MW :: Volume #3

#293: Heaven Step talent

After Mu Qianyu falls, formerly all Third Grade Sect Elder and Sect Master set out to salute, they and Mu Qianyu disparity, was similar to Qin Ya and Seven Profound Valleys Valley Master disparity, each other has been separated a huge gap.[ 牧千雨落定之后,先前所有三品宗门长老宗主都起身行礼,他们与牧千雨的差距,就如同琴牙七玄谷谷主的差距,彼此之间隔了一条巨大的鸿沟。[ ~] ~] After all Mu Qianyu ten years will step into Revolving Core, in the future the future is limitless, but presents these people to halt mostly Xiantian, was difficult to be able in the lifetime to break through Revolving Core. 毕竟牧千雨不出十年就会踏入旋丹,将来前途不可限量,而在座这些人多半会止步先天,难有能在有生之年突破旋丹的。 Mu Qianyu swept talent under a stage, the vision stopped the extremely short flash on Lin Ming slightly, then continued to take a fast look around, not displayed any difference. 牧千雨扫了一眼台下的天才,目光在林铭身上稍稍停止极为短暂的一瞬间,便继续扫视而过,并无表现出任何异样。 When Mu Qianyu sitting well seat of honor, other Elder in abundance take a seat, under the stage the younger brother cannot bear guessed, such big battle formation, calls these many important personages to arrive at this, proposed the plan of talent jointly training, actually behavior what matter? 牧千雨坐定首座,其他长老才纷纷落座,台下弟忍不住纷纷猜测,这么大的阵势,召集这么多重要人物到此,又提出天才联合培养的计划,究竟所为何事? These person of even though do not know Mu Qianyu, but also knows that the opposite party came from the Divine Phoenix Island extremely important character, very possible will be the future Island Master successor first-level. Nearby in several million miles, only then a Divine Phoenix Island 4 Grade School gate, can say, Divine Phoenix Island is the entire Sky Spill Continent South Sky Region one-third areas' control, honored of Mu Qianyu status, it can be imagined. 这些人虽然不认识牧千雨,但也知道对方是来自神凰岛的极为重要的人物,很可能是未来岛主继承人一级的。附近数百万里之内,只有神凰岛一个四品宗门,可以说,神凰岛就是整个天衍大陆南天域1地区的主宰,牧千雨地位之尊贵,可想而知。 At this time, before Shi Zongtian of landlord arrived at the stage under the major Sect core younger brothers to the stage said: Today gathers Martial Nephew to arrive at this, two matters must announce, the first matter, about Hidden Demon Emperor City!” 这时候,作为地主的史宗天走到台前对台下各大宗门核心弟说道:“今日聚集各位师侄到此,是有两件事情要宣布,第一件事情,关于幽魔帝城!” Hidden Demon Emperor City?” 幽魔帝城?” To the younger brother on the scene, this name is somewhat strange, but is actually not does not know, in the major Sect ancient books, has the record about Hidden Demon Emperor City. 对在场弟来说,这个名字有些陌生,不过却也不是不知道,各大宗门的典籍中,都有关于幽魔帝城的记载。 Before this is one 3000, other Holy Land Level Sect that establishes, is peak Fifth Grade Sect. 这是一个3000年前创立的圣地级宗门,也就是顶尖五品宗门 In entire Sky Spill Continent , to continue until now Holy Land number to be few. 在整个天衍大陆,延续至今的圣地数目屈指可数。 Holy Land and main difference of ordinary Fifth Grade Sect is, Holy Land needs born sufficiently ascend Divine Realm Supreme Being. Fifth Grade Sect, once there is Supreme Being of such rank, then immediately the promotion is Holy Land. 圣地和普通五品宗门的主要区别就是,圣地需要诞生一名足以飞升神域大能五品宗门,一旦有了这样级别的大能,便会立刻升格为圣地 As the saying goes: Hundred years of dynasty, millennium Sect.( 常言道:百年王朝,千年宗门。( ~ ・~ Ten thousand years of Holy Land. Other Holy Land Level Sect will often have ten thousand years, but Hidden Demon Emperor City is actually an exception. 万年圣地圣地级别的宗门往往会存在万年之久,不过幽魔帝城却是一个例外。 