MSG :: Volume #21

#2091: Finally the war casualty of battue knight

Red blue two flame are pursuing mutually, collision. The red before, the blue color, like two dazzling meteors general, gallops rapidly above the wilderness, and leaves behind deeply worried marks in the wilderness land clearly. 一红一蓝两道火焰正在相互的追逐,碰撞.红色在前,蓝色在后,如同两道耀眼的流星一般,飞速地驰骋在荒原之上,并且在荒原大地上清晰地留下一道道焦灼的印痕。 Also does not know how long like this pursued, the blue flame wins to plan. In process that in a curve passes another vehicle, his acceleration suddenly hit on the scarlet flame, then threw, two entanglements person's shadows already from separated. 也不知道这样追逐了多久,到底还是蓝色的火焰更胜上一筹。在一次弯道超车的过程之中,他突然间的一个加速就撞击在了赤红的火焰上,然后扑扑楞楞的,两个纠缠的人影就已经是从其中分离了出来。 Peter Parker the evil spirit knight of incarnation deadlocked a oneself similar neck firmly, naturally, is similar, rather is the different kind. Because this whole body is burning at present the evil spirit knight of scarlet flame, is not the common knight should have the appearance that. 彼得.帕克所化身的恶灵骑士牢牢地锁死了自己一个同类的脖子,当然,与其说是同类,倒不如说是异类。因为眼下这个浑身燃烧着赤红火焰的恶灵骑士,可不是一般的骑士该有的模样。 The whole body spur is rugged, on the back had long short two bone arms, even said on the shoulder also gave birth to the second skeleton head. This at all is not a normal evil spirit knight should have the image that or light/only sees such image, can contact with the former void chaos it. 浑身骨刺嶙峋,脊背上多出了一长一短两只骨臂,甚至说在肩膀上还生出了第二个骷髅脑袋。这根本不是一个正常的恶灵骑士该有的形象,或者说,光是看到这样的形象,就能将之与之前的虚空混沌联系起来。 This is the first time that not Peter Parker met like this similar. In fact, resisted in the process of chaos giant beast before, had presented such clue. 这已经不是彼得帕克第一次遇到这样的同类了。事实上,在之前对抗混沌巨兽的过程中,就已经是出现了这样的端倪。 Its attribute comes the influence of void chaos on the deviation in the evil chaotic evil spirit knight very much opposeless, once their wills cannot contain in the innermost feelings closing up of spirit of revenge to this distortion strength, then is almost inevitable, they will turn toward this strange morphogenesis change. 本身属性就偏向于邪恶混乱的恶灵骑士很难抵抗来虚空混沌的影响,一旦他们的意志遏制不住自己内心里复仇之灵对这种扭曲力量的靠拢,那么几乎是必然的,他们会向着这种怪异的形态发生改变。 This change not external, but by outside but, thinks the same way. Like in the silent deep and quiet place is staring at the bottomless trench, when you realize in the abyss had anything, you by the abyss are swallowed. 这种改变并非是外在的,而是由外而内,表里如一的。如同在寂静幽邃之地凝视着无底深渊一样,当你意识到了深渊中到底有什么的时候,你本身就已经是被深渊多吞噬了。 The evil spirit knight is this, they when the resistance distortion monster had suffered the infection, but in that flash that Mame appears, the void seed of their within the body takes root to germinate immediately, the arbitrary growth is ordinary, entire twisted the fearful monster them. 恶灵骑士就是这样,他们在对抗扭曲怪物的时候就已经遭受了感染,而在多玛姆横空出世的那一瞬间,他们体内的虚空种子立刻就生根发芽,蛮横生长一般的,将他们整个地扭曲成了可怕的怪物。 Before Peter Parker , the investment of total involvement in resistance void great undertaking, even if said that he has had similar issue, he does not have really to think toward that aspect. Until, arrival of void feudal lord main body, received influence him to be suddenly enlighted suddenly. 彼得帕克之前全身心的投入到了对抗虚空的大业之中,所以即便说他早已经遭遇了类似的问题,他也没有真的往那方面想。直到,虚空领主本尊的降临,同样受到了影响的他才是陡然间恍然大悟。 Naturally, at that time all are too late. 