MW :: Volume #10

#915: Recrimination

Looks teacup that dances in the air, remembered Situ Yaoxi to say a moment ago was only one day cuts several fingers, half palm was too gentle the words, Lin Ming sank at heart suddenly, pair of eyes covered entirely the blood threads. 看着那飞舞的茶杯,想起司徒瑶曦刚才所说“只是一天切几根手指,半个手掌太柔和了”的话,林铭心里猛然一沉,双眼布满血丝。 He remembers fiercely, the Lan Yunyue left sleeves have been hanging, has blocked from the hand, regardless of boils water and steeps tea is so, he thought before strange, but has not paid attention, now his suddenly wants to understand the possibility what's the matter, thinks that result, the Lin Ming heart shrank. 他猛地想起,兰云月的左边衣袖一直都是垂着,遮住了手,无论烧水、沏茶都是如此,他之前觉得奇怪,但没有留心,现在他突然想明白可能是怎么回事,想到那个结果,林铭心都缩了。 The sensation shoots, shoots in the Lan Yunyue left sleeves, the discovery, the left hand only remaining half palms of Lan Yunyue, the five fingers were actually cut away! 感知射出去,射进兰云月的左边衣袖之中,却发现,兰云月的左手只剩下半个手掌,五指都被切掉! At that moment, Lin Ming item of zi wants to crack, a heart broke to pieces 78, in his heart had not erupted the so strong hatred and killing intent! 那一刻,林铭目眦欲裂,一颗心都碎成了78块,他心中从来没有爆发出如此浓重的恨意和杀机 The teacup dances in the air, the boiling hot hot water sprinkles, but Lan Yunyue saw that this teacup flies, looks pale, actually cannot shunt, Situ Yaoxi throws conveniently, then contained the strength of law in the teacup, does not arrive at Houtian Stage cultivation base by Lan Yunyue, how possibly to hide. 茶杯飞舞,滚烫的热水洒出,而兰云月眼看着这茶杯飞来,面色苍白,却根本躲不开,司徒瑶曦随手一掷,便在茶杯中蕴含了法则之力,以兰云月不到后天期修为,怎么可能躲得开。 But in the teacup will soon hit on her forehead, suddenly shattered, seemed actually hit by anything, then in the Lan Yunyue astonished vision, that teacup thoroughly broke to pieces the powder dust, dissipated in invisible, these hot water also together were vanishing do not see, was not the evaporation, but was the true annihilation vanishes! 而就在茶杯即将打在她额头上的时候,却猛然破碎,仿佛被什么击中,而后在兰云月惊愕的目光之中,那茶杯彻底碎成了粉末尘埃,消散于无形,连带着那些热水也一起消失不见,不是蒸发,而是真正的湮灭消失! This is...... 这是…… Lan Yunyue stared in a big way the eye, then she noticed that the present space was torn, wore black clothed, the young man of full long hair void trod, grasped a blood red side Tianhua halberd. The black hair is floating, almost hangs knee, imposing manner frightens Heaven and Earth! 兰云月瞪大了眼睛,而后她就看到眼前的空间被撕裂开来,一个身穿黑衣,满头长发的年轻男子虚空中踏出,手持一杆血红色的方天画戟。青丝飘飘,几乎垂到膝盖,一身气势震慑天地 Male straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, the appearance is pretty, abundant god like jade, the hatred and anger that but in his vision contains make the vault of heaven shiver! 男子剑眉星目,容貌俊秀,丰神如玉,但是他目光中蕴含的仇恨与怒意却让苍穹颤抖! Invisible murderous aura covers, imprisons a side space, this time Lin Ming does not have the thoughts to listen secretly the Yang Yun information again, is only thinking kills with the cruelest method the present several people. 无形的杀气笼罩下来,禁锢一方空间,此时的林铭再也没心思偷听阳云的情报,只想着把眼前的几人用最残忍的方法杀死。 He speak unhurriedly and clearly, the ice coldly infiltrates saying of bone: I want you dead entirely! soul destroyed, does not enter Samsara!” 他一字一顿,冰寒渗骨的说道:“我要你们统统去死!