MSG :: Volume #22

#2137: The card sign hints to seek the trail

Wheel of Sun destiny “命运之轮太阳” Two open/stretch card one after another, the flash makes Peter be lost in thought. After all the first time is not thing that holds appreciatively this pit father, the representation of his very clear Chhukha is only a start of big difficult problem, but guesses correctly the profound meaning after this representation is most troublesome. 接连的两张卡牌,一瞬间就让彼得陷入了沉思.毕竟不是第一次把玩这种坑爹的东西了,他很清楚卡牌的表象只是一个大难题的开始,而猜出这个表象后的深意才是最麻烦的。 Without guiding of old horse knows the way, wanting easily to seek the answer from this representation, is too difficult. Before looking like, he for such that the evil spirit knight regiment practices divination, even if guessed correctly the truth finally, is still too late. 没有了识途老马的带路,想要轻易就从这种表象上寻求出答案,太难。就像是之前他为恶灵骑士军团所占卜的那样,即便是最后猜到了真相,也已经是太迟了。 He does not think oneself have such brain, but at this moment, he cannot find out other any means. Fortunately refused to abandon hope, braces oneself to start to ponder over. 他不认为自己有这样的脑子,但是事到如今,他也想不出什么别的办法。所幸死马当作活马医,硬着头皮开始琢磨了。 „The wheel of destiny, this is good to explain. Good pejoration, bad getting better. How however is the change law, this also can only say that is undecided. But what does solar this thing refer to?” “命运之轮,这个好解释。好的变坏的,坏的变好的。但是到底是怎么个变化法,这个还只能说是未定。而太阳这个东西指的是什么?” „The explanation of normal position is the vigor and vital, the child rides a horse under Sun, was said that child who you must look for now is very safe?” “正位的释义是活力和充满生命力,儿童在太阳之下骑马,是说你要找的那个孩子现在很安全吗?” The school days also played Gwen of Tarot card to try to help Peter explain, the thing that but obviously, she explained was not the answer in Peter ideal. 学生时代也玩过塔罗牌的格温试着帮助彼得解读了一下,但是显然,她解读出来的东西并非是彼得理想中的答案。 Child rides a horse, even if in frank and upright also has the risk to exist unavoidably, therefore comes the judgment he to be safe by this, is inappropriate. Sun should have other any profound meaning “儿童骑马,哪怕是在光明正大也难免有风险存在,所以以这来论断他是安全的,并不恰当。太阳应该还有别的什么深意” „The explanation of that counter position “那逆位的释义” „It is not simple plays that rule calculation of Tarot card by the average person, this type of destiny card sign, must the unexpected way infer with that average man every so often. For example, perhaps the recluse means that a person who lives in seclusion to shun the world, but very much what Sun may also refer to the generation is such a exists.” “并不简简单单是以普通人玩塔罗牌的那点规则推算的,这种命运卡牌,很多时候还是要用那种常人所意想不到的方式来推断。比方说,隐者或许就意味着一个隐居避世的人,而太阳也很有可能指代的是这么一个存在。” Sun?” Gwen thinks, could not bear referred to the sky on finger secretly. You felt, this finger/refers can be of space?” “太阳?”格温想了一想,忍不住偷偷指了指头上的天空。“你觉得,这指的会是天上的那位吗?” Is uncertain, I will confirm.” Thinks that has this possibility, Peter moves at heart immediately. Naturally, he impossible wanting to pin on this possibility completely, therefore he is urging to Gwen immediately. According to your beforehand view, you looks for Jarvis. Here, gives me.” “不一定,我会去验证的。”想到不是没有这种可能,彼得心里当下就是一动。当然,他也不可能把希望全部寄托在这种可能上面,所以他当即就对着格温这么叮嘱道。