MP :: Volume #51

#5038: Expelling Black Ink Pill

Zhu Geming is frank, waited for the moment then urgently urgently to ask: Yang Kai, what you prepare to refine is what Spirit Pill?” 诸葛明是个直性子,等了片刻便急急问道:“杨开,你方才准备炼制的是什么灵丹?” Yang Kai said respectfully: Returns to Zhuge Great Master, disciple Spirit Pill that wants to refine, calls makes Expelling Black Ink Pill!” 杨开恭敬道:“回诸葛大师,弟子想要炼制的灵丹,唤作驱墨丹!” What pill?” The Zhou Fang sound enhanced a point suddenly. “什么丹?”周方声音陡然提高了一分。 Expelling Black Ink Pill!” Yang Kai reiterated one word at a time. 驱墨丹!”杨开一字一顿地重申。 Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang look at each other in blank dismay, in this world Spirit Pill, most Spirit Pill uses can manifest in the name, this Spirit Pill name listens somewhat to be as if unusual. 诸葛明周方面面相觑一眼,这世上灵丹,大多数灵丹的用途都能在名字中有所体现,这灵丹的名字听着似乎有些不同寻常。 Zhu Geming brow tight wrinkle: This Expelling Black Ink Pill use, can it be that......” 诸葛明眉头紧皱:“这驱墨丹的用途,莫不是……” Yang Kai nods said: Just like Zhuge Great Master thinks, this Expelling Black Ink Pill use is drives out to corrode into body the strength of black ink.” 杨开颔首道:“正如诸葛大师所想的一样,这驱墨丹的用途乃是驱除侵蚀入体的墨之力。” Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang hold breath immediately cold air, stood grew up the mouth in two people Tang Qun, a face was unbelievable. 诸葛明周方顿时倒吸一口凉气,站在两人身旁的汤逡更是长大了嘴巴,一脸难以置信。 Yang Kai confident say/way: „When ancient times, this black ink battlefield then once had and Black Ink Clan Human Race Great Expert resists, the ancient times older generation wisdom is astonishing, once researched and developed Expelling Black Ink Pill this Spirit Pill, with resist the corrosion of strength of black ink, is only era is extremely remote, this pill recipe has been lost. The this time younger generation accident of sorts, found the broken personally written letter that older generation Pill Master leaves behind in Secret Boundary, in that personally written letter recorded Expelling Black Ink Pill pill recipe, because of the breakage of personally written letter, therefore that pill recipe is imperfect, these days disciple has devoted to complement this pill recipe, however actually cannot completely the merit.” 杨开不疾不徐道:“远古之时,这墨之战场便曾有人族大能之士与墨族抗争,古时先辈智慧惊人,曾研发出驱墨丹这种灵丹,用以对抗墨之力的侵蚀,只是时代太过久远,这丹方早已失传了。这一次晚辈机缘巧合,在一处秘境之中找到一位先辈丹师留下的残破手札,那手札之中记载了驱墨丹丹方,不过因为手札的破损,所以那丹方并不完善,这些日子弟子一直致力将这丹方补全,然而却未能尽功。” Zhu Geming urgently urgently said: Personally written letter that older generation Pill Master leaves behind? Where is that personally written letter at?” 诸葛明急急道:“先辈丹师留下的手札?那手札在哪?” A Zhou Fang face is also looking at Yang Kai earnestly. 周方也一脸殷切地望着杨开 Although two people is in the world topest Alchemy Grandmaster, but the main road thoroughfare, will be without limits forever, learning from others may attack the jade, to the older generation Pill Master personally written letter that Yang Kai mentioned naturally is extremely curious. If can observe and emulate that personally written letter, perhaps has the enormous help to two people. 两人虽都已是世上最顶尖的炼丹大师,但大道通途,永无止境,他山之石更可攻玉,对杨开提到的先辈丹师手札自然是极为好奇。若是能观摩那手札,对两人或许有极大的帮助。 