MW :: Volume #10

#927: Fights Purple Lion Lightning Source again

15 days later, Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp 15天之后,八千里黑色沼泽 As the Sky Spill Continent life-forbidden zone, Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp has forever covered entirely the grey dark clouds, here crisis on top of crisis, Life Destruction expert enter a narrow escape, even if weak Divine Sea expert, if the luck is not good, possible die in. 作为天衍大陆的生命禁区,八千里黑色沼泽永远布满了灰色的阴云,这里危机重重,命陨强者进入九死一生,即便是较弱的神海强者,如果运气不好,也可能陨落其中。 This said, presented a black clothed person sky over Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp, at the back of a thick back blade, the look is ordinary, is that type, once mixes in the type that in the crowd again could not find. 这一曰,在八千里黑色沼泽上空出现了一个黑衣人,背着一把厚背刀,相貌普通,属于那种一旦混入人群中就再也找不到的类型。 This person change appearance later Lin Ming, after repelling Bai Yao, Lin Ming rushes to Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp, because the midway must through many transmission, therefore Lin Ming has chosen change appearance, avoids the unnecessary trouble. 此人正是易容之后的林铭,击退白妖之后,林铭就一路赶往八千里黑色沼泽,因为中途要通过不少传送阵,所以林铭选择了易容,避免不必要的麻烦。 He does not have first to see Mu Qianyu, main Giant Leviathan now thorough South Sea was too far . Moreover the South Sea deep sea sea area has not transmitted, even if flies to see Mu Qianyu by Lin Ming speed also or short time, for a long time, Lin Ming cannot consume, according to the Situ Yaoxi memory, most one year, he then must with a Yang Yun war, evade not to have again to evade. 他并没有第一时间去见牧千雨,主要巨鲲现在深入南海太远了,而且南海深海海域并没有传送阵,即便以林铭速度飞去见牧千雨也要不短的时间,这么长时间,林铭耗不起,按照司徒瑶曦的记忆,最多再有一年,他便要与阳云一战,避无可避。 Now his Spirit Medicine is sufficient, cultivation base is in the fast growing non- bottleneck time, if there is an enough time, Lin Ming cannot close up wholeheartedly, can cross several times Life Destruction continually, goes out to six Seventh Level Life Destruction. 现在他灵药充足,修为正处于高速增长的无瓶颈期,如果有足够的时间的话,林铭一心闭关不出,也能连渡几次命陨,到六七重命陨出关。 What a pity, he only has one year, must make full use, now he comes Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp for thing Purple Lion Lightning Source! 可惜,他只有一年,必须充分利用,现在他来八千里黑色沼泽就是为了一个东西紫狮雷源 Initially Lin Ming or Revolving Core Late Stage time, enter Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp, met Purple Lion Lightning Source, let alone swallows it, even instead was almost swallowed by it, if were not frightening of Heretical God Sprout and Pure White Sword of Lin Ming within the body, perhaps Lin Ming died in Nine Heavens Thunder Domain. 当初林铭还是旋丹后期的时候,进入八千里黑色沼泽,遇见紫狮雷源,别说是吞噬它,甚至差点反被它吞噬,如果不是林铭体内的邪神幼芽皓白之剑的震慑,恐怕林铭就死在九天雷域了。 Should be here......” “应该是这里……” Lin Ming arrived under the Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor cave mansion according to the memory, raises head to look to the sky. 林铭按照记忆来到了八陨雷皇的洞府下方,仰头向天空看去。 Your certain?” Demonshine said. “你确定?”魔光说道。 70% assurances.” Lin Ming does not dare to call, the Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp internal space and time is somewhat confused, even if Lin Ming now Concept of Space-Time big progress, cannot guarantee that can recover the past position. “七成把握吧。”