MW :: Volume #14

#1313: Samsara right Samsara( celebrates tyrant Zhou sovereign hegemon)

Is Wheel of Reincarnation! Before Little Demon Xian lost under this move!” “又是轮回之盘!之前小魔仙就是输在这一招之下!” The audiences on the scene behind appear the Wheel of Reincarnation phantom shadow impression to be extremely deep to Hang Chi, Wheel of Reincarnation was too strong, whatever Little Demon Xian displays Phoenix True Body unable to break through. 在场观众们对行痴身后浮现出轮回之盘虚影印象极深,轮回之盘太强了,任凭小魔仙施展凤凰真体都没能攻破。. This move, the might is without a doubt. 这一招,威力毋庸置疑。 Looked how Lin Ming keeps off!” “看林铭怎么挡!” Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Golden Wheel of Reincarnation suppresses, Hang Chi stands in Wheel of Reincarnation center, the whole body frock agitation, is similar to a god Buddha. 金色的轮回之盘镇压下来,行痴站在轮回之盘中央,全身僧袍鼓动,如同一尊神佛。 Wheel of Reincarnation has not arrived, Lin Ming felt is containing fearful pressure, obviously is golden light shining Buddhism cultivation method, but in Wheel of Reincarnation contained the dense cold air actually, such as steel needles dig in the body of Lin Ming, the ache is incomparable. 轮回之盘未到,林铭就感到到其中蕴含着的可怕压力,明明是金光灿灿的佛门功法,但其实轮回之盘中蕴含了森然寒气,如一根根钢针扎入林铭的身体之中,疼痛无比。 The strength of Samsara this type of cold air, in Wheel of Reincarnation contains. 这种寒气,正是轮回之盘中蕴含的轮回之力。 Buddhism cultivation method even though fills light Mingwei to be positive, is fastidious about the friendly say/way and mercy, but also never will lack slaughters, the incantation resentment and blood pond Diyu, Asura battlefield these evil ways. 佛门功法虽然充满光明伟正,讲究善道、慈悲,但是其中也永远不缺少杀戮、咒怨、血池地狱、修罗战场这些恶道。 Has wickedly has the friendliness, good and evil relies on one another, inalienable. 有恶才有善,善恶相依,不可分割。 If not wicked, has not murdered, does not have the pain, does not have the birth and death, does not have the Asura hell, world all harmony happiness, the people enjoy happily, whom then Buddha can spend? 若是没有恶,没有杀伐,没有痛苦,没有生老病死,没有修罗地狱,世间一切其乐融融,人们尽享极乐,那么佛又能度谁? Perhaps so, world nobody will have believed in Buddhism, the evil ways are the Buddhism essential part. 如此,恐怕世间没有人会去信佛了,恶道是佛门不可缺少的部分。 In Buddhism six Samsara only has Heavenly Dao and person by-path for the pure friendly say/way, Asura also evil, latter three First Level are worse than First Level! 佛门六道轮回中只有天道与人间道为纯粹的善道,修罗亦正亦邪,后三道一重一重邪恶! Facing Wheel of Reincarnation, Lin Ming is impossible to have again any keeps the hand, will otherwise be defeated directly. 面对轮回之盘,林铭不可能再有任何留手,否则会直接落败。 He does not doubt the Hang Chi style the might, absolutely be more formidable than Little Demon Xian. 他毫不怀疑行痴招式的威力,绝对要比小魔仙强大许多。 Lin Ming whole body Heretical God Strength erupts pinnacle, the Ancient Phoenix Blood combustion, within the body Essence, Qi and Soul three energy fusion! 林铭全身邪神之力爆发到极致,古凤之血燃烧,体内精气神三种能量融合 three origin energy unification, Heavenly Dao Judgement! 三元聚顶,天道裁决 Heretical God's Tree phantom shadow extends behind Lin Ming recklessly, by Heavenly Dao Judgement, resists Wheel of Reincarnation! 邪神之树虚影林铭背后肆意伸展,以天道裁决,对抗轮回之盘 At that moment, in the sky the dark cloud is billowing, the terrifying strength gathers recklessly, forms a handle Thunderfire intersection Heavenly Punishment Sword, straight thrust Wheel of Reincarnation! 那一刻,天空之中乌云滚滚,恐怖的力量肆意汇聚起来,形成一柄雷火相交的天罚之剑,直刺轮回之盘 Kāchā!” 