MW :: Volume #3

#295: The difference of Heaven and Earth

These other Sect Elder also look at Mugu Buyu, where this is small to brave? 那些其他宗门长老也看着木鼓卜域,这小哪里冒出来的? According to news that they obtain, this Seven Profound Valleys Sect Overall Martial Meeting, Lin Ming is first, Jiang Baoyun probably was second, then in the arena this looked like the dry corpse fellow most is third. * 按照他们得到的消息,此次七玄谷总宗会武,林铭位列第一,姜薄云大概是第二了,那么擂台上这个长得像干尸家伙最多名列第三。【*】 Does Seven Profound Valleys make younger brother who is listed third come out to challenge chief younger brother Zhang Shaoshan of white sect? 七玄谷让排名第三的弟出来挑战白峰宗的首席弟张绍山 White Sect Elder numerous snort/hum, even though their white sect in ten nine Sect ranked ten, but Seven Profound Valleys is also not much, two strengths were the same, is the present Seven Profound Valleys unexpectedly that their third younger brothers' their chief younger brother to, was looking down upon the person. 白峰宗长老重重的哼了一声,虽然他们白峰宗在十九宗门中排名十名之后,但七玄谷也不怎么样,两家实力半斤八两,可是现在七玄谷竟然那他们第三的弟对上他们首席弟,太瞧不起人了。 Must know, last year, Seven Profound Valleys Jiang Baoyun came the white sect challenge the time, but was defeated by Zhang Shaoshan! 要知道,在去年的时候,七玄谷姜薄云来白峰宗挑战的时候,可是被张绍山击败了! Moreover the talent list that Divine Phoenix Island gives also makes white Sect Elder greatly be the flame, altogether 27 Earth Rank talents, six big top Third Grade Sect including Peacock Mountain have occupied 17, this he did not have the words saying that but the remaining trivial ten quotas alone were dominated two by Seven Profound Valleys, only the remaining eight quotas let 12 Sect minutes, white sect has not divided unexpectedly, Zhang Shaoshan only arranged the Earth Rank candidate. 而且神凰岛给出的天才名单也让白峰宗长老大为火光,一共27个地阶天才,包括孔雀山在内的六大顶级三品宗门就占了17个,这点他没话说,可是剩下的区区十个名额又被七玄谷独自霸去了两个,只剩下八个名额让12个宗门分,白峰宗竟然一个都没分到,张绍山只排到了地阶候补。 Looks compared with martial great competition that merely a Seven Profound Valleys younger brother participated makes such arbitrary judgment, how this enables white Sect Elder to be convinced. 仅仅是看了一场只有七玄谷弟参加的比武大赛就做出这样武断的判断,这让白峰宗长老怎能服气。 Shao mountain the progress is extremely numerous in this year, moreover two press the bottom the unique skill, these things, Divine Phoenix Island and Seven Profound Valleys do not know that this time makes you have a look, my white sect chief younger brother's strength!” White Sect Elder is thinking like this, surface maintains composure, at a moderate pace taking up bowl, was only gazing at the competition above arena with the split vision of eye, seems not worried about the competition of Zhang Shaoshan, a confident type. “绍山这一年进步极多,而且还有两手压箱底的绝招,这些东西,神凰岛七玄谷都是不知道的,这次就让你们看看,我白峰宗首席弟的实力!”白峰宗长老这样想着,表面不动声色,不紧不慢的拿起茶碗品了一口,只用眼睛的余光注视着擂台之上的比赛,似乎毫不担心张绍山的比赛,一副胸有成竹的样。 Above the arena, Mugu Buyu also summoned the scarlet tortoise puppet and great alligator puppet. But the beforehand spider puppet actually disappears, thinks that has not fixed. 擂台之上,木鼓卜域又召唤出了赤金龟傀儡和巨鳄傀儡。而之前的蜘蛛傀儡却不见了,想必是还没修好。 