MP :: Volume #55

#5424: Sea

Every time displays space to flicker to move a time must withstand a that sheep's head Royal Lord hammering, twice, the injury perhaps is also not anything, but Yang Kai does not remember that own withstood many hammering. 每施展一次空间瞬移都要承受那羊头王主的一次震击,一次两次,伤势或许还不算什么,可杨开也不记得自己承受多少次震击了。 For many years the injury has accumulated, even if he has the body of dragon vein is also hard to be getting better. 多年来伤势积累,纵然他有龙脉之身也难以痊愈。 On the contrary is sheep's head Royal Lord, injury such, does not seem like the sign of deterioration as before. 反倒是羊头王主,伤势依旧那样,似乎没有恶化的迹象。 The Yang Kai stimulation of movement space flickers the frequency of moving to be getting higher and higher, this also means that he is getting more and more difficult to get rid of the pursuit of sheep's head Royal Lord, estimated silently, according to this situation gets down, if no accident, will only fear six months, own will not have the opportunity to run away from the opposite party hand again. 杨开催动空间瞬移的频率越来越高,这也就意味着他越来越难摆脱羊头王主的追击,默默估算了一下,照此情形下去,若是没有什么变故,只怕半年之后,自己将再没有机会从对方手中逃走。 If the own injury aggravates, the situation will be only worse. 而若是自己的伤势加重的话,情况只会更糟糕。 Yang Kai knows, own must result in the aid of the celestial phenomenon. 杨开知道,自己必须得借助天象了。 No matter how these celestial phenomena measure again treacherously not, does not draw support from the strength of these celestial phenomena, the own eventually dead end. 不管那些天象再如何诡谲莫测,不借助这些天象之力,自己终究死路一条。 With the aid of the strength of celestial phenomenon, perhaps vitality. 借助天象之力,或许还有一线生机 Decides, Yang Kai flees, while searches. 打定主意,杨开一边遁逃,一边四下搜寻。 Two months later, a piece deep blue presents in the field of vision, covers big Void. 两月之后,一片蔚蓝呈现在视野之中,笼罩偌大虚空 Yang Kai slightly somewhat absent-minded, until now , he although has seen many celestial phenomena, but this celestial phenomenon is actually he sees the color to be most brilliant, moreover mass also extremely huge. 杨开微微有些失神,迄今为止,他虽然见过很多天象,但这个天象却是他见过色彩最绚烂的,而且体量也极为庞大 Separated is too far, he does not know that on this day likely is anything, can only go all out toward that side dashes. 隔的太远,他也不知这天象到底是什么,只能卖力朝那边飞奔。 behind pursued sheep's head Royal Lord that came also to discover obviously that day shape, understood clearly the Yang Kai's intention, fierceness of even more pursuit, urging of rich black ink, speed suddenly quick several points. 身后追击而来的羊头王主显然也发现了那天象,洞悉了杨开的意图,追击的愈发凶猛,浓郁的墨之力催动之下,速度陡然快了几分。 Has had learning from another's mistakes of beforehand dense fog celestial phenomenon, how he also dares to make Yang Kai intrude in the celestial phenomenon casually. 有过之前迷雾天象的前车之鉴,他岂还敢随便让杨开闯入天象之中。 behind swift and fierce Internal Qi approaches rapidly, the Yang Kai complexion changes, cannot attend to too, stimulates to movement Space Principle hurriedly, flickers to move to depart. 身后凌厉气机迅速逼近,杨开脸色微变,也顾不得太多,匆忙催动空间法则,瞬移离去。 Next flickers, he drops from Void, puts out fresh blood, happen to arrives at that deep blue celestial phenomenon the front. 下一瞬,他从虚空中跌落出来,吐出一口鲜血,正好来到那蔚蓝天象的前方。 Raises eyes dull staring, the Yang Kai look one. 举目凝视,杨开神色一呆。 