MW :: Volume #3

#296: Strength obedience

Pulse Condensation Initial Stage Lin Ming, 16 years old! 凝脉初期林铭,年仅16岁! Does he win Mugu Buyu? Moreover listens to the meaning of Mugu Buyu, he is not only not the Lin Ming match, but also falls far short. 他是怎么打赢木鼓卜域的?而且听木鼓卜域的意思,他不但不是林铭的对手,而且还差得远。 The people do not think that Mugu Buyu is lying, such as Mugu Buyu such talent, will not take off oneself spirit, rises others power and prestige, moreover he does not need such to do, Divine Phoenix Island impossible, because Mugu Buyu statement of only one of the parties on careless decides as the Heaven Rank talent Lin Ming. 人们不会认为木鼓卜域在撒谎,如木鼓卜域这样的天才,不会挫自己锐气,涨别人威风,而且他也没有必要这么做,神凰岛不可能因为木鼓卜域的一面之词就草率的将林铭定为天阶天才。 This can only explain, Lin Ming really formidable to the terrifying degree. 这只能说明,林铭真的强大到了恐怖的程度。 Evenly also lightly spits the cold air/Qi including the Peacock Mountain forest, facing Mugu Buyu, he naturally can win by the absolute strength suppression, is Lin Ming Pulse Condensation Initial Stage, does he win? 孔雀山的林平也是轻吐冷气,面对木鼓卜域,他凭借绝对的实力压制自然能赢,可是林铭凝脉初期,他是怎么赢的? Pulse Condensation Initial Stage so is fierce, if Lin Ming steps into Pulse Condensation Middle Stage, Pulse Condensation Late Stage, even marches into Houtian? 凝脉初期就这么厉害,如果林铭踏入凝脉中期,凝脉后期,甚至步入后天呢? At that time, perhaps he could also not hold a candle! 那时候,他恐怕也望尘莫及了吧! No wonder that Divine Phoenix Island decides Lin Ming is the Heaven Rank talent, is so young, has such strength! Becoming the only Heaven Rank talent, in reason. He is speechless. 无怪神凰岛林铭天阶天才,如此年轻,却又有如此实力!成为唯一的天阶天才,在情理之中。他无话可说。 Lin Ming the sitting quietly auditorium, nobody has had the qualifications to challenge him at this time due to the age radically, but Mugu Buyu after the stance of crush defeated Zhang Shaoshan did not have, the words that must hit, presented these many talents also only then the forest draw can win him, other people were most like Jiang Baoyun such, can compel the Lin Ming complete strength. 林铭此时一直稳坐观众席,因为年龄的原因,根本没有人有资格挑战他,而木鼓卜域以碾压的姿态战胜张绍山后就更没有了,真的要打的话,在场这么多天才也只有林平能赢他,其余人最多只是如姜薄云那样,能逼出林铭全部实力而已。 At this time, Jiang Baoyun suddenly said to eyebrows upturned at the ends man: This Senior Brother, this we entered the stage.” 这时候,姜薄云突然对吊梢眉男子说道:“这位师兄,该我们出场了。” The eyebrows upturned at the ends man stares, immediately the in the heart round painstakingly, he went crazy to challenge Jiang Baoyun a moment ago, two people compared with fighting to follow close on after Mugu Buyu and Zhang Shaoshan! 吊梢眉男子一愣,顿时心中发苦,他刚才发神经挑战了姜薄云,两人的比斗紧跟在木鼓卜域张绍山之后! The eyebrows upturned at the ends man swallowed saliva, opens mouth dry/does has not said the words to come, he thinks that absolutely was not a moment ago the match of that corpse, but said according to the information in, Jiang Baoyun possibly be fiercer than that dry corpse! 吊梢眉男子吞了一口口水,干张嘴没说出话来,他自认为绝对不是刚才那具僵尸的对手,而根据情报上说,姜薄云可能要比那具干尸还要厉害! Eyebrows upturned at the ends man even though has the self-confidence, but self-confidently to thinking character who oneself can defeat this abnormal level. Goes on stage not to look oppressively? 吊梢眉男子虽然有自信,但也不会自信到认为自己能打败这种变态级的人物。