MW :: Volume #14

#1310: Win

Is this move, Heavenly Dao Judgement!” “又是这一招,天道裁决!” In the auditorium, some people shout. 观众席上,有人呼喊。. Lin Ming this move has used three times, even if Little Demon Xian faces it, by its inflict heavy losses!” 林铭这一招已经用了三次了,可是哪怕小魔仙面对它,也被它重创!” Heavenly Dao Judgement, Lin Ming homemade Supreme Divine Martial Might, even though has used many times, nobody can true to unravel it. 天道裁决,林铭自创的无上神武,虽然用过很多次,也没有人能够真正破解它。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Lightning Tribulation and Fire Tribulation might divulges recklessly, Jun Biyue facial color grim, both hands empty picture primal chaos, that suddenly, all between Heaven and Earth, as if changed to the black and white two colors, does not have other colors again. 雷劫火劫的威力肆意宣泄下来,君碧月面色凝重,双手虚画太极,那一时间,天地之间的一切,都仿佛化作了黑白两色,再也没有其他色彩。 In the Jun Biyue under foot, forms a round huge Yin Yang chart in a circumference of several miles, in this Yin Yang chart, that handle rusty stain stained long sword sends out the light ray, this ray even though is weak, but straightly shoots will of the people, to person a feeling beyond description. 君碧月脚下,形成一轮方圆数里的巨大阴阳图,在这阴阳图中,那柄锈迹斑斑的长剑散发出淡淡的光芒,这光芒虽然微弱,但是直射人心,给人一种难以形容的感觉。 Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword, three Void Transformation!” 阴阳灵神剑,三界化虚!” A Jun Biyue sword punctures, that flash, that handle sword in his hand as if lived, each rusty stain above sword blade, transforms numerous and diverse law rune. 君碧月一剑刺出,那一瞬间,他手中的那柄剑仿佛活了过来,剑身之上的每一枚锈迹,都幻化出繁杂的法则符文 According to the forecast of Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate, these rusty stains are not other, but is the blood of true God Spirit! 按照神梦天尊的预测,这些锈迹不是别的,而是真正的神灵之血! What is God Spirit, perhaps only then surmounts existence of Heavenly Venerate, can handle this name. 何为神灵,恐怕只有超越天尊的存在,当得起这个称呼。 A sword wields, in the sky the turbulent scarlet purple sea was attracted, turns into the law vortex. 一剑挥下,天空中汹涌的赤紫海洋都被吸引过来,化成法则漩涡。 Jun Biyue used him most to strike finally! 君碧月终于用出了他的最强一击! Great strength of Jun Biyue, not completely in his Law of Yin and Yang, but lies in the sword in his hand, this was a handle paid attention several points of Divine Sword including Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate! 君碧月的强大,并不完全在他的阴阳法则,而是在于他手中的剑,这是一柄连神梦天尊都留意了几分的神剑 When Jun Biyue stimulates to movement this handle Divine Sword might completely, he can display the strongest battle efficiency. 君碧月完全催动出这柄神剑的威力的时候,他才能发挥出最强战斗力。 At that moment, several hundreds of millions audiences on the scene, see only the thunder and flame that round huge Yin Yang welcomed ascended the sky airborne howls. 那一刻,在场数亿观众,只见一轮巨大阴阳图迎上了天空中呼啸的雷霆与火焰。 Both strike to hit, send out the terrifying explosive. 两者击撞,发出恐怖的爆响。 Un?” “嗯?” Lin Ming in the heart in great surprise, he suddenly discovered that the Thunder-Fire dual-attribute tribulation that oneself send out, was buying by this Yin Yang double chart unexpectedly. 林铭心中大惊,他蓦然发现,自己发出的雷火双劫,竟然在被这阴阳双图吸纳。 Can Jun Biyue swallow his Heavenly Dao Judgement with the Yin Yang chart unexpectedly? 