Elephant of this day from the distant place, only knows the color to be rich, but also the unclear this day alike essence, may arrive at Yang Kai to find, this deep blue celestial phenomenon, unexpectedly is sea! 从远处看这天象,只知色彩浓郁,还不明这天象的本质,可到了近前杨开才发现,这蔚蓝的天象,竟是一片大海! In sea situated in length and breadth Void! 一片位于广袤虚空中的大海! If before then, some people told him, has such woof Dahai in that Void he does not believe decidedly, however really has woof Dahai at this moment presents in him at present. 若在此之前,有人告诉他,在那虚空中有这样一汪大海他是决然不会相信的,然而此刻却真的有一汪大海呈现在他眼前。 In this world had too the unknown mystery. 这世上有太多未知的奥秘了。 Present sea as if woof Sihai, the sea water solidifies, does not see the least bit mighty waves, Yang Kai has not felt what danger. 眼前的大海仿佛一汪死海,海水凝固,不见半点波澜,杨开也没从中感受到什么危险。 But the experience of dense fog celestial phenomenon told him, these celestial phenomena were whether dangerous, cannot only look at the semblance, just now knew thoroughly. 可是迷雾天象的经验告诉他,这些天象是否危险,绝不能只看外表,只有深入其中方才知晓。 Stands in the face of this sea celestial phenomenon, Yang Kai turns the head to look, sees only that sheep's head Royal Lord to plunder rapidly toward here, the look is anxious, Yang Kai bogged down is to make him misunderstand anything, this sheep's head Royal Lord passed on the sound said: By your present condition, thorough must die without doubt, is without a fight!” 站在这大海天象面前,杨开转头回望,只见那羊头王主急速朝这边掠来,神色焦急,杨开停滞不前似是让他误会了什么,这羊头王主传音道:“以你如今状态,深入其中必死无疑,束手就擒吧!” Yang Kai cracks into a smile to him, the leaning head puts out blood froth, on the mouth scolds one, has turned around, honour does not allow one to glance back throws into the sea water. 杨开冲他咧嘴一笑,偏头吐出一口血沫,嘴上骂咧一声,转过身,义无反顾地一头扎进海水之中。 Dies does not die in your hand! 死也不死在你手上! That sheep's head Royal Lord complexion changes, Yang Kai's is resolute. 那羊头王主面色微变,杨开的果决出乎他的意料。 After the moment, he also arrived in front of that sea celestial phenomenon, the sensation, the whole body shook silently, the strength of black ink binds the whole body, rushes ahead. 片刻后,他也来到了那大海天象面前,默默感知了一下,周身一震,墨之力裹住全身,冲杀进去。 However quick, he then flushed from that sea, complexion is gloomy. 不过很快,他便又从那大海之中冲了回来,面色阴沉不定。 From the outside, this sea is uneventful, not least bit mighty waves, but really entered in just now knows, the sea internal undercurrent was turbulent, the undercurrent connection, fled in all directions in this big within the four seas shuttle one after another. 从外面看,这大海风平浪静,不起半点波澜,但真的进了里面方才知道,大海内部暗流汹涌,一道又一道暗流交汇,在这大海内穿梭流窜。 Those who let this sheep's head Royal Lord dread, the strength of that undercurrent is quite violent, is his this kind of Royal Lord somewhat is also unbearable unexpectedly. 让这羊头王主忌惮的是,那暗流之力极为猛烈,便是他这样的王主竟也有些难以承受。 Goes in the short three breaths, strength of then washed out serious black ink. 进去不过短短三息,墨之力便被冲刷的严重。 Is good because of this sea celestial phenomenon not that dense fog celestial phenomenon, before after he crashed in the dense fog celestial phenomenon , is unable to get out of trouble, here he can actually rely on the strong strength, got rid of the windings of these undercurrents forcefully. 好在这大海天象不似那迷雾天象,之前他冲进迷雾天象后便无法脱困,这里他却能凭借强大的实力,硬生生地摆脱那些暗流的缠绕。 Entered in the this kind of celestial phenomenon, that Human Race can 7-Rank also live? 