MP :: Volume #55

#5427: 10,000 main roads

The sea celestial phenomenon strength of undercurrent washout is very powerful, does not draw support from body of Yang Kai dragon vein not to have the confidence to resist. 大海天象中的暗流冲刷之力很强大,不借助龙脉之身杨开也没信心抵挡。 Lifted the hand to offer a sacrifice to Azure Dragon Spear, Yang Kai shouted the one breath lightly, oneself will adjust the best condition. 抬手又祭出了苍龙枪,杨开轻呼一口气,将自身调整到最好的状态。 Rushes ahead from this River of Time, Yang Kai the heart moves suddenly, in the mind braves a thought. 正要从这时光之河中冲杀出去的时候,杨开忽然又心头一动,脑海中冒出来一个念头。 This remaining ten zhang (3.33 m) River of Time feared blessing for a long time is too shatter under other undercurrent impacts in all directions, when the time comes this River of Time really must vanish thoroughly. 这剩下十丈的时光之河在其他暗流四面八方的冲击下恐怕加持不了太久就要破碎,到时候这一条时光之河就真的要彻底消失了。 Ten zhang (3.33 m) River of Time, is not long, but contained the strength of many time, can own take in Small Universe it? 十丈的时光之河,不算长,可是其中却蕴藏了不少时间之力,自己能不能将它收进小乾坤中? This thought jumps, Yang Kai secure continuously being ready to make trouble in heart. 这个念头蹦出来,杨开怎么也安奈不住心中的蠢蠢欲动。 But the strength of that time to him good thing, if really can receive Small Universe, fusion absorption, to some practice also help of his Principle of Time. 时间之力对他而言可是好东西,真要是能收入小乾坤,将之融合吸收,对他时间之道修行也有一些助益。 No longer hesitant, Yang Kai opens the Small Universe gateway instantaneously, the Spiritual Mind surging four directions, that short River of Time package, forcefully in hauling in gateway. 不再犹豫,杨开瞬间敞开小乾坤的门户,神念涌动四方,将那短短的时光之河包裹,强行将之拉进门户内。 Next flickers, the Yang Kai complexion big change, closes up hurriedly the Small Universe gateway, the world mighty force stimulation of movement, pours into Azure Dragon Spear. 下一瞬,杨开脸色大变,匆忙合拢小乾坤的门户,天地伟力催动,灌入苍龙枪中。 Dragon Roar crack, the Azure Dragon Spear protection changes to a big dragon, breaks open the blockade of front front together undercurrent, leading Yang Kai to go toward the forward-swept. 龙吟炸响,苍龙枪防护化作一条巨龙,破开前方前方一道暗流的封锁,引领杨开朝前掠去。 Close Dragon Scales above, the flame scatters, Yang Kai eats the pain low roar, Dragon Blood whirlwind flies. 细密的龙鳞之上,火光四溅,杨开吃痛低吼,龙血飚飞。 Even if the strength compared beforehand had some progress, fell into the undercurrent, Yang Kai instantaneous cut and bruised. 纵然实力相较之前有了一些长进,落入暗流之中,杨开还是瞬间遍体鳞伤。 He closes tightly jaw, the vision is firm and resolute, the body moves along with the spear/gun, shuttles back and forth in the mysterious undercurrent one after another, at the same time, Spiritual Mind spreads out all over, nosing four directions. 他咬紧牙关,目光坚毅,身随枪动,在一道又一道玄妙的暗流之中穿梭,与此同时,神念铺展,查探四方。 He must look for River of Time to come out again, only then found River of Time, he has the possibility of returning alive, otherwise is doomed by that undercurrent to be obliterated lethal! 他要再找一条时光之河出来,只有找到时光之河,他才有生还的可能,否则注定要被那一道道暗流磨灭致死! During Spiritual Mind is also wearing down unceasingly, the ache is hard to endure. 神念也在不断地消磨之中,疼痛难忍。 Covers entirely close Dragon Scales of body surface also in one to whirl around piece by piece, subsequently was obliterated. 布满体表的细密龙鳞也在一片片翻卷,继而被磨灭。 Short the 5 minutes time, Yang Kai has then become blood bottle gourd, almost does not have together complete place from top to bottom, however he actually cannot find River of Time. 短短不过半盏茶功夫,杨开便已成了血葫芦,浑身上下几乎没有一块完好的地方,然而他却并没能找到时光之河 Also half double-hour, the Yang Kai whole body flesh has lost the most, bone reveal outside, seemingly pitifully. 又过半个时辰,杨开浑身血肉已失去大半,大片大片的骨头露在外面,看起来凄惨至极。 His aura also in rapid feeble, as if the candlelight in wind and rain, is possibly put out momentarily. 他的气息也在迅速衰弱,仿佛风雨中的烛火,随时都可能熄灭。 At present a fuzziness, Spiritual Mind is also unsustainable, each stimulation of movement, has a tear pain. 眼前一片模糊,神念也是难以持续,每一次催动,都有一种撕裂般的痛楚。 