MP :: Volume #55

#5428: Promotes 8!

More than 250 years later, second River of Time reduced to only has ten zhang (3.33 m). 两百五十多年后,第二条时光之河缩短到只剩下十丈了。 Yang Kai follows a set pattern, River of Time that will not have vanished thoroughly received Small Universe, makes the best use of things, steps seeks for the next River of Time path. 杨开如法炮制,将未彻底消失的时光之河收入小乾坤中,物尽其用,踏上寻找下一条时光之河的道路。 Takes these not to have too many bad risk the river of main road for the foothold relay, Yang Kai to shuttle back and forth to keep in this sea celestial phenomenon. 以那些没有太多凶险的大道之河为落脚点中转,杨开在这大海天象之中穿梭不停。 Day after day, year after year. 日复一日,年复一年。 Initial time Yang Kai also calculates the years that own was passing, but time is long, he has immersed in practice of this difference thoroughly, completely forgot passing of time, continuously is only searching for River of Time. 最初的时候杨开还计算着自己度过的年月,可是时间一长,他已彻底沉浸在这异样的修行之中,完全忘记了时间的流逝,只在不断地搜寻时光之河 Collection of river of each main road and refining up, will have some changes for his Small Universe, letting him, in many have not browsed on the main road has sensed. 每一条大道之河的收取和炼化,都会为他的小乾坤带了一些变化,让他能在许多未曾涉猎过的大道上有所感悟。 In entire Small Universe, is flooding the marks of all kinds of main road. 整个小乾坤内,充斥着各种各样的大道之痕。 In the past Human Race practice in Yang Kai Small Universe, if aptitude were enough, easiest sensibility was space time Spear Principle Pill Way and so on. 以往杨开小乾坤中的人族修行,若是资质足够的话,最容易感悟的便是空间时间枪道丹道之类。 As Yang Kai gathers unceasingly refining up the rivers of these main roads, the main road type that Human Race martial artist in Small Universe can sense were getting more and more. 而随着杨开不断地收取炼化那些大道之河,小乾坤中的人族武者能够感悟到的大道种类越来越多了。 Entire Void Continent presents a prosperity of hundred flowers contention on Martial Dao practice unexpectedly. 整个虚空大陆武道修行上竟呈现出一种百花争鸣的繁荣。 In the Void Buddhist temple, many natural talent splendid martial artist practice to Peak, had only missed one step to promote Open Heaven. 虚空道场中,很多天资出色的武者都已修行到了顶峰,只差一步便可晋升开天 But Yang Kai the situation is not good now, naturally impossible to put them. 只不过杨开如今自身处境不好,自然不可能将他们放出来。 River of Time in sea celestial phenomenon has the length to have short, long has several thousand zhang (3.33m) fully, short even insufficient thousand feet (333 m), does not know how to produce. 大海天象中的时光之河有长有短,长的足有数千丈,短的甚至不足百丈,也不知到底是如何生成的。 Longer River of Time, can support Yang Kai practice time also to be naturally longer. 越长的时光之河,能支撑杨开修行时间自然也就越久。 Unceasing picking up of river of various main roads, making Yang Kai browse on many main roads now, even some main roads, the attainments are not low. 各种大道之河的不断撷取,让杨开如今在许多大道上都有所涉猎,甚至有一些大道,造诣还不低。 The Rank different resources were consumed one after another unceasingly, Yang Kai Small Universe background is also continue increase. 一套又一套品阶不同的资源不断被消耗,杨开小乾坤底蕴也在持续增加着。 This is extremely long practice, is entirely new practice, from ancient to present, perhaps never some people in this manner practice such long time. 这是一场极为漫长的修行,也是一场别开生面的修行,自古至今,恐怕从未有人以这种方式修行了这么长时间 By some, practice Yang Kai in River of Time is detecting finally on the 1st with concentration suddenly own Small Universe has the changes of some different. 终到某一日,正在一条时光之河中潜心修行杨开忽然察觉到自身小乾坤生出一些不一样的变化。 He awakens immediately, immersion mind nosing. 他立刻惊醒,沉浸心神查探。 Under the sensation, only thinks that own Small Universe is experiencing one a sublimation that is hard to speak, had reached the limit the area to expand, the world mighty force in Small Universe is also condensing unceasingly pure. 感知之下,只觉自身的小乾坤似在经历一场难以言说的升华,原本已到极限的疆域正在扩张,小乾坤中的天地伟力也在不断凝缩精纯。 Plants the World Tree subtree in Small Universe as if also with the change of Small Universe to give birth to some resonance, the leaf crash-bang makes noise, unceasingly tempering world mighty force. 