进了这样的天象里面,那人族七品还能活? Sheep's head Royal Lord thought that Yang Kai died, furthermore, the undercurrent in sea fluctuated erratically, entered was not necessarily able to find the Yang Kai's trace. 羊头王主觉得杨开是死定了,再者说,大海内的暗流变幻不定,进了里面未必能找到杨开的踪影了。 The ice sets up in Void, sheep's head Royal Lord complexion fluctuated, hesitated for a long time, this shook the body to depart. 凌立虚空之中,羊头王主面色变幻,沉吟了许久,这才晃身离去。 Shortly , a dead universe was transferred the sea celestial phenomenon surrounding by him. 没多久,一座死去的乾坤被他挪移到了大海天象外围。 The universe that in Void, died like this is innumerable, he pursues Yang Kai to come, sees there are numerous similar cases, wants to look for such a universe is not a difficult matter. 虚空中,这样死去的乾坤数不胜数,他一路追击杨开而来,见到不知凡几,想找这样一座乾坤并非难事。 This universe mass is big, however in the face of that sea celestial phenomenon, still only such as an elephant front ant. 这一座乾坤体量不小,然而在那大海天象面前,依然只如一头大象面前的蚂蚁。 Sheep's head Royal Lord deeply stared at sea celestial phenomenon one again, suddenly the opens the mouth spits, the strength of rich pure black ink spout from the mouth, that strength of black ink concentrates is not loose, changes to a being in bud flower bud before him quickly the appearance. 羊头王主再次深深地凝视了大海天象一眼,忽然张口一吐,浓郁精纯的墨之力从口中喷涌出来,那墨之力凝而不散,很快在他面前化作一朵含苞待放的花骨朵的模样。 Black Ink Nest! 墨巢 Their these Royal Lord that kills from Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction, each has to belong to own Black Ink Nest, after all black ink was also counting on they can defeat Human Race, attacks and occupies 3000 Worlds, counter- saves own again excessively. 他们这些从初天大禁中杀出来的王主们,每一个都有属于自己墨巢,毕竟墨还指望着他们能够击败人族,攻占三千世界,再反过头来拯救自己 Black Ink Nest is the Black Ink Clan basis, how Royal Lord can not bring on the body. 墨巢墨族的根本,王主们又岂会不带在身上。 Sheep's head Royal Lord both hands hold own Black Ink Nest, just like holds the most sacred thing, in the surface full is the devout color. 羊头王主双手捧着自己墨巢,犹如捧着最神圣之物,面上满是虔诚之色。 Quick, he plants own Black Ink Nest, stimulates to movement the strength of oneself body black ink to pour into toward Black Ink Nest. 很快,他将自己墨巢种下,催动己身墨之力朝墨巢之中灌入。 That Black Ink Nest rapid rise, blooms, moment half a month, walks many Black Ink Clan from that Black Ink Nest, salutes after sheep's head Royal Lord respectfully, scatters in all directions to depart. 墨巢迅速膨胀,绽放开来,须臾半月,从那墨巢之中走出来许多墨族,冲羊头王主恭敬行礼后,四散离去。 Is looking at that sea celestial phenomenon lightly, sheep's head Royal Lord snort/hum. 望着那大海天象,羊头王主轻哼一声。 Although he also thought that Yang Kai entered must die without doubt, as long as the matter must provide against contingencies, this time sheep's head Royal Lord experienced the Yang Kai strange method, fully realizes this Human Race 7-Rank life hardly. 虽说他也觉得杨开入了其中必死无疑,但凡事总得以防万一,这段时间羊头王主见识了杨开许多稀奇古怪的手段,深知这人族七品命硬的很。 Perhaps he can get out of trouble from this sea celestial phenomenon. 说不定他能从这大海天象中脱困而出。 Therefore he needs to remain. 所以他需要留下来。 By his strength, is hard to monitor the situation in entire sea celestial phenomenon surrounding only, but he is Black Ink Clan Royal Lord, has own Black Ink Nest. 单靠他一人之力,难以监测整个大海天象外围的情况,可他是墨族王主,有自己墨巢 So long as there is the sufficient resources and time, he can make the own servants surround the sea celestial phenomenon thoroughly, once Yang Kai gets out of trouble, will unable to hide the truth from his nosing inevitably! 