上场不是找虐么? May he be Fall Cloud Sect third disciple, Fall Cloud Sect as one of the six big peak Third Grade Sect, can he not fight to run away in front of trivial Seven Profound Valleys disciple? 可偏偏他是落云门的第三弟子,落云门作为六大顶尖三品宗门之一,他怎能在区区一个七玄谷弟子面前不战而逃? On, looks oppressively, will be lost by oppressive in a complete mess disgraced to the grandmother family/home. 上吧,找虐,被虐的一塌糊涂会丢人丢到姥姥家。 Not on, timid, others will say that he frightens goes on stage not to dare, finally disgraced! 不上吧,胆怯,人家会说他吓得上场都不敢,结果还是丢人! The eyebrows upturned at the ends man understands finally what was unable to back down. This is the trouble that his mouth causes inexpensively. 吊梢眉男子终于明白什么叫骑虎难下了。这都是他嘴贱惹的祸。 When is in a dilemma. Chilly sound suddenly transmits, Junior Brother Song, making me come.” 正在进退维谷之时。一个清冷的声音突然传来,“宋师弟,让我来吧。” The eyebrows upturned at the ends man turns the head to look, saw a Bai Shu porch of white clothing stands in his, the Bai Shu porch is not attractive, but she has makings of quiet and gentle as water from top to bottom. Let the person look at very easy heart fresh favorable impression. 吊梢眉男子转头一看,见到一身素衣的白淑轩站在他的身后,白淑轩并不算漂亮,不过她浑身上下却有一股柔静似水的气质。让人看了很容易心生好感。 Senior Sister!” Eyebrows upturned at the ends man in the heart is overjoyed, a face grateful looks to the Bai Shu porch, the Bai Shu porch is their Fall Cloud Sect Chief Disciple. The status and once Jiang Baoyun in the Seven Profound Valleys status quite, absolutely was famous talent one generation, its prestige was not inferior in Linping. 师姐!”吊梢眉男子心中大喜过望,一脸感激的看向白淑轩,白淑轩正是他们落云门首席弟子。其地位与曾经姜薄云七玄谷的地位相当,绝对是鼎鼎大名的天才一代,其威名不次于林平。 Fall Cloud Sect Bai Shu porch. Peacock Mountain forest even, is dragon and phoenix in ten nine Sect double tender, forest even old is one year old, shifts to an earlier time to step into Houtian, Bai Shu porch even though is detained in Pulse Condensation realm as before. However she actually momentarily can break through Houtian, she after waiting for True Essence floods naturally breaks through. 落云门白淑轩。孔雀山林平,一直是十九宗门中的龙凤双娇,林平年长一岁,提早一步踏入后天,白淑虽然依旧滞留在凝脉境界。但是她却随时可以突破后天,她只是在等待真元满溢后自然突破而已。 From body refining First Level begin, to Houtian Stage, depends on the True Essence nature flood to break through completely, only then the peerless talent, has such self-confident! Otherwise the talent was insufficient, passes away could not wait for the True Essence nature flood. 练体一重开始,一直到后天期,全部靠真元自然满溢突破,只有绝世天才,才有此等自信!否则天赋不够,老死了都等不到真元自然满溢。 Jiang Baoyun also never fights with the Bai Shu porch before then, he already planned to challenge this talent, this time must be willing to recompense. 姜薄云在此之前还从未与白淑轩交手,他早就打算挑战这个天才了,这次正是得愿所偿。 White Senior Sister, has heard so much about you, please be liberal to grant instruction!” Jiang Baoyun held the sword good sword ritual, to the Bai Shu porch, he admired very much. “白师姐,久仰大名,请不吝赐教!”姜薄云抱剑行了剑礼,对白淑轩,他是很敬佩的。 Please!” “请!” The experts to the war, capture the attention of all people immediately, Fall Cloud Sect Elder also sat straight the body, the Bai Shu porch is their Chief Disciple, if loses to Jiang Baoyun, Fall Cloud Sect somewhat was awkward, after all the Fall Cloud Sect good and evil also will be the Sect history is 1500 peak Third Grade Sect, the inheritance or background must surpass the history to have 600 years of Seven Profound Valleys. 