Yang Kai from not the meaning of value the broom as one's own, takes out that personally written letter. 杨开自无敝帚自珍之意,将那手札取出。 Zhu Geming was quick of eye and hand, takes the lead to receive, Spiritual Mind flooded into to search into examined, Zhou Fang has not snatched, anxious must die, often stared with the eye to Zhu Geming, had to stare his impulsion with the look greatly. 诸葛明眼疾手快,率先接过,神念涌入探入其中查看,周方没抢到,急的要死,不时地拿眼睛瞪向诸葛明,大有拿眼神瞪死他的冲动。 This thinks that the Zhuge old ordinary man must certainly look very for a long time, who knows a moment later, a Zhu Geming face is then speechless: Cannot understand!” 本以为诸葛老匹夫肯定要看很久,谁知不过片刻之后,诸葛明便一脸无语:“看不懂啊!” Know-nothing party is incompetent!” Zhou Fang despises one immediately, snatches unrestrained/no trace of politeness from Zhu Geming that broken personally written letter, immersion mind nosing. “无知者无能!”周方立刻鄙夷一声,毫不客气地将那残破手札从诸葛明手上抢过来,沉浸心神查探。 Zhu Geming is casting a sidelong glance slantingly he: You understanding that if looks , the Old Man name writes in reverse!” 诸葛明斜睨着他:“你要是看的懂,老夫名字倒过来写!” In the Zhou Fang mind immersion personally written letter, the complexion is dignified, the look concentrates on the incomparable, good moment time to take back the mind, a face bitter in suffering and deep in hatred: Senior wisdom, really broad and profound......” 周方心神沉浸手札之中,脸色凝重,神色专注无比,好片刻功夫才收回心神,一脸苦大仇深:“前辈智慧,果然博大精深……” Zhu Geming scoffed at one immediately, many writing that in this personally written letter records, is the extremely ancient writing, two people recognizes from the start did not know, some phrases knew actually, but arranges in actually not to know its meaning together, obviously in the ancient age, the expression and present of language also has very big difference. 诸葛明顿时嗤了一声,这手札之中记载的许多文字,皆都是极为古老的文字,两人压根连认都不认识,还有一些字眼倒是认识,但排列在一起却不知其意,显然在古老的年代,语言的表达与眼下也有很大的区别。 Such a personally written letter, is absolutely priceless, but if the puzzled its meaning, this thing also has no big using. 这样一份手札,绝对价值连城,但如果不解其意,这东西也没什么大用。 Understanding that you look at?” Zhou Fang disregarded Zhu Geming Chao Feng/taunting, looks at Yang Kai to ask. “你看的懂?”周方无视了诸葛明嘲讽,望着杨开问道。 Zhu Geming is also the spirit inspires, previously observed Yang Kai Pill Refining, the initial-stage step progress is excellent, but failed to a key point suddenly, obviously that Expelling Black Ink Pill pill recipe first half Yang Kai has comprehended. 诸葛明也是精神一振,先前观杨开炼丹,前期步骤进展极好,只是到了一处关键点才忽然失败,显然那驱墨丹丹方的前半部分杨开已经领会了。 Yang Kai said: Understanding that basically looks.” 杨开道:“基本上看的懂。” In the personally written letter many phrases he did not know that because he refining up to melt many Pill Way Principle Mark that older generation Pill Master left behind, even if did not know on these ancient writing, sees can also solution Qiyi. 手札中许多字眼他也是不认识的,但因为他炼化了那位先辈丹师留下的诸多丹道道痕,纵然不认识那些上古文字,看到之时也能解其意。 Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang the spirit shakes immediately, the former urgently said: Listens to that Expelling Black Ink Pill pill recipe, perhaps our two old fogies can help.” 