MW :: Volume #10

#914: Old friends and angers

Sky Fortune Kingdom is South Sky Region Divine Phoenix Province subordinate seven profound area common small countries, population several ten million, is the standard mortal state, does not have Sect to inherit in this type, only then the state of common custom system, wants born Xiantian expert is very difficult, because does not have the resources, nobody taught, wants to practice martial art can only try to find out, the talent will also be buried. 天运国南天域神凰州下属七玄地区一个不起眼的小国,人口不过几千万,是标准的凡人国度,在这种没有宗门传承,只有世俗制度的国度,想要诞生一个先天强者都十分艰难,因为没有资源,没有人教导,想习武只能自己摸索,天才也会被埋没。 But nowadays, Lin Ming close Green Mulberry City time, obviously had actually discovered some unusual energy aura, this type the energy revolution way of concealing the Great Dao rule naturally stems from the hand of top expert. 而现如今,林铭接近青桑城的时候,却明显发现了一些不同寻常的能量气息,这种隐含大道规则的能量运转方式自然出自顶级强者之手。 Really here waited for me!” “果然在这里等我了!” In the Lin Ming eye flashes through together severe light, his intention moves, the form disappears baseless, calm hiding into Space Distortion, by him the understanding degree to Law of Space, has covered up own physique with Space Distortion now is really the easy matter, among the world except for Yang Yun, Elder Good Fortune and other individuals, nobody can look through his personal appearance to be. 林铭眼中闪过一道厉芒,他心念一动,身影凭空消失,从容的躲入了扭曲空间之中,以他现在对空间法则的理解程度,用扭曲空间来遮掩自己的形体实在是轻而易举的事情,天下间除了阳云造化老人等少数几个人,没人能看得破他的身形所在。 According to the instruction of Battle Spirit Seal, Lin Ming arrives at Green Mulberry City Lin Family, the Surnamed Sun middle-aged person sure enough places, but the Lin Family surrounding area in ten miles, was blocked by array completely, the Lin Family juniors can exit as mortal nobody. 按照战灵印记的指示,林铭来到青桑城林家,孙姓中年人果不其然就身处其中,而林家方圆十里之内,完全被一层阵法封锁,林家子弟作为凡人根本没人能出得去了。 Lin Ming is just thinking how to start, at this moment, he actually saw a form of female, making in his heart shake suddenly, unexpectedly is inexplicable has a grieved meaning, even concealment Space Distortion for this reason shivered, nearly obviously exposed weaknesses. 林铭正想着如何下手,就在这时,他却看到了一个女子的身影,让他心中猛然一震,竟是莫名的有一股酸楚之意,甚至隐匿的扭曲空间都为此而颤动了一下,险些显露出了破绽。 The female wears the azure cotton garment, appearance is delicate, the skin is beautiful, temple beautiful hair was moistened pasted on the face, the left sleeves hang, has blocked from the hand, she is taking a heavy wooden barrel, draws water from the water well. 那女子身穿青布衣,长相清秀,皮肤姣好,鬓角的秀发被打湿了贴在脸上,左边的衣袖垂下来,遮住了手,她正提着一只沉重的木桶,从水井中汲水。 This female Lan Yunyue. 这女子正是兰云月 Lan Yunyue......” 兰云月……” Lin Ming absent-minded, as if fell into during the long recollection, when with Lan Yunyue distinguishes, she is the 15 or 16 years old age, on the face is childish, but on the present Lan Yunyue face could not find the initial that naivete again, but were many exhausted, feels sad. 林铭一阵失神,仿佛陷入了冗长的回忆之中,与兰云月分别之时,她还是十五六岁的年纪,脸上稚气未脱,可是现在的兰云月脸上已经再也找不到当初的那份稚气,而是多了一份疲惫,一份心酸。 