“按照你之前的说法,你去找贾维斯。这边,就交给我吧。” Good, my goes.” “好,我这就去。” Gwen is also knows the life-saving such as the truth of fire fighting, therefore not at this time excessively chatty. Her countenance in a hurry, went by car to the Sunglow Group headquarters directly. But looks that departs in a hurry, Peter is also the complexion changes, avoided family's two old people cautiously, rides the motorcycle to spread in the direction of suburb mansion. 格温也是知道救人如救火的道理,所以也没有在这个时候过分的腻歪。她形色匆匆,直接就驱车去往了日冕集团的总部。而看着这么匆匆离去,彼得也是脸色一变的,小心翼翼避开了家里的两位老人,骑上机车向着郊外公馆的方向驰去。 This said that he is also familiar and easy, quick went into the edge in suburb woods. But has not waited for him to drive to enter, a gigantic club is one that shouted, pounded in his front. 这条道他也算是轻车熟路,很快就跑到了郊区树林的边缘上。而还没有等他驱车进入其中,一个硕大的棒子就已经是呼的一声,砸在了他的面前。 78 meters, does not compare the common room beam column to be thin, the weight is inestimable. Such a club pounds suddenly, is knocks the tree tree seriously but actually, knocks the subsidence of the earth. Is powerful, was Peter that let be attacked suddenly alerted instantaneously. 七八米长,不比一般的房梁柱细,重量更是难以估计。这么一棒子突然间砸下来,当真是磕树树倒,敲地地陷。威力十足,也是让突然遇袭的彼得瞬间就警醒了过来。 The spider response of Peter not had not warned, but comes this attack not to come to him, as to give him to warn purely. And is this attack is extremely sudden, even if detected that also responded radically without enough time. Therefore then makes him end up one forestalled opponent by a show of strength fate. 彼得的蜘蛛反应并非是没有警告,只是一来这袭击并非是冲着他本人来的,似乎只是单纯地想要给他警告。二来则是这袭击到底太过突然,哪怕是察觉到了也根本来不及反应。所以这才让他落得一个被人先声夺人的下场。 But waits for him to alert, and starts to alert time, a thin and small form has towed the stick that is gradually reducing thins, leisurely strolled to arrive at his front. 而等他警醒过来,并且开始戒备的时候,一个瘦小的身影已经是拖着逐渐缩短变细的棍子,信步走到了他的面前来。 „Before God harnesses, who dares dissolutely. Fast retreat, otherwise does not take it ill under my old Sun stick brutal!” “天帝驾前,何人胆敢放肆。速速退去,否则休怪俺老孙棒下无情!” God?” Although said that the present person cannot withstand thin and small, looked is that persimmon that good to pinch. However Peter will not forget before him, how to manage that to be able to be short steadily, can be able greatly the small club. The might of that club is placed there, but defers to the most basic physical general knowledge even if, to an appraisal of this thin and small fellow inborn supernatural power definitely yes right. But merely is this, he is not good to cope. “天帝?”虽然说眼前的人瘦小不堪,一看就是好捏的那种柿子。但是彼得可不会忘记他之前是怎么操持那杆能长能短,能大能小的棒子的。那棒子的威力摆在那里,而哪怕是按照最基本的物理常识来看,给这个瘦小家伙一个天生神力的评价肯定是没错的。而仅仅是这样,他就已经不是那么好对付的了。 Peter for looking for missing people cable/search Shi, does not want to attack brutally with anyone today. Therefore he is also maintaining the restraint, and was explaining own purpose in coming in Chinese to the present person directly. 彼得今天来只是为了寻人索事,并非是想要和什么人大打出手。所以他也只是保持着克制,并且用汉语直接对着眼前之人说明了自己的来意。 I do not know that who the God is, I come to here to find the person ask a matter. Zhou Yi now in this?” “我不知道天帝是谁,我来这里只是为了找人问件事。