MW :: Volume #3

#297: Heaven Opening Pill succeeds in obtaining

Envy of Zhang Shaoshan to Lin Ming, not resources that because solely Lin Ming obtains, because of manner of Mu Qianyu to Lin Ming, even if Zhang Shaoshan clearly knows Mu Qianyu, no matter the present or in the future, will not have the nickel to relate with oneself, but he is the envious hatred to grasping crazily. 张绍山林铭的嫉妒,不单单因为林铭获得的资源,更是因为牧千雨林铭的态度,即便张绍山明知道牧千雨不管是现在还是将来,都不会跟自己有半毛钱关系,但他还是嫉恨到抓狂。 The thought does not understand the heart of Martial Dao to be damaged, the thought of everyone depends on the conscience, such as Jiang Baoyun and Qin Wuxin these correct path public figures, the art work to have no qualms in the heart, if makes their plot injure someone, is perfidious, then meets the thought not to understand, but such as Acacia Faction and South Sea Demon Territory these evil way martial practitioner, what art is indulges in sensual pleasure, but is, satisfied innermost feelings all sorts of evil thoughts, if makes them know one's place, read becomes monk friendly, met the thought not to understand. 念头不通达则武道之心受损,每个人的念头则取决于本心,如姜薄云琴无心这些正道人士,讲究做事无愧于心,若是让他们阴谋害人,背信弃义,便会念头不通达,而如合欢宗南海魔域这些邪道武者,讲究的是纵欲而为,满足内心种种邪恶念头,若让他们安分守己,念善出家,也会念头不通达。 If Zhang Shaoshan this proud heart is extremely heavy, and tolerance narrow person, steps on others ruthlessly, hits matter that others face most can satisfy his thought that dirty that if some day he in turn was stepped on by others, he then meets the thought not to understand, the air/Qi is not suitable, cultivation is blocked. 张绍山这种傲心极重,且肚量狭窄之人,狠踩别人,打别人脸才是最能满足他念头的事情,若是有朝一日他反过来被别人踩的灰头土脸,他便会念头不通达,气不顺,修炼受阻。 Zhang Shaoshan at this time is this situation, stepped on being a mass of cuts and bruises in the presence of everyone, even though steps on his person is Mugu Buyu, but he also gave Lin Ming to be counted one, brought Mugu Buyu including Lin Ming, even bore a grudge by him including Jiang Baoyun. 张绍山此时就是这种情况,当众被踩的体无完肤,虽然踩他的人是木鼓卜域,但他也给林铭算上了一份,连林铭木鼓卜域,甚至连姜薄云都被他记恨上了。 Just wait, I will make you pay the price!” “等着吧,我会让你们付出代价的!” Zhang Shaoshan clenches teeth, was lifted. 张绍山咬着牙,被人抬了下去。 ...... …… Lin Ming, this gives you.” Mu Qianyu element turns, a glittering and translucent carving pill bottle also ring appears in the palm, pill bottle is made by the beautiful jade, sleek/moist such as the suet is common, appears as for that ring simple, looks like does not have what difference with the ordinary copper steel ring. 林铭,这是给你的。”牧千雨素手一翻,一个晶莹剔透的丹瓶还有一枚戒指出现在手心,丹瓶由美玉制成,润如羊脂一般,至于那枚戒指则显得朴素许多,看起来与普通的铜铁戒指没有什么区别。 Lin Ming actually recognizes, this is Mortal Rank high grade Spatial Ring. 林铭却一眼认出,这是一枚人阶上品须弥戒 Because Spatial Ring does not build easily. Therefore under normal conditions, Spatial Ring be higher than the value of same step treasure, this Spatial Ring value, even if cannot compare inferior first-level Earth Rank treasure, is not far. 因为须弥戒打造不易。所以通常情况下,须弥戒要比同阶宝器的价值更高一层,这一枚须弥戒的价值,就算比不得较次一级的地阶宝器,也相去不远了。 Mu Qianyu said: In ring gives your true essence stone, altogether 240, give your cultivation resources ahead of time.” 