林铭也不敢叫准,八千里黑色沼泽内部的时空有些错乱,即便林铭现在时空意境大大进步,也不敢保证能找回当年的位置。 Lin Ming suppresses the Heretical God Sprout aura, shoots up to the sky, quick, he broke in, the innumerable thunder glitter in the sky, the electricity glow sweeps across recklessly, however to present Lin Ming, this type is similar to by the feeling of innumerable thunder surrounding the mortal soaks in the lukewarm water, not only does not have any illness, instead has a happy feeling. 林铭邪神幼芽的气息压制住,冲天而起,很快,他就冲入了一片雷海之中,无数的雷霆在天空中闪烁,电芒肆意席卷,然而对现在的林铭来说,这种被无数雷霆包围的感觉就如同凡人浸泡在温水之中,不但没有任何不适,反而有种舒畅之感。 Ten miles and 20 miles and 30 miles...... 十里、20里、30里…… Lin Ming straight line thorough Thunder Domain, the color unceasing occurrence of electricity glow changes, the might constantly is also enhanced, is Lin Ming actually quite the same as unconsciously. 林铭直线深入雷域,电芒的颜色不断的发生变化,威力也不断增强,可是林铭却浑然不觉。 70 miles and 80 mile and to 90 miles Thunder Domain! 70里、80里、一直到90里雷域 Here thunder not only color had the enormous change, changed including the shape. 这里的雷霆不但颜色发生了极大的变化,连形态都改变了。 The beforehand thunder is the arc shape, is here thunder, actually turned into imaginary light, the purple white, the deep purple, the scarlet golden color, links up into a single stretch, does not have the slight sound, looks like such as the color fog is misty, just like the immortal territory bright with many colors is ordinary. 之前的雷霆是电弧形态,可是这里的雷霆,却变成了一道道幻光,紫白色,深紫色,赤金色,连成一片,却没有丝毫声音,看起来如彩雾蒙蒙,犹如五光十色的仙域一般。 Under this tranquil semblance, is containing terrifying killing intent, that scarlet golden Lightning Light afterward was used to break through First Level Life Destruction by Lin Ming, if this type of thing quantity were many, can strike to kill Divine Sea expert directly. 这种宁静的外表下,却蕴含着恐怖杀机,那赤金色雷光后来被林铭用来突破一重命陨,这种东西如果数量多了,可以直接击杀神海强者 Initially Lin Ming cultivation base Revolving Core Late Stage time, halted in this, is unable to go forward again, is now, even if were that fiercest scarlet golden color Lightning Light, cannot create to threaten to Lin Ming. 当初林铭修为旋丹后期的时候,就止步于此,无法再前进,可是现在,哪怕是那最厉害的赤金色雷光,也不能对林铭造成威胁了。 Continues upwardly! 继续向上! 100 miles Thunder Domain! 100里雷域 Initially, Lin Ming even though does not dare to step into hundred miles Thunder Domain, but actually released a wisp of sensation to search investigated here, hundred miles Thunder Domain and 90 miles Thunder Domain completely is not a concept. 当初,林铭虽然没有敢踏入百里雷域,但是却释放出一缕感知探查过了这里,百里雷域与90里雷域已经完全不是一个概念。 Here has covered entirely every large or small lightning ball, are similar to the stars generally float. Formidable Strength of Thunder has formed force field, wrapped these lightning ball, the space is twisted to tearing, during was void covers entirely every large or small space crack, regardless of the space and energy were extremely unstable, even was affected including the strength of law. 这里布满了大大小小的雷球,一颗颗如同星辰一般悬浮着。强大的雷霆之力形成了力场,包裹着这些雷球,空间已经被扭曲到撕裂了,以至于虚空之中布满大大小小的空间裂缝,无论空间、能量都极不稳定,甚至连法则之力都被影响了。 If 90 miles Thunder Domain, studies Lightning Attribute cultivation method Divine Sea expert also to survive, hundred miles Thunder Domain is the absolute life-forbidden zone, entering must die! 