MP :: Volume #6

#522: Is destruction, the baptism?

() Chapter 522 is destruction, the baptism? ()第522章毁灭,还是洗礼? As if realized anything, Nan Sheng frightened is immediately anxious, shouted loudly: Saves me, saves me!” < 仿佛是意识到了什么,南笙马上恐惧不安起来,大声叫嚷:“救我,救我!”< Yang Zhao heard, what a pity has not actually made any movement. 杨诏听到了,可惜却没有做出任何动作。 Facing strength extraordinary Yang Kai, he has resorted to the method that own all has been able to resort, but also can only break open some defenses of that Black Flood Dragon merely, touches the Yang Kai's body unable to achieve continually, where has the ample force to extend the aid to Nan Sheng? 面对实力超绝的杨开,他已动用了自己所有能动用的手段,可也仅仅只能破开那黑蛟的一些防御,连触及杨开的身体都无法做到,哪有余力向南笙伸出援手? Even if there is an ample force, he still responded without enough time. 就算有余力,他也来不及反应。 the next moment, Nan Sheng such as was pressed firmly between the fingers the voice by an invisible big hand, the rending yawp catches suddenly. 下一刻,南笙如被一只无形的大手捏住了嗓门,撕心裂肺的叫喊声陡然卡住。 Stands with astonishment looks toward him in Xiang Chu of his side not far away, the eye pupil shivers fiercely. 站在他身边不远处的向楚惊愕地朝他望去,眼眸剧烈颤抖起来。 He discovered, southern Big Brother double pupil of own absent-minded, vitality rapid dissipation. 他发现,自己的南大哥双眸失神,生机迅速消散。 ...... splendid light stirs up she to come out from the head of Nan Sheng in together, returns to Yang Kai's, turns into the appearance of that small sword. 咻……一道华光南笙的头颅里激she出来,返回杨开的手上,重新变成那柄小剑的模样。 Nan Sheng, both eyes stared the circle face up, an unrequited appearance, the double pupil loses the appearance. 南笙仰面倒了下去,双目瞪圆,一副死不瞑目的模样,双眸失去神采。 various people not invariable color. 诸人无不变se In the field, besides several strength profound Divine Movement Boundary powerhouses, when no one has seen clearly this small sword to attack. 场中,除了几个实力高深的神游境强者之外,谁都没看清这柄小剑到底是什么时候攻过来的。 Even that several powerhouse who sees mystery, deeply frowning, secret heart startled, they do not know, if Yang Kai copes with them with this Divine Soul Secret Treasure, whether own can keep off. 甚至就连那几个看到一丝玄机的强者,也眉头紧锁着,暗暗心惊,他们不知道如果杨开用这件神魂秘宝来对付他们,自己是否能挡得下来。 Divine Soul Secret Treasure, with general Secret Treasure different, that is by Divine Consciousness stimulation of movement Secret Treasure, only injures Divine Soul and Consciousness Sea. 神魂秘宝,与一般的秘宝不一样,那是以神识催动的秘宝,只伤神魂识海 The might that it can play, links up with the martial artist Divine Consciousness strength strong and weak directly. The role that Divine Consciousness strength, can play is big, vice versa. 它能发挥出来的威力,与武者神识力量强弱直接挂钩。神识力量强,能发挥出来的作用就大,反之亦然。 Although this small sword is Heaven Grade high-rank, the scale is not low, but if does not have the Divine Consciousness stimulation of movement of huge, it is unable to play the proper role. 这小剑虽然是天级上品,档次不低,可如果没有庞大神识催动,它也无法发挥出应有的作用。 After the experience to this kind of strikes, with that two Blood Servant that the Tang Yuxian strength puts together is not daring to hesitate, retreat, protects side Yang Zhao. 见识到这样的一击之后,正与唐雨仙力拼的那两个血侍再也不敢犹豫,纷纷后退,守护在杨诏身旁。 