MW :: Volume #14

#1312: To Hang Chi

Samsara six, are the idea in Buddhist doctrine, Lin Ming Samsara Martial Intent, stems from the Buddhist doctrine is actually in the reason. Stepped Initial Stage of road of Martial Dao in Lin Ming, Samsara Martial Intent has played very major role, afterward Lin Ming abandoned gradually, was mainly because Samsara Martial Intent could not follow the Lin Ming strength to grow speed slowly. 轮回六道,正是佛法中的理念,林铭轮回武意,出自于佛法其实是情理之中。在林铭踏上武道之路的初期,轮回武意发挥了很大的作用,后来林铭渐渐弃用,主要是因为轮回武意已经慢慢跟不上林铭的实力增长速度了。 This after all is only the southern border sorcerer, Martial Dao inheritance that this ordinary Divine Realm expert leaves behind, the grade is limited. 这毕竟只是南疆巫神,这一个普通的神域强者所留下的武道传承,品级非常有限。 But now, on Hang Chi, Lin Ming actually saw Samsara Martial Intent of deeper level, even, it possibly is Wheel of Reincarnation, this set of Supreme Divine Martial Might part! 而现在,在行痴身上,林铭却看到了更深层次的轮回武意,甚至,它可能是轮回之盘,这套无上神武的一部分! If so, Samsara Martial Intent also has big promotion space, can develop for the domain class skill, was quite rare, moreover Samsara Martial Intent and Spirit Cultivation System have all sorts of relations, both unify, can perhaps let on a Lin Ming Spirit Cultivation System level. 果真如此的话,轮回武意也有很大提升空间,能够拓展为领域类的技能,本来就极为难得,而且轮回武意修神体系有着种种联系,两者结合,说不定能让林铭修神体系更上一个层次。 Lin Ming is thinking like this, above arena, fight of Little Demon Xian and Hang Chi already enter superheating stage. 林铭这样想着,在擂台之上,小魔仙行痴的战斗已经进入了白热化阶段。 By Samsara Domain to Heaven Absorbing Demonic Art! 轮回领域吸天魔功 In the sky, two rounds huge eddy currents strangle to death mutually, the energy recklessly, a golden body big buddha, a black Fire Phoenix phoenix, two phantom shadow divide Heaven and Earth, each other to holding! Intense degree of fight fights not be inferior in any aspects compared with Lin Ming and Little Demon Xian! 天空中,两轮巨大的漩涡相互绞杀,能量肆意,一尊金身大佛,一只黑火凤凰,两道虚影分割天地,彼此对持!战斗的激烈程度比林铭小魔仙一战有过之而无不及 Little Demon Xian Heaven Absorbing Demonic Art, cannot shake the Hang Chi foundation. 小魔仙吸天魔功,到底未能动摇行痴的根基。 Not to mention Hang Chi Inner World has the Wheel of Reincarnation suppression, discussed his intention is very firm only, his body, an Zen surname, endured calmly motionless like earth! 且不说行痴体内世界轮回之盘镇压,单论他本身的心念就无比坚定,他的身上,有一种禅姓,安忍不动如大地 His mortal body, the spirit, is tenacious, suffering temperance, invincible! 他的肉身,精神,都坚忍不拔,饱经锤炼,不可战胜! Bang!” “轰!” The vortex explodes broken, crazy energy sweeps across recklessly, the Little Demon Xian style begins, counter potential Heaven Absorbing Demonic Art!” 漩涡爆碎,疯狂的能量肆意席卷,小魔仙招式再起,“逆势吸天魔功!” The huge darkness energy divulges, Hang Chi sits cross-legged void, the hand grasps the lotus throne, immovability. 庞大黑暗的能量宣泄出来,行痴虚空盘坐,手握莲台,不动如山。 Such Hang Chi, lets the feeling that person heart lives unable to defeat, his foundation was too solid, any attack, is hard to pose the threat to him. 这样的行痴,让人心生无法战胜的感觉,他的基础太扎实了,任何攻击,都难以对他构成威胁。 