魂飞魄散,不入轮回!” Lin Ming!” Saw that Lin Ming suddenly appears, Situ Meiyue and that year light men likely were stepped on the cat of tail to jump generally, their even though is insufferably arrogant, but faces Lin Ming these ten thousand Ancient Monster evils, where has the rampant capital? He can resist the weakest Divine Sea expert anomaly three years ago directly! 林铭!”看到林铭突然出现,司徒美月和那年轻男子都像是被踩了尾巴的猫一般跳了起来,他们虽然不可一世,但面对林铭这万古妖孽,哪有嚣张的资本?他可是在三年前就能正面对抗最弱神海强者的变态! Not nervous!” Situ Yaoxi after short astonished immediately is calm, the appearance of Lin Ming, is she desired. “莫慌!”司徒瑶曦经过短暂的惊愕之后立刻镇定下来,林铭的出现,正是她希望看到的。 Hehe, Lin Ming, this is really the heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell does not have you to rush! You clearly know that here has the trap, actually to/clashes like the idiot, it seems like I had underestimated this small slut in your in the heart position, good, is very good! Very good! Early knows that she is so important to you, I this savage suffer her, blows spends her face, slices off her nose, has dug her eye, but now is not late, is in front of your to suffer to humiliate her, the effect is better, Hahahaha!” “嘿嘿,林铭,这真是天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你闯进来!你明知道这里有陷阱,却像个白痴一样冲出来,看来我低估了这个小贱人在你心中的位置,好,很好!非常好!早知道她对你这么重要,我就该更凶残的折磨她,刮花她的脸,削掉她的鼻子,挖了她的眼睛,不过现在也不晚,当着你的面折磨凌辱她,效果更棒,哈哈哈哈!” Situ Yaoxi was crazed, she laughs recklessly, the crumb a bead, that flash, Lin Ming only thought suddenly the surrounding Heaven and Earth rule had the slight change, the space has contracted suddenly! 司徒瑶曦已经丧心病狂,她肆意大笑的时候,猛然捏碎了一颗珠子,那一瞬间,林铭只觉得周围的天地规则发生了轻微的变化,空间猛然收缩! Un? This is...... Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation! 嗯?这是……玄血锁天大阵 Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation is one of array that Ancient Demon is proud, locks a side space and time the Heaven and Earth rule, making martial practitioner be stranded, cannot come out. 玄血锁天大阵是那上古魔头引以为傲的阵法之一,锁定一方时空的天地规则,让武者被困其中,出不来。 This Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation must arrange ahead of time, forms the surrounding area about several miles trap, when the time comes others step into several miles range that grand formation covers, so long as starts a bead that leaves behind in advance, suddenly will start, the range swiftly reduces, is stranded the person in a surrounding area three zhang (3.33 m) small space, imprisons divine powers. 玄血锁天大阵必须要提前布置,形成方圆数里左右的陷阱,到时候别人踏入大阵覆盖的数里范围,只要发动预先留下的阵珠,就会猛然启动,范围迅速缩小,将人困在一个方圆三丈的小空间中,禁锢神通 Because this array is a trap, the covert surname is good, making people unobservable, but Lin Ming has perceived through meditation the Ancient Demon memory, familiar Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation all situations, if he investigates ahead of time carefully, decides however can discover Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation, but he hides in Space Distortion, must avoid Situ Yaoxi, naturally cannot release the sensation at will, therefore cannot discover ahead of time. 阵法因为本来就是陷阱,隐蔽姓非常好,让人根本难以察觉,不过林铭参悟了上古魔头的记忆,熟悉玄血锁天大阵的一切情况,如果他提前仔细探查一番,定然能发现玄血锁天大阵,但是他躲在扭曲空间之中,要避开司徒瑶曦,自然不能随意释放感知,所以没能提前发现。 