MP :: Volume #6

#520: You cannot block

Several zhang (3.33 m) Black Flood Dragon moves slowly, making many martial artist have panic-stricken, regards the Yang Kai's attitude, is changing quietly. 十几丈长的黑蛟徐徐而动,让很多武者都心生惊恐,看待杨开的态度,也在悄悄地发生变化。 These Yang Zhao Mansion martial artist books think that this time can in the advantage by population beat Yang Kai that and the others come to encroach upon, the method of but after seeing Yang Kai showing, restrained the thoughts immediately. 这些杨诏府上武者本以为这次能够凭借人数上的优势击败前来侵犯的杨开等人,但在见到杨开展现出来的手段之后,都顿时收敛了心思。 The this kind of strength and background, the exactly average person can take, today this war, even if can defeat the Yang Kai mansion these martial artist, may not capture Yang Kai. 这样的实力和底蕴,可不是一般人能够拿下来的,今天这一战,就算能够击败杨开府的那些武者,也不一定能擒拿住杨开 Make them feel what slightly feels at ease, Earth Demon or Tang Yuxian, after exposing the own strength too many movements, as if they do not deter, without plan really start slaughter. 让他们稍微感到心安的是,无论是地魔还是唐雨仙,在展露出自己的实力之后都没有太多的动作,似乎他们只是要威慑一番,没有打算真的开始屠杀。 The Yang Zhao look changes, shouted severely: Old Nine, you really planned that makes war in this place with the Second Brother?” 杨诏神色一变,厉喝道:“老九,你真打算与二哥在此地开战?” Just like before Yang Kai, said, the worry in Yang Zhao heart are more than him. Although he had the absolute advantage in the population, but in the Expert level and quantity, is actually less than the Yang Kai mansion background, once hits, can only be the mutually wounded result. 正如杨开之前所说,杨诏心中的顾虑比他要多。他虽然在人数上占据了绝对的优势,但在高手层次和数量上,却不及杨开府的底蕴,一旦打起来,只会是两败俱伤的结果。 When the time comes, benefitting as the third party in a dispute was Boss Yang Wei. 到时候,渔翁得利的便是老大杨威了。 He does not want to be picked up a bargain by others. 他可不想被别人捡了便宜。 Before having absolute advantage, he did not plan that is facing to spell with anybody 在没取得绝对的优势之前,他不打算与任何人正面对拼 What a pity, tyrannical of Yang Kai this time, making him realize the advancement not such development of as he expected Fight for Succession. 可惜,杨开这一次的强横,让他意识到夺嫡战的进程不会象他预期的那样发展。 Second Brother, I said that so long as I kill that two people, you hand over them, I retreat Yang Kai to shake the head immediately slowly. “二哥,我说了,我只要杀那两个人,你交出他们,我立刻退走”杨开缓缓摇头。 Is impossible Yang Zhao to shake the head similarly, if really hands over Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng, what he did become? However he also listened from the Yang Kai's words, Yang Kai also does not hope that made war in this place. “不可能”杨诏同样摇头,真要是交出向楚南笙,那他成什么了?不过他也从杨开的话语中听出来了,杨开同样不希望在此地开战。 The mutually wounded result, no one is willing to withstand 两败俱伤的结局,谁都不愿意承受 Yang Zhao is because is afraid by Yang Wei benefits as the third party in a dispute, but Yang Kai does not want the own friends faced with the dangerous situation, two people set out to select different, the issue that but considers is the same. 杨诏是因为害怕被杨威渔翁得利,而杨开是不愿意自己的朋友们面临险境,两人出发不一样,但考虑的问题却是相同的。 Hesitated, Yang Zhao said with a smile suddenly lightly: Old Nine, since you and brothers have the worry, I pour some suggestions, can listen?” 沉吟了一下,杨诏忽然轻笑道:“老九,既然你和二哥都多有顾虑,我倒有个建议,要不要听听?