MW :: Volume #14

#1314: Lesser Samsara Path

What behind Lin Ming is that? Also is Wheel of Reincarnation?” 林铭背后那是什么?难道也是轮回之盘?” cannot, can Lin Ming possibly Wheel of Reincarnation? Isn't that the top-secret inheritance of Mount Potuo?” 不会吧,林铭怎么可能会轮回之盘?那不是普陀山的绝密传承么?” Young elite on the scene, sees the black vortex in Lin Ming eye, the strength of Samsara as well as around the Lin Ming body gathers unceasingly, surprised is incomparable. 在场年轻俊杰,看到林铭眼睛之中的黑色漩涡,以及林铭身体周围不断汇聚起来的轮回之力,都吃惊无比。. This feeling unexpectedly with similar of Hang Chi! 这种感觉竟然跟行痴的差不多! But Wheel of Reincarnation, as Mount Potuo Supreme Divine Martial Might, true complete jade slip, is certainly very few, this core disciple insufficient study, how possible to teach to outside sect? 轮回之盘,作为普陀山无上神武,真正完整的玉简,一定少之又少,本门核心弟子都不够学的,怎么可能去传授给外宗? Even if by a Jin/benevolent supreme Buddhism, will not make to publicize the Supreme Divine Martial Might foolish matter absolutely. 而且即便是以仁道至上的佛门,也绝对不会做出公开自己无上神武的蠢事。 „Does Lin Ming meet Buddhism cultivation method?” 林铭怎么也会佛门功法?” Looks at the eye of Lin Ming, I felt that I as if fell into one group of Dense Fog, incautiously the mind will fall into enemy hands.” “看着林铭的眼睛,我感觉自己仿佛陷入了一团迷雾之中,一不小心就会心神失守了。” In the people mind, Lin Ming was quite abnormal, abandons cultivation base not to discuss, other aspect Lin Ming do not have one weakly, now he including the Buddhism Supreme Divine Martial Might metropolis, but how also makes others live. 在众人心目中,林铭已经相当变态了,抛开修为不谈,其他方面林铭就没有一项弱的,现在他连佛门无上神武都会,还让别人怎么活。 But at this time, an old man of Saint Lord Realm shook the head saying: „Not right...... This is not Wheel of Reincarnation, Wheel of Reincarnation has all heavens myriad things to withstand Reincarnation Heavenly Dao, hard-and-fast great imposing manner, Lin Ming displays, but also missed, this should be only Lesser Samsara Path......” 而这时候,一个圣主境界的老者摇头道:“不对……这不是轮回之盘,轮回之盘有一种诸天万物都要承受轮回天道,不可违逆的宏大气势,林铭施展出来的,还差了很多,他这应该只是小轮回道……” Good, Wheel of Reincarnation this set of Supreme Divine Martial Might, is Mount Potuo the secret of passing on, does not have core disciple and Heavenly Venerate direct disciple can study, Lin Ming is impossible to study. What he displays is Lesser Samsara Path, Lesser Samsara Path was common, many Buddhism have, wants to study, is not difficult.” “不错,轮回之盘这套无上神武,本来就是普陀山的不传之秘,只有核心弟子天尊亲传弟子才能学习,林铭不可能学习到。他施展出来的是小轮回道,小轮回道就普遍了,很多佛门都拥有,想要学习,也不算困难。” This child seriously fearful, Lesser Samsara Path not too profound cultivation method, even can say, is a little weak cultivation method, as if it is only World King expert creates, afterward practiced the large success person to be many, jade slip also has manufactured then, Saint Lord and Divine Monarch possibly study. But this kind of set of cultivation method, Lin Ming can also study this degree, even makes it present a Wheel of Reincarnation charm, inconceivable!” “此子当真可怕,小轮回道并不算太精深的功法,甚至可以说,是有点弱的功法,似乎它只是界王强者创造出来的,后来练到大成的人不少,如此一来,玉简也制作了很多,圣主神君都可能学习到。