MW :: Volume #10

#929: Still further

Heretical God Sprout grew......” 邪神幼芽又生长了……” Lin Ming looks that increased one inch to come long Heretical God Sprout highly, in the heart was joyful, his obvious feeling, the Heretical God Sprout strength increased, then, he said, perceived through meditation Thunderfire Concept to be blessed by God inevitably, but after going to Divine Realm, he mostly will also join a Ancient Phoenix clan, continued to accept the direction of Fairy Maiden Feng, when the time comes had the support of Heretical God Sprout, his strength will progress by leaps and bounds. 林铭看着高度增加了一寸来长的邪神幼芽,心中喜悦,他明显的感觉到,邪神幼芽的力量增加了许多,如此一来,他曰后参悟雷火意境必然如有神助,而去神域之后,他也多半会加入古凤一族,继续接受凤仙子的指点,到时候有邪神幼芽的支持,他的实力会突飞猛进。 Purple Lion Lightning Source was absorbed completely, above Heretical God Sprout the Lightning Light twinkle, the Lin Ming closed eyes sensation, satisfied nodded, the control strength of Heretical God Sprout to energy compared with good that he imagined, in Purple Lion Lightning Source enter Heretical God Sprout, the energy that it carried mostly was absorbed by Heretical God Sprout, controlled the power also to fall in the hand of Lin Ming. 紫狮雷源被完全吸收,邪神幼芽之上雷光闪烁,林铭闭目感知了一番,满意的点点头,邪神幼芽对能量的掌控力比他想象的还好,紫狮雷源进入邪神幼芽之中,它所携带的能量大多被邪神幼芽吸收掉了,掌控权也落在了林铭的手上。 If the Purple Lion Lightning Source spirit wisdom is equal to a general, the energy of its whole body is just like the army, then the military authority actually falls in the hand of Lin Ming now. 如果说紫狮雷源的灵智相当于一个将军,它全身的能量好比军队,那么现在军权却落在了林铭的手上。 This type controls all feelings, making Lin Ming very satisfied, after saying, along with the enhancement of his strength, the possible surname of Purple Lion Lightning Source betrayal also to be able getting smaller. 这种掌控一切的感觉,让林铭十分满意,曰后随着他实力的提高,紫狮雷源背叛的可能姓也会越来越小。 Demonshine, after absorbing Purple Lion Lightning Source, I felt that energy once more of own within the body floods, breaks through Fifth Level Life Destruction, is not difficult!” 魔光,吸收紫狮雷源之后,我感觉自己体内的能量再度满溢起来,一口气突破五重命陨,也不难!” „Can you break Fifth Level Life Destruction? Your broken fourth stage Life Destruction less than one year, can you break Fifth Level Life Destruction? You cultivation base grew recently is too quick, if not suppress, will cause the foundation not to be steady, said, does not strive easily.” “你要破五重命陨?你破四重命陨才不到一年时间,你就要破五重命陨了?你最近修为增长太快,如果不压制一下的话,会造成根基不稳,曰后精进不易。” Generally emperor level talent, with 50 years, will walk Life Destruction, moreover here Life Destruction is also only Sixth Level and Seventh Level level, the average 78 years cross First Level. 一般帝级天才,用50年时间,才会走完命陨,而且这里的命陨也只是六重七重的水平,平均78年渡一重 But Lin Ming basically is one year crosses First Level now, short less than five years, crossed four Life Destruction, must cross Fifth Level shortly. 林铭现在基本是一年渡一重,短短不足五年时间,渡了四次命陨,眼看就要渡第五重了。 Lin Ming cultivation base promotion rapidness of too, moreover what is most important, these five years time, the number of times of Lin Ming experience actual combat were not many, has lacked the examination and temper of battlefield, will cause the comprehension law and Martial Skill unable to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, caused the foundation not to be steady. 