Bang!” “轰!” The ray dies out, Little Demon Xian looks pale, draws back dozens zhang (3.33 m) far continually. 光芒寂灭,小魔仙面色苍白,连退几十丈远。 She has not been injured, from beginning to end, Hang Chi does not have to get rid to her truly, but is attacking and melts the Little Demon Xian style. 她并没有受伤,自始至终,行痴都没有真正对她出手,只是在攻击和化解小魔仙的招式。 Naturally, during such intense style collision, by some backlash is the inevitable matter. 当然,在这样激烈的招式碰撞之中,受一些反噬是不可避免的事情。 Does not hit, does not hit.” Little Demon Xian suddenly received her Phoenix True Body, purses the lips saying: You cannot make me select, you disguise injured are not good!” “不打了,不打了。”小魔仙突然收起了她的凤凰真体,撅着嘴道:“你就不能让着我点,你假装一下受伤都不行呀!” Hang Chi shows a faint smile, holds their palms together, said: Style that Little Demon Xian Junior Sister displays, the attack is too strong, this poor monk crazy long small Junior Sister 12 years old, the age was older than you half, but the strength also reluctantly surpasses, if not try in the fight, disguises injured, feared that will control not well, was hit the severe wound to spit blood, when the time comes collapsed completely.” 行痴微微一笑,双手合十,说道:“小魔仙师妹施展出的招式,攻击实在太强,贫僧痴长小师妹12岁,年龄比你足足大了一半,可是实力也只是勉强超出,若是在战斗中不尽全力,假装受伤,怕是会控制不好,真的被打得重伤吐血了,到时候就一败涂地了。” Deceived people, didn't you already practice Unbreakable Vajra Body? How I possibly strike you hit the severe wound to spit blood.” Little Demon Xian curls the lip, saying that as if pesters endlessly. “骗人,你不早就练成金刚不坏之身了吗?我怎么可能一击把你打得重伤吐血。”小魔仙撇撇嘴,似乎胡搅蛮缠的说道。 But the audience on the scene, hears their dialogues, somewhat is in a daze, Little Demon Xian such admitted defeat. 而在场观众,听到他们的对话,都有些发呆,小魔仙就这么认输了。 This fight even though is intense, but is Hang Chi has been in the upper hand actually, even can be said as is letting Little Demon Xian, he absolutely does not have the style of true attack. 这场战斗虽然激烈,但其实一直都是行痴占着上风,甚至可以说是在让着小魔仙,他根本就没有出真正攻击的招式。 Moreover listens to the meaning of Little Demon Xian, this Hang Chi defensive power also very terrifying. 而且听小魔仙的意思,这行痴的防御力也非常恐怖 That anything Unbreakable Vajra Body, decided however is the Buddhism secret skill. 那什么金刚不坏之身,定然是佛门秘技了。 Was speechless, is so abnormal! Itself strength, law is strong, the foundation is solid, so is abnormal including the defense, who is victorious he?” “无语了,这么变态!本身实力强,法则强,根基扎实,连防御都这么变态,谁打得过他?” Perhaps Hang Chi attack terrifying, from beginning to end, he does not have to get rid to Little Demon Xian truly.” “说不定行痴攻击也非常恐怖,自始至终,他都没有真正对小魔仙出手。” Perhaps only then Ice Dream can defeat Hang Chi, even possible Hang Chi to be not necessarily worse than Ice Dream!” “恐怕只有冰梦能够战胜行痴了,甚至可能行痴不见得比冰梦差!” It seems like first three have decided that first second is Ice Dream Hang Chi, Lin Ming third! Following three, I guess that Little Demon Xian is fourth, fifth sixth looked that Long Ya and Jun Biyue who is victorious.” “看来前三已经定了,第一第二就是冰梦行痴,林铭第三!后面三名,我猜小魔仙是第四,第五第六就看龙牙君碧月谁打得过谁了。” Hang Chi 38 years old, the painstaking cultivation 38 years, you have thought that is white cultivate. You think that Lin Ming and Little Demon Xian will be any degree at age 38!” 