MSG :: Volume #21

#2092: Family members in tranquil harbor

Thump, thump and thump has the knock to resound, but after hearing this sound, seems scared witless general, before an old woman had rushed to the gate, opened the front door. “咚、咚、咚”有敲门声响起,而在听到这个声音之后,仿佛是魂不守舍一般的,一位老妇人就已经是冲到了门前,打开了大门。 She thinks oneself were the auditory hallucination, or was a disappointing answer. However what without thinking, that child who she keeps thinking about appears in her now at present, and was showing a smiling face to her. 她本来以为自己又是幻听了,或者说又是一个让人失望的答案。但是没有想到的是,她日思夜想的那个孩子如今就出现在了她的眼前,并且对着她露出了一个久违的笑容。 Long time no see, Aunt May.” “好久不见了,梅婶婶。” Peter? My God, where did you run up to?” 彼得?哦,我的老天爷,你到底跑到什么地方去了?” Aunt May called out in alarm one, then immediately old eyes hug with tears own nephew. Although said that places in Radiance City, has not come under Mame's influence, but this does not mean that they will not worry, oneself that nephew in Canada. 梅婶婶惊呼了一声,然后立刻老眼含泪的拥抱住了自己的这个侄子。虽然说身处于辉耀市里,并没有怎么受到多玛姆的影响,但是这并不意味着他们就不会担心,自己那远在加拿大的侄子。 Work that not clear Peter is also engaged in truly, this and plum this to the old couple also really think that he university that side Canada was the teacher. But facing global calamity report that in the news blots out the sky, they naturally worry about oneself this nephew's safety unavoidably understandingly. 至今还不清楚彼得真正所从事的工作,本和梅这对老夫妻还真的以为他就是在加拿大那边的大学当老师了。而面对新闻里铺天盖地的全球灾难性报道,他们自然是难免会心忧自己这个侄子的安危。 If not because the disaster caused the transportation paralysis and global airport suspends shipment, their old couples have killed Canada. But the barrier that because also among this all sorts are unable to overcome, and advising of Gwen, they put aside such thoughts finally, and chose the waiting heavyheartedly. 如果说不是因为灾难导致了交通瘫痪以及全球性的机场停运,他们老两口早就一路杀到加拿大去了。而也正是因为这中间种种无法逾越的障碍,以及格温的不停劝导,他们才最终放下了这样的心思,并且忧心忡忡地选择了等待。 This type wanting to pin in the far-fetched luck, this is really a matter that lets the person suffering. Two old person tea do not think for this reason, the food does not think, scared witless has almost become the habit. But today, the sudden return of Peter is to make them feel relieved finally thoroughly, even/including this such steady person, could not bear the tears. 这种把希望寄托在并不靠谱的运气上,这实在是一件让人煎熬的事情。两个老人为此茶不思,饭不想,魂不守舍几乎已经成为了常态。而今天,彼得的突然归来终于是让他们两个彻底地放下了心来,以至于连本这样稳重的人,都忍不住老泪纵横了起来。 Naturally, he wants to preserve itself in the Peter front the dignity as elder. Therefore he taking advantage of scratching the opportunity of eyeglasses cancelled the tear stains on corner of the eye hastily, then does intentionally calmly was saying to Peter like this. 当然,在彼得的面前他还是想保住自己作为长辈的尊严的。所以他借着擦眼镜的机会连忙抹去了眼角上的泪痕,然后就故作镇定的对着彼得这样说道。 Came back well, came back well. I have said that Canadian that country is far-fetched, you must go to the university to teach, in US not very? Now now also the Radiance City university also does is very good, stays here, you leave home also to be able about.” “回来了就好,回来了就好。我早就说过,加拿大那个国家太不靠谱了,你要去大学教书,在美国本土不就很好吗?再说现在辉耀市的大学现在也做的很不错,留在这里,你离家也能近一点。” He spoke big pile of idle talk verbosely, but in entire words only core only then last. He hopes that Peter can remain, remains to family/home about one point place. 他絮絮叨叨地说了一大堆废话,而整句话里唯一的核心就只有最后一句。他希望彼得能留下来,留在离家近一点的地方。 This earnest hope probably also only then his leaving home surely, and almost does not have the time to go home a person to realize. But regarding his expectation, Peter grinning, gave an affirmative answer. 这种殷切的希望大概也就只有他这种离家千万里,并且几乎没有时间回家一趟的人才能体会到。而对于他的这份期望,彼得咧了咧嘴,就给出了一个肯定的答复来。 I know. My this coming back, for looks for a work to start near home.” “我知道。