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, does not know that Yang Zhao wants to play what schemes and tricks, actually nods to say gently: „ Said. 杨开眉头一皱,不知道杨诏想耍什么阴谋诡计,却还是轻轻点头道:“说。 Battle that „the this time event, considers my Yang Family person insider, since is the battle of insider, that then can only participate by the Yang Family person. You must kill, I must guarantee, respectively depending on method, how?” 这一次的事件,就当是我杨家人内部人的争斗,既然是内部人的争斗,那便只能由杨家人参与。你要杀,我要保,各凭手段,如何?” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth rose, ponder to smile: Infighting?” 杨开嘴角上扬,玩味地笑了起来:“内部争斗?” Good.” “不错。” Only has the Yang Family person to participate?” “只有杨家人可以参与?” Yes.” “是。” Including Blood Servant is right?” “包括血侍对吧?” Naturally includes, although Blood Servant hall Expert are not surnamed Yang, but that is also my Yang Family person.” “自然包括,血侍高手们虽然不姓杨,但那也是我杨家人。” I understood.” Yang Kai nods slightly, raises the head, the double pupil is suddenly splendid, depends on Second Brother's meaning to manage this time, is the battle of my Yang Family insider.” “我懂了。”杨开微微颔首,霍地抬头,双眸熠熠生辉,“就依二哥的意思办这一次,是我杨家内部人的争斗。” Saying it and meaning it Yang Zhao laughs loudly, seeming like what schemes and tricks worked was the same. “一言为定”杨诏不禁放声大笑起来,似乎是什么阴谋诡计得逞了一样。 Yang Kai is also smiling, smiles incomparably treacherously, Qiu Yimeng is deeping frown, realized faintly some are not right, but where is not right, she cannot think. 杨开同样在笑,笑得无比诡谲,秋忆梦眉头紧锁着,隐隐意识到有些不对,可到底哪里不对,她也想不出来。 In that teahouse, Yang Wei and Liu Qingyao two people similar look doubts, some do not want to understand that Yang Zhao actually wants to do, unexpectedly the performance is like that self-satisfied, does not want to understand that Yang Kai wants to do, a calm and confidence of face. 那茶楼上,杨威柳轻摇两人同样神色疑惑,有些没想明白杨诏到底想干什么,居然表现那般得意,更没想明白杨开想干什么,一脸的从容和成竹在胸。 These two brothers, recognized that own can guarantee Nan Sheng and Xiang Chu, recognized that own can kill them, finally who can achieve wishes, no one knows. 这两兄弟,一个认定自己能保下南笙向楚,一个认定自己能杀得了他们,最后谁能如愿以偿,没人知道。 Fight that only then the Yang Family person can participate, side Tang Yuxian and Yang Zhao that Blood Servant must certainly to, that Yang Zhao opponent be Yang Kai, present Yang Kai, although aura is fierce, somewhat accidentally discharges the Become Devil sign, but that oppressive imposing manner and tyrannical strength are obvious to all. 只有杨家人能够参与的战斗,唐雨仙杨诏身边的那位血侍肯定要对上,那杨诏的对手就是杨开了,现在的杨开,虽然气息狰狞残暴,有些走火入魔的迹象,但那压迫性的气势和强横的实力却是有目共睹的。 Does Yang Zhao have the confidence to block him? 杨诏有信心拦下他? Yang Wei and Liu Qingyao do not favor, Yang Zhao even again splendid, possibly is not the Yang Kai's opponent at this moment, only feared that in less than three breath time, Yang Zhao must suffer defeat. 杨威柳轻摇都不看好,杨诏就算再出色,也绝不可能是此刻的杨开的对手,只怕用不了三息时间,杨诏就得败北。 Yu Xian Yang Kai sinks to drink one suddenly. 雨仙杨开忽然沉喝一声。 Tang Yuxian nods gently, the gentle and charming body then flew the midair in a flash. 唐雨仙轻轻点头,娇柔的身躯一晃便飞上了半空。 Side Yang Zhao that Blood Servant shows a faint smile, does not have slight hesitates, rushes to the midair, meets head-on Tang Yuxian. 