周易现在在这吗?” Bold, dares to say the God given name unexpectedly, I thought that you were exactly chatty.” “大胆,竟然敢直呼天帝名讳,我看你是活腻歪了。” Monkey drinks severely, blew out the fang instantaneously. However is also matter in a flash, his attitude changes, is asking to Peter like this. 猴子一声厉喝,瞬间就爆出了獠牙。不过也就是转瞬之间的事情,他态度一变的,就对着彼得这样问道。 How place? Are you also surnamed Zhou? Do you also know my family God master?” “咋地?你也姓周?或者你也认识我家天帝老爷?” I am not surnamed Zhou, but Zhou Yi, right, I know him.” “我不姓周,不过周易,没错,我认识他。” „Very ripe?” “很熟?” Non- commonly acquainted.” “非常熟。” Straight mother thief, how today is to have bad luck or the place, how always made old Sun meet this lacking matter.” The monkey of whisper has not chosen to the Peter blade soldier quarrels, he has eaten one to be unable to speak out about one's grievances, have no reason to eat second again. Therefore under the obligation of caution and care, he received the club, first turned was saying to Peter like this. Comes with my old Sun. Beforehand reached an agreement with you, waited, no matter you saw anything, gave me honestly. Especially in front of the God master, cannot accommodate your point hurriedly. If you do not listen to advice, drew on any disaster to oneself, then do not blame my old Sun not to greet you ahead of time.” “直娘贼,今儿个是走了背运还是咋地,怎么老是让老孙遇上了这种缺事。”嘀嘀咕咕的猴子到底还是没有选择对彼得刀兵相向,他已经吃了一个哑巴亏了,没有理由再吃第二个。所以在谨慎小心的驱使之下,他收起了棒子,把头一扭就对着彼得这样说道。“跟俺老孙来。事先和你说好了啊,等下不管你见到个啥子,都给俺老实一点。尤其是天帝老爷面前,容不得你一点造次。如果你不听劝,给自己招来了什么祸事,那么可别怪俺老孙没有提前招呼你。” Naturally, naturally. Right, has not consulted, does not know that the mister you are “当然,当然。对了,还没有请教,不知道先生你是” My old Sun, but has made a big row Mt. Huaguo monkey king great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong of heavenly palace, now before the God harnesses making an inspection tour general. Naturally, I was supposing your barbarian young child has not listened to my given name, therefore you along with the natural point, called my mahatma or Grandpa Sun are good.” “俺老孙,可是大闹过天宫的花果山美猴王齐天大圣孙悟空,如今天帝驾前的巡守将军是也。当然,我估摸着你这个番邦小儿也没有听过俺的大名,所以你随性点,叫俺大圣或者孙爷爷都行。” Looked that Peter does not seem like with the God has ties of kinship, monkey naturally also stopping at nothing spouted rhetoric. But regarding his type obviously toward the behavior that oneself toot one's own horn, Peter is also only hehe smiles, said. 彼得也不像是和自家天帝沾亲带故的,猴子自然也是无所顾忌的大放厥词起来。而对于他这种明显往自己脸上贴金的行为,彼得也只是呵呵一笑,说道。 Sun Wukong? Kaka Rotter? I had heard this name, from Beiji tower planet Saiyan is right? It is said you are in the universe the most powerful fight nationality, getting angry head golden hair can set upright right?” “孙悟空?卡卡罗特?我听说过这个名字,来自贝吉塔行星的赛亚人对吗?据说你们是宇宙里最强大的战斗民族,一发怒头上的金发都会竖起来对吗?” „?” Although the divine nature gave the monkey to understand all languages the abilities, but this does not mean that he can know the super Saiyan is any ghost. He tries hard takes a seat according to ticket number the object who oneself and Peter described, because he does not want to appear itself is too ignorant. „If the golden hair, my old Sun fur/superficial knowledge but actually indeed is the golden color. Moreover bristles with anger, the wool will indeed set upright right and that's the end. However, Kaka Rotter, my old Sun had not had such a name probably.” “啊?”