牧千雨道:“戒指里面是给你的真元石,一共240颗,是提前给你的修炼资源。” Hears 240 digit. true essence stone that a Lin Ming joy, Mu Qianyu said naturally is middle grade true essence stone, 240. Is equal to 24,000 ordinary true essence stone . Moreover the exchange of middle grade true essence stone is not easy, perhaps the true value must surface the boat suitably. 听到240颗的数字。林铭一阵欣喜,牧千雨所说的真元石自然是中品真元石,240颗。相当于24000颗普通真元石,而且中品真元石的兑换并不容易,真正价值恐怕还要适当上浮一些。 With middle grade true essence stone cultivation. That is the treatment that Seven Profound Valleys core disciple is unable to enjoy. 中品真元石修炼。那是七玄谷核心弟子都无法享受的待遇。 These 240 true essence stone are used in usually cultivation, as for me that some ordinary true essence stone that wins from the gambling house, serves as the currency to purchase the goods.” “这240颗真元石就用于平时修炼,至于我从赌局赢来的那一些普通真元石,就用作货币来购买物品吧。” Lin Ming is planning like this, is true essence stone in feeling pocket is hard, if has used middle grade true essence stone cultivation, 240 radically insufficient, as for these ordinary true essence stone, if must buy some top materials, feared that ended quickly. 林铭这样打算着,还是感觉口袋中的真元石紧巴巴的,如果一直用中品真元石修炼,240颗根本不够,至于那些普通真元石,如果真的要买一些顶级材料,怕是很快就完了。 Thanked Your Highness Saintess.” “谢圣女殿下。” Because Shi Zongtian also on the scene, Lin Ming has not displayed to know with Mu Qianyu. Both hands received pill bottle and Spatial Ring, respectful saying. 因为史宗天还在场,林铭没有表现出与牧千雨认识。双手接过丹瓶和须弥戒,恭敬的说道。 This Spatial Ring also gave to you, I thought your Spatial Ring or low grade, should trade.” Mu Qianyu was saying superficially, Lin Ming one hesitant. Has not declined, this was also a heavy ritual. “这枚须弥戒也送给你了,我看你的须弥戒还是下品的,该换了。”牧千雨轻描淡写的说着,林铭一犹豫了一下。还是也没有推辞,这也算是一份重礼了。 He also had President Allied Trade Association the body of Zhang Fengxian to take by force three Mortal Rank middle grade Spatial Ring from Huo Gong and Ouyang Di before actually, but these rings must not exposed to the light, has not worn in the hand. 他以前倒是从火工、欧阳荻还有联合商会会长张奉先的身上打劫了三枚人阶中品须弥戒,只是这些戒指见不得光,没有戴在手上。 Had this Mortal Rank high grade Spatial Ring, these killed a person and took his possessions the ring that came to ruin. 有了这枚人阶上品须弥戒,那些杀人越货得来的戒指就可以毁掉了。 Mortal Rank high grade Spatial Ring, the capacity of its inner space has all Spatial Ring sum totals also to be more than Lin Ming. Moreover the space is stabler, can preserve the millenniums fully, but not collapse. 一枚人阶上品须弥戒,其内部空间的容量比林铭现有所有须弥戒的总和还要多一些。而且空间更加稳固,足可以留存千年而不崩毁 After Mu Qianyu sends out Heaven Opening Pill, Shi Zongtian also puts out bright red pill box, after opening, inside is glittering and translucent carving emerald colored medicine pill, has the dragon eye size, pure incomparable origin energy unceasing sends out from medicine pill, is Heaven Opening Pill! 牧千雨送出一枚入天丹之后,史宗天也拿出一个朱红的丹盒,打开之后,里面是一枚晶莹剔透的翠绿色丹药,有龙眼大小,纯净无比的元气不断的从丹药上散发出来,又是一枚入天丹 This is the reward of Sect Overall Martial Meeting, Shi Zongtian pledged that ahead of time gives Lin Ming, now also while convenient takes. 这是总宗会武的奖励,史宗天已经承诺提前送给林铭,现在也顺便拿出来了。 Lin Ming deeply takes a breath, obtains two Heaven Opening Pill all of a sudden, this is general martial practitioner wants unable to think that looked that Qin Ziya was to obtain Heaven Opening Pill has paid many it can be imagined Heaven Opening Pill was precious. 