当然,那个时候一切都已经是太迟了。 Pure has Nourse's strength, and recycled from however Dequire there he who loses the part is perhaps lucky, because the void effect no doubt exists, but actually not cannot dispel him. However, regarding other evil spirit knights, matter may be entirely different. 只是单纯的拥有着扎坦诺斯的力量,并且从然德基尔那里回收了失去部分的他或许是幸运的,因为虚空所产生的影响固然是存在的,但是于他来说却并不是不能祛除的.不过,对于其他的恶灵骑士来说,事情可就截然不同了. Even if the powerful knight, in diverting attention two uses, simultaneously resists the void corrosion and prevents the spirit of own revenge to degenerate void, cannot continue. Therefore one is one, almost complete evil spirit knights at that time, had the terrible transformation. 哪怕是再强大的骑士,在分心二用,同时对抗虚空腐蚀以及阻止自己的复仇之灵向虚空堕落的时候,也是根本无以为继的。所以有一个算一个,几乎全部的恶灵骑士都在那个时候,发生了可怕的转变。 This can be a disaster. Peter Parker that works loose from the void distortion realizes this point immediately. 这会是一场灾难。从虚空扭曲中挣脱出来的彼得.帕克立刻就意识到了这一点。 Evil spirit knight's strength very powerful, if not they are maintaining to the restraint of spirit of crazy personality revenge, shunning the world life that and lives a solitary life, then they had perhaps raised the intermittent reign of terror in the society of human. 恶灵骑士本身的力量就非常的强大,如果不是他们一直保持着对复仇之灵疯狂性情的克制,以及离群索居的避世生活,那么恐怕他们早已经是在人类的社会里掀起了阵阵腥风血雨。 Naturally, such situation also aims at the evil person who these commit a crime, the behavior, although the terrifying, did not say that is unacceptable. However, if this type by twisted void the monster, then the matter may be not necessarily able is so simple. 当然,这样的情况还只是针对那些犯了罪的恶徒,行为虽然恐怖,却也不是说不能接受。但是,如果说是这种被虚空扭曲了的怪物的话,那么事情可就未必会这么简单了。 After the spirit of revenge twists void, but before can also persevere itself, that type only aims at the principle of evil person, this is the matter that simply has not safeguarded. But had personally experienced the void fearfulness, had understood they are hostile toward and greedy desire Peter Parker regarding all lives, actually does not dare wanting to pin above the luck. 复仇之灵被虚空扭曲之后,还会不会坚守自己之前那种只针对恶徒的原则,这是根本没有保障的事情。而亲身体会过虚空的可怕,了解过他们对于一切生灵仇视以及贪婪欲望的彼得.帕克,却一点不敢把希望寄托在侥幸之上。 As commanding, he thought that oneself needs to prevent all evil spirit knights, before they make these tragedies. But when he attempts to prevent for the first time own similar, he was actually the low-spirited discovery, matter is nothing room to maneuver. 作为统领,他觉得自己有必要阻止所有的恶灵骑士,在他们制造出那些惨剧之前。而就在他第一次尝试着阻止自己的同类的时候,他却是黯然发现,事情已经是没有任何转圜的余地了。 The distortion of evil spirit knight is unable to be reversed. Even if said that he controlled these evil spirit knights temporarily, is unable to make them restore the original design again. They had turned into the monster, and from now on will also only exist in the shape of monster. 恶灵骑士的扭曲是无法被逆转的。哪怕说他暂时地控制住了这些恶灵骑士,也根本无法让他们重新地恢复原样。他们已经变成了怪物,并且今后也只会以怪物的形态存在下去。 Perhaps you possibly saw some past shadows from their bodies, realized they are also preserving some reason, but was very obvious, in their innermost feelings was that part of person to lose thoroughly. 或许你可能从他们的身上看到部分昔日的影子,意识到他们还存留着的部分理智,但是很显然的,他们的内心里属于人的那一部分已经是彻底地遗失了。 