咔嚓!” Heavenly Punishment Sword layer on layer/heavily chops to cut on Wheel of Reincarnation, energy burst of terrifying, Heavenly Punishment Sword unceasing disruption of Lin Ming, but Wheel of Reincarnation presses under! 天罚之剑重重劈斩在轮回之盘上,恐怖的能量爆发,林铭天罚之剑不断的碎裂开来,而轮回之盘直压而下! Rumble! 轰隆隆! huge Wheel of Reincarnation is similar to a terrifying great grinding, grinds all, sinks unceasingly! 巨大轮回之盘如同一个恐怖的巨磨,磨碎一切,不断下沉! Hang Chi stands on Wheel of Reincarnation, the whole body divine glow writings, as if world all rules, were stepped on by him in the under foot! 行痴站在轮回之盘上,全身神芒大作,仿佛世间一切规则,都被他踩在脚下! Wheel of Reincarnation sinks continually, nobody suspected, once makes it press, even if ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain peak, must be pressed the powder! 轮回之盘持续下沉,没有人怀疑,一旦让它压下去,就算是万丈山峰,也要被压成粉末! Lin Ming facial color grim, whole body joint flip-flop explosive, within the body Dragon Bone Strength eruption! 林铭面色凝重,全身骨节噼噼啪啪的爆响,体内龙骨之力爆发! terrifying strength, one after another emerges in the body of Lin Ming, seven simultaneously opened, the strength of his mortal body have almost achieved 100 million jin (0.5 kg) terrifying ranks! 恐怖的力量,一波一波的涌入林铭的身体之中,七门齐开,他肉身的力量几乎达到了100000000斤的恐怖级别! Drinks!” “喝!” Heavenly Punishment Sword once more that Lin Ming whole body muscle storm, blue vein bulge, blood vessel Ben open/stretch, his all strength infusion to Phoenix Blood Spear, broken appears! 林铭全身肌肉暴起,青筋凸起,血管贲张,他所有的力量都灌注凤血枪之中,已经断裂的天罚之剑再度出现! Ka ka ka!!” “咔咔咔!!”” Makes explosive sound that the person mind trembles with fear spread, Heavenly Punishment Sword chops to cut once more in Wheel of Reincarnation center, Wheel of Reincarnation trembles suddenly, its center, presented a golden crack unexpectedly! 令人心神惊颤的爆响声传出,天罚之剑再次劈斩在轮回之盘中央,轮回之盘猛然一颤,它的中央,竟是出现了一道金色的裂纹! After the crack appears, the Wheel of Reincarnation ray was suddenly dim, the declining trend stopped! 裂纹出现后,轮回之盘的光芒骤然黯淡了许多,下降趋势止住了! But Lin Ming by the Heavenly Punishment Sword unceasing disruption that Lightning Tribulation and Fire Tribulation transform, unceasing new life, the Lin Ming whole body energy revolves pinnacle, so consumption of terrifying, generally martial practitioner because already consumed oversized, but Inner World collapse. 林铭雷劫火劫幻化出的天罚之剑不断的碎裂,又不断的新生,林铭全身能量运转到极致,如此恐怖的消耗,一般武者早就因为消耗过大而体内世界崩毁了。 But Lin Ming is relying on his solid foundation, has supported stiffly. 可是林铭凭借着他扎实的根基,硬生生的支撑了下来。 even though reluctantly, but he truly bore the impact of Wheel of Reincarnation! 虽然勉强,但是他确实承受住了轮回之盘的冲击! But on Wheel of Reincarnation, golden crack are getting more and more, wants the thorough disintegration shortly! 轮回之盘上,金色的裂纹越来越多,眼看就要彻底崩碎! Blocked! Lin Ming has blocked the frontal attack of Hang Chi unexpectedly!” “挡住了!林铭竟然挡住了行痴的正面攻击!” Hang Chi gives the feeling of person is immeasurably deep, is without a peer. Most people believe, this competition two side strength disparities are very big, if Hang Chi does not keep the hand, Lin Ming will suffer defeat quickly. 行痴给人的感觉是深不可测,不可匹敌。大多数人都认为,这一场比赛两方实力差距很大,如果行痴不留手的话,林铭很快就会败北。 But now, Hang Chi attacks Lin Ming by Supreme Divine Martial Might Wheel of Reincarnation, had actually kept off by Lin Ming, this makes them very shocking. 可是现在,行痴无上神武轮回之盘攻击林铭,却被林铭挡了下来,这让他们十分震惊。 At the Lin Ming age, can stand with Hang Chi in an arena has been enough proudly, can keep off to draw on, that was the supreme honor! 