MW :: Volume #14

#1311: Reappears Samsara Martial Intent

This Jun Biyue, is not very simple!” “这个君碧月,很不简单!” In Lin Ming Inner World, Mu Qianxue suddenly said, that in his hand the sword, should the deep sleep a fearful soul, it possibly be Artifact Spirit, possibly is the Heavenly Venerate remnant soul, if the Heavenly Venerate remnant soul, that mostly is also not ordinary Heavenly Venerate.” 林铭体内世界之中,慕芊雪突然说道,“他手中的那把剑之中,应该沉睡了一个可怕的灵魂,它可能是器灵,也可能是天尊残魂,如果是天尊残魂的话,那多半还不是一个普通的天尊。.” Un...... I have guessed correctly, if that remnant soul gets rid personally, extinguishes kills me is only flash's matter.” “嗯……我猜到了,如果是那残魂亲自出手的话,灭杀我只是一瞬间的事情。” Lin Ming does not doubt that remnant soul strength the great strength, even if it is only the remnant soul. 林铭毫不怀疑那残魂实力的强大,哪怕它只是残魂。 That remnant soul has merged into one organic whole with that Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword, takes the sword as the body, can display the terrifying strength, Jun Biyue dares under glare of the public eye, puts out this handle Divine Sword, has taken advantage inevitably. 那残魂已经与那阴阳灵神剑融为一体,以剑为身躯,能发挥出恐怖的实力,君碧月敢在众目睽睽之下,拿出这柄神剑,必然有所依仗。 even though said that Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate and Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate will not covet Jun Biyue the handle sword, but after saying, a Jun Biyue alone person left the gain experience words, will not necessarily have World King expert to get rid to him, was equal to the remnant soul of Heavenly Venerate rank makes Artifact Spirit of this handle sword, then no one want to injure to arrive at Jun Biyue, even if has killed Jun Biyue, was impossible to surrender this handle sword. 虽然神梦天尊浩宇天尊不会觊觎君碧月的这柄剑,但是曰后,君碧月独自一个人离开历练的话,未必不会有界王强者对他出手,有一个等同于天尊级别的残魂做这柄剑的器灵,那么谁也别想伤到君碧月,就算杀了君碧月,也不可能降服这柄剑。 This Jun Biyue, is destiny is full, can by the person of this handle Divine Sword designation, have the uncommon place, moreover his heart surname is also impeccable, reserved, deep and honest......” “这君碧月,也是气运十足,能被这柄神剑选定的人,定有不凡之处,而且他的心姓也无可挑剔,内敛、深沉、正直……” Lin Ming looks to Jun Biyue, he hugged that rabbit unexpectedly. 林铭看向君碧月,他竟然又抱起了那一只兔子。 Lost to Lin Ming, Jun Biyue did not have the place that anything could not accept, this Martial Dao heart surname, can walk in the future, was not easy to form Heart's Demon. 输给了林铭,君碧月也没有什么接受不了的地方,这种武道心姓,未来能走得更远,不易形成心魔 Lin Ming can foresee, Jun Biyue in the near future, certainly becomes one generation of peerless experts, even if not leading role of time, inevitably is an important supporting role. 林铭可以预见,君碧月在不久的将来,也一定会成为一代绝世高手,就算不是时代的主角,也必然是一个重要配角。 Lin Ming, then your fight, remaining two, to Hang Chi, to Ice Dream! To Hang Chi, you also hopefully spell, to Ice Dream, is really impossible to win.” 林铭,接下来你的战斗,就剩下两场了,一场对行痴,一场对冰梦!对行痴,你还有希望拼一下,对冰梦,实在不可能赢。” Mu Qianxue guessed, at that time with a Long Ya war, Ice Dream has not shown the complete strength to come, according to this speculation, Lin Ming with the Ice Dream disparity, is not a least bit, because Lin Ming is only also stronger than Long Ya several points of that's all. 