MW :: Volume #10

#916: Kills( four)

Along with being in full bloom of that blood red lotus flower, Situ Yaoxi only thought invisible energy field blotting out the sky covers, the desolate is headstrong and desolate, is having the Great Dao Law aura, letting the person is unable to defy, gives birth to the heart of lying prostrate in worship. 随着那血红色莲华的盛开,司徒瑶曦只觉得一股无形的能量场铺天盖地的笼罩下来,荒莽、苍凉,带着大道法则的气息,让人无法违抗,生出顶礼膜拜之心。 Was covered in this energy field, she only thought that is the strength completely loses, True Essence is defeated and dispersed, lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, as if instantaneously turned into the mortal unexpectedly, let alone attacks Lin Ming, runs to take the trouble continually. 被笼罩在这股能量场之中,她只觉得全是力气尽失,真元溃散,手无缚鸡之力,竟是仿佛瞬间变成了凡人,别说攻击林铭,连奔跑起来都费力。 How can like this!” Situ Yaoxi has flustered, has flustered thoroughly, martial practitioner was used to depend on own strength, suddenly loses the strength to turn into the mortal, how can not be unhurried? “怎么会这样!”司徒瑶曦慌了,彻底慌了,武者习惯了倚仗自己的实力,突然失去实力变成凡人,怎能不慌? Lin Ming looked continually is disinclined to look at Situ Yaoxi one, but grabs Situ Yang Guang, like catching the chicken raises him, making his both legs takeoff. 林铭连看都懒得看司徒瑶曦一眼,只是抓着司徒仰光,像抓小鸡一样把他提起来,让他双腿离地。 You...... You want does what!?” Situ Yang Guang both legs even/including Deng, he only thought that the hand of Lin Ming likely is pincers. “你……你要干什么!?”司徒仰光双腿连蹬,他只觉得林铭的手像是一幅铁钳。 Does not pay attention to Situ Yang Guang miserable howling, Lin Ming grins fiendishly, how many set of galatic equators you slightly do not understand to pick make up the positive technique cloudy, wants to attract her Primordial Yin? Hehe, after I let you , can never use this move.” 不理会司徒仰光的惨嚎,林铭狞笑一声,“你不是略懂几套银道采阴补阳之术,想要吸她的元阴吗?嘿嘿,我就让你以后永远用不出来这一招。” You...... You want does what!” Situ Yang Guang only thought that at this time Lin Ming smiles likely is a devil, he was yelling, going all out wish revolution within the body True Essence, however simply did not have the slight use. “你……你要干什么!”司徒仰光这时只觉得林铭笑得像是一只魔鬼,他大叫着,拼命的想要运转体内真元,然而却根本没有丝毫用处。 Where Lin Ming will pay attention to his struggling, both hands holds Situ Yang Guang to sink to below, the knee aims between two legs of Situ Yang Guang to force up suddenly! 林铭哪会理会他的挣扎,双手抓住司徒仰光向下一沉,膝盖对准司徒仰光的两腿之间猛然顶了上去! Peng! 蓬! As if the egg shattered sound, Situ Yang Guang sends out to kill the pig general pitiful yell, he only thought that between both legs transmitting lets the sore spot that the life might as well die, mounts vague one piece! 仿佛鸡蛋破碎的声音,司徒仰光发出杀猪一般的惨叫,他只觉得双腿之间传来让人生不如死的痛处,黏糊糊的一片! Without a doubt, he was hit by a Lin Ming knee, discarded the function of man! 毫无疑问,他被林铭一记膝撞,废掉了男人的功能! As martial practitioner, is strong to the painful bearing capacity, finishes a job, breaks the leg to clench teeth to support, even can also make up with Heaven and Earth Treasure, is surname is different, that was a dignity of man is, loses there to be much higher to the man psychological attack ** on pain. 作为武者,对痛苦的承受能力非常强,断手,断腿等咬咬牙都能撑过去,甚至用天材地宝还能补回来,可是姓器不同,那是一个男人的尊严所在,损失了那里对男人心理上的打击远远高于**上的痛苦。 I was castrated...... I was castrated...... My Situ Yang Guang, resolves into Divine Sea expert talent extremely, was castrated unexpectedly!” “我被阉了……我被阉了……我司徒仰光,立志成为神海强者的绝顶天才,竟然被人阉了!” The Situ Yang Guang pupil lost the focal distance, lip shivers, muttering, at that moment, his world was turning into a gloominess! 