MP :: Volume #53

#5215: Black Ink Clan withdraws troops

However quick, Human Race then realized, this falls 8-Rank, not necessarily is Garrison's Chief one, 8-Rank Open Heaven that because battles on battlefield at this moment, many 8-Rank black ink disciple. 不过很快,人族便意识到,这个陨落八品,未必就是总镇们的某一位,因为此刻在战场上作战的八品开天,还有许多八品墨徒 Perhaps that falls is not south Northern Army Garrison's Chief, but is 8-Rank in enemy! 或许那陨落的并非是南北军总镇,而是敌人中的八品 Has no way to confirm, on chaotic battlefield the information transmit efficiency is extremely slow, let alone under this situation, no one will give this message specially. 没法证实,混乱的战场上消息传递效率极慢,更何况这种局势下,也没人会特意传递这种消息。 The Human Race army can do, is believes that own 8-Rank, believe they can have the advantage on high-level battle strength, then drives the entire battlefield trend. 人族大军所能做的,便是相信自己八品们,相信他们能够在高层战力上取得优势,进而带动整个战场的走势。 the next moment, there is a 8-Rank Open Heaven falls sound to spread, is Black Ink Clan Territory Lord vitality is then on the wane. 下一刻,又有八品开天陨落的动静传出,紧接着便是墨族域主生机在凋零。 High-level battle strength falls, means the war already to the most intense time. 高层战力陨落,意味着大战已至最激烈的时候。 Yang Kai's Divine Ability Manifestation is still flaunting the prestige, maneuvers among groups in battlefield, by one's effort, unexpectedly possibly cuts the Black Ink Clan army of huge number, making the Human Race officers strike to kill conveniently. 杨开的神通法相依然在逞威,纵横捭阖于战场之中,凭借一己之力,竟可能地将数量巨大的墨族大军切割开来,让人族的将士们更方便地击杀。 Almost every time, some innumerable Secret Technique violent storms attack generally toward him, walks randomly among the subtle feeling in life and death, lets his spiritual unprecedented dedication, does not dare to have slightly laxly. 几乎每时每刻,都有无数秘术狂风暴雨一般朝他攻去,游走在生死之间的微妙感,让他的精神前所未有的专注,不敢有丝毫松懈。 As if for a long time is very very long. 似乎过了很久很久。 Engaged in fierce battle the continuous Black Ink Clan army suddenly to have some unusual sounds with Human Race. 人族鏖战不休的墨族大军忽然有了一些异常的动静。 The Yang Kai of shuttle in battlefield felt keenly this change, that is the Black Ink Clan morale in the indication of collapse. 穿梭在战场之中的杨开敏锐地感觉到了这种变化,那是墨族士气在崩溃的征兆。 Sure enough, in a while, the Black Ink Clan army then starts to gather in some direction. 果不其然,没过多久,墨族大军便开始朝某个方向聚拢。 But that direction, impressively is the direction that Great Evolution Pass is. 而那个方向,赫然是大衍关所在的方向。 The Human Race domineering and makes Black Ink Clan numerous Territory Lord be hard to resist savage, these fought them no doubt to display the far ultra Human Race expected strength, most start that but erupted from the war, Black Ink Clan then cannot have any advantage. 人族的强势和凶残让墨族众多域主难以招架,这一场大战他们固然展现出了远超人族预期的力量,但从大战爆发的最开始,墨族便没能占据任何优势。 Since fierce combat, the Black Ink Clan army loses seriously, Territory Lord and 8-Rank black ink disciple lose similarly big, although Human Race also has the loss, but if hits again, Black Ink Clan here aspect will be only getting more and more bad, or has the possibility of being annihilated. 激战至今,墨族大军损失惨重,域主八品墨徒们同样损失不小,虽说人族也有损失,但若是再打下去,墨族这边的局面只会越来越糟糕,或有全军覆没的可能。 Therefore Black Ink Clan Territory Lord could not insist. 所以墨族域主们坚持不住了。 But places in this location/position, they only have beyond Great Evolution Pass toward several days distance to retreat, converges with Black Ink Clan Territory Lord that Great Evolution Pass remains behind, by the Great Evolution Pass strength, can resist Human Race attacks crazily. 而身处在这个位置,他们唯有朝数日路程外的大衍关撤退,与大衍关留守的墨族域主们汇合,凭借大衍关的力量,才能抵挡住人族的狂攻。 Withdraw to Great Evolution, is Black Ink Clan now the only choice, as for the order of Royal Lord, they could have ignored so many. 撤向大衍,也是墨族如今唯一的选择,至于王主的命令,他们已经顾不得那么多了。 If the life did not have, which can also carry out the order of Royal Lord? Leaves behind the life, in the future will return a favor to the Royal Lord opportunity. 命若是没了,哪还能执行王主的命令?留下性命,日后还有报效王主的机会。 