MW :: Volume #10

#928: Swallows Lightning Source

Grandmist Space, the interior is very vast, able to move unhindered more than 1000 miles, Purple Lion Lightning Source was covered in Grandmist Space that flash, it only felt oneself and between Heaven and Earth relation of Strength of Thunder by Sever, this lets its in the heart in great surprise. 鸿蒙空间,内部十分辽阔,纵横1000多里,紫狮雷源被笼罩在鸿蒙空间的那一刹那,它只感觉自己与天地之间雷霆之力的联系被切断了,这让它心中大惊。 Law of Destruction, Chain of Stars!” 毁灭法则,星辰之链!” Lin Ming long spear shakes suddenly, Strength of Space erupts, strength of the formidable revolving disruption disseminates, is coordinating revolving Grandmist Qi embryonic form, has formed the chaos storm, swallows the light dragon that Purple Lion Lightning Source sent out directly! 林铭长枪猛然一抖,空间之力爆发而出,一股强大的旋转碎裂之力弥散出来,配合着旋转的鸿蒙之气雏形,形成了混沌风暴,直接将紫狮雷源发出的光龙吞噬了! Chaos storm the strength of strangling to death, together with the suppression of Grandmist Space to Law of Thunder, after is only several breaths, that light dragon phantom shadow was similar to mirror general shattered! 混沌风暴的绞杀之力,连同鸿蒙空间雷霆法则的压制,只是几息之后,那光龙虚影便如同镜子一般破碎了! After light dragon shattered, turns into pure Strength of Thunder to dissipate, Lin Ming purple long spear sweeps, is similar to heavy drinker absorbing water generally recklessly swallows these Strength of Thunder. 光龙破碎之后,化成精纯的雷霆之力逸散出来,林铭紫色长枪一扫,便如同长鲸吸水一般肆意的吞噬这些雷霆之力 Was seeing with own eyes the massive energies were absorbed by Lin Ming, Purple Lion Lightning Source violent anger. 眼见着大量的能量被林铭吸收,紫狮雷源暴怒。 Roar!” “吼!” It roared, flushed by oneself to Lin Ming. 它咆哮一声,亲身向林铭冲来。 Lightning Source experiences Thunder Source that several hundreds of millions years form after all, is symbolizing strongest Strength of Thunder, its throws to strike fully is makes Grandmist Space tremble unexpectedly. 雷源毕竟是经历数亿年时间形成的雷霆本源,象征着最强的雷霆之力,它的全力扑击竟是让鸿蒙空间都震颤起来。 Worthily is Lightning Source, but you are formidable, then more can bring a stronger strength to me!” “不愧是雷源,不过你越是强大,便越能给我带来更强的力量!” In Lin Ming two eyes reveals an excited ray, in the hand long spear shakes, such as the whip has pulled out generally! This spear/gun pulls out, is containing the compression energy as well as Grandmist Battle Spirit in Heretical God Sprout, even if initially enters Divine Sea Late Stage expert to be selected, must be seriously injured, even Dantian shattered dies. 林铭双目之中流露出一丝兴奋的光芒,手中长枪一抖,如鞭子一般抽了出去!这一枪抽下来,蕴含着邪神幼芽中的压缩能量以及鸿蒙战灵,就算是初入神海后期强者被抽中,也要身受重伤,甚至丹田破碎而死。 Energy even though of Purple Lion Lightning Source within the body implication is formidable, but it does not have cultivation method to inherit, has a strength spatially, is actually not able to play the strongest might. 紫狮雷源体内蕴含的能量虽然强大,但是它却没有功法传承,空有一身力量,却无法发挥出最强的威力来。 Lin Ming did not dread to the Purple Lion Lightning Source main body now, what he dreads after is Purple Lion Lightning Source swallows in the body, that terrifying impact of energy to the meridians, controls not well, will burn destroys the meridians. 林铭现在对紫狮雷源的本体并不忌惮,他忌惮的是将紫狮雷源吞噬到身体之中后那恐怖的能量对经脉的冲击,掌控不好,就会灼毁经脉。 Whiz!” “嗖!” long spear has purple light arc to divide, almost divides into two void, but Purple Lion Lightning Source in that moment, vanished suddenly! 