MP :: Volume #53

#5216: You rescued own

Occasionally the Human Race officers stagger to go out from battlefield, or shape only shadow list, either 35 accompany, without exception, each one being bathed in blood whole body, aura dispirited. 偶尔还有人族将士从战场之中踉跄走出,或形只影单,或三五结伴,无一例外,个个浴血满身,气息萎靡。 By Yang Kai and the others the aura attractions, these were limped the officers to gather quickly, searches a place silently, the sitting cross-legged training. 杨开等人的气息吸引,这些步履蹒跚的将士们很快聚拢过来,默默地寻觅一个地方,盘膝修养。 Yang Kai slightly does to control one's breathing then the long body, crashed in that place of black ink cloud covering solitarily. 杨开略作调息便长身而起,只身冲进了那墨云笼罩之地。 In his Small Universe rears in a pen has the innumerable lives, has the World Tree subtree, therefore the restoration speed of the world mighty force be faster than the average man, even if deliberately does not go to practice, oneself Small Universe strength is also increasing in the time. 他的小乾坤中圈养有无数生灵,更有世界树的子树,所以天地伟力的恢复速度要比常人快很多,纵然不刻意去修行,自身小乾坤的力量也在时刻增加着。 The place of black ink cloud covering is just now battlefield is then, although now two clan armies have departed, but on battlefield does not know that also has survival Human Race. 墨云笼罩之地便是方才战场所在,如今两族大军虽然已经离去,但战场上也不知还有没有幸存的人族 Perhaps has Human Race officers also vitality, actually because of experiencing personally the heavy losses lost the ability to act, this time, if no one helps one another, only meets in dire straits. 或许有人族将士还有一线生机,却因为身受重创而失去了行动能力,这个时候若是无人相助,只会困死其中。 Therefore Yang Kai wants to look. 所以杨开想去看一看。 Entire battlefield covers in surrounding area tens of millions Void, Yang Kai shuttle in, Spiritual Mind swiftly, is searching possible vitality. 整个战场笼罩方圆数千万虚空,杨开穿梭其中,神念倏忽,搜索着可能的生机 Also really found. 还真找到一些。 However received heavily damaged Black Ink Clan to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence. 不过都是受了重创的墨族在苟延残喘。 Yang Kai naturally cannot be polite, stimulates to movement Space Principle conveniently, Moon Blade cut, gave them a happiness. 杨开自然不会客气,随手催动空间法则,一道道月刃斩去,给了他们一个痛快。 So searched for about a double-hour. 如此搜寻了一个时辰左右。 When Yang Kai returns from battlefield again, had female that has 7-Rank cultivation level comes out. 杨开再度从战场中返回的时候,带了一个有七品修为女子出来。 Yang Kai does not know that this female called anything, found her time, she has fallen into the comatose condition, the whole person crawled in Battleship wreckage above, the whole body wound, the clothing by blood red that fresh blood dyed. 杨开也不知这位女子叫什么,找到她的时候,她就已经陷入昏迷状态了,整个人爬在一艘战舰的残骸之上,满身伤口,衣衫被鲜血染的血红。 Besides this 7-Rank female, he also saw the bodies of many Human Race officers, what are more is the Black Ink Clan stump residual limb hashed meat. 除了这个七品女子之外,他还看到了许多人族将士的尸体,更多的是墨族的残肢碎肉。 Entire battlefield, just like piece of Purgatory. 整个战场,宛若一片炼狱 This is also he in only one that battlefield above looks for also living person. 这也是他在战场之上找回来的唯一一个还活着的人。 Yang Kai arrived at this black ink battlefield also several hundred years of time, from just came this place 6-Rank Open Heaven, to today's 7-Rank, communicates several war zones, participation the war of every big and small were innumerable, was is frigid and difficult, having nothing can surpass this match. 算起来,杨开来到这墨之战场也有数百年时间了,从刚来此地的六品开天,到今日的七品,来往数个战区,参与的大大小小的战事无数次,可是论惨烈和艰辛,无有能超过此役者。 Reasons for this include, the Great Evolution army make a long and wearisome journey to come, there is no barrier to depend on. 究其原因,还是大衍军长途跋涉而来,没有任何屏障可依。 Unlike battles near the respective mountain pass, in this Great Evolution war zone, the Human Race army is isolated and cuts off from help, even if were injured, has no way what safe place healing, with fighting only wins, can regaining the Great Evolution great undertaking continues. 与在各自关隘附近作战不同,在这大衍战区中,人族大军孤立无援,即便受伤了,也没法去什么安全的地方疗伤,遇战唯胜,方能将收复大衍的大业继续下去。 