可是这样一套功法,林铭也能修习到这种程度,甚至让它呈现出一丝轮回之盘的神韵,不可思议!” Truly inconceivable, old man at first, almost misunderstood.” “确实不可思议,老夫一开始,也差点误解了。” Once one set of cultivation method were practiced highest realm, then that person can manufacture complete cultivation method jade slip, Supreme Divine Martial Might is no exception, to be only a pity, can practice pinnacle one set of Supreme Divine Martial Might, is too difficult to be too difficult, may not be good including Heavenly Venerate, Supreme Divine Martial Might that after all others create not necessarily suits itself. 一套功法一旦被人练到最高境界,那么那个人就可以制作完整的功法玉简了,无上神武也不例外,只可惜,能将一套无上神武练到极致,实在太难太难,连天尊都不一定能行,毕竟别人创造的无上神武未必适合自己。 In this case, Lesser Samsara Path even though did not say is the common goods, however World King Level said that Sect wants to get so far as is very easy. This kind of set of cultivation method, the might is not naturally strong. 在这种情况下,小轮回道虽然不说是大路货,但是界王级的佛道宗门想要弄到很容易。这样一套功法,威力自然不强。 Must say that most surprised, that without a doubt was Mount Potuo disciple. 要说最吃惊的,那毫无疑问就是普陀山弟子了。 On the Mount Potuo seat seat, uniform monk, the linen white clothing, or the linen yellow frock, the foot steps on the straw sandal, even if their strengths are immeasurably deep, regardless of goes on a journey, attire simply simple. 普陀山座位席上,清一色的僧侣,麻布白衣,或者麻布黄色僧袍,脚踩草鞋,哪怕他们一个个实力深不可测,但是无论出行、衣着都简单朴素之极。 Lin Ming this, the organ of wisdom is extremely high, in his soul contained one special strength, if not this strength, his Lesser Samsara Path will not achieve this realm.” 林铭此子,慧根极高,他的灵魂中蕴含了一种特殊的力量,如果不是这种力量,他的小轮回道不会达到这种境界。” white brow old Buddhist priest long saying, his sound was melodious, making the person listen very comfortably. 一个白眉老僧人悠悠的说道,他的声音抑扬顿挫,让人听了十分舒服。 When the old Buddhist priest, a high thin youth held their palms together, read Buddha, disciple was ashamed, Lesser Samsara Path disciple young also had the study, had the Zen master to direct, but actually on this Donor Lin half including the stage could not compare, moreover quick gave up.” 在老僧人一旁,一个高瘦青年双手合十,念了一句佛号,“弟子惭愧,小轮回道弟子年幼时也有学习,亦有禅师指点,但却连台上这位林施主的一半都比不上,而且很快就放弃了。” To Mount Potuo disciple, Lesser Samsara Path is only basic initiation cultivation method, is similar to «Foundation Spear/Gun Secret Art» and of «Foundation Sword Secret Art» general school is the same, the study studies more profound Buddhism cultivation method on begin some time. 普陀山弟子来说,小轮回道只是入门启蒙功法,就如同一般门派的《基础枪诀》、《基础剑诀》一样,学习一段时间就开始修习更高深的佛门功法 The high thin youth of speech, the named word is crazy, is Mount Potuo Heavenly Venerate direct disciple, was only the strength and talent is worse than Hang Chi, but compared to Bai Yao to come, was steady exceeding, was far from the generation of commonplace. 说话的这高瘦青年,名为言痴,也是普陀山天尊亲传弟子,只是实力、天赋都比行痴差了一些,但是比起白尧来,还是稳稳的胜过,绝非等闲之辈。 Lin Ming really has the extremely high organ of wisdom, is his rigid heart is slightly heavy, murders excessively abundantly, not necessarily suits the Buddhism......” 