MP :: Volume #51

#5037: Built up what pill

Is anxious, has one person of leisure line suddenly. 正焦急间,忽有一人慢悠悠行来。 Deacon sees that goes forward hastily: Grandmaster Zhou!” 执事见状,连忙上前:“周大师!” Comes the person impressively is of Zhou Fang area inside the Great Wall three big top Alchemy Expert, with Zhu Geming usually inharmonious that. 来人赫然是关内三大顶尖炼丹师之一的周方,也正是与诸葛明素来不睦的那位。 Un!” Zhou Fang unperturbed shoulders both hands, nods lightly, told: Fast takes some Azure Feather Profound Vine to come, Old Man prepares to refine the formulation universe, the previous war, deciding the universe consumption is giant, that side War Preparation Palace already not many reserves.” “嗯!”周方老神在在地背负双手,淡淡颔首,吩咐道:“速去取些青羽玄藤来,老夫准备炼制定乾坤,上次大战,定乾坤消耗巨大,战备殿那边已经没有多少储备了。” If decides universe this kind of Spirit Pill basically to be the strategic resources, War Preparation Palace has the reserve generally, but after each war, will basically consume, after all the entire area inside the Great Wall can refine this Spirit Pill also only has three people. 如定乾坤这样的灵丹基本属于战略物资,战备殿一般都有储备,不过每一次大战之后基本都会消耗一空,毕竟整个关内能炼制这灵丹的也只有三人。 Deacon one hear, was big, how to want Azure Feather Profound Vine, although in the past this thing rare and precious precious, because can only be used to refine the formulation universe, therefore the medicine capital palace will always have the reserve, however he really could not take at this moment. 执事一听,头都大了,怎么又是要青羽玄藤的,往常这东西虽然珍稀贵重,但因为只能用来炼制定乾坤,所以药资殿总是会有储备的,然而此刻他还真拿不出来。 Only can smile bitterly saying: Grandmaster Zhou waits a bit, Zhuge Great Master has just now come, all took remaining Azure Feather Profound Vine, although I make one go to that side the medicine garden to collect, but also needs some time.” 只能苦笑道:“周大师稍等,方才诸葛大师来过,将剩下的青羽玄藤全取走了,我虽让人去药圃那边采集,不过还需要一些时间。” Zhou Fang hears word knits the brows: „Did the Zhuge old ordinary man all take Azure Feather Profound Vine? My previous coming to see time doesn't have?” 周方闻言皱眉:“诸葛老匹夫把青羽玄藤全取走了?我上次来看的时候不是还有很多?” Deacon forced smile constantly: Now does not have.” 执事苦笑不迭:“如今却是没有了。” Zhou Fang is angry: „The Zhuge old ordinary man goes too far, if not want to make Old Man refine the formulation universe, does not need to cause so the method of low.” 周方大怒:“诸葛老匹夫欺人太甚,若是不想让老夫炼制定乾坤,也不必使这般下三滥的手段。” Deacon hears the word in great surprise: Grandmaster Zhou misunderstood, Azure Feather Profound Vine that Zhuge Great Master takes are not many.” 执事闻言大惊:“周大师误会了,诸葛大师取走的青羽玄藤也不多。” You do not do to speak for him, which the old madame, Old Man this then looks for his theory to go.” “你休要为他说话,老匹夫人在哪,老夫这便找他理论去。” Deacon was about to cry: That Azure Feather Profound Vine is really not Zhuge Great Master uses up, before Zhuge Great Master begs, then some people have been consuming this medicine.” 执事都快哭了:“那青羽玄藤真不是诸葛大师用掉的,诸葛大师来讨要之前,便有人一直在消耗此药。” Zhou Fang stunned: „Can some people refine the formulation universe?” 周方愕然:“有人可以炼制定乾坤了?” This......” Deacon is actually helpless, can only say to Zhu Geming before the words also said. “这倒不是……”执事无奈,只能将之前跟诸葛明说过的话又说了一遍。 Zhou Fang hear of complexions of Yin clear uncertain, after listening, turns around then to walk: Old Man also has a look, really deliberately creates trouble!” 