MP :: Volume #6

#521: Domain

( Chapter 521 Domain (第521章意境 All martial artist of surrounding, under this strength, show and painful expression. 所有围观的武者,都在这股力量下,露出及其痛苦的表情。 They thought suddenly even breathes becomes difficult, the probably mountain presses in their top of the heads, making them give birth to the knee to become tender, wants to kneel down impulsion. 他们忽然觉得连呼吸都变得困难,好像有一座大山压在他们的头顶,让他们生出膝盖发软,想要跪倒在地的冲动。 Only has Earth Demon hey hey to grin fiendishly, the double pupil braves the light, enjoyment and joyfulness of face. 唯有地魔嘿嘿狞笑,双眸冒光,一脸的享受和愉悦。 Strength that such wild evil aura, he longs. 这样狂暴邪恶的气息,正是他渴望的力量。 Hides quickly!” “快躲!” Is far from these Black Qi.” “离那些黑气远一些。” How possibly, this Small Young Master how can use such powerful strength, did I misread?” “怎么可能,这位小公子怎么能动用这么强大的力量,我是不是看错了?” Yang Zhao Mansion these martial artist, shouting, eyeful cannot believe and terrified color, gives way to traffic again and again, was for fear that corroded by these black color energies. 杨诏府上那些武者,纷纷叫嚷着,满眼的不可置信和惶恐之se,连连避让,生怕被那些黑se的能量侵蚀。 A to split heaven and earth apart strength fluctuates, blows out on the body of Black Flood Dragon suddenly, in big mouth that it opens, presented a black color vortex, the vortex is revolving, had an unequalled strong suction, is pulling Yang Zhao and his Blood Servant. 一股开天辟地般的力量波动,骤然在黑蛟的身上爆出,它张开的血盆大口中,出现了一个黑se的漩涡,漩涡旋转着,产生了一股无与伦比的强大吸力,拉扯着杨诏和他身边的血侍 Under the influence of this strength, the strength that Yang Zhao has almost not revolted against, if not for there is a Blood Servant protection, only feared that had been drawn in the flood dragon mouth, meets a cruel death. 在这股力量的影响下,杨诏几乎没有反抗的力气,若不是有血侍守护,只怕早已被吸进蛟口中,粉身碎骨。 Surface color is pale extremely, Yang Zhao first time realizes, power gap between own and Old Nine, is huge such. se惨白万分,杨诏头一次认识到,自己老九之间的实力差距,是这么的庞大 Is such as the day and place gap, only feared that own diligently for a lifetime, is impossible to catch up with the Old Nine step. 是如天与地般的间隔,只怕自己努力一辈子,都不可能追上老九的步伐。 This thought life, Yang Zhao somewhat feels acutely disappointed immediately, suddenly thought that anything struggled the resistance, Fight for Succession, Yang's Family Lord all does not have the significance. 这个念头一生,杨诏顿时有些万念俱灰,忽然觉得什么挣扎反抗,夺嫡之战,杨家之主全都没有意义了。 Second Young Master!” That Blood Servant sinks to drink one in his ear bank, Yang Zhao seems like charging, a cleverness, the absent-minded double pupil restores clear and bright. 二公子!”那血侍在他耳畔边沉喝一声,杨诏象是过电似的,一个机灵,失神的双眸恢复一丝清明 By this aura influence state of mind!” The Blood Servant sinking sound reminded. “不要被这股气息影响心境!”血侍沉声提醒。 Yang Zhao the perspiration leaves like the thick liquid in an instant, hastily nod. He easily did not say the man of defeat, will have such negative idea and thought a moment ago, purely was because was affected the mind reason by the Yang Kai's strange strength. 杨诏刹那间汗出如浆,连忙点头。他不是轻易言败的男人,刚才之所以会出现那样的消极想法和念头,纯粹是因为被杨开的诡异力量影响了心神的缘故。 Was drunk after by Blood Servant awakes, defends the mind, does not want again by the Domain influence that in the Yang Kai strength dopes. 