君碧月竟然要以阴阳图吞噬他的天道裁决 Lin Ming does not doubt, by the Jun Biyue law utilization ability, once has swallowed his Heavenly Dao Judgement, then same will be based on this forms round Yin Yang Dao Diagram, then, all Yin Yang Dao Diagram fusion are one, Jun Biyue last sword, will display the strength that is hard to estimate, oneself very possible to be defeated instantaneously, was defeated by own strength! 林铭毫不怀疑,以君碧月法则运用能力,一旦吞噬了他的天道裁决,那么一样会以此为基础形成一轮阴阳道图,而后,所有的阴阳道图融合为一,君碧月的最后一剑,将会发挥出难以估测的力量,自己很可能瞬间落败,也就是被自己的力量所击败! Fierce, is......” “厉害,可是……” A Lin Ming suddenly spear potential revolution, in his within the body, Astral Essence, Divine Essence and True Essence converges Inner World completely, complete fusion. 林铭突然枪势一转,在他体内,罡元神元真元全部汇入到体内世界,完全融合 three origin energy unification!” 三元聚顶!” Lin Ming God Strength infusion that three energy meeting become to Phoenix Blood Spear, at that moment, Lin Ming strength once more suddenly/violently to increase. 林铭将三种能量会合而成的神之力灌注凤血枪之中,那一刻,林铭的力量再度暴增。 God Strength and pure True Essence that Astral Essence, Divine Essence and True Essence three energy gatherings become have quality to be different, turbulent God Strength gathers in Heavenly Dao Judgement, around the Lin Ming body, has formed 30 three Dao Tablet phantom shadow! 罡元神元真元三种能量汇聚而成的神之力与单纯的真元有着质的不同,汹涌的神之力汇聚到天道裁决之中,在林铭身体周围,形成了30三道碑虚影 30 three Dao Tablet, contained the God Sealing Platform charm, is symbolizing Thirty Three Layered Heavens Concept, at this time the bang kills together, rumbles completely in the primal chaos Yin Yang chart! 30三道碑,蕴含了封神台的神韵,象征着三十三重天意境,此时一起轰杀下去,全部轰在太极阴阳图上! Rumbling rumbling!!” “轰轰轰轰!!” Dao Tablet disrupt, each disruption Dao Tablet, that Yin Yang primal chaos chart suddenly shakes together, produces together the crack. 一块块道碑碎裂开来,每碎裂一块道碑,那阴阳太极图就猛然一震,产生一道裂纹。 When all Dao Tablet shattered instances, that Yin Yang primal chaos chart also thoroughly blasts open. 当所有道碑破碎的瞬间,那阴阳太极图也彻底炸裂开来。 Bang 轰隆 Along with a terrifying loud sound, the black and white two color/look rays have covered entire competition stage, several hundreds of millions audiences on the scene, feel an inexplicable depressing aura. 随着一声恐怖的巨响,黑白两色光芒笼罩了整个赛场,在场数亿观众,都感到一股莫名压抑的气息。 Until all energies dissipate, people look to the field, actually sees Lin Ming and Jun Biyue they are distanced the thousand feet (333 m) distance to stand, they, are the consumption are not young, but their attacks are also actually disillusioned, the collision was evenly matched. 直到所有能量消散开来,人们纷纷向场中望去,却见林铭君碧月两人相距百丈距离站立,他们两人,都是消耗不小,而他们的攻击却同时破灭,刚才的碰撞算是势均力敌了。 Lin Ming uses Heavenly Dao Judgement, can't defeat Jun Biyue?” 林铭的用出天道裁决,都没能击败君碧月?” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” This Jun Biyue also too terrifying!” “这君碧月也太恐怖了吧!” Heavenly Dao Judgement was too deep to the impression of person, may be called Supreme Divine Martial Might embryonic form Martial Skill naturally does not have unearned reputation, in the Lin Ming two fights, Heavenly Dao Judgement defeats Long Ya first, then frustrates Little Demon Xian, the might is incomparable! 