周方听的脸色阴晴不定,待听完之后转身便走:“老夫也看看去,真是胡闹!” Comes to day of character No. 3 pill Room rapidly, sees only Zhu Geming to stand in out of the door, the front youth is also meeting rudeness with a smile, grovels, approaches looked, is actually Tang Qun. 迅速来到天字三号丹室,只见诸葛明正站在门外,面前还有一个青年陪着笑脸,点头哈腰,凑近了一瞧,却是汤逡 The ear broadcasts the Tang Qun sound: Zhuge Great Master, Senior Brother Yang in Pill Refining, cannot disturb, you are also Pill Master, will naturally know when Pill Refining is disturbed to have what consequence, if this made Regiment's Commander they know blamed, I may be unable to take on.” 耳边传来汤逡的声音:“诸葛大师,杨师兄正在炼丹,不能打扰啊,您也是丹师,自然知道在炼丹之时被打扰会有什么后果,这要是让军团长他们知道了怪罪下来,我可担待不起。” Zhu Geming foams with rage: Who made you take on, the day collapsed to have Old Man to withstand/top.” 诸葛明吹胡子瞪眼:“谁让你担待了,天塌下来自有老夫顶着。” So was saying then stronger to rush, Tang Qun blocks panic-stricken. 这般说着便要强闯,汤逡惊恐拦住。 Zhu Geming is angry: Brat do not compel Old Man to act to you, let me tell you, Old Man, although is Pill Master, does not know by heart the say/way of fight of war, but the good and evil also has 8-Rank cultivation level, copes with you not to have the issue. That Yang Boy really has the great merit to the area inside the Great Wall, Old Man heard that he also kills a Territory Lord rank Black Ink Clan, but fights to fight with Pill Refining is two matters knows? Area inside the Great Wall is medicinal herbs rare and precious, where allows the least bit to waste? He does not kill the enemy well, runs Pill Hall Pill Refining, isn't deliberately creates trouble?” 诸葛明大怒:“臭小子别逼老夫对你出手,我跟你说,老夫虽是丹师,不谙斗战之道,但好歹也有八品修为,对付你还是没有问题的。那杨小子对关内确实有大功,老夫听说他还杀一个域主级别的墨族,但斗战和炼丹是两码事知道吗?关内药材珍稀至极,哪容半点浪费?他不好好杀敌,跑来丹堂炼丹,不是胡闹吗?” Tang Qun the face is nodding painstakingly unceasingly: What you said that but Senior Brother Yang in Pill Refining, cannot really be disturbing at this time......, Grandmaster Zhou also came, urged Zhuge Great Master quickly.” 汤逡苦着脸不断点头:“您老说的是,但杨师兄此时正在炼丹,实在打扰不得……啊,周大师也来了,快劝劝诸葛大师吧。” Zhu Geming hears word turns head to take a look, right views Zhou Fang unperturbed comes, immediately scoffed at one, a face disdains. 诸葛明闻言扭头一瞅,正见周方老神在在而来,顿时嗤了一声,一脸不屑。 Zhou Fang arrives in front of two people to stand firm, similarly disdain is looking at Zhu Geming: Said you had not acknowledged that a boldness does not have! All day only knows to shout and wrangle, highly improper!” 周方来到两人面前站定,同样不屑地瞧着诸葛明:“说了你老了还不承认,一点魄力都没有!整天只知道大呼小叫,成何体统!” Zhu Geming such as was stepped on the cat of tail general: Old Man was old, you are also young not, Old Man does not have the boldness, what boldness do you have?” 诸葛明如被踩了尾巴的猫一般:“老夫老了,你也年轻不到哪去,老夫没有魄力,你有什么魄力?” Zhou Fang scoffs to say with a smile: Nature has the boldness compared with you!” So saying, a palm of the hand is patting on Tang Qun back of the head: Brat goes away to me!” 周方嗤笑道:“自然比你有魄力!”这般说着,一巴掌拍在汤逡后脑勺上:“臭小子给我滚开!” He is also 8-Rank cultivation level, although year to year not with person battle, but Rank is placed in that this palm of the hand flings directly Tang Qun one side, good least bit not slow god, under he does not have the cruel methods, but used the art, Tang Qun will not receive anything to injure. 