He dismal, the previous luck is good, finally the moment clears the way with the aid of dragon bead, intrudes that nine thousand feet (333 m) River of Time, perhaps this time did not have good luck that. 他内心一片悲凉,上次运气好,最后关头借助龙珠开道,才闯入那九百丈时光之河,这次恐怕没有那么好运了。 Moreover, although dragon bead experiences nearly 200 years of training, still without getting back, words that many cracks, use again, not being able to do well was shattered. 而且,龙珠虽然经历近两百年的修养,依然没有恢复过来,还有许多裂缝,再次动用的话,搞不好就要破碎。 When this dead end, Yang Kai detects not far away together undercurrent suddenly the tranquility. 就在这穷途末路之时,杨开陡然察觉不远处一道暗流的平静。 Another River of Time. 又一条时光之河 He is overjoyed, holds a gun to advance toward that side hastily. 他大喜过望,连忙持枪朝那边突进。 After more than ten breaths, he has rushed to the blockades of two undercurrents, throws into this undercurrent, hurried sensation, determines in this undercurrent not to have the danger, this falls down, faints. 十几息后,他闯过两道暗流的封锁,一头扎进这暗流之中,匆忙感知一番,确定这暗流之中没有危险,这才一头栽倒,昏了过去。 Two years later, the Yang Kai injury restores, is ready and waiting. 两年之后,杨开伤势恢复,整装待发。 Although this second undercurrent does not have murderous intention, is actually not River of Time that he thinks, here does not have the time to flood. 这第二道暗流虽然没有杀机,却并不是他以为的时光之河,这里并没有时光之里充斥。 This is river of the natural main road. 这是一条自然大道之河。 Also must be longer than previous time River of Time, has about two thousand zhang (6.666m) fully. 比上次的时光之河还要长,足有两千丈左右。 Pitifully this main road does not only suit him, therefore, he besides healing, was studies the own final moment to receive Small Universe that ten zhang (3.33 m) River of Time in the two years here. 只可惜这条大道并不适合他,所以这两年来,他除了在这里疗伤之外,便是研究自己最后关头收入小乾坤的那十丈时光之河了。 That ten zhang (3.33 m) River of Time was received in Small Universe by him, the Domain deduction of time main road, the strength of time was held the absorption by Small Universe all, making him have some sensibility on the time main road. 那十丈时光之河被他收入小乾坤中,时间大道的意境演绎,时间之力被小乾坤尽数容纳吸收,让他在时间大道上又有了一些感悟。 Are not many, the better than nothing, he comprehends after all for a year in River of Time, must consume 40-50 zhang (3.33 m) length. 不多,聊胜于无,毕竟他在时光之河中参悟一年,也要消耗40-50丈的长度。 The short ten zhang (3.33 m) cannot bring the too big promotion to him. 短短十丈并不能给他带来太大的提升。 However Yang Kai actually inquired about another practice way. 不过杨开却是从中探寻到了另外一种修行的方式。 Each undercurrent in this sea celestial phenomenon is an evolution of main road, absorbs to refine the strength of main road no doubt to make own promote, but takes in Small Universe them directly, refining up the speed of absorption to be as if quicker. 这大海天象中的每一道暗流都是一种大道的演化,在其中吸收炼化大道之力固然可以让自己有所提升,可直接将它们收进小乾坤,炼化吸收的速度似乎更快一些。 The nature said that he does not have practice, in the middle of martial artist that he contacts, only has Free and Unfettered Paradise martial artist to browse to this main road very deeply, that Ning Daoran practice is the say/way of nature, agreeing without consultation world main road, what believed is the good fortune nature, governs by non-interference, martial artist of practice natural main road, quite one makings of dust, this point is Yang Kai is too difficult to learn. 自然之道他没有修行过,他所接触的武者当中,唯有逍遥福地武者对这条大道涉猎很深,那宁道然修行的便是自然之道,举手投足间都暗合天地大道,信奉的是造化自然,无为而治,修行自然大道的武者,颇有一股出尘的气质,这一点是杨开学不来的。 However before having, gathers the experience of ten zhang (3.33 m) River of Time, Yang Kai wants to know, if own received the river of say/way of this two thousand zhang (6.666m) nature, will build up the fusion Small Universe, own will have achievements on the say/way of nature. 不过有了之前收取十丈时光之河的经验,杨开很想知道,自己若是收了这两千丈自然之道的大河,将之炼化融合进小乾坤的话,自己是不是在自然之道上也会有所建树。 If really so, that this sea celestial phenomenon to him, but incessantly a River of Time advantage was so simple. 若真如此的话,那这大海天象对他而言,可就不止时光之河一个好处这么简单了。 