天道裁决给人的印象太深了,堪称无上神武雏形武技自然不是浪得虚名,林铭两场战斗中,天道裁决先败龙牙,再挫小魔仙,威力无匹! Many people think, when Lin Ming uses Heavenly Dao Judgement, Jun Biyue was basically impossible to keep off, especially this time Heavenly Dao Judgement enhancement version, was defeated under this move including Little Demon Xian. 很多人都以为,当林铭用出天道裁决的时候,君碧月基本不可能挡下来了,尤其这次还是天道裁决的加强版,连小魔仙都在这一招下落败的。 But finally is above the expectation, Jun Biyue does not know that with any method, that primal chaos chart so is unexpectedly formidable, counter-balanced with Heavenly Dao Judgement mutually. 可是结果超乎预料,君碧月不知道用了什么手段,那太极图竟然如此强大,与天道裁决互相抵消了。 Is so strong!” “这么强!” Lin Ming in the heart surprised, he also assured must win, because he felt that Jun Biyue even though law is exquisite, but also has the weakness, his strength and energy intensity, were inferior oneself and Little Demon Xian. 林铭心中十分吃惊,他本来也笃定自己要赢了,因为他感觉君碧月虽然法则精妙,但也有弱点,他的力量和能量强度,远不如自己和小魔仙 Therefore Lin Ming plans by Heavenly Dao Judgement, breaks the balance of Yin Yang array diagram, wins at one fell swoop! 所以林铭才打算以天道裁决,来打破阴阳阵图的平衡,一举致胜! The words that displays Heavenly Dao Judgement that keeps off by three origin energy unification, then the Lin Ming only remaining last moves, that is combustion Gate of Life blood essence, was achieved the strongest condition by oneself, displays the final attack, however this strikes, even though possibly wounds Jun Biyue, but will also consume enormously, moreover behind must to fighting Hang Chi and Ice Dream, burns again time blood essence, Lin Ming absolutely did not have what capital to fight with them. 三元聚顶来施展的天道裁决都被挡下来的话,那么林铭就只剩下最后一招,那就是燃烧生门精血,让自己达到最强状态,施展最后的攻击,然而这一击下来,虽然可能击伤君碧月,但是自己也会消耗极大,而且后面还要对战行痴冰梦,再燃烧一次精血,林铭根本就没有什么资本跟他们一战了。 Lin Ming in the heart surprised, but Jun Biyue surprised, this time he, looks pale at this time, the white hair is disorderly, his astonished looks to Lin Ming, „did you break my Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword unexpectedly?” 林铭心中吃惊,不过君碧月此时更吃惊,此时的他,面色苍白,白发凌乱,他惊异的看向林铭,“你竟然破了了我的阴阳灵神剑?” Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword, is the Jun Biyue card in a hand, is he and Lin Ming this fights depends on most greatly. 阴阳灵神剑,是君碧月的底牌,也是他与林铭这一战的最大倚仗。 How broke, you had not broken my Heavenly Dao Judgement! My most strikes, cannot injure to you.” Lin Ming thought oneself this surprised is, this war, he did not have the too big assurance. “破了又如何,你还不是破了我的天道裁决!我的最强一击,都没能伤到你。”林铭觉得自己才该吃惊才是,这一战,他已经没有太大把握。 Jun Biyue shakes the head, said: „Different, this war, I admit defeat!” 君碧月摇摇头,说道:“不一样的,这一战,我认输!” Jun Biyue said, turns around to walk toward stage, Lin Ming was shocked, several hundreds of millions audiences on the scene, were also ignorant including the referee group. 君碧月说完,转身向台下走去,林铭愣住了,在场数亿观众,包括裁判组也都懵了。 Admits defeat? 认输? Is the evenly matched scene, Jun Biyue actually admits defeat obviously? 明明是势均力敌的场面,君碧月竟然认输? Why do you admit defeat?” “你为何认输?” Lin Ming is incomprehensible. 林铭不可理解。 Jun Biyue does not return, faint True Essence Sound Transmission spreads to the ear of Lin Ming. 君碧月头也不回,淡漠的真元传音传入林铭的耳中。 