慕芊雪猜测,当时与龙牙一战的时候,冰梦还没有施展出全部实力来,按照这种推测,林铭冰梦的差距,不是一点半点,因为林铭也只比龙牙强几分罢了 Let alone, Long Ya is inferior to Ice Dream this point, is Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword affirmed that lived does not know the words that many hundred million years of Old Monster thing, said that will not be aimless. 更何况,龙牙不如冰梦这一点,也是阴阳灵神剑所肯定的,那等活了不知多少亿年的老怪物,说出的话不会无的放矢。 I know, do not say Ice Dream, even if a Hang Chi war, is somewhat dangerous! However, I still very much anticipated!” “我知道,莫说冰梦,就算与行痴一战,也有些悬!不过,我依然很期待!” Lin Ming not blind arrogant, he is much younger than Hang Chi, realm also lowered one. 林铭不会盲目自大,他比行痴年龄小得多,境界也低了一层。 A family background Mount Potuo ascetic person, various secret method after the birth washed the body, after being sensible, on begin cultivation, experienced innumerable gain experience with concentration, was treading the road of misery and lonely cultivation, has passed through nearly 40 years of time, how did the strength allow to belittle? 一个出身普陀山的苦行僧,从出生之后各种秘法洗体,懂事后就开始潜心修行,经历无数历练,踏着苦难与孤独的修行之路,走过了近40年的光阴,实力岂容小觑? Lin Ming is thinking like this time, Hang Chi has stepped onto the arena. 林铭这样想着的时候,行痴已经走上了擂台。 His match is...... Little Demon Xian! 他的对手是……小魔仙 This is the competition that second round most receives to pay attention. 这是第二轮最受关注的比赛。 To fighting Little Demon Xian, Hang Chi finally not again unarmed, but has extracted his weapon, a nine chi (0.33 m) stick, all over the body the plain plain, only decoration is on the long stick the natural wooden texture. 对战小魔仙,行痴终于没有再赤手空拳,而是抽出了他的武器,一根九尺长棍,通体古朴无华,唯一的装饰就是长棍上天然的木质纹理。 This long stick, is very light to the feeling of person, but has the ball surname very much, does not know that is the what kind divine tree refinement. 这根长棍,给人的感觉很轻,但是却很有弹姓,不知是何种神树炼制而成。 Little Demon Xian extracts own dragon tendon whip, looks at Hang Chi, grinning saying: Bald Elder Brother, you must make me select.” 小魔仙抽出自己的龙筋鞭,看着行痴,笑嘻嘻的说道:“光头哥哥,你可得让着我点。” Hang Chi sets up the palm chest front single-handed, another holds the long stick slantingly, read Buddha, said: Little Demon Xian Junior Sister chatted, Hang Chi natural talent is dull-witted, but accumulates and diligent ceaseless painstaking cultivation by the time can stand here, what modestly declines to be absolute is far.” 行痴单手立掌胸前,另一手斜持长棍,念了一句佛号,说道:“小魔仙师妹说笑了,行痴资质愚钝,只是靠时间累积和勤奋不辍的苦修才能站在这里,谦让绝对的是谈不上的。” This Hang Chi, was really too modest.” “这行痴,真是太谦虚了。” Yes, but this is the inheritance of Mount Potuo, true modest cultivation, few words do much, by no means desirably artificial.” “是啊,不过这是普陀山的传承,真正的虚心修行,少言多做,并非刻意做作的。” Generally such as Hang Chi such talent, said daily own natural talent is dull-witted, that really must spit a face, cursed installs to compel, on Hang Chi, does not have this feeling, he really open-minded. 一般如行痴这样的天才,天天说自己资质愚钝,那真是要被人吐一脸,大骂装逼,不过在行痴身上,却没有这种感觉,他是真的虚怀若谷。 Little Demon Xian saw that the Hang Chi old-fashioned person thinks like this very amusing, she moves to say with a smile: Your this is natural talent dull-witted, how making others live?” 