It can be predicted that now the day this kind of campaign, will not be absolutely few in the future day , many Human Race officers, will bury bone Great Evolution war zone, goes to the honor of that older generations. 可以预见,如今日这样的战役,在往后的日子里绝对不会少,又有多少人族将士,将埋骨这大衍战区,赴那先辈们的荣光。 Brings back to the people gathering place female, but also opens eyes to look at him in the officers of recreation, but nods slightly, does not have too many spoken languages. 女子带回众人聚集之地,还在休养的将士们睁眼瞧了瞧他,只是微微颔首,没有太多言语。 The Human Race officers of accumulation conditioning are less than 30 people here, said actually not this campaign gets down, only then these 30 people lost again the strength of war, but the army pursues Black Ink Clan time, because they are injured in the body, cannot follow promptly. 聚集在这里修整的人族将士不到三十人,倒不是说这一场战役下来,只有这三十人失去了再战之力,只是大军追击墨族的时候,他们因为受伤在身,没能及时跟上罢了。 Even if most officers received the heavy losses, still has departed with the army. 大多数将士就算受了重创,也已经随着大军离去了。 Places side female own, Yang Kai sits crosslegged to sit again, controls one's breathing silently. 女子放在自己身旁,杨开再次跏趺而坐,默默调息。 However the next moment, he then opened the eye suddenly, looks in the direction that battlefield is, there, as if there is sound of what difference. 不过下一刻,他便忽然睁开了眼睛,朝战场所在的方向望去,那里,似乎有什么异样的动静。 But he just stepped into battlefield to search a double-hour carefully, besides 7-Rank female that finding one has not died, place that other have not been worth caring about. 只不过他方才踏入战场仔细搜索了一个时辰,除了找到一个未死的七品女子之外,并没有其他值得在意的地方。 Where does the sound of this difference from pass on? 这异样的动静又是从什么地方传过来的? In his doubt is puzzled, that sound all of a sudden becomes obvious, is vitality is recovering unexpectedly, moreover this vitality is quite powerful, the speed of recovery suddenly becomes quick. 就在他狐疑不解之时,那动静一下子变得明显起来,竟是一股生机在复苏,而且这生机极为强大,复苏的速度更是陡然变快。 Tyrannical aura, from the battlefield place unconstrainedly. 强横的气息,从战场处跌宕而出。 The Yang Kai complexion suddenly changes, sets out suddenly, Spiritual Mind surges, passes message toward the four directions: Fast displays the universe secret art, returns to Expelling Black Ink Battleship!” 杨开脸色骤然一变,霍地起身,神念涌动,朝四方传音:“速速施展乾坤诀,返回驱墨舰!” Also in conditioning more than 30 Open Heaven Stage before Yang Kai makes noise also felt that recovery vitality, all had doubts is staring at battlefield, at this moment listened to Yang Kai to send greetings, all was the look one cold, realized the gravity of issue. 还在修整的三十多位开天境杨开出声之前也感受到了那复苏的生机,皆都疑惑地盯着战场,此刻听了杨开传音,俱都是神色一凛,意识到了问题的严重性。 By no one hesitant, the people disperse rapidly, respective magic arts transforms, stimulation of movement universe secret art. 是以没有人犹豫,众人迅速散开,各自法决变换,催动乾坤诀。 A restoration of more than double-hour, although cannot make these heavy losses recover in martial artist of body, makes them display this consumption not to calculate big Secret Technique sufficiently. 一个多时辰的恢复,虽不能让这些重创在身的武者痊愈,却足以让他们施展这消耗不算大的秘术 Formation rays of light, shine under more than 30 human feet, that is the universe secret art stimulates to movement, Universe Formation that on the respective brand mark and Expelling Black Ink Battleship arrange had the indication of echoing. 一座座大阵光芒,在三十多人脚下亮起,那是乾坤诀被催动,各自烙印与驱墨舰上布置的乾坤大阵有了呼应的征兆。 Only needs on several breath times, everyone can draw support from the universe secret art to return to Expelling Black Ink Battleship. 只需等上几息功夫,所有人便可借助乾坤诀返回驱墨舰中。 Perhaps however at this moment, stimulated to movement the universe secret art fluctuation attraction by the people, in that battlefield the place of vitality recovery, powerful Spiritual Mind sweeps away together suddenly. 然而就在这时,或许被众人催动乾坤诀时的波动吸引,那战场生机复苏之地,一道强大的神念忽然横扫而来。 The Yang Kai complexion is suddenly pale. 杨开脸色骤然铁青。 Matter that most is worried about happened. 最担心的事情发生了。 Before although he induced to that vitality is tyrannical, is actually not able to judge that the opposite party concrete was what cultivation level, in order to the insurance, makes the people flee immediately, now when opposite party Spiritual Mind comes unconstrainedly, the cultivation level strong and weak has been clear at a glance. 