林铭修为提升的太快,而且最重要的是,这五年多的时间,林铭经历实战的次数并不多,缺少了战场的检验和磨砺,也会导致领悟的法则武技无法融会贯通,造成根基不稳。 Lin Ming said: I know, but these said, is not cannot make up, so long as before I break through Divine Sea calmly cultivates, making the energy precipitate to be OK, some even though membership dues times, but I face Yang Yun now, must enhance the strength as soon as possible, one year later Yang Yun strength absolutely above Bai Yao, my present cultivation base, even if has absorbed Purple Lion Lightning Source, multi- half dozen he.” 林铭道:“我知道,不过这些曰后也不是不能补,只要在我突破神海之前静修一番,让能量沉淀下来就可以了,虽然会费一些功夫,但我现在面对阳云,必须尽快提高实力,一年后阳云的实力绝对会在白妖之上,我现在的修为,哪怕吸收了紫狮雷源,也多半打不过他。” Truly so, Yang Yun is skilled in Concept of Time, if he changes the time speed of flow, closes up in the closed room, one year works as for ten years, now feared that must break through including Divine Sea Middle Stage.” “确实如此,阳云精通时间意境,如果他改变时间流速,在封闭空间中闭关,一年当十年的话,现在怕是连神海中期都要突破了。” Saying of some Demonshine worries, Eighth Level Life Destruction, broken Divine Sea Middle Stage, in addition cultivation method of Yang Yun originally study is not again bad, all sorts of factors put together, Lin Ming really has very big danger. 魔光有些担心的说道,八重命陨,再破神海中期,加上阳云原本学的功法就不差,种种因素加在一起,林铭确实有很大危险。 Yang Yun truly can change time speed of flow, but barrier of change time speed of flow needs the strength of martial practitioner revolution law to maintain, if some of his cultivation Divine Art, the investment of total involvement, is very wholeheartedly difficult achieves to study Divine Art at the same time time class velocity modulation to 10 : 1 degrees.” 阳云确实能改变时间流速,不过改变时间流速的结界需要武者运转法则之力来维持,如果他一心修炼某种神功,全身心的投入的话,却很难做到修习神功的同时将时间流速调到十比一的程度。” martial practitioner cultivation is fastidious wholeheartedly, reason that Lin Ming Ethereal Martial Intent is outstanding , because it can make the Lin Ming heart not have the distracting thoughts. 武者修炼讲究全心全意,林铭空灵武意之所以优秀,就是因为它能让林铭心无杂念。 A cultivation cultivation method best condition is the absorbed condition of heart non- getting off one's main subject, in this case wants cultivation while maintains Time Formation to be very difficult, but in the past Elder Good Fortune can such do, is really because he several thousand years ago achieved the cultivation bottleneck, his so-called closing up was also sits in meditation the recuperation, practiced moral culture to raise the surname, occasionally sensed law, a gain experience will, cannot compare with Yang Yun. 修炼一门功法最好的状态是心无旁骛的忘我状态,在这种情况下想要一边修炼一边维持时间结界很难,而当年造化老人能这么做,实在是因为他几千年前就达到修炼的瓶颈了,他所谓的闭关也就是静坐调养,修身养姓,偶尔感悟一下法则,历练一下意志而已,根本不能与阳云相比。 Wants cultivation in time speed of flow 10 : 1 barrier, must have another expert to continue for him, like this he can in total involvement investment cultivation, but wants to find this kind of expert, for several years such as said easier said than done at your service. 想要在时间流速十比一的结界修炼,必须要有另一个强者为他持续施法,这样他才能全身心的投入修炼之中,而想找到这样一个强者,几年如一曰的为你服务谈何容易。 Actually if can such do, by Lin Ming now understanding to Concept of Time, can achieve this point, even though cannot be 10 : 1 time speeds of flow, but 5 : 1, 6 : 1 is actually not a problem. 