永远无法被他们接受的存在罢了。” You said right.” Nods, Peter after thinking through some issues, finally is feeling relieved aspirates. I know how should choose, many thanks, Erlang Shen your excellency.” “你说得对。”点了点头,彼得在想通了一些问题之后,终于算是如释重负的吐了一口气出来。“我知道该怎选择了,多谢,二郎神阁下。” Might as well, since you are your majesty friend, I should tell you these.” Optional nod, Yang Jian only maintained a basic politeness to Peter. Afterward, his finger/refers, was saying to him at fingertips like this. Person who ok, you must find there. However seems like, he as if encountered a problem.” “无妨,既然你是陛下的朋友,我理应告诉你这些。”随意的点了点头,杨戬对彼得只保持了一个基本的礼貌。随后,他信手一指,就对着他这样说道。“好了,你要找的人就在那里。不过看起来,他似乎遇到了点麻烦。” :.: :。:
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