Lost the ingredient of human, they also whether to stick to the principle, this is the matter that Peter does not dare to bet, he does not dare to give these monster knights to contact these average people by any opportunity. Although said that they are similar, is the ally, before was still fighting side-by-side, however at the present this time, when he realized in any event is impossible to save them, the choice that he can make only had one. 失去了人类的成分,他们到底还能否坚守原则,这是彼得根本不敢赌的事情,他不敢给这些怪物骑士们以任何的机会来接触那些普通人。尽管说他们是同类,是战友,之前还在并肩作战着,但是在现在这个时候,在他意识到无论如何都不可能拯救他们的时候,他所能做出的选择就只有一个了。 He must one after another, understand personally these once followed the homicide to enter the knights of hell. As the leader of evil spirit knight, he is not cruel enough to notice that these knights reduce for such a monster finally. But he is also believing, these once followed his knight, how regardless of being not willing to survive by a status of such monster. 他必须一个接着一个,亲手了解了那些曾跟随他杀入地狱的骑士们。作为恶灵骑士的头领,他不忍心看到这些骑士们最后沦落为这样的一个怪物。而他也相信着,那些曾跟随他的骑士,无论如何也不会愿意以这么一个怪物的身份存活下去。 From some degree, they had died, since they become since that moment of monster. But he at the matter of doing, raises up the tomb for them now, making them be able to bring the knight final dignity, welcomed the end safely. 从某种程度来说,他们已经死了,从他们变为怪物的那一刻起。而他现在在做的事情,就是为他们竖起坟茔,让他们得以带着骑士最后的尊严,安然地迎来终结。 Therefore, since in the sky that he radically the fight that could not meddle to finish, he for this matter to rush about. In this, he no doubt will see innumerably, because the disaster arrives at the tragedy that brews, however in present this moment, he simply does not have the means that also without that time prevents these tragedies. 所以,自从天空中那场他根本插不上手的战斗结束之后,他就一直在为这件事为奔忙着。在此之间,他固然会看到无数因为灾祸降临而酿造出的悲剧,但是在眼下这个关头里,他却也是根本没有办法,也没有那个时间去阻止这些悲剧的发生。 Puts together completely his strength, how many such tragedies he can prevent, 100 are, 1000? If ignores these monster knights no matter, lets them recklessly the unseemly behavior in the world of human, how many new tragedies then can accomplish? 拼尽他一个人的力量,他又能阻止多少场这样的悲剧呢,一百个,还是一千个?而要是放任那些怪物骑士不管,让他们在人类的世界里肆意妄为,那么又能造就出多少新的悲剧呢? This is one does not need to calculate that can obtain high below the issue, but in the face of this serious reality, Peter Parker also can only suppress the suffering that the innermost feelings are coming, chose. 这是一个不用算就能分得出高下的问题,而在这沉重的现实面前,彼得.帕克也只能是强忍着内心来的煎熬,做出了取舍来。 He starts the battue, first, second, third to the present, the knight who he knew has only had one. Also is he is in of battue now. 他开始追猎,第一个,第二个,第三个一直到现在,他所认识的骑士只剩下了一个。也就是他现在正在追猎的这个。 In all knights, the knight who this only remains perhaps is most sober and sane. Although said that he was twisted similarly, lost for the natural disposition of person. However he is actually obviously knowing departure of Peter, and always exhausts itself the energy, wants to escape from the Peter battue. 在所有的骑士中,这个仅剩的骑士或许是最为清醒和理智的一个。尽管说他同样是被扭曲了,丧失了为人的本性。但是他却明显知道着彼得的离开,并且总是竭尽自己所能的,想要从彼得的追猎中逃脱出去。 Naturally, he will not succeed and that's the end. Because Peter has set firm resolve, only if he died, otherwise he will not stop oneself battue absolutely. If he does not stop, then this final knight will never possibly escape. 当然,他不会成功就是了。因为彼得早已经是下定了决心,除非他死去,否则他就绝对不会停止自己的追猎。而如果他不停止,那么这个最后的骑士就永远不可能逃脱掉。 