林铭确实有极高的慧根,可是他执著心稍重,杀伐过盛,未必适合佛门……” The old Buddhist priest shook the head, as if moved loved the sincerity, actually he was also clear, after this First Martial Meeting, if Lin Ming wants to join the Heavenly Venerate influence, was too simple, was big except for the enter Divine Dream Heavenly Palace difficulty, because Divine Dream Heavenly Palace did not receive male disciple, other Heavenly Palace may choose casually. 老僧人摇了摇头,似乎动了爱才真心,其实他也清楚,这次第一会武之后,林铭如果想加入天尊势力,实在太简单了,除了进入神梦天宫难度较大,因为神梦天宫不收男弟子,其他天宫都可随便选择。 But by background, their Mount Potuo compared with Divine Dream Heavenly Palace not be inferior in any aspects, Mount Potuo is just right, does not receive female disciple, was best to choose on the other hand. 而论底蕴,他们普陀山神梦天宫有过之而无不及,普陀山正好相反,不收女弟子,相对来说就是最好的选择了。 At this time in the arena, shows the Samsara Martial Intent might to be surprised for him including Lin Ming. 此时在擂台上,连林铭自己都为他施展出轮回武意的威力而感到惊讶。 Samsara Martial Intent he has not used for a long time, this is one set stresses on soul attack cultivation method, along with the progress of his strength, could not follow the rhythm obviously. 轮回武意他已经好久不用,这是一套侧重于灵魂攻击的功法,随着他实力的进步,已经明显跟不上节奏。 Now suddenly displays, as if because of cultivation Divine Dream Law, Samsara Martial Intent also had the enormous progress, if naturally contrasts Heavenly Dao Judgement and three origin energy unification these Lin Ming to press the bottom the unique skill, naturally also missed, most increases the Lin Ming style the diverse surnames and is surnamed that's all flexible. 现在突然施展出来,似乎因为自己修炼神梦法则,轮回武意也有了极大的进步,当然如果对比天道裁决三元聚顶这些林铭压箱底的绝招,当然还差了很多,最多增加一下林铭招式的多样姓和灵活姓罢了 Donor Lin, you make this poor monk surprised, Lesser Samsara Path can also cultivation to this degree, this poor monk feel ashamed of one's inferiority unexpectedly, if Donor Lin joined Mount Potuo since childhood, perhaps now is one generation of eminent monks, even strength already far ultra this poor monk.” 林施主,你真的让贫僧惊讶,小轮回道竟然也能修炼到这种程度,贫僧自愧不如,若是林施主自幼加入普陀山,恐怕现在已经是一代高僧,甚至实力已经远超贫僧了。” Lin Ming shows a faint smile, originally this did cultivation method call Lesser Samsara Path? However below to becoming monk for monk too many interests, only cannot say that missed to listen respectfully to the Buddhist doctrine, said uselessly, war!” 林铭微微一笑,“原来这功法小轮回道么?不过在下对出家为僧实在没有太多兴趣,只能说无缘聆听佛法了,多说无益,战吧!” Fights character one, Lin Ming imposing manner wins, actually Lin Ming is also clear, solely resists Hang Chi that by Lesser Samsara Path is impossible, his only hope uses Lesser Samsara Path as the springboard, understands clearly the Hang Chi Samsara Domain secret, finally broke Hang Chi Eight Section Pagoda. 战字一出,林铭气势更胜,其实林铭也清楚,单单以小轮回道对抗行痴那是不可能的,他唯一的希望就是以小轮回道为跳板,洞悉行痴轮回领域的秘密,最终破了行痴八部浮屠 This poor monk is impolite, suppresses Donor Lin by the cultivation method rank, solid victory not military, helpless Hang Chi natural talent is insufficient, resisted Donor Lin to lose by Lesser Samsara Path without doubt, can only so.” “那贫僧就不客气了,以功法等级压制林施主,实在胜之不武,不过无奈行痴资质不足,以小轮回道对抗林施主必输无疑,只能如此了。” Hang Chi said a word even though to be modest, but victory military did not suggest, because even if Lin Ming displayed Lesser Samsara Path, making the war seem like some changes, Hang Chi that but won finally. If the Hang Chi such discrete people dare to say like this, then the war should not have the mistake. 