Zhang Shaoshan has held the arm in the chest, coldly looks at Mugu Buyu to toss about, naturally must have the top-notch expert style as top-notch expert, making the match prepare sufficient is most basic. 张绍山一直抱臂在胸,冷冷的看着木鼓卜域折腾,作为一个顶级高手自然要有顶级高手的风范,让对手做好充足的准备是最基本的。 Finally prepared? Leaves the move, I let your three moves, in three moves, looked whether you can compel me to use the sword!” Saying of Zhang Shaoshan satire.[ “终于准备好了么?出招吧,我让你三招,三招之内,看你能否逼我出剑!”张绍山讽刺的说道。[ ~] ~] Jie Jie Jie Jie. Small. I thought you already the fool to compared with the degree of my puppet also idiot.” Mugu Buyu cries out strangely, only listens to creak the skeleton explosive, two meat packages stick out from him, is agitating unceasingly. “桀桀桀桀。小。我看你已经傻逼到比我的傀儡还白痴的程度了。”木鼓卜域怪叫一声,只听咯吱咯吱的骨骼爆响,两个肉包从他背后隆起,不断的鼓动着。 Zhang Shaoshan complexion changes, this what thing? 张绍山脸色一变,这什么东西? ! !” “噗!噗!” Along with two light sounds, behind the Mugu Buyu two meat packages are to turn into a pair of arm unexpectedly. Zhang Shaoshan sees this, eye stares perfectly round, the back can grow the arm unexpectedly. This fellow...... Person? 随着两声轻响,木鼓卜域背后的两个肉包竟是变成一对手臂。张绍山看到这一幕,眼睛瞪得滚圆,后背竟然能长出手臂。这家伙……还是人吗? You can die!” “你可以死了!” Mugu Buyu cried out strangely, the body shrank in the scarlet tortoise, four weapons from the hole of scarlet tortoise pū pū has extended. Meanwhile, fire Heretical God has pulled out the sword of raging fire, a sword chops to Zhang Shaoshan! 木鼓卜域怪叫一声,身体缩进了赤金龟中,四件兵器从赤金龟的孔洞中“噗噗噗”的伸了出来。与此同时,火邪神抽出了烈火之剑,一剑向张绍山砍来! The flame is billowing, blotting out the sky wave of heat has fired the magma the floor tile directly, Zhang Shaoshan complexion changed. Such terrifying quantity of heat! 火焰滚滚,铺天盖地的热浪直接将地砖烧成了岩浆,张绍山脸色变了。这么恐怖的热量! Ka!” “咔!” A sword cuts the crack arena, Zhang Shaoshan distressed shunt this sword, however the flame might under nine false Fire Essence support are too really fierce, the fire wave surges, has boiled directly Zhang Shaoshan protecting Body's True Essence, lit his clothes, singed burnt his eyebrow. 一剑斩裂擂台,张绍山狼狈的闪开了这一剑,然而九颗伪火精支持下的火焰威力实在太猛,火浪翻腾,直接烧开了张绍山的护体真元,点燃了他的衣服,燎焦了他的眉毛。 How possible!” “怎么可能!” Clang!” The treasured sword comes out of the sheath, before Zhang Shaoshan where can also attend , the seaport under quart, the sword in the hand, has not put off fire with enough time, Mugu Buyu has rushed ahead! “锵!”宝剑出鞘,张绍山哪里还顾得了之前夸下的海口,剑在手,尚未来得及扑灭身上的火,木鼓卜域已经冲杀上来! Thinks really I how you!?” The Zhang Shaoshan corners of the mouth flood a ruthless severe color/look, as a swordsman, he biggest superiority naturally is the attack. “真以为我奈何不了你!?”张绍山嘴角泛起一丝狠厉之色,作为一名剑客,他最大的优势自然是攻击。 Present he, in the heart is burning with anger, because a moment ago was extremely negligent, a Mugu Buyu move made him so distressed unexpectedly, was scorched the clothes by one obscure individual, simply was the great shame! 现在的他,心中怒火中烧,刚才因为太过大意,木鼓卜域的一招竟让他如此狼狈,被一个无名之辈烧焦了衣服,简直是奇耻大辱! White 13 swords!” “白峰13剑!” Zhang Shaoshan gives a loud shout, has put forth one of his pressure bottom unique skills directly, wants to defeat Mugu Buyu at one fell swoop, retrieves a face countenance, what however he has not thought that facing his swift and fierce attack, Mugu Buyu does not dodge not block unexpectedly, straight to/clashes to his sword edge.