诸葛明周方顿时精神一震,前者急道:“将那驱墨丹丹方道来听听,说不定我们两个老家伙能帮上忙。” Zhou Fang in nearby fierce nod, two people usually did not cope, thought that own Pill Refining Technique is one level above compared with the opposite party, little has opinion unified time extremely, now for this Expelling Black Ink Pill pill recipe, could not attend to being in sharp opposition. 周方在一旁猛点头,两人素来不太对付,都觉得自己炼丹术比对方高出一筹,极少有意见统一的时候,如今为了这驱墨丹丹方,也顾不得针锋相对了。 Yang Kai said that is having this intent. 杨开道一声正有此意。 Then knows the pill recipe detailed arrival own, Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang earnestly listens respectfully in the one side. 便将自己所知丹方详细到来,诸葛明周方在一旁认真聆听。 pill recipe, said together half double-hour, the word, Yang Kai sighed saying: That personally written letter has the years to be extremely remote, has the breakage, record content, value biggest was this Expelling Black Ink Pill, was only because of the breakage of personally written letter, causing the record the pill recipe also to have the defect, disciple attempted other day repeatedly, refines initial-stage all smoothly, however will often progress to this key will then be defeated, disciple speculated, the place of this pill recipe defect, should record constantly or several taste essential medicinal herbs, if can complement here, this pill recipe then can reappear in the world!” 一道丹方,足足说了半个时辰,言罢,杨开叹了口气道:“那手札存在年月太过久远,已有破损,其中记载内容,价值最大的便是这驱墨丹了,只是因为手札的破损,导致记载的这一丹方也有缺失,弟子日前多次尝试,炼制前期一切顺利,然每每进展到这关键之处便会失败,弟子推测,这丹方缺失之处,应该记载了一味或者几味关键的药材,若是能将此处补全,这丹方便能重现于世!” Zhu Geming heard that the word nods: Your speculation should right, but lacks anything now, does not have the clue...... not, does not have the clue, the first half and lattern half of this pill recipe are very complete, the only middle damage, we can definitely deduce this damage from the content of lattern half the information.” 诸葛明闻言颔首:“你的推测应该没错,只是如今到底缺少了什么,却是毫无头绪……不,也不是毫无头绪,这丹方的前半部分与后半部分都很完整,唯独中间缺损,咱们完全可以从后半部分的内容来推演这缺损的信息。” The Zhou Fang look is dignified: Even so, is not a simple matter, lacks is constantly medicinal herbs or several taste medicinal herbs, used many weight/quantity, what crucial moment invests, this all sorts of changes involve too, if really reappears this pill recipe, medicinal herbs that needs to consume will not be perhaps few.” 周方神色凝重:“纵然如此,也不是一件简单的事啊,缺少的到底是一味药材还是几味药材,都用了多少分量,在什么样的火候下投入,这种种变化牵扯太多,真要是重现这丹方的话,所需要消耗的药材恐怕不会太少。” Zhu Geming said: This innumerable years, major Human Race mountain passes to develop this Expelling Black Ink Pill, consumption were medicinal herbs few? Now has ready-made most pill recipe, only need improve the key deduction can be of great success, doesn't this grade of good deed, how could do?” 诸葛明道:“这无数年来,各大人族关隘为了研制这驱墨丹,消耗的药材就少了吗?如今已有现成的大半丹方,只需将关键之处推演完善便可大功告成,这等好事,岂能不做?” Zhou Fang heard that the word nods: This but actually is also.” 周方闻言颔首:“这倒也是。” Yang Kai was auditing, opens the mouth to ask: „Before major Human Race mountain passes, has developed Expelling Black Ink Pill?” 杨开在一旁听了,不禁开口问道:“各大人族关隘之前研制过驱墨丹?” Zhu Geming nods: „Developing, each Human Race mountain pass has developed. The corrosion of strength of black ink does not have to reduce and solve, on battlefield, once has the Human Race officers to be corroded by the strength of black ink, must take decisive measures, gives Small Universe, cut off the road of oneself Martial Dao. Therefore our these Pill Masters had then once thought that whether can refine Spirit Pill to resist the strength of black ink, luckily, we also name as Expelling Black Ink Pill Spirit Pill that has not been born.” 