我这次回来,就是为了在家附近找一份工作重新开始的。” Right, you should do that.” Heard this to make the delighted reply, the plum should immediately happily with. She is mixing the arm of Peter, dragging him to walk toward the room. Walks, while also to him verbose. Now in the world is so chaotic, you should not rush to this leaving home too far place. Let us be worried not saying that is essential unsafe. Do not look that the Canadian domain is very big, actually they are one flock of weak chickens. Was counting on there police can protect your security, you might as well counted on that I protect you at the back of your uncle's hunting rifle!” “对,你就应该这么做。”听到了这个让自己喜出望外的回答,梅立刻就开心地应和了起来。她掺着彼得的手臂,拖着他就往屋里走。一边走,一边还对他絮絮叨叨了起来。“现在世界上这么乱,你本来就不应该跑到这种离家太远的地方。让我们担心不说,最关键还是不安全。别看加拿大地盘挺大的,其实他们就是一群弱鸡。指望着那里的警察能保护你的安全,你还不如指望我背着你伯父的猎枪来保护你呢!” Calculates that the plum was the quick 70 people, unexpectedly can also say this wild uninhibited brave words, this let Peter while on the face smiled bitterly, was in the unavoidable center of the earth is somewhat moved. Although said meaning that this saying no doubt a little cracks a joke, but realizes carefully, can feel that not being able to melt kinship. 算算梅都是快七十的人了,居然还能说出这种狂放不羁的豪言来,这让彼得在脸上苦笑的同时,也是难免地心里有所触动。虽然说这话固然是有点开玩笑的意思,但是仔细体会一下,还是能感受到那份化不开的亲情的。 „Can you also play the hunting rifle? I remember that you don't ban one of members the spear/gun organizes?” “你还能玩猎枪?我记得你不是禁枪组织的成员之一吗?” Regarding this, he teased. After all Aunt Mei jumps as one that banning the spear/gun organizes suddenly instead, is really a flash news in home. But facing his teasing, Aunt Mei patted his ill-humoredly, flung this uncle's body the pot. 对此,他调侃了一下。毕竟梅婶作为禁枪组织的一员突然跳反,实在是这个家里的一个大新闻。而面对他的调侃,梅婶没好气地拍了他一下,就把锅甩到了本伯父的身上。 Must blame this old fogy. I, he must draw in me to go to the open country at home well to go hunting together. Also must 486 hunting rifles that teach me to use him to buy newly. I do not want to play that boorish game, what has not thought that I as if also very have the talent in this aspect. You know that Peter. I play this type of hunting rifle for the first time, successfully overcame two wild ducks. Only used three spears/guns!” “都要怪这个老家伙。我本来在家里好好的,他非要拉上我一起去野外打猎。还要教我用他新买的486猎枪。我本来不想玩那么粗野的游戏的,但是没有想到的是,我似乎还挺有这方面的天赋。你知道吗,彼得。我第一次玩这种猎枪,就成功打下了两只野鸭。只用了三枪!” Raised up two fingers before the face of Peter, Aunt Mei with the mentality that the most direct way expressed itself to take undeserved credit. Naturally, Peter will not let her disappointedly and that's the end, he is holding the Aunt Mei shoulder, exhibited a surprised look. 彼得的脸前竖起了两根手指,梅婶用最直接的方式表达出了自己邀功的心态。当然,彼得也不会让她失望就是了,他抱着梅婶的肩膀,就摆出了一副惊讶的神色。 Oh, this may be really fierce. I remember that this uncle went to the amusement park to play the fire game with me in childhood, he fired ten spears/guns, only hits two. Compared with him, you simply are the expert marksman of our family/home.” “哇哦,这可真厉害。我记得本伯父小时候带着我去游乐园玩射击游戏,他打了十枪,才只打中两个。和他相比,你简直就是我们家的神枪手。” That is because that bastard of amusement park he sawed the accurate heart. If he does not fudge, on that day I can a you wanting Teddy bear hugging.” “那是因为游乐园的那个混蛋他锯了准心。如果他不动手脚的话,那一天我就能把你一只想要的泰迪熊给抱回来。” Is smelly a face, simply has not thought that Peter will open the uncle of this aging past event only to argue unexpectedly for oneself. Naturally, his argument in Aunt Mei here is untenable. She does not pay attention to his defense. But after realizing this issue, he also can only sigh, shifted the topic. 臭着一张脸,根本没有想到彼得居然会揭开这种陈年旧事的本伯父只能如此地为自己辩解到。当然,他的这份辩解在梅婶这里是不成立的。她根本就不理会他的辩护。而在意识到了这个问题之后,他也只能叹息着,转移起了话题来。 „Can we not say this issue? Said that Peter you, how you come back, what danger do you encounter in that side?” “我们能不说这个问题吗?