血侍喝醒之后,也是守住心神,不想再被杨开力量中掺杂的意境影响。 Yu Xian!” Yang Kai angrily roars similarly. 雨仙!”杨开同样怒吼。 And is following Tang Yuxian that Yang Zhao another Blood Servant shivers to smile to the own opponent in the sky, the Spirit pure huge Divine Consciousness strength bursts out suddenly from the mind, did not have the shadow invisible toward the Yang Zhao that side impact in the past. 正在天空中与追随杨诏的另外一位血侍颤抖的唐雨仙自己的对手莞尔一笑,jing庞大神识力量骤然自脑海中迸发出来,无影无形地朝杨诏那边冲击过去。 Divine Movement Boundary 9-layer?” With that Blood Servant eye pupil that Tang Yuxian confronts one bright, loses one's voice to call out in alarm. 神游境九层?”正与唐雨仙对阵的那位血侍眼眸一亮,失声惊呼。 „, Was looked by you.” Tang Yuxian chuckle, originally also wants to hide one.” “呀,被你看出来了。”唐雨仙轻笑一声,“本来还想隐藏一阵呢。” How possibly?” That Blood Servant is sizing up Tang Yuxian up and down, as to know her general, how do you possibly promote to Divine Movement Boundary 9-layer quickly?” “怎么可能?”那位血侍上下打量着唐雨仙,似乎想重新认识她一般,“你怎么可能这么快就晋升到神游境九层?” Blood Servant each other being as close as brothers sisters, knows the whole story. Tang Yuxian is what level, her opponent naturally again clear, knows when she should be able to promote to Divine Movement Boundary 9-layer. 血侍们彼此亲如兄弟姐妹,也都知根知底。唐雨仙是什么水准,她的对手自然再清楚不过,也知道她该什么时候才能晋升到神游境九层 The Divine Consciousness strength of but now, suddenly erupting, making him realize that Tang Yuxian has promoted unexpectedly. 可是现在,突然爆发出来的神识力量,让他意识到唐雨仙居然已经晋升了。 How do you achieve?” That person of anxious inquiry, originally his aptitude and level and Tang Yuxian are almost the same, but others women arrive at his front now, he is been naturally happy and impatient. “你怎么做到的?”那人急切询问,本来他的资质和水准与唐雨仙相差无几,可现在人家一个女人都走到了他前方,他自然是由高兴又心急。 The happiness is because the Blood Servant hall the brothers and sisters promoted, what is impatient is own falls behind her! 高兴是因为血侍堂又有一位兄弟姐妹晋升了,心急的是自己落后于她! Did not tell you!” Tang Yuxian laughs. “不告诉你!”唐雨仙嘻嘻一笑。 That person shakes the head slowly, the forced smile said: Yu Xian, you follow evidently side Small Young Master, even the mentality changed young many, before is not so mischievous.” 那人缓缓摇头,苦笑道:“雨仙,看样子你跟在小公子身边,连心态都变年轻了不少,以前可没这么顽皮的。” Tang Yuxian face color sinks, cold and gloomy say/way: Your what meaning, was said that I was very old?” 唐雨仙se一沉,森冷道:“你什么意思,是说我本来很老么?” That person of heart one suddenly, realizes immediately own touched the Tang Yuxian taboo, beckons with the hand hastily: Yu Xian, I may not have to say.” 那人心头一突,立刻意识到自己触动了唐雨仙的禁忌,连忙摆手:“雨仙,我可没这么说。” Snort! Originally does not want you to be attractive, now I prepare to teach you well!” Tang Yuxian face annoyed, makes a move is not forgiving, complaining constantly that her opponent hits. “哼!本来不想要你好看,现在我准备好好教训教训你!”唐雨仙一脸恼火,出手再不留情,将她的对手打的叫苦不迭。 Although first-order disparity, but is this first-order, letting Tang Yuxian can dominate in the opponent above strength. 虽然只有一阶的差距,但就是这一阶,让唐雨仙能够拥有凌驾于对手之上的实力。 In fights with him, Tang Yuxian can also release own Divine Soul Technique to aid that side Yang Kai unceasingly. 并且在与他战斗中,唐雨仙还能不断地释放自己神魂技援助杨开那边。 