高手对战,立刻吸引了所有人的目光,落云门长老也坐直了身子,白淑轩可是他们的首席弟子,若是输给姜薄云的话,落云门就有些尴尬了,毕竟落云门好歹也是宗门历史达到1500年的顶尖三品宗门,无论是传承还是底蕴都要超过历史只有600年的七玄谷 Fight begin, Jiang Baoyun first took out the azure black double sword, and summoned sword spirit avatar, facing the Bai Shu porch, he does not dare to be negligent. 战斗开始,姜薄云第一时间取出了青黑双剑,并且召唤了剑灵分身,面对白淑轩,他丝毫不敢大意。 The sword glittering, two people just begin mutually had probed several moves, in an instant, speed then rises dramatically pinnacle! speed of Bai Shu porch is not unexpectedly slower than Jiang Baoyun, must know, Jiang Baoyun comprehended the sword step, but Bai Shu porch even though does not have the sword step, however her body as if integrated in the sword shade, by an unusual movement shuttle in the battlefield, does not drop the wind. 剑光闪烁,两人刚开始只是相互试探了几招,转眼之间,速度便飙升到极致白淑轩的速度竟然丝毫不比姜薄云慢,要知道,姜薄云可是领悟了剑步,而白淑虽然没有剑步,但是她的身体似乎是融入了剑影之中,以一种奇特的身法穿梭在战场之中,丝毫不落下风。 Fierce!” “厉害!” In Lin Ming eye eyes flash, if insisted saying that Lin Ming had any weakness, that was to these limit speed matches, his reversal of stress becomes his weakness, the near body attack of flash, sword fast quickly like sound, responded radically facing this attack, he also can only integrate in the body Coiling Dragon Needle, released to repel the enemy when at a crucial moment. 林铭眼中目光一闪,如果硬要说林铭自己有什么弱点的话,那就是对上这些极限速度型对手,他的反应力会成为他的软肋,一瞬间的近身攻击,剑速快如声音,面对这种攻击根本反应不及,他也只能把盘龙钢针融入到身体之中,在千钧一发之际释放出来退敌。 However this procedure, looks like or is opportunistic in Lin Ming, is not own real skill. 然而这种做法,在林铭看来还是取巧,不是自己的真本事。 weakness on speed...... Has not thought after I comprehended Concept of Wind, speed is not good, Golden Roc Shattering the Void movement even though is formidable, but that is for the movement that Supreme Being establish, Golden-Winged Roc Concept what kind of is profound, by my present realm, comprehension perhaps is also only water drop that's all in sea, let alone, Golden Roc Shattering the Void contained two Concept: Concept of Wind and Concept of Space, I only understand the Concept of Wind fur/superficial knowledge, cannot display the Golden Roc Shattering the Void prestige to come, must make up for weakness on this speed as soon as possible.” 速度上的软肋……没想到我领悟了风之意境后,速度还是不行,金鹏破虚身法虽然强大无比,但那是为大能们创立的身法,金翅大鹏意境何等精深浩渺,以我现在的境界,领悟的恐怕也只是大海中的一滴水罢了,更何况,金鹏破虚蕴含了两种意境:风之意境空间意境,我只懂风之意境的皮毛,根本发挥不出金鹏破虚的威能来,必须尽快弥补这速度上的软肋。” Above the arena Concept proliferated innumerable afterimage, the sword optical density has woven such as, in such fight, even if on the scene was the talents, actually some strength weak person eyes could not follow two people acting. 擂台之上意境遍布了无数的残影,剑光密织如,在这样的战斗中,即便在场的都是天才,却也有一些实力较弱的人眼睛跟不上两人的动作了。 Sword Shattering Clear Sky!” 剑破青天!” Jiang Baoyun whole body imposing manner erupts, sword potential recklessly! 姜薄云浑身气势爆发,剑势肆意而出! He displayed most to strike finally, takes own source sword spirit as actuation Sword Faction Secret Technique! 他终于施展出了最强一击,以自身的本源剑灵为驱动的剑宗绝学 Initially Jiang Baoyun and a Lin Ming wartime, struck finally, Jiang Baoyun by this move, the first time, in the upfront dashed and Lin Ming has put together evenly matched, obviously this move of great strength. 