说说彼得你吧,你是怎么回来的,还有你在那边有没有遇到什么危险?” I? I ride the motorcycle to come back.” Peter does not certainly dare to tell their experience. Probably breaks off the wrist with Satan, and in the monster with void makes the life and death to prey on this kind of matter, he is a character does not dare to raise. Therefore, he has to compile the lie. But according to his past excuse, he can only respond. I avoided the city also to have these key communication lines as far as possible, did this, although had many pain, but, has not encountered any danger at least. Naturally, on the road is very indeed bad and that's the end. If personally does not see, I do not believe that in the world will have such dreadful matter unexpectedly.” “我吗?我是骑着机车回来的。”彼得当然不敢告诉他们自己的经历。像是和撒旦掰腕子,以及和虚空里的怪物做生死搏杀这类事情,他是一个字都不敢提。为此,他不得不编造谎话。而按照他以往的说辞,他只能这么回应道。“我尽可能的避开了城市还有那些交通要道,这样做虽然吃了不少苦,但是最起码的,没有遇到什么危险。当然,路上的确很糟糕就是了。如果不是亲眼所见的话,我也不会相信世界上居然会发生这么可怕的事情。” Yes, I read the news, this was too simply fearful.” “是的,我看了新闻,这简直太可怕了。” Mentioned the beforehand disaster, Aunt Mei also somewhat had a lingering fear obviously. Too had not been educated as one, old woman who also is very difficulty to keep up with the time step, she cannot imagine such terrifying. When all these are placed after her front, she naturally conflicted subconsciously. 说起之前的灾难,梅婶显然还有些心有余悸。作为一个并没有受过太多教育,同时也很难跟上时代脚步的老妇人,她根本想象不到这样的恐怖。而当这一切就这么摆在她面前之后,她自然就是下意识地抵触了起来。 If in the universe is such monster, then we vigorously do develop the aerospace for what? Directing Earth comes up these monsters? If this, I pour rather to move these tax money to other more useful place. I thought the civilians who these chaos caused by war areas really need them.” “如果说宇宙里都是这样的怪物的话,那么我们那么大力地发展航天是为了什么?把这些怪物给引到地球上来吗?如果说是这样的话,我倒宁愿把这些税款挪到其他更有用的地方去。我看那些战乱地区的平民就很需要它们。” You are womanly compassion. The aerospace is the exploration future inevitable way, one day human is to leave Earth, to universe deep place. If we do not develop these technologies, then we can only be one flock of monkeys in universe forever, was closed in the basket is thrown the banana to play. What's wrong, did you want to live like this?” “你这是妇人之仁。航天是探索未来的必然途径,总有一天人类是要离开地球,去往宇宙的更深处的。如果说我们不发展这些技术,那么我们永远就只会是宇宙里的一群猴子,被关在笼子里被人丢香蕉玩。怎么,难道你就想要这样的生活了吗?” As the household head, this uncle naturally must ask for a victory field to come back for the face that oneself just discarded. But stands is in the light great human standpoint, his truth indeed is unable to refute. 作为一家之主,本伯父当然要为自己刚刚丢掉的面子讨一个胜场回来。而立身在光伟正的人类立场上,他的道理也的确是无从反驳的。 However, Aunt Mei does not need to refute this light great topic. As lived together a about 50 years of old couple, her some are the means copes with the tenacious old man of family/home. Therefore she does not meet the thread of conversation, is excessive on the revolutions to Peter was saying. 不过,梅婶不需要反驳这种光伟正的话题。作为一起生活了将近五十年的老夫妻,她有的是办法对付自己家的这个固执老头。所以她连话头都不接的,就转过了头对着彼得这么说道。 You telephone to Gwen, told him you to come back, inviting their one to come to eat meal in the evening. I go out to buy the food now, in the evening I am you to you lemon perch that likes eating.” “你去打个电话给格温,告诉他你回来了,邀请他们一家晚上过来吃饭。我现在就出去买食材,晚上我给你做你最爱吃的柠檬鲈鱼。” Then, she does not give the opportunity that the Peter rejection or shirks, carried own bag to walk. But looks an own many years of spouse walked out of the door jubilantly, this uncle while deeply is sighing , the place had cigarette silently. 说完,她根本不给彼得拒绝或者推脱的机会,拎着自己的手包就走了出去。而看着自己多年的老伴就这么兴高采烈地走出了家门,本伯父在深深叹了一口气的同时,也是默默地点起了一根烟来。 „To deceive her is not too easy, right?” “想要把她糊弄过去可不是太容易,是吗?” Peter thinks what he said is oneself, just wanted to speak, actually hears this uncle's such spoken language. 