其实如果真能这么做的话,以林铭现在对时间意境的理解,也能做到这一点,虽然达不到十比一的时间流速,但五比一,六比一却不成问题。 Lin Ming received Grandmist Space, body direct flight exited, flies to the cave mansion that Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor opened in the past. 林铭收了鸿蒙空间,身体直飞出去,飞向了八陨雷皇当年开辟出的洞府。 This cave mansion also situated in midair islands above, but this islands are actually not located in hundred miles Thunder Domain, but in 90 miles Thunder Domain. 这处洞府也是位于一座悬空岛屿之上,不过这座岛屿却不是位于百里雷域,而是在90里雷域 This is in 90 miles Thunder Domain only midair islands, as for hundred miles Thunder Domain, even if initial Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor absolutely did not have the ability to come up. 这是90里雷域里唯一的一个悬空岛屿,至于百里雷域,哪怕当初的八陨雷皇也完全没有能力上去。 The Lin Ming diving posture escapes into the Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor cave mansion, plain cave faint reveals years the aura, with Lin Ming previous time comes time no other two send, that stone tablet also as before stands erect there, above is carving one line of characters I in the sword by the hand, fights the universe, fights Samsara, the fate does not accommodate my clan, I break the lock of fate, the heaven do not accommodate my clan, I go against the flow to cut down the immortal!” 林铭飞身遁入八陨雷皇的洞府,古朴的山洞隐隐的流露出一股岁月的气息,与林铭上次来的时候别无二致,那座石碑也依旧屹立那里,上面刻着一行字“我以手中之剑,战乾坤,战轮回,宿命不容我族,我打破宿命之锁,苍天不容我族,我逆行伐仙!” 36 characters, between the lines are containing a concise sword intent, making the person be inspired. 36个字,字里行间之中蕴含着一股凝练的剑意,让人心生敬畏。 Now along with the realm enhancement of Lin Ming, he can feel powerful of past Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor. 现在随着林铭境界提高,他更能感受到当年八陨雷皇的强悍。 Since the ancient times, Sky Spill Continent left several peerless expert that can become the first under heaven person to confer a title upon, Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor arranged these is also an outstanding person.” “自古以来,天衍大陆出了十几个当得上天下第一人封号的绝世强者,八陨雷皇就算排在这其中也是佼佼者了。” The so-called first under heaven person, in a time, in independent combat is capable of striking to kill other same time expert people, does not defeat, but strikes to kill, even if before Yang Yun and Bai Yao appear, Elder Good Fortune cannot be this degree, as before is the accurate first under heaven person. 所谓天下第一人,就是在一个时代,在单打独斗中有能力击杀同时代其他所有强者的人,不是击败,而是击杀,所以哪怕在阳云白妖出现之前,造化老人也达不到这种程度,依旧是准天下第一人。 Several first under heaven people through the ages have the weakness, Bai Yao arranges in can only be the quite weak rank. 古往今来的十几个天下第一人有强有弱,白妖排在在其中只能算是比较弱的级别。 Lin Ming deeply takes a breath, sighs with emotion: I have absorbed Purple Lion Lightning Source , were too more than Bai Yao, defeated him to be easy, strikes to kill him to be very difficult, if these were ancient times, was in the Sky Spill Continent first under heaven person most sets the base.” 林铭深吸一口气,感慨道:“我就算吸收了紫狮雷源,也比白妖强不了太多,击败他容易,击杀他很难,如果在古代,就是天衍大陆天下第一人中最垫底的。” In the peerless expert quantitative aspect, Sky Spill Continent was worse than Sacred Demon Continent, the Sacred Demon Continent first under heaven person was stronger. 在绝世强者的数量方面,天衍大陆圣魔大陆差了许多,圣魔大陆的天下第一人更强。 