The simple azure cotton garment, without any lace trimming, the hair has pulled at will, grips with a azure cloth strip, at this time is the Sky Fortune Kingdom winter said, the leaf falls the light, in the Lin Family courtyard coldly is clear, the faint trace winter said that the cold wind blows, is moving the Lan Yunyue clothing, has a miserable chill in the air. 简简单单的青布衣,没有任何花边装饰,头发随意的挽了起来,用一条青色的布条扎起,此时正值天运国的冬曰,树叶落光,林家的院子里冷冷清清,丝丝冬曰冷风吹来,吹动着兰云月的衣衫,别有一股凄凉的寒意。 Ten years! 十年了! In the past Lin Ming and Lan Yunyue bid good-bye, less than 16 years old went to Sky Fortune City Seven Profound Martial House, for were not Lan Yunyue, but for oneself, to make every effort to succeed, showed that he was not worse than anybody. 当年林铭兰云月分手,不到16岁前往天运城七玄武府,为的不是兰云月,而是为了自己,为了争一口气,证明他不比任何人差。 Now, he quick reach 26 years old, the strength approached the ancient times first under heaven person infinitely, he achieved himself to pledge, moreover made inconceivable good, was the past beautiful person, was having lady makings, somewhat small vanity proud Lan Yunyue, actually turned now so, to feeling that the person felt sad mournfully. 如今,他已经快满26岁,实力已经无限接近古时候的天下第一人,他做到了自己承诺,而且做得不可思议的好,可是当年美丽可人,又带着一丝大家闺秀气质,有些小小虚荣骄傲的兰云月,如今却变成了这般,给人凄然心酸的感觉。 even though she was as before beautiful, has compared with a that time more abundant stature, but her pair of not slightly dim pupil and that thin and pale facial features, made the person look at a in the heart pain. 虽然她依旧美丽,有着比那时更加丰盈的身材,但是她那双没微微黯淡的瞳仁和那憔悴的面容,却让人看了心中一痛。 She as if turned into the Sky Fortune Kingdom most common woman, every day practical training, life, even if some encountered people humiliate her, will be silent, exercise forbearance and is resigned to bad conditions. 她似乎已经变成了天运国最普通的女人,每天劳作,生活,即便遇到有人欺凌她,也会沉默、忍让、逆来顺受。 Lan Yunyue pours into the water jar the water in bucket, lights a fire, adds the firewood, boils water. 兰云月把水桶里的水倒入水缸,生火,添柴,烧水。 The entire process she is silent speechless, but looks at that ascension, but dim water vapor being lost in thought that as if fell into during the recollection, occasionally will remember any warm happy matter she also to show a faint smile, then actually independently did not shake the head, at once is one lightly sighs. 整个过程她都沉默无语,只是看着那升腾而起的朦胧水汽怔怔的出神,似乎陷入了回忆之中,偶尔想起了什么温馨美好的事情她也会微微一笑,而后却又不自主摇头,旋即便是一声轻叹。 Past events such as in wind mist and dust, but in this hazy mist and dust, whose also has buried remnant dream? 往事如风中烟尘,而这迷蒙的烟尘中,又埋葬了谁人的残梦? Ten years of life and death is boundless, even if the remnant dream is unforgettable, actually meets by chance does not know...... 十年生死茫茫,纵然残梦难忘,却相逢不识…… The water boiled, Lan Yunyue has steeped pot tea with hot water, delivers to the Lin Family lobby, sat a man and a woman two youngster in the Lin Family lobby, this grows very to the men and women is delicate and pretty, side them, an old woman of whole face wrinkle, in the vision reveals a faint trace mean color/look, this old woman Asura Divine Country long Princess Situ Yaoxi. 