MW :: Volume #3

#294: I refuse to accept

Shi Zongtian just 30 people of lists read, Zhang Shaoshan takes the lead saying: Shi Valley Master! I have a question!” 史宗天刚刚30人的名单念完,张绍山就带头说道:“史谷主!我有一个疑问!” The Shi Zongtian words were broken, knit the brows, low and deep saying: What issue has?” 史宗天话被打断,皱了皱眉,低沉的说道:“有什么问题?” I want to know, on this day bestows on the rank is who evaluation? What according to is?” “我想知道,这天赋等级是谁评定的?根据是什么?” Shi Zongtian said: Talent list was Divine Phoenix Island Qinghong Immortal child and Divine Phoenix Island Elder fights according to the recent years talent with various martial meeting result evaluates!” 史宗天道:“天赋名单是神凰岛青虹仙子和一名神凰岛长老根据近年来天才战和各宗会武的成绩而评定的!” In other words said depending on various Sect Sect Master Elder? The continued proportion has not compared has to lose biased on below conclusion!” “也就是说光凭各宗门宗主长老自己说了?连比都没有比过就下的结论有失偏颇吧!” Questioned judgment that in the presence of everyone Divine Phoenix Island makes, the Zhang Shaoshan words are impolite extreme, but he also said the aspirations of many people. 当众质疑神凰岛做出的判断,张绍山的话可谓是无礼至极,不过他却也说出了许多人的心声。 What competition compares is the strength, this list does not look at the strength, only looks at the talent! Moreover the material is not enough to judge the talent 30 people, had been elected, again inspection.” “比赛比的是实力,此名单不看实力,只看天赋!而且资料不足以判断天赋的30人,已经被选出来,再行考核。” But......” “可是……” Zhang Shaoshan also wants to say anything again, a Mu Qinghong cold snort/hum sound said: You , if not satisfy our decisions, can choose does not participate in this cooperation training plan, do not forget this is our Divine Phoenix Island grants your resources, grants anyone, grants is our Divine Phoenix Island authorities, is not one's turn the bystander to gesticulate. You do not think fairly, can withdraw!” 张绍山还想再说什么,牧青虹冷哼一声道:“你若是不满意我们的决定,可以选择不参加此次合作培养计划,别忘了这是我们神凰岛赠与你们的资源,赠与谁,怎么赠与都是我们神凰岛的权力,轮不到外人指手画脚。你觉得不公平,可以退出!” Mu Qinghong speech time, True Essence integrates in the sound, is having an intense constriction, Zhang Shaoshan complexion one white, draws back continually several steps. He is biting the lip, has not spoken eventually, the person under the eaves, has to lower the head, nobody will unable to pass with the resources, the resources that moreover Divine Phoenix Island gives, feared their Sect is much better. 牧青虹说话的时候,真元融入到声音之中,带着一股强烈的压迫感,张绍山脸色一白,连退几步。他咬着嘴唇,终究没有说话,人在屋檐下,不得不低头,没人会跟资源过不去,况且神凰岛给的资源,怕是要比他们宗门里的好得多,。 At this time, Shi Zongtian continued saying: Below I continue to announce that the final Heaven Rank talent list, only has person of Seven Profound Valleys, Lin Ming!” 这时,史宗天继续说道:“下面我继续宣布最后的天阶天才名单,只有一人七玄谷,林铭!” After Shi Zongtian this saying said that Lin Ming only felt the surrounding air one tightly. The innumerable say/way vision gather on oneself immediately, such as the sharp sword common cold air is full, thought natural besides Jiang Baoyun, Qin Wuxin and the others, other people will as if wish one could to eat. 史宗天这话说出来后,林铭只感觉周围的空气一紧。无数道目光顿时聚集在自己身上,如利剑一般寒气十足,除了姜薄云琴无心等人觉得理所当然外,其他人似乎恨不得将自己吃了。 The Zhang Shaoshan eyeball was red, this is the envy, is the air/Qi. 