But above Sacred Demon Continent, endless sea between two Continent, area adds to want big ten times compared with Sky Spill Continent and Sacred Demon Continent! And expert many can be imagined. 而在圣魔大陆之上,还有两座大陆之间的无尽海洋,面积天衍大陆圣魔大陆加起来都要大十倍!其中强者的多少可想而知。 Is such broad world, places in three thousand Great Thousand World is actually only insignificant, compared with Sky Spill Continent in plane formidable different space countless . 就是这样广阔的世界,放在三千大千世界中却只是沧海一粟,比天衍大陆所在位面强大的异度空间数不胜数 In addition, terrifying Divine Realm! 除此之外,还有更为恐怖神域 Thinks of here, the road that the Lin Ming deep feeling, he must take is quite long, limits to Sky Spill Continent first under heaven person anything is not. 想到这里,林铭深深的感慨,他要走的路还极为漫长,局限于天衍大陆的天下第一人什么都不是。 After this and Yang Yun fights, he then must settle all, ascend Divine Realm, goes to a that broader space, meets a bigger challenge. 这次与阳云一战之后,他便要了结一切,飞升神域,去那更广阔的空间,迎接更大的挑战。 In cave mansion that Lin Ming in Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor once used under the arrange/cloth array, by Lin Ming the understanding to Concept of Thunder, has been able to isolate 90 miles Thunder Domain fatal Lightning Light now. 林铭八陨雷皇曾经使用的洞府之中布下阵法,以林铭现在对雷之意境的理解,已经可以隔离90里雷域的致命雷光 Eight Thousand Li Black Swamp is the place of danger, cultivation of Lin Ming in this has some risks, therefore in the array aspect, Lin Ming does meticulously. 八千里黑色沼泽是危险之地,林铭在这里面修炼有一些风险,所以在阵法方面,林铭做得一丝不苟。 Enough one day of time, Lin Ming fusion Grandmist Space law, as well as array in Ancient Demon memory, has arranged Third Level grand formation, this sits cross-legged above the Eight Destruction Lightning Emperor stone bed, takes out ten two Thunder Dao Fruit and more than 20 Top Grade spirit essence stone from Spatial Ring. 足足一天时间,林铭融合鸿蒙空间法则,以及上古魔头记忆中的阵法,布置了三重大阵,这才盘坐在八陨雷皇的石床之上,从须弥戒里取出十二雷霆道果和20多颗极品元灵石 These 12 Thunder Dao Fruit, finished eating by Lin Ming, only stayed behind has engraved the mysterious thunder Concept peel, but Lin Ming has not made time to perceive through meditation them now in detail. 这12枚雷霆道果,其中一枚已经被林铭吃完,只留下镌刻了玄奥雷霆意境的果皮,不过现在林铭还没有腾出时间来详细参悟它们。 This time, Lin Ming has taken up Thunder Dao Fruit, pried open its rear fruit handle with the dagger, has revealed the glowing red fruit pulp. 这一次,林铭又拿起了一枚雷霆道果,用匕首将它尾部的果柄撬开,露出了红彤彤的果肉。 A liquor fragrance disseminates immediately, smell sharp aroma, likely is the millennium aging, moreover is Top Grade in millennium aging. 一股酒香味顿时弥散开来,香气扑鼻,像是千年陈酿,而且是千年陈酿中的极品 Un? This Thunder Dao Fruit with a difference that before I eat, that fruit pulp is milky-white, this actually glowing red is the flesh and blood is likely ordinary.” “嗯?这颗雷霆道果跟之前我吃的一颗不同,那颗果肉是乳白色的,这颗却红彤彤的像是血肉一般。” Clear fruit pulp, contained a blood threads unexpectedly, intoxicant smell sharp aroma comes, is very attractive. 晶莹的果肉,其中竟是蕴含了道道血丝,醉人的香气扑鼻而来,十分诱人。 Lin Ming cuts together fruit pulp with the dagger, touches with the finger gently, shoots the surname to be full, his swallowed that fruit pulp, the fruit pulp entrance, does not need to chew, the full mouth fragrance dissipates, turns into steam to flood the four limbs, flows to the heart and Dantian, direct impact Heavenly Spirit. 