In army Expelling Black Ink Battleship, Mi Jinglun has stood near the broad side, is paying attention to the change of entire battlefield closely, when the Black Ink Clan army has the action of withdrawing troops, this Regiment's Commander has been raising the heart put finally. 中军驱墨舰中,米经纶一直站在船舷边,紧密关注着整个战场的变化,当墨族大军有撤兵的举动的时候,这位军团长一直提着的心终于放了下来。 If Black Ink Clan dies to fight does not draw back, by the both sides present performance, south Northern Army no doubt can gain the victory, the price of but paying is also inconceivable absolutely, will be very likely to be hit remnantly. 若是墨族死战不退,以双方如今的表现的来看,南北军固然可以取得胜利,但付出的代价绝对也是难以想象的,极有可能会被打残。 This is also the first time that only south Northern Army encountered with the Black Ink Clan army, if were hit in this time remnantly, what achievement that can also have in the future? 这还只是南北军第一次与墨族大军交锋,若是在这个时候被打残了,那日后还能有什么作为? Regaining Great Evolution is the ultimate objective of their trip. 收复大衍才是他们此行的最终目标。 Now Black Ink Clan had the withdrawing troops intention, that aspect was of great advantage to south Northern Army. 如今墨族有了撤兵的意图,那局面对南北军就大有好处了。 south Northern Army can definitely the one close behind the other chase down, by the smallest loss, creates the biggest victory. 北军完全可以衔尾追杀,以最小的损失,创造出最大的战果。 By, when that side Black Ink Clan the side has the withdrawing troops intention, order then army Expelling Black Ink Battleship transmitted. 是以当墨族那边方有撤兵意图的时候,一道道命令便从中军驱墨舰传达了下去。 All is pestering the continuous Human Race officers to go into action with Black Ink Clan, creates to gather the opportunity that the soldier retreats to Black Ink Clan unintentionally. 所有正在与墨族纠缠不休的人族将士纷纷行动起来,有意无意地给墨族创造出聚兵撤退的机会。 Roughly after one double-hour, Black Ink Clan army finally accumulation was similar, under the leadership of numerous Territory Lord, runs away in the Great Evolution Pass direction. 约莫一个时辰后,墨族大军终于聚集的差不多了,在众多域主的带领下,朝大衍关方向遁去。 However they also not flee constantly, but then fights then removes. 不过他们也并非一味地遁逃,而是便战便撤。 If the Human Race army forces was fierce, they then rise spiritedly to counter-attack, after containing the Human Race offensive, marches forward in the Great Evolution Pass direction again. 人族大军若是逼迫的厉害了,他们便奋起反击,待遏制住人族的攻势后,再朝大衍关方向行进。 Although the entire team huge, but under the strict orders of numerous Territory Lord, pours also decent that this set of tactic insists. 整个队伍虽然庞大,但在众多域主的严格命令下,倒也将这一套战术坚持的有模有样。 Some Mi Jinglun toothaches, this time bumped into the opponent! 米经纶不禁有些牙疼,这一次是碰到了对手啊! He does not know Territory Lord that Black Ink Clan assumes to direct is, when encounters from initial both armies, Black Ink Clan army's response, this Black Ink Clan Territory Lord in marching at combat, there is extremely splendid natural talent and a judgment. 他不知墨族坐镇指挥的域主是哪位,但从最初两军遭遇时,墨族大军的反应来看,这位墨族域主在行军作战上,有极为出色的天赋和判断。 Perhaps...... was the number of times of defeat were also many, in copes with the experience of Human Race on battlefield summarized, each live years enough long Territory Lord, has almost it can be said that experienced innumerable and in the Human Race army confrontation is defeated. 或许……也是战败的次数多了,在战场上总结出来的对付人族的经验,每一个活的岁月够久的域主,几乎都可以说是经历过无数次与人族大军交锋中失败的。 Then, pursuit of Human Race, although has the result, but the effect has not imagined is so big, the Mi Jinglun plan was being chased down eats this Black Ink Clan army wipes dry/does only, but now looks like, this expected goal was not able to achieve, now can only with every effort, temper the strength of this Black Ink Clan army. 如此一来,人族的追击虽有成效,但效果并没有想象中那么大,米经纶原本打算在追杀中将这一支墨族大军吃干抹净,可现在看来,这个预期的目标是达不到了,如今只能尽最大可能,削弱这支墨族大军的力量。 Two clan armies are increasingly estranged, on original chaotic battlefield, rich black ink cloud condenses, floods to cover big Void. 两族大军渐行渐远,在原本的混乱战场上,浓郁的墨云凝聚,将偌大虚空充斥笼罩。 The cutting off limb hashed meat that in that black ink cloud, after full is Black Ink Clan and Human Race officers body dies, leaves behind, after Human Race Battleship was hit explodes the wreckage. 