They feared that Yang Kai kills to be popular sends greatly, if with this draws on to cope with Second Young Master, that matter made in a big way. 他们怕杨开杀兴大发,万一用这一招来对付二公子,那事情就闹大了。 Tang Yuxian has not pursued, slightly gasping for breath, is keeping off in front of Yang Kai. 唐雨仙并未追击,微微喘气着,只身挡在杨开面前。 Black Flood Dragon coils around, stands erect several feet body, the giant triangle heads and tall and slender eyes are fixing the eyes on Xiang Chu in crowd, twinkling yin cold rays of light. 黑蛟盘绕,直立起十几丈长的身躯,巨大的三角脑袋和细长的双眼紧盯着人群中的向楚,闪烁yin寒的光芒 Nan Sheng died suddenly, Xiang Chu was frightened is scared out of one's wits, this knows that Yang Kai is really capable of striking to massacre own under the protection of Yang Zhao. 南笙忽然死亡,向楚被吓得魂不附体,这才知道杨开确实有能力在杨诏的守护下击杀掉自己 In heart terrified, frightened looks with amazement toward Yang Kai, does not know that the next moment will be the own time of death will arrive. 心中惶恐至极,恐惧又骇然地朝杨开望去,不知下一刻是不是自己的死期就会到来。 Has a mind to seek to shelter the own powerhouse, may control to look, everyone leaves him to be distant, face color of dreading. 有心寻找能够庇护自己的强者,可左右望去,所有人都离他远远的,一脸的忌惮之se These people, there are many once are on intimate terms with Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng, drank wine to make music together, speaks freely about the future, is now, they actually evaded Xiang Chu like the viper, was for fear that implicated by him, thus caused own also to stare by Yang Kai, died from some unknown cause. 这些人,有许多曾经都与向楚南笙称兄道弟,一起饮酒作乐,畅谈未来,可是现在,他们却避向楚如蛇蝎,生怕被他连累,从而导致自己也被杨开盯上,死得不明不白。 The worldly wisdom, knows without being told. 人情世故,如人饮水,冷暖自知。 Xiang Chu feels suddenly somewhat dejected, resents the world and detests mundane affairs, facial colors becomes fierce extremely, avoids his person sneered to these by far. 向楚忽然觉得有些心灰意冷,愤世嫉俗起来,神se不禁变得狰狞万分,冲那些远远避开他的人嘿嘿冷笑 Yang Kai opens eyes slowly, is pinching the small sword on hand, deeply frowning, a True Yuan vicissitude is uncertain, Internal Qi tumbles. 杨开缓缓睁眼,捏着手上的小剑,眉头紧锁着,一身真元浮沉不定,气机翻滚。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… In the sky has the stuffy thunder sound to transmit, such as the land deep place sounded the battle drum sound of strong mortal form, shakes everyone eardrum to tremble, the heart beats fiercely. 天空中有闷雷的声响传来,如大地深处敲响了壮魄的战鼓声,震得每个人耳膜都发颤,心脏剧烈跳动。 Blustery, camouflaged the entire War City dark cloud to be getting more and more rich, was getting more and more thick , War City went black gradually thoroughly, did not see light. 风起云涌,遮蔽了整个战城的乌云越来越浓郁,越来越厚实,渐渐地,战城彻底陷入了黑暗,不见一丝光明。 In the pitch-dark darkness, no one knows that exactly had anything, all martial artist of surrounding are talking in whispers, in the looks at sky gathers not the loose dark cloud, in the heart is irritable, terrified. 在伸手不见五指的黑暗之中,没人知道到底发生了什么,所有围观的武者都在窃窃私语,看着天空中汇聚不散的乌云,不禁心中急躁,惶恐不安。 Some, has shouldered both hands to observe calmly the development Meng Wuya, is actually at present one bright, both eyes brilliant stare at stood in place motionless Yang Kai, on the face are reappearing unexpectedly anticipation facial colors. 