杨诏身边的那位血侍微微一笑,没有丝毫迟疑,冲上半空,迎战唐雨仙 two Blood Servant has not said the hello, immediately then the battle gets up. 两位血侍连招呼都没打一声,立刻便争斗起来。 But no one pays attention to them, even if they are the powerhouses in Divine Movement Boundary powerhouse, today's focus, is still centralized on Yang Family two Young Master. 但无人去关注他们,纵然他们是神游境强者中的强者,今天的焦点,依然集中在杨家两位公子身上。 Old Nine Yang Zhao sinks to drink one, not as everyone expected, facing Yang Kai at this moment, does not defend to counter-attack unexpectedly, the big foot stamped ruthlessly in the ground. 老九杨诏沉喝一声,出乎所有人的意料,面对此刻的杨开,居然不守反攻,大脚在地面上狠狠地跺了一下。 In the ground blows up several strange straight lines suddenly, as if in that underground, the giant earthworms are fluctuating rapidly, a faint trace terrifying energy passed from , toward the Yang Kai long-range raid. 地面上忽然鼓起几道诡异的直线,似乎在那地下,有一条条巨大的蚯蚓在迅速起伏着,一丝丝恐怖的能量从下方传了过来,朝杨开奔袭。 Evil Earth Dragon Technique 地煞龙术 When the Fight for Succession first night, Yang Zhao has coped with Huo Xingchen with this move of Martial Skills. 夺嫡战第一夜的时候,杨诏用这一招武技对付过霍星辰 The dragon of Evil Earth, each with 5 step Monster Beast Divine Soul, was received by Yang Zhao concise in within the body, when opposes the enemy can flexibly utilize, often can attack the enemy to be unprepared, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 地煞之龙,每一条都是用五阶妖兽神魂凝练而成,被杨诏收在体内,对敌之时便可灵活运用,往往能攻敌不备,让人防不胜防。 At that time he can use the dragons of seven Evil Earth, as now the growth of strength, can use ten . Moreover the might that each can play was no comparison between them compared with the same day. 当时他能动用七条地煞之龙,现在随着实力的增长,足足能动用十条,而且每一条能发挥出来的威力比起当日都不可同日而语。 Facing Yang Zhao killing strike, the Yang Kai's look has not had the slight change, the thought that in the top of the head is circling that only Black Flood Dragon opens the blood-stained mouth big mouth suddenly, jet black energies project easely. 面对杨诏杀招,杨开的神色并未有丝毫变化,意念所动,头顶上盘旋着的那只黑蛟忽然张开血口大口,一道道漆黑的能量悠然射出。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...... 咻咻咻…… Each energy strokes on under the place dragon of Evil Earth, the dust flies upwards, Yang Zhao Evil Earth Dragon Technique has not constructed the small achievement then to be scattered. 每一道能量都击打在地底下的地煞之龙上,尘土飞扬中,杨诏地煞龙术未建寸功便被打散。 Yang Zhao actually thinks little slightly, the corners of the mouth place instead turns upwards a strange curve slightly, stood in place, in the eye fills self-satisfied and pities is looking at Yang Kai, said gently: Old Nine, you ended 杨诏却丝毫不以为意,嘴角处反而微微翘起一个诡异的弧度,站在原地,眼中充满得意和怜悯地望着杨开,轻轻道:“老九,你完了” Yang Wei and Liu Qingyao changes countenance in several thousand feet (333 m) about teahouses, looks at each other one simultaneously, suddenly understands that Yang Zhao is hitting what wicked scheme. 远在几百丈开外的茶楼里的杨威柳轻摇同时变色,对视一眼,忽然明白杨诏到底在打什么鬼主意了。 Qiu Yimeng is also Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors, because in that dust flies upwards, she discovered impressively form together at an unthinkable speed, bullied near Yang Kai's behind. 