Hahaha! The idiots, are really the idiots, has seen the idiot has not seen your such idiot!” Saw oneself controlled Lin Ming all of a sudden, Situ Yaoxi Haha has laughed, she knew three years later, oneself mostly were not the Lin Ming match, but there is Yang Yun array, she grasped Lin Ming so to be easy. 哈哈哈!白痴,真是白痴,见过白痴的没见过你这么白痴的!”看到自己一下子就控制住了林铭,司徒瑶曦哈哈大笑,她自知时隔三年之后,自己多半不是林铭的对手,但有阳云阵法在,她抓林铭却如此容易。 In Lin Ming, Lan Yunyue saw that Lin Ming suddenly appears, at first was pleasantly surprised, unbelievable, in the heart greatly is at once anxious, she did not certainly know any Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation, but actually knows that these people early the prepare the trap were waiting for Lin Ming. 林铭的身后,兰云月看到林铭突然出现,起先是惊喜,不可置信,旋即却又心中大急,她当然不知道什么玄血锁天大阵,但却知道这些人早已经布置好了陷阱等着林铭 Her distressed shouting: Lin Ming, you walk quickly, they set the trap!” 她心焦的喊道:“林铭,你快走,他们设下了圈套!” Hahaha, small slut, you are really an idiot, this Little Bastard from appearing since that moment is doomed my trap, now he was already surrounded!” Side the Situ Yaoxi young man laughs wildly, the eternal first evildoer/monstrous talent, die in their hands is also is worth the proud matter, even though not expecting that obtains Lin Ming secret, actually more or less can, because this inherits a Lin Ming destiny. 哈哈哈,小贱人,你真是个白痴,这小畜生从出现的那一刻起就注定要中我的陷阱,现在他早就被困住了!”司徒瑶曦身边的年轻男子猖狂大笑起来,万古第一妖孽,陨落在他们手上也是值得自豪的事情,虽然不奢望得到林铭身上的秘密,却或多或少能因为这个继承林铭的一点气运。 Lan Yunyue one hear of young men said that immediately heart like dying embers, Lin Ming...... I......” 兰云月一听年轻男子这么说,顿时心如死灰,“林铭……我……” In the Lan Yunyue eye full is the tears, at this time she feels like a knife twisting in the heart, her Lin Ming is rather more cruel-hearted no matter she, rather by the Sever arm, rather by silver demon humiliation, does not want Lin Ming because of her but the body perishes. 兰云月眼中满是泪水,此时她心如刀绞,她宁愿林铭狠心一些不管她,宁愿自己被切断手臂,宁愿被银魔凌辱,也不愿意林铭因为她而身殒。 Snort, small slut, even though you are stupid, but you dare to be in front of old body to remind Lin Ming unexpectedly, really lives is impatient, Meiyue and Yangon, you went to rip this woman clothes, sheared her meat, I anticipated to appreciate her expression very much!” “哼,小贱人,虽然你愚不可及,但你竟然敢当着老身的面提醒林铭,真是活不耐烦了,美月、仰光,你们去把这女人身上的衣服撕了,把她的肉一块块割下来,我很期待欣赏一下她的表情!” Haha, good!” That year the light man heard the instruction of Situ Yaoxi, a face silver evil smiling face, his name Situ Yang Guang. 哈哈,好哩!”那年轻男子听到司徒瑶曦的吩咐,一脸银邪的笑容,他的名字正是司徒仰光 Saw that two people walk to themselves, Lan Yunyue enclasps the both arms, complexion is pale, the item like the dying embers, is now, she is worried is actually not oneself, she looks at this Lin Ming, the tears crossflow, sorry...... Sorry...... I die pity insufficient, is...... You should not come really......” 看到两人向自己走来,兰云月抱紧双臂,脸色苍白,目如死灰,可是现在,她更担心的却不是自己,她看这林铭,眼泪横流,“对不起……对不起……我死不足惜,可是……你真的不该来啊……” In Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation, Lin Ming is silent, his thought related Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation formation core completely, Saint Artifact bracelet on left hand has been glittering the shining ray, he was angry, in the mind was pure brightness, this grand formation he had already understood, now needs to do understood clearly its mark to arrange, can pour into True Essence in turn, controlled array. 