之前他虽感应到那生机强横,却无法判断对方具体是什么修为,保险起见,才会立刻让众人遁走,如今对方神念跌宕而来时,修为强弱已经一目了然。 8-Rank! vitality that then recovers in battlefield belongs to 8-Rank. 八品!那在战场中复苏的生机属于一位八品 Moreover Yang Kai is almost certain, this absolutely is not south Northern Army 8-Rank Open Heaven, ten have 98 is 8-Rank black ink disciple. 而且杨开几乎可以肯定,这绝对不是南北军八品开天,十有九八是一位八品墨徒 Although he does not know that south central this war Northern Army does have 8-Rank Open Heaven falls, but really had 8-Rank falls even if, if entire corpse, other 8-Rank not ignores corpses no matter, must carry off. 他虽不知这一战中南北军有没有八品开天陨落,但纵然真的有八品陨落了,若还有全尸的话,其他八品也不会放任尸体不管,必然是要带走的。 Also after only then these 8-Rank black ink disciple falls, Black Ink Clan Territory Lord will ignore. 也只有那些八品墨徒陨落后,墨族域主们才会置之不理。 In battlefield also remained unexpectedly 8-Rank black ink disciple! This is matter that no matter what no one can think. 战场之中居然还残留了一位八品墨徒!这是任谁也想不到的事情。 Before Yang Kai, searches battlefield time, from the start has nothing to detect, now looks like, 8-Rank of this recovery might be practice what Secret Technique, can play dead to escape and so on, otherwise could not avoid nosing of 8-Rank Garrison's Chief. 杨开之前去搜索战场的时候,压根就没有任何察觉,如今看来,这位复苏的八品极有可能是修炼了什么秘术,可以假死逃生之类的,否则根本躲不开八品总镇们的查探。 The Human Race army has gone far away, only has more than 30 old, weak, sick, and disabled of remaining, now facing 8-Rank, the aspect is worrying. 人族大军已经远去,留下来的只有三十多个老弱病残,如今面对一位八品,局面堪忧。 A Yang Kai heart mentioned the throat. 杨开一颗心提到了嗓子眼。 A breath, two breaths, three breaths...... 一息,两息,三息…… More than 30 Principle Law rays of light are even more bright. 三十多道法阵的光芒越发明亮。 When to the third breath time, there is formation rays of light to erupt suddenly, vanishes in place by the form that rays of light covers. 待到第三息的时候,有法阵光芒骤然爆发出来,被光芒笼罩的身影消失在原地 More than 30 people walked three people all of a sudden. 三十多人一下子走了三人。 When to the fourth breath, more people departs. 待到第四息,更多的人离去。 Several keep in place. 却还有十几位留在原地 Universe secret art thing is sometimes very easy-to-use, sometimes also has very big drawback. 乾坤诀这东西有时候很好用,有时候又有很大弊端。 With the aid of the universe secret art, the Human Race officers can return to Expelling Black Ink Battleship rapidly, but individual cultivation level is different, from far and near different, will affect transmission time. 借助乾坤诀,人族将士可以迅速返回驱墨舰中,但个人修为不同,距离远近不同,都会影响到传送的时间 Overall, cultivation level is higher, from is nearer, the universe secret art displays time that consumes is shorter. 总体而言,修为越高,距离越近,乾坤诀施展的时候消耗的时间就越短。 Three people that the third breath leaves, is 7-Rank cultivation level, the speed that therefore they depart is fastest. 第三息离开的三人,皆都是七品修为,所以他们离去的速度最快。 The fourth breath time leaves more than ten people, is 6-Rank cultivation level, speed that their cultivation level low 1-Rank, therefore leave also slow a breath. 第四息的时候走掉十几人,皆都是六品修为,他们的修为一品,所以离开的速度也慢了一息。 Also is left over, majority are 5-Rank, a few 6-Rank. Because their cultivation level is lowest, therefore the speed of transmission is also slowest. 还剩下的,大多数都是五品,少数几个六品。因为他们修为最低,所以传送的速度也是最慢。 Normally, when the Human Race officers display the universe secret art, will guarantee as far as possible during the transmission will not receive any disturbance, once because will be disturbed definitely to cause the transmission to be defeated. 正常情况下,当人族将士施展乾坤诀的时候,都会尽量保证在传送期间不会受到任何干扰,因为一旦受到干扰必然会导致传送失败。 However at this time the matter gets up hastily, when the people do not realize wonderfully, can only depart as soon as possible, simply does not have the means to guarantee anything. 然而此时事起仓促,当众人意识不妙的时候,只能尽快离去,根本没办法保证什么。 Eye looks at crosses 12 breaths again, the remaining people will also depart, from that battlefield, the form rushes ahead together suddenly, directly soars the people gathering place. 