神性虽然赋予了猴子能够听懂一切语言的能力,但是这并不意味着他就能知晓超级赛亚人是个什么鬼。他努力的把自己和彼得所描述的对象对号入座,因为他不想显得自己太无知。“如果说是金色毛发的话,俺老孙的皮毛倒的确是金色的。而且怒发冲冠的时候,毛的确会竖起来没错就是了。不过,卡卡罗特,俺老孙好像还没有有过这么一个称呼。” This is unimportant, Mister. More importantly, do you have a tail not?” “这不重要,先生。重要的是,你有一条尾巴不是吗?” Tail?” Felt that Peter had guessed correctly own status, the monkey does not think oneself have to continue to fit out is a necessity of person. He pulls out conveniently, pulled out a tail from own back. But looks at this flexibly incomparable, tail of oscillation, Peter while affirming oneself innermost feelings guess, is twitching the corners of the mouth, continued. “尾巴?”感觉彼得已经猜出了自己的身份,猴子也不认为自己有继续装成是一个人的必要。他顺手一掏,就从自己的背后掏出了一根尾巴来。而看着这个灵活无比,来回摇摆的尾巴,彼得在肯定了自己内心猜测的同时,也是抽搐着嘴角,继续说道了起来。 Right, tail. All Saiyan have the tail. Like this that you show now therefore, you definitely is a Saiyan right.” “没错,尾巴。所有的赛亚人都有有尾巴的。就像你现在展现出来的这样所以,你肯定是一个赛亚人没错。” Peter is assured, the monkey more cannot be disorienting. Does this make him unable to bear is whispering „the present human to like the monkey essence being called the Saiyan in secret? This is nothing, turned over to person of record/native place inside the monkey?” 彼得越是笃定,猴子越是摸不着头脑。这让他忍不住在私下里嘀咕“难道现在的人类都喜欢把猴子精叫做赛亚人吗?这算啥,把猴子归到了人籍里吗?” Monkey are puzzling, but this does not hinder him to bring Peter to the Zhou Yi front. But this time Zhou Yi just sent off Yang Jian shortly, but is very obvious, he regarding the Peter visiting suitable accident/surprise. 猴子自己是百思不得其解,但是这并不妨碍他把彼得带到周易的面前。而这个时候的周易才刚刚送走杨戬没多久,而很显然的,他对于彼得的来访相当的意外。 Really makes me somewhat surprised, judging from the present situation, are you in my many old friends first come to visit my?” “真是让我有些吃惊啊,从目前的情况来看,你可是我众多老朋友中最先过来拜访我的呢?” Although accident/surprise, but Zhou Yi extended welcome for Peter. He has appreciated this young people very much, because of his honesty and his pure. This point and he is young time looks like very much, this is also he most likes his point. 虽然意外,但是周易还是对彼得表示了欢迎。他一直都很欣赏这个年轻人,因为他的正直以及他的纯粹。这一点和他年轻的时候很像,这也是他最喜欢他的一点。 I think that you come here should not for pure talking about old days. After all, if no one officially informed the situation to you, you should unable to guess correctly I came back to be right. Therefore makes me guess, is Coulson? My person saw he arrived at Radiance City, I think that he is looks my, never expected that he looked for you unexpectedly. Therefore, do you come to look for him my? Because his these do trouble newly?” “我想你来我这里应该不是为了单纯的叙旧。毕竟,如果没有人对你知会情况的话,你应该是猜不到我回来了才对。所以让我猜猜,是科尔森?我的人看到了他来到了辉耀市,我以为他是来找我的,没想到他居然去找了你。所以,你是为了他而过来找我的?因为他的那些新麻烦?” You know they face these troublesome?” “你知道他们所面临的那些麻烦了吗?” Peter has to acknowledge, Zhou Yi guesses very accurate. This made him once suspect, he has been monitoring every action and every movement of government. However changes mind thinks, this seems the unlikely matter. After all is not the person in same level, such matter is almost impossible to happen on his body. 