张绍山眼珠子都红了,这是嫉妒的,也是气的。 The Heaven Rank talent can enjoy to be equal to the Divine Phoenix Island core disciple treatment! It is said Divine Phoenix Island core disciple usually cultivation uses is middle grade true essence stone, middle grade true essence stone value 100 ordinary pure true essence stone, even if his father. Also does not give up with middle grade true essence stone absolutely comes cultivation. Burns money simply. 天阶天才可以享受到等同于神凰岛核心弟子的待遇!据说神凰岛核心弟子平时修炼用的都是中品真元石,一颗中品真元石价值100颗普通的纯净真元石,即便是他父亲。也绝对不舍得用中品真元石修炼。简直是烧钱。 In addition, the Heaven Rank talent can also make a long stay Divine Phoenix Island, this Divine Phoenix Island 90% are the females, moreover single heaven's proud daughter is everywhere, when the time comes does not dare to Mu Qianyu and the others improper ambition, but if can know a cultivation base Xiantian above female becomes the companion. With cultivating cultivation method, matter that may also with not be possible to be asked. 除此之外,天阶天才还能长住神凰岛,这神凰岛九成是女性,而且独身的天之骄女比比皆是,到时候就算对牧千雨等人不敢有非分之想,但若是能结识一个修为先天以上的女子结为伴侣。同修功法,也是可遇不可求的事情。 Thinks that this grade of good deed entire tribe on Lin Ming, got angry the Zhang Shaoshan envious hatred to the eye. However the following Shi Zongtian words, advanced the extreme Zhang Shaoshan the heart of envy. 想到这等好事全部落在了林铭身上,张绍山嫉恨到眼睛都冒火了。不过接下来史宗天的话,更是将张绍山的嫉妒之心推到了极点。 Shi Zongtian said: „The Mortal Rank talent, obtains 500 low grade true essence stone every month. After achieving , after Empress of Heaven time, may obtain Heaven Opening Pill one.” 史宗天道:“人阶天才,每月获得500颗下品真元石。达到后天后期后,可获得入天丹一枚。” „The Earth Rank talent, obtains 500 low grade true essence stone every month, five middle grade true essence stone, after achieving Houtian Middle Stage. May obtain Heaven Opening Pill two.” 地阶天才,每月获得500颗下品真元石,五颗中品真元石,达到后天中期后。可获得入天丹两枚。” „The Heaven Rank talent, obtains 20 middle grade true essence stone every month, immediately obtains Heaven Opening Pill one, after achieving Houtian Stage, again two Heaven Opening Pill, but enter Divine Phoenix Mystical Realm gain experience, receives Earth Rank low grade flexible soft armor one set.” 天阶天才,每月获得20颗中品真元石,立刻获得入天丹一枚,达到后天期后,再得两枚入天丹,可进入神凰秘境历练,获赠地阶下品软甲一套。” Such remarks, the audience in an uproar, this disparity was also too big, they one compared with were poverty-stricken compel with the Heaven Rank talent with the aristocratic family difference radically! 此言一出,全场哗然,这差距也太大了吧,他们跟天阶天才一比根本就是穷苦逼跟世家子的差别! Compares, any middle grade true essence stone can not discuss, three Heaven Opening Pill, can eat immediately increased cultivation base, moreover can enter Divine Phoenix Mystical Realm! even though does not know that this Divine Phoenix Mystical Realm is anything, but with the knee wants also to know that is the serious place, perhaps also only has Divine Phoenix Island core disciple to be able enter. That Earth Rank low grade flexible soft armor, is the value inestimable thing, generally battle armour be much more expensive than same level weapon, flexible soft armor is in battle armour most expensive one planted! 