他也是八品修为,虽然常年不与人争斗,但品阶摆在那,这一巴掌直接把汤逡甩到一旁,好半点没缓过神,他倒没下狠手,只是用了巧劲,汤逡也不会受到什么伤害。 Zhu Geming sees that speechless. 诸葛明见状无语。 Opens the door.” Zhou Fang pouts to hint to Zhu Geming. “把门打开吧。”周方诸葛明努嘴示意。 Zhu Geming curls the lip saying: How don't you open the door?” 诸葛明撇嘴道:“你怎么不开门?” Zhou Fang said: Goes out the hasty, without having the Vice Hall Master command.” 周方道:“出门匆促,没带副堂主令。” Each pill Room has own control Token, does not hold making unable to open pill Room, this also to protect Pill Master, can let their careful Pill Refining. 每一间丹室都有自己的控制令牌,非持令者无法开启丹室,这也是为了保护丹师,能够让他们精心炼丹 Token that however Hall Master and duty of Vice Hall Master rank has, can actually open all pill Rooms, this also provides against contingencies, if there is Pill Master to have what accidental/surprised in pill, Hall Master and Vice Hall Master can use own Token, started restriction nosing. 不过堂主副堂主级别的任务所拥有的令牌,却是可以开启所有丹室,这也是以防万一,若是有丹师在丹室内出了什么意外,堂主副堂主就可以动用自己令牌,开启禁制查探。 Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang are Vice Hall Master, naturally has this jurisdiction. 诸葛明周方都是副堂主,自然拥有这个权限。 Zhu Geming cold snort said: „The generation of chicken-hearted, clearly is feared that took on the responsibility!” 诸葛明冷哼道:“胆小如鼠之辈,分明是怕担了干系!” However although words saying, he takes out the own Vice Hall Master command, in the hand magic arts transforms, makes together mysterious light. 不过话虽这么说,他还是取出自己副堂主令,手中法决变换,打出一道玄光 pill Room front door opens slowly, heat wave heads on. 丹室大门徐徐开启,一股热浪扑面而来。 Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang step into together , a brow wrinkle, does not only have least bit pill to be fragrant because of this pill Room, instead the burnt taste is rich. 诸葛明周方一起踏入其中,同时眉头一皱,只因这丹室之中没有半点丹香,反而焦糊味浓郁。 The situation, showed that here Pill Refining is not smooth, failed absolutely more than once. 如此情况,说明这里的炼丹并不顺利,绝对失败了不止一次。 This makes in two Alchemy Grandmaster hearts do to hurt faintly, each Pill Refining failure means that the waste of medicinal herbs, listening to that side the medicine capital palace saying that medicinal herbs that Yang Kai Pill Refining one month, had taken here were also many, this wasted many good thing. 这让两个炼丹大师心中隐隐做疼,每一次炼丹失败都意味着药材的浪费,听药资殿那边说,那杨开在这里炼丹已经一个月了,取走的药材也不少,这到底浪费了多少好东西啊。 Even more thought that Yang Kai is deliberately creating trouble. 愈发觉得杨开是在胡闹了。 Zhu Geming is frank, will open the mouth to reprove, Zhou Fang actually put out a hand to block him suddenly, simultaneously hinted him to ban the sound. 诸葛明性情直爽,正要开口训斥,周方却忽然伸手拦住了他,同时示意他禁声。 Zhu Geming shows the whites of the eyes, faces forward to look. 诸葛明翻了个白眼,朝前望去。 Sees only near front Pill Stove, a youth sits cross-legged to sit, is stimulating to movement the strength to control pill fire, although there is two people please from not entering, does not seem to actually disturbed, he still the look concentrates on. 只见前方丹炉边,一个青年盘膝而坐,正在催动力量控制丹火,虽有两人不请自入,却仿佛没有丝毫干扰,他依然神色专注。 The Zhu Geming complexion clearing weather, so the situation, pours to be unexpected slightly, explained that this Yang Kai disposition is calm, but when Pill Refining most envies/avoid the heart to get off one's main subject, actually this point Yang Kai does is very good. 