彼得不得不承认,周易猜的非常的精准。这让他一度怀疑,他是不是一直在监视着政府的一举一动。不过转念一想,这似乎又是不大可能的事情。毕竟都不是同一个层面上的人,这样的事情几乎不可能发生在他的身上。 No, I do not know, does not want to know.” The view of Zhou Yi confirmed guess of Peter, naturally to a certain extent, their ideas also somewhat happen to hold the same view. You never know that what troublesome swayed these fellows will put out to you in front, then a face hopes that sincerely you help them solve. This is not a two matter, Peter. Once made them realize you were a goal of good speech, then they will repeat this behavior again and again.” “不,我不知道,也不想知道。”周易的说法证实了彼得的猜测,当然在某种程度上,他们的想法也有些不谋而合。“你永远不知道这些家伙会拿出什么样的麻烦摆到你面前,然后一脸诚恳地希望你去帮他们解决。这不会是一次两次的事情,彼得。一旦让他们意识到了你是一个好说话的目标,那么他们就会一而再,再而三地重复这个行为。” Jokes aside, I have received enough them, but I think, you almost should also realize this type felt right.” “说真的,我早就受够他们了,而我想,你差不多也该体会到这种感觉了才对。” Right, I indeed have such feeling. Therefore this time, I said to them not.” “没错,我的确是有这样的感觉。所以这一次,我对他们说了不.” Wise choice.” Roused applause, Zhou Yi conveniently was Peter but actually one glass of whiskeys, later he lifted up high the wine glass, got up celebration. Congratulates you, Peter. You got rid of one greatly troublesome. In fact, after losing Stark, I had lost the expectation to the present US government thoroughly. I do not think that they are capable of solving troublesome, but similarly, I do not think the government that the issue could not solve also had the value that anything had. It should be replaced or perished, but in this process, your I only need to look on well.” “明智的选择。”鼓了鼓掌,周易顺手就为彼得倒了一杯威士忌,随后他高举起了酒杯,以示起了庆祝。“恭喜你,彼得。你摆脱掉了一个大麻烦。事实上,在失去了史塔克之后,我对眼下的美国政府就已经彻底失去了期望。我不认为他们是有能力解决麻烦的,而同样的,我也不认为连自己问题都解决不了的政府还有什么存在的价值。它应该被取代或者灭亡,而在这个过程中,你我只需要旁观就好。” Really, you are know right?” Neglected in the Zhou Yi words these not important component, Peter grasped the key point that oneself paid attention to immediately. Stark death news!” “果然,你是知道的对吗?”忽略掉了周易话语中那些不重要的成分,彼得当即就是抓住了自己关注的重点。“史塔克的死讯!” Right, I learned of this news, moreover just. What's wrong, what question do you have?” “没错,我得知了这个消息,而且就在刚刚。怎么,你有什么疑问吗?” I have an issue, family member about Stark. Are they now your here?” “我有一个问题,是关于史塔克的家人的。他们现在在你这里,是不是?” Peter explained the purpose in coming directly, but hears this saying, Zhou Yi begins directly on the point. 彼得直接说明了来意,而听到这话,周易直接就点起了头来。 What if you said is Stark son Frank, then he indeed here right. As for Maria, very sorry, about her whereabouts, I do not know the circumstances of the matter.” “如果你说的是史塔克的儿子弗兰克的话,那么他的确是在我这里没错。至于玛利亚,很抱歉,关于她的行踪,我并不知情。” This has nothing to conceal, Zhou Yi naturally had anything to say anything. But after confirming Frank's safety and this not no harvest, Peter while long breathes out at heart, was explaining to Zhou Yi. 这是没有什么好隐瞒的,周易自然是有什么说什么。而确认了弗兰克的安危以及自己这一趟并不是没有什么收获之后,彼得在心里长出了一口气的同时,也是对着周易说明了起来。 