如果说,90里雷域,修习雷系功法神海强者还能生存的话,百里雷域就已经是绝对的生命禁区,入之必死! Even if present Lin Ming, arrives at hundred miles Thunder Domain is also cautiously, does not dare to be rashly thorough, must investigate with the sensation first. 即便是现在的林铭,来到百里雷域也是小心翼翼,不敢贸然深入,要先用感知探查。 These islands, have not known how really they initially formed......” “这些岛屿还在呢,真不知道它们当初是怎么形成的……” Above hundred miles Thunder Domain, different, here seems similar to another side world, in the sky is floating every large or small islands, moreover in each islands has Magnetic Origin Spirit Tree! 百里雷域之上,别有洞天,这里仿佛如同另一方世界,天空中漂浮着大大小小的岛屿,而且每一座岛屿上都有元磁神树 These Magnetic Origin Spirit Tree and airborne float lightning ball is together safely, its root system even digs in lightning ball, absorption energy. 这些元磁神树与空中悬浮着的雷球安然相处,其根系甚至扎入雷球之中,吸取其中的能量。 These Magnetic Origin Spirit Tree, without a doubt are supreme treasure! Previous Lin Ming comes here time, let alone is transplants these Magnetic Origin Spirit Tree to go back, even if approaches these divine tree, is impossible. 这些元磁神树,毫无疑问都是至宝!只是上一次林铭来这里的时候,别说是移植这些元磁神树回去,哪怕是靠近这些神树,都不可能。 Magnetic Origin Spirit Tree itself then has the terrifying striking power, moreover hard incomparable, wants to cut off them not to be easy, even if present I, want to investigate these divine tree, is dangerous.” 元磁神树本身便具有恐怖的攻击力,而且坚硬无比,想要砍断它们可不容易,即便现在的我,想要去探查这些神树,也非常危险。” Lin Ming is hesitating, suddenly in the heart moves, corners of the mouth flood a smiling face. 林铭正在犹豫着,突然心中一动,嘴角泛起一丝笑容。 Came? Does not need to hide, my sensation to you!” “来了么?不必躲了,我感知到你了!” The Lin Ming vision focuses on, after several breaths, there Lightning Light is similar to the watermark fluctuates generally, forms innumerable Lightning Light Thunder Wire to condense in together, increases since childhood, finally was concentrates to turn into a purple small lion unexpectedly. 林铭目光锁定一个方向,几息之后,那里的雷光如同水纹一般波动起来,形成无数的雷光雷丝凝聚在一起,从小变大,最后竟是凝化成了一头紫色的小狮子。 This lion only then three chi (0.33 m), the physique no other two sends with the real lion, the vigorous and healthy body, the military might attractive purple long neck hair, each hair is quite clear, the amber brown pupil is juicy and bright, is not the thunder and lightning transforms completely likely, but is a genuine lion. 这头狮子只有三尺大小,形体跟真实的狮子别无二致,健壮的躯体,威武漂亮的紫色鬃毛,每一根毛发都极为清晰,琥珀色的瞳仁水灵而有神,完全不像是雷电幻化而成的,而是一头真正的狮子。 This is Purple Lion Lightning Source! 这正是紫狮雷源 Lightning Source, namely thunder and lightning source, item rank above Lightning Soul, most low level Lightning Source, compared with Lightning Soul terrifying ten times. 雷源,即雷电本源,品阶更在雷灵之上,最低级雷源,也要比雷灵恐怖十倍。 Purple Lion Lightning Source has had some spirit wisdom, its at first has discovered actually Lin Ming, because on Lin Ming has carried its aura associated Lightning Crystal aura! 紫狮雷源已经产生了一些灵智,它其实一开始就发现了林铭,因为林铭身上携带了它的气息伴生雷晶的气息! In several hundreds of millions years, associated Lightning Crystal and Purple Lion Lightning Source were bred together, with it is the body of common origin, it could certainly feel. 在数亿年的时间里,伴生雷晶紫狮雷源一起被孕育出来,与它是同源之体,它当然感觉得到。 This associated Lightning Crystal relates to the evolution of Purple Lion Lightning Source, is quite important to it, but has actually been plundered by at present this man, can it not hate to the marrow of the bones to Lin Ming? 