MP :: Volume #55

#5425: River of Time

Dragon Clan dragon bead on such as Monster Beast Core, is the crystallization of life practice, will not easily offer a sacrifice, once offers a sacrifice to then not dead the continuous bureau. 龙族龙珠就如妖兽内丹,是一生修行的结晶,轻易不会祭出,而一旦祭出便是不死不休之局。 Offering a sacrifice to dragon bead attacks the enemy might to be no doubt powerful directly, but will also be very easy to make dragon bead damage, once dragon bead will be stave, the strength of that dragon vein will become without the wood of root, the water without a source, will pass sooner or later cleanly. 祭出龙珠直接攻敌威力固然强大,可也很容易会让龙珠损坏,一旦龙珠破碎,那一身龙脉之力都将成为无根之木,无源之水,早晚流逝干净。 Yang Kai once offered a sacrifice to dragon bead to strike to kill heavily damaged Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, dragon bead has therefore been damaged, making his training many years be able to restore. 杨开曾祭出龙珠击杀过一位重创的墨族域主,龙珠因此受损,让他修养了好多年才得以恢复。 At that time his strength of dragon vein did not have is so powerful now, changed to dragon body, three thousand zhang (3.330m) big dragons. 那个时候他的龙脉之力还没如今这么强大,化作龙身,也不过三千丈巨龙而已。 Nowadays, dragon bead of body of 7,000 zhang (23,333m) Ancient Dragon, compared with was powerful initially far more than several times. 现如今,七千丈古龙之身的龙珠,比起当初强大了何止数倍。 This was also the Yang Kai last resort, this time he, the Small Universe strength was almost dry, flesh body was total wreck, the sea undercurrent welled up violently, if own dragon bead could not even break the blockade of this undercurrent, Yang Kai will also be at wit's end. 这也是杨开最后的手段了,此时的他,小乾坤的力量几近干涸,肉身破烂不堪,大海暗流激涌,若是连自己龙珠都破不开这暗流的封锁,杨开也将无计可施。 Fortunately Ancient Dragon dragon bead does not lose to hold, offers a sacrifice to then to erupt strong great power to be able swiftly, that dragon bead above, has a form of big dragon to circle indistinctly, dragon prestige fills the air, the place visited, the undercurrent breaks open. 所幸古龙龙珠不负所托,倏一祭出便爆发出强大威能,那龙珠之上,隐约有一条巨龙的身影盘旋,龙威弥漫,所过之处,暗流破开。 dragon bead above also cracks slits. 龙珠之上也裂出一道道缝隙。 Yang Kai follows closely after dragon bead, runs out of this together undercurrent of exhausted oneself body, under steps into together in the undercurrent. 杨开紧随在龙珠之后,冲出困顿己身的这一道暗流,踏入下一道暗流中。 dragon bead continues to rise to challenges, unprecedented, on that clear bead the crack were even more many. 龙珠继续披荆斩棘,一往无前,那圆润的珠子上裂缝愈发多了。 Breaks three undercurrents one after another, when Yang Kai was worried own dragon bead can by the undercurrent washout shatter, suddenly whole body one light, making Yang Kai give birth jumped in the misconception of another world. 接连破开三道暗流,就在杨开担心自己龙珠会不会被暗流冲刷的破碎的时候,骤然浑身一轻,让杨开不禁生出跳进了另外一个世界的错觉。 From penetrating since this sea celestial phenomenon, everywhere bad risk, but, only had auspicious unexpectedly. 自深入这大海天象至今,处处凶险,而到了此间,竟只有一片祥和。 This is still together the undercurrent, but before not having him, these undercurrents that encounters are fierce, Yang Kai detected indistinctly all around is filling unusual Domain, but noses without enough time carefully, then becomes dark at present, the consciousness is fuzzy. 这依然是一道暗流,只是没有他之前遭遇的那些暗流凶猛,杨开隐约察觉到四周弥漫着一股与众不同的意境,不过来不及仔细查探,便眼前发黑,意识模糊。 He knew in the heart that own already to the limit, body and mind and even dragon bead all has the breakage, only had the one pace from the death. 他心知自己已到极限,肉身神念乃至龙珠皆有破损,距离死亡只有一步之遥。 Cannot attend to thinks, seems like own that crack full arrange/cloth meets dragon bead that the disintegration comes to receive hastily momentarily, Yang Kai then lost the consciousness thoroughly, faints. 顾不得多想,连忙将自己那裂缝满布看起来随时会崩碎开来的龙珠收回来,紧接着杨开便彻底失去了意识,晕倒过去。 The consciousness is murky, the thought is sluggish, that is Spiritual Mind is damaged the extremely serious indication. 意识昏昏沉沉,思维迟滞,那是神念受损太过严重的征兆。 Initially outside Great Evolution Pass, Yang Kai with the aid of Abandoning Soul Thorn captured that Territory Lord level Black Ink Nest the time, use too many Abandoning Soul Thorn, finally were this appearance. 