长枪带着紫色的光弧劈下,虚空几乎一分为二,而紫狮雷源在那一刻,骤然消失了! Void, pulls out a series of purple light shadow, such as dream such as imaginary, thunder speed is the head of five elements energy, moreover this Purple Lion Lightning Source is the body of void, speed that it has is unequalled! 虚空之中,拉出一连串紫色的光影,如梦如幻,雷霆的速度五行能量之首,而且这紫狮雷源又是虚无之体,它本身所拥有的速度无与伦比! Compared with speed? I have self-confidence to speed by chance!” “比速度吗?恰巧我对速度也有自信!” Lin Ming smiles cold, Gate of Wonder opens, coordinates Profound Thunderlight Shadow and Golden Roc Shattering the Void, his body also completely blurs, turns into the innumerable light rainbows, covers entirely entire Grandmist Space! 林铭冷然一笑,惊门开启,配合玄雷光影金鹏破虚,他的身体也完全模糊起来,化成无数光虹,布满整个鸿蒙空间 Thunder Chase!” 追电!” While displaying limit speed, Lin Ming Strength of Thunder infusion in Heretical God Sprout to purple long spear above, spear thrust leaves! 在施展出极限速度的同时,林铭邪神幼芽中的雷霆之力灌注到紫色长枪之上,一枪刺出! The Thunder Chase striking power is not too strong, but as sole Concept Martial Skill, it can actually achieve pinnacle in the speed aspect. 追电的攻击力并不算太强,但是作为单一意境武技,它却可以在速度方面达到极致 Copes not to have Purple Lion Lightning Source of entity, does not need the too strong might, instead to control the Martial Skill attack of Lightning Attribute law, suffices to give Purple Lion Lightning Source to bring a bigger injury. 对付没有实体的紫狮雷源,并不需要太强的威力,反而以控制雷系法则武技攻击,更够给紫狮雷源带来更大的伤害。 The limit movement, coordinates by Thunder Chase that speed grows perceptibly, in an instant overtook Purple Lion Lightning Source! 极限的身法,配合以速度见长的追电,转眼间就追上了紫狮雷源 Was seeing with own eyes Lin Ming pursues, in the Purple Lion Lightning Source amber brown pupil flashes through one astonished with the color/look of unbelievable, reason that it dares to sneak attack Lin Ming in the situation of completely not having grasped \; first, because on Lin Ming associated Lightning Crystal it must recapture, second is it practices moderation speed to be unusual, thinks oneself can the freedom to come and go, it not think now, Lin Ming speed will be unexpectedly quicker than it, it feared finally! 眼见着林铭追上来,紫狮雷源琥珀色的瞳仁之中闪过一丝惊愕和不可置信之色,它之所以敢在完全没有把握的情况下来偷袭林铭,一是因为林铭身上的伴生雷晶它必须要夺回,第二个就是它自持速度超凡,认为自己可以来去自由,现在它万万没有想到,林铭速度竟然会比它还快,它终于怕了! Bang!” “轰!” Lin Ming long spear and Purple Lion Lightning Source have hit! 林铭长枪紫狮雷源撞了个正着! Lin Ming felt that has not stabbed any entity, but actually the crazy fierce energies raid, breaks in his meridians recklessly, wants his whole body meridians overburning. 林铭感觉没有刺中任何实体,但却有一股狂猛的能量袭来,肆意的冲入他的经脉之中,想要将他全身经脉烧毁。 This is backlash of Purple Lion Lightning Source energy, if general Divine Sea expert, was entered the body to be able by such Lightning Attribute energy the severe wound. 这是紫狮雷源能量的反噬,如果是一般的神海强者,被这样的雷系能量入体就会重伤。 But to Lin Ming is actually not anything, Spiritual Force relates Heretical God Sprout, the energy revolves, sweeps clean the energy that within the body has wreaked havoc instantaneously, as for the meridians of Lin Ming, because experiences for a long time thunder tempered, has not received any damage. 而对林铭来说却不算什么,精神力联系到邪神幼芽,能量运转,瞬间扫清了体内肆虐的能量,至于林铭的经脉,因为久经雷霆淬炼,也没有受到任何损伤。 