林铭的年龄,能够跟行痴站在一个擂台上已经足以自傲,能挡下一招来,那就更是无上荣光了! Well?” “咦?” Hang Chi also looks the color/look of accident/surprise, as if also surprised Lin Ming unexpectedly can crush Wheel of Reincarnation, this is almost he gets rid fully. 行痴也面露意外之色,似乎也惊疑林铭竟然能击碎轮回之盘,这几乎已经是他全力出手了。 Saw that the crack on Wheel of Reincarnation are getting more and more, the Hang Chi facial color is usual, he said: „The Donor Lin talent is really astonishing, perhaps three years, this poor monk again could not suppress you, is now, Donor Lin Heavenly Dao Judgement, law although highly high, but actually eventually was short of an accumulation and background, shortly after this move, Donor Lin just comprehended......” 眼看着轮回之盘上的裂纹越来越多,行痴面色如常,他说道:“林施主果然天赋惊人,不出三年时间,贫僧恐怕就再也压不住你了,可是现在,林施主天道裁决,法则高度虽高,但是却终究欠缺了一点积累和底蕴,这一招,林施主刚领悟不久吧……” Hang Chi not only the strength is astonishing, but also he year to year soaks silver Martial Dao, has exercised very sinister eyesight, can understand clearly the opposite party style quickly the weakness. 行痴不但实力惊人,而且他常年浸银武道,也练就了十分毒辣的眼力,能很快洞悉对方招式的弱点。 Lin Ming Heavenly Dao Judgement started in First Martial Meeting just comprehended a short time ago, to the present, use is few, truly was short of background, laid bare the flaw by Hang Chi. 林铭天道裁决是在第一会武开赛前不久才刚刚领悟的,到现在,使用次数寥寥无几,确实欠缺了底蕴,被行痴一语道破缺陷。 During the Hang Chi speeches, only listens to bang a loud sound, his Wheel of Reincarnation was been directly broken by the Lin Ming bang! 行痴说话间,只听轰隆一声巨响,他脚下的轮回之盘直接被林铭轰碎! Heavenly Dao Judgement, cuts to Hang Chi! 天道裁决,向行痴直斩而来! Facing the attack of Lin Ming, the Hang Chi mouth praying to Buddha number, whole body gold/metal glitters. 面对林铭的攻击,行痴口念佛号,全身金芒闪烁。 Samsara Domain, Eight Section Pagoda!” 轮回领域,八部浮屠!” Hang Chi puts out these characters in a soft voice, these by Hang Chi are absorbed completely because of the strength of Samsara the Wheel of Reincarnation disruption scatters recklessly, circles around his body, has formed Samsara Domain. 行痴轻声吐出这几个字,那些因为轮回之盘碎裂而肆意流散出来的轮回之力全部被行痴吸收过来,盘旋在他身体周围,形成了轮回领域 As then, works as a loud sound, huge golden divine pagoda covers Hang Chi completely, this divine pagoda, passes all over the body Divine Light, the Great Dao aura is filling the air, divine pagoda altogether has eight, each has gods. 而后,随着“哐当”一声巨响,一尊巨大的金色神塔行痴完全笼罩,这尊神塔,通体流转着神光,大道气息弥漫,神塔共有八层,每一层都有一个神明。 These gods, some appearances are gentle, dignified sacred, some appearances are fierce, murderous aura is dense, has the Buddha seriously, there is Asura. 这些神明,有的长相慈祥,庄严神圣,有的长相狰狞,杀气森森,当真是有佛祖,也有修罗 The buddhist monk, is pagoda! 浮屠,即为佛塔 Hang Chi summoned Eight Section Pagoda, including eight God Spirit suppressed, suddenly, Hang Chi surrounding thousand feet (333 m) was void, was suppressed by the pagoda, forms Divine Realm that a side could not be shaken! 行痴召唤八部浮屠,其中有八位神灵镇压,一时间,行痴周围百丈虚空,都被宝塔镇压,形成了一方不可撼动的神域 Bang!” “轰!” Lin Ming Heavenly Dao Judgement, numerous dividing cut above Eight Section Pagoda, Thunderfire Strength erupts! 林铭天道裁决,重重的劈斩在八部浮屠之上,雷火之力爆发! This divine pagoda trembles suddenly, the ray is suddenly dim, but Hang Chi in divine pagoda, has not been injured, should say that simply has not received anything to attack. 这尊神塔猛然一颤,光芒骤然黯淡下来,而神塔之中的行痴,并没有受伤,应该说根本没有受到什么冲击。 The audience on the scene sees this, sucks in an cold air/Qi. 