Resulted in the aid of Tang Yuxian, Yang Kai that side situation seems even more calm. 得了唐雨仙的援助,杨开那边的局势显得越发从容。 Small Young Master, offended!” That protects Yang Zhao Blood Servant to sink to drink suddenly, during the speeches, loosens Yang Zhao immediately, within the body True Yuan revolved, deep green color light beam, dissipates continuously from his within the body, forms huge incomparable light beam, flushes away toward Yang Kai ruthlessly. 小公子,得罪了!”那守护着杨诏血侍忽然沉喝喝到,说话间,立刻松开了杨诏,体内真元运转,一缕缕碧绿se的光束,从他体内逸散出来,形成一道巨大无比的光柱,狠狠地朝杨开冲去。 Ka!” That light beam has not been close to Yang Kai, then put out a hand by him a finger/refers, a black color energy runs out, intercepts in the midair, scatters directly. “咔!”那光束还没接近杨开,便被他伸手一指,一道黑se的能量冲出,拦截在半空中,直接打散。 Concise Yang Family Blood Servant comes out strikes, even if not make a move full power, terrifying is unusual, unexpectedly cannot keep off Yang Kai's to strike. 杨家血侍凝练出来的一击,纵然不是全力出手,也恐怖非常,居然挡不下杨开的一击。 People all startled, really does not know that Yang Kai at this moment had how strong battle efficiency. 众人皆惊,实在不知道此刻的杨开到底拥有多么强大的战斗力了。 On the contrary is Yang Kai, although strength of the vitality is exuberant, the brow is actually tightening. 反倒是杨开,虽然一身气血之力旺盛至极,眉头却紧锁着。 A head confrontation with Blood Servant, making him realize that wants to beat the opposite party is impossible. 血侍的一次正面交锋,让他意识到想击败对方是根本不可能的。 Yang Family Blood Servant, does not have unearned reputation, even if own at this moment already Become Devil, there is an assistance of Tang Yuxian Divine Soul Technique, is impossible to defeat him. 杨家血侍,并非浪得虚名,纵然自己此刻已经入魔,也有唐雨仙神魂技的协助,也不可能打败他。 Or if not for he must protect Yang Zhao, own may be defeated! 或者说,若不是他要守护杨诏,自己倒有可能被击败! Independent combat, own now is also not the Blood Servant opponent. 单打独斗,自己现在还不是血侍的对手。 Thoughts turns around quickly, various thoughts have delimited in the mind, Yang Kai cold snort, that black color Flood Dragon and all evil energy totals return, wraps him all round. 心思急转,各种念头在脑海中划过,杨开冷哼一声,那黑se蛟龙和所有的邪恶能量全数返回,将他团团包裹。 hand wrist turns, a twinkling splendid light small sword appears on palm. 手腕一翻,一柄闪烁华光的小剑出现在手心上。 This is that Heaven Grade high-rank Divine Soul Secret Treasure! 这是那件天级上品神魂秘宝 From building up it to the present, Yang Kai also still felt that cannot fuse with it thoroughly. But at this moment to strike to kill Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng, Yang Kai has to use it, is becomes the defeat, depends on this! 自炼化它到现在,杨开也依然感觉没能与它彻底融合。但此刻为了击杀向楚南笙,杨开不得不利用它了,是成是败,就在此一举! Looked at one toward Yang Zhao behind distantly, Yang Kai saw hid looks around color of face hatred hatred Xiang Chu in the crowd and Nan Sheng two people. 遥遥地朝杨诏身后望了一眼,杨开看到了躲藏在人群中探头探脑一脸怨毒仇恨之se向楚南笙两人 I said that today no one can guarantee you, you must die without doubt!” “我说了,今天谁都保不了你们,你们必死无疑!” Stands still in place, Yang Kai sinks to drink one, in the eye bursts out like the blade edge chill in the air. 静立在原地,杨开沉喝一声,眼中迸发出如刀锋般的寒意。 Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng whole body trembles, suddenly feels anxious, wants retreat, seeking to protect the own person subconsciously. 