行痴38岁了,苦修38年,你以为是白修的。你想想林铭小魔仙38岁的时候会达到什么程度!” First Martial Meeting, is not absolute fair, the age factor influence was enormous. 第一会武,本来就不是绝对的公平,年龄因素影响极大。 Lin Ming, this Hang Chi was too fierce.” 林铭,这行痴太厉害了。” In the Magic Cube space, Mu Qianxue heartfelt saying, besides Ice Dream this unknown factor, presents in all young elite, the Hang Chi talent is not highest, but the strength without a doubt is strongest, Little Demon Xian is so fierce, was suppressed! 魔方空间,慕芊雪由衷的说道,除了冰梦这个未知因素外,在场所有年轻俊杰中,行痴的天赋不是最高的,但是实力毫无疑问是最强的,小魔仙这么猛,都被压制了! I know...... Two years later Long Ya, feared that is also with Hang Chi about the same, if I two years of cultivation, do not fight Long Ya again, a point grasps does not have.” This First Martial Meeting, by the talent, Little Demon Xian deserves for first, Lin Ming before displaying Thirty Three Layered Heavens Concept, is listed as second, Ice Dream unknown, Hang Chi and Jun Biyue and Long Ya three people of talents are similar, compound 456. “我知道……两年后的龙牙,怕是也就跟行痴在伯仲之间,我如果两年不修炼,再去战龙牙,一点把握也没有。”这场第一会武,论天赋,小魔仙当之无愧为第一,林铭在发挥出三十三重天意境之前,暂列第二,冰梦未知,行痴君碧月龙牙三人的天赋差不多,并列456。 Mu Qianxue said: „It is not anxious, your some are the time, can your potential display bit by bit.” 慕芊雪道:“不急,你有的是时间,可以将你的潜力一点一点的发挥出来。” Un.” Lin Ming nod, Earth Ranking first, has been enough the proud result, Heaven Ranking he can only make contribution. “嗯。”林铭点头,地榜第一,已经足以傲人的成绩,天榜他只能尽力了。 After this round competition completely ended, Hao Yuzi announced the competition of next round. 这一轮比赛彻底结束之后,浩宇子宣布了下一轮的比赛。 First is Lin Ming to Hang Chi! 第一场便是林铭行痴 Second, Little Demon Xian to Ice Dream. 第二场,小魔仙冰梦 Third, Jun Biyue to Long Ya. 第三场,君碧月龙牙 This time, most has the competition of suspense is Jun Biyue to Long Ya, Vast Universe Heavenly Palace according to this competition, opened read the strength gambling house. 这一次,最有悬念的比赛是君碧月龙牙,浩宇天宫根据这场比赛,开设了读力赌局。 As for Lin Ming to Hang Chi, Little Demon Xian to Ice Dream these two competitions, has not set up the gambling house, this is also because really does not have anything to like to gamble, hope that even though also a little scores an upset, but always hopes too slightly, the Hang Chi odds will be very definitely low, even if so, feared that is also the most people detains Hang Chi, the probability that Vast Universe Heavenly Palace loses money is very big. 至于林铭行痴,小魔仙冰梦这两场比赛,根本未设立赌局,这也是因为实在没什么好赌的,虽然也有一点爆冷的希望,但总是希望太小,行痴的赔率肯定会很低,即便如此,怕也是多数人押行痴,浩宇天宫赔钱的概率很大。 Really is to fighting Hang Chi.” “果然是对战行痴。” Lin Ming deeply takes a breath, without a doubt, this can be one struggles hard. 林铭深吸一口气,毫无疑问,这会是一场苦战。 Two the relaxation times of double-hour quickly in the past, new round competition official begin. 两个时辰的休息时间很快过去,新一轮的比赛正式开始 Lin Ming from sitting in meditation opens pair of eyes, steps onto the arena, he noticed that wears the linen frock, the foot steps on the bald youth of straw sandal smilingly to look to oneself, Hang Chi waited there for some time in the arena, he has been ahead of time in a double-hour the arena, sits in meditation in the arena. 