He has such faith, but such that the reality actually also indeed such as he conceives. Therefore had this most to start, the chase war above wilderness. 他有着这样的信念,而现实却也的确如他所设想的那样。所以才有了这最开始的,荒原之上的追逐战。 A neck that locked in the knight, Peter wielded the fist unrestrained/no trace of politeness, pounded ruthlessly on his neck on that abnormal second head. 一把锁住了骑士的脖子,彼得毫不客气的挥动了拳头,狠狠地砸在了他脖子上那个畸形的第二脑袋上。 This grows an embryonic form, at best also only then the heads of ten -year-old child sizes obviously have oneself consciousness. When the fist of Peter wields to it, it is starts to move aside vigorously, and sent out the grating scream. However pitifully, no matter how it not possibly moves aside to jump again directly from the neck, therefore the final result is also Peter heavy blows, direct bang rotten its surface gate, but is following up several heavy blows launch in salvos, made into a lump of pulp it directly. 这个只是长出个雏形,充其量也就只有十来岁孩子大小的脑袋明显有着自己的意识。在彼得的拳头挥向它的时候,它就已经是开始极力地躲闪,并且发出了刺耳的尖叫。但是可惜,不管它再怎么躲闪也不可能从脖子上直接蹦下去,所以最终的结果也就是彼得一记重拳,直接轰烂了它的面门,而跟进着的几记重拳连发,也直接地把它打成了一坨稀烂。 This is the experience, after coping with several hundred monster knights, Peter has grasped has solved their means most quickly. 这是经验,在对付过了数百个怪物骑士之后,彼得已经掌握了最快解决他们的办法。 The bodies of these distortions, these by the organization that infects void, generally speaking is the strategic points on these monster knight bodies. First in view of these parts, not only can cause the biggest injury to them at the maximum speed, but also avoided them using these damn the thing starts any possibility of counter-attack. Truth that which perspective no matter from, he goes round the sun to meet the moon. In addition he looks at this head hating especially, therefore acts on below such cruel methods, was matter naturally. 那些扭曲的肢体,那些被虚空感染的组织,一般来说就是这些怪物骑士身体上的要害。优先针对这些部分,不仅能以最快的速度对他们造成最大的伤害,还避免了他们利用这些见了鬼的东西来发动任何反击的可能。不管从哪个角度上来说,他都舍近求远的道理。再加上他看这个脑袋格外的厌憎,所以一出手就下这样的狠手,也就是自然而然的事情了。 The average man two heads, have not had the opportunity to realize that what feeling probably that type was beaten one suddenly is. However wants also to know, what kind of one severe pain this can be. Can say the flash, the monster knight goes crazy, in hell flame that in he ignites violently, he waved four arms to initiate counter-attacking to Peter, while seemed reluctant to part general, started to remould the destroyed that head. 常人没有两个脑袋,大概是没有机会体会那种被人突然间打烂了一个是种什么样的感觉。但是想也知道,这会是怎么样的一种剧痛。可以说一瞬间,怪物骑士就发了狂,而在他猛烈燃起的地狱火焰中,他一边挥动着四条手臂对彼得发起了反攻,一边就仿佛依依不舍一般的,开始重塑起了自己被打碎的那个脑袋。 The ability of evil spirit knight he has, this point Peter also know, therefore ignites the flame in him high that instance, he has been urging oneself hell fire, will be ordinary like the tide, is taking away as many things as possible to the monster knight. 恶灵骑士的能力他还是拥有的,这一点彼得自己也知道,所以在他高燃起火焰的那一个瞬间,他就已经是驱使着自己的地狱火,将之如同浪潮一般,对着怪物骑士席卷而去。 The regeneration function of evil spirit knight, itself completes under the function of hell fire. But nature, when Peter disintegrates the opposite party with this way regarding the control of own hell fire, the regeneration that he wants naturally is also the impossible matter. 恶灵骑士的再生功能,本身就是在地狱火的作用下完成的。而自然的,当彼得用这种方式来瓦解对方对于自身地狱火的操控的时候,他想要的再生自然也就是不可能的事情。 