MP :: Volume #55

#5426: Having no alternative

To understand all these, Yang Kai could not bear grin to smile suddenly, the initial sound was very low is very light, but gradually became bold, the own eye tears that smiled flowed quickly. 想明白了这一切,杨开忽然忍不住咧嘴笑了起来,初始声音还很低很轻,可是逐渐就变得豪放起来,直笑的自己眼泪水都快流出来了。 The luck the calamity relies on, the calamity the luck relies on. 福兮祸之所倚,祸兮福之所倚。 His also didn't expect, to get rid of chasing down of that sheep's head Royal Lord, the adventure penetrates in this sea celestial phenomenon, will intrude in a world dust-laden buried treasure unexpectedly. 他也没想到,为了摆脱那羊头王主的追杀,冒险深入这大海天象之内,竟会无意间闯入一处天地尘封的宝藏中。 Right, undercurrents in this sea celestial phenomenon, absolutely are the buried treasures that the world gives, this is the mystery of good fortune, the cause of the world. 没错,这大海天象中的一道道暗流,绝对是天地赋予的宝藏,这是造化的神奇,天地的伟业。 Yang Kai really wants to thank well that sheep's head Royal Lord, the reluctance to part that if not for he pursues in behind is not bountiful, his where has today the this kind of chance. 杨开真想好好感谢一下那羊头王主,若不是他在后面追的依依不饶,他哪有今日这样的机缘。 He promotes 7-Rank is about several hundred years of time, even if oneself Small Universe condition is more liberal than other Open Heaven Stage, has World Tree subtree suppress and seal Small Universe, practice speed by far others, but must promote 8-Rank , will still be never. 他晋升七品不过数百年时间,纵然自身小乾坤的条件比其他开天境更加优渥,更有世界树子树封镇小乾坤,修行速度远胜旁人,可要晋升八品,也依然遥遥无期。 He was supposing at least at least also needs about 2,000 years. 他估摸着最起码最起码也需要两千年左右。 2,000 years, was extremely to him long. 两千年,对他而言太过漫长了。 Yang Kai previously also some headaches, how can raise the practice speed, will soon promote 8-Rank, he even lives to seek that Great Ruins Boundary, looks for World Tree to ask for a high-rank World Fruit thought. 杨开此前还有些头疼,如何才能提升修炼的速度,早日晋升八品,他甚至都生出去寻那太墟境,找世界树讨一枚上品世界果的念头。 However Great Ruins Boundary then does not have the trace since the ancient times indistinctly, the previous time can enter is also the accident of sorts, wants to go in again is also easier said than done? 然而太墟境自古以来便缥缈无踪,上次能够进入也是机缘巧合,再想进去又谈何容易? Let alone, even if really entered Great Ruins Boundary, that World Tree will really give him high-rank World Fruit? 更何况,就算真的进了太墟境,那世界树真会给他一枚上品世界果 This thing is like black ink, is the world's most ancient life, if it does not give, Yang Kai estimated that own is not its opponent. 这玩意可是与墨一样,是世上最古老的生灵,它若不给,杨开估计自己也不是它对手。 Was then good, had River of Time, does not need to promote 8-Rank worries. 这下好了,有了时光之河,再不用为晋升八品而发愁。 Does not know that oneself body River of Time, with the time proportion is many, all around Time Principle is rich, wants to come is not lower than ten. 就是不知道己身所处的这一条时光之河,与外界的时间比例是多少,四周时间法则还算浓郁,想来不会低于十。 In other words , his here ten years, at most also one year. 换言之,他在这里十年,外界顶多也就一年而已。 He can definitely here relieved practice, until promoting 8-Rank that moment. 他完全可以在这里安心修行,直到晋升八品的那一刻。 Now 7-Rank Open Heaven, he is not that sheep's head Royal Lord opponent, but can actually escape in the opposite party hand/subordinate reluctantly, if can promote 8-Rank, even the can be victorious opposite party, that sheep's head Royal Lord still gave up any idea of that again how takes him. 如今七品开天,他不是那羊头王主的对手,不过却能在对方手下勉强逃生,若是能晋升八品,就算打不过对方,那羊头王主也休想再拿他怎样。 Yang Kai heart fiery, takes out various resources to start to refine immediately, he is worried about another issue now actually. 杨开心头一片火热,当即取出各种资源开始炼化,他如今倒是担心另外一个问题。 Do the resources on own, suffice to promote 8-Rank? 自己手上的资源,够晋升八品吗? practice resources huge that he saved, enough he promotes 8-Rank also to have more than enough to spare extremely, after all these years he cannot loot many Black Ink Clan territories, captured a lot of commodities. 