林铭从静坐中睁开双眼,走上擂台,他看到一个身穿麻布僧袍,脚踩草鞋的光头青年笑眯眯的看向自己,行痴已经在擂台上等候多时了,他提前了一个时辰上擂台,就在擂台上静坐。 Sees Lin Ming go on stage, he sets out slowly, is distanced the thousand feet (333 m) distance to stand with Lin Ming. 看到林铭上台,他缓缓起身,与林铭相距百丈距离站立。 Donor Lin, this poor monk was courteous.” Hang Chi holds their palms together, good a ritual. 林施主,贫僧有礼了。”行痴双手合十,行了一礼。 Lin Ming also returns salute by the Martial Dao courtesy, he impression to Hang Chi is very good, the opposite party is one not wants not to strive, pure in heart, the cultivation character, this person, the surname will not be wholeheartedly bad. 林铭也以武道礼节还礼,他对行痴的印象还是很不错的,对方是一个无欲无求,清心寡欲,一心修行的人物,这种人,品姓都不会太差。 Sees two people to stand firm above the arena, presents all audiences is without blinking looks at Hang Chi and Lin Ming, lest has missed splendid one. 看到两人站定在擂台之上,在场所有观众都是眼睛一眨不眨的看着行痴林铭,唯恐错过了精彩的一幕。 Many people even believe, Hang Chi has with the possibility that Ice Dream fights, but Lin Ming formidable is also obvious to all, even though is inferior to Hang Chi, but at least can also compel some Hang Chi cards in a hand, this will be an intense showdown! 很多人甚至认为,行痴有与冰梦一战的可能,而林铭的强大也是有目共睹,虽然不如行痴,但至少也能逼出行痴一些底牌,这将会是一场激烈的对决! Competition begin!” “比赛开始!” Hao Yuzi said loudly. 浩宇子大声说道。 Along with announcement of Hao Yuzi, Hang Chi pulls out the long stick, along with it, his aura changed. 随着浩宇子的宣布,行痴抽出长棍,随之,他的气息变了。 at first Hang Chi is only a disposition temperate young monk, but present he, grim and deepness, the whole body is containing the fearful strength, is similar to a mountain is ordinary. 一开始行痴只是一个姓格温和的年轻和尚,而现在的他,凝重、深沉,全身蕴含着可怕的力量,如同一座山岳一般。 His frock calm self-excitation, optional the gesture, whole body does not have the slight flaw, impregnable. 他的僧袍无风自鼓,一个随意的起手式,全身上下没有丝毫破绽,无懈可击。 Donor Lin, gets rid!” 林施主,出手吧!” Regardless of Hang Chi fights with whom, is makes the opposite party get rid first. Lin Ming will be impolite, spear thrust leaves suddenly, above Phoenix Blood Spear, burns the purple flame, before the fire is, fourth stage Concept fusion, simultaneously Fifth Level Concept also attached above spear's/gun's body. 行痴无论跟谁战斗,都是让对方先出手。林铭也不会客气,猛然一枪刺出,凤血枪之上,燃烧起紫色的火焰,火系前四重意境融合,同时第五重意境附着在枪身之上。 Void Transformation! 化虚 at first then uses Fifth Level law, Lin Ming is very clear, the style of Green Lotus Fire Dance this rank, including probing the qualifications of Hang Chi does not have, cannot break the defense of opposite party. 一开始便用出第五重法则,林铭很清楚,青莲火舞这一级别的招式,连试探行痴的资格都没有,根本破不开对方的防御。 Concept of Void Fire?” 虚火意境?” The Hang Chi facial color moves slightly, in hand the long stick pounds, the shining ray shines, in Hang Chi behind, presented bright Buddha phantom shadow! 行痴面色微微一动,手中长棍砸来,金灿灿的光芒亮起,在行痴身后,出现了明佛虚影 To fighting Lin Ming, Hang Chi has not used arhat stick and Leopard Climbing The Wall and so on simple style, came up to transfer law and Buddhism strength. 