Not is only now is impossible, later will not be possible. Because corrosion between this type of hell fires, itself also means plundering in strength. Gathered Nourse's strength, Peter had controlled the hell fire to make the so very difficult matter sufficiently, when he extended the strength and to within the body of monster knight, when like heavy drinker absorbing water is extracting the hell fire of opposite party generally, the movement on monster knight hand immediately is, then shouted is becoming even more wild. 不仅是现在不可能,以后也不会可能。因为这种地狱火之间的侵蚀,本身还意味着一种力量上的掠夺。集合了扎坦诺斯的力量,彼得已经足以驾驭地狱火做出如此高难度的事情,而当他把力量伸及到怪物骑士的体内,如同长鲸吸水一般的抽取着对方的地狱火时,怪物骑士手上的动作当即就是一顿,然后嘶吼着就变得越发狂暴了起来。 No, you cannot take away my strength, gives back to me my strength!” “不,你不能拿走我的力量,把我的力量还给我!” Sober, you do not need them.” “清醒点,你已经不需要它们了。” Nearly responded to one indifferently, the Peter backhand hurled, entire planted the monster knight on the ground. Afterward the vertical palm chops, he has cut to fall behind the monster knight two abnormal arms neatly. 近乎冷漠地回应了一声,彼得反手一掼,就把怪物骑士整个地栽在了地上。随后竖掌一劈,他就已经是干脆利落地把怪物骑士背后的两只畸形手臂斩落了下来。 This somewhat brutal action makes fiercer, but had lost the hell hot strength that the monster knight shouts, cut off him of two arms, is the ability that nothing revolts against and that's the end. 这样有些残酷的举动让怪物骑士嘶吼的更加厉害,不过已经失去了地狱火力量,又被斩断了两只手臂的他,也已经是没有什么反抗的能力就是了. Him, the death is the close matter. After all the callousness and great strength of opposite party, even if he has degenerated, for a monster can still see clearly. As different kind, the instinct that he makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions very serious. Does not want with these joints, dares directly with similar different, he who the Peter upfront just arrived hardly when realized oneself are unable to resist Peter, the first response runs away subconsciously. But like situation that this running away cannot escape, begging for mercy was the matter that he can handle only. 于他来说,死亡已经是近在咫尺的事情。毕竟对方的冷酷和强大,就算他已经堕落为了一个怪物也是可以清楚看出来的。作为一个异类,他趋利避害的本能非常的严重。和那些连名都不要,直接就敢和彼得正面硬刚到死的同类不同,他在意识到自己根本无从对抗彼得的时候,下意识地第一反应就是逃。而像这种逃都逃不掉的情况,求饶就是他唯一能做的事情了。 Forgives me, puts my life. Peter, my also anything has not done, you do not absolutely need to harm me “饶过我,放我一命吧。彼得,我还什么都没有做,你根本没必要伤害我” Remains the memory makes him still remember that Peter status and they once relations, but use this special status, he started to play the sentimental sign to Peter. 残留着的记忆让他还记得彼得身份以及他们曾经之间的关系,而利用这种特殊的身份,他开始对彼得打起了感情牌。 I know, but I cannot put you to walk. Sorry, Mate, this is for hello/you good. I know your, for does not harm others, you can in the chains your whole body bundle block in the cave. Such you, do not certainly hope oneself turn into now this appearance. Therefore do not worry, I will deliver you personally the last regulation, retains your final dignity by this!” “我知道,但是我不能放你走。抱歉,伙计,这是为了你好。我知道你的,为了不伤害别人,你能把自己全身捆绑上锁链封死在山洞里。这样的你,一定不会希望自己变成现在这个样子。所以别担心,我会亲自送你最后一程,以此来保留住你最后的尊严!” Expression heavy Peter got hold of the fist, but his statement was makes the monster knight startled sound scream. 语气沉重的彼得握紧了拳头,而他的这幅表态则是让怪物骑士惊声尖叫了起来。 