小魔仙看到行痴这样的古板的人就觉得很好玩,她调笑道:“你这还资质愚钝,让别人怎么活?” Hang Chi said: This poor monk, although natural talent is dull-witted, but cherishes Great Dao, but in front of Great Dao, all living things is the ants, really does not have any to be worth showing off the place.” 行痴道:“贫僧虽资质愚钝,但是心怀大道,而在大道面前,众生皆为蝼蚁,实在没有任何值得夸耀之处。” tut tut, serious, really senseless Oh, good, our begin!” Little Demon Xian was saying, her back black phoenix both wings suddenly extends, on the face also appears law rune, her once more turned into Phoenix True Body. 啧啧,一本正经,真无趣,好吧,我们开始吧!”小魔仙说着,她背后的黑色凤凰双翅突然伸展开来,脸上也浮现出法则符文,她再度变成了凤凰真体 Before by the pair of wings that Lin Ming pierced, now fully restored, thus it can be seen the great strength of Phoenix True Body, the resiliency compared Lin Ming not be inferior in any aspects. 之前被林铭洞穿的双翼,如今已经完全恢复过来,由此可见凤凰真体的强大,恢复力比林铭有过之而无不及 Phoenix True Feather, 9900 swords!” 凤凰真羽,9900剑!” Little Demon Xian suddenly scolds one tenderly, side her, murderous aura, black feather unceasing flying on her both wings shoots turbulently, transforms the infinite sword forest! 小魔仙突然娇叱一声,在她身边,杀气汹涌而出,她双翅上的黑羽不断的飞射出来,幻化成无穷的剑林! This each black feather long sword, has one zhang (3.33 m) length, black light is dense, chilly weather. 这每一根黑羽长剑,都有一丈长度,黑光森森,寒气逼人。 The plume feather of both wings, transforms the long sword! Looks, is the dazzling cold glow, the straight thrust will of the people! 将双翅的翎羽,幻化成长剑!一眼望去,全是耀眼的寒芒,直刺人心! powerful murderous aura, before this move of Little Demon Xian, useless!” 好强杀气,这一招小魔仙之前没用过!” Hits with Lin Ming, has projected on that degree, Little Demon Xian really also had to keep the hand, no...... Does not keep the hand, but many styles she does not have uses with enough time!” “跟林铭打,已经打到了那种程度,小魔仙竟然还有留手,不……不是留手,而是有很多招式她没来得及使用!” Phoenix feather originally is refines the weapon exceedingly good material, Little Demon Xian transforms weapon by own plume feather, this move, the might is very strong, decides however kills the rank certainly!” “凤羽原本就是炼制武器的绝好材料,小魔仙以自己的翎羽幻化成武器,这一招,威力很强,定然是绝杀级别的!” The Little Demon Xian talent achieves pinnacle, the style are too many, law comprehension is also very rich, with a Lin Ming war, she has too many styles with enough time not to use, is only several intense collisions, directly defeated. 小魔仙天赋达到极致,招式太多,法则领悟的也十分丰富,与林铭一战,她有太多的招式都没来得及使用,只是几次激烈的碰撞,就直接败了。 Naturally, these styles use, Little Demon Xian has no way to win, the great strength of Lin Ming, came from the law high suppression. 当然,这些招式就算用出来,小魔仙也没法赢,林铭的强大,来自于法则高度的压制。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” The swords of 9900 phoenix feathers, the complete thorn to Hang Chi, facing the woods cold sword forest, Hang Chi is without turning a hair, his form moves, is similar to a skidding leopard cat same departs, he displays Leopard Climbing The Wall movement. 9900凤羽之剑,全部刺向行痴,面对森寒的剑林,行痴面不改色,他身影一动,如同一只滑溜的山猫一样飞出,他施展的正是“狸猫翻墙”身法。 This set of movement name even though is vulgar, actually the quality is extremely high, is displayed by Hang Chi, is superb, lasings sword light, completely by his avoided. 这一套身法名字虽然低俗,其实品质极高,由行痴施展出来,更是出神入化,一道道激射的剑光,全部被他躲开了。 Arhat stick!” “罗汉棍!” The long stick in Hang Chi hand transforms the infinite stick shade, the sword light that phoenix feathers transform was destroyed by him completely. 