水开了,兰云月用热水沏了一壶茶,送到林家的前厅,在林家前厅坐了一男一女两个年轻人,这对男女长得都十分俊美,在他们身边,还有一个满脸皱纹的老妇,目光中流露出一丝丝阴狠之色,这老妇正是修罗神国的长公主司徒瑶曦 But that a man and a woman are the same to Situ Yaoyue, is the Asura Divine Country hideaway strength, various resources supply young elite that cultivation is getting up since childhood, but their strengths miss Situ Yaoyue many that's all. 而那一男一女则都与司徒妖月一样,是修罗神国的隐藏力量,从小就各种资源供应着修炼起来的年轻俊杰,只是他们的实力差司徒妖月很多罢了 Situ Yaoxi sees Lan Yunyue to serve tea, suspends to place on the tabletop the bowl, on the face hangs one to sneer, small slut, you steep pot tea so to be unexpectedly slow!” 司徒瑶曦看到兰云月端茶进来,把茶碗摆好放在桌面上,脸上挂着一丝冷笑,“小贱人,你沏一壶茶竟然这么慢!” During the speeches, side the Situ Yaoxi young woman actually does not have the indication, has given a Lan Yunyue palm of the hand directly, this year the light female is also the Asura Divine Country talent, named Situ Meiyue, Sixth Level Life Destruction cultivation base, the strength is slightly worse than Situ Luosha, but also hopefully attacks Divine Sea, even if useless True Essence conveniently a palm of the hand, makes the Lan Yunyue frail body such as the straw depart generally far, falls on the ground. 说话间,司徒瑶曦身旁的年轻女子竟然毫无征兆的,直接给了兰云月一巴掌,这年轻女子也是修罗神国的天才,名为司徒美月,六重命陨修为,实力比司徒罗刹稍差一些,但也有希望冲击神海,哪怕是没用真元的随手一巴掌,也让兰云月单薄的身子如稻草一般飞出好远,摔在地上。 Her does not have the throat, but is covering the face, the corners of the mouth overflow a blood threads. 她一声没吭,只是捂着脸,嘴角溢出一丝血丝。 Aunt Grandma, it seems like that this small slut in Lin Ming that domestic animal eye radically not worthy of mentioning, is, this is the girlfriend in his earthliness, moreover had already separated, first betrays this small slut, even if has killed her, Lin Ming does not have any feeling!” 姑祖母,看来这小贱人林铭那畜生眼中根本微不足道,也是,这是他俗世中的女友,而且早就分开了,先背叛的还是这个小贱人,就算把她杀了,林铭也没有任何感觉的!” The young woman disdains looked at Lan Yunyue, in her concept, martial practitioner the road of Martial Dao is doomed lonely, the kinship sentiment is very light, let alone between Lan Yunyue and Lin Ming did not have anything to relate, at all impossible as coercing the Lin Ming chip. 年轻女子不屑的看了一眼兰云月,在她的概念中,武者武道之路注定孤独,亲情感情很淡薄,别说兰云月林铭之间还没什么关系,根本不可能作为要挟林铭的筹码。 Lan Yunyue bites the lip tightly same, the words that Situ Meiyue spoke such as a knife is twisting her heart, truly, she clear in the Lin Ming eye not worthy of mentioning, she originally thinks, will not have any occurring together with Lin Ming, will not actually think to be put under house arrest by the Lin Ming personal enemy, was used to treat as to threaten the Lin Ming chip. 兰云月紧咬嘴唇,司徒美月说的话如一把刀子一样绞着她的心,确实,她清楚自己在林铭眼中微不足道,她原本以为以后不会与林铭有任何交集,却不想会被林铭的仇家软禁起来,被用来当做威胁林铭的筹码。 These people are any realm her indistinct awareness, that has surpassed her imagination limit, even if that young woman, can a look make Seven Profound Valleys Supreme Elder spit blood dead, let alone is that immeasurably deep old woman. 