诸葛明点头:“研制过,每一处人族关隘都研制过。墨之力的侵蚀无可化解,在战场上一旦有人族将士被墨之力侵蚀,就非得壮士断腕,割舍自身小乾坤,断绝了自身武道之路。所以我们这些丹师们便曾想过,是否能够炼制出一种灵丹来对抗墨之力,巧的是,我们也将那未出世的灵丹命名为驱墨丹。” Zhou Fang meets saying: Only...... exhausts the infinite years pitifully, innumerable resources, cannot progress. Some strange Spirit Pill therefore refine actually much, has not actually scattered the effect of strength of black ink only.” 周方接道:“只可惜啊……耗尽无穷岁月,无数资源,也未能有所进展。一些稀奇古怪的灵丹倒是因此炼制出来不少,却独独没有驱散墨之力的效果。” In fact, before you come Blue Sky Pass, I and this old fogy have leisure occasionally the leisure, is studying the refinement of Expelling Black Ink Pill. When you arrived at Blue Sky Pass, after having the light of purification, our two talents totally give up this pill.” “事实上,在你来碧落关之前,我与这老家伙偶有闲暇时,也在研究驱墨丹的炼制。待你到了碧落关,有了净化之光后,我们两个才彻底放弃此丹。” Zhou Fang said suddenly: Was, now has your light of that purification, even if this Expelling Black Ink Pill refined, but also was meaningful?” 周方忽然道:“是了,如今有你那净化之光,这驱墨丹就算炼制出来,还有意义吗?” Zhu Geming also thinks suddenly this 1-layer, looks hastily to Yang Kai. 诸葛明也忽然想到了这一层,连忙望向杨开 Yang Kai said solemnly: Has! Although the light of purification restrains the strength of black ink, but stimulates to movement this technique also to need to consume the precious commodity, but that commodity is special, sooner or later will have the consumption cleanly, by that time, without the light of purification can take advantage on the 1st, Expelling Black Ink Pill is my Human Race officers safeguards safely! Furthermore, now purifies light/only seals in Expelling Black Ink Battleship of each army, on battlefield, Human Race officers, if were corroded by the strength of black ink, must return to Expelling Black Ink Battleship, if did not say from Expelling Black Ink Battleship fortunately, if the distance is too far, doesn't facilitate to return? When the time comes Expelling Black Ink Pill will be more convenient compared with the light of purification usefully.” 杨开沉声道:“有!净化之光虽然克制墨之力,但催动此术也是需要消耗珍贵物资的,而那物资特殊,早晚有消耗干净的一日,到那时候,没了净化之光可以依仗,驱墨丹便是我人族将士安全的保障!再者说,如今净化之光都封存在每一军的驱墨舰中,在战场上,人族将士若被墨之力侵蚀,就非得返回驱墨舰,若是距离驱墨舰不远还好说,若是距离太远,不方便返回呢?到时候驱墨丹比起净化之光会更加方便有用。” Said but actually is also.” Zhu Geming nods, in an instant looks to Zhou Fang: „Do our two old fogies do everything possible? If really can Expelling Black Ink Pill deducing, could go down in history.” “说的倒也是。”诸葛明点点头,转眼看向周方:“那咱们两个老家伙就尽力而为?若是真能将驱墨丹给推演出来,说不定可以名垂千古呢。” Zhou Fang the spirit shakes immediately: From, when does utmost!” 周方顿时精神一震:“自当竭尽全力!” „, Asked the two senior!” “如此,就拜托两位前辈了!” That Expelling Black Ink Pill most pill recipe Yang Kai have told completely, said own recently all sorts of these days refinement failure, helped Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang excluded some unnecessary attempt. 驱墨丹的大部分丹方杨开已完整地讲述出来,又说了自己最近这些日子炼制失败的种种,帮诸葛明周方剔除了一些不必要的尝试。 