林铭深吸一口气,一下子得到两枚入天丹,这是一般武者想都不敢想的,就看琴子牙为得到一枚入天丹付出了多少就可想而知入天丹的珍贵了。 in the heart moves, Lin Ming asked: Shi Valley Master, Heaven Opening Pill, if takes in the Pulse Condensation time, what side effect can have?” 心中一动,林铭问道:“史谷主,入天丹如果在凝脉期服用的话,会不会有什么副作用?” Shi Zongtian one hear, the corners of the mouth naturally have not twitched two, this brat prepares to take Heaven Opening Pill in the Pulse Condensation time, simply is the careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 史宗天一听,嘴角不自然的抽动了两下,这小子果真准备在凝脉期就服用入天丹,简直就是暴殄天物啊。 To martial practitioner, takes Heaven Opening Pill is their this for a lifetime is grandest, most grand matter, even prepares for this reason for ten years! Until cannot grow the One Star least bit own cultivation to cultivation base again, after various Zither Heart and sword heart cultivation to bottleneck, will close up swallows Heaven Opening Pill, if initially Qin Ziya were not because was old, wants to break through Xiantian before 50 years old, in order to large success, will not worry to swallow Heaven Opening Pill, causing on Zither Heart to be short one step. 对许多武者来说,服用入天丹就是他们这一辈子最盛大,最隆重的事情,甚至为此准备十年时间!直到自己修炼修为再也增长不了一星半点,各种琴心、剑心修炼到瓶颈后,才会闭关吞服入天丹,当初琴子牙如果不是因为年纪大了,又想在50岁以前突破先天,以求更大成就的话,也不会着急吞服入天丹,导致琴心上欠缺了一步。 Most martial practitioner swallow Heaven Opening Pill, must choose lucky day begin, the bathing burning incense, later enters the pass the one breath to refine the time of one year or so, a wee bit fragmentary efficacies do not waste. 多数武者吞服入天丹,要选黄道吉日开始,沐浴焚香,之后入关一口气炼化个一年半载的时间,一丁点零星的药力都不浪费。 But Lin Ming, Pulse Condensation time cultivation base takes Heaven Opening Pill, when the tonic has eaten, if makes these for a lifetime because of lacking Heaven Opening Pill is known in martial practitioner of Houtian boundary by the card, must beat the breast and stamp the feet, spits blood three rises. 可是林铭,凝脉修为就拿入天丹当补药吃了,要是让那些一辈子因为缺少一枚入天丹而被卡在后天境的武者知道,恐怕要捶胸顿足,吐血三升。 Shi Zongtian has coughed, said: Lin Ming, the even though Pulse Condensation time swallows Heaven Opening Pill not to have the side effect, because your cultivation base is insufficient, the efficacy wastes many unavoidably, you can consider, when Houtian Stage begin swallows, the effect will be better.” 史宗天咳嗽了一声,说道:“林铭啊,虽然凝脉期吞服入天丹不会有副作用,但因为你修为不足,药力难免浪费许多,你可以考虑等到后天期开始吞服,效果会更好。” I understand.” Lin Ming will not only have the side effect that paid attention to Shi Zongtian saying that wasted anything as for the efficacy, in his consideration range, does not attack Houtian that he first wanted, even did not attack Xiantian, but must attack the Tempering Marrow boundary! “我明白。”林铭只注意了史宗天说的不会有副作用,至于药力浪费什么的,根本不在他的考虑范围之内,他首先想要的不是冲击后天,甚至不是冲击先天,而是要冲击淬髓境! If can open Eight Inner Hidden Gates, Dao Palace Nine Stars, compared with any Xiantian boundary, Revolving Core boundary stronger is bigger! 