彼得以为他说的是自己,刚想要说话,却又听到本伯父这样的言语。 Do not want to feign ignorance with me, Peter. The level that you lie is like your father, I close one's eyes to look that your father and son are pulling with my ghost. Before looking like you, to these is the same, are you who I said really the teacher in the university in Canada?” “别想和我打马虎眼,彼得。你说谎的水平就和你老爸一样,我闭着眼都能看出来你们父子俩到底是不是在跟我鬼扯。就像是你之前跟我说的那些一样,你真的是在加拿大的大学当老师吗?” I “我” Sometimes you run to think that secretly I do not know, sometimes you cut and bruised also pretend to be all right the appearance that with me, I also watch do not speak. Peter, I after all am not your father, I am unable not to have the qualifications to seem like the father such in every possible way to look after you. I think that you are an adult, you have the power to choose your life. However, this does not mean that you should hide all things at heart “有时候你偷偷地跑回来以为我不知道,有时候你遍体鳞伤还跟我装作没事的样子,我也只是看在眼里不说话。彼得,我毕竟不是你的父亲,我无法也没有资格像是父亲那样无微不至的照看你。我以为你已经是一个成年人了,你有权力选择自己的生活。但是,这并不意味着你就应该把所有的事情都藏在心里” No matter how said, we are the family members. If you have the thing that anything cannot withstand, I am glad to listen to you to pour out very much, shares with you. Naturally, if extremely in heavy thing, then we are tacit, do not let your Aunt May know. Although she same loves you with me, but you also know that she cannot bear the exciting person.” “不管怎么说,我们是家人。如果你有什么承受不了的东西的话,我很乐意听你倾诉,和你一起分担。当然,要是太过于沉重的东西,那么我们还是默契点,别让你梅婶婶知道。她虽然和我一样爱你,但是你也知道的,她可不是那么受得了刺激的人。” At this point, this uncle blinks to Peter quietly. But facing the care of old man, Peter actually somewhat had mixed emotions at heart suddenly. 说到这里,本伯父悄悄地对彼得眨了眨眼。而面对老头的这种关心,彼得心里却是一时间有些百感交集了起来。 He has not thought that this uncle had discovered own small secret, what without thinking, he is gazing at himself starting from that time in behind unexpectedly silently. Although said that he was not necessarily clear are doing, but from his tone and attitude, he is believing itself obviously, thinks oneself are walks on the correct path. 他没有想到本伯父早就发现了自己的小秘密,更没有想到的是,他居然从那个时候开始就在背后默默注视着自己。虽然说他未必清楚自己到底是在干什么,但是从他的语气以及态度来看,他显然是相信着自己,认为自己是行走在正确的道路上的。 Peter has been believing are walks on the correct path, and it can be said that incomparable believing. Therefore, he does not even hesitate to resist Stark, the resistance entire world. However, although said that he has not changed own viewpoint until today, but the distress on this road, is to make him feel exhausted physically and mentally. 彼得一直坚信着自己是行走在正确的道路上,并且可以说是无比的坚信。为此,他甚至不惜对抗史塔克,对抗全世界。不过,虽然说直到今天他也没有改变自己的这个观点,但是这条路上的苦楚,已经是让他身心俱疲了起来。 He did not determine whether oneself should continue to walk, he does not even know can oneself also continue to start off again. Returns to the family, returns to the most important person side, except for saying was because he harbors beside worry to their securities, what was main was, he needed a haven, can let the place that he was calm and steady, making his heart have an opportunity of respite. 他不确定自己是否该继续行走下去了,他甚至都不知道自己还能不能再继续上路。回归家庭,回归到自己最重要的人身边,除了说是因为他对他们的安全怀有着一种担忧之外,最主要的还是,他需要一个避风港,一个能够让他安稳下来的地方,让他的心得到一丝喘息的机会。 Originally he has no intention to disclose oneself real identity, since this uncle had detected that his small secret, he does not need to conceal again. He is glad to pour out, is hoping can the direction of his uncle, obtains some type to stimulate the strength that from his life experience and instruction he continues to go forward. However said own experience in him, after saying these annual truth, this uncle's performance somewhat was exaggerating. 