司徒仰光瞳孔失去了焦距,嘴唇颤抖,喃喃自语着,那一刻,他的世界变成了一片灰暗! Lin Ming sneers, both hands makes an effort suddenly, hears ka ka ka shocking broken sound, the both arms of Situ Yang Guang is twisted and broken by Lin Ming directly! Then Lin Ming crumb Situ Yang Guang wrist/skill, directly he two bloody hand muscles pulling out! 林铭冷笑一声,双手猛然用力,就听到“咔咔咔”触目惊心的碎响,司徒仰光的双臂直接被林铭拧断!而后林铭一把捏碎了司徒仰光的手腕,直接把他两根根血淋淋的手筋给抽了出来! Situ Yang Guang sends out to kill pig general pitiful yell, the whole body shivers, lives to might as well die! 司徒仰光发出杀猪一般的惨叫,全身颤抖,生不如死! Lin Ming such discarded a Life Destruction Fifth Level talent extremely, useless weapon, useless Martial Skill, even is useless including True Essence, only depends on ** the strength, like tearing into shreds the chicken has abandoned Situ Yang Guang, this is the what kind of strength! 林铭就这么废掉了一个命陨五重的绝顶天才,没用武器,没用武技,甚至连真元都没用,只凭**力量,像撕碎小鸡一样把司徒仰光废了,这是何等实力! Lin Ming was similar to discards a dead dog to discard Situ Yang Guang generally, turned around to look to Situ Yaoxi and Situ Meiyue, on the face full was fierce! 林铭如同扔掉一只死狗一般扔掉了司徒仰光,转身望向司徒瑶曦司徒美月,脸上满是狰狞! At this time the Situ Yaoxi two legs both are trembling, but Situ Meiyue is frightens to roll up one group, plentiful milk-white bosom fierce fluctuating, her beautiful face changing colors, painful say/way: No...... Does not want......” 此时司徒瑶曦两条腿都在发抖,而司徒美月更是吓得蜷缩成一团,丰满的酥胸剧烈的起伏,她花容失色,痛苦的道:“不……不要……” Saw that Lin Ming walks to oneself, Situ Meiyue fell unexpectedly on the ground, the leg and foot has used, did not live went toward retreat, she and Situ Yaoxi were the same, was covered in strange force field, within the body True Essence could not use the least bit, if were not Lin Ming intends to control does not kill them, they already unravelled! 眼看着林铭向自己走来,司徒美月竟是摔在了地上,腿脚并用,不住的往后退去,她与司徒瑶曦一样,被笼罩在一股奇异的力场之中,体内真元用不出半点来,如果不是林铭有意控制不杀她们,她们早就灰飞烟灭了! You must tear into shreds her clothes, is cut to pieces her?” Lin Ming first moved toward Situ Meiyue. “你是要撕碎她的衣服,把她千刀万剐?”林铭首先走向了司徒美月 I...... I do not dare, does not dare!” Situ Meiyue cried, she had her pride, but that was based on absolute strength, now she was covered in this strange force field, lost the strength, looked like the mortal, what was not, the pride of but where also coming? “我……我不敢,不敢!”司徒美月都哭出来了,她有她的骄傲,但那是建立在绝对实力的基础上,现在她被笼罩在这奇怪的力场中,失去了力量,就像是凡人,什么都不是,还哪里来的骄傲? Beside grand formation, Lan Yunyue dull looks at all these, her some are unable to understand, these three people obviously are the hand eye Transcend Heaven characters, why actually turned into normal person in front of Lin Ming, does not have the strength of resistance, lets the person to rub to pinch? 大阵之外,兰云月呆呆的看着这一切,她有些无法理解,这三人明明都是手眼通天的人物,为何在林铭面前却变成了普通人,根本毫无抵抗之力,任人揉捏? Do not kill me, does not want, you make me make anything to be good, I give you to work as the servant, do not kill me!” Situ Meiyue heart of originally Martial Dao was inferior that the firmness of Situ Yaoyue and Situ Luosha, facing the threat of death, she was afraid thoroughly. “不要杀我,不要,你让我做什么都行,我给你当奴仆,不要杀我!”司徒美月武道之心原本就不如司徒妖月司徒罗刹的坚定,面对死亡的威胁,她彻底害怕了。 Servant? Snort, I do not need! I make you know that anything is reaps what has been sown!” “奴仆?哼,我不需要!我让你知道什么是自食其果!” Lin Ming grasps suddenly, has torn into shreds the Situ Meiyue clothes directly, then suddenly a palm hit in the chest of Situ Meiyue, Pulse Cutting Palm! 林铭猛然一抓,直接撕碎了司徒美月的衣服,而后猛然一掌打在了司徒美月的心口,绝脉手 Peng! 