当初在大衍关外,杨开借助舍魂刺夺取那一座域主墨巢的时候,动用太多舍魂刺,结果便是这个样子。 Yang Kai does not know how long own fainted, when he woke up from the stupor, somewhat was confused about the own situation. 杨开也不知自己昏了多久,当他从昏迷中醒来的时候,对自己的处境还有些迷茫。 Suppresses the pain of heartrending, Yang Kai is recalling the matters before some stupors finally vaguely, does not dare to neglect, the immersion thoughts, stimulate to movement the Mild Soul Lotus strength hastily, patches Spiritual Mind that own is wounded. 强忍着钻心的痛楚,杨开总算依稀记起一些昏迷前的事,不敢怠慢,连忙沉浸心思,催动温神莲的力量,修补自己受创的神念 Spiritual Mind harms, the thought was affected, is quite disadvantageous to the present situation, therefore urgent matter, first restores Spiritual Mind to be important, as for other, is only secondary. 神念有损,就连思维都受到影响,对如今的处境极为不利,所以当务之急,还是先恢复神念要紧,至于其他的,只是次要。 Mild Soul Lotus is the world most precious object, even in the Yang Kai stupor, it is still dissipating the wonderful strength to nourish to patch Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind unceasingly. 温神莲乃天地至宝,即便是在杨开昏迷之中,它也在不断地逸散神妙的力量滋养修补杨开的神念 Now wakes up urges to send on own initiative, the effect is naturally better. 如今醒来主动催发,效果自然更好。 Circling is so, Yang Kai estimated that own also spent more than half a year time at least, made Spiritual Mind that own was damaged obtain patching roughly. 绕是如此,杨开估计自己最起码也花了大半年时间,才让自己受损的神念得到了大体的修补。 Has not recovered, but does not affect to ponder normally, the remaining injuries slowly will naturally restore under nourishing of Mild Soul Lotus warm. 还没痊愈,不过已经不影响正常的思考了,剩下的伤势温自然会在温神莲的滋养下慢慢恢复。 When patches Spiritual Mind, Yang Kai has not forgotten the injury on flesh body. 修补神念之时,杨开也没忘记肉身上的伤势。 Took greatly Spirit Pill wonderful medicine, in addition the resilience of strength of dragon vein, now seems like, although is still pitiful, may always feel better the appearance that the beforehand flesh completely loses. 服用了大把的灵丹妙药,再加上自身龙脉之力的恢复能力,如今看起来虽然依旧凄惨,可总好过之前血肉尽失的模样。 this time was injured was too serious, was Yang Kai until now injury heaviest one time, even if in the past had the danger of life, he not so pitiful. 这一次受伤太严重了,是杨开迄今为止伤势最重的一次,以往就算有生命之危,他也没有这般凄惨过。 Was pursued by that sheep's head Royal Lord, Yang Kai was really compelled the dead end. 被那羊头王主一路追击,杨开真的是被逼到穷途末路。 Only then, he has time to size up all around environment. 直到此时,他才有时间打量四周的环境。 The sensation moment, in the Yang Kai heart had haggling over silently. 默默感知片刻,杨开心中有了计较。 What we definitely know is that own also locates in a undercurrent in in the sea celestial phenomenon now, this undercurrent coerces him to shuttle back and forth to keep in the sea celestial phenomenon, resembles will never stand still. 可以肯定的是,自己如今还处于大海天象中的一道暗流内,这暗流裹挟着他在大海天象中穿梭不停,似永不停歇。 However before this undercurrent and him, these that encounters are not quite same, in the undercurrent that before encountered contained all kinds of Domain, that all sorts of strange and unusual Domain changed to the invisible ominous machine in the undercurrent, strangled to death all Outsider that intruded the undercurrent. 不过这暗流与他之前遭遇的那些不太一样,之前遭遇的暗流中蕴藏了各种各样的意境,那千奇百怪的意境在暗流内化作无形凶机,绞杀所有闯入暗流的外来者 Now this together undercurrent unexpectedly is steady, without the least bit ominous machine, some are only auspicious , compared with the undercurrent of outside, simply One is Heaven and Other is Earth. 如今所处的这一道暗流竟是平稳的很,没有半点凶机,有的只是祥和,与外面的暗流比较起来,简直一个天一个地 Yang Kai somewhat is unavoidably strange, in other undercurrents contained Domain, this together undercurrent why? 杨开不免有些奇怪,其他的暗流中都蕴藏了意境,这一道暗流为何没有? His sensation moment, the heart moves slightly silently. 他默默感知片刻,心头微动。 It is not right, in this undercurrent also has wonderful Domain together, but that Domain has not killed, therefore appears auspicious...... 不对,这一道暗流之中也有神妙的意境,只不过那意境并没有杀伤,所以才显得祥和…… What Domain is this? 