当初姜薄云林铭一战时,最后一击,姜薄云就是以这一招,第一次在正面冲撞中与林铭拼了个势均力敌,可见这一招的强大。 Moreover Lin Ming also knows, in the Jiang Baoyun sword contained the soul attack, takes given name sword spirit as the soul attack of weapon, even if breaks in Lin Ming spiritual sea to have very big lethality, actually does not know how the Bai Shu porch does keep off? 而且林铭还知道,姜薄云的剑中蕴含了灵魂攻击,以本名剑灵武器的灵魂攻击,即便冲入林铭精神之海都有很大的杀伤力,却不知白淑轩如何去挡? The Bai Shu porch as if also realized that the great strength of Jiang Baoyun this sword, her whole body white light flashes, is concise one after another water white color/look ripple around the body. 白淑轩似乎也意识到姜薄云这一剑的强大,她浑身白光闪动,在身体周围凝练出一环一环水白色的波纹。 Water curtain lotus flower!” “水幕莲华!” In an instant, the Bai Shu porch was surrounded by origin energy of pure water. 刹那间,白淑轩被纯净的水之元气包围了。 Un? Concept of water?” “嗯?水之意境?” Bai Shu porch the Concept of comprehension degree of water is obviously profounder than Jiang Lanjian Concept of Wind! 白淑轩的水之意境领悟程度明显比姜澜剑风之意境更加精深! These talents, really some skills. 这些天才,果然都有些本事。 bo!” “啵!” Water curtain lotus flower shattered, everywhere mist floats, but Jiang Baoyun most struck also to keep off, the protection of that water can keep off unexpectedly including the soul attack, this made Lin Ming feel surprised greatly. 水幕莲华破碎,漫天水雾飘洒,而姜薄云的最强一击也被挡下了,那水之守护竟然连灵魂攻击都能挡下,这让林铭大感吃惊 They draw back several steps respectively, on face is a paleness, obviously received some small wounds, moreover perhaps is affects the soul the injury. 两人各退数步,脸上都是一阵苍白,显然都是受了一些小伤,而且恐怕是牵动灵魂的伤势。 The wound of soul is not the child's play, even if the small wound must recuperate carefully, once the soul leaves the protection of spiritual sea, is similar to the world of ice and snow ** the baby is equally vulnerable. 灵魂的伤不是儿戏,即便小伤也要精心调理,一旦灵魂离开精神之海的保护,就如同冰天雪地中的**婴儿一样脆弱。 Has been OK, stops, this war, calculates with!” “可以了,到此为止,这一战,算和!” Sits Mu Qianyu suddenly starts to talk in seat of honor said, her sound, is having a strange and harmonious True Essence fluctuation, making the person listen such as to wash the spring breeze to be ordinary. 坐在首座上的牧千雨突然开口说道,她的声音,带着一股奇异而和谐的真元波动,让人听了如沐春风一般。 After Jiang Baoyun and this sound of Bai Shu above porch arena by True Essence fluctuation surrounding that in contains, only thought that the body is warm, as if during the winter by the stove, the soul that before trembled, restored the full of vitality. 擂台之上的姜薄云白淑轩被这声音中蕴含的真元波动包围后,只觉得身体暖融融的,仿佛冬日之中靠在火炉旁,之前瑟瑟发抖的灵魂,也恢复了勃勃生机。 This lets two people secret heart startled, they know that Mu Qianyu is fire attribute martial practitioner, origin energy of fire, is always used in the attack, but Mu Qianyu can hold origin energy of arson therapy for them unexpectedly, obviously she understanding to Law of Fire profound to any degree! 这让两人暗暗心惊,他们都知道牧千雨火属性武者,火之元气,历来用于攻击,可是牧千雨竟然能操纵火之元气为他们疗伤,可见她对火法则的理解深刻到了什么程度! With also good.” On the Fall Cloud Sect Elder forehead has seeped out the beads of sweat, can see from to compare notes, Jiang Baoyun is not weaker than the Bai Shu porch, if solely so, he is also insufficient to worry in a terrified way, however carries on along with the fight behind, he discovered with amazement, Jiang Baoyun in the sword incurs contains the soul attack unexpectedly, moreover looks at this appearance, he controls is not good, once has gotten a cut the soul of Bai Shu porch, that ended. “和了也好。”