MP :: Volume #51

#5036: This is not deliberately creates trouble

Quick, Tang Qun then led Yang Kai to enter Heaven Pill Room, pill Room center had person of high Pill Stove, above seal cutting innumerable complex traces, spirit rhyme abundant, looked is not every thing. 很快,汤逡便领着杨开进了一间天字丹室,丹室中央有一尊人高丹炉,其上篆刻无数复杂纹路,灵韵盎然,一看便不是凡物。 Can put Pill Stove in this Heaven Pill Room, from is Blue Sky Pass topest Pill Stove, is intended to build by Divine Cauldron Heaven Item Refining Great Master personally. 能摆在这天字丹室中的丹炉,自都是碧落关最顶尖的丹炉,也是由神鼎天炼器大师们亲自出手打造。 But Pill Stove of this scale, incessantly in Heaven Pill Room, another side of pill Room, but also places the size to vary, five Pill Stove, smallest Pill Stove, only then the baby head size, maximum actually three people of high, Yang Kai first sees, comes between by the size. 而这种档次的丹炉,在天字丹室中还不止一个,丹室另一边,还摆放着大小不一,共五尊丹炉,最小的丹炉只有婴儿头颅大小,最大的却有三人高,杨开第一眼看到的,论大小不过居中而已。 It can be imagined, so many Pill Stove should in view of the different situations, different Spirit Pill need. 可想而知,这么多丹炉应该是针对不同情况,不同灵丹所需。 Tang Qun 11 introduced that several Pill Stove, hands over Token saying: In pill Room the arrangement has to inspire pill fire Formation, Senior Brother first refining up this token/command, can control pill fire to be free by this token/command.” 汤逡将那几尊丹炉一一介绍了一遍,又递来一枚令牌道:“丹室中布置有引动丹火大阵,师兄先炼化此令,以此令便可控制丹火自如。” Although basically each Alchemy Expert has pill fire that belongs, moreover refines Spirit Pill also to be handy with own pill fire, but if long time Pill Refining, best or draws support from pill Room own pill fire, so can also save the strength. 虽说基本上每一位炼丹师都有属于的丹火,而且用自己丹火炼制灵丹也更能得心应手,但如果是长时间炼丹的话,最好还是借助丹室中自有的丹火,如此也能节省力量。 Yang Kai long ago Pill Refining, what used is Divine Consciousness Fire, this fire on the say/way of Pill Refining is the unsurpassed sharp weapon, but with the promotion of cultivation level, Divine Consciousness is concise, this Divine Consciousness Fire just like somewhat could not keep up with his demand, at this time had pill indoor bringing pill fire to assist best. 杨开早年炼丹,用的是神识之火,此火在炼丹之道上是无上利器,不过随着修为的提升,神识凝练,这神识之火俨然有些跟不上他的需求了,此时有丹室内自带的丹火相助自是最好不过。 Yang Kai received that Token. 杨开接过那令牌 Tang Qun said: Senior Brother, and first refining up, I urge medicinal herbs that Senior Brother needs.” 汤逡道:“师兄且先炼化,我去催一催师兄所需的药材。” Many thanks!” Yang Kai expressed gratitude, after Tang Qun walked, sat cross-legged to sit down, refining up that Token. “多谢!”杨开道谢一声,待汤逡走后,盘膝坐下,炼化那令牌 Refining up Token useless many time, but about a double-hour has then built up completely, with the aid of this token/command, Yang Kai can control pill fire Formation in this pill Room, along with the intention controls pill fire. 炼化令牌并没用多少时间,只不过一个时辰左右便已炼化完全,借助此令,杨开便可操控这丹室中的丹火大阵,随心意控制丹火 Tang Qun also sends all sorts of medicinal herbs that Yang Kai needs at this time, Yang Kai examines 12, truly is own needs, not the errors, the weight/quantity are many. 汤逡此时也将杨开所需要的种种药材送来,杨开检验一二,确实是自己所需要的,并无错漏,分量还不少。 Senior Brother , if there is matter, greeted one casually, Tang did not disturb.” Tang Qun was saying then said goodbye to depart. 