行痴言语虽然谦虚,但一句“胜之不武”还是暗示了,即便因为林铭施展小轮回道,让战局看似有些变化,但最终赢的还是行痴。如行痴这样谨慎的人都敢这样说,那么战局应该不会出差错了。 Lin Ming Lesser Samsara Path shocking is because he displays this degree one set of rotten cultivation method, but is not this cultivation method might strong, as for looking through Samsara Domain, that is the almost impossible matter, cultivation method of Supreme Divine Martial Might rank, so is can it be that easy to look through? 林铭小轮回道让人惊艳是因为他把一套烂功法发挥到这种程度,而并不是这功法的威力有多强,至于看破轮回领域,那更是几乎不可能的事情,无上神武级别的功法,岂是那么容易就看破的? Lin Ming suffered a loss.” 林铭太吃亏了。” Good, with ordinary World King Level cultivation method, resists Supreme Divine Martial Might, moreover by cultivation base and foundation background, Lin Ming is also inferior to Hang Chi, relies on the talent unable to win the fight merely.” “不错,用普通界王级功法,对抗无上神武,而且论修为和根基底蕴,林铭也不如行痴,仅仅凭借天赋是打不赢战斗的。” Was a pity, he is too young, in Heavenly Dao Judgement broken situation, he already less effective method.” “可惜,他还是太年轻,天道裁决被破的情况下,他已经没有更有效的手段了。” The people spoke, Eight Section Pagoda begin that the Hang Chi body covered revolved, on each pagoda the god as if lived generally! 众人说话之间,行痴身上笼罩的八部浮屠开始旋转起来,每一层佛塔上神祗都仿佛活了一般! Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Void seemed shattered, Eight Section Pagoda, numerous suppresses to Lin Ming. 虚空都仿佛被震裂了,八部浮屠,重重的向林铭镇压下来。 That flash, Lin Ming only thought that body as if by formidable Qi intention locking, could not be moved. 那一瞬间,林铭只觉得身体仿佛被一股强大的气机锁定,根本动弹不得。 Buddhism Supreme Divine Martial Might, is really formidable, no matter I fight a hopeless battle, this war, I can whole-heartedly!” Lin Ming stimulates to movement pinnacle Samsara Martial Intent, at the same time, he opens Heretical God Strength, even simultaneously burnt this has assigned blood essence! “佛门无上神武,果然强大,不管我是不是以卵击石,这一战,我都会全力以赴!”林铭轮回武意催动到极致,与此同时,他开启邪神之力,甚至同时燃烧了本命精血 After-burning blood essence, is Lin Ming limit, even if there is Gate of Life to restore, blood essence cannot burn again and again. 第二次燃烧精血,已经是林铭极限,即便有生门恢复,精血也不能一而再,再而三的燃烧。 Grandmist Space! 鸿蒙空间 Lin Ming gives a loud shout, in him behind, such as Venerated Emperor Lotus Flower of blood blooms! 林铭大喝一声,在他身后,如血的帝尊莲华绽放开来! Grandmist Space, may be called the king of domain! 鸿蒙空间,堪称领域之王! “呼” Lin Ming the combustion blood essence strength, stimulates to movement Grandmist Space completely, making Grandmist Space burst out pinnacle, has covered a surrounding area ten miles region, directly to Hang Chi Samsara Domain. 林铭以燃烧精血的力量,全部来催动鸿蒙空间,让鸿蒙空间迸发到极致,笼罩了方圆十里的区域,直接对上了行痴轮回领域 Resists Samsara Domain by Grandmist Space! 鸿蒙空间对抗轮回领域 Two Supreme Divine Martial Might collide, domain to domain! 两种无上神武相碰撞,领域对领域! Peng! “蓬蓬蓬! Heavy Grandmist Qi, innumerable the misery souls to Samsara Domain falls in torrents! A continuously misery soul explodes broken, at the same time, Grandmist Space also by Sever! 