原本他积攒的修行资源极为庞大,足够他晋升八品还绰绰有余,毕竟这些年他洗劫不过不少墨族的领土,收缴了大量物资。 However previously dark green begged the resources restore the time, Yang Kai gave him some. 不过此前苍讨要资源恢复的时候,杨开给了他一些。 In addition recently these years, for escapes from sheep's head Royal Lord, used many blue crystal and yellow crystal, the consumption of resources of Yin-Yang Attribute is somewhat serious. 再加上最近这些年为了从羊头王主手下逃生,动用了不少蓝晶和黄晶,阴阳属行的资源消耗有些严重。 The five elements resources are absolutely sufficient, Yang Kai feared that feared the consumption of resources of Yin-Yang Attribute is clean, own was unable to promote 8-Rank, that may make head hurt. 五行资源绝对是够用的,杨开怕就怕阴阳属行的资源消耗干净,自己还不能晋升八品,那可就让人头疼了。 However now is worried that these are also useless, enough, naturally knew when the time comes. 不过现在担心这些也无用,够不够的,到时候自然就知道了。 Under the strength stimulation of movement, one set of Yin-Yang Five Elements resources were built up rapidly, is the Yang Kai absorption, changes to Small Universe background. 力量催动之下,一套阴阳五行资源迅速被炼化,为杨开吸收,化作小乾坤底蕴 Open Heaven Stage martial artist refining up the speed of resources to have slow quickly, when the basic reason then lies in Emperor Senior Stage the Principle Seal firm degree of condensing. 开天境武者炼化资源的速度有快有慢,根本原因便在于帝尊境时凝聚的道印的坚稳程度。 Principle Seal is firm, refining up the speed is naturally faster. 道印越是坚稳,炼化的速度自然就越快。 Even if same rank Open Heaven Stage, refining up the speed of resources is still different, good that the foundation hits, building up the resources is quicker, the growth is also so more rapid, continuously for a long time hence will get down, the powerhouse is naturally stronger. 所以即便是相同品阶开天境,炼化资源的速度也是不同的,根基打的好,炼化资源就更快一些,如此成长也更为迅速,长此以往下去,强者自然就越强。 Principle Seal that Yang Kai condensed initially can bear the strength impact of 7-Rank resources, is building up speed of resources, takes a broad view at entire 3000 Worlds, can place on a par with him, peerless rare talent who also only then these ten thousand years. 杨开当初凝聚的道印可是能够承受七品资源的力量冲击,在炼化资源的速度方面,放眼整个三千世界,能与他相提并论的,也只有那些万年不出的绝世奇才。 But he has 7-Rank Open Heaven background now, one set of 5-Rank resources, short several days were consumed cleanly. 而他如今更有七品开天底蕴,一套五品的资源,短短不过数日便被消耗干净。 Yang Kai takes out one set of Yin-Yang Five Elements complete resources again. 杨开再取出一套阴阳五行齐全的资源来。 practice date and time always bored arid, but the increase of that strength actually exists, moreover inspires joyfully. 修行的时日总是无聊枯燥的,但那力量的提升却是真实存在而且让人欢欣鼓舞的。 Even if again how bored arid, martial artist to promote oneself, is still glad to close up practice, dozens for several hundred years, safely are often motionless. 所以即便再怎么无聊枯燥,武者为了提升自身,也乐意去闭关修行,往往数十上百年如一日,安然不动。 Once immerses during the increase of that strength, will then not feel anything again aridly tasteless. 而一旦沉浸在那力量的提升之中,便不会再感受到什么枯燥乏味。 So less than half year later, the wound on Yang Kai flesh body has basically been healed, although Spiritual Mind harms as before, but there is Mild Soul Lotus to nourish, does not need Yang Kai to worry. 如此小半年后,杨开肉身上的创伤基本已经痊愈,神念虽然依旧有损,不过有温神莲滋养,无需杨开去操心。 Only dragon bead appears crack full arrange/cloth as before, but there is a previous experience, Yang Kai also knows that patching of dragon bead cannot be anxious, this need dragon vein warm and nourish slowly, perhaps several hundred years later it naturally can become has no time clearly. 唯独一个龙珠依旧显得裂缝满布,不过有过上次的经验,杨开也知道龙珠的修补急不得,这需要自身龙脉的慢慢温养,或许数百年后它自然就能重新变得圆润无暇。 Another set of consumption of resources is clean, Yang Kai seized the chance to open the view, silently sensation an all around situation. 又一套资源消耗干净,杨开趁机睁开了眼帘,默默地感知了一下四周的情况。 The brow wrinkles slightly. 眉头微微皱起。 He discovered some unusual changes. 他发现了一些不同寻常的变化。 