墨云之中,满是墨族人族将士身死后留下的断肢碎肉,还有人族战舰被打爆后的残骸。 This war, Black Ink Clan loses greatly, Human Race also has the loss . Moreover the digit that loses is big. 这一战,墨族损失巨大,人族同样有损失,而且损失的数字不小。 Beside black ink cloud, several tattered Battleship anchor, on Battleship gathered the members of some squads, each one experiences personally the heavy losses, is pale. 墨云之外,有几艘破烂的战舰停泊,战舰上聚集了一些小队的成员,个个都身受重创,脸色苍白。 These squads encountered the team of heavy loss in just now a war. 这些小队都是在方才一战中遭遇了巨大损失的队伍。 Normal arranges the squad completely, is ten people to 15 people, however these squads each team of population, are almost of insufficient now the half of numbers normal squad. 正常的满编小队,是十人至十五人,然而这几支小队如今每一队的人数,都几乎不足正常小队的一半数字。 Their Battleship were destroyed in the fight, does not have the strength of protection Battleship provided, on such battlefield, is almost everywhere the bad risk. 他们的战舰在战斗中被打坏,没了战舰提供的防护之力,在那样的战场上,几乎是遍地凶险。 Although they fortunately survived, but also is injured quite heavily in just now that war, now did not have again the strength of war. 他们虽然幸存了下来,但在方才那一战中也受伤颇重,如今没了再战之力。 Mi Jinglun issues the pursuit order time, issued another order, the life already the officers who lose the battle efficiency, remains behind the conditioning, when the reply action converges with the army again. 米经纶下达追击命令的时候,同时也下达了另外一个命令,命已失去战斗力的将士们,留守修整,待回复行动力再与大军汇合。 This is also has no alternative the matter, the Human Race army sharply is pursuing Black Ink Clan, impossible in place to delay too time, if the heavily damaged officers can travel by other squad Battleship promptly, catches up with the step of army, if misses an opportunity, can only leave behind the conditioning. 这也是无可奈何之事,人族大军急着追击墨族,不可能在原地耽搁太多时间,若是受到重创的将士们能够及时搭乘别家小队战舰,跟上大军的步伐也就罢了,若是错过了机会,就只能留下修整了。 After reply certain strength, stimulates to movement the universe secret art again, naturally can return to army Expelling Black Ink Battleship with ease, does not delay anything. 待到回复一定力量之后,再催动乾坤诀,自然可以轻松回到中军驱墨舰,并不耽误什么。 Was ordered to remain together, Yang Kai. 一同被命令留下来的,还有杨开 The Yang Kai previous shocking performance, Mi Jinglun stands on army Expelling Black Ink Battleship sees the tail from the beginning, can say that in this war, can rout the Black Ink Clan army, forcing them to flee in the Great Evolution Pass direction, the Yang Kai's action plays the huge impetus. 杨开此前的惊艳表现,米经纶站在中军驱墨舰上从头看到尾,可以说在这一战中,能将墨族大军击溃,迫使他们往大衍关方向遁逃,杨开的举动起到了巨大的推动作用。 On high-level battle strength, 8-Rank Open Heaven had the advantage, hit Black Ink Clan Territory Lord and 8-Rank black ink disciple have to draw back intent. 高层战力上,八品开天们取得了优势,打的墨族域主八品墨徒们心生退意。 Big battlefield above, Yang Kai gets two Elite squads to offer a far-fetched interpretation unceasingly battlefield, cuts the Black Ink Clan army, making Human Race avoid many losses, exploited the Human Race victory to a certain extent, lowered the Black Ink Clan morale. 战场之上,杨开领着两支精锐小队不断穿凿战场,切割墨族大军,让人族避免了很多损失,更在一定程度上扩大了人族的战果,打压了墨族的士气。 The morale simultaneous dispirited of high level and floor, caused the disadvantage of Black Ink Clan army war, they naturally must retreat. 高层和底层的士气齐齐萎靡,导致了墨族大军战局的不利,他们自然是要撤退。 That repeatedly in the light of great sun on battlefield ascends, is almost most dazzling rays of light that Mi Jinglun this sees for a lifetime. 一次又一次战场上升腾的大日之光,几乎是米经纶这一辈子看到的最耀眼的光芒 Perhaps others do not know that Yang Kai stimulated to movement many Divine Ability Manifestation, but Mi Jinglun is actually clear. 旁人或许不知杨开到底催动了多少次神通法相,可米经纶却是一清二楚。 Enough 19 times! 足足十九次! That exactly general divine ability Secret Technique, that is high-rank Open Heaven takes as trump card Divine Ability Manifestation. Every time displays one time, consumes greatly. 可不是一般的神通秘术,那是上品开天们引为杀手锏神通法相。每施展一次,都消耗巨大。 