这些人是什么境界她隐约的知道一点,那已经超出了她的想象极限,哪怕是那个年轻女子,就能一个眼神让七玄谷太上长老吐血身亡,更何况是那深不可测的老妪 Such the terrifying enemy, Lan Yunyue does not hope that Lin Ming appears here, at that meeting their ambushes and snares, how even if Lin Ming is formidable, is everything points to disaster. 这么恐怖的敌人,兰云月根本不希望林铭出现在这里,那会中了他们的埋伏和圈套,哪怕林铭再怎么强大,也是凶多吉少 Looks at anything to look, small did slut, believe me to dig your eye, your this grade of status in my eyes was the ants, we radically were two world people, if were not Lin Ming, we will never have least bit occurring together, I enjoy your palm of the hand now am your being honored!” “看什么看,小贱人,信不信我挖了你的眼睛,你这等身份在我眼中就是蝼蚁,我们根本是两个世界的人,如果不是林铭,我们永远不会有半点交集,我现在赏你一巴掌都是你的荣幸!” Situ Meiyue cold voice said that in the spoken language is full of the facial expression that the satire and does not spare a glance, she will be future hopeful achievement Divine Sea heaven's proud daughter, originally is proud, the mortal who Lan Yunyue this Houtian Stage has not arrived at will be no different than the ants in her eyes, oneself can enjoy her palm of the hand favors her. 司徒美月冷声说道,言语中充满讽刺和不屑一顾的神情,她是未来有希望成就神海天之骄女,原本就骄傲,兰云月这种后天期都没到的凡人在她眼中无异于蝼蚁,自己能赏她一巴掌都算是抬举她了。 In Space Distortion, Lin Ming fist getting hold of slowly, void almost must under his strength by the crumb! In that flash, he almost thinks a moment ago is direct handle sinister and ruthless female to tear into shreds together with Situ Yaoxi, but he endured, he wants to listen to them to say anything, knows that Yang Yun in does what, how must cope with itself. 扭曲空间中,林铭拳头慢慢的握紧,虚空都几乎要在他的力量之下被捏碎了!在刚才那一瞬间,他几乎想直接出手把这阴毒的女子连同司徒瑶曦都生生撕碎,不过他还是忍了下来,他想听听她们说什么,知道阳云到底在干什么,要怎么对付自己。 This slut is certainly nothing to speak in the Lin Ming eye, but she after all was Lin Ming once woman, hehe, the old body could not find Lin Ming, with this slut, when the maidservant directed, vented anger well, what a pity could not find that Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan, otherwise has caught them, when also my maidservant, beat and scolded the humiliation daily, and other Yang Yun had grasped Lin Ming again, I worked as his surface to throw that two slut to these galatic equator demons, when human furnace exercised martial arts, I took on one group of silver demon in turn them, until their Yin Qi suck dry, ahem! I must make this Little Bastard wish one could my eyeball to dig, making him live to might as well die!” In the Situ Yaoxi eye full is the hatred look, cannot catch Qin Xingxuan and Mu Qianyu, making her not be feeling well. “这贱人林铭眼中当然不值一提,不过她毕竟是林铭曾经的女人,嘿嘿,老身找不到林铭,拿这贱人当丫鬟使唤,出出气也不错,可惜找不到那牧千雨秦杏轩,否则将她们都抓了,也当我的丫鬟,天天打骂凌辱,再等阳云抓了林铭,我当着他的面把那两个贱人扔给那些银道魔头当炉鼎练功,我要一群银魔轮流上她们,直到把她们阴气吸干,哼哼!我要让这小畜生恨不得把自己眼珠子挖出来,让他生不如死!”司徒瑶曦眼中满是怨毒的神色,没能抓到秦杏轩牧千雨,让她十分不爽。 At this time, Situ Yaoxi youngster said: Aunt Grandma, let alone is Lan Yunyue, even if Lin Clan in the Lin Ming eye also mostly is insignificant, if Lin Ming does not appear, we have defended here, daily with these humble mortals in the same place?” 