In the half year time, he is not only building up the resources to promote itself, diverts attention two to use, with the aid of this place River of Time Time Principle, comprehends to verify itself practice on Principle of Time. 这半年时间,他不但在炼化资源提升自身,同时也分心二用,借助此地时光之河时间法则,参悟印证自身在时间之道上的修行 The harvest is big. 收获不小。 Its Dragon Clan bloodlines natural talent is the time main road, in dragon pool, his dragon vein growth is the body of 7,000 zhang (23,333m) Ancient Dragon, the strength of dragon vein increases, Principle of Time also took a stride, time arrives in the 7th-layer time from 6-layer, only misses a level from Principle of Space 8th-layer. 本身龙族的血脉天赋便是时间大道,在龙潭之中,他的龙脉成长为七千丈古龙之躯,龙脉之力大增,时间之道也跨出了一大步,从第六层次抵达第七层次,距离空间之道第八层也只差一个层次。 But that is not his limit. 但那远不是他的极限。 The River of Time time speed of flow and outside world are different , because here is flooding the strength of rich time, that is the deduction of most ancient say/way. 时光之河之所以时间流速与外界不同,就是因为这里充斥着浓郁的时间之力,那是最古老的道的演绎。 The strength of that time is washing out the Yang Kai's body and mind always, this washout does not have the shadow invisible, if not practice Time Principle cannot feel, even if will enter here not to detect what unusuality, perhaps only then after departure, will understand in River of Time unusual of time speed of flow. 时间之力无时无刻不在冲刷着杨开的身心,这种冲刷无影无形,若不修行时间法则是感受不到的,就算进了这里也不会察觉到什么异常,或许只有在离开之后,才会明白时光之河时间流速的与众不同。 But Yang Kai can actually comprehend stamped pass to study with the aid of this washout, even can also refine the strength of absorption here time , to promote itself the attainments on time main road. 杨开却可以借助这种冲刷来参悟印照自身所学,甚至还可以炼化吸收这里的时间之力,增进自身在时间大道上的造诣。 In the half year, he also does. 这半年来,他也是这么干的。 However now he actually suddenly discovers, this River of Time as if shortened. 然而如今他却忽然发现,这条时光之河似乎变短了一些。 Undercurrents in this sea celestial phenomenon have the length. Although does not have careful nosing, but oneself body River of Time, when just came in had almost nine thousand feet (333 m) short about, now unexpectedly 50 zhang (3.33 m). 这大海天象中的一道道暗流也是有长度的。虽然没有仔细查探,可己身所处的时光之河,在刚进来的时候差不多有九百丈左右,如今居然短了五十丈。 Is because go into here, because refining up the absorption? 是因为自身闯入这里,还是因为炼化吸收? Yang Kai not very clear, slightly hesitates, his time no longer comprehends Principle of Time, but wholly-absorbed practice gets up. 杨开不太清楚,略一沉吟,他这次不再去参悟时间之道,而是专心修行起来。 Also is six months later, Yang Kai opening eyes sensation four directions. 又是半年后,杨开睁眼感知四方。 The length in this River of Time was also short, but this time situation previous time is not serious, only short about 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) appearance, change, although is not big, but Yang Kai has a mind to pay attention, how also unable to detect. 时光之河中的长度又短了一些,只不过这次的情况没有上次那么严重,只短了2-3丈左右的样子,变化虽然不大,可杨开有心留意,又岂会察觉不到。 The this kind of change made Yang Kai understand clearly something indistinctly. 这样的变化让杨开隐约洞悉了一些东西。 Evidently own intrusion refining up the absorption, will cause reduction of this River of Time. 看样子之无论是自身的闯入还是炼化吸收,都会导致这一条时光之河的缩短。 In other words , so long as own places in this River of Time, will consume this River of Time wonderful strength, it steadily will reduce, after all at that time the strength of light was washing out own always, this causes the time speed of flow and outside world is different. 换言之,只要自己身处在这时光之河内,就会消耗这时光之河的神妙力量,它会不断地缩短下去,毕竟那时光之力无时无刻不在冲刷着自己,这才导致此间的时间流速与外界不同。 own practice a half year, reduced about 2-3 zhang (3.33 m), perhaps one year takes five zhang (3.33 m), if the practice 100-200 years, this River of Time didn't have? 自己修行半年,缩短了2-3丈左右,一年恐怕要五丈,若是修行100-200年呢,这时光之河岂不是没有了? If the middle refining up the strength of absorption time again, could support time that to be shorter. 若是中间再炼化吸收其中的时间之力,或许能够支撑的时间更短。 