MP :: Volume #51

#5035: Pill Hall

Zhong Liang said: These Human Race live in your Small Universe, you guarantee them not to need to worry about food or clothing, practice approximately, formulates again aims at gives birth the strategy that but rewards, what worried that the quantity can't be raised?” 钟良道:“那些人族既生活在你的小乾坤中,你保他们衣食无忧,修行无虑,再制定一些针对生养而奖的策略,何愁数量提升不上来?” Yang Kai heard that the word nods: This but actually is also, that disciple thinks in the future some means are.” 杨开闻言颔首:“这倒也是,那弟子日后多想些办法便是。” In fact Human Race in his Small Universe, so many years getting down quantities grew much. After all his Small Universe environment is liberal, no dispute danger, the average person lives even in is still worried about anything unexpectedly. 事实上他小乾坤中的人族,这么多年下来数量本就增长了不少。毕竟他的小乾坤环境优渥,也没什么纷争危险,就算是普通人生活在里面也不虞担心什么。 Yang Kai has never cared in the quantity, the birth and death is the main road samsara, has this birth and death, will have the multiplication of race to continue, will be promoting his Small Universe background always. 杨开从未在数量上在意过,生老病死乃是大道轮回,正是有这生老病死,才会有种族的繁衍延续,才会无时无刻提升着他小乾坤底蕴 Now in Small Universe are many World Tree subtree, the population truly needs to propose. 如今小乾坤中多了世界树的子树,人口数量确实需要提一提了。 You that World Tree, does not know that may have what drawback, recently treats honestly in the area inside the Great Wall, do not run all over the place.” The Zhong Liang urging said that „. Moreover the Bi Luo war zone was also recently calm and steady, in dozens years will not have any big outbreak of war, this/should well practice , to promote strength.” “你方得那世界树,也不知可会有什么弊端,最近一段时间就老实待在关内,不要乱跑了。”钟良叮嘱道,“而且最近碧落战区也算安稳,数十年内不会有什么大战事爆发,正该好好修行,提升实力。” Yes!” Yang Kai complied with one, said: Sir, disciple wants to go to Pill Hall.” “是!”杨开应了一声,又道:“大人,弟子想去丹堂一趟。” The Zhong Liang doubts said: Pill Hall? What goes to Pill Hall to make?” 钟良疑惑道:“丹堂?去丹堂做什么?” Yang Kai reply: Sir has not to know, before disciple, Secret Boundary master who accepts forcefully before death, is Pill Master, the Pill Way attainments is extremely high, disciple had also browsed on Pill Way just in time long ago, therefore this time received his Secret Boundary, refine to melt Pill Way Principle Mark that was this older generation much, many could be said as his some legacy inheriting.” 杨开回禀:“大人有所不知,弟子之前强行收容的秘境主人生前,乃是一位丹师,丹道造诣极高,正巧弟子早年在丹道上也有所涉猎,所以这一次收了他的秘境,炼化了不少属于这位先辈的丹道道痕,多少可以说是得了他一些衣钵传承。” The Zhong Liang corner of the eye twitches: „Do you also browse on Pill Way?” 钟良眼角抽搐:“你在丹道上还有涉猎?” Long ago the matter, is not worth mentioning now.” Yang Kai humble say/way. “早年之事,如今不值一提。”杨开谦逊道。 Ding Yao knits the brows: „Do you want to continue practice on Pill Way? Must know the technique in the essence, but not in many, taking undivided attention to go out of a level road on Martial Dao.” 丁耀皱眉道:“你是想在丹道上继续修行?需知技在精而不在多,心无旁骛才能在武道上走出一条坦途。” Shentu Mo also nods said: black ink battlefield Pill Master does not lack, what lacks is only the Pill Refining material, do not divert attention for this reason.” 申屠墨也颔首道:“墨之战场这边丹师不缺,缺的只是炼丹的材料而已,你就不要为此分心了。” Yang Kai holds the fist saying: Several Sirs misunderstood, disciple does not want practice Pill Way, but this time resulted in part of legacy of that older generation to inherit, moreover disciple in that Secret Boundary also discovered a personally written letter that older generation left behind, although there is broken, but something of record seemed like some uses, disciple wanted to confirm one, if really so, that in the future or has helped the area inside the Great Wall officers.” 杨开抱拳道:“几位大人误会了,弟子并非要修行丹道,只是这一次得了那位先辈的一部分衣钵传承,另外在那秘境弟子也发现了那位先辈留下的一份手札,虽有残破,但其中记载的一些东西似乎有些用途,弟子想要验证一番而已,若真如此,那日后或对关内将士有所帮助。” Personally written letter?” Ding Yao astonished. “手札?”丁耀讶然 Yang Kai puts out a hand in a flash, in the hand are many a palm of the hand size, the thing of non- gold/metal Feiyu, this thing looked the vicissitudes are then ancient, but the above many cracks, seemingly have the damaged appearance. 