What that establishes Hidden Demon Emperor City nether world Great Emperor cultivation is the demon merit, a Martial Dao way, is slowly difficult, many people are not willing cultivation bit by bit, then to walk the shortcut, for example attracts the star **, melts the merit **. The men and women pick the technique of making up to be the demon merit. 那位创立幽魔帝城的幽冥大帝修炼的是魔功,武道一途,慢慢而艰辛,许多人不愿意一点一点的修炼,便想走捷径,比如吸星**,化功**。男女采补之术都属于魔功。 Nether world Great Emperor is to practice the demon merit does all kinds of evil. Batches of killing boys and girls, simultaneously plunder natural talent outstanding young lady, picked to make up recklessly, has inspired the popular anger. 幽冥大帝为练魔功作恶多端。成批的杀死童男童女,同时又掳掠天资出众的少女,肆意采补,引动了众怒。 Afterward he practiced moderation martial art to be unparalleled in the world, the daughter who almost bribed Sky Spill Continent sovereign, a result that sovereign anger flushed the crown. Pays the big price to ask other Sky Spill Continent several sovereign jointly to get rid, has put to death south this at one fell swoop the Heavenly Demon head, Hidden Demon Emperor City along with it disintegration. 后来他自持武功独步天下,差点就染指一位天衍大陆皇者的女儿,结果那名皇者一怒冲冠。付出大代价请天衍大陆其他几个皇者联合出手,一举诛杀了这个南天魔头,幽魔帝城随之土崩瓦解。 From all sides. Hidden Demon Emperor City existed merely less than 2000, will disintegrate the present to have in 1000 away it, but. Hidden Demon Emperor City had not stamped out the source of trouble, initially nether world Great Emperor hand/subordinate 30 six Demon General also lived eight, they escape South Sea, united some Hidden Demon Emperor City former subordinates to compose afterward South Sea Demon Territory. 前前后后。幽魔帝城仅仅存在了不足2000年,距其瓦解到现在只有1000年,不过。幽魔帝城并未被斩草除根,当初幽冥大帝手下30六魔将还活下了八位,他们远遁南海,联合一些幽魔帝城的旧部组成了后来的南海魔域 Nether world Great Emperor dies, being all right that Sky Spill Continent sovereign will not eat to the full supporting did to cope with his once subordinate. Therefore South Sea Demon Territory has continued. 幽冥大帝一死,那位天衍大陆的皇者也不会吃饱了撑的没事干来对付他曾经的手下。所以南海魔域就一直延续了下来。 These years, develop along with South Sea Demon Territory, they begin have been ready to make trouble, after all nobody is willing to stay in being far away from the Continent deep sea, if they must come back, then bears the brunt must break through is cut off together situated in South Sea offshore Divine Phoenix Island. 这些年,随着南海魔域发展起来,他们已经开始蠢蠢欲动,毕竟没有谁愿意一直呆在远离大陆的深海之中,而如果他们要回来,那么首当其冲的就要冲过一道阻隔位于南海近海的神凰岛 Actually, South Sea Demon Territory has drooled to Divine Phoenix Island for a long time, Divine Phoenix Island is in the majority by female cultivator, but South Sea Demon Territory is the cultivation demon merit, especially lacks the natural talent excellent female to pick to make up for them, if can annex Divine Phoenix Island, not only can obtain the large amounts of resources, but also some these many natural talent appearance same level outstanding tender beautiful women, what ratio this more perfect matter but also there is? 其实,南海魔域已经对神凰岛垂涎已久了,神凰岛女修居多,而南海魔域则是修炼魔功的,尤其缺少天资过人的女供他们采补,如果能吞并神凰岛,不但能得到大量的资源,而且还有这么多天资容貌同等出众的娇美女,还有什么比这更完美的事情? South Sea Demon Territory suffices the Fifth Grade Sect rank reluctantly, the strength is more formidable than Divine Phoenix Island, Divine Phoenix Island then has faced since then Sect to be established the biggest crisis. 