Purple Lion Lightning Source was but miserable, a Lin Ming spear/gun pierces the abdomen, the constitution body the is assigned Lightning Source by the strength of agitation that law in Lin Ming Thunder Chase contains, energy loss a major part, especially in this Grandmist Space, its energy is not only unable to obtain Thunder Domain to supplement, instead is constantly not consuming, this makes the hair of its body surface suddenly illusory, the shining pupils are also dim, if beforehand Purple Lion Lightning Source and real lion no other two send, then present Purple Lion Lightning Source just like in the water the inverted image is ordinary, dim is unclear. 可是紫狮雷源就惨了,被林铭一枪洞穿腹部,构成身体的本命雷源林铭追电中蕴含的法则之力搅动,能量损失了一大部分,尤其在这鸿蒙空间之中,它的能量不但无法得到雷域补充,反而无时无刻不在消耗,这让它体表的毛发骤然变得虚幻起来,精光四射的瞳仁也黯淡下去,如果说之前的紫狮雷源与真实的狮子别无二致,那么现在的紫狮雷源却犹如水中倒影一般,朦胧不清。 It has been injured, seizes the chance to surround it.” The Demonshine sound conveys from Lin Ming spiritual sea, did not need Demonshine saying that Lin Ming first even/including has made eight gray energies, formed a thunder symbol, flew into Purple Lion Lightning Source within the body. “它受伤了,趁机困住它。”魔光的声音从林铭精神之海中传来,不用魔光说,林铭已经一连打出八道灰色能量,形成雷霆道符,飞入紫狮雷源的体内。 This is Lin Ming leaves behind thunder Concept that in jade slip perceives through meditation from Jiang Ziji, Profound Thunderlight Shadow that he used before, condenses 12 that this to assign Thunder Talisman in within the body is also the similar truth, but, that 12 this assign Thunder Talisman is assists Strength of Thunder to revolve, stimulates the body potential secret method, but now these eight thunder symbols are actually Strength of Thunder the laws of seal. 这是林铭姜紫极遗留玉简中参悟到的雷霆意境,他之前用的玄雷光影,在体内凝聚出的12道本命雷符也是同样的道理,只不过,那12道本命雷符是协助雷霆之力运转,激发身体潜能的秘法,而现在这八道雷霆道符却是雷霆之力的封印之法。 Thunder Talisman such as flies dart to fly into the body of Purple Lion Lightning Source, Purple Lion Lightning Source felt immediately is similar to the blade punctures the general ache, at once the body action reduces greatly, roaring that it goes all out, wants to breaking to pieces these eight Thunder Talisman with the energy, but these Thunder Talisman were similar to brings the shackles of sharp thorn to be ordinary, sharp thorn deep buckles into the flesh and blood, more were attempt to work loose them, was then sorer! 雷符如飞矢一般飞入紫狮雷源的身体,紫狮雷源顿时感觉如同刀刺一般的疼痛,旋即身体行动力大减,它拼命的咆哮,想要用能量冲碎这八道雷符,可是这些雷符就如同带了尖刺的镣铐一般,一根根尖刺深深的扣入血肉之中,越是妄图挣脱它们,便越疼! „!” “嗷嗷!” Purple Lion Lightning Source sends out one to wail intermittently! 紫狮雷源发出一阵阵哀嚎! How Lin Ming to the opportunity that it pants for breath, the foot will step on the Golden Roc Shattering the Void movement, the instantaneous shuttle was void, arrived at the Purple Lion Lightning Source place above. 林铭岂会给它喘息的机会,脚踩金鹏破虚身法,瞬间穿梭虚空,来到了紫狮雷源的上方。 Lin Ming both hands hold purple long spear, endless thunder energy infusion to long spear , a spear/gun has pounded! 林铭双手抓住紫色长枪,无尽的雷霆能量灌注长枪之中,一枪砸了下来! !” “噗!” long spear almost cuts in half the body of Purple Lion Lightning Source! 