沉重的鸿蒙之气,向轮回领域中无数的苦难灵魂倾泻下来!一缕缕苦难灵魂爆碎,与此同时,鸿蒙空间也在被切断 This is a fearful violence hits! 这是一场可怕的激撞! Un?” “嗯?” Hang Chi in the heart one startled, he originally thinks, Lin Ming plans to resist his Eight Section Pagoda by Lesser Samsara Path directly, such he must lose without doubt, is more impossible to see through his Samsara Domain. 行痴心中一惊,他原本以为,林铭打算直接以小轮回道对抗他的八部浮屠,那样他必输无疑,更不可能看穿他的轮回领域 However now, Lin Ming actually has plan, he is must weaken Samsara Domain with Grandmist Space first, then cuts into by Lesser Samsara Path! 但是现在,林铭竟然另有打算,他是先要用鸿蒙空间来削弱轮回领域,而后以小轮回道切入其中! The Hang Chi what kind of character, to the Martial Dao knowledge and experience, he was in the situation of reaching the pinnacle, saw the plan of Lin Ming! 行痴何等人物,对武道知识和经验,他已经到了登峰造极的地步,一眼就看出了林铭的打算! Ka ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔咔!” Samsara Domain, by Grandmist Space unceasing nibbling suppression! 轮回领域,在被鸿蒙空间不断的蚕食压制! What!?” “什么!?” The people have not expected, has occupied completely leeward Lin Ming also to put forth to suppress the Hang Chi style, Grandmist Space formidable goes beyond the expectation of people! 人们都没有料到,已经占尽下风的林铭还能使出压制行痴的招式来,鸿蒙空间的强大远超出人们的预料! Grandmist Space even though is incomplete, but is actually the exclusive domain skill, but Wheel of Reincarnation, is one set of complex Supreme Divine Martial Might, including has surpassed all living things, Eight Section Pagoda, sea of bitterness to perish wait/etc. many skills, Samsara Domain one type, so naturally exceeded Samsara Domain! 鸿蒙空间虽然不完整,但是却是专属领域技能,而轮回之盘,是一套复杂的无上神武,其中包括了超度众生、八部浮屠、苦海沉沦等等诸多技能,轮回领域只是其中一种而已,如此自然胜过轮回领域 Broken!” “破!” Lin Ming gives a loud shout, grasps long spear, pushes directly into, only listens to one to be similar to the sound of brocade silks tearing, Lin Ming broke in Samsara Domain directly! 林铭大喝一声,手持长枪,长驱直入,只听一声如同锦帛撕裂的声音,林铭直接冲入了轮回领域之中! Suddenly, various hell resentful spirits and misery souls, all throw to Lin Ming! 一时间,各种地狱怨灵、苦难灵魂,全部向林铭扑来! The Lin Ming flash, almost the mind falls into enemy hands, he felt that oneself as if fell into the endless sea of bitterness, becomes misery resentful spirit, in the confusion, experiences Samsara, almost loses. 林铭一刹那,几乎心神失守,他感觉自己仿佛陷入了无尽的苦海之中,成为苦难怨灵的一员,在混乱中,经历轮回,几乎迷失自我。 Wakes up!” “醒来!” Lin Ming bites the tip of tongue fiercely, Samsara Martial Intent revolves, two eyes raises the huge vortex, twists all resentment spirit entirely broken! 林铭猛咬舌尖,轮回武意运转,双目掀起巨大的漩涡,将所有怨灵统统绞碎! His Divine Sense also restored pure brightness! 他的神识也恢复了清明! This is Samsara Domain!” “这就是轮回领域!” Lin Ming two eyes, as if swallows all rays, he must look at a clarity this Samsara Domain. 林铭双目,仿佛吞噬一切光芒,他要将这轮回领域看个清清楚楚。 But at this moment, the Lin Ming ear resounds the Hang Chi sound, Donor Lin, is the person is really outstanding, the fight method, will be so charming, what a pity this poor monk will not make you succeed......” 而就在这时,林铭耳边响起行痴的声音,“林施主,真乃人杰,如此战斗手段,魄力十足,可惜贫僧不会让你成功的……” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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