落云门长老额头上都渗出了汗珠,从刚才的切磋中可以看出,姜薄云不比白淑轩弱,如果单单如此,他还不至于担忧惶恐,然而随着战斗进行到后面,他骇然发现,姜薄云在剑招中居然蕴含灵魂攻击,而且看他这个样子,他自己控制的也不是太好,一旦把白淑轩的灵魂弄伤了,那就完了。 The wound of soul is most difficult to govern, moreover cultivates is the perception that the sword most regards as important, once the soul is damaged, spiritual sea was attacked, a swordsman has abandoned basically, the Bai Shu porch is their Fall Cloud Sect treasure, if drops anything the wound that because of a martial arts contest is hard to cure, that must want to cry but have no tears. 灵魂的伤最难治,而且修剑最看重的就是悟性,一旦灵魂受损,精神之海受到冲击,一个剑客基本就废了,白淑轩是他们落云门的宝贝,要是因为一场比武而落下什么难以治愈的伤,那真要欲哭无泪。 Shi Zongtian also grows the one breath, two people strengths about the same, but Jiang Baoyun compared with the Bai Shu porch small several months, so calculate, is the Jiang Baoyun talent even better! 史宗天也是长出一口气,两人的实力在伯仲之间,不过姜薄云要比白淑轩小几个月,如此来算,还是姜薄云的天赋更胜一筹! People, is unobjectionable to the list that Divine Phoenix Island gives, Seven Profound Valleys was too abnormal, unknown Mugu Buyu, got rid on the crush Zhang Shaoshan, but Jiang Baoyun, fought to be on a par with the Fall Cloud Sect top talent! 众人这一下,对神凰岛给出的名单再无异议,七玄谷太变态了,一个名不见经传的木鼓卜域,一出手就碾压了张绍山,而姜薄云,更是与落云门的顶级天才战了个不分伯仲! Lin Ming is stronger than these two people, the age is only 16 years old, becomes the only Heaven Rank talent by such talent, nobody has the qualifications to have the objection. 林铭比这两个人还强,年纪更是只有16岁,以这样的天赋成为唯一的天阶天才,没人有资格有异议。 30 talents of these Earth Rank candidates, accepted to rush to seven treasures Exquisite Pagoda way to decide that was actually enter Earth Rank, stepped down Mortal Rank. 那些地阶候补的30名天才,都接受了以闯七宝玲珑塔的方式决定究竟是进入地阶,还是退居人阶 Naturally, this did not have the Lin Ming anything matter. 当然,这没有林铭什么事了。 Does not have the words of objection, this meeting stops, everybody please return!” Mu Qianyu stands up saying that at once she beckons to Lin Ming, said: Lin Ming, you stay behind.” “没有异议的话,本次聚会到此为止,各位请回吧!”牧千雨站起身来说道,旋即她对林铭招了招手,道:“林铭,你留下。” Yes, Your Highness Saintess.” “是,圣女殿下。” Under the big crowd of people, Lin Ming is maintaining the respectful etiquette, does not know that what matter Mu Qianyu does keep oneself behavior? 大庭广众之下,林铭保持着恭敬的礼仪,不知牧千雨留自己所为何事? Mu Qianyu suddenly leaves behind Lin Ming alone, immediately causes has presented the attention of all talents, does not need to want also to know that can be the good deed, moreover opens of special mess hall, is they the envy, what can also say? 牧千雨突然单独留下林铭,立刻引起了在场所有的天才的注意,不用想也知道会是好事,而且还是开小灶的那种,可是他们除了嫉妒之外,又能说什么呢? The technique is inferior to the person, does not have the means! 技不如人,没办法! Zhang Shaoshan just ate the pill to awake at this time, saw that Mu Qianyu leaves behind Lin Ming one alone, is almost mad to be dizzy.( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) 张绍山这时候刚刚吃过药丸醒过,看到牧千雨单独留下林铭的一幕,差点气得再晕过去。(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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