若是能开启八门遁甲,道宫九星,比什么先天境,旋丹境都要强大许多! These two Heaven Opening Pill, I can swallow now, tries the minimum requirement of Heaven Opening Pill enough «Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians» , helping itself to step into the Tempering Marrow boundary above Pulse Condensation!” “这两枚入天丹,其中一枚我现在就可以吞服掉了,试一试入天丹到底够不够《混沌罡斗经》的最低要求,助自己踏入凝脉之上的淬髓境!” If eats up incorrect words, I consume the massive energy, draws one to inscribe the Heaven Opening Pill medicinal inscription symbol! Tries Heaven Opening Pill of medicinal inscription symbol again, is good!” “如果吃下一颗不行的话,我就耗费大量的精力,画出一张可以铭刻入天丹铭药符!再试一试加了铭药符的入天丹,到底行不行!” As the Lin Ming strength progresses by leaps and bounds now, his Inscription Technique level has come apart. 随着现在林铭的实力突飞猛进,他的铭文术水平已经脱节了。 cultivation Inscription Technique needs a lot of time energy, the Lin Ming net worth was initially meager, has to making time cultivation Inscription Technique, receive in exchange for the cultivation resources by inscription Symbol Talisman, now, is getting higher and higher along with his status, he has not needed this type the trading resources way of costing the time, can invest the complete time into cultivation. 修炼铭文术需要不少时间精力,当初林铭身家微薄,不得不投入时间修炼铭文术,靠铭文符换取修炼资源,现在,随着他地位越来越高,他已经不太需要这种耗费时间的换资源方式了,可以将全部的时间都投入到修炼之中。 Lin Ming recent one time uses Inscription Technique to receive in exchange for the material of inscription body symbol, at that time Lin Ming for the Sky Fortune Kingdom Pulse Condensation time and inscription Symbol Talisman of Houtian Stage martial practitioner plan, was used to inscribe their Mortal Rank middle grade weapon. 林铭最近一次使用铭文术是为了换取铭身符的材料,那时林铭只是为天运国凝脉期、后天期武者绘制的铭文符,用来铭刻他们的人阶中品武器 Draws up to match inscription Symbol Talisman of Mortal Rank middle grade treasure, Lin Ming can only calculate Mortal Rank middle grade Inscription Master. 绘制出匹配人阶中品宝器的铭文符,林铭只能算一个人阶中品铭文师 But now, the Heaven Opening Pill rank is equal to Earth Rank medicine pill approximately, has stepped all of a sudden two-level, Lin Ming wants to draw up one to match the Heaven Opening Pill medicinal inscription symbol, needs the achievement on Inscription Technique to achieve Earth Rank low grade, this must consume the massive time and energy again. 而现在,入天丹的级别大致相当于地阶丹药,一下子跨了两级,林铭想要绘制出一张匹配入天丹铭药符,需要在铭文术上的成就达到地阶下品,这要再耗费大量的时间和精力。 However if can seek to step into the method of Tempering Marrow boundary , is also worth. 不过如果能真的寻到踏入淬髓境的门路的话,也是值得的。 At this time Shi Zongtian also asked: Lin Ming, your Earth Rank treasure did elect?” 这时史宗天又问道:“林铭,你的地阶宝器选好了么?” Did not have.” Lin Ming shakes the head. “还没有。”林铭摇摇头。 Un? Hasn't Liu Xuan led you to go to the treasure pavilion?” “嗯?刘玄没有带你去宝器阁?” „It is not, is only the spear/gun in treasure pavilion, is not quite suitable I.” Lin Ming has considered the words and expressions, tactful saying. “不是,只是宝器阁中的枪,都不太适合我。”林铭斟酌了一下词语,委婉的说道。 „!” Shi Zongtian has smiled, anything is not quite suitable, to put it bluntly was Lin Ming cannot have a liking for their Seven Profound Valleys Earth Rank treasure spear/gun. “呵!”史宗天笑了,什么不太适合,说白了就是林铭看不上他们七玄谷地阶宝枪了。 Shi Zongtian sees to be responsible for Liu Xuan of treasure pavilion, after he brings Lin Ming comes, to stand in[ broad] in field corner is waiting. Shi Zongtian smiled, True Essence Sound Transmission makes Liu Xuan come. 