行痴手中的长棍幻化成无穷的棍影,一根根凤羽幻化成的剑光全部被他打碎。 Hang Chi movement, succinct simple, but actually like the passing clouds and flowing water, to the person smooth an incomparably harmonious feeling, visits him to leave the move, simply is enjoyment. 行痴的动作,简洁朴素,但是却如行云流水,给人一种无比流畅和谐的感觉,看着他出招,简直是一种享受。 But at this time, a Little Demon Xian style revolution, in the sky, presented the big piece hot cloud, the infinite black flame falls in torrents, attacks with the swords of 9900 phoenix feathers together to Hang Chi. 而就在这时候,小魔仙招式一转,天空之中,出现了大片的火云,无穷的黑炎倾泻下来,与9900凤羽之剑一起攻向行痴 On after the sword of phoenix feather has ignited the black flame, trim Heaven and Earth is piece of killing intent. 凤羽之剑上燃起了黑色火焰之后,整片天地都是一片杀机 Phoenix true flame and fusion of sword of phoenix feather, promoted to pursue the Heavenly Dao situation law of Little Demon Xian style directly highly. 凤凰真火与凤羽之剑的融合,直接将小魔仙招式的法则高度提升到了直追天道的地步。 Facing such strikes, finally no longer is Hang Chi can resist with the arhat stick and White Ape Fist. 面对这样的一击,终于不再是行痴用罗汉棍、通背拳就能对抗的了。 Hang Chi looks color/look of the grim, his whole body loose frock ballooning gets up suddenly, the both arms extend horizontally, side him, golden Sanskrit talisman seal appears, radiance passes, dazzling! 行痴面露一丝凝重之色,他全身宽松的僧袍猛然鼓胀起来,双臂横伸,在他身边,一道道金色的梵文符印浮现出来,光华流转,炫目之极! Dark, as if there is long Buddha sound to past in the sky, Hang Chi used the real skill finally, was Mount Potuo Supreme Divine Martial Might. 冥冥中,仿佛有悠长的佛音在天空中流转,行痴终于用出了真本事,也就是普陀山无上神武 Wheel of Reincarnation!” 轮回之盘!” Hang Chi grasps the long stick empty to draw full moon in the sky, after long stick, leaves behind the light golden path in void, this golden path has composed round finally, in contained six rounds golden light ring, in each round light ring, has the golden illusory image. In the middle of them has Blood Demon, has Hungry Ghost, has the domestic animal, the have ghost slave, has human, has Heavenly God. 行痴手持长棍在天空中虚画满月,长棍过后,在虚空中留下淡淡的金色轨迹,这金色轨迹最终组成了一轮佛图,佛图之中蕴含了六轮金色的光圈,每一轮光圈之中,都有金色幻影。它们当中有血魔,有饿鬼,有牲畜,有鬼奴,有人类,有天神 Sees this round, Lin Ming in the heart one dull, these six, where he as if have seen! 看到这一轮佛图,林铭心中一呆,这六道佛图,他似乎在哪里见过! Lin Ming pondered without enough time, in the sky, Hang Chi and Little Demon Xian style has struck to hit in the same place, 9900 swords, have passed through, both erupt together! 林铭来不及细想,在天空之中,行痴小魔仙的招式已经击撞在一起,9900剑,贯穿了佛图,两者一同爆发! Little Demon Xian calls out in alarm one, the body flies upside down, her 9900 swords, together with phoenix true flame, by Wheel of Reincarnation receive, turned into completely invisible! 小魔仙惊呼一声,身体倒飞出去,她的9900剑,连同凤凰真火,全部被轮回之盘收纳,化成无形! Meanwhile, Hang Chi Wheel of Reincarnation also dissipated, this collision, he and Little Demon Xian are evenly matched, but the Little Demon Xian True Essence disorder, as if somewhat overdraws, however the Hang Chi aura is calm, is similar to a mountain is ordinary, unshakeable. 与此同时,行痴轮回之盘也消散了,这一次碰撞,他与小魔仙势均力敌,但是小魔仙真元紊乱,似乎有些透支,然而行痴却气息沉稳,如同一座山岳一般,不可动摇。 So obviously, Hang Chi background, absolutely is much deeper than Little Demon Xian. 