在场观众看到这一幕,都是倒抽一口冷气。 The defense of Hang Chi was too fearful! 行痴的防御太可怕了! No matter Wheel of Reincarnation, is present Eight Section Pagoda, gives the feeling that the person one type cannot be shaken. 不管是轮回之盘,还是现在的八部浮屠,都给人一种不可撼动的感觉。 Moreover what most awfully is, Hang Chi oneself according to Little Demon Xian, diamond Indestructible Body, including the Little Demon Xian that arrogant people think that cannot break the defense of Hang Chi! 而且最要命的是,行痴本人据小魔仙说,还有“金刚不坏之体”,连小魔仙那么高傲的人都自认为根本破不开行痴的防御! „The attack of Lin Ming was very strong, but this Hang Chi is a anomaly, he is only the style that displays, defends was much stronger, let alone he also has the secret method self-defense, does not know his main body strongly!” 林铭的攻击已经很强了,可是这行痴就是一个变态,他光是施展出来的招式,防御就已经强得让人绝望,何况他本身还有秘法防身,根本就不知道他的本体有多强!” Right, has broken the style defense of Hang Chi with great difficulty, but actually discovered the attack that other comes could not injure his main body soft body hair, that was desperate!” “对,好不容易破开了行痴的招式防御,但是却发现余下来的攻击根本伤不了他本体一根毫毛,那才让人绝望!” Really is invincible, by this fearful defense, Hang Chi has only been in an impregnable position, the same step is invincible! Lin Ming must lose...... Heavenly Dao Judgement is the strongest attack of Lin Ming, Heavenly Dao Judgement is helpless, Lin Ming has been at wit's end.” “真是不可战胜,光是凭借这可怕的防御,行痴就已经立于不败之地,同阶无敌!林铭要输了……天道裁决已经是林铭的最强攻击,天道裁决都无能为力,林铭已经无计可施。” The audience on the scene spoke, in the sky, the Heavenly Dao Judgement ray has exploded thoroughly, the trim turned into scarlet purple sea void. 在场观众说话间,天空之中,天道裁决的光芒已经彻底爆开,整片虚空化成一片赤紫色的海洋。 Lin Ming looks to Hang Chi, facial color grim, Hang Chi, truly is he until now, sees has defended the most fearful match. Perhaps he does not have law affinity that Little Demon Xian such anti- attack ability and goes against heaven's will, but depends on his deep foundation merely, the style of emerging one after another incessantly, has defeated the same step not to have the rival. 林铭看向行痴,面色凝重,行痴,确实是他迄今为止,见过防御最可怕的对手。他或许没有小魔仙那样的抗打击能力和逆天的法则亲和度,但仅仅凭他深厚的根基,还有层出不穷的招式,就已经打败同阶无敌手了。 Donor Lin, reminded your point, Eight Section Pagoda that this poor monk displayed withstood Buddha strength in addition of eight gods to hold, the law circle melted, an attack and defense body, only if the strength really surpassed this poor monk to be too many, otherwise impossible to crush my Eight Section Pagoda from the surrounding, but this poor monk placed in Eight Section Pagoda, will not come under the influence of general attack, but, Eight Section Pagoda of this poor monk also took the strength of Samsara as the foundation, in the final analysis, was the derivation style in Supreme Divine Martial Might Wheel of Reincarnation, if you can look through Samsara Domain of this poor monk, can fundamentally to unravel this move.” 林施主,提醒你一点,贫僧施展的八部浮屠承受八尊神明的佛力加持,法则圆融,攻防一体,除非实力实在超出贫僧太多,否则不可能从外围击碎我的八部浮屠,而贫僧身处八部浮屠之中,不会受到一般攻击的影响,不过,贫僧的八部浮屠也是以轮回之力为根基,说到底,还是无上神武轮回之盘中的衍生招式,如果你能看破贫僧的轮回领域,就能从根本上破解这一招。” When fierce combat, Hang Chi actually with the opposite party was illustrating own style the method of to unravel, the to compare notes martial arts contest of Mount Potuo disciple was also distinctive. 激战之时,行痴竟然在与对方解说自己招式的破解之法,普陀山弟子切磋比武也算是别具一格了。 