( 张绍山大喝一声,直接使出了他的压箱底绝招之一,想要一举击败木鼓卜域,找回一点颜面,然而他没想到的是,面对他凌厉的攻击,木鼓卜域竟然不躲闪也不格挡,直挺挺的向他的剑锋冲来。( ~ ・~ …… …… Bang!” “轰!” Along with a deafening loud sound, a Zhang Shaoshan sword punctures in the pure gold carapace of Mugu Buyu, at the same time Mugu Buyu four weapon also completely cut to Zhang Shaoshan! 随着一声震耳欲聋的巨响,张绍山一剑刺在木鼓卜域的赤金龟甲,与此同时木鼓卜域的四把武器也全部向张绍山斩来! Perishes together? Do you also match?” “同归于尽?你也配?” As a swordsman, Zhang Shaoshan speed naturally be much quicker than Mugu Buyu, after a sword punctures, the strength of his draw support from recoil, retreat, has evaded the attack of Mugu Buyu rapidly. 作为一个剑客,张绍山速度自然要比木鼓卜域快得多,一剑刺出之后,他借助反冲之力,急速后退,躲过了木鼓卜域的攻击。 A sword solution match, but also perfect avoided opposite party counter-attack at the point of death, on the Zhang Shaoshan face flood a contented color/look, has retrieved the face countenance finally, however in this flash, self-satisfied freeze on his face. 一剑解决对手,还完美的躲开了对方的临死反扑,张绍山脸上泛起一丝自得之色,总算找回了颜面,然而就在这一瞬间,他脸上的得意凝固了。 He only thought that body suddenly was pulled by an invisible strength, becomes heavy like the lead! This is the great alligator puppet special capability swallows! 他只觉得身体突然被一股无形的力量拉扯住,变得沉重如铅!这正是巨鳄傀儡的特殊能力吞噬! What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Zhang Shaoshan in the heart in great surprise, pondered radically without enough time, only listens to the side flame to howl, turns the head to look, fire Heretical God held the sword to cut! 张绍山心中大惊,根本来不及细想,只听身侧火焰呼啸,转头一看,火邪神已经持剑斩来! Damn! 该死! The body is similar to falls into the mire, Zhang Shaoshan evades not to be possible radically to evade, wields a sword to cut, hard anti- this strikes! 身体如同陷入泥沼之中,张绍山根本避无可避,挥剑斩下,硬抗这一击! Bang!” “轰!” The flame explodes, the sword incurs is broken, True Essence fallout, Zhang Shaoshan as a swordsman, the defensive power is really not much, fire Heretical God struck initially crushed the protection light screen of arena, how can he work as? 火焰爆炸,剑招被破,真元余波袭来,张绍山作为一名剑客,防御力实在不怎么样,火邪神的一击当初可是击碎了擂台的守护光幕,他如何能当? !” The strength of flame emerges, the body of Zhang Shaoshan was similar to the kite of line has flown upside down generally, a five main internal organs (entrails) surges, a counter blood has welled up, forcefully was actually swallowed by him, this swallowed, Qi and Blood did not pass, his injury aggravated much. “噗!”火焰之力涌入,张绍山的身体如同断了线的风筝一般倒飞出去,五脏六腑一阵翻腾,一口逆血涌了上来,却被他强行咽下,这一咽,气血不通,他的伤势又加重不少。 Copes with one obscure individual, Zhang Shaoshan Ning Pin the injury is aggravating, cannot spit blood to lose the face countenance. 只是对付一个无名之辈,张绍山宁拼着伤势加重,也不能吐血失了颜面。 Was negligent, this fellow was really hard to deal with, but in him my white 13 swords, lost well.” “大意了,这家伙还真难缠,不过好在他已经中了我的白峰13剑,输定了。” The white 13 swords are Zhang Shaoshan striking power strongest one move, never lets slip, even though is somewhat distressed, but the good and evil is also a sword broken enemy, not too loses face. 