如此可见,行痴底蕴,绝对比小魔仙深厚得多。 Accumulation of nearly 40 years of painstaking cultivation, can it be that child's play? 将近40年苦修的积累,岂是儿戏? Under the arena, Lin Ming brow tip combination, his without blinking was staring at Hang Chi faintly, in the heart had a guess. 在擂台之下,林铭眉梢连跳,他眼睛一眨不眨的盯着行痴,心中隐隐的有了一种猜测。 But at this time, Little Demon Xian once more attacked, this time, she within the body all phoenix law rune, poured into the flame completely, the black flame was torrential, sweeps across thousand Li (500 km)! 而就在这时候,小魔仙再度出击,这一次,她将体内所有的凤凰法则符文,全部注入火焰之中,黑炎滔滔,席卷千里 The flame howls, but at the same time, in Little Demon Xian, the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi crazy reversal, gathers a huge black vortex. 火焰呼啸而出的同时,在小魔仙的身后,天地元气疯狂逆转,汇聚成一个巨大的黑色漩涡。 Heaven Absorbing Demonic Art!” 吸天魔功!” While using phoenix true flame makes Heaven Absorbing Demonic Art, Little Demon Xian was really whole-heartedly! 在用出凤凰真火的同时又打出吸天魔功,小魔仙真的是全力以赴了! But at this time, behind Hang Chi, unexpectedly also presented an vortex. 而就在这时候,行痴背后,竟然也出现了一个漩涡。 Different from the Little Demon Xian origin energy vortex, this vortex as if holds the infinite pain and tribulation, but looks at this vortex, the people then as if felt that experienced infinite life Samsara, has put behind. 不同于小魔仙元气漩涡,这个漩涡其中仿佛容纳无穷的痛苦与磨难,只是看着这漩涡,人们便仿佛感觉经历了无穷的生命轮回,忘却了自我。 This round black vortex, submerged in Hang Chi pair of eyes finally, his eye as if must swallow all! 这一轮黑色漩涡,最终没入了行痴双眼之中,他的眼睛仿佛要吞噬一切! Samsara Domain, the sea of bitterness perishes, surpasses all living things!” 轮回领域,苦海沉沦,超度众生!” Hang Chi slowly puts out this these words, around his body, formed a side to read the strength space, as if flooded the soul that was suffering hardships infinitely. 行痴缓缓的吐出这这句话,在他身体周围,形成了一方读力空间,其中似乎充斥着无穷受苦的灵魂。 But after Lin Ming sees this domain, numerous putting out one breaths. Hang Chi Samsara Domain, actually with his Samsara Martial Intent this common origin! 林铭看到这领域之后,重重的吐出一口气。行痴轮回领域,其实跟他的轮回武意本出同源 Beforehand six, Lin Ming will think to look familiar, that was because of the past years in southern border Sorcerer Pagoda, Lin Ming rushes from First Floor tower begin, temper Samsara six of experience, he in turn struck to kill Blood Demon, Hungry Ghost, domestic animal, Witch Slave, human and Heavenly God, in mark one by one match with Hang Chi. 之前的六道佛图,林铭会觉得眼熟,那是因为当年在南疆巫神塔,林铭第一层开始闯,经历的磨砺正是轮回六道,他依次击杀了血魔饿鬼、牲畜、巫奴、人类、天神,与行痴佛图上的印记一一对应 „Was the southern border sorcerer, the past years Mount Potuo surrounding disciple?” “难道南疆巫神,当年是普陀山的外围弟子?” Lin Ming in the heart flashes through this thought that he guessed, the southern border sorcerer has possibly achieved Divine Monarch Realm, but Mount Potuo surrounding disciple, the request should not be high, even if the southern border sorcerer cannot enter Mount Potuo, should be enter had the influence of enormous connection with Mount Potuo. 林铭心中闪过这个念头,他猜测,南疆巫神可能达到了神君境,而普陀山的外围弟子,要求应该不高,就算南疆巫神不能进入普陀山,也应该是进入了一个与普陀山有极大关联的势力。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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