相比起来,什么中品真元石都可以不谈,三枚入天丹,马上就可以吃了来增加修为,而且还能进入神凰秘境虽然不知道这神凰秘境是什么,但用膝盖想也能知道是不得了的地方,恐怕也只有神凰岛核心弟子才能进入的。还有那地阶下品软甲,也是价值不可估量的东西,一般战甲要比同级武器贵得多,软甲更是战甲中最贵的一种了! This is unfair! 这不公平! Several people stood immediately came out saying: Senior, we had the words to say!” 有几个人马上站了出来道:“前辈,我们有话要说!” These people together are listed as the people of Earth Rank waiting list with Zhang Shaoshan, several people usually conserve strength, little attended the talent war, they have various cards in a hand respectively, to own strength and card in a hand has absolutely self-confidently, before has not fought, everyone refuses to accept anyone. 这几个人都是与张绍山一起被列为地阶候补名单的人,几个人平时养精蓄锐,很少参加天才战,他们各有各的底牌,都对自己的实力和底牌有绝对自信,在没有交手之前,谁也不服谁。 Was selected into the Earth Rank list as for these truly 27 people, because usually has attended the talent war, in the heart many understands that own weight, saw especially the forest even this Peacock Mountain first expert has not spoken, they naturally will not say a word. 至于那些真正被选入地阶名单的27人,平时因为参加过天才战,心中多少明白自己的斤两,尤其看到林平这位孔雀山的第一牛人都没发话,他们自然也不会做声了。 What words do you have?” The Mu Qinghong sound is somewhat cold. “你们还有什么话?”牧青虹的声音有些冷。 Senior, if we inspect result to be outstanding enough, can be promoted the Heaven Rank talent?” An eyebrows upturned at the ends man said. “前辈,如果我们考核成绩足够优异的话,能否晋级天阶天才?”一个吊梢眉男子说道。 Mu Qinghong has swept this group of person one eyes, the almost 20-year-old age, cultivation base is also detained in the Pulse Condensation peak, the toad wants to eat heavenly swan meat, but also wants to become the Heaven Rank talent? Really funny, initially Qianyu Young Master was 17 years old Houtian, 22 years old Xiantian! 牧青虹扫了这帮人一眼,差不多20岁的年龄,修为还滞留在凝脉巅峰,癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉,还想成为天阶天才?真是笑死人了,当初千雨少主可是17岁后天,22岁先天 If not Divine Phoenix Island needs to unite these small Sect, these people place Divine Phoenix Island radically not by vigorously the training necessity. 如果不是神凰岛需要联合这些小宗门,这些人放在神凰岛根本就没有被大力培养的必要。 Mu Qinghong just prepared to reject these people, at this time, Mu Qianyu starts to talk: Can make you be promoted Heaven Rank, so long as you can pass seven treasures Exquisite Pagoda Seventh Floor.” 牧青虹刚准备拒绝这些人,这时,牧千雨开口:“可以让你们晋级天阶,只要你们能通过七宝玲珑塔第七层。” In Sky Spill Continent, seven treasures Exquisite Pagoda is the general talent tests Illusion Array, initially Lin Ming participated in the Seven Profound Martial House inspection time also has rushed, at that time he had only rushed to Fourth Floor, but Qin Xingxuan of Sixth Grade talent has also rushed to Fifth Floor. 天衍大陆,七宝玲珑塔是通用的天赋测试幻阵,当初林铭参加七玄武府考核的时候也闯过,那时他只闯过第四层而已,而六品天赋的秦杏轩也不过是闯过了第五层 Arrived Sixth Floor, Seventh Floor, each difficulty grows at the geometrical several levels of degrees, rushes to Seventh Floor not to be nearly impossible. 第六层,第七层,每一层难度都以几何数级的程度增长,闯过第七层近乎于不可能。 What, passes Seventh Floor?” “什么,通过第七层?” youngster complexion how many stand is very ugly, to have rushed how possibly to Seventh Floor? This did not understand plays with person? 几个站出来的年轻人脸色都十分难看,怎么可能闯过第七层?