师兄若是有事,随便招呼一声,汤某就不打扰了。”汤逡说着便告辞离去。 After he walks, Yang Kai sought appropriate Pill Stove from pill Room, 11 places appropriately these medicinal herbs, prepares to use at any time. 待他走后,杨开才从丹室中寻了一个合适的丹炉,又将那些药材一一摆放妥当,随时准备取用。 Many years of Pill Refining, previous Pill Refining has not refined that Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill in Void Land, technique of many Pill Refining is somewhat unfamiliar. 多年不曾炼丹,上一次炼丹还是在虚空地中炼制那天元正印丹,炼丹之技多少有些生疏。 Let alone, this time pill recipe obtained from that older generation personally written letter is incomplete, after all experiences passing of innumerable years, that personally written letter has the breakage, the useful information of record are not many, many pill recipe that stays behind do not have one completely. 更何况,这次从那先辈手札中得到的丹方也并不完整,毕竟经历无数岁月的流逝,那手札本身就已有破损,其中记载的有用信息并不多,所留下的诸多丹方就没有一个完整的。 To reappear these pill recipe, must experiment much only then. 想要将这些丹方重现出来,非得多多试验方可。 However if really can experiment successfully, then to the advantage of Human Race officers is self-evident, the premise is that really has the effect in the personally written letter saying by Spirit Pill that pill recipe refines. 不过若真能试验成功,那对人族将士的好处将是不言而喻,前提是那以那丹方炼制出来的灵丹真有手札中所说的效果。 Calming the mind god, Yang Kai start concise medicine liquid, these step is not to him difficult, has good Pill Stove, having pill fire to borrow, is only careful, generally experienced Pill Master not what errors in this, only then these poor hands in concise medicine liquid this process unsatisfactory. 静下心神,杨开着手凝练药液,这一步对他来说并不困难,有上好的丹炉,有丹火可借用,只需小心谨慎,一般有经验的丹师都不会在这一步上出什么错漏,只有那些生手才会在凝练药液这个过程中不尽人意。 medicine liquid finished concise, dissolves in Pill Stove, the Yang Kai mind is controlling pill fire dedicated, according to the personally written letter in records the Pill Refining process of pill recipe record, is refining meticulously. 一份份药液凝练完毕,溶于丹炉之中,杨开心神专注地操控着丹火,按照手札中记载丹方记载的炼丹过程,一丝不苟地炼制着。 However is only about half double-hour, in Pill Stove then spreads an abnormal noise suddenly, is burnt taste spreads, in the Yang Kai hand the movement for it, knew in the heart that this time Pill Refining was the failure. 不过只是半个时辰左右,丹炉内便忽然传出一声异响,紧接着便是一股焦糊味传出,杨开手中动作为之一顿,心知这一次炼丹是失败了。 He does not see the disappointed color, was hopeless can succeed with ease, after all pill recipe is incomplete, he just wants the familiar property and refinement process, hoping can supplement completely pill recipe. 他也不见失望之色,本就没指望能轻松成功,毕竟丹方本身就不完整,他只不过是想多熟悉一下药性和炼制过程,以期能将丹方补充完整。 Complete pill recipe, may refine Spirit Pill. 只有完整的丹方,才有可能炼制出灵丹来。 Cleans up Pill Stove, the residual completely, the careful moment, starts to refine but actually with rapt attention again. 清理丹炉,将残渣倒尽,精心凝神片刻,再次开始炼制。 time passes, Yang Kai is even more handy, many years ago when the Pill Refining feeling replies slowly. 时间流逝,杨开愈发得心应手,多年前炼丹时的感觉慢慢回复。 For so many years although he in the Pill Way high and low anything time, basically has not been has left uncultivated, but he Heavenly Law had once taught the technique of Pill Refining in the past after all, if really persisted in getting down on this main road, at this time the Pill Refining attainments not necessarily missed many compared with Blue Sky Pass these Alchemy Grandmaster. 