7-Rank Open Heaven, stimulated to movement 19 Divine Ability Manifestation in a war, is the Human Race army scatters deceitful offense to be evil, before placing, Mi Jinglun does not believe, the manpower is poor sometimes, which can 7-Rank have such huge background? 一个七品开天,在一场大战中催动了十九次神通法相,为人族大军驱散身旁的奸戾邪恶,放在以前,米经纶根本不会相信,人力有时穷,哪个七品能有这么庞大底蕴 However today he actually personally sees. 然而今日他却亲眼所见。 Although he does not know that Yang Kai took anything to supplement one consumed, but displaying of 19 Divine Ability Manifestation, were also enormous to the load of Small Universe. 他虽不知杨开到底服用了什么东西补充自身消耗,但十九次神通法相的施展,对小乾坤的负荷也是极大的。 Therefore Mi Jinglun ordered, making Yang Kai remain. 所以米经纶下令,让杨开留了下来。 Him to seize the chance to restore, two, is the officers who make him look after other unable to catch up with the army step for various reasons. 一则,是要他趁机恢复一下,二则,也是让他照看一下其他因为各种原因没能跟上大军步伐的将士们。 Yang Kai accepts good advice readily. 杨开从善如流。 In fact, he truly needs to restore, although took World Fruit to supplement before one consume, Golden Crow Casting Sun that but following displays one after another, has again made his Small Universe dry. 事实上,他确实需要恢复一下,虽然之前服用过一枚世界果补充自身消耗,但后续接连施展的金乌铸日,已再次让他的小乾坤干涸。 If not the Black Ink Clan army withdraws troops, perhaps he must take World Fruit to supplement the consumption again, maintains own strength. 如果不是墨族大军撤军,他恐怕还要再服用一枚世界果来补充消耗,维持自身的力量。 Supplements the Small Universe strength with the aid of World Fruit, no doubt does not have any hidden danger, facilitates quickly, but this thing is used emergency, if can reply normally naturally best. 借助世界果补充小乾坤的力量,固然没有任何隐患,也方便快捷,但这东西是用来应急的,若是能正常回复自然最好不过。 Moreover this time fights, the whole body that he does is the wound, spiritually is extremely also exhausted. 而且这一次大战下来,他搞的浑身是伤,精神上也极度疲惫。 Now the Human Race army pursues the Black Ink Clan army to go, the victory has decided that must look, is Human Race can on the way of the pursuit, gnawed Black Ink Clan how much flesh, the army one close behind the other chased down, were many his is not many, is short of his many. 如今人族大军追击墨族大军而去,胜局已定,如今要看的,便是人族能在追击途中,啃下墨族多少血肉了,大军衔尾追杀,多他一个不多,少他一个不少。 When Mi Jinglun issuance of order, he complied refreshedly. 所以当米经纶命令下达之时,他爽快地应了下来。 At this moment, he then sits cross-legged to sit in that several tattered Battleship not far away, silently controlling one's breathing. The members of that several Battleship survivals are also controlling one's breathing, on their faces does not have too many sorrow, some are firm and resolute. 此时此刻,他便盘膝坐在那几艘破烂战舰不远处,默默调息着。那几艘战舰幸存的成员们同样在调息,他们脸上没有太多的悲恸,有的只是坚毅。 From joining Great Evolution since Northern Army that moment, all officers know, this surely bad risk extremely, because their did not go like before, the danger of mountain pass may depend on, in the remote Great Evolution war zone, only has own and robe Ze who they can depend upon. 从加入大衍北军的那一刻起,所有将士都知道,这一趟必定凶险万分,因为他们此去不会像以前那样,还有关隘之险可依,在遥远的大衍战区中,他们所能依靠的只有自己和身边的袍泽。 Regains Great Evolution, being doomed to have the innumerable casualties, is not own, is ally, each of them was psychologically prepared dying in battle. 收复大衍,注定要有无数死伤,不是自己,就是身边的战友,他们每个人都做好了战死的心理准备。 Although had the team member dead in battle, no one will be sad, because this arrives at the black ink battlefield best home to return , the person who lived does not need to recall, only need kill Black Ink Clan, seized from the Black Ink Clan hand Great Evolution, this was to these fallen robe Ze best memorial ceremonies. 所以虽有队员战死,却无人会为之哀伤,因为这是来到墨之战场最好的归宿,活下来的人无需缅怀,只需多杀墨族,将大衍墨族手中夺回来,这就是对那些战死沙场的袍泽最好的祭奠。 The situations of their these squads are not worst, although their Battleship damage seriously, team member also casualty about half, but some squads in just now fight, have dressed ranks died in battle. 他们这几支小队的情况并不算最糟糕的,他们的战舰虽破损严重,队员也死伤近半,但还有一些小队在方才的战斗中,已经整队阵亡了。 The war, is brutal forever. 战争,永远是残酷的。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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