某一处,一直背负着双手静观事态变化的梦无涯,却是眼前一亮,双目灼灼地盯着站在原地一动不动的杨开,脸上竟浮现出一片期待的神se Master, Master!” Xia Ning Chang is breathing heavily the atmosphere, does not know when also ran from Mansion. “师傅,师傅!”夏凝裳喘着大气,不知什么时候也从府邸里跑了出来。 Meng Wuya looked at her one eyes, stretched out the finger to breathe out one in the mouth. 梦无涯看了她一眼,伸出手指在嘴边嘘了一声。 Xia Ning Chang shrank the neck, asked in a soft voice: Master, how was Junior Brother this?” 夏凝裳不禁缩了缩脖子,轻声问道:“师傅,师弟这是怎么了?” Does not know, the looks at shape accidentally discharges Become Devil , the intelligence is sober, this bastard does not know that had/left what accident, really makes one not be free from worry.” A Meng Wuya face is depressed, since arrives at War City, he helps Yang Kai touch and go many times buttocks. Although he kept on proclaiming with Yang Kai said that will not meddle Fight for Succession anything, but when Yang Kai faced some difficulties, he has to lend a hand to assist. “不知道,看着象走火入魔,却又神智清醒,这混蛋也不知道出了什么变故,真是让人不省心。”梦无涯一脸郁闷,自从来到战城,他可是帮杨开擦过不少次屁股。虽然他口口声声跟杨开说不会插手夺嫡之战的任何事情,但当杨开这边面临一些困难的时候,他还是不得不出手相助。 „Does he currently have the matter?” In the beautiful pupil of Xia Ning Chang a piece worried, asked anxiously. “那他现在有没有事啊?”夏凝裳的美眸中一片担忧,焦急地问道。 Should be all right.” Meng Wuya shakes the head slowly, facial colors is strange, „, is not only all right, looks at his, as if has feeling that must break through.” “应该没事。”梦无涯缓缓摇头,神se怪异,“不但没事,看他这样子,似乎有要突破的感觉。” Must break through!” Xia Ning Chang calls out in alarm one, covered the small mouth, raises the head was looking in the sky the heavy/thick dark cloud, feels the destruction behavior prestige energy that in that cloud layer contained, Hua Rong/beautiful face lost color, was suddenly enlighted: Master you said, this is the phenomenon that the Junior Brother breakthrough brings?” “要突破!”夏凝裳惊呼一声,捂住了小嘴,抬头望着天空中厚重的乌云,感受到那云层里蕴藏的毁灭xing的威能,不禁花容se,恍然大悟:“师傅你是说,这是师弟突破带来的异象?” Should be.” Meng Wuya also shocks. “应该是。”梦无涯也是为之震撼。 Never which martial artist, when breaks through Divine Movement Boundary to make such big move. 从来没有哪个武者在突破到神游境的时候弄出这么大的动静。 World prestige energy that in that cloud layer contains, at all is not Divine Movement Boundary martial artist can withstand, even own at this moment, may not meet. 那云层里蕴藏的天地威能,根本不是神游境武者能够承受的,就算是此刻的自己,也不一定能接得下来。 „The this kind of baptism, can Junior Brother unable to withstand?” Xia Ning Chang was hurried. 这样的洗礼,师弟能承受得住么?”夏凝裳慌了。 martial artist when break through a big boundary every time, will cause some changes between world, pulling nearby world's spiritual energy, is the own body baptism. 武者们在每突破一个大境界的时候,都会引起天地间的一些变化,牵引附近的天地灵气,为自己的身体洗礼。 In the process of baptism, martial artist can absorb these world's spiritual energy, powerful. But each martial artist aptitude is different, the physical quality is different, therefore in the process of baptism, advantage also different that can obtain. 在洗礼的过程中,武者可以吸收那些天地灵气,强大自身。但每一个武者资质不同,身体素质不同,所以在洗礼的过程中,能得到的好处也不一样 aptitude is better, the physical quality is better, the obtained advantage is naturally bigger. 资质越好,身体素质越好,得到的好处自然就越大。 Xia Ning Chang promotes Divine Movement Boundary time, has experienced this pass/test, world's spiritual energy that but her pulling came at that time, even also less than present 1/10. 