白峰13剑是张绍山攻击力最强的一招,从未失手,虽然有些狼狈,但好歹也是一剑破敌,不算太丢人。 However in Zhang Shaoshan is thinking oneself have won time, suddenly hears under the rumor/wind sound to howl, lowers the head looked, between is growing four hands, holds golden big Tortoise of different weapon to come to his direct impact respectively, the shining carapace, simply does not have what scar. 然而正在张绍山认为自己已经赢了的时候,突然听到身下风声呼啸,低头一看,之间一只长着四只手,各持不同兵器的金色大乌龟向他直冲而来,金灿灿的龟甲,根本没有什么伤痕。 This...... How possible?” “这……怎么可能?” The Zhang Shaoshan eye stares is similar to quail egg is the same, in midair he borrows the strength nowhere, the body was also seriously injured, the True Essence disorder, cannot put forth the powerful sword technique again, he under this situation radically is a target. 张绍山眼睛瞪得如同鹌鹑蛋一样,半空之中他无处借力,身体还受了重伤,真元紊乱,再也使不出强有力剑技,这种情况下的他根本就是一个靶。 The next quarter, only listens to „” a dull thumping sound, Mugu Buyu brandishes the sickle, like was plays the polo to pull out from the midair Zhang Shaoshan! 下一刻,只听“蓬”的一声闷响,木鼓卜域抡起抡起镰刀,像是打马球一样把张绍山从半空中抽了下来! Bang!” Zhang Shaoshan is similar to broken gunnysack generally numerous falling on the ground, half body fell in the floor tile, presented other Sect core younger brothers and Elder was completely scared, how can like this? “轰!”张绍山如同破麻袋一般重重的摔在地上,半个身都陷进了地砖里面,在场其他宗门核心弟和长老全部傻眼了,怎么会这样? even though nobody thinks the Zhang Shaoshan strength shocking, but after all is the chief younger brother of white sect, was defeated by one obscure individual, moreover loses such miserably. 虽然没有人觉得张绍山的实力有多惊艳,但毕竟是白峰宗的首席弟啊,被一个无名之辈击败,而且还输得这么惨。 From competition begin to finishing, Mugu Buyu left five moves, that fire Heretical God puppet, striking power strong anomaly, in situation that in Zhang Shaoshan is unable to dodge, a sword strikes to fly it, but on that Mugu Buyu gold/metal shell was more abnormal, hard anti- white 13 swords, all right! 从比赛开始到结束,木鼓卜域不过出了五招而已,那个火邪神傀儡,攻击力强的变态,在张绍山无法闪避的情况下,一剑就将其击飞,而那个木鼓卜域身上的金壳就更变态了,硬抗白峰13剑,没事! This was also too fearful! 这也太可怕了吧! These other Sect Elder do not know, initially Mugu Buyu Lightning Soul attack of scarlet tortoise continuously anti- under Lin Ming twice Purple Flood Dragon Divine Thunder, one time mixed the Thunderfire explosion after fire Heretical God flame, even if in this case, fell savaged disk. 这些其他宗门长老们并不知道,当初木鼓卜域的赤金龟连续抗下林铭两次紫蛟神雷雷灵攻击,其中一次还是混合了火邪神火焰后的雷火爆炸,即便在这种情况下,也只是掉了一点残片而已。 On the defensive power, Mugu Buyu is the Seven Profound Valleys younger generation first person that deserves, even can not hold a candle including Lin Ming, strength of True Essence force field as one type law above Concept of Wind, is one of the Puppet Faction two big core secrets, does not have unearned reputation. 论防御力,木鼓卜域是当之无愧的七玄谷年轻一代第一人,甚至连林铭都望尘莫及,真元力场作为一种更在风之意境之上的法则之力,也是傀儡宗两大核心秘技之一,可不是浪得虚名。 Sees Mugu Buyu fully a war, Jiang Baoyun also lightly spits an cold air/Qi, main body in the absolute defensive power, the fire evil Spirit Attacks strength is nearly invincible, moreover there is a swallowing ability containing action of great alligator puppet, hides cannot shunt. The three-dimensional attack system of Mugu Buyu may be called perfect, was only a pity what he initially encountered is Lin Ming, again also useless, if encountered I, I do not have the 100% assurance to win him.” 