史宗天一眼看到负责宝器阁的刘玄,他带林铭过来后就一直还站在〖广〗场角落里等候着。史宗天笑了笑,真元传音刘玄过来。 Liu Xuan, what's wrong, does your Refiner Faction treasure pavilion link a good spear/gun unable to take?” 刘玄,怎么,你们炼器宗的宝器阁连一杆好枪都拿不出来么?” Liu Xuan smiles bitterly immediately, he as a Xiantian expert, the aural acuity is extremely good, Shi Zongtian desirably has not concealed the talk content, before the talk of Lin Ming and Shi Zongtian, Liu Xuan heard clearly, their Seven Profound Valleys did not produce the spear/gun, which on made the high rank quality Earth Rank treasure spear/gun. 刘玄顿时苦笑,他作为一个先天高手,耳力极好,史宗天又没有刻意掩饰谈话内容,之前林铭史宗天的谈话,刘玄听得清清楚楚,他们七玄谷又不造枪,上哪儿去弄高品质的地阶宝枪啊。 Liu Xuan has to say actually: Martial Nephew Lin wants elastic spear, three spears/guns in our treasure pavilion are the hard spears/guns . Moreover the quality is also quite ordinary. However Martial Nephew Lin said, he can provide to make the material of spear/gun, is helped to build by us.” 刘玄只好照实说道:“林师侄想要弹枪,我们宝器阁里的三把枪都是硬枪,而且品质也比较一般。不过林师侄说,他可以提供造枪的材料,由我们帮助打造。” Liu Xuan was saying, but also some doubt looked at Lin Ming one, looks like in Liu Xuan, the Lin Ming family background and age had decided he is unlikely to understand the refiner, does not understand the refinement of Earth Rank treasure, he took some quality common materials to think that mostly can refine Earth Rank treasure. 刘玄说着,还有些狐疑的望了林铭一眼,在刘玄看来,林铭的出身和年龄决定了他不太可能了解炼器,更不懂地阶宝器的炼制,他多半是拿了一些品质一般的材料就以为能炼制地阶宝器了。 However, does not close his matter in any case, since Shi Zongtian asked, he truthfully said. 不过,反正不关他事,既然史宗天问,他就如实说出来。 Liu Xuan is a little not feeling well actually at heart Lin Ming, treasure pavilion quite therefore their Refiner Faction, many disciple were vainly hoping for can go to choose treasure, but Lin Ming also dislikes this suspicion that Earth Rank treasure cannot have a liking, must know many martial practitioner initially enter Xiantian time, does not have Earth Rank treasure while convenient. 刘玄其实心里有点不爽林铭,宝器阁相当于是他们炼器宗的,多少弟子梦想着能进去挑选一件宝器,可是林铭还嫌这嫌那,地阶宝器都看不上,要知道很多武者初入先天的时候,都没有一件趁手的地阶宝器。 Oh?” The Shi Zongtian brow tip selects, does Lin Ming really have to make the elastic spear material? Builds the Earth Rank elastic spear material quite to be difficult to look qualified. What material do you have?” ?”史宗天眉梢一挑,林铭竟然有造弹枪的材料?够格打造地阶弹枪的材料可是相当难找的。“你有什么材料?” Makes the spear shaft material, I of spear head does not have.” “只是造枪杆的材料,枪头的我没有。” spear shaft was enough, elastic spear looks at spear shaft, but the Earth Rank elastic spear spear shaft material is quite rare, Lin Ming do you have really?” Shi Zongtian believes Lin Ming some actually, he knows that the Lin Ming affirmation experienced very big chance. 枪杆足够了,弹枪就是看枪杆,不过地阶弹枪枪杆材料极为难得,林铭你真的有?”史宗天倒是更信林铭一些,他知道林铭肯定经历了很大的机缘。 Was a bamboo......” Lin Ming is saying, has pulled out Purple Electric Divine Bamboo in Spatial Ring, nine chi (0.33 m) nine cuns (2.5 cm) Purple Electric Divine Bamboo, the purple, the electric light sparkle, Liu Xuan at the scene was all over the body blurry, what thing was this? “是一段竹子……”林铭说着,把须弥戒中的紫电神竹抽了出来,九尺九寸的紫电神竹,通体紫色,电光闪耀,刘玄当场就迷糊了,这是什么东西?
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