这不是明白了作弄人吗? Naturally this saying they do not dare saying that 当然这话他们是不敢说出来的, I want to know, so long as is the Heaven Rank talent can rush to Seventh Floor?” The eyebrows upturned at the ends man questioned, pair of eyes actually looked to Lin Ming, meaning of suspicion was obvious. “我想知道,只要是天阶天才都能闯过第七层吗?”吊梢眉男子问话间,一双眼睛却看向林铭,怀疑的意味非常明显。 He acknowledged that the Lin Ming possible natural talent to be outstanding, but rushes to Seventh Floor he not to believe absolutely. 他承认林铭可能天资出众,但是闯过第七层他是绝对不信。 Actually, Lin Ming truly has not grasped through Exquisite Pagoda Seventh Floor now, now Sky Spill Continent general seven treasures Exquisite Pagoda is not same as sorcerer Holy Land that he rushed to at that time. 其实,林铭现在确实没有把握通过玲珑塔第七层,现在天衍大陆通用的七宝玲珑塔跟他当时闯的巫神圣地并不相同。 Several seniors, I want to challenge these Earth Rank talents and Heaven Rank talents on list, so long as the age differs not in a big way, whose strength takes a higher position to show that whose talent is good, this right!” “几位前辈,我想挑战名单上的这些地阶天才和天阶天才,只要年龄相差不大,谁的实力高就证明谁的天赋好,这没错吧!” Mu Qianyu smiles not to speak, these Sect Elder looks flash, has various thoughts respectively. 牧千雨笑而不语,那些宗门长老则神色闪动,各有各的心思。 Actually they do not satisfy the list that Divine Phoenix Island gives, many talents do not like exposing their cards in a hand and real strengths, only judges according to the surface, is inaccurate. 其实他们也不满意神凰岛给出的这份名单,很多天才不喜欢暴露他们的底牌和真实实力,只根据表面来判断,根本不准确。 Moreover, this list also high looked at Seven Profound Valleys, Seven Profound Valleys was also only the platoon arrives at the middle reaches level in 19 Sect, finally not only Lin Ming has become in the list the only Heaven Rank talent, Jiang Baoyun and Mugu Buyu two people became the Earth Rank talents, Qin Wuxin was the Earth Rank candidate, this compared to Peacock Mountain not be inferior in any aspects! 而且,这份名单也高看七玄谷了,七玄谷在19个宗门中也只是排到中游水平,结果不但一个林铭成了名单上唯一的天阶天才,还有姜薄云木鼓卜域两人成为地阶天才,琴无心地阶候补,这比起孔雀山有过之而无不及 Because Mu Qinghong looked at Seven Profound Valleys internal Sect Overall Martial Meeting to give such high appraises, they were not convinced, our Sect Overall Martial Meeting you have not looked, why to recognize that we were inferior? 只是因为牧青虹看了一场七玄谷的内部总宗会武就给出这么高评价,他们也不服气,我们的总宗会武你又没看过,凭什么认定我们不如? Mu Qianyu is smiling nod, said: If you cannot wait to inspect officially, can now on the begin challenge.” 牧千雨微笑着点头,道:“如果你们等不及正式考核,可以现在就开始挑战。” The Mu Qianyu voice just fell, Zhang Shaoshan one step treads, said loudly: Lin Ming, I challenge you!” 牧千雨话音刚落,张绍山就一步踏出,大声说道:“林铭,我挑战你!” The vision of people neat looks to Lin Ming, disciple of several white sects wait to look at the good play, the Zhang Shaoshan anything strength they are very clear, last year defeated including Jiang Baoyun in his hand! Lin Ming is very strong, but wants to win Zhang Shaoshan is very difficult! 众人的目光齐刷刷的看向林铭,几个白峰宗的弟子都等着看好戏,张绍山什么实力他们很清楚,去年连姜薄云都败在他的手上!林铭或许很强,但想赢张绍山却很难! Lin Ming is holding the arm, has sized up Zhang Shaoshan at will, tranquil saying: I just reached 16 -year-old, were you big?” 