林铭用匕首切下一块果肉,用手指轻轻触及,弹姓十足,他一口把那果肉吞了,果肉入口即化,根本不用咀嚼,满口的芳香逸散出来,化成一股热气充斥着四肢,流向心脏、丹田,直冲天灵 At that moment, Lin Ming felt oneself have as if gotten drunk, is muzzy, the four limbs become tender, the whole body bone was crisp, must be melted generally. 那一刻,林铭感觉自己仿佛是喝醉了,头脑发昏,四肢发软,浑身的骨头都酥了,要被融化了一般。 This second Thunder Dao Fruit effect is different from the first fruit completely, making Lin Ming feel at this time seems in the clouds, light, comfortable extreme. 这第二枚雷霆道果的效果跟第一枚果子完全不同,让林铭此时感觉仿佛身在云端,轻飘飘的,舒适至极 powerful is big, the good unusual efficacy, Thunder Dao Fruit each completely seems to be different.” 好强大,好奇特的药力,雷霆道果似乎每一颗都完全不同。” Lin Ming while the time that the efficacy has not dissipated, in revolution Jiang Ziji jade slip leaves behind one set of Divine Realm thunder cultivation method «thunder Huangjue», this is in the collection of Jiang Ziji, a few types do not need the Purple Lightning Qilin bloodlines to be able cultivation cultivation method. 林铭趁着药力没有消散下去的时候,运转姜紫极玉简之中留下一套神域雷霆功法《雷皇诀》,这是姜紫极的收藏中,少数几种不需要紫电麒麟血脉就能修炼功法 Thunder energy mix in True Essence, a circulation of sidereal revolution sidereal revolution. 雷霆能量混合在真元之中,一个周天一个周天的循环。 This time Lin Ming does not have enter Ethereal Martial Intent, but actually the half drunk partly awakes, in mind as if a blank piece, as if incomparable pure brightness, he acts even though to be slow, but the energy in within the body actually in crazy to rush forth. 此时的林铭并没有进入空灵武意,但却半醉半醒,脑海中似乎空白一片,又似乎无比清明,他动作虽然迟缓,但体内的能量却在疯狂的奔涌 This strange condition is similar to is hitting the Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability to be ordinary, compared with the Ethereal Martial Intent better cultivation condition, is similar to the depth hypnosis, does not have the fear, the awe, has not explored own potential thoroughly, any impossible matter, turns probably. 这种奇异的状态如同在打醉拳一般,是比空灵武意更好的修炼状态,类似于深度催眠,没有恐惧,没有敬畏,彻底发掘自身潜力,任何不可能的事情,都变成可能。 A double-hour, two double-hour...... 一个时辰,两个时辰…… Lin Ming is digesting the energy in Thunder Dao Fruit, often the energy digests, he wakes up from that strange condition, then will again eat up together the Thunder Dao Fruit fruit pulp. 林铭消化着雷霆道果中的能量,每每能量消化完毕,他从那奇异的状态中醒来,便会再吃下一块雷霆道果的果肉。 The energy in these fruit pulp containing is quite huge, generally Lightning Attribute martial practitioner ate up 45 unable to eat, will eat will again explode the body to perish, only if came out the unnecessary energy platoon, but such completely wasted. 这些果肉之中蕴含的能量极为庞大,一般雷系武者吃下45块就吃不下去了,再吃就会爆体而亡,除非把多余的能量排出来,不过那样就完全浪费了。 But Lin Ming actually does not have such situation, Heretical God Sprout of his within the body as if just entered the step, many energies can swallow. 林铭却不存在这样的情况,他体内的邪神幼芽似乎刚刚进阶,有多少能量都能吞噬下去。 In such very intensive cultivation, Lin Ming is getting more and more clear to the Law of Thunder cognition, his body radiance passes, as if must melt the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group immortal to soar to go general. But in the Lin Ming back, Dao Diagram is partly visible, mysterious incomparable, the trace that inscribes is most mysterious Law of Thunder.( To be continued.) 在这样高强度的修炼之中,林铭的对雷霆法则的认知越来越清晰,他的身体光华流转,仿佛要化成飞仙腾空而去一般。而在林铭的背后,一个个道图若隐若现,神秘无比,其中铭刻的纹路都是最为玄奥的雷霆法则。(未完待续。)
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