这么些年来他虽没在丹道上下什么功夫,基本上算是有所荒废,但他当年毕竟是曾得天道传授过炼丹之术的,若真的在这一条大道上坚持走下去,此时炼丹的造诣未必就比碧落关这些炼丹大师们差多少。 Pitifully the manpower is only poor sometimes, to him, Martial Dao forever is most important goal that pursue, the other thing of diverting attention can give up to abandon. 只可惜人力有时穷,对他来说,武道永远是自身追求的最重要目标,其他分心之物都可以割舍抛弃。 Furnace furnace medicinal herbs destroys, that personally written letter of Yang Kai understanding that to the pill recipe records even more is also thorough, but during the refinement, will then often waste all previous efforts to a key point. 一炉炉药材毁去,杨开对那手札中记载的丹方的理解也愈发透彻,但每每在炼制之中,到了一处关键点便会前功尽弃。 But pill recipe damage place that this key point, in the personally written letter records. 而这个关键点,正是手札之中记载的丹方的缺损处。 This key point, needs to use constantly medicinal herbs! Yang Kai does not know that medicinal herbs is anything, can only experiment slowly one after another, but his experiment is not blind. 这个关键点,需要用到一味药材杨开也不知那药材到底是什么,只能慢慢一种一种地试验,而他的试验也不是盲目的。 Since that personally written letter in Small Universe that in older generation Pill Master leaves behind found, medicinal herbs that then Pill Refining needs, then has greatly possibly appears in that older generation Pill Master medicine garden very much. 既然那手札是在先辈丹师留下的小乾坤中找到的,那么炼丹所需的药材,便有很大可能出现在那先辈丹师的药圃中。 Therefore he uses by experimental medicinal herbs, was in that Secret Boundary medicine garden had once appeared, was he can find in that Secret Boundary, the Yang Kai preparation first experimented these medicinal herbs, if were not really good, then made to think his law. 所以他用以试验的药材,都是那秘境药圃中曾出现过的,也是他在那秘境之中能够找到的,杨开准备先将这些药材都试验一遍,若是实在不行,再令想他法。 Pill Hall is very big to his support, one month of time, Yang Kai has looked for Tang Qun to demand 78 medicinal herbs, Tang Qun can bring each time rapidly. 丹堂这边对他的支持力度很大,一个月时间,杨开已找汤逡索要了七八次药材,汤逡每次都能迅速取来。 But so large demands, makes the Tang Qun heart have the intimacy, does not know that Yang Kai is building up what pill, must know black ink battlefield medicinal herbs various valuable degree really practice resources, although there is an order of Regiment's Commander, making Pill Hall coordinate Yang Kai, but consumes not to see the result, is not always means. 只不过如此大量的需求,也让汤逡心有戚戚,不知杨开到底在炼什么丹,要知道墨之战场这边药材的珍贵程度更甚各种修行资源,虽说有军团长的命令,让丹堂这边配合杨开,但这么消耗下去也不见结果,总不是个办法。 On this day, sends to be all white, is in high spirits the old man to arrive at Pill Hall, passes through along the road, numerous Pill Master stop to salute, the mouth shouted Zhuge Great Master. 这一日,一位发须皆白,精神矍铄的老者来到丹堂,沿路走过,众多丹师都停下行礼,口呼“诸葛大师”。 Does not have him, this old man is one of the Blue Sky Pass topest three Alchemy Grandmaster, Zhu Geming. Turns the exquisiteness of Pill Refining technique, entire Pill Hall also only then Hall Master and another Great Master can place on a par with him, almost it can be said that the Blue Sky Pass Pill Refining first person, but his personality free and easy exuberant, the unfeeling is suave, otherwise the position of this Pill Hall Hall Master must be him without doubt. 