The audience on the scene, hears somewhat speechless. Hang Chi also really can handle crazily this name in religion, unexpectedly told others on own initiative the weakness of style, was waiting for others left move of to unravel.” 在场观众,都听得有些无语。“行痴还真当得起‘痴’这个法号,居然主动告诉别人自己招式的弱点,等待着别人出招破解。” Do not be silly, did that call the weakness? Who can look through his Samsara Domain? Cracks a joke Ah! “别傻了,那叫弱点?谁能看破他的轮回领域?开玩笑啊! Hang Chi Samsara Domain, be only Long Ya three live the pupil, has a little possibly looks through. As for other people, that is not the perception issue, but is not the manpower can be.. 行痴轮回领域,也只有龙牙的三生瞳,有那么一点可能看破。至于其他人,那已经不是悟姓悟姓的问题了,而根本不是人力所能为。。 Samsara Domain......” 轮回领域……” In the Lin Ming mind, recalled 70 two Sorcerer Pagoda that the southern border military god leaves behind, in Sorcerer Pagoda, Lin Ming saw hundredth Samsara, had the extremely deep experience to Samsara Martial Intent. 林铭脑海中,回想起南疆武神留下的70二巫神塔,在巫神塔之中,林铭看到了百世轮回,对轮回武意有了极深的体会。 Now facing Hang Chi Samsara Domain, by understanding of Lin Ming to Samsara Martial Intent, whether possibly sees how many minute of profound and abstruse principles? 现在面对行痴轮回领域,以林铭轮回武意的理解,是否可能看出几分玄机? Has saying that this hope, is very uncertain. 不得不说,这种希望,十分渺茫。 Even if Lin Ming perception is high, was the past southern border sorcerer, has not contacted the core inheritance of Wheel of Reincarnation, he most was also Mount Potuo surrounding disciple, with surrounding disciple cultivation method, went to to unravel Heavenly Venerate direct disciple cultivation method? 哪怕林铭悟姓再高,可是当年南疆巫神,根本就没有接触到轮回之盘的核心传承,他最多最多也就是一个普陀山的外围弟子,用外围弟子功法,去破解天尊亲传弟子功法么? even though knew perfectly well that is unlikely, but Lin Ming plans to try, did not strive for successfully, even if were defeated, this was also to the development and gain experience of his Samsara Martial Intent, so formidable cultivation method, oneself cannot certainly at will neglect, but must develop well. 虽然明知不太可能,但是林铭还是打算试一试,不求成功,但即便失败,这也是对他轮回武意的开发和历练,如此强大的功法,自己当然不能随意荒废,而是要好好发展一下。 Lin Ming holds Phoenix Blood Spear slantingly, deeply takes a breath, the next quarter, his imposing manner changed. 林铭斜持凤血枪,深吸一口气,下一刻,他的气势变了。 Behind him, strength of unceasing condensation Samsara, his double pupil, turned into the black vortex...... 在他背后,轮回之力不断的凝聚,他的双眸,也变成了黑色的漩涡…… Lin Ming has displayed Samsara Martial Intent, but the audience on the scene, sees this, was shocked thoroughly! 林铭已经施展出了轮回武意,而在场观众,看到这一幕,彻底惊呆了! ( Most times are Lin Ming suppress others, now Lin Ming was suppressed, I resemble...... Writes is not used to it, embarrassed, therefore writes the suitable card, original today thinks really many, a result chapter has written for six hours, lacks the ability to do what one would like, 100,000 of heartfelt thank tyrant Zhou sovereign gain across the board, becomes the military extremely 25 pledges . Moreover, sees the tyrant brother or the member, can actually promote beginning . Moreover the dozen enjoys 100,000 coin also ten monthly tickets, ⊙ ﹏ ⊙ that can also throw, does not throw to waste, my festival grass.) (多数时候都是林铭压制别人,现在林铭被压制,我好像……写不习惯了,囧,所以写得相当卡,本来今天真想多更,结果一章写了六小时,力不从心,由衷感谢暴君纣皇的100000飘红,成为武极25盟,另外,看到暴君兄还是会员,其实可以升级初的,另外打赏100000币还有十张月票,也可以投的⊙﹏⊙,不投好浪费呀,咳咳,我的节艹。) ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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