I a moment ago that move, use is not my strength, but is Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword strength, this is handle Divine Sword, the might is infinite, very limited that's all that but I can transfer...... My draw support from the Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword strength, has actually fought to a draw with you, the necessity that has not fought again, I lost am sincerely convinced, hit again, was not your I am fighting, but was you are fighting with my sword.” “我刚才那一招,动用的不是我自己的力量,而是阴阳灵神剑本身的力量,这是一柄神剑,威力无穷,只是我能调用的十分有限罢了……我借助阴阳灵神剑的力量,却还跟你打成平手,已经没有再战下去的必要了,我输得心服口服,再打下去,不是你我在战斗,而是你在跟我的剑战斗。” Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword strength?” Lin Ming slightly one dull, so that's how it is, no wonder that he felt that Jun Biyue should be insufficient to be so strong, the strength that but he displays is above the imagination. 阴阳灵神剑本身的力量?”林铭微微一呆,原来如此,无怪他感觉君碧月应该不至于这么强,但是他发挥出的战力超乎想象。 „The weapon strength is in itself part of martial practitioner strength, you do not need to divide such clearly, all previous First Martial Meeting has also tacitly approved this point, otherwise must use the unification standard weapon.” 武器的力量本身就是武者实力的一部分,你无须分这么清楚的,历届第一会武也默认了这一点,否则就要使用统一制式的兵器了。” weapon and magic weapon are part of martial practitioner strength, this is the martial arts default unspoken rule, defeats the match by the weapon superiority, the even though victory not the military, but also is the undeniable fact. 武器、法宝都是武者实力的一部分,这是武学界默认的潜规则,以武器优势打败对手,虽然胜之不武,但也是不可否认的事实。 My sword...... Different.” Jun Biyue shakes the head, has not continued. “我的剑……不一样。”君碧月摇头,没有继续说下去。 Lin Ming, your I with belonging to Lower World ascended, I advised that your, do not think exceeds Ice Dream, she and we are different.” 林铭,你我同属于下界飞升者,我忠告你一句,不要想着胜过冰梦,她与我们不一样。” Un? You are Lower World ascended!?” “嗯?你是下界飞升者!?” Lin Ming was startled, is Jun Biyue unexpectedly Lower World ascended? 林铭吃了一惊,君碧月竟然是下界飞升者 After ascended enter Divine Realm, so long as the several years time, within the body True Essence and Divine Realm assimilation, could not see the difference, if Jun Biyue did not mention on own initiative, Lin Ming does not know really he unexpectedly was Lower World ascended. 飞升者进入神域之后,只要数年的时间,体内真元神域同化,就看不出来差异了,如果君碧月不主动说起,林铭真不知道他竟然是下界飞升者 Lower World ascended can arrive at this degree, may be called goes against heaven's will! 一个下界飞升者能够走到这种程度,堪称逆天! Very obviously, that handle sword in Jun Biyue hand played very major role. 很显然,君碧月手中的那柄剑起了很大作用。 You are really the destiny go against heaven's will.” “你真是气运逆天。” You are also same......” Jun Biyue to speak of here to sigh, the spoken language unexpectedly is some dejected cable/search. “你也一样……”君碧月说到这里叹了一口气,言语竟是有些萧索。 Lin Ming always felt that behind Jun Biyue has any story, but this matter, he impossible to ask. 林铭总感觉君碧月背后有什么故事,但是这种事,他也不可能去问。 Listens to your words, do you know Ice Dream something?” Lin Ming also felt that Ice Dream is somewhat special, but where is not clear specially, Ice Dream originally is very mysterious, how many people perhaps except for Divine Dream Heavenly Palace, not necessarily is clear including the Vast Universe Heavenly Palace people she, does Jun Biyue know? “听你的话,你知道冰梦的一些事情?”