无他,这位老者乃是碧落关最顶尖的三位炼丹大师之一,诸葛明。轮炼丹技艺之精湛,整个丹堂也只有堂主和另外一位大师能与他相提并论,几乎可以说是碧落关炼丹第一人,只不过他性格洒脱率性,不通人情世故,否则这丹堂堂主之位必属他无疑。 Pill Hall Hall Master had also once openly stated that own Pill Refining technique many must be not as good as Zhu Geming to plan. 丹堂堂主也曾公开声明过,自己炼丹技艺多少要稍逊诸葛明一筹。 Arrived to have jurisdiction over the medicinal herbs medicine capital palace, Zhu Geming knocked the table, spoke thoughtlessly to send out one string of medicinal herbs name. 来到管辖药材的药资殿,诸葛明敲了敲桌子,随口报出一串药材的名字。 Deacon of management medicine capital palace asked him to take a seat hastily, went medicinal herbs that personally gave Zhu Geming to look for him to need. 管理药资殿的执事连忙请他落座,亲自前去给诸葛明寻找他需要的药材 After a little while, Deacon walks, bows to say in front of Zhu Geming: medicinal herbs all here that Zhuge Great Master, you want, but that Azure Feather Profound Vine quantity was small, I have made one go to that side the medicine garden to collect, quick will come back, but also asked Great Master to wait a bit the moment.” 少顷,执事走来,在诸葛明面前躬身道:“诸葛大师,你要的药材都在这里了,只不过那青羽玄藤数量少了些,我已让人去药圃那边采集了,很快就会回来,还请大师稍等片刻。” Zhu Geming nods, asked suddenly: Zhou Fang that did old thing refine the formulation universe recently?” 诸葛明点点头,忽又问道:“周方老东西最近炼制定乾坤了?” Deciding the universe is Spirit Pill, moreover is Rank extremely high Spirit Pill, but Zhou Fang is Pill Hall three top Spirit Pill Great Master another person. 定乾坤是一种灵丹,而且是品阶极高的灵丹,而周方则是丹堂三位顶尖灵丹大师的另外一人。 Takes a broad view at Pill Hall, under Hall Master, is their position to be highest, but these two people of quite some peers are the meanings of sweetheart, starts to this Blue Sky Pass originally, these several thousand years passed by, the battle continuous, the battle between Alchemy Expert, nothing but is the contest on Pill Way, naturally, on the mouth also goes to war a lot, each other who refuses to accept anyone. 放眼丹堂,堂主之下,就属他们二人地位最高,只不过这二人颇有些同行是冤家的意思,自来到这碧落关开始,这数千年过去了,一直争斗不休,炼丹师之间的争斗,无非就是丹道上的较量,当然,嘴上也没少打仗,彼此谁也不服谁。 Entire Blue Sky Pass, can refine the formulation universe, besides Hall Master, only then Zhu Geming and Zhou Fang two people, but that Azure Feather Profound Vine refining up the principal material of formulation universe, only then refining up the formulation universe time will use, therefore Zhu Geming will have this speculation. 整个碧落关,能炼制定乾坤的,除了堂主之外,就只有诸葛明周方两人了,而那青羽玄藤是炼制定乾坤的主材料,也只有炼制定乾坤的时候才会用到,所以诸葛明才会有此推测。 Deacon hears word shakes the head saying: Grandmaster Zhou uses actually not, but is Tang Qun Junior Brother takes.” 执事闻言摇头道:“倒不是周大师用去的,而是汤逡师弟取走的。” Zhu Geming hears word knits the brows: What does Tang Qun that little fellow want Azure Feather Profound Vine to make?” 诸葛明闻言皱眉:“汤逡那小家伙要青羽玄藤做什么?” The Deacon forced smile said: This I do not know, but listened to soup Junior Brother saying that Yang Kai needs to use these medicinal herbs, moreover was Sir Regiment's Commander tells personally, making Pill Hall full power coordinate.” 