秋忆梦也是花容失色,因为在那尘土飞扬中,她赫然发现有一道身影以一种匪夷所思的速度,欺近了杨开的身后 This person appears and strange, is quiet, waits for Qiu Yimeng to discover wants to open the mouth to remind time is late. 这人出现的及其诡异,又悄无声息,等秋忆梦发现想要开口提醒的时候已经迟了。 Second Brother you really thinks that Old Nine does not know what you are planning?” Yang Kai explodes suddenly drinks one, Black Flood Dragon on top of the head flushes away toward the back like the flying arrow, the person's shadow when behind that presents strangely has not been close to own, bites toward him. “二哥你真以为老九不知道你在算计什么?”杨开忽然爆喝一声,头顶上的黑蛟如离弦之箭般朝背后冲去,在那背后诡异出现的人影没接近自己的时候,一口朝他咬下。 That person of look stunned, the didn't expect own whereabouts was understood clearly by Yang Kai unexpectedly comprehensively, detects the strangeness and hard to deal with Black Flood Dragon, does not dare the storm, the figure to flash several to flash rashly, arrived at side Yang Zhao, looks with rapt attention toward Yang Kai. 那人神色愕然,没想到自己的行踪居然被杨开全面洞悉,察觉黑蛟的诡异和难缠,也不敢贸然强攻,身形闪了几闪,来到了杨诏身旁,凝神朝杨开望去。 Yang Kai cold snort, the figure motionless, is gazing at complexion pale Yang Zhao indifferently. 杨开冷哼一声,身形不动,淡然地注视着脸色铁青的杨诏 Originally, old 2 Mansion another Blood Servant, has untied Sealing Yuan Formation Yang Wei to be suddenly enlighted. “原来,老二府上另外一位血侍,已经解开了封元咒杨威恍然大悟。 When Broken Mirror Lakeside seizes the valuable war, side each Young Master had Blood Servant to be imprisoned True Yuan by Sealing Yuan Formation. That is the hands and feet that Yang Family Supreme Elder Emperor Jiuzhou moves, Blood Servant wants to depend upon the own strength to relieve, at least also takes two months of time. 破镜湖畔夺宝战的时候,每一位公子身边都有一位血侍封元咒禁锢了真元。那是杨家太上长老皇九州动的手脚,血侍们想要依靠自己的实力解除,至少也要两个月的时间 Yang Wei Mansion that Blood Servant has been closing up, attacks Sealing Yuan Formation restriction, this in a flash is two months, should soon go out. 杨威府上那位血侍一直在闭关中,冲击封元咒禁制,这一晃就是两个多月,应该快要出关了。 Actually does not think, Yang Zhao Mansion that was imprisoned True Yuan Blood Servant, has succeeded. 却不想,杨诏府上那位被禁锢真元血侍,已经成功。 No wonder Yang Zhao will propose that such suggestion, originally is this reason. 怪不得杨诏会提出那样的建议,原来是这个原因。 Ying Jiu is not, Yang Kai was equal to this moment must by one's effort, facing Yang Zhao and Divine Movement Boundary 8-layer Blood Servant in bystander opinion, does not have the odds of success. 影九不在,杨开此刻就等于是要以一己之力,面对杨诏和一位神游境八层血侍在外人看来,毫无胜算。 „Have you had long known?” The cheek of Yang Zhao twitches slightly, he thinks the scheme to work, prepares to take advantage that this opportunity makes Yang Kai be eliminated directly, actually does not think that the opposite party has expected the own snow to hide Blood Servant. “你早就知道?”杨诏的面皮微微抽搐,他自以为计谋得逞,准备趁这次机会直接让杨开出局,却不想对方早已料到自己雪藏了一位血侍 I naturally know.” Yang Kai curls the lip, disdaining of face, under his powerful Divine Consciousness infiltration, any sound in Yang Zhao mansion, anybody's aura cannot hide the truth from him. “我自然知道。”杨开撇撇嘴,一脸的不屑,在他的强大神识渗透下,杨诏府里的任何动静,任何人的气息都瞒不过他。 You know that also dares to comply?” Yang Zhao cannot believe is looking at Yang Kai. “你知道还敢答应?”杨诏不可置信地望着杨开 How complies?” A Yang Kai face proudly, shakes the head slowly: You cannot block.” “答应又如何?”