看到木鼓卜域的全力一战,姜薄云也是轻吐一口冷气,“本体近乎于绝对防御力,火邪神攻击力无敌,而且有巨鳄傀儡的吞噬能力牵制行动,躲都躲不开。木鼓卜域的立体攻击体系堪称完美,只可惜他当初遇到的是林铭,再强也没用,如果是遇到我的话,我并没有十成的把握赢他。” In some sense, the Mugu Buyu mode of operations restrains speed Jiang Baoyun very much, but striking power abnormal Lin Ming restrains defense splendid Mugu Buyu, therefore Lin Ming meets under relatively relaxed winning Mugu Buyu, actually with the Jiang Baoyun dogfight for a long time. 从某种意义上说,木鼓卜域的作战方式很克制速度姜薄云,而攻击力变态的林铭则克制防御出色木鼓卜域,所以林铭才会相对轻松的赢下木鼓卜域,却与姜薄云缠斗了许久。 The Seven Profound Valleys deacon younger brother came up to lift remaining unconscious Zhang Shaoshan in a hurry, other Sect Elder and talent younger brother was quiet not to respond in the fight, they were the eyesight outstanding people, naturally saw Mugu Buyu the place of terrifying. 七玄谷的执事弟匆匆上来把昏迷不醒的张绍山抬了下去,其他宗门长老和天才弟还沉寂在刚才的战斗中没反应过来,他们都是眼力出众的人,自然看出了木鼓卜域恐怖之处。 Absolute defense, absolute attack! This nearly perfect attack system, how broken? 绝对防御,绝对攻击!这种近乎完美的攻击体系,怎么破? speed? Useless! even though Mugu Buyu attacked fast was slower, had that strange great alligator puppet, your speed could not display again quickly, can only wait to call him. 速度?没用!虽然木鼓卜域攻速慢了些,有那奇怪的巨鳄傀儡,你速度再快也发挥不出来,只能等着给他打。 Attack? Useless! Cannot leave behind together the sword mark including the Secret Technique white 13 swords of white sect in the opposite party gold/metal shell! 攻击?没用!连白峰宗的绝学白峰13剑都没能在对方的金壳上留下一道剑痕! Defense? Useless! Zhang Shaoshan even though defensive power is not good, but the sword technique is absolutely splendid, he uses the sword technique to keep off the attack of fire Heretical God, was defeated by one move as before! 防御?还是没用!张绍山虽然防御力不行,但是剑技绝对出色,他用剑技挡火邪神的攻击,依旧被一招击败! Under the same step, who can be the Mugu Buyu match? But such formidable can Mugu Buyu, how the legal proceeding? And only arranges third at Seven Profound Valleys!? 在同阶之下,谁能是木鼓卜域的对手?而这么强大的木鼓卜域,怎么会籍籍无名?且在七玄谷只排第三!? They are clear remembers that Zhang Shaoshan of Mugu Buyu before start to has spoken the words: Makes me play with you, if you can win me, perhaps can also step onto several moves under that small hand.” 他们可是清楚的记得木鼓卜域在开赛之前对张绍山说过的话:“让咱家跟你玩玩,你如果能打赢咱家,说不定还能在那小手底下走上几招。” So-called that small, naturally is Lin Ming! 所谓的“那小”,自然是林铭 If can win him, perhaps, „can also step onto several moves...... “如果能打赢他”,“说不定”,“还能走上几招”…… The meaning of Mugu Buyu is, reluctantly can in Lin Ming hand/subordinate step onto several moves the person who he is stronger than! 木鼓卜域的意思是,比他强的人也只是勉强能在林铭手下走上几招而已! So calculates, by Mugu Buyu five moves of Zhang Shaoshan of defeating with Lin Ming simply is the difference of Heaven and Earth!( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) 如此一算来,被木鼓卜域五招击败的张绍山林铭简直是云泥之别!(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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