杨开伸手一晃,手上便多出一片巴掌大小,非金非玉之物,这东西一看便沧桑古老,只不过上面有诸多裂纹,看起来有所损坏的样子。 This was the personally written letter that Secret Boundary master kept. 这便是那秘境主人留下来的手札了。 If not for Yang Kai received entire Secret Boundary own Small Universe forcefully, was not necessarily able to find this thing. 若不是杨开将整个秘境都强行收入自己小乾坤中,未必就能找到这东西。 Small Universe that these older generation Pill Master falls the innumerable years, keep experienced the innumerable year of years change , the landform has the enormous change. 那些先辈丹师陨落已经无数年了,留下来的小乾坤经历无数年的岁月变迁,地貌都已有了极大的改变。 This personally written letter then hidden in the underground extremely deep place. 这手札便隐藏在地下极深处。 However Yang Kai received that Secret Boundary Small Universe forcefully, this several years and spends the tremendous effort, divides this Secret Boundary, rejects Small Universe. 不过杨开将那秘境强行收入小乾坤中,这数年来又花费巨大精力,将这秘境一块块分割开来,剔除出自身小乾坤 Then, was equal to searching this entire Secret Boundary in disguised form all-around, in Secret Boundary had any thing of hidden, can look. 如此一来,等于是变相地全方位将这整个秘境都搜索了一遍,秘境中有任何隐藏之物,都能找出来。 This personally written letter is a harvest, another harvest in that Secret Boundary, had not then been collected clean all sorts of rare and precious medicinal herbs. 这手札是其中一份收获,另一份收获便是在那秘境中,还没有被采集干净的种种珍稀药材 Yang Kai and Bai Yi explore that Secret Boundary, has not explored completely, after discovering the medicine garden, then terminated, in Secret Boundary naturally also many medicinal herbs leave behind, now is transplanted in oneself Small Universe Medicine Garden by Yang Kai. 杨开白羿探索那秘境,并没有探索完全,待发现药圃之后便终止了,秘境之中自然还有许多药材遗留,如今都被杨开移植到了自身小乾坤药园中。 The information that in the personally written letter records is very disorderly, after all this thing has been damaged, but Yang Kai can still determine, this personally written letter is all sorts of Pill Refining attainments that older generation Pill Master keeps, some strange pill recipe. 手札中记载的信息很杂乱,毕竟这东西已经受损,不过杨开依然可以判定,这手札是那位先辈丹师留下来的种种炼丹心得,还有一些稀奇古怪的丹方 And a record also calculates that complete pill recipe, making him especially care. 其中一种记载还算完整的丹方,让他尤为在意。 Zhong Liang received the personally written letter in Yang Kai hand, the immersion mind is nosing, after the moment, knits the brows: Understanding that you can look at?” 钟良接过杨开手中的手札,沉浸心神查探着,片刻后皱眉道:“你能看的明白?” Under his sensation, in this personally written letter some truly information leave behind, but many expression combinations and present are critically different, understood that is strenuous, some strange phrase he does not recognize, that obviously is the extremely ancient writing. 在他的感知下,这手札中确实有一些信息遗留,但许多言辞组合与如今大为不同,理解起来非常吃力,更有一些古怪的字眼连他都不认得,那显然是极为古老的文字。 Yang Kai said truthfully: Can understand reluctantly, therefore also needs to confirm.” 杨开如实道:“勉强能懂,所以还需要验证。” After all he refine to melt in that Secret Boundary many Pill Way Principle Mark, was that older generation Pill Master part of legacy inherited, who if in this world also had to be able to understand this personally written letter, that went to none other than him. 毕竟他炼化了那秘境中许多丹道道痕,算是得了那先辈丹师的一部分衣钵传承,如果说这世上还有何人能看得懂这份手札的话,那非他莫属。 Ding Yao and the others also nosed in turn that personally written letter, each one looks is bewildered, just like Zhong Liang, cannot understand. 丁耀等人也将那手札轮流查探了一番,个个都看的一脸茫然,与钟良一样,看不懂。 Slightly hesitates, Zhong Liang said: You want to go to Pill Hall then to go, I greeted with that side, making them coordinate you is.” 略一沉吟,钟良道:“你想去丹堂便去吧,我与那边打个招呼,让他们配合你便是。” Many thanks Sir.” “多谢大人。” Zhong Liang beckons with the hand: You must be primarily practice, cannot leave uncultivated the time.” 钟良摆手:“不过你还要以修行为主,切不可荒废光阴。” Respectfully follows the Sir to teach.” “谨遵大人教诲。” Zhong Liang and the others depart quickly. 钟良等人很快离去。 