Yang Kai complexion one black. 杨开脸色一黑。 He also planned to hide in this River of Time, at least goes out practice to 8-Rank Open Heaven again, but now looks like, this River of Time also insists less than 200 years of time at most. 他原本还打算躲在这时光之河中,最起码修行八品开天再出关,可如今看来,这一条时光之河顶多也就坚持两百年不到的时间 200 years of insufficiently he promotes 8-Rank from the start. 两百年压根不够他晋升八品的。 This may should do. 这可如何是好。 However changes mind thinks, this sea celestial phenomenon mass huge, the internal undercurrent are innumerable, River of Time, not necessarily does not have second, even this River of Time did not have, he can definitely seek for second article of coming out, so long as there are 56 this kind of River of Time support, he has to promote the hope of 8-Rank! 不过转念一想,这大海天象体量庞大,内部暗流无数,有一条时光之河,未必就没有第二条,就算这一条时光之河没了,他完全可以去寻找第二条出来,只要有五六条这样的时光之河支撑,他就有晋升八品的希望! Nowadays, the promotion strength is main, that sheep's head Royal Lord does not know that chases down, if chased down, perhaps had meeting time. 现如今,提升实力才是最主要的,那羊头王主不知道有没有追杀进来,若是追杀进来了,或许有碰面的时候。 Furthermore, things will eventually sort themselves out, considers now too many will only make own timid and hesitant. 再者说,车到山前必有路,如今考虑太多只会让自己束手束脚。 Yang Kai calms down, no longer refining up absorption this River of Time the strength of time, but is wholly-absorbed practice. 杨开定下心来,不再去炼化吸收这时光之河时间之力,而是专心修行 Resources one after another were consumed, year by year elapses. 一套又一套的资源被消耗,一年又一年逝去。 With the Yang Kai guess, his here practice one year of time, River of Time must reduce five zhang (3.33 m) probably. 杨开猜测的一样,他这里修行一年时间,时光之河大概就要缩短五丈。 Yang Kai gradually forgot all, immersing is individually uncorrectable in practice. 杨开逐渐忘记了外界的一切,沉浸在修行之中不可自拔。 If such long time practice, he has also never experienced until now, besides most starts many some not to adapt, as gradual increase of own Small Universe background, he was also used to it slowly. 如这样长时间修行,他迄今为止还从未经历过,除了最开始多少有些不适应之外,但随着自身小乾坤底蕴的逐渐增加,他也慢慢习惯了。 More than 160 years later, Yang Kai in practice is being awakened by a change. 一百六十多年之后,正在修行中的杨开被一阵异动惊醒。 Opens eyes to look hurriedly, saw only oneself body River of Time only to be left over short less than ten zhang (3.33 m) unexpectedly, an original long river, turned at this moment existence that only had ten zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area. 匆忙睁眼望去,只见己身所处的这一条时光之河竟只剩下短短不到十丈了,原本的一条长长大河,此刻变成了只有十丈方圆的存在。 Seeming like because the length is too short, is somewhat hard to support, creakies in making a harassing attack of all around other undercurrents. 似乎是因为长度太短,有些难以支撑下去,在四周其他暗流的袭扰之中摇摇欲坠。 Yang Kai can feel, there is Domain that in other undercurrents contains to break through the blockade of River of Time, infiltrates. 杨开能感受到,有其他暗流中蕴藏的意境突破时光之河的封锁,渗透进来。 His complexion changes, receives that set not to build up the clean resources hastily, stands up. 他脸色微变,连忙收起那一套没有炼化干净的资源,站起身来。 Was the time leaves this River of Time! 是时候离开这一条时光之河了! Although knows sooner or later, may work as this naive oncoming, Yang Kai is somewhat moved. 尽管知道早晚有这么一天,可当这一天真的来临的时候,杨开还是有些怅然若失。 His not clear can own also find second River of Time, perhaps in this sea undercurrent so the bad risk, did not wait for him to find second River of Time then to die in somewhere the undercurrent. 不清楚自己还能不能找到第二条时光之河,这大海暗流内如此凶险,或许不等他找到第二条时光之河便要死在某处暗流中了。 However now he has no alternative. 然而如今他别无选择。 Urges the strength of dragon vein, the Yang Kai skin surface to reappear immediately close Dragon Scales, on the eyelid is no exception, whole person instant time becomes golden light to be shining. 默催龙脉之力,杨开皮肤表面立刻浮现出细密龙鳞,就连眼皮上也不例外,整个人霎时间变得金光灿灿。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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