栽种在小乾坤中的世界树子树仿佛也与小乾坤的变化生出一些共鸣,树叶哗啦啦作响,不断地淬炼着天地伟力。 On that day during was spatial, was jet black traces, that was not a crack, but was various main road Principle Mark obviously! 那天空之中,更是一道道漆黑的痕迹,那并非裂缝,而是各种大道道痕的显化! And what is more, in Void Continent each corner, some world phenomenon appears. 更有甚者,在虚空大陆的各个角落处,还有一些天地异象出现。 The numerous martial artist of survival in Void Continent found pleasantly surprised, the whole world as if lived, the main road becomes extremely active, lets the person even more easy sensation comprehension, immediately closes up practice in abundance. 生存在虚空大陆中的众多武者惊喜地发现,整个世界都仿佛活了过来,大道变得极为活跃,让人愈发容易感知领悟,当即纷纷闭关修行 In the Yang Kai heart also had a clear(ly) to become aware. 杨开心中也生出一丝明悟。 Must promote 8-Rank! 要晋升八品了! He observed and emulated Xu Linggong to promote 8-Rank in the past, many harvests. 他当年观摩过徐灵公晋升八品,从中有不少收获。 But the own this time promotion and Xu Linggong that time somewhat are probably different. 只不过自己这一次晋升与徐灵公那次好像有些不同。 Any Open Heaven Stage, when breakthrough next Rank is the danger, even the slightest misstep then may cause Small Universe to cave , the body falling say/way disappears. 任何一个开天境,在突破下一个品阶的时候都是及其危险的,稍有不慎便有可能导致小乾坤塌陷,身陨道消。 A Rank higher breakthrough, the danger is bigger. 品阶越高的突破,危险越大。 8-Rank Open Heaven from 9-Rank, only then remote of 1-Rank, can say that breaks through the 8-Rank risk, is next to breaks through 9-Rank. 八品开天距离九品只有一品之遥,可以说突破八品的危险性,也仅次于突破九品 Xu Linggong broke through on the same day seemingly does not have many dangers, but the real danger in Small Universe, that is others is actually not able easily to detect. 徐灵公当日突破看似没有多少危险,可真正的危险却是在小乾坤内部,那是旁人无法轻易察觉的。 Is good is vigorous because of his background, that breakthrough is also shocking but not dangerous. 好在他底蕴雄浑,那一次突破也是有惊无险。 Some Open Heaven Stage, before has not broken through will have some shackles bottlenecks, does not break this bottleneck, will then halt. 还有一些开天境,在没突破之前会遭遇一些桎梏瓶颈,不打破这个瓶颈,便会止步不前。 Proprietress Lan Youruo broke through 7-Rank in the past, closed up 200 years. 老板娘兰幽若当年突破七品,足足闭关了两百年之久。 Feng Ying breaks through 8-Rank, is closes up for 200-300 years, until with the Black Ink Clan war time kills outrageously. 冯英突破八品,也是闭关200-300年,直到与墨族大战的时候才悍然杀出。 Yang Kai somewhat was also worried own can meet the bottleneck, but looked like actually considers thoroughly now. 杨开本来还有些担心自己会不会遇到瓶颈,可如今看来却是多虑了。 He has not met the bottleneck, Small Universe background accumulates enough, all happened successful. 他并没有遇到瓶颈,小乾坤底蕴积累足够了,一切就这么水到渠成地发生了。 Perhaps is related with the World Tree subtree, so many years of subtree in his Small Universe , helping his tempering world mighty force unceasingly, making his world mighty force want pure many compared with common 7-Rank, the world mighty force is pure, background is naturally firmer, the bottleneck does not exist. 或许跟世界树的子树有关,子树在他的小乾坤中这么多年,不断地助他淬炼天地伟力,让他的天地伟力比起寻常七品要精纯的多,天地伟力越是精纯,底蕴自然就越坚稳,瓶颈也就不复存在。 Yang Kai even can also clearly feel, own this time breaks through also has no danger, although in Small Universe the different image frequency lives, but these are only the main roads obviously, is the crystallization of his practice, too has not in a big way affected on Small Universe. 杨开甚至还能清楚地感觉到,自己这一次突破也没有什么危险可言,小乾坤中虽异象频生,但那些都只是大道的显化,是他修行的结晶,对小乾坤本身没有太大影响。 All happened naturally. 一切就这么自然而然地发生了。 Yang Kai has wanted to break through 8-Rank as soon as possible, but really to this day, he unexpectedly somewhat mind like still water, too has not imagined the pleasant surprise. 杨开一直想要尽快突破到八品,可真的到了这一天,他竟有些心如止水,没有太多想象中的惊喜。 To arrival some expectations of this day, these step is doomed to step early, sooner or later. 对这一天的到来早有预料,这一步注定是要跨出去的,早晚而已。 Small Universe is still sublimating the expansion unceasingly. 