长枪几乎将紫狮雷源的身体切成两半! Purple Lion Lightning Source whole body illusory wool roots of the hair root stands upside down, does not give a thought to the ache of body, sends out earthshaking roaring, wants to shake off the fetter of thunder symbol, however at this moment, it only felt that the whole body energy as if by own control, was not pricked long spear of his within the body to pull out by Lin Ming rapidly. 紫狮雷源全身虚幻的毛发根根倒立起来,不顾身体的疼痛,发出一声声惊天动地的咆哮,想要挣脱雷霆道符的束缚,然而这一刻,它只感觉全身能量似乎都不受自己的控制,被林铭刺入他体内的长枪迅速抽离出来。 The time of merely several blinking, the body of Purple Lion Lightning Source was also unreal, nearly was transparent. 仅仅几个眨眼的时间,紫狮雷源的身体又虚幻了许多,近乎透明了。 Its roaring was also inferior that beforehand is so powerful, the eight thunder symbols in body are the imprisonments that to be similar to Divine Iron builds, making it move cannot move. 它的咆哮也不如之前那么有力,身体之中的八道雷霆道符更是如同神铁打造成的禁锢,让它动都不能动一下。 Present Purple Lion Lightning Source, ascends the sky roadless, entered does not have the gate, the blockade of Grandmist Space has interrupted its all energy supplies, it has feared finally, begin was whinning begging for mercy, but Lin Ming did not pay attention, continued to extract the energy of Purple Lion Lightning Source within the body. 现在的紫狮雷源,上天无路,入地无门,鸿蒙空间的封锁截断了它所有的能量补给,它终于怕了,开始哀嚎着求饶,可是林铭根本不予理会,继续抽取紫狮雷源体内的能量。 Submits to me, otherwise I will cancel your spirit wisdom, only absorbs your energy source, this even though effect was for me worse, but the difference was not too big! Moreover writes off your spirit wisdom directly, absorbs your energy, this energy I am also easier to control. The advantage is many!” “臣服于我,否则我会抹去你的灵智,只吸收你的能量本源,这对我来说虽然效果差了一些,但是差别也不是太大!而且直接抹杀掉你的灵智,吸收你的能量,这股能量我也更容易控制。好处多多!” The Lin Ming facial color is indifferent, in the hand energy is getting stronger and stronger, Purple Lion Lightning Source does not doubt, so long as at this moment it rejects, then Lin Ming really will write off its spirit wisdom! 林铭面色冷漠,手中能量越来越强,紫狮雷源丝毫不怀疑,这一刻它只要拒绝的话,那么林铭就会真的抹杀它的灵智! The hesitation that passed through short blinking, Purple Lion Lightning Source looks the color/look of begging for mercy finally, exudes wū wū the cry, body begin reduces, submits to Lin Ming. 经过了短短一个眨眼的犹豫,紫狮雷源终于面露求饶之色,发出“呜呜”的叫声,身体开始缩小,臣服于林铭 Hehe, received this fellow, has not actually erased its spirit wisdom, some dangers, after saying, if which day you are seriously injured...... This fellow feared that will wait for an opportunity to revolt.” Saying of Demonshine tut tut, some too do not approve of the Lin Ming procedure. “嘿嘿,收了这个家伙,却没有抹掉它的灵智,有些危险啊,曰后如果哪一天你身受重伤的话……这家伙怕是会伺机造反的。”魔光啧啧的说道,有些不太赞同林铭的做法。 Lin Ming knows this point, he said: If I cancelled its spirit wisdom, was equal to writing off in this Lightning Source the part of most essence, its not just strength will reduce, attacks in the method to lack spiritual wisdom, moreover said, was impossible to strive again.” 