南海魔域勉强够上五品宗门的级别,实力比神凰岛更为强大,如此一来,神凰岛便面临着宗门成立以来的最大危机。 Before Mu Qinghong, presents the life of Mu Qianyu to come Seven Profound Valleys, besides observing Lin Ming, is thinking must probe Seven Profound Valleys and meanings of Peacock Mountain these Third Grade Sect, looked that can resist South Sea Demon Territory together, the say/way ideal of interdependence of two neighboring states comes them also to understand. 牧青虹之前奉牧千雨之命来七玄谷,除了观察林铭之外,也是想着要试探七玄谷孔雀山这几个三品宗门的意思,看能不能一同抵御南海魔域,唇亡齿寒的道理想来他们也懂。 The arrival of Mu Qianyu, actually will directly probe afterward to turn into the direct implementation, she must unite god phoenix area 19 Third Grade Sect now, resisted South Sea Demon Territory together, naturally, Divine Phoenix Island will also pay enough sincerity to come, the plan of talent jointly training, was one of the Divine Phoenix Island back coupling. 后来牧千雨的到来,却直接将试探变成了直接实施,她现在就要联合神凰地区19个三品宗门,一同对抗南海魔域,当然,神凰岛也会付出足够的诚意来,天才联合培养的计划,就是神凰岛的回馈之一。 Shi Zongtian brief and to the point current form will introduce, continues saying: To jointly resist the threat of South Sea Demon Territory, our ten nine Third Grade Sect and Divine Phoenix Island must cross a river in a boat together, talent cooperation training, is an important plan, this is also the second matter that I must announce today.” 史宗天言简意赅的将当前的形式介绍完毕,继续道:“为了联合抵御南海魔域的威胁,我们十九三品宗门神凰岛需同舟共济,其中天才合作培养,便是一项重要计划,这也是我今天要宣布的第二件事。” „The core younger brothers in ten nine Third Grade Sect altogether select 108 people of enter to the cooperation training plan, these 108 people are divided into the Heaven and Earth person according to the talent degree third-order, I announced the Mortal Rank younger brother list that first decided that altogether 50 people, separately are “十九三品宗门中的核心弟一共选出108人进入到合作培养计划中来,这108人按天才程度分为天地人三阶,我先公布已定的人阶弟名单,一共50人,分别是” Seven Profound Valleys: Jiang Lanjian and Ouyang Ming \; Peacock Mountain: Sun Yuwen, week light......” 七玄谷:姜澜剑欧阳明\;孔雀山:孙宇文、周光……” The core younger brother on the scene only has twenty, many people on list, because the time reason cannot catch up, these twenty people early had known oneself were listed as the candidate who jointly trained the plan, they were expecting what was the grade can arrange is higher, is now, many people had been delimited in most low level Mortal Rank directly. 在场核心弟只有二十几个,名单上的很多人因为时间原因没能赶过来,这些二十几人早已经得知自己被列为联合培养计划的人选了,他们期望着的的是品级能排的高一些,可是现在,已经有不少人直接被划进了最低级人阶中去。 Was called the name is a disappointed color/look of face, but also some feel are not convinced, has not compared including the competition, why to divide into itself in the bottom step? 被叫到名字的很多是一脸的失望之色,还有些则是感觉不服气,连比试都没比过,凭什么就把自己划为最低一级中去? The Zhang Shaoshan anxious getting hold of fist of white sect, he has to oneself talent absolutely self-confidently, what he fears is the Divine Phoenix Island investigation is not proper, cannot appraise his talent correctly, delimits in him the lowest grade Mortal Rank list, that treated unjustly. 白峰宗的张绍山紧张的握紧拳头,他对自己的天赋有绝对自信,他怕的是神凰岛调查不到位,没能正确评估他的天赋,将他划进最低等级的人阶名单中,那就冤枉了。 However is good when Shi Zongtian read the white sect, without his name. 不过好在史宗天念到白峰宗时,没有他的名字。 