小乾坤还在不断地升华扩张。 No matter Yang Kai did not ask, from Gu Lianhua resources practice. 杨开不管不问,自顾炼化资源修行 martial artist that in Small Universe survives actually, this time was actually the huge benefit, Void Continent each corner, the place that each had the martial artist accumulation, almost some people broke through themselves under the vibration of main road , to promote next boundary. 倒是小乾坤中生存的武者们,这一次却是得了巨大裨益,虚空大陆各个角落,每一处有武者聚集的地方,几乎都有人在大道的震动下突破自身,晋升下一个境界。 Especially gathered the entire mainland essence in the Void Buddhist temple, at present does not know that many people condensed oneself Principle Seal. 尤其是汇聚了整个大陆精华所在虚空道场,这一阵子不知有多少人凝聚了自身道印 Even the baby of this time birth, natural talent was also better than the common time. 甚至就连这一段时间出生的婴儿,天资方面也比寻常时候更好一些。 The main road vibrates, becoming is easier to sense, the expansion of the world also makes the road of Martial Dao broader. 大道震动,变得更加容易感悟,天地的扩张也让武道之路变得更加宽广。 The world phenomenon that each region frequency sends gradually vanishes does not see, in sky obviously the mark of main road gradually is also hidden, entire Void Continent returns tranquilly. 渐渐地,各地频发的天地异象消失不见,天空中显化的大道之痕也逐渐隐没,整个虚空大陆重归平静。 But can actually detect keenly the strength to Emperor Senior Stage martial artist, this stretch of the world and past had differently some. 可是实力到了帝尊境武者却能敏锐地察觉到,这一片天地与以往有了一些不同。 As if became the length and breadth. 似乎变得更加广袤了。 Some powerhouses go out to nose in groups, discovery really so. 有强者成群结队地外出查探,发现果然如此。 In the past had the world barrier, the place that is unable to break through, this moment barrier vanished, in the world had/left more areas. 以往有天地屏障,无法突破的地方,此刻屏障消失,天地间多出了更多的疆域。 In that area prosperous, is actually nothing life. 那疆域中一片繁荣,却是没有任何生灵。 The news feeds, each and everyone Sect goes into action, sends out the respective Sect powerhouse, leading disciples to open up territory to develop the earth. 消息传回,一个个宗门行动起来,派出各自宗门的强者,领着弟子们开疆拓土。 The Human Race quantity that in Small Universe, Yang Kai received in the past does not calculate actually too. 小乾坤中,杨开当年收进去的人族数量其实不算太多。 However in Small Universe the living environment or the practice environment are quite liberal, these years and do not have the too big war, at most are small disputes between some Sect. 不过小乾坤内无论是生存环境还是修行环境都极为优渥,这些年来又没有太大的战事,顶多就是一些宗门之间的小纷争。 But these small disputes also gradually extinguish with the appearance of Void Buddhist temple invisible. 而这些小纷争也随着虚空道场的出现逐渐消弭无形。 The peaceful auspicious living environment, making in Small Universe the Human Race quantity constantly grow. 安宁祥和的生存环境,让小乾坤人族的数量不断地增长。 The growth of population base, initiated to massive earnestly seeking of land, before Void Buddhist temple somewhat was also worried, according to this situation, several thousand years, entire Void Continent unlikely was hard the population of again satisfying increases unceasingly. 人口基数的增长,引发了对土地的大量渴求,之前虚空道场方面还有些担心,照这情况,再有数千年,整个虚空大陆恐怕难以满足不断增加的人口了。 Yet now, this issue is easily solved. 可如今,这个问题迎刃而解。 Perhaps the Void Continent mass expanded all of a sudden at least five times, in several tens of thousands years did not need to be worried about the land question. 虚空大陆的体量一下子扩张了最少五倍有余,数万年内恐怕都不用担心土地问题。 To all these, Yang Kai feels nothing. 对这一切,杨开浑然不觉。 He is actually thinking deeply about another issue now. 他如今却是在思索另外一个问题。 Can own to 8-Rank, this strength also promote again? 自己到了八品,这实力还能再提升下去吗? 5-Rank Open Heaven that he had no recourse to promote in the past, according to truth, limit in 7-Rank. 他当年迫不得已晋升的五品开天,按道理来说,极限是在七品 However took middle-rank World Fruit, this limit turned into 8-Rank. 不过服用了一枚中品世界果,这个极限就变成了八品 Nowadays, does he have the boundary of 8-Rank, the road ahead can also continue? 