诸葛明脸色稍霁,如此情形,倒在预料之外,说明这个杨开心性还算沉稳,而炼丹之时最忌心有旁骛,这一点杨开倒是做的很好。 Waits and sees again carefully, discovered that Yang Kai this time Pill Refining should start shortly, in the concise medicine liquid stage, this is Pill Refining is also starting most foundation the stage, although is simple, actually most can manifest Alchemy Expert basic skills. 再仔细观望,发现杨开这一次炼丹应该才开始没多久,正在凝练药液的阶段,这也是炼丹开始最基础的阶段,虽然简单,却最能体现一个炼丹师的基本功。 looks at looks at, the look fine motion of Zhu Geming, he discovered that front this youth seems not deliberately creating trouble that like that own thinks, did not say other, his concise medicine liquid technique, looked the basic skills are then solid, can concise many medicine liquid, this explain unexpectedly simultaneously without doubt the opposite party also has on Pill Way browse. 看着看着,诸葛明的神色微动,他发现面前这个青年似乎并不是自己想的那般胡闹,不说别的,他这凝练药液的手法,一看便基本功扎实,竟能同时凝练多种药液,这无疑说明对方在丹道上也是有所涉猎的。 Although stands in his standpoint, this all sorts of action also many slight defects, but also calculated reluctantly pleasant. 尽管站在他的立场中,这种种举动还有许多瑕疵,不过勉强也算入眼了。 Waits and sees one again carefully, Zhu Geming suddenly becomes confused. 再仔细观望一阵,诸葛明忽然变得迷茫。 Yang Kai invests each medicinal herbs in Pill Stove, he can recognize, distinguishes the medicine age, can judge instantaneously these medicinal herbs can refine what Spirit Pill, what crucial moment invests well under. 杨开投入丹炉中的每一种药材,他都能认得出来,辨别出药龄,更能瞬间判断出这些药材都能炼制出什么灵丹,在什么样的火候下投入最好。 But combines the together words this many medicinal herbs, he could not understand. 但将这许多药材组合到一起的话,他就看不懂了。 Turns head to look quietly, sees only Zhou Fang also to calm down to wait and see, however in that foreheads obviously has the color of doubts. 悄悄扭头望去,只见周方也在定神观望,然那眉宇间明显有疑惑之色。 What pill is this boy building up?” Zhu Geming cannot bear, passes message quietly asks. “这小子在炼什么丹?”诸葛明忍不住,悄悄传音问道。 Zhou Fang knits the brows to return said: Does not know, you can't look?” 周方皱眉回道:“不知,你看不出来?” Zhu Geming ill-humored saying: I, if looks, but also asked that what you do make?” 诸葛明没好气道:“我要是看出来,还问你做什么?” Zhou Fang said: Looks at like this, seems like new Spirit Pill!” 周方道:“看这样子,似乎是一种新的灵丹啊!” Zhu Geming astonished: On this day under also has Spirit Pill that your I do not know unexpectedly?” 诸葛明讶然:“这天下居然还有你我都不知道的灵丹?” Several thousand years of two people on Pill Way, world Spirit Pill pill recipe all knows by heart gradually, raises hand to pick up, but the Yang Kai Pill Refining process makes them not look thoroughly, without doubt is new pill recipe, this makes two people curious full, does not know what Yang Kai must refine is what Spirit Pill. 两人丹道上浸淫数千年,天下灵丹丹方皆都倒背如流,举手拈来,可杨开炼丹的过程却让他们看不透彻,无疑是一种新丹方,这让两人不禁好奇满满,不知杨开到底要炼制的是什么灵丹 Is prepared to reprove Yang Kai one, wants him to leave ignores a proper occupation, what the matter of Pill Refining does not need him to worry about, he not only has the strength of killing the enemy, killed the enemy with single-hearted devotion was good, but at this moment who and reproved exits? Is observing and emulating earnestly, wants to have a look at the result. 原本是来准备训斥杨开一通,要他别这么不务正业,炼丹之事不需要他操心什么,他既有杀敌之力,专心杀敌就行了,可此刻谁又训斥得出口?都在认真观摩,想看看结果。 However about half double-hour, in Pill Stove has not then blown out a light sound suddenly. 