只要有足够的资源和时间,他就能让自己的奴仆们将大海天象彻底包围,杨开一旦脱困,势必瞒不过他的查探! Moreover, his injury is also very serious, happen to taking this opportunity healing. 而且,他的伤势也挺严重,正好借此机会疗伤 Stations in this, kills two birds with one stone. 在此驻留,一举两得。 With passing of time, that Black Ink Nest is even more broad, the flower bud has bloomed completely, in the dead universe, is increasing the Black Ink Clan form unceasingly. 随着时间的流逝,那墨巢愈发恢宏起来,花骨朵已经完全绽放,死去的乾坤上,不断地增加着墨族的身影。 These Black Ink Clan go out, goes to all around Void mining resources, invests in Black Ink Nest, breeds many Black Ink Clan. 这些墨族外出,前往四周虚空开采资源,投入墨巢之中,孕育出更多的墨族 ...... …… In the sea celestial phenomenon, Yang Kai is completely muddled, is scarred from top to bottom, almost no complete place. 大海天象之中,杨开晕头转向,浑身上下伤痕累累,几乎没有一处完好的地方。 He has changed to the 7,000 zhang (23,333m) ancient Long's body, however is hard to resist in the sea as before the impact of undercurrent, Dragon Scales falls off cleanly, a flesh above scar, Dragon Blood fills the air. 他已化作七千丈古龙之身,然而依旧难以对抗海中暗流的冲击,一身龙鳞脱落干净,肌肤之上道道伤痕,龙血弥漫。 Solely is only the impact of undercurrent, although Yang Kai resists the difficult, ancient Long's body can also support reluctantly. The one who lets Yang Kai feel helpless, in that undercurrent, contained different Domain unexpectedly. 单单只是暗流的冲击也就罢了,杨开虽抵御艰辛,古龙之身还可以勉强支撑。让杨开倍感无奈的是,那一道道暗流之中,竟都蕴藏了不一样意境 The transformation of Yin-Yang Five Elements deducts in these undercurrents, even in some undercurrents contained infinite sword intent, horrible to look at Yang Kai's dragon body cutting. 阴阳五行的变换在这些暗流之中演绎,甚至有些暗流中蕴藏了无穷剑意,将杨开的龙身切割的惨不忍睹。 This each undercurrent, is equivalent to a powerhouse to keep stimulating to movement own Domain, the attack external thing. 这每一道暗流,都相当于一位强者在不停地催动自身的意境,攻击外来之物。 Yang Kai is involuntary, was involved in another undercurrent from the undercurrent together, did not know by many crimes, repeatedly almost faint in the past. 杨开身不由己,从一道暗流被卷入另外一道暗流,不知遭了多少罪,屡次几乎昏厥过去。 He knows that steps into this sea celestial phenomenon definitely to have the unexpected danger, actually does not know that this danger is so measures unexpectedly treacherously not. 他知道踏入这大海天象肯定会有意想不到的危险,却不知这危险竟是如此诡谲莫测。 The undercurrent has the weakness, when meets these slightly weak undercurrent, Yang Kai the opportunities of some respites, swallow the inspiration that healing restores reluctantly hastily, behave the strength of body. 暗流有强有弱,遇到那些稍弱的暗流时,杨开才勉强有些喘息之机,连忙吞服疗伤恢复的灵感,维持己身的力量。 Initial time, Yang Kai does not have the means with these undercurrents from the start, can only , whatever they curl this own to gallop in the sea celestial phenomenon continuous. 最初的时候,杨开拿这些暗流压根没有办法,只能任由它们卷这自己在大海天象中奔腾不休。 However with passing of time, he also gradually fishes out some ways, with the strength of strength undercurrent, drifts with the current. 不过随着时间的流逝,他也逐渐摸出一些门道来,借力暗流的力量,随波逐流。 Although is not so able to dodge the washout in undercurrent completely, many reduced some pressures. 如此虽然无法完全规避暗流中的冲刷,多少还是减轻了一些压力。 His also clear, own does this barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, sooner or later own must in the undercurrent by this sea wash out ashes. 