执事苦笑道:“这我也不知,只是听汤师弟说,那位杨开需要用这些药材,而且是军团长大人亲自吩咐下来,让丹堂这边全力配合的。” That Yang Kai?” The Zhu Geming brow raises, „, but that Yang Kai?” “那位杨开?”诸葛明眉头一扬,“可是那位杨开?” The words saying , although tongue-twister, but how Deacon can, hastily the nod: Is that Yang Kai.” 话说的虽然绕口,但执事岂会不懂,连忙点头:“就是那位杨开。” The name of Yang Kai has spread over inside and outside Blue Sky Pass, although Pill Hall does not participate in the Black Ink Clan battle, but also many hearing, know that his arrival brought many good news for the area inside the Great Wall officers, made the Human Race major mountain passes have scattered to purify the method of strength of black ink. 杨开之名早已传遍碧落关内外,丹堂这边虽然不参与墨族的争斗,但也多少有些耳闻的,知道他的到来为关内将士带来了诸多福音,更让人族各大关隘有了驱散净化墨之力的手段。 „Does he also understand Pill Refining?” Zhu Geming small is startled. “他还懂炼丹?”诸葛明小小的吃了一惊。 About Deacon looked, sees with own eyes four no one, opens the mouth saying: Perhaps understands, but is not skilled in absolutely, Great Master has not to know, recently in January/one month, this Yang Kai consumed many rare and precious medicinal herbs, I asked Tang Qun Junior Brother, said that is Spirit Pill has not built up, you also know, if Azure Feather Profound Vine this medicinal herbs, but will build up the formulation universe to use, here preserved are not many, this month is been similar, has not calculated other medicinal herbs that he used.” 执事左右看了看,眼见四下无人,开口道:“或许懂一点,但绝对不精通,大师有所不知,最近一月,这位杨开可是消耗了不少珍稀药材,我问了汤逡师弟,说是一枚灵丹都没炼出来,您老也知道,如青羽玄藤这种药材,只是炼制定乾坤才会用到,原本这边储藏就不多,这一个月都被他用的差不多了,还没算其他的药材。” Zhu Geming hears word knits the brows: „Isn't this deliberately creates trouble?” 诸葛明闻言皱眉:“这不是胡闹吗?” Deacon continuously the nod: Who didn't say? Area inside the Great Wall medicinal herbs was precious, spends freely one every time, possibly is robe Ze critical moment the thing of life-saving. But this is the order of Regiment's Commander, Pill Hall also can only full power coordinate.” 执事不住点头:“谁说不是呢?关内药材本就珍贵至极,每挥霍一份,都可能是袍泽们关键时刻的救命之物。怎奈这是军团长的命令,丹堂这边也只能全力配合。” Zhu Geming is gloomy the face saying: Now where this is Yang Kai at?” 诸葛明阴沉着脸道:“这杨开现在在哪?” Deacon said: Tang Qun Junior Brother arranges him in day character No. 3 pill Room.” 执事道:“汤逡师弟将他安排在天字三号丹室。” Zhu Geming sets out saying: I have a look.” 诸葛明起身道:“我去看看。” Deacon one startled, advises hastily: Can it be that Great Master must be awkward with that Yang Kai, but ten million/countless leaves, this after all is the order of Regiment's Commander.” 执事一惊,连忙劝阻:“大师莫不是要与那杨开为难,可千万别,这毕竟是军团长的命令。” Regiment's Commander? If their several have the skill, was injured do not eat the Old Man refinement Spirit Pill!” So saying, air/Qi whoosh, whoosh to go. 军团长怎么了?他们几个若是有本事,受伤了就别吃老夫炼制的灵丹!”这般说着,气咻咻而去。 Deacon dumbstruck, he loved dearly by medicinal herbs that Yang Kai consumes, spoke thoughtlessly to complain several in front of Zhu Geming, who once wants to draw out the this kind of terrible business unexpectedly. 执事目瞪口呆,他本只是心疼被杨开消耗掉的药材,在诸葛明面前随口抱怨几句,谁曾想居然引出这样的麻烦事。 Zhu Geming what temperament he is clear, what if this went to conflict with Yang Kai that side, can do? 诸葛明什么脾气他可是清楚的,这要是去与杨开那边起了什么冲突,可如何是好?
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