向楚南笙浑身一颤,忽然觉得不安起来,下意识地想要后退,寻找能够保护自己的人。 What a pity, Xiang Family and Nan Family all Expert had been cut to kill completely, after only remaining two Divine Movement Boundary Peak and Ying Jiu war by Yang Kai on the way of chasing down, had not returned. 可惜,向家南家的所有高手都已被杨开在追杀途中斩杀殆尽,仅剩下的两位神游境顶峰影九大战之后,也一直未回。 Looked for quite a while, cannot find the powerhouse who can depend upon, and drinks facing Yang Kai that ice-cold vision lowly, two people spills over not the wonderful feeling. 找了半天,并没能找到可以依靠的强者,面对杨开那冰冷的目光和低喝,两人不禁泛出不妙的感觉。 The Yang Kai's performance, came as a surprise to their, their didn't expect, Yang Kai really dares to chase down the Yang Zhao mansion radically unexpectedly, and here wages a war, whose face does not sell, does not massacre the hardline attitude that own two people vows not to rest. 杨开的表现,出乎了他们的意料,他们根本没想到,杨开居然真的敢追杀到杨诏府,并且在这里大动干戈,谁的面子都不卖,一副不杀掉自己两人誓不罢休的强硬姿态。 We are the First Grade Aristocratic Family successor, Yang Kai you dare under the extreme methods to us, you will certainly regret!” Nan Sheng is terrified, cannot bear scream, hysteric. “我们是一等世家的继承人,杨开你敢对我们下死手,你一定会后悔的!”南笙惶恐间,忍不住尖叫起来,歇斯底里。 Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, said callously: I, no matter you are the First Grade Aristocratic Family successors, if fights you to injure my person directly, I am also speechless, but you dare to move the hands and feet of some lows while me unprepared, must pay the price!” 杨开缓缓摇头,冷酷道:“我不管你们是不是一等世家的继承人,如果是正面战斗你们打伤我的人,那我也无话可说,可你们敢趁我不备动些下三滥的手脚,就要付出代价!” The words saying, suddenly closed the eyes. 话说完,忽然闭上了双眼。 Zheng...... 铮…… A clear delightful Zheng called, in the small sword from his hand passed on, some as if people in light shell it. 一声清脆悦耳的铮鸣,自他手上的小剑传了出来,似乎有人在轻弹着它。 Strange aura spreads from Yang Kai on. 一种诡异的气息杨开身上蔓延出来。 Prevents him quickly!” Yang Zhao sees wonderfully, does not sink to drink one hastily, simultaneously offered a sacrifice to own Mystery Grade Secret Treasure. “快阻止他!”杨诏看出不妙,连忙沉喝一声,同时祭出了自己玄级秘宝 That is golden light sparkles, ring shape Secret Treasure, is he seizes the spoils of war in valuable war in Broken Mirror Lake. 那是一件金光闪闪,圆环状的秘宝,也是他在破镜湖夺宝战中的战利品。 Poured into True Yuan toward the ring in crazily, Yang Zhao hit it conveniently, that ring in stirring up she on the way, divided into two suddenly, two were divided into four, four were divided into eight...... 疯狂地往圆环内灌入真元,杨诏随手将它打了出去,那圆环在激she的途中,陡然一分为二,二分为四,四分为八…… The suddenly time, blotting out the sky is the shining ring, covers toward Yang Kai. 眨眼的功夫,铺天盖地都是金灿灿的圆环,朝杨开笼罩过来。 Flood Dragon is roaring, drags the physique, protects Yang Kai with the own huge body all round, wraps airtight. 蛟龙怒吼着,摇曳身姿,用自己庞大的身躯将杨开团团守护,包裹得密不透风。 Wild Tyrant Blood Technique!” Tang Yuxian does not know when flushed from the sky, in the gentle and charming body erupts the unimaginable strength, keeps off in front of Yang Kai. 霸血狂术!”唐雨仙也不知道什么时候从天空中冲了下来,娇柔的身躯内爆发出不可想象的力量,只身挡在杨开面前。 Followed Yang Zhao two Blood Servant also to clash. 追随杨诏两位血侍也冲了上来。 Wild attack hits to Tang Yuxian. 狂暴的攻击打向唐雨仙 A scene confusion. 