林铭抱着手臂,随意的打量了一下张绍山,平静的说道:“我刚满16岁,你多大了?” Wha...... What?” A few words directly asked Zhang Shaoshan silly, just reached 16 years old? He also thinks that Lin Ming possibly 18 years old, how just now to reach 16 years old? Have 16 years old defeated Jiang Baoyun? Moreover he is only Pulse Condensation Initial Stage cultivation base, is this real? “什……什么?”一句话直接把张绍山问傻了,刚满16岁?他还以为林铭可能已经18岁了,怎么才刚满16岁?16岁就击败了姜薄云?而且他只是凝脉初期修为,这是真的吗? Zhang Shaoshan is unable to believe that he was 20 years old, four -year-old disparity has made him not challenge the qualifications of Lin Ming in any event. 张绍山无法置信,他已经20岁,四岁的差距让他无论如何都没有挑战林铭的资格。 At this moment, Mugu Buyu suddenly Yin Yang odd has smiled, Jie Jie Jie Jie, the young baby, making me play with you, if you can win me, perhaps can also step onto several moves under this brat, what kind of?” 就在这时,木鼓卜域突然阴阳怪气的笑了起来,“桀桀桀桀,小娃子,让咱家跟你玩玩,你如果能打赢咱家,说不定还能在这小子手底下走上几招,怎么样啊?” Mugu Buyu was saying the finger that being dried up has referred to Lin Ming, brat in his words naturally was Lin Ming, can make stubborn Mugu Buyu be sincerely convinced, can only say that the Lin Ming strength was too valiant. 木鼓卜域说着一只干枯的手指指了指林铭,他话中的小子自然就是林铭了,能让桀骜的木鼓卜域心服口服,只能说林铭的实力实在太彪悍。 Which head is his mother? 这他妈又是哪一头? Zhang Shaoshan somewhat became angry out of shame, even if he, because the age reason does not have the qualifications to challenge Lin Ming, but should also hit with Jiang Baoyun, which scallion does your his mother calculate? 张绍山已经有些恼羞成怒了,就算他因为年龄原因没资格挑战林铭,但也该跟姜薄云打,你他妈算哪根葱? Good, I must ask for advice but actually!” The Zhang Shaoshan in the heart great anger, a Seven Profound Valleys unknown fellow also dares to challenge me, does not expose some cards in a hand, you do not know that day many high, was thick! “好,我倒要领教领教!”张绍山心中盛怒,七玄谷一个名不见经传的家伙也敢来挑战我,不展露出一些底牌来,你们是不知道天多高,地多厚了! Mu Qianyu tranquil smiles, also everyone must challenge?” 牧千雨平静的一笑,“还有谁也要挑战的么?” I! I must challenge!” The beforehand eyebrows upturned at the ends stand saying that his 19-year-old age, challenges Lin Ming same not to be unqualified. “我!我要挑战!”之前的吊梢眉站出来说道,他19岁的年纪,挑战林铭一样不够格。 Jiang Baoyun slowly takes off to carry on the back the sword chest that stands saying: Your my age is similar, I am your match, does not calculate that has brought disgrace on you.” 姜薄云缓缓的摘下背上的剑匣,站出来道:“你我年龄相仿,我做你的对手,不算辱没了你吧。” The eyebrows upturned at the ends looked at Jiang Baoyun, selected nod, even though he has wanted to contest with Lin Ming, but first to Jiang Baoyun was also same. 吊梢眉看了一眼姜薄云,点了点头,虽然他更想跟林铭过招,但是先对姜薄云也是一样。 Arena ready-made, two competitions, Mugu Buyu and Zhang Shaoshan first begin. 擂台是现成的,两场比赛,木鼓卜域张绍山首先开始 Mugu Buyu smiles, to shake behind pocket, a whole body burnt the puppet of flaming flame then to jump from the pocket. 木鼓卜域嘿嘿一笑,一抖身后的口袋,一个浑身燃着熊熊火焰的傀儡便从口袋中跳了出来。 Lin Ming saw that this eyebrow selects actually, this ten days of time, fire did Heretical God unexpectedly fix? It seems like was the Puppet Faction elder gets rid......( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) 林铭看到这一幕倒是眉毛一挑,这才十天时间,火邪神竟然修好了?看来是傀儡宗的长辈出手了吧……(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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