林铭何尝不知道这一点,他说道:“如果我抹去了它的灵智,就等于抹杀掉了这个雷源中最精华的部分,它不单实力会降低,攻击手段中缺少了灵姓,而且曰后都不可能再精进。” „A more important point is, if it submits to me, does not revolt, then I will swallow it easy many, otherwise makes me swallow one not to have violent Lightning Source of spirit wisdom now, my within the body meridians can bear the huge pressure, will be not necessarily able to succeed.” “还有更重要的一点是,如果它臣服于我,不反抗,那么我吞噬它会容易的多,否则让我现在就吞掉一个没有灵智的暴躁雷源,我体内经脉会承受巨大的压力,未必能成功。” After Lin Ming is not worried saying that Purple Lion Lightning Source betrayal, his strength growth speed must by far in Purple Lion Lightning Source, moreover there is Heretical God Sprout to suppress, once Purple Lion Lightning Source in enter Heretical God Sprout, the energy will be controlled by Heretical God Sprout, it does want to betray easier said than done? 林铭并不怎么担心曰后紫狮雷源背叛,他的实力成长速度要远胜于紫狮雷源,而且有邪神幼芽压制,紫狮雷源一旦进入邪神幼芽之中,能量就会受到邪神幼芽的控制,它想背叛谈何容易? Comes in!” “进来!” The Lin Ming big hand grasps, grasped Purple Lion Lightning Source after reduction directly in the hand, at that moment, in the hand of Lin Ming formed an energy vortex, Purple Lion Lightning Source whole body thunder origin energy is absorbed by this vortex, continuous remittance to Heretical God Sprout, was moistening the Heretical God Sprout branches and leaves and rhizome. 林铭大手一抓,直接把缩小后的紫狮雷源抓在了手中,那一刻,林铭的手上形成了一个能量漩涡,紫狮雷源的全身雷霆元气都被这道漩涡吸收,源源不断的汇入到邪神幼芽之中,滋润着邪神幼芽的枝叶和根茎。 Purple Lion Lightning Source does not dare to revolt, the absorption that whatever Lin Ming unravels like this its energy, when the time comes, it will only retain oneself spirit wisdom, but the energy mostly was controlled by Lin Ming. 紫狮雷源根本不敢反抗,任由林铭这样抽丝剥茧的吸收它的能量,到时候,它只会保留自己的灵智,而能量则大多被林铭控制了。 Along with the absorption of Lin Ming, the body of Purple Lion Lightning Source getting smaller, to finally must be smaller than the palm of Lin Ming, was swallowed by the Lin Ming palm completely. 随着林铭的吸收,紫狮雷源的身体越来越小,到最后比林铭的手掌还要小,被林铭的手心完全吞了进去。 It like this along the meridians of Lin Ming, had arrived in Dantian, then, it then saw that Heretical God Sprout. 它就这样沿着林铭的经脉,一直来到了丹田之中,而后,它便看到了那一株邪神幼芽 The thunder energy in this young sprout containing perhaps is not too formidable, only then one-third of Purple Lion Lightning Source heyday, the energy that but, it contains is quite pure, moreover faint sending out a Great Dao Law aura, making it be only one close, is alarmed and afraid on the mind! 这株幼芽中蕴含的雷霆能量或许不是太强大,只有紫狮雷源全盛时期的1,但是,它蕴含的能量却极为精纯,而且隐隐的散发出一股大道法则的气息,让它只是一接近,就心神惊惧! Compares this Heretical God Sprout, the thunder and lightning essence that it swallowed before may be called heterogeneous cannot withstand, completely is not in a level. 相比这株邪神幼芽而言,它以前吞噬的雷电精华就堪称驳杂不堪,完全不是一个层次上的。 Has discovered these, Purple Lion Lightning Source too has not resisted by Heretical God Sprout is absorbed . Moreover the key is, it did not revolt. 发现了这些,紫狮雷源已经不太抵制被邪神幼芽吸收了,而且关键是,它也反抗不了。 It such obedient was absorbed by Heretical God Sprout, integrates in the Heretical God Sprout branches and leaves completely, at that moment, Heretical God Sprout wriggled gently, is a young tender leaf difficult grows from young sprout, to stretches from the curl slowly, the leaf vein is clear gradually, this leaf child long/grows strange incomparable, seems like a small cauldron, but above the cauldron body, presented a purple lion design impressively.( To be continued.) 它就这么乖乖的被邪神幼芽吸收进去,完全融入邪神幼芽的枝叶之中,那一刻,邪神幼芽轻轻蠕动了起来,又是一片幼嫩的叶子艰难的从幼芽顶部生长出来,从卷曲到慢慢舒展,叶脉逐渐清晰起来,这片叶子长得奇异无比,看起来像是一尊小鼎,而在鼎身之上,赫然出现了一只紫狮图案。(未完待续。)
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