场面一片混乱。 Yang Kai actually mind like still water, the loud noise, the fight sound, the wild strength demolition sound, elapses with the wind, the whole person as if stands in a tranquil lake surface. 杨开却心如止水,喧闹声,战斗声,狂暴的力量爆破声,随风逝去,整个人似乎立在一片平静的湖面上。 Tick-tock...... 滴答…… In the mind transmits one to palpitate, why does not know, own Divine Consciousness strength, achieved an unprecedented conjunction condition with Divine Soul Secret Treasure of small sword appearance in this moment. 心灵里传来一阵悸动,不知为何,自身的神识力量,与小剑模样的神魂秘宝在这一刻达到了一种空前的契合状态。 Yang Kai seemed like by oneself body integrates in the small sword. 杨开似乎是以己身融入到了小剑之中。 ...... 咻…… The small sword changes into together flowing light, is unable to see by a naked eye, the speed that Divine Consciousness is unable to catch, stirs up she to go out from Yang Kai. 小剑化为一道流光,以一种肉眼无法看到,神识都无法捕捉的速度,从杨开手上激she出去。 The consciousness resides temporarily in the small sword, Yang Kai saw after displaying Wild Tyrant Blood Technique , the strength puts together two Divine Movement Boundary 8-layer Blood Servant Tang Yuxian, fragrant soaked in perspiration, does not flinch. 意识寄身在小剑之中,杨开看到了施展霸血狂术之后力拼两位神游境八层血侍唐雨仙,香汗淋淋,毫不退缩。 Saw the protection in own Black Flood Dragon, was hit by Yang Zhao that Mystery Grade Secret Treasure is scarred, Black Qi tumbles. 看到了守护在自己身旁的黑蛟,被杨诏的那件玄级秘宝打得伤痕累累,黑气翻滚。 Saw surrounding martial artist publicized the mouth incredible expression. 看到了围观的武者们张大了嘴巴不可置信的表情。 Even also saw in Qiu Yimeng that eyes pupil but actually seal the form of own, worry that in that beautiful pupil contains. 甚至还看到了秋忆梦那双眼眸中倒印的自己的身影,还有那美眸中蕴藏的担忧。 Saw several thousand feet (333 m) about, in Yijian Teahouse, locates facial colors dignified Yang Wei and Liu Qingyao near window location/position. 更看到了几百丈开外,一间茶楼里,临窗位置神se凝重的杨威柳轻摇 time in this moment, as if slowed down, the Yang Kai's thought feeling compared with the past, wanted clear ten million/countless time, the thought to reach, all can print in the mind. 时间在这一刻,似乎被放慢了,杨开的思维感觉比起以往,要清晰千万倍,意念所达,一切都能印入脑海之中。 A mysterious mysterious feeling, raises from heart spontaneously, in the past this had not always had the feeling, under this feeling, Yang Kai experienced unprecedented full. 一种神奇玄妙的感觉,油然自心底升起,这是以往从来未曾有过的感觉,在这种感觉下,杨开体验了前所未有的酣畅淋漓。 Bang...... 轰…… In the mind as if had 1-layer to fetter is broken, immediately made his whole body one light, for no reason gave birth to a sea extravagantly depending on the fish dive day high Ren Niaofei comfort. 脑海中似乎有一层束缚被打破了,顿时让他浑身一轻,平白生出一种海阔凭鱼跃天高任鸟飞的舒坦。 That small sword appearance the speed of Divine Soul Secret Treasure, quicker point! 那小剑模样的神魂秘宝的速度,更快一分! In the sky the Wind and Cloud border meeting, camouflaged the entire War City dark cloud to condense suddenly in this moment, becoming even more was sincerer than a moment ago, was even more depressing. 天空中风云际会,遮蔽了整个战城的乌云在这一刻陡然凝聚起来,变得比刚才愈发厚重,愈发压抑。 Yang Kai has immersed in absorbed Domain, the lock-on target of own on Nan Sheng.( To be continued. 杨开已沉浸在忘我的意境之中,将自己的目标锁定在了南笙身上。(未完待续。
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