The remaining matters did not need him to worry, the deduction of Expelling Black Ink Pill pill recipe, gave Pill Hall then. 剩下的事就无需他多操心了,驱墨丹丹方的推演,交给丹堂这边即可。 He can give Pill Hall all things from the beginning, consumes one month of time personally Pill Refining, for more familiar that pill recipe, confirmation feasibility. 他本可以一开始就将所有事情交给丹堂,耗费一个月功夫亲自炼丹,也是为了更熟悉那一份丹方,验证其中的可行性。 However even if now confirmed that Expelling Black Ink Pill can refine, pill recipe also has ready-made most, but wants to deduce complete pill recipe, perhaps is not the short time internal energy realizes. 不过如今纵然证实驱墨丹可以炼制出来,丹方也有现成的大半,但想要将完整丹方推演出来,恐怕也不是短时间内能实现的。 Before saying good-bye, Yang Kai and Tang Qun said: That side instruction medicine garden, cultivates some Lightless Grass and Azure Feather Profound Vine, two Great Master, if really can deduce that Expelling Black Ink Pill pill recipe, the demand of this two kinds thing will rise dramatically.” 辞别之前,杨开汤逡道:“吩咐药圃那边,多培育一些无光草青羽玄藤,两位大师若是真能将那驱墨丹丹方推演出来,这两样东西的需求量将会暴增。” Tang Qun nods said: What Senior Brother said is.” 汤逡颔首道:“师兄说的是。” Just now Yang Kai and Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang discussed that the matter he also audited, naturally knows that this matter relates significantly, the Expelling Black Ink Pill principal material is Lightless Grass and Azure Feather Profound Vine, once really refines, that side the medicine garden plants, is not quite truly sufficient. 方才杨开诸葛明周方所谈之事他也旁听了,自然知道此事关系重大,驱墨丹的主材料便是无光草青羽玄藤,一旦真的炼制出来,药圃那边栽种的,确实不太够用。 Leaves Pill Hall, Yang Kai not anxiously, but went to War Preparation Palace. 离开丹堂,杨开没急着回去,而是去了一趟战备殿 Rushes about outside long time, now the area inside the Great Wall is peaceful, outside the passes also makes a harassing attack without Black Ink Clan, rests and builds up strength, careful practice excellent time, when attacks to the next Black Ink Clan army, but would have no so many idle times. 在外奔波多日,如今关内安宁,关外也没有墨族袭扰,正是休养生息,仔细修行的大好时间,待到下一次墨族大军来袭,可就没这么多闲功夫了。 Really wants, he was also new promote 7-Rank, truly needs to promote well own cultivation level. 真要算起来,他也是新晋七品,确实需要好好提升一下自身的修为 After all Open Heaven Stage later practice, the itself is an accumulation of long years 1 drop. 毕竟开天境之后的修行,本就是漫长岁月一点一滴的积累。 War Preparation Palace is busy forever, the personnel pass in and out unceasingly. 战备殿永远忙忙碌碌,人员进出不断。 Before arriving at a War Preparation Palace window, Yang Kai hands over the own status data plate, after the window, appearance delicate female received, nosing, astonished looks at Yang Kai saying: „Are you that Yang Kai Senior Brother Yang?” 来到战备殿一处窗台前,杨开递上自己的身份铭牌,窗台后,一位容貌清秀的女子接过,一番查探,讶然地望着杨开道:“你就是那位杨开杨师兄?” In Blue Sky Pass, seeing the Yang Kai's person are many, has not seen his many, but had basically heard his name, will have this one to ask by this female. 碧落关中,见过杨开的人不少,没见过他的更多,但基本上都听说过他的名字,是以这女子才会有此一问。 Yang Kai said: If the area inside the Great Wall second Yang Kai's words, that then has not been I.” 杨开道:“若关内没有第二个杨开的话,那便是我了。” female smiles: Really is Senior Brother Yang, what commodities Senior Brother wants to exchange?” 女子抿嘴一笑:“果然是杨师兄,师兄是想兑换些什么物资?”
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