玄血锁天大阵中,林铭只是沉默不语,他的意念完全联系到了玄血锁天大阵阵心,左手上的圣器腕轮闪烁着金灿灿的光芒,他越是愤怒,脑海中就越是清明,这大阵他早就参透了,现在需要做的只是洞悉它的阵纹排列,就能反过来注入真元,控制住阵法 Sees the present scene, Situ Yaoxi is even more self-satisfied, not to mention the thought understood, she because of Lin Ming, but the face countenance sweeps the floor, the loss is serious, the been mad whole body trembles, now finally retaliates. 看到现在的情景,司徒瑶曦愈发得意,别提念头多么通达了,她因为林铭而颜面扫地,损失惨重,被气的浑身发抖,现在终于报复回来了。 originally thinks that this waste woman is not worth a red cent in your in the heart, I have not cared her, has not thought that you also very regard as important her, early knows that I ask several galatic equator demons to be in front of your to entertain her today in turn, making her want the immortal to want!” 原本以为这个废女人在你心中一文不值,我也就没把她放在心上,没想到你还挺看重她的,早知道我今天就叫几个银道魔头来当着你的面轮流招待一下她,让她欲仙欲死!” Haha, Aunt Grandma, little nephew also slightly understands several sets of galatic equators to pick but actually makes up the positive technique cloudy, can experiment, but this female cultivation base is too low, could not pick many Primordial Yin, perhaps was she profits on the contrary, today I bestow her chance.” Situ Yang Guang was saying grinned fiendishly was plunging Lan Yunyue, but at this moment, in Lin Ming two eyes burst out a none remaining suddenly, only passed five breaths time, Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation is then understood by him. 哈哈,姑祖母,小侄儿倒也略懂几套银道采阴补阳之术,可以试验一下,不过这女子修为太低,采不了多少元阴,反倒说不定是她占便宜呢,也罢,今天我就赐她一番机缘。”司徒仰光说着狞笑着扑向了兰云月,而就在这时,林铭双目之中猛然迸发出一阵精光,前后只过去了五息的时间,玄血锁天大阵便被他参透。 Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation, expands!” Lin Ming calls out, Heretical God Strength opens, whole body True Essence pours into to Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation, distributed along the mark, has plundered the array control, originally, only then Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation of three zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area expanded to ten zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area directly, Situ Yang Guang covering in inside. 玄血锁天大阵,扩!”林铭一声暴喝,邪神之力开启,全身真元注入到玄血锁天大阵之中,沿着阵纹排布,掠夺了阵法的控制权,原本只有三丈方圆的玄血锁天大阵直接扩展到十丈方圆,把司徒仰光给笼罩在里面。 Peng! 蓬! Situ Yang Guang hit above a grand formation wall, Qi and Blood turned wells up, sees stars. 司徒仰光一头撞在了大阵阵壁之上,气血翻涌,眼冒金星。 What's wrong...... How......” “怎……怎么……” Situ Yang Guang is shocked thoroughly, his unexpectedly unfathomable mystery arrived in Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation, closed/pass with Lin Ming in one!! 司徒仰光彻底愣住,他竟然莫名其妙的来到了玄血锁天大阵之中,与林铭关在了一起!! This is how possible! 这怎么可能! Not is only Situ Yang Guang, Situ Yaoxi and Situ Meiyue are also in the heart in great surprise, they realize wonderfully, do not want to run away immediately, but at this moment, the Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation range rose once more crazily, widens dozens zhang (3.33 m) range, all of a sudden also covered Situ Yaoxi and Situ Meiyue! 