看着再过一两息,剩下的人也都会离去的时候,从那战场之中,一道身影忽然冲杀出来,直奔众人聚集之地。 The people not , a azure misty big hand that is condensed by the world mighty force, then has grasped in the sky. 人未至,一只由天地伟力凝聚的青濛濛大手,便已当空抓下。 By that tyrannical strength influence, Formation under more than ten human foot were started to twist the transformation. 受那强横的力量影响,十几人脚下的大阵都开始扭曲变换。 Once that big hand grasps, these more than ten people are to live not to mention die, at least the transmission will be broken, when the time comes one crowd of five 6-Rank Open Heaven, facing 8-Rank black ink disciple, absolutely do not have the way out. 一旦那大手抓下,这十几人且不说是生是死,最起码传送会被打断,到时候一群五六品开天,面对一个八品墨徒,绝对没有生路。 Yang Kai has been guarding on the alert, sees with own eyes this scenery, immediately angrily roars, the trail arms then leapt. 杨开一直在提防警惕着,眼见此景,当即一声怒吼,提枪便跃了上去。 Everywhere spear/gun shadow shake-out, toward that big calling card, at the same time, Space Principle urges the pinnacle, each spear/gun above, contains powerful Space Force. 漫天枪影抖出,朝那大手刺去,与此同时,空间法则催到极致,每一枪之上,都蕴藏着强大的空间之力 The spear/gun shadow annihilation, the big hand grips, the Yang Kai whole person was gripped. 枪影湮灭,大手攥下,杨开整个人被攥进其中。 However the next moment, his body advantage of terrain binds in spear glow, rushes ahead from the big hand, the figure in a flash, the return on the spot. 不过下一刻,他的身形便裹在枪芒之中,从大手中冲杀出来,身形一晃,回归原地。 Numerous rays of light covers everyone's figure finally, with the aid of the breath time that Yang Kai struggles, more than ten five 6-Rank Open Heaven depart safely. 身旁的众多光芒终于将所有人的身形笼罩,借助杨开争来的这一息功夫,十几个五六品开天安然离去。 Each form before departure, shocked and worried that is looking at Yang Kai. 每一道身影在离开之前,都震惊而又担忧地望着杨开 They know, without the obstuction of Yang Kai that flash, they will definitely stay behind by that 8-Rank black ink disciple, but everyone walked, is only left over Yang Kai, how can also the enemy that 8-Rank? 他们知道,没有杨开那一瞬间的阻扰,他们肯定会被那八品墨徒留下,但是所有人都走了,只剩下一个杨开,又如何能敌的过那八品 The one had only known, might as well remains completely, spells to go all-out a war, no doubt is only more than 30 old, weak, sick, and disabled, can display a big strength in the together words with joint forces. 早知如此,还不如全部都留下来,拼尽全力一战,固然只是三十多个老弱病残,合力在一起的话也能发挥不小的力量。 However at this time thinks again these do not have the significance, when discovered that this 8-Rank vitality recovers, the people have prepared to depart, such rapidness that who didn't expect this 8-Rank black ink disciple can recover. 然而此时再想这些已经毫无意义,在发现这八品生机复苏的时候,众人就已经准备离去,谁也没想到八品墨徒会复苏的如此之快。 In quiet Void, Yang Kai is raising Azure Dragon Spear, is gazing at that form that walks from battlefield silently. 静谧虚空中,杨开提着苍龙枪,默默注视着从战场中走出来的那道身影。 Truly is 8-Rank black ink disciple. 确实是八品墨徒 The strength of whole body black ink is covering, on the shoulder a huge bubble, making this 8-Rank black ink disciple seem like two heads to be steadily same, in the bubble had richly is surging like the ink strength, seemed incomparably wild. 浑身墨之力笼罩着,肩膀上一个巨大的鼓包,让这八品墨徒看起来就像是长了两个脑袋一样,鼓包之中更有浓郁如墨汁般的力量在涌动,显得无比狂暴。 Previously he intended to strike by Yang Kai is broken, causes without the accomplishment, obviously made him somewhat angry, a pair of pupil is staring at Yang Kai gloomy, in that pupil full was murderous intention: Rescued others, did you rescue own?” 先前他出手一击被杨开打断,导致毫无建功,明显让他有些恼怒,一双眸子阴沉地盯着杨开,那眸中满是杀机:“救的了别人,你救得了自己吗?” Yang Kai pale sound said: That must try to know.” 杨开淡声道:“那要试试才知道。” Is saying, under while mew mew takes out World Fruit to take quietly. 一边说着,一边悄咪咪地取出一枚世界果来服下。 Although he had restored some strengths, but must face 8-Rank now, must result to adjust well own condition. 虽然他已经恢复了一些力量,但如今要面对一个八品,还是必须得将自身的状态调整到最好。 No doubt this 8-Rank...... also not much. 固然这个八品……也不咋地。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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