这伴生雷晶关系到紫狮雷源的进化,对它极为重要,可是却被眼前这个男子掠夺了,它怎么能不对林铭恨之入骨? Just, it felt the great strength of Lin Ming, already several years ago may not with saying the language, this made it dread extremely, did not have first to appear, but was hides to observe in secret. 只不过,它感受到了林铭的强大,已经与几年之前不可同曰而语,这让它极为忌惮,没有第一时间出现,而是藏起来暗中观察。 Even if Lin Ming is formidable, associated Lightning Crystal it is impossible to give up, then prepares to take risk a war, waits for an opportunity to sneak attack, does not want actually to be discovered by Lin Ming. 哪怕林铭强大,伴生雷晶它不可能放弃,便准备冒险一战,伺机偷袭,可不想却被林铭发现了。 Your wisdom is not too actually bad, your associated Lightning Crystal had been swallowed by me, you must take, only if swallowed me.” Lin Ming was saying, extracts purple long spear. “你的智慧倒是不算太差,你的伴生雷晶已经被我吞噬掉了,你要取回来,除非吞了我。”林铭说着,抽出一杆紫色长枪 This is Jiang Ziji keeps the weapon in Violet Extreme Ring palace, Lightning Attribute Heaven Rank high grade long spear, to Jiang Ziji, should be nothing to speak, but Lin Ming uses now, while convenient, copes not to have Purple Lion Lightning Source of entity actually extremely, the Great Desolation Blood Halberd such unwieldy weapon is not obviously suitable, instead the blood halberd air/Qi on blood ghost must be restrained by the thunder. 这是姜紫极留在紫极戒宫殿之中的兵器,雷系天阶上品长枪,对姜紫极来说,应该不值一提,但是林铭现在用起来,倒是极为趁手,对付没有实体的紫狮雷源,大荒血戟这样笨重的兵器显然不适用,反而血戟上的血煞之气要被雷霆克制。 The best weapon, without doubt was this purple long spear. 最好的兵器,无疑就是这杆紫色长枪了。 Submits to me, goes on an expedition the world along with me, I will make you evolve!” Lin Ming spear head points to Purple Lion Lightning Source, invisible force field erupts, actually before is, Heretical God Sprout aura that he intends to suppress, before suppressed this aura desirably, is afraid startled arrives at Purple Lion Lightning Source, making the opposite party not dare to appear, now naturally does not need. “臣服于我,随我征战天下,我会让你进化!”林铭枪尖直指紫狮雷源,一股无形的力场爆发出来,却是之前他有意压制的邪神幼芽的气息,之前刻意压制这股气息,就是害怕惊到紫狮雷源,让对方不敢出现,现在自然不需要了。 Heretical God Seed is Supreme Divine Martial Might of Thunder-Fire dual-attribute department, now the energy field complete explosion, has created the enormous pressure to Purple Lion Lightning Source immediately! 邪神种子雷火双系的无上神武,如今能量场完全爆发出来,立刻对紫狮雷源造成了极大的威压! This feeling that made it awe, as if several hundreds of millions years ago since it was born says, inscribed in its bone memory, is unable to cancel. 这股令它敬畏的感觉,仿佛是从数亿年前它诞生之曰起,就铭刻在了它骨子之中的记忆,无法抹去。 At that moment, flashes through an alarmed and afraid color/look in the pupil of Purple Lion Lightning Source, but forcefully drives out at once, was substituted by angry! 那一刻,在紫狮雷源的瞳仁之中闪过一丝惊惧之色,但旋即就被强行驱除,而后被愤怒所取代! As Thunder Source, it is quite arrogant, after being resigned to be surrendered by human, urges willfully? 作为雷霆本源,它极为高傲,怎么甘心被人类降服后任意驱使? Roar!” “吼!” Purple Lion Lightning Source sends out earthshaking roaring, is bringing vast heavenly power, all purple white, the purple gold colors and scarlet golden Lightning Light 90 miles Thunder Domain, the complete reverse was sweeping across to come, to form an all colors vortex! 