So long as gathers and refining up the undercurrent quantity to be many enough, he can definitely achieve myriad main roads to dissolve the normalizing body. 只要收取和炼化的暗流数量足够多,他完全可以做到万千大道溶归一体。 martial artist must determine direction that one said that was mainly because the energy was limited, the main road was infinite, only then had enough study on some main road, can have an achievement, if the practice main road quantity were too many, finally will only degenerate into the era abandoned baby. 武者之所以要确定自身道的方向,主要是因为精力有限,大道无穷,只有在某一条大道上有足够的钻研,才能有所成就,若是修行的大道数量太多,最终只会沦为时代的弃儿。 The tour of main road, being valued in essence, but are not many. 大道之行,贵在精而不多。 The Yang Kai practice main road has several types, Principle of Space, Principle of Time, Spear Principle, Pill Way, the say/way of Item Refining, even can say that Formation Principle he has also browsed, after all in the Pill Refining Item Refining process, needs to use some Formation. 杨开修行的大道有好几种,空间之道,时间之道,枪道,丹道,炼器之道,甚至可以说阵道他也有所涉猎,毕竟炼丹炼器的过程中,需要用到一些阵法 However main road that he finishes only then three types, space, time and Spear Principle, Pill Way that even if was skilled in long ago, is still left uncultivated by him now. 不过他精修的大道只有三种,空间,时间枪道,即便是早些年精通的丹道,如今也被他荒废了。 Because the energy is really limited, the impossible each main road to spend massive time to study diligently. 因为精力实在有限,不可能每一种大道都花费大量时间去钻研。 But the strangeness of this sea celestial phenomenon, actually had this possibility to him. 可这大海天象的诡异,却给他生出了这种可能。 If really can myriad main roads dissolve the normalizing body, Yang Kai does not know that will have anything. 真若是能万千大道溶归一体,杨开也不知道会发生什么。 Before having had, gathers the experience of that ten zhang (3.33 m) River of Time, this time a river that gathers this natural main road wants there is no issue, although two thousand zhang (6.666m) is not short, to be relative to the Small Universe mass, is really not anything. 有过之前收取那十丈时光之河的经验,这次收取这条自然大道的长河想来没什么问题,两千丈虽然不短,可相对于小乾坤的体量来说,实在不算什么。 Opens the Small Universe gateway, Spiritual Mind surges, the river package of this two thousand zhang (6.666m) natural main road, pulls the passing through the gate indoors it. 敞开小乾坤的门户,神念涌动,将这两千丈自然大道的长河包裹,将其拉扯进门户内。 Short 20 breath times, the two thousand zhang (6.666m) river has then vanished does not see. 短短不过二十息功夫,两千丈大河便已消失不见。 Yang Kai also noses without enough time the change of Small Universe, all around undercurrent then sweeps across again. 杨开也来不及查探自身小乾坤的变化,四周暗流便再一次席卷而来。 One such as two years ago, Yang Kai Azure Dragon Spear clears the way, close Dragon Scales covers entirely the whole body to do to protect, breaks open the undercurrent blockade, plunders to keep anxiously. 一如两年前,杨开苍龙枪开道,细密龙鳞布满全身以作防护,破开暗流封锁,急掠不停。 According to the beforehand experience, he must find the appropriate foothold in half double-hour, otherwise possibly cannot support. 按照之前的经验,他必须在半个时辰内找到合适的落脚点,否则就可能撑不住。 Is good he also knows because of the present, in this sea celestial phenomenon, always some undercurrent not bad risks, therefore want the luck are not too bad, can always find the safe place conditioning, conserves strength again set out. 好在如今他也知晓,这大海天象内,总有一些暗流不那么凶险的,所以只要运气不是太差,总能找到安全的地方修整,养精蓄锐再出发 So ten years later, Yang Kai repaired and maintained one after another five times, gathered five different main roads, finally in sixth time in undercurrent that intrudes River of Time. 如此十年之后,杨开陆陆续续修整了五次,收取了五条不同的大道,终在第六次闯入一条时光之河的暗流中。 He is overjoyed, in the ten years had not found second River of Time, done he also thinks that could not find again. 他大喜过望,这十年来没找到第二条时光之河,搞的他还以为再找不到了。 Now since can find second, that can find third, so long as there is enough time and an energy. 如今既然能找到第二条,那就能找到第三条,只要有足够的时间和精力。 The old rule, advancing healing is important. 老规矩,先行疗伤要紧。 When the injury almost restored, he has free time to nose this River of Time situation. 待伤势差不多恢复了,他才有空查探这条时光之河的情况。 