No, no, I do not have such idea, do not speak irresponsibly! I am only pure does not want dead. Peter, lets off me, asking you to let off me, I really do not want dead.” “不,不,不我没有这样的想法,你不要乱说!我只是单纯的不想死而已。彼得,放过我,求求你放过我,我真的不想死啊。” This is not your real idea, I know that Mate, I give you to extricate quickly.” “这不是你真实的想法,我知道的,伙计,我很快就来给你解脱。” The flaming flame wrapped the Peter body, but the list from the momentum, what kind of determination can look at him under to decide. At this time, the monster knight is also realized that pure begging for mercy is, therefore his simple thread of conversation revolution that anything affected, shouted to curse to Peter. 熊熊的火焰包裹住了彼得的身躯,而单从声势上来看,就能看得出来他到底已经下定了怎么样的决心。这个时候,怪物骑士也已经是认识到了单纯的求饶是起不到什么作用的了,所以他干脆话锋一转,扯着嗓子就对着彼得大骂了起来。 Peter Parker, your damn bastard! If not you, I will not turn into the appearance of today.” 彼得.帕克,你这个该死的混蛋!如果不是你,我根本不会变成今天的这个模样。” I know, I am sorry.” “我知道,我很抱歉。” „If not you, we will not experience all these. We can live, even if said again badly, our many can also live several. However now, was complete. The evil spirit knight does not have, this because of you, this is your mistake!” “如果不是你,我们根本不会经历这一切。我们是可以活下来的,哪怕说再不济,我们多少也是可以活下来几个的。但是现在,全完了。恶灵骑士已经没了,这都是因为你,这都是你的过错!” I know, I am sorry.” “我知道,我很抱歉。” I cursed you, Peter Parker, I cursed you. Not only I, all of us will curse your “我诅咒你,彼得.帕克,我诅咒你。不只是我,我们所有人都会诅咒你的” I know!” “我知道!” Said the similar words for the third time, in Peter both hands caught up suddenly, was blazing the bright gloomily blue flame to spew out. Under his flame, lost most the monster knights of strength to look like the lit dry firewood shortly is the same, flaming burnt. No matter he in distortion and resistance, cannot change this type to be burnt down the destiny completely radically. 第三次说出同样的话,彼得双手间猛然一发力,便是炽亮的幽蓝火焰喷涌而出。在他的火焰之下,失去了大部分力量的怪物骑士顷刻间就像是被点燃的枯柴一样,熊熊燃烧了起来。而不管他在扭曲和抗拒,也是根本改变不了这种被焚烧殆尽的命运。 This was last. Is witnessing the present all, Peter knelt down weak on the ground. It seems like the complete mental effort already in this difficult pursuing hunted is consumed completely. But in the meantime, in the sky is falls gently the golden light rain. The fire was put out gradually, the monster knight under light rain also slowly restores for the appearance of human. 这是最后一个了。目睹着眼前的一切,彼得无力地跪倒在了地上。似乎是全部的心力都已经是在这艰难的追狩中被消耗殆尽了。而就在此时,天空中已然是飘落下了金色的光雨。大火被渐渐熄灭,光雨之下的怪物骑士也慢慢地恢复为了人类的模样。 However, he is impossible to have anything to return alive again the hope. Because the soul burnt down he is equal to the ashes, only body, how long could not maintain. However, this time also enough. 不过,他是不可能再有什么生还希望的了。因为灵魂都已经被焚烧的他早已经是等同于灰烬,区区一具躯壳而已,维持不了多久。不过,这点时间也就够了。 Thank you, Mate! Also, goes on living strongly “谢谢你了,伙计!还有,坚强地活下去吧” He left behind the final last words, then in swaying of strong winds on the wilderness, changes into the dust to go with the wind. But is listening to his final last words, restored Peter of strength to lift the head under scrubbing of light rain, looked up to the sky silently. 他留下了最后的遗言,然后就在荒原上狂风的吹拂之中,化为尘土随风而去。而听着他最后的遗言,在光雨的洗刷下恢复了力量的彼得已然是抬起了头,默默地仰望起了天空来。 The evil spirit knight will not shed tears, because of his tears, had been roasted by the flame roasts cleanly 恶灵骑士是不会流眼泪的,因为他的眼泪,早已经是被火焰炙烤干净了 :.: :。:
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