蓬! True Essence breaks in the body of Situ Meiyue, the destruction, her whole body meridians shattered, the big mouth spits blood recklessly, True Essence of her within the body was all scattered by Lin Ming, bursts including Dantian, origin energy flows swiftly greatly! 一股真元冲入司徒美月的身体之中,肆意破坏,她浑身经脉破碎,大口吐血,她体内的真元全部被林铭打散,连丹田也破裂,元气大泻! A palm of Lin Ming, broke Situ Meiyue divine powers! 林铭的一掌,破了司徒美月神通 Situ Meiyue knows certainly that had anything, her facial color dying embers, the lip shivers, as heaven's proud daughter, she was used to the keeping aloof position, suddenly dropped from the clouds, the in the heart pain could be imagined! 司徒美月当然知道发生了什么,她面色死灰,嘴唇颤抖,作为天之骄女,她习惯了高高在上的位置,突然从云端跌落,心中的痛苦可想而知! Lin Ming works on Situ Meiyue, threw Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation directly, threw to Lan Yunyue. This Profound Blood Imprisoning Gigantic Formation is now interlinked with his regard, when wants to open. 林铭一把抓起司徒美月,直接扔出了玄血锁天大阵,扔给了兰云月。这玄血锁天大阵现在跟他心意相通,想什么时候开启都可以。 I do not kill you, keeps your life, abandons your divine powers, but you crossed Sixth Level Life Destruction, divine powers even though broken goes, mortal body after all after tempered, but can also have the millennium life, from now henceforth, you are her servant, when the cow makes the horse, is hard-and-fast, thoughtful that if you serve, I not necessarily cannot restore your some strengths, otherwise is cut to pieces you, lives to might as well die!” “我不杀你,留你一命,废你神通,但你渡过六重命陨,神通虽然破去,肉身毕竟经过淬炼,还能有个千年寿命,从今以后,你就是她的奴仆,当牛做马,不可违逆,若是你伺候的周道,我未必不能恢复你一些实力,否则把你千刀万剐,生不如死!” Lin Ming wants to say according to Situ Meiyue, first tears away her clothes, then her meat one piece by piece shears, when wants to start feels some loathings, drew back to ask next to choose such penalty method. 林铭本来想照着司徒美月所说,先撕去她的衣服,而后把她的肉一片片的割下来,但是想下手之时却感到有些厌恶,退而求其次选择了这样的惩罚手段。 „...... The Situ Meiyue lip shivers for the servant for the slave, making proud and arrogant her take care a mortal, this killing her was more uncomfortable. “为奴为仆……”司徒美月嘴唇颤抖,让心高气傲的她服侍一个凡人,这比杀了她还难受。 Lin Ming...... Lin Ming...... Your this domestic animal, I makes trouble will not let off your!” The Situ Yaoxi whole body air/Qi trembles, frightens trembles, present she does not have the strength of revolt in front of Lin Ming. 林铭……林铭……你这畜生,我做鬼也不会放过你的!”司徒瑶曦全身气得直哆嗦,也吓得直哆嗦,现在的她在林铭面前根本毫无反抗之力。 Then was you!” Lin Ming indifferent before arriving at the body of Situ Yaoxi, the corners of the mouth flood grins fiendishly. “接下来是你了!”林铭冷漠的走到司徒瑶曦的身前,嘴角泛起一丝狞笑。 But at this time, out of the door suddenly a noisy sound of footsteps, Lin Ming turned around to look, actually saw several martial practitioner to clash, most of them were the Asura Divine Country juniors, but also included by the Surnamed Sun middle-aged person who Lin Ming planted the tracing mark. 而就在这时候,门外突然了一阵嘈杂的脚步声,林铭转身一看,却见十几个武者冲了进来,其中大多数是修罗神国的子弟,还包括被林铭种下追踪印记的孙姓中年人。 What happened?” Before heard the sound of pitiful yell, sensation investigates actually to feel that this side space as if had been blocked by anything, these people caught up hurriedly, actually saw so pitiful one. “发生了什么事?”之前听到惨叫之声,感知探查过来却感觉这方空间仿佛被什么封锁了,这些人匆忙赶过来,却见到如此凄惨的一幕。 Lin Lanjian!” 林澜剑!” Surnamed Sun middle-aged person eyes saw Lin Ming, but he was the custom calls the Lin Ming at first name, this Lin Lanjian name was his nightmare! 孙姓中年人一眼看到了林铭,不过他还是习惯叫林铭一开始的名字,这个林澜剑的名字一直是他的梦魇! Hehe, came, that do not walk.” On the Lin Ming face has shown the cruel smiling face.( To be continued.) “嘿嘿,都来了啊,那就别走了。”林铭脸上露出了残忍的笑容。(未完待续。)
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