这是什么意境 The Yang Kai immersion mind, integrates in oneself body that Domain diligently, sure enough, is quick he then to detect that has the inexplicable strength to wash out own flesh body, but this washout to the own not too tremendous impact, not like other undercurrents, covered with blood of own washout. 杨开沉浸心神,努力将己身融入那意境之中,果不其然,很快他便察觉到有莫名的力量在冲刷着自己肉身,不过这种冲刷对自己没有太大的影响,不像其他暗流,把自己冲刷的血肉模糊。 Suddenly, Yang Kai whole body big quake. 猛然间,杨开周身大震。 He understands suddenly here Domain was anything. 他忽然明白这里的意境到底是什么了。 time Domain! 时间意境 If not for Yang Kai practice Time Principle, many have also calculated some attainments on Time Principle, perhaps really could not have discovered this point. 若不是杨开修行时间法则,在时间法则上多少还算有些造诣,恐怕还真发现不了这一点。 time passes, does not have the shadow invisible, so long as the person is also living, who can detect flowing of time? time has always delimited in the silence, letting the person is unable the consciousness. 时间流逝,无影无形,只要人还活着,谁又能察觉到时间的流动?时间总是在无声无息间划过,让人无从知觉。 However Yang Kai actually detected, in this together undercurrent. 然而杨开却察觉到了,就在这一道暗流之中。 Here concealed time Domain unexpectedly, that washout oneself body, is the Time Principle strength, is very subtle, is unobservable. 这里居然暗藏了时间意境,那冲刷己身的,正是时间法则的力量,很微妙,让人难以察觉。 Suddenly, before Yang Kai remembers is very long, has heard a word. 猛然间,杨开又想起很久之前听到过的一个词。 River of Time! 时光之河 Open Heaven Stage practice, forever is the diary tired moon/month process, needs the precipitations of massive time, can make martial artist Small Universe background stronger and stronger. 开天境修行,永远都是日记累月的过程,需要大量时间的沉淀,才能让武者小乾坤底蕴越来越强。 Beside Open Heaven Pill that except that Universe Furnace of that world spontaneity gives birth, Open Heaven Stage practice almost does not have the shortcut. 除了那天地自生的乾坤炉生出的开天丹之外,开天境修行几乎没有捷径可言。 However, has almost not represented not to have. 不过,几乎没有不代表没有。 Open Heaven Stage practice, there are two shortcuts. 开天境修行,有两条捷径。 First, Small Source World, Yang Kai, when 6-Rank Open Heaven had once entered Yin-Yang Heaven Small Source World, harvests greatly there. 一是小源界,杨开六品开天的时候曾进入过阴阳天小源界,在那里收获巨大。 He can promote 7-Rank Open Heaven quickly, has big relations with that harvest, that Small Source World is informed and experienced, can be as good as his several hundred years of self-torture. 他能这么快晋升七品开天,也跟那一次的收获有不小的关系,那一次小源界历练,抵得上他数百年苦修。 But the second shortcut, is River of Time! 而第二条捷径,便是时光之河 Initially Xu Linggong led he is going to the Small Source World strength the time, once had said with him this matter, said the time speed of flow and outside world in that River of Time is different, perhaps normal one year, in River of Time has ten years hundred years...... 当初徐灵公领着他前往小源界力量的时候,曾与他说过这事,言道那时光之河中的时间流速与外界不同,或许外界正常一年,时光之河中已有十年百年…… Relatively speaking, Small Source World this shortcut actually true shortcut, but the River of Time words, such as the situation in Yang Kai Small Universe, enters the interior, that time passes exists, but unlike proportion. 相对而言,小源界这条捷径倒是真正的捷径,但时光之河的话,就如杨开小乾坤内的情况,进入内部,那时间流逝是真实存在的,只不过与外界的比例不同。 Small Source World Yang Kai has asked for advice, truly, major Cave Heaven Paradise regarding, if Sect Highest Treasure, non- Elite disciple can not enter. 小源界杨开领教过了,确实了得,各大洞天福地都将之视若镇宗之宝,非精锐弟子不得进入。 Moreover every time enters one time, that Small Source World needs training many years to use again. 而且每进入一次,那小源界都要修养很多年才能再次动用。 But River of Time this thing, has heard from the Xu Linggong mouth from the past years, Yang Kai has then never seen. 时光之河这东西,自当年从徐灵公口中听说过,杨开便从未见过。 3000 Worlds does not have River of Time, black ink battlefield does not have River of Time, Yang Kai has thought this is the ancient rumor. 三千世界没有时光之河,墨之战场也没有时光之河,杨开一直以为这是古老的谣传。 Xu Linggong should also sees the record in this aspect from Yin-Yang Heaven Ancient Book. 徐灵公应该是也从阴阳天典籍上看到这方面的记载的。 May until today he side knowledge, River of Time, exist. 