林铭也感到冰梦有些特别,但是并不清楚特别在哪里,冰梦原本就无比神秘,恐怕除了神梦天宫的几个人,连浩宇天宫的人都未必清楚她,君碧月怎么会知道? My sword told me.” “我的剑告诉我的。” Jun Biyue spoke these words, no longer talks too much, the stride goes down the arena. 君碧月说完这句话,不再多言,大步走下擂台。 Lin Ming was actually shocked, did his sword tell him? 林铭却愣住了,他的剑告诉他的? Thus it can be seen, Jun Biyue sword, inevitably formidable Artifact Spirit, is sword spirit! 由此可见,君碧月的剑,必然有一个强大的器灵,也就是剑灵 But this sword spirit, does not know that lived the glorious years, had the incomparably rich knowledge, this point solely can see through the profound and abstruse principles that on Ice Dream contained to know from it. 而这剑灵,不知道活了多悠久的岁月,拥有无比丰富的知识,这一点单单从它能看穿冰梦身上蕴含的玄机就能得知了。 This sword spirit certainly is the Jun Biyue teacher.” “这剑灵一定是君碧月的老师。” Lin Ming in the heart flashes through such thought that, why Jun Biyue so was so formidable can also understand, can perhaps be the teacher with sword spirit that Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit compared favorably with, can the progress not be fast? Otherwise Lower World does ascended, how possibly arrive this step? 林铭心中闪过这样的念头,如此,君碧月为何这么强大也可以理解了,有一个恐怕能跟苍天古印器灵媲美的剑灵当老师,进步能不快么?否则一个下界飞升者,怎么可能走到这一步? This war, Lin Ming victory!” “此战,林铭胜!” Hao Yuzi announced loudly. 浩宇子大声宣布道。 Lin Ming wins another victory! Until now, the audience maintained winning streaks person also remaining three Lin Ming, Ice Dream and Hang Chi! 林铭再下一城!到现在为止,全场保持连胜的人也剩下三个了林铭冰梦行痴 Won! Can Jun Biyue admitting defeat of unfathomable mystery? Turns on the water?” “又赢了!君碧月怎么会莫名其妙的认输?难道是放水?” Do not be silly, at this time how possibly some people turned on the water, Jun Biyue that move feared a moment ago overdraws the physical strength, moreover can only use one time, Lin Ming Heavenly Dao Judgement may use incessantly one time, when to Little Demon Xian has used twice, therefore Jun Biyue knows perfectly well not to beat, admits defeat, knew perfectly well that must lose also hits, might as well retain the physical strength to fighting Long Ya and Little Demon Xian, Jun Biyue has a little hopes that struggles a struggle with Little Demon Xian.” “别傻了,这个时候怎么可能有人放水,君碧月刚才那一招怕是透支体力,而且只能用一次,林铭天道裁决可不止用一次,对小魔仙时就用了两次,所以君碧月明知不敌,才认输的,明知必输还打,不如保留体力对战龙牙小魔仙,君碧月还是有那么一点希望跟小魔仙争一争的。” I look to hang, Lin Ming to fighting Little Demon Xian time, has burnt blood essence, may not have to Jun Biyue!” “我看悬,林铭对战小魔仙的时候,是燃烧了精血的,对君碧月可没有!” Lin Ming has become the rod of weight many expert strength, he besides Ice Dream and Hang Chi, has fought with other people. 不知不觉间,林铭成了衡量很多高手实力的标尺,他除了冰梦行痴之外,与其他人都交过手。 But that war, clashed to final law and energy a moment ago, presents besides the Saint Lord Realm above expert, is very ugly understands, as for Yin Yang Spirit Divine Sword energy circulation, even if World King expert cannot look through. 而刚才那一战,到最后的法则、能量对撞,在场除了圣主境界以上的高手之外,很难看得明白,至于阴阳灵神剑本身的能量流转,就算界王强者也看不破。 Thank 感谢 00 total pledges 100,000 gain across the board once more, thanked. 00总盟的再次100000飘红,非常感谢。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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