Zhang Shaoshan grows the one breath, is somewhat self-satisfied, it seems like that the Divine Phoenix Island person a little vision, oneself defer to the talent to be least should also be the Earth Rank talent, even possibly becomes the Heaven Rank talent, this must look some proportion many that the Heaven Rank talent occupies. 张绍山长出一口气,有些得意,看来神凰岛的人还是有点眼光的,自己按照天赋最少也该是个地阶天才,甚至可能成为天阶天才,这就要看天阶天才占的比例到底有多少了。 However thinks that the Divine Phoenix Island person also favors Lin Ming similarly, Zhang Shaoshan somewhat is not feeling well, Lin Ming that sorry a moment ago, does not have interest in a big way fell the Zhang Shaoshan surface, making him take to heart. 不过想到神凰岛的人同样也看好林铭,张绍山又有些不爽起来,刚才林铭的那一句“对不起,没兴趣”大大的落了张绍山的面,让他耿耿于怀。 Zhang Shaoshan has gotten hold of double fist subconsciously, is looking down upon me unexpectedly, waits to look that I will make you know fiercely!” 张绍山下意识的握紧了双拳,“竟然瞧不起我,等着看吧,我会让你知道厉害的!” Shi Zongtian continues saying: Below has decided the Earth Rank talent list, altogether 27 people, separately are Seven Profound Valleys: Jiang Baoyun and Mugu Buyu \; Peacock Mountain: forest even, strict valley, Zhou Zhe \; Fall Cloud Sect......” 史宗天继续道:“下面是已定地阶天才名单,一共27人,分别是七玄谷:姜薄云木鼓卜域\;孔雀山:林平,严谷,周哲\;落云门……” Shi Zongtian read the name time, the people on the scene were blurry, Earth Rank talent list 27 people? 史宗天念名字的时候,在场众人都是迷糊了,地阶天才名单才27人? Altogether 108 people, the Mortal Rank talent 50 people, the Earth Rank 27 people, in addition altogether 77 people, does the Heaven Rank talent have 31 people? Compared with Earth Rank talent also many four? 总共108人,人阶天才50人,地阶的27人,加起来一共才77人,难道天阶天才有31人?比地阶天才还多四个? Thinks that here many person is excited, it seems like into the possibility of Heaven Rank talent was very big, especially those had not been read the name, is excited to cannot believe, oneself was chosen the Heaven Rank talent? Even has exceeded Seven Profound Valleys Jiang Baoyun, the Peacock Mountain forest draw! 想到这里不少人激动起来,看来成为天阶天才的可能性很大了,尤其是那些没被念到名字的,更是激动到不敢相信,自己被选进天阶天才了?甚至胜过了七玄谷姜薄云,孔雀山的林平! Zhang Shaoshan at this time is also anxious incomparable, Shi Zongtian read Seven Profound Valleys time has not read the Lin Ming name, it seems like that this fellow walked dog shit luck, has been selected as the Heaven Rank talent, what to do if I did fail to be elected? 张绍山此时也是紧张无比,史宗天七玄谷的时候没有念林铭的名字,看来这个家伙走了狗屎运,已经被选为天阶天才了,如果我落选了的话怎么办? If only chooses several people, I could not elect not to have the words saying that if chose 31 people, I should not fail to be elected, if did not elect me, I in the presence of everyone stood, looked is selected into the person challenge of Heaven Rank talent!” “如果只选十几人,我选不上也没话说,如果选31人,我怎么也不该落选,要是不选我的话,我就当众站出来,找被选入天阶天才的人挑战!” So long as I have won, looked that they can also say anything. 只要我赢了,看他们还能说什么。 Like this is thinking, the Zhang Shaoshan softly relax one breath, the heart also stabilized. 这样想着,张绍山轻舒一口气,心也安定下来了。 Shi Zongtian until has not read the Zhang Shaoshan name finally, this makes Zhang Shaoshan feel relieved thoroughly. 史宗天直到最后都没有念张绍山的名字,这才让张绍山彻底放心。 „The Divine Phoenix Island vision, has not misplaced me, but Jiang Baoyun and forest did even, the Fall Cloud Sect Bai Shu porch their several make a mistake?” 