紫狮雷源发出一声惊天动地的咆哮,带着浩浩天威,90里雷域之内的所有紫白色、紫金色、赤金色雷光,全部倒逆着席卷而来,形成了一个五彩漩涡! These scarlet golden Lightning Light, dozens gather to threaten Divine Sea expert, so many thunder gather together, the might could be imagined! 这些赤金色雷光,几十道聚集起来就可以威胁到神海强者,如此多雷霆汇聚到一起,威力可想而知了! In Lin Ming two eyes reveals brilliant war intent, this Purple Lion Lightning Source in Nine Heavens Thunder Domain, can obtain the amplification of Thunder Domain energy, after it goes all out, strength also terrifying, oneself must swallow it to be careful again carefully, otherwise may by its backlash, burns destroys the whole body meridians, the body perishes in this. 林铭双目中流露出一丝灼灼的战意,这紫狮雷源九天雷域之中,可以得到雷域能量的增幅,当它拼命之后,实力也非常恐怖,自己要吞噬它必须要小心再小心,否则有可能被它反噬,灼毁全身经脉,身殒于此。 In massive thunder energy in addition by Nine Heavens Thunder Domain was held, the Purple Lion Lightning Source body rises suddenly, in two eyes also flashes through color/look of the bloodthirsty, it is certainly afraid the strength and pressure that in Lin Ming Heretical God Sprout contains, but longs for obtaining this strength, swallowed Lin Ming, it can evolve a stride. 九天雷域之中的大量雷霆能量加持,紫狮雷源身体暴涨起来,双目之中也闪过一丝嗜血之色,它当然害怕林铭邪神幼芽中蕴含的力量和威压,但是何尝不渴望得到这种力量,吞了林铭,它就能进化一大步。 In Sea of Consciousness is flooding this thought that Purple Lion Lightning Source begin becomes is excited and crazy. 识海中充斥着这股念头,紫狮雷源开始变得兴奋而疯狂。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” Purple Lion Lightning Source behind Lightning Light turns into an all colors light dragon, comes to the Lin Ming lasing, light dragon cried loud and long, the howl was similar to thunderous from Nine Heavens, reverberated in Heaven and Earth, put on the sky! 紫狮雷源身后的雷光化成一条五彩光龙,向林铭激射而来,光龙长啸,啸声如同来自九天之上的雷鸣,回荡在天地之间,直穿霄汉! Lin Ming vision ice-cold, whole body True Essence revolves pinnacle, Grandmist Battle Spirit infusion to purple long spear, aims at the light dragon straight thrust. 林铭目光冰冷,全身真元运转到极致,鸿蒙战灵灌注到紫色长枪之中,对准光龙直刺而来。 Chi chi chi! 哧哧哧! The purple gold color/look thunder turnover, the Thunder Domain fog was cut open recklessly, Lin Ming Grandmist Battle Spirit withstands the attack of all colors light dragon directly, by thunder tempered, however actually does not weaken, instead the point is getting more and more abundant. 紫金色的雷霆肆意吞吐,雷域的云雾都被切开了,林铭鸿蒙战灵直接承受五彩光龙的攻击,饱受雷霆淬炼,然而却丝毫不减弱,反而锋芒越来越盛。 Heavenly Devil martial intent Grandmist Space! 天魔武意鸿蒙空间 When light dragon roared, in Lin Ming behind, strange demon red lotus bloomed slowly, invisible force field sent out, bringing boundless and vigorous imposing manner, Nine Heavens Thunder Domain to be covered by Grandmist Space instantaneously! 在光龙咆哮之时,在林铭身后,一朵妖异红莲徐徐绽放,无形的力场散发出来,带着一股苍莽、雄浑的气势,九天雷域瞬间被鸿蒙空间笼罩! Grandmist Space, extinguishes kills the most energies and law strength , the thunder is the five elements energy, is born after the chaos, by one of law Grandmist Space restrains! 鸿蒙空间,灭杀绝大多数能量和法则之力,雷属于五行能量,诞生于混沌之后,正是被鸿蒙空间所克制的法则之一! ( The new week, spits blood to ask to praise to praise to praise Is very important! Over the two days will make up one chapter again, please click on a to praise, thanked!!) (新的一周,吐血求【赞】【赞】【赞】啊,很重要!这两天会再补一章,请点击一个赞,非常感谢!!) ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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