夏凝裳晋升神游境的时候,也经历过这一关,不过那时候她牵引过来的天地灵气,甚至还不到现在的十分之一。 The this kind of world prestige energy, cannot call it the baptism, but is destruction! 这样的天地威能,已经不能称之为洗礼了,而是毁灭 Looked at his good fortune!” Meng Wuya said solemnly, in foreheads also color of thick worry, and does not raise the own treasure apprentice to be passionately devoted about that bastard boy, if really had/left what accidental/surprised, own treasure apprentice sad yu certainly, own will definitely look that bastard boy also is actually very pleasing to the eyes, does not hope him because of some accidental/surprised, but died early. “看他的造化了!”梦无涯沉声道,眉宇间也有一丝浓浓的担忧之se,且不提自己的宝贝徒弟对那混蛋小子一往情深,若真出了什么意外,自己的宝贝徒弟肯定会伤心yu绝,自己看那混蛋小子其实也挺顺眼,并不希望他因为一些意外而早早夭折。 This boy, can break through this world to fetter, arrives at a higher level Variation! 这小子,是能突破这个世界束缚,走到更高层次的异种 Meng Wuya wants to have a look, he can grow to what degree. 梦无涯很想看看,他到底能成长到什么程度。 How to break through at this critical moment.” Xia Ning Chang was about to cry, that side is clearly still fighting, here Yang Kai must break through, withstood the world prestige to be able the baptism, if were disturbed, the consequence was absolutely dreadful. “怎么会在这种关键时刻突破啊。”夏凝裳快哭了,那边分明还在战斗,这边杨开要突破,承受天地威能的洗礼,万一要是被人干扰,后果绝对不堪设想。 Possibly comprehended some mysteries in the fight.” Meng Wuya sighed, chance type of thing was only happens by happy circumstance, Yang Kai will endure the broken own shackles in this critical moment, was the good fortune, the breakthrough neared, cannot suppress, can only allow nature to take its course , Meng Wuya also said: Relax, really must arrive at the danger time, Old Man will not sit by and do nothing.” “可能是在战斗中领悟到了一些奥妙吧。”梦无涯叹了口气,机缘这种东西是可遇不可求的,杨开会在这紧要关头堪破自己的桎梏,也算是福气,突破在即,压制不回去,只能顺其自然,顿了顿,梦无涯又道:“放心,真要到了危险的时候,老夫不会坐视不理的。” Em.” Xia Ning Chang nods gently, a pair of beautiful pupil looks toward that side. “恩。”夏凝裳轻轻点头,一双美眸朝那边望去。 Although War City is not luminous, may regarding strength profound martial artist, can see something. 尽管战城毫无光亮,可对于实力高深的武者来说,还是能看到一些东西的。 That side, Yang Zhao also awakens suddenly, is looking at Yang Kai strangely, flutters the inquiry: Old Nine, do not break through?” 那边,杨诏也豁然惊醒,古怪至极地望着杨开,颤声询问:“老九,你不会是要突破了吧?” Yang Kai caught the eye to visit him, took a deep breath, facial colors nods dignifiedly. 杨开抬眼看了看他,深吸一口气,神se凝重地点点头。 Tang Yuxian facial colors shakes, somewhat is immediately anxious. 唐雨仙神se一震,顿时有些不安起来。 Yang Zhao laughs, the smiling face is bitter and astringent extremely, the fist is gripping tightly, clenches teeth saying: You thought that the Second Brother does meet the ignores you to break through, making you stronger?” 杨诏哈哈大笑起来,笑容苦涩万分,拳头紧握着,咬牙道:“你觉得二哥会放任你突破,让你变得更强?” I do not have to think.” Yang Kai shakes the head, Second Brother wants to block, although comes to block is......, so long as you can unable to withstand the price!” “我没这么想。”杨开摇了摇头,“二哥想阻,尽管来阻就是……只要你能承受得住代价!” Yang Zhao face color one cold, in the eye pupil dreads with hesitates completely, under him could not decide to be determined whether must make war with Yang Kai here comprehensively! 