神凰岛的眼光还是可以的,没有错估我,不过姜薄云、林平,还有落云门白淑轩他们几个是不是弄错了?” These people, properly speaking this can be selected as the Heaven Rank talents.” “这几个人,按理说都该能被选为天阶天才的。” 19 Third Grade Sect usually exchange are not many, Zhang Shaoshan is also only the strengths of some understanding young people, to his knowledge, the forest gentle Bai Shu porch is in respective Sect the great talent, forest Pinggeng is 21 years old steps into Houtian, talent, is not as good as for Jiang Baoyun even though in oneself, but also wants own Junior Brother to be strong, how his Junior Brother was selected into the Heaven Rank talent, Jiang Baoyun actually Earth Rank? 19个三品宗门平时交流的也不多,张绍山也只是了解其中小部分人的实力,据他所知,林平和白淑轩都是各自宗门中一等一的天才,林平更是21岁踏入后天,天赋比自己强,至于姜薄云虽然稍逊于自己,但也要比自己的师弟强,怎么他师弟都被选入天阶天才了,姜薄云却还是地阶 When Zhang Shaoshan thought does not suit, Shi Zongtian continues saying: Below is the talent situated in the Mortal Rank talents and Earth Rank talents, because the material is insufficient, is hard to limit, therefore needs other inspection, altogether 30 people, separately are Seven Profound Valleys: Qin Wuxin......” 就在张绍山觉得不对劲的时候,史宗天继续说道:“下面是天赋介于人阶天才和地阶天才之间的,因为资料不足,难以界定,所以需要另外考核,一共30人,分别是七玄谷:琴无心……” What?” “什么?” Shi Zongtian these words said that Zhang Shaoshan direct was silly, the altogether 30 people of between talent situated in the Mortal Rank talents and Earth Rank talents, added the beforehand 77 people of altogether 107 people again, the Heaven Rank talent only had one person!? 史宗天这一段话说出来,张绍山直接傻了,天赋介于人阶天才和地阶天才之间的一共30人,再加之前的77人一共107人,难道天阶天才只有一人!? He has not gone to think that with enough time that person of meeting is who, heard Shi Zongtian to read his name white sect: Zhang Shaoshan. 他还没来得及去想那人会是谁,就听到了史宗天念到他的名字白峰宗:张绍山 What he of Zhang Shaoshan brain bang, Shi Zongtian behind said that has not listened clearly, unexpectedly lists as between the old talent Mortal Rank and Earth Rank? The Earth Rank talent Heaven Rank talent altogether chose 28 people not to choose itself unexpectedly! 张绍山脑轰的一下,史宗天后面说的什么他都没听清楚,居然把老的天赋列为人阶地阶之间?地阶天才连带天阶天才一共选了28人竟然都没选到自己! Zhang Shaoshan is unable to accept, actually is not only he, several people have not been able to accept, they also think was elected is the Heaven Rank talent, has not thought that unexpectedly is the candidate of Earth Rank talent! 张绍山无法接受,其实不光是他,还有好几个人也无法接受,他们本来还以为被选成是天阶天才了,没想到竟然是地阶天才的候补! These people felt immediately is not convinced extremely. 这些人顿时就感到极为不服气。 The person who has not evaluated the grade usually little fights with other Sect talents mostly, will therefore lack the material, the talent always has proud heart, who hasn't fought to concede? How many people Jiang Baoyun has indeed won, but certainly can win itself? That what is Mugu Buyu, which scallion? Has not listened! 未评定品级的人多半平时很少跟其他宗门天才交手,所以才会缺少资料,天才总是有傲心,没交手谁会服输?姜薄云的确是赢了几个人,可是就一定能赢自己么?还有那个什么木鼓卜域的,是哪根葱?从来都没听过! What is most exasperating is in 108 people also the Heaven Rank talent, compared with has not compared, to have recognized why their talent is inferior to the person?( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) 最气人的是108人中还有一个天阶天才,比都没比过,凭什么就认定了他们天赋不如人?(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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