只是他也清楚,自己如此做不过是苟延残喘,早晚有一天自己要被这大海中的暗流冲刷成齑粉 He wants to look for the outlet, but the undercurrent breathes violently, does not have the rule, where also couldn't find? 他想要寻找出路,可暗流激喘,毫无规律可言,又哪里找得到? The Yang Kai's injury is getting more and more serious, the Small Universe World mighty force is also unable to make ends meet, although low-rank World Fruit can supplement rapidly, but before , in the process that was pursued by sheep's head Royal Lord has consumed cleanly, now can only swallow Open Heaven Pill to make up. 杨开的伤势越来越严重,小乾坤的天地伟力也入不敷出,下品世界果虽然能迅速补充,可之前在被羊头王主追击的过程中已经消耗干净了,如今只能吞服开天丹来弥补。 Once the Small Universe strength is dry, that consequence is dreadful. 一旦小乾坤的力量干涸,那后果不堪设想。 Must look for the outlet, otherwise died. 必须得寻找出路,否则死定了。 He attempts to emit Spiritual Mind, the investigation four directions, undercurrent Spiritual Mind that but that surges cut off, making him be in deep sorrow. 他尝试放出神念,探查四方,可那涌动的暗流就连神念都被斩断,让他痛不欲生。 This sea celestial phenomenon length and breadth, the interior always has the peaceful place, is insufficient to be flooded by the undercurrent completely! 这大海天象如此广袤,内部总有安宁的地方,不至于被暗流全部充斥! Clenches teeth, Yang Kai takes back dragon body, changes to the human form , as undercurrent vanguard, while does not attend to Spiritual Mind losing, four nose. 一咬牙,杨开收回龙身,化作人形,一边随着暗流前行,一边不顾神念损耗,四下查探。 The headache wants to crack, the pain that the Spiritual Mind undercurrent obliterates makes his complexion distortion fierce, but he actually can only endure patiently forcefully. 头疼欲裂,神念暗流磨灭的痛楚让他脸色扭曲狰狞,可他却只能强行忍耐。 How long has not known, when Yang Kai almost soon could not insist, he detected suddenly neighbor as if has a region is not wild. 不知过了多久,就在杨开几乎快要坚持不住的时候,他忽然察觉到附近似乎有一块区域没有那么狂暴。 He is overjoyed, the stimulation of movement strength, plunders hastily toward that side. 他大喜过望,连忙催动力量,朝那边掠去。 The entire process is quite difficult, Yang Kai flesh washed out, reveals the dense/woods white bone, in the hand Azure Dragon Spear clears the way, rises to challenges in this sea undercurrent. 整个过程极为艰辛,杨开身上的血肉都被冲刷下来,露出森白的骨头,手中苍龙枪开道,在这大海暗流之中披荆斩棘。 Enough half double-hour, Yang Kai breaks through the blockade of undercurrent oneself body is , under crashes in together in the undercurrent. 足足半个时辰,杨开才突破己身所在的暗流的封锁,冲进下一道暗流之中。 In the sensation, that does not calculate that the wild region seems to be going far away, Yang Kai is greatly anxious, even more ominous suddenly stimulates to movement the strength. 感知之中,那不算狂暴的区域似乎正在远去,杨开大急,愈发凶猛地催动自身力量。 He does not know in that region what situation, but at heart clear, once misses this opportunity, own feared that did not have again for the second time. 他不知那区域内到底什么情况,可心里清楚,一旦错过这次机会,自己怕是再没有第二次了。 Since birth, has never had so strong seeking livehood desire. 有生以来,从未有过如此浓烈的求生欲望。 Pain on flesh body and Divine Soul makes him almost numb, in the mind only then a thought that breaks through the front all hindrance, has vitality. 肉身神魂上的痛楚让他几乎麻木,脑海之中只有一个念头,冲破前方所有阻碍,方有一线生机 Broken!” Yang Kai shouted angrily sternly, a opens the mouth, a bead of round spat. “破!”杨开厉声怒喝,一张口,一枚圆溜溜的珠子吐出去。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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