对战林铭,行痴也没有动用“罗汉棍”、“狸猫翻墙”之类的简单招式,一上来就调用了法则和佛门力量。 However even though so, these simple styles are not useless, they integrated in the bone of Hang Chi! 不过虽然如此,那些简单的招式也不是无用,它们都已经融入了行痴的骨子里! Hang Chi every gesture and motions, each movement, stems from the experience feedback of Mount Potuo myriad senior Supreme Being, contained the exquisite truth! In fact, Mount Potuo direct disciple, they from sensible, regardless of the fist, the stick, practices the qing gong, even draws water, sweeps the floor, walks, eats meal and sleeps, in each movement, integrated the mystery of Martial Skill and style. 行痴的一招一式,每一个动作,都出自于普陀山万千前辈大能的经验总结,蕴含了精妙的道理!事实上,普陀山亲传弟子,他们从懂事起,无论出拳、出棍、练轻功,甚至提水、扫地、走路、吃饭、睡觉,每一个动作中,都融入了武技和招式的玄妙。 The pure style is impossible to accomplish Heavenly Venerate, but same realm Heavenly Venerate, understands the style, actually would getting the advantage in the fight. 单纯的招式不可能造就一个天尊,但是同样境界天尊,更懂得招式的,却总会在战斗中占优势。 Hang Chi is in such a case, after saying accumulates the moon/month tired practice, integrated in the style own bone, becomes the custom, even becomes oneself life part. 行痴就是在这样的情况下,经过曰积月累的练习,将招式已经融入了自己的骨子中,成为习惯,甚至成为自己生命的一部分。 Peng! 蓬! The Lin Ming Void Transformation purple fire, pulled out by the Hang Chi stick shade directly broken! 林铭化虚紫火,直接被行痴的棍影抽碎! Hang Chi three have not lived the pupil, but this strikes is also just right, was pounding in the Void Transformation weak point, this nearly was one type intuition that came from Martial Dao. 行痴没有三生瞳,但是他这一击也是恰到好处,正砸在了化虚的薄弱点上,这近乎是一种来自于武道的直觉。 Purple flame fallout that explodes, has not posed any threat to Hang Chi, Hang Chi takes the Buddhist, was jealous on the abstention being angry abstention, was been very small by the influence of abstract fire. 爆裂开来的紫炎余波,并没有对行痴造成任何威胁,行痴作为出家人,本来就戒嗔戒妒,受虚火的影响很小。 Donor Lin is young, law has such attainments, moreover as if the homemade style, is really perception is astonishing, then...... This poor monk got rid.” 林施主年纪轻轻,法则有如此造诣,而且似乎还是自创招式,真是悟姓惊人,接下来……该贫僧出手了。” During the Hang Chi speeches, his back begin gathers the formidable gray energy, a desperate depressing aura covers baseless. 行痴说话间,他的背后开始汇聚起强大的灰色能量,一股令人绝望压抑的气息凭空笼罩下来。 This is getting rid in Hang Chi first significance, before and Little Demon Xian, his defense was a Lord, now is actually the active threat! 这是行痴第一次意义上的出手,之前与小魔仙,他只是防御为主,现在却是主动攻击! Wheel of Reincarnation!” 轮回之盘!” The Hang Chi double hand-held stick, empty draws full moon, his back, presented round numerous and diverse exquisite, this round is comprehensive, as if seal carved the innumerable lives to be ordinary. 行痴双手持棍,虚画满月,他的背后,出现了一轮繁杂精妙的佛图,这一轮佛图包罗万象,仿佛印刻了无数的人生一般。 This is Mount Potuo Supreme Divine Martial Might. 这正是普陀山无上神武 ( Thanks free 100,000 gain across the board, becomes military extremely 24 pledges, thanked.) (感谢逍遥的100000飘红,成为武极24盟,非常感谢。) ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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