现如今,他已有八品之境,前路还能继续走下去吗? Human Race here limit are many in the 8-Rank Open Heaven Stage quantity, nowadays 8-Rank Garrison's Chief, most past years were straight promote 6-Rank Open Heaven, in other words , 8-Rank was their lifetime limits. 人族这边极限在八品开天境数量不少,现如今的八品总镇们,大多数当年都是直晋六品开天的,换言之,八品就是他们这一生的极限了。 Yang Kai had also once inquired on this issue in the past 8-Rank, knew that these Garrison's Chief after promoting 8-Rank, will induce to Small Universe fuzzily has the 1-layer fetter, this 1-layer fetters, making them halt forever the boundary of 8-Rank, even how practice, cannot promote 9-Rank again. 杨开当年也曾就这个问题询问过八品们,得知这些总镇们在晋升了八品之后,就会模糊地感应到小乾坤一层束缚,正是这一层束缚,让他们永远止步八品之境,即便再如何修行,也不能晋升九品 The words of breakthrough this fetter, the big probability will cause Small Universe to crash forcefully, subsequently the body falling say/way disappears. 强行突破这层束缚的话,大概率会导致小乾坤崩塌,继而身陨道消。 Therefore is not 8-Rank does not want to go a step further, was really Small Universe is unable to withstand. 所以不是八品们不想更进一步,实在是小乾坤无法承受了。 Yang Kai now was also 8-Rank, really such as these 8-Rank Garrison's Chief said that he induced oneself Small Universe to have the 1-layer invisible fetter. 杨开如今也算是八品了,果然如那些八品总镇们所言,他感应到了自身小乾坤一层无形的束缚。 The strength of this fetter is very temporarily weak, even can only detect fuzzily. 这种束缚之力暂时还很微弱,甚至只能模糊地察觉到。 But as he strength in 8-Rank this boundary increases, this fetter will be getting stronger and stronger, finally limits him in this Rank does not get the little advance. 但随着他在八品这个境界上的实力增加,这种束缚会越来越强,最终将他限制在这个品阶不得寸进。 The recollection promoted the decision of 5-Rank in the past, Yang Kai did not regret, at that time, several powerhouses headed by Myriad Demons Heaven 7-Rank Open Heaven Ti Zheng blocked his main road, had nothing to do individual gratitude and grudges, but prevented accidents before they happen, because 3000 Worlds had once had a similar catastrophe, causing Cave Heaven Paradise to not to come own 7-Rank that not to trust. 回想当年晋升五品的决定,杨开并不后悔,那个时候,以万魔天七品开天提铮为首的数位强者阻他大道,无关个人恩怨,只是防患于未然,因为三千世界曾有过一场类似的浩劫,导致洞天福地对不是出身自家的七品不那么信任。 At that time if he did not promote Open Heaven Stage, was incapable of rescuing to fall into Shadowless Cave Heaven Proprietress radically. 那个时候他若不晋升开天境,根本无力去救援陷入无影洞天老板娘 The restraining thoughts, Yang Kai continues to refine the resources, increases the strength. 收敛心思,杨开继续炼化资源,增加自身实力。 In 8-Rank this boundary, he also enters initially, can continue to proceed, once to the boundary of 8-Rank peak, is the limit. 八品这个境界上,他还只是初入,是可以继续往前走下去的,不过一旦到了八品巅峰之境,便是极限了。 In perhaps this world has the means that breaks through the Small Universe shackles, at least, that world spontaneity Open Heaven Pill in Universe Furnace is one type, therefore Yang Kai not too many worried, at the worst, seeks that Universe Furnace when the time comes, always has the opportunity to make him promote 9-Rank. 这世上或许有突破小乾坤桎梏的办法,最起码,那天地自生的乾坤炉中的开天丹便是一种,所以杨开并没有太多烦忧,大不了,到时候去寻那乾坤炉,总有机会让他晋升九品的。 time continues to pass. 时间继续流逝。 Yang Kai endlessly is repeating the journey of seeking for new River of Time, now the this kind of opportunity is extremely rare, if missed were really a pity. 杨开不断重复着寻找新的时光之河的旅程,如今这样的机会太过难得,若是错过了委实可惜。 When seeking for River of Time or when practice, Yang Kai gathered refining up to melt the rivers of many main road. 无论是在寻找时光之河时又或者是在修行时,杨开都收取炼化了不少大道之河。 Until some, only had in three thousand feet (999 m) long River of Time on the 1st, one set of practice resources were built up by Yang Kai are clean, when he wants to take out one set of time again, actually stunned discovered, on own already not complete resources. 直到某一日,一条只剩下三百丈长的时光之河中,一套修行资源被杨开炼化干净,等他再想取出一套的时候,却愕然发现,自己手上已经没有成套的资源了。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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