然而不过半个时辰左右,丹炉内便忽然爆出一声轻响。 This lets waiting and seeing Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang heart clutches, grasps the wrists to deeply regret! 这让正在观望的诸葛明周方都心头一揪,扼腕痛惜! The burnt taste spreads from Pill Stove, Yang Kai sighed slightly, stood up. 焦糊味从丹炉内传出,杨开微微叹了口气,站起身来。 Has gotten back one's composure by being completely muddled Tang Qun that a Zhou Fang palm of the hand flings, has stood in two Great Master behind, he sees two Great Master not to disturb Yang Kai Pill Refining, naturally does not dare to talk too much. 周方一巴掌甩的晕头转向的汤逡早就回过神了,一直站在两位大师身后,他见两位大师没有打扰杨开炼丹,自然也不敢多言。 Until quickly goes out at this moment, arrives at side Yang Kai saying: Senior Brother Yang, this two is Pill Hall Vice Hall Master, is two in Pill Hall three top Great Master.” 直到此刻才急忙走出,来到杨开身边道:“杨师兄,这两位丹堂副堂主,也是丹堂三位顶尖大师中的两位。” So saying, is introducing Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang to Yang Kai. 这般说着,给杨开介绍诸葛明周方 Yang Kai nods, holds the fist in the other hand to salute: disciple Yang Kai, has seen the two senior.” 杨开颔首,抱拳行礼:“弟子杨开,见过两位前辈。” A Tang Qun face apology is looking at Yang Kai: Senior Brother Yang excuses me, two Great Master heard that Senior Brother here Pill Refining, being determined to come...... to have a look, Tang also......” 汤逡一脸歉意地望着杨开:“杨师兄见谅,两位大师听说师兄在这边炼丹,执意要过来……看看,汤某也……” Yang Kai understands, although he just when Pill Refining, the mind concentrates on, but how the matter of side can not know, but did not facilitate to divert attention at that time too, but Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang two people comes in the manner also to explain without doubt, two people not just wants to have a look that simply. 杨开心领神会,他方才虽然在炼丹,心神专注,但身边发生的事又岂会不知,只是当时不方便分心太多,而诸葛明周方两人进来时的神态也无疑说明,两人不单只是想看看那么简单。 Also did not wait for Tang Qun to say the words, Yang Kai beckoned with the hand saying: This is to draw support from the strength of Pill Hall, even if two Great Master does not seek, disciple must visit.” 也不等汤逡将话说完,杨开摆手道:“本就是要借助丹堂之力的,两位大师即便不来寻,弟子也要去拜访。” He never counted on that by own one's effort the pill recipe improvement that in that personally written letter survives, planned first to be familiar, then improves this matter with the aid of the Pill Hall strength, understanding that after all the thing in that personally written letter only then he can look, own was first familiar, facilitates and Pill Masters explanation of Pill Hall. 他从未指望以自己一己之力将那手札中残存的丹方完善,原本就打算先熟悉一下,然后借助丹堂的力量完善此事,毕竟那手札中的东西只有他能看的懂,自己先熟悉了,也方便与丹堂丹师们讲解。 Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang, even if not seek him, the this time Pill Refining failure, he still prepared to ask Tang Qun to recommend Pill Hall Alchemy Grandmaster, can say Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang came just in time. 诸葛明周方即便不来寻他,这一次炼丹失败,他也准备请汤逡引荐丹堂炼丹大师们了,可以说诸葛明周方来的正是时候。 The specialized thing, naturally is takes over by the specialized person is better. 专业东西,自然是由专业的人来接手更好一些。 Tang Qun does not know that he is comforting own, but Yang Kai does not blame, is the good deed. 汤逡也不知他是不是在宽慰自己,不过杨开不怪罪,便是好事。
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