不但是司徒仰光,司徒瑶曦司徒美月也是心中大惊,她们意识到不妙,立刻就想逃,而就在这时,玄血锁天大阵再次范围狂涨,扩大到了几十丈范围,一下子将司徒瑶曦司徒美月也笼罩进来了! In a flash, three people with Lin Ming in a prisoner's cage, looked like three yellow dog close with fierce tiger in one, the fate can be imagined! 一瞬间,三个人跟林铭都在一个囚笼之中,就像是三个土狗猛虎关在了一起,下场可想而知! This...... What's all this about!?” “这……这是怎么回事!?” Situ Yaoxi in the heart in great surprise, looks ashen! But Situ Meiyue and Situ Yang Guang are such as the falling icehouse, the innermost feelings are more panic-stricken extremely! 司徒瑶曦心中大惊,面如土色!而司徒美月司徒仰光更是如坠冰窖,内心惊恐万分! Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation is array that Yang Yun arranges, how possibly by the Lin Ming anti-control? 玄血锁天大阵阳云布置出来的阵法,怎么可能被林铭反控制? Beside array, Lan Yunyue does not know completely had anything, but saw that three people of frightened vision can also understand was Lin Ming has controlled the aspect, she thought that some such as dream such as imaginary, was hard to imagine for merely ten years to pass, Lin Ming can make so the character frighten soul destroyed. 阵法之外,兰云月完全不知道发生了什么,但是看到那三人恐惧的目光也能明白是林铭控制了局面,她觉得有些如梦如幻,难以想象仅仅十年过去,林铭就能让如此人物吓得魂飞魄散 Do not fear, this Little Bastard grew fourth stage Life Destruction after these three years time even though, but I by Divine Sea Stage cultivation base, support a while arrived at the reinforcements to rush to or have the possibility, was not hurried!” Situ Yaoxi bellows, while wants to attempt to send the news. “别怕,这小畜生经过这三年时间虽然成长到了四重命陨,但我凭借神海期修为,支撑一会儿到援兵赶到还是有可能的,莫慌!”司徒瑶曦一边大吼,一边想要尝试能不能把消息发出去。 But at this moment, Lin Ming throws suddenly, his Great Desolation Blood Halberd is useless, direct grasped to Situ Yang Guang, was the eagle catches the rabbit likely, locked a side space, making the opposite party hide radically cannot hide. 而就在这时,林铭猛然扑过来,他大荒血戟都没用,直接一手抓向了司徒仰光,像是雄鹰抓兔,锁定一方空间,让对方根本躲都不能躲一下。 Aunt Grandma, saves me!” Situ Yang Guang frightens is at a loss, looks ashen, the hand of Lin Ming can hold a side to be void likely, evades not to be possible radically to evade, facing Lin Ming, he looks like a child faces the adult, does not have the strength of revolt, even including True Essence of his within the body to be imprisoned by the flash, cannot revolve, this lets his soul destroyed, can only approach Situ Yaoxi. 姑祖母,救我!”司徒仰光吓得六神无主,面如土色,林铭的手像是能抓住一方虚空,根本避无可避,面对林铭,他就像是一个孩童面对成年人,毫无反抗之力,甚至连他体内的真元都被一瞬间禁锢,根本运转不起来,这让他魂飞魄散,只能向司徒瑶曦 Little Bastard, lets loose him, I spelled with you!” Situ Yaoxi cries out strangely, pulls out a blood-color sickle to chop to the neck of Lin Ming, but in that flash, Situ Yaoxi actually suddenly lived in the step, she saw behind Lin Ming to be in full bloom strange demon blood-color lotus flower...... 小畜生,放开他,我跟你拼了!”司徒瑶曦怪叫一声,抽出一把血色弯刀砍向林铭的脖子,而就在那一瞬间,司徒瑶曦却猛然顿住了步子,她看见林铭背后盛开了一朵妖异的血色莲华…… ( 12 point also chapters, asked monthly ticket, asked single Zhangzan) (12点还有一章,求月票,求单章赞) ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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