Said that Mister Zhou. I owed a Stark account, tent/account that is very hard to pay off. I am thinking slowly repays his, but now looks like, I should not have this opportunity. Therefore “这么说吧,周先生。我欠了史塔克一笔账,一笔很难还清的帐。我本来是想着慢慢偿还他的,但是现在看来,我应该是没有这个机会了。所以” Therefore you are thinking, this account calculates that on his son's body, repays his son?” “所以你想着,把这笔账算在他儿子的身上,去偿还他的儿子?” Zhou Yi one hear understood what is heard the Peter implied meaning on the general idea. Regarding this, he pours did not oppose. Is somewhat curious, because he cannot think how Peter must repay the debt that he said. 周易一听就大概听明白了彼得的言下之意。对此,他倒也并不怎么反对。只是有些好奇,因为他想不出来彼得到底要怎来偿还他说的这笔债务。 Said that how do you plan to do? Helps his father revenge, said that the plan does consider his latter half of life?” “说吧,你打算怎么做?帮他父亲报仇,还是说打算照顾他下半辈子?” Revenges? Killed Smith. Week?” Hears question of Zhou Yi, in the Peter complexion, although does not have any change, but has actually paid attention to have the Zhou Yi look in secret. In this not some meanings of probe, he at this moment, some deliberately was rather saying. No, first did not say that I can achieve this situation. But is you, perhaps will not allow me to do that.” “报仇?杀了史密斯.周吗?”听到周易的发问,彼得脸色上虽然没有任何的变化,但是却已经是暗中注意起了周易的神色来。这里面未尝没有一些试探的意思,以至于他在此时此刻,未免有些刻意地说道。“不,先不说我能不能做到这种地步。但就是你,恐怕都不会允许我这么做的吧。” Killed Smith. Week? If you have this skill, can attempt greatly. In the issue in this, you do not need to probe my opinion. Because my opinion is very simple, that is I do not think that you are capable of achieving this point. You are also good, is the young animal of Stark is also the same. That fellow, was not you can cope.” “杀了史密斯.周吗?如果你有这个本事的话,大可以去尝试一下。在这中问题上,你不用试探我的意见。因为我的意见很简单,那就是我不认为你们有能力做到这一点。不论是你也好,还是史塔克家的小崽子也一样。那个家伙,到底不是你们能对付得了的。” Since you said that then perhaps my really not that skill.” Knows the answer that oneself want to know, Peter sprinkles immediately however smiles, the peak the shoulder was saying to Zhou Yi. I am not such considering resources bite off more than can chew, therefore I think, performs my possible care their life, the person who lets Stark can work loose from these difficult situations. Perhaps was also enough.” “既然你都这么说了,那么恐怕我是真的没有那个本事了。”知道了自己想要知道的答案,彼得当即洒然一笑,耸着肩膀就对着周易说道。“我也不是那么的自不量力,所以我想,尽我可能的照料他们一生,让史塔克家的人能够从那些惊涛骇浪中挣脱出来。或许也就足够了。” This? Pouring is not.” “这样吗?倒也不是不可以。” Believed the view of Peter reluctantly. Zhou Yi was also calculating at heart. 勉强算是相信了彼得的说法。周易也是在心里盘算了起来。 His clear truth, that is Frank wants to defend their Stark the property, definitely wants some people to lend a hand in side is good. He can also certainly do that but on his current status, he actually not at will the business that is suitable to meddle this mortal. But under compares, Peter on the contrary is a righter candidate. Therefore, he decided having made up mind on below quickly. 他清楚一个道理,那就是弗兰克想要守住他们史塔克家的财产,必然是要有人在旁边帮衬的才行。他当然也可以这么做,但是就他目前的身份来说,他其实并不适合随意地插手到这种凡人的事务当中。而相比较之下,彼得反倒是一个更合适的人选。所以,他很快就下定了决意。 „, Are you plan make me give you him?” “那么,你是打算让我把他交给你吗?” Talent home station address:. 天才本站地址:。
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