To be longer, fully thousand three thousand feet (999 m) previous time River of Time about, according to own practice one year consumes five zhang (3.33 m) rule, this River of Time enough supported his practice 200 50-60 years! 比上次的时光之河要长一些,足有一千三百丈左右,按照自己修行一年消耗五丈的规律来看,这条时光之河足够支撑他修行两百50-60年了! Yang Kai, takes out the practice resources to start to refine joyfully hastily. 杨开欣喜不已,连忙取出修行资源开始炼化。 Although in the sea celestial phenomenon can be said as everywhere the buried treasure, but he still had not forgotten that own primary mission, that promotes 8-Rank at the maximum speed, only has own background to be powerful, really powerful, other is only next. 虽然大海天象中可以说是处处宝藏,但他依然没有忘记自己的主要任务,那就是以最快的速度晋升八品,唯有自身的底蕴强大,才是真的强大,其他的都只是其次。 But wants to grow stronger rapidly, River of Time is the key. 而想要迅速变强,时光之河便是关键。 Refining up the commodity , to promote Small Universe background, Yang Kai while immersion mind, all sorts of changes of nosing Small Universe. 一边炼化物资,提升自身小乾坤底蕴,杨开一边沉浸心神,查探小乾坤的种种变化。 This more than ten years, is counted the river of that natural main road, he gathered from all sides altogether had the rivers of six main road, the length varies. 这十多年来,算上那条自然大道之河,他前前后后收取了共有六条大道之河,长度不一。 Now the rivers of these six main roads have vanished do not see, refining up for him. 如今这六条大道之河都已经消失不见,为他炼化。 The strength of all sorts of mysterious main roads in that main road contains, immerses into Small Universe, fuses together with Small Universe. 那大道之中蕴藏的种种玄妙大道之力,也都沉浸入小乾坤中,与小乾坤融为一体。 The Small Universe world, had/left some Yang Kai , before from this has never browsed main road Principle Mark. 小乾坤的世界,由此多出了一些杨开以前从未涉猎过的大道道痕 The length of river of main road, decided the strong and weak of strength of main road, indirectly affected him the achievements on these main roads. 大道之河的长短,决定了大道之力的强弱,间接影响了他在这几种大道上的成就。 According to he's division to the main road level, he has on these main roads now has almost the 2-layer initial peeping the entrance degree. 按照他自身对大道层次的划分,如今他在这几条大道上都有差不多有第二层初窥门庭的程度了。 The different main roads are corresponding the different principles, attainments of Yang Kai on these main roads is very low, because of them change Yang Kai incessantly. 不同的大道对应着不同的法则,杨开在这几条大道上的造诣还很低,但因它们而改变的不止杨开本身。 Small Universe. 还有小乾坤 Yang Kai felt faintly own Small Universe had some subtle changes, but this change was too small, to his master cannot see too. 杨开隐隐感觉自身的小乾坤有了一些微妙的变化,但这种变化实在太小了,小到他这个主人都看不出太多。 Perhaps only then refining up the rivers of more main road, can make the change of Small Universe more remarkable. Only what is certain, this change to Small Universe is the good deed. 或许只有炼化更多的大道之河,才能让小乾坤的变化更加显著。唯一可以肯定的是,这种变化对小乾坤而言是好事。 In the Yang Kai heart fiery, this sea celestial phenomenon, perhaps is the biggest buried treasure that he discovers until now, is the buried treasure of this entire entire world. 杨开心中一片火热,这大海天象,或许是他迄今为止发现的最大宝藏,也是这整个寰宇的宝藏。 Is not clear that sheep's head Royal Lord rushes to discover this point, Black Ink Clan practice and Human Race are different, sheep's head Royal Lord discovered even, perhaps still has no use. 就是不清楚那羊头王主有没有闯进来发现这一点,不过墨族修行人族不同,羊头王主就算发现了,恐怕也没什么用处。 But obtained the this kind of advantage, Yang Kai also no longer limited to only practice in River of Time. 而得了这样的好处,杨开也不再局限于只在时光之河修行了。 Regularly he then runs to receive several undercurrents, turns back to continue practice again. 隔三差五他便跑出去收几条暗流,再折返回来继续修行 However like this makes many risks, surging of undercurrent transforms is extremely quick, if he cannot return promptly, River of Time must vanish in his sensation. 不过这样做多少有些风险,暗流的涌动变换极快,若他不能及时返回的话,时光之河就要消失在他的感知中了。 Therefore the undercurrent that he gathers each time are not many, circling is so, harvests greatly. 所以他每次收取的暗流都不算多,绕是如此,也收获巨大。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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