杨诏se一冷,眼眸中满是忌惮和迟疑,他下定不了决心是否要在这里与杨开全面开战! Only by own and two Blood Servant, was unable to prevent Yang Kai. 单靠自己两位血侍,已经无法阻止杨开了。 He at this moment already so terrifying, once makes him break through Divine Movement Boundary, he only will become fiercer, perhaps by that time, own is unable to catch up with his step forever. 此刻的他就已经如此恐怖,一旦让他突破到神游境,他只会变得更加厉害,到那时候,自己或许永远都无法追上他的步伐。 At present is an excellent opportunity, if not give it all, Yang Zhao thought that own may regret life-long. 眼下就是个大好的机会,如果不放手一搏,杨诏觉得自己可能会后悔终生。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The sound of stuffy thunder transmits again, Yang Kai face color slightly changes, becomes somewhat painful. 闷雷的声响再一次传来,杨开se微微一变,变得有些痛苦。 Above the top of the head, the dark clouds of tumbling revolve slowly, exits a huge vortex, from that vortex, spreads an irresistible suction, blots the Yang Kai's body upward. 头顶上方,翻滚的黑云慢慢地旋转起来,转出一个巨大的漩涡,从那漩涡内,传出一股无可抵挡的吸力,将杨开的身子往上吸去。 Wild, destruction, cruel, bloodthirsty, evil aura, as Yang Kai's rose to explode from his within the body, filled entire War City, as if this city, in turned into Asura Purgatory existence instantaneously. 狂暴,毁灭,残忍,嗜血,邪恶的气息,随着杨开的上升从他体内爆了出来,弥漫了整个战城,似乎这一座城池,在瞬间就变成了修罗炼狱般的存在。 In War City tens of thousands people, about 60% people accelerate at this moment heartbeat suddenly, evil restless yu that within the body hidden moves, the behavior sentiment received affect. 战城内几万人,有60%左右的人在这一刻心跳忽然加速,体内隐藏的邪恶蠢蠢yu动,xing情受到了波及。 After the moment, Yang Kai stopped in dozens zhang (3.33 m) high vacancy, stay still. 片刻后,杨开停在了几十丈的高空处,静止不动。 The dark clouds of that revolving transfer even more rapidly. 那旋转的黑云转得越发迅速。 Suddenly, a jet black energy from air raid, bang on Yang Kai. 蓦然间,一股漆黑的能量从空袭下,轰在杨开身上。 Stuffy snort/hum transmits, the Yang Kai's body as if turned into a bottomless pit, only in time of several breaths, swallows this wild destruction energy completely. 一声闷哼传来,杨开的身体似乎变成了一个无底洞,只在几息的时间内,就将这狂暴毁灭的能量吞噬殆尽。 Yang Zhao changes color excitedly! 杨诏勃然变se His didn't expect Yang Kai so deals with is unexpectedly relaxed, hesitates facial colors strengthened suddenly much. 没想到杨开应付得居然如此轻松,迟疑神se陡然坚定了不少。 The Xiang Chu shouting sound passed on: Second Young Master, opportunity must not be lost loses no longer comes!” 向楚的叫嚷声传了过来:“二公子,机不可失失不再来啊!” Nan Sheng dies before him, he was worrying that own can go to the Nan Sheng footsteps, actually does not think that Yang Kai breaks through in this crucial time unexpectedly, immediately makes him see vitality, naturally looks forward to Yang Zhao to order to attack. 南笙就死在他面前,他正担心自己会不会赴了南笙的后尘,却不想杨开居然在这关键的时刻突破,顿时让他看到一线生机,自然巴不得杨诏下令进攻。 Yang Kai does not die, he must die sooner or later, that is the arriving man who could say is. 杨开不死,他早晚都要死,那可是一个说得出做的到的男人。 Moreover, breaking through Yang Kai, perhaps did not have the ample force to cope with him, looked at clear this point, Xiang Chu naturally instigates loudly.( To be continued. 而且,正在突破的杨开,恐怕也没余力来对付他了,看清楚这一点,向楚自然高声怂恿起来。(未完待续。
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