杨开一脸傲然,缓缓摇头:“你们拦不住的。” These words saying extremely arrogant. 这番话说的狂妄至极。 Everyone dumbfounded, the each and everyone eye of reveal strange expression, thought secretly Yang Family Old Nine was really insane, cannot weigh him at this moment with the thinking pattern of normal person. 所有人都呆住了,一个个目露奇异的表情,暗暗觉得杨家老九是不是真的疯了,已经不能用正常人的思考方式来衡量此刻的他。 Yang Wei and Liu Qingyao in teahouse are also scared. 茶楼里的杨威柳轻摇同样傻眼。 Facing Divine Movement Boundary 8-layer Blood Servant, does he also dare to say this grade of boastful talk unexpectedly? 面对一位神游境八层血侍,他居然还敢放出这等狂言? He was not too rather serious Blood Servant of own 他也未免太不把自己家的血侍当回事了 Everyone has a strange mood. 所有人都不禁生出一种怪异的心情。 Side Yang Zhao that Blood Servant is the facial expression is more bitter and astringent, smacks the lips saying: Small Young Master, although our Blood Servant hall everyone admires you very much, but was taken lightly by you, I am very uncomfortable, to prove my strength, I will not keep the hand.” 杨诏身旁的那位血侍更是神情苦涩,咂咂嘴道:“小公子,虽然我们血侍堂所有人都很敬佩你,但被你这么看轻,我还是很不爽,为了证明我的实力,我不会留手的。” You give a try, can block me Yang Kai to laugh, both hands wield, blots out the sky such as locust transit black aura to cover toward the front. “那你就试试看,能不能拦下我”杨开大笑,双手挥动间,铺天盖地如蝗虫过境般的黑色气息朝前方覆盖。 That only Black Flood Dragon on top of the head spreads sound of the resounding Dragon Roar similarly, Shaking its head and Wagging its tail, throws to nip to these Blood Servant and Yang Zhao. 头顶上的那只黑色蛟龙同样传出一声高亢的龙吟之声,摇头摆尾,冲那些血侍杨诏扑咬过去。 Yang Kai does not prepare to waste time again, acts is the full power. 杨开不准备再浪费时间,一出手便是全力。 Facing this kind of wild attack, Yang Zhao suffocates immediately, has an irresistible feeling, that Blood Servant of his side, erupts the incessant fluctuation of energy from within the body actually suddenly, together pure white rays of light also wraps him and Yang Zhao two people, the guard is one of them. 面对这样的狂暴攻击,杨诏顿时窒息,不禁生出一种不可抵挡的感觉,倒是他身边的那位血侍,忽然从体内爆发出滔滔不绝的能量波动,一道洁白的光芒将他和杨诏两人同时包裹,护卫在其中。 Keng Keng clang...... 铿铿铿…… Black aura impact on that pure white rays of light, the time of but blinking, the pure white color seemed like then sprinkled the clear water of ink suddenly, was polluted. 黑色的气息冲击在那洁白的光芒上,只是眨眼的功夫,洁白的色彩便忽然象是被泼了墨汁的清水,受到了污染。 That Blood Servant look changes, the method that as if didn't expect Yang Kai uses is so treacherous, does not dare to neglect, pulls Yang Zhao to avoid hurriedly. 血侍神色一变,似乎没想到杨开施展出来的手段如此诡谲,不敢怠慢,匆忙扯着杨诏避开。 But these black aura such as steadily the eye was common, such as the shadow follows, pursues does not put. 可那些黑色的气息却如长了眼睛一般,如影相随,追击不放。 Resounding Dragon Roar transmits again, several feet Black Flood Dragon has thrown to Blood Servant and Yang Zhao top of the head, opens the big mouth. 高亢的龙吟再次传来,十几丈长的黑蛟已扑至血侍杨诏的头顶,张开血盆大口。 Strength raging tide of wild ominous offense, is centered on Black Flood Dragon, boils suddenly, toward spreads in all directions. These black aura, such as was lit, explodes completely. ( to be continued ) 一股狂暴凶戾的力量狂潮,以黑蛟为中心,突然沸腾开,朝四面八方蔓延。那些黑色的气息,也如被点燃了似的,全部爆开。(未完待续) () ()
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