可直到今日他才方知,时光之河,是真实存在的。 Oneself body now this together undercurrent, if were stripped, how could it not be is a river? 己身如今所处的这一道暗流若是被剥离出去,岂不就是一条大河? That principle strength hid the different Domain undercurrents together, if complete peeling, not only has River of Time, the river of Swordsmanship, the river of blade say/way, the river of Yin-Yang, the river of Pill Way...... 还有那一道道蕴藏了不同意境的暗流,若是全部剥离,那不但有时光之河,还有剑道之河,刀道之河,阴阳之河,丹道之河…… 3000 Worlds had perhaps presented River of Time, will therefore have the record in this aspect. 三千世界或许曾经出现过时光之河,所以才会有这方面的记载。 Yang Kai immediately should detect this point early, because just Spiritual Mind is damaged extremely seriously, therefore the thought is sluggish, cannot realize. 杨开在第一时间就应该察觉到这一点的,只不过因为神念受损太过严重,所以思维迟滞,没能意识到。 Does this sea celestial phenomenon, how produce? The Yang Kai innermost feelings shock. 这大海天象,到底是如何生成的?杨开内心震撼。 Now recalls, in that undercurrent, various Domain evolutions transform, at first sight probably powerhouses are displaying exquisite attack, words that but estimates carefully, the essences of these deduction appear extremely ancient may not trace. 如今回想起来,那一道道暗流之中,各种意境演化变换,乍一看像是一位位强者在施展精妙的攻击,可仔细揣摩的话,那些演绎的本质都显得极为古老不可追溯。 The Yang Kai heart had a clear(ly) to become aware immediately. 杨开心头顿时生出一丝明悟。 This sea celestial phenomenon, all he has been seeing and had not once seen the celestial phenomenon, perhaps is the world inaugurates naturally produces, in that each and everyone celestial phenomenon contains the prestige of the world, Domain that therefore in the undercurrent of this sea celestial phenomenon deducts will appear like that ancient. 这大海天象,连带着所有他见过和没曾见过的天象,或许都是天地初开的时候自然生成的,那一个个天象之中蕴藏着天地之威,所以这大海天象的暗流中演绎的意境才会显得那般古老。 Emperor Senior Stage martial artist only then understands clearly own say/way, condensed own Principle Seal, has the opportunity to break through the shackles , to promote Open Heaven. 帝尊境武者只有洞悉自身的道,凝聚了自身的道印,才有机会突破桎梏,晋升开天 The so-called main road 3000, Principle Law is infinite, therefore each Open Heaven Stage Principle Seal is basically slightly different. 所谓大道三千,道法无穷,所以基本上每一个开天境道印都略有不同。 Even practice martial artist of same type of say/way were still the same. 即便是修行了同一种道的武者也一样。 Yang Kai's Principle of Space, is impossible to be the same with Li Wuyi Principle of Space. 杨开的空间之道,与李无衣空间之道就不可能一样。 His Principle of Time, impossible to be the same to Passing of Time Great Emperor, more impossible to be the same to Yang Xiao Yang Xue. 他的时间之道,也不可能与岁月大帝一样,更不可能与杨霄杨雪一样。 These Elite martial artist that walks from his Small Universe, inherited him in Spear Principle, natural talent on Principle of Space and even Principle of Time, perhaps has the exceptional superiority when practice these three types of main roads. 那些从他小乾坤中走出来的精锐武者,继承了他在枪道,空间之道乃至时间之道上的天赋,在修行这三种大道时或许有得天独厚的优势。 But they impossible to follow the completely same path Yang Kai. 但他们也不可能跟杨开走完全一样的路子。 If compares with a tree the main road, then a main road is a crotch, that crotch above will also give birth to more small crotches, these small crotches have a source, has the difference respectively. 如果将大道比作一棵树的话,那么一种大道便是一根树杈,那树杈之上还会生出更多的小树杈,这些小树杈同出一源,却各有不同。 Ten thousand connection, always have a source. 万道交汇,总有一个源头。 That source is the foundation of main road is then. 那源头便是大道的根基所在。 The so-called main road is infinite, reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, there is nothing like yes. 所谓大道无穷,殊途同归,莫不如是。 When the sea celestial phenomenon is the world inaugurates naturally produces, Domain that in that undercurrent contains, even if not the source of main road, still contaminated aura of some sources. 大海天象是天地初开时自然生成的,那一道道暗流之中蕴藏的意境,就算不是大道的源头,也沾染了一些源头的气息 That is the world most primitive strength, is the foundations of various types of say/way! 那是天地最原始的力量,是各种道的根基! 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