这时,司徒瑶曦身边的年轻人道:“姑祖母,别说是兰云月,就算是林氏家族林铭眼中也多半是无足轻重,如果林铭不出现,我们难道就一直守在这里,天天跟这些低贱的凡人在一起?” This youngster also has the bloodlines of Situ family, cultivation base only then Fifth Level Life Destruction, but has the Destiny Ranking first 200 strengths, the future prospect also will be light, the talent has own arrogance, with the mortal in the same place, will live in the mortal mansion that this bird will not defecate barrenly, Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi to nearly in not having, they will certainly not want. 年轻人也有司徒家族的血脉,修为只有五重命陨,不过却有天命榜前200的实力,未来前途也是一片光明,天才都有自己的傲气,跟凡人在一起,住在这鸟不拉屎的凡人府邸,天地元气贫瘠到近乎于无,他们当然不愿意了。 This is the order of Yang Yun, who can also defy inadequately? However, even if Lin Ming does not come not to relate, the Yang Yun scheme is really big, he is carrying out a plan, feared that one year, this piece of Continent will again not have Lin Ming the place of taking shelter, when the time comes he ascends the sky entering the sea, by the Yang Yun latched position, must die without doubt, to that time, I have been able to come this Little Bastard soul, slowly boils down, hehe, I make him not seek livehood to ask unable!” “这是阳云的命令,谁还能违抗不成?不过,哪怕林铭不来也没关系,阳云图谋甚大,他在执行一项计划,怕是不出一年,这片大陆就不会再有林铭的容身之地,到时候他就算上天入海,也会被阳云锁定位置,必死无疑,到了那时候,我会要来这小畜生的魂魄,慢慢熬炼,嘿嘿,我让他求生不得求死不能!” Situ Yaoxi as if saw oneself kills by mistreatment the Lin Ming scene recklessly, on the face shows the cruel smiling face. 司徒瑶曦仿佛看到了自己肆意虐杀林铭的情景,脸上露出残忍的笑容。 Lin Ming looks at all these in the space of distortion, the knuckle grasps ka ka makes noise, he has not thought like this to long for killing a person now, moreover wants cruel killing by mistreatment! Yang Yun is carrying on view of my motion, crossed for one year to find me again inevitably, really he will not accomplish nothing! What a pity he cannot think, I come now!” 林铭在扭曲的空间之中看着这一切,指节握得咔咔作响,他从没有想现在这样渴望杀死一个人,而且要残忍的虐杀!“阳云在进行针对我的行动,再过一年时间必然找到我,果然他不会无所作为!可惜他想不到,我现在就来了!” At this time, Situ Yaoxi continued saying: We continue to defend here for one year, snort/hum, has arranged these many traps in Green Mulberry City, if Lin Ming did not appear white/in vain has actually been busy at work, this brat kept the tracing mark on Sun Clan Elder, definitely knows that we have discovered Lin Family, did not come out is because under we did not have heavy hand Ah! look like are only a day cut several fingers, half palm was too gentle, Meiyue, cut away the arm of this slut feeds the dog, these Lin Family direct descendant juniors, picked up 20 people to come, cut! Looked that Lin Ming that Little Bastard does have the response!” 这时,司徒瑶曦又继续说道:“我们继续守在这里一年的时间,哼,在青桑城布置了这么多陷阱,如果林铭不出现却是白忙活了,这小子留了追踪印记在孙族长身上,一定知道我们发现了林家,一直不出来是不是因为我们没下重手啊!看来只是一天切几根手指,半个手掌太柔和了,美月,把这贱人的胳膊切掉喂狗,还有那些个林家嫡系子弟,挑出20个人来,也切了!看林铭小畜生有没有反应!” During the Situ Yaoxi speeches, takes up the teacup on table conveniently, the boiling hot hot tea together directly threw to Lan Yunyue.( To be continued.) 司徒瑶曦说话间,随手拿起桌子上的茶杯,连带滚烫的热茶一起直接扔向了兰云月。(未完待续。)
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