本来他是无意透露出自己的真实身份的,但是既然本伯父已经察觉到了他的小秘密,他也就没有必要再隐瞒下去了。他乐意倾吐,也希望着能够得到他本伯父的指引,从他的人生经验以及教诲中得到某种能激发他继续前进的力量。然而就在他说出了自己的经历,说出了这些年的真相之后,本伯父的表现就有些夸张了。 What ghost? You said that you are Spider-Man? Is that appearance strange, likes in that fellow who on the eave flies round?” “什么鬼?你说你是蜘蛛侠?那个打扮怪异,喜欢掉在房檐上飞来飞去的那个家伙?” Actually that appearance is not considered as that too strange. You know that I am give myself to tailor the clothes most at the beginning. The only my craftsmanship can achieve that situation, I thought that is very good. Moreover said again, my does not like flying round on the eave, but in the city, that is the quickest gait mode. This is the most effective choice, my have no reason to choose other, not?” “其实那种打扮也不算是太怪异吧。你知道的,最开始的时候我都是自己给自己缝纫衣裳的。单凭我的手艺能够做到那种地步,我觉得已经是非常不错了。而且再说了,我那不是喜欢在房檐上飞来飞去,而是在城市里,那才是最快的移动方式。这是最有效的选择,我没有理由选择其他的,不是吗?” Good, good. That is your taste, I was not many make the appraisal.” “好吧,好吧。那是你的品味,我就不多做评价了。” Subsided a somewhat excitement, this uncle stared at oneself nephew, in the eye was being full of the inconceivable look as before. 平息了一下自己有些激动的心情,本伯父凝视着自己的这个侄子,眼睛里依旧是充满了不可思议的神色。 Said, Queens that dry cleaner boss once me told, my family these strange, the clothes of what appeal thing seems like your?” “这么说,皇后区那家干洗店老板曾经跟我说的,我家那些奇怪的、看起来好像是什么情趣用品的衣服就是你的喽?” This uncle, can we not discuss this topic?” “本伯父,我们能不谈这个话题了吗?” Naturally, I a little am curious, you did not say that are not related.” Somewhat smacks the lips regrettably, this uncle gave up idea that continues to develop this topic. “当然,我只是有点好奇而已,你不说也没关系。”有些遗憾地咂了咂嘴,本伯父到底还是放弃了继续发展这个话题的想法。 He wanted to collect some laughingstocks about Peter. After all grows up later Peter, has not seemed like in childhood such, so many laughingstocks can provide to them. But stemming from some special demand, he hopes can unearth, to prepare emergency requirement. However now, what a pity 他本来是想要收集关于彼得的一些笑料的。毕竟成年之后的彼得,已经不像是小时候那样,有那么多的笑料可以提供给他们了。而出于某种特殊的需求,他还是希望能够多挖掘出来一些,以备不时之需。然而现在,可惜了 „, You feel because of anything now worriedly. Because you start to doubt choice that his make, because you haven't been able to accept sacrificed like this?” “那么,你现在是因为什么而感到苦恼了。因为你开始置疑其自己所做的选择,还是因为你已经无法接受这样的牺牲了?” I Peter is at a loss for words for a while, seems like has the countless words at heart, but speaking of the mouth actually cannot spit a character to be the same. But looks that he displays like this, this uncle smoked cigarette sluggishly, was saying to him. “我”彼得一时语塞,就好像是心里有千言万语,但是说到嘴边却根本吐不出来一个字一样。而看着他这样的表现,本伯父慢吞吞的吸了一口烟,然后才这么对着他说道。 Since could not say for a short time, that thinks to answer this issue well again. Rests at home for several days, with Gwen well intimate. Jokes aside, compared with us, you as if must have a deficit a Gwen point. She is a good miss, therefore I do not hope that you disappoint her, yes?” “既然一时半会说不出来,那就好好地想一想再回答这个问题吧。在家里休息几天,和格温好好地亲热一下。说真的,和我们相比,你似乎要更亏欠格温一点。她是个好姑娘,所以我不希望你让她失望,明白吗?” Naturally, I will not disappoint her.” On this issue, decisiveness of very Peter actually reply. But when he replied, the knock had made a sound. “当然,我不会让她失望的。”在这个问题上,彼得倒是回答的很果断。而就在他这么回答的时候,敲门声已经是响了起来。 Was Gwen came evidently, your Aunt May will not knock on a door such politely. Sees them, compares Gwen, I think that the anger of Mr. Stacy is the thing of your most this worry.” “看样子是格温来了,你梅婶婶可不会敲门这么客气。去见见他们吧,相比格温,我想史黛西先生的怒火才是你最该担心的东西。” This uncle at this point, in the eye glittered an inexplicable look. If you carefully observe, will discover that this look is called to take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 本伯父说到这里,眼中闪烁出了一种莫名的神色。而如果你仔细观察的话,就会发现这种神色叫做幸灾乐祸。 .
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