Yang Kai then returns to the daybreak, met with the Dawn team member, daybreak changes to flowing light quickly, in spreads to enter the pass. 杨开这才回到破晓,与晨曦队员碰面,破晓很快化作流光,驰入关内。 Entered Blue Sky Pass, Yang Kai hurried to toward Pill Hall nonstop. 入了碧落关,杨开马不停蹄地朝丹堂赶去。 Northwest corner of Pill Hall situated in Blue Sky Pass, held the big domain, here is the place of entire Blue Sky Pass Pill Masters Pill Refining. 丹堂位于碧落关的西北角,占据了偌大一处地盘,这里是整个碧落关丹师们炼丹之地。 Must know that Blue Sky Pass officers several thousands, the huge number, to the Spirit Pill demand naturally is also incomparable huge, usually in practice, basically cannot use too expensive Spirit Pill, but once erupts the war, that Healing Pill, resumes pill's consumption is extremely astonishing. 要知道碧落关将士数万,数量巨大,对灵丹的需求自然也是无比庞大的,平日里修行也就罢了,基本用不到太昂贵的灵丹,可一旦爆发战事,那疗伤丹,恢复丹的消耗可是极为惊人的。 No matter the war gentle day, Pill Hall kept forever busily, each was arranged to refine various Spirit Pill in this's Pill Master working wholeheartedly position area inside the Great Wall officers. 所以不管是战事还是平和之日,丹堂这边永远都是忙碌不停,每一位被安排在此的丹师都呕心沥血地位关内将士炼制各种灵丹 Subordinates Pill Hall, a big medicine garden, planted innumerable rare and precious medicinal herbs, medicinal herbs that the area inside the Great Wall needs cannot count on that side completely 3000 Worlds transports, therefore each Human Race mountain pass has to belong to the own medicine garden, has the specialist to be responsible for looking after to handle. 隶属丹堂的,还有一大片药圃,其中栽种了无数珍稀药材,关内需要的药材总不能全部都指望三千世界那边输送,所以每一处人族关隘都有属于自己的药圃,有专人负责照料打理。 But in Blue Sky Pass the medicine garden, the profound female fruit tree reaches several hundred! 而在碧落关的这一处药圃之中,玄牝果树多达数百棵! These profound female fruit trees naturally are this innumerable years, the Human Race officers from located Secret Boundary to find respectively, entirely transplant in this. 这些玄牝果树自然都是这无数年来,人族将士从各处秘境找到的,统统移植在此。 Profound female Spirit Fruit this thing, regardless of many are not many, area inside the Great Wall so many once gave Small Universe, the officers of urgently needed patching were counting on eagerly these several hundred fruit trees blossom and bear fruit. 玄牝灵果这东西,无论有多少都不算多,关内那么多曾割舍了小乾坤,急需修补的将士都眼巴巴地指望着这数百棵果树开花结果。 Yang Kai arrives at Pill Hall time, here people are waiting for early. 杨开来到丹堂的时候,这边早有人在等待。 Sees Yang Kai, that person at present one bright, goes forward several steps to welcome, by far then holds the fist saying: This is then Yang Kai Senior Brother Yang?” 见得杨开,那人眼前一亮,上前几步迎来,远远便抱拳道:“这位便是杨开杨师兄吧?” Yang Kai returns a courtesy: Yang.” 杨开回礼:“正是杨某。” That person of smiling glowing with enthusiasm: „Below Tang Qun, presents the life of Hall Master to greet Senior Brother Yang in this, Hall Master has the command, Senior Brother has any demand Pill Hall, only the pipeline, Pill Hall coordinates all.” 那人笑的热情洋溢:“在下汤逡,奉堂主之命在此迎接杨师兄,堂主有令,师兄丹堂这边有任何需求,只管道来,丹堂无不配合。” That had the work.” Yang Kai feels grateful one. “那就有劳了。”杨开感激一声。 Please!” Tang Qun puts out a hand to hint. “请!”汤逡伸手示意。 Yang Kai polite, walks into Pill Hall with Tang Qun, steps into swiftly, then felt that heat wave heads on, inside many Pill Master communicated, goes on a trip in a hurry. 杨开客气一声,与汤逡走入丹堂之中,倏一踏入其中,便感觉一股热浪扑面而来,里面不少丹师来往,行色匆匆。 But the both sides secret rooms, the gates of most secret rooms are closed, a small number of nobody left. 而两旁更有一间间密室,大多数密室之门是关闭着的,少数空无一人。 About Yang Kai waits and sees, discovered in secret room that opens wide, each secret room has Pill Stove, in the secret room has the Formation seal cutting, obviously is inspiring pill fire. 杨开左右观望,发现那敞开的密室之中,每一间密室都有一个丹炉,密室之中更有大阵篆刻,明显是引动丹火之用。 Tang Qun walks while a introduced: Pill Hall has Heaven, Earth, Human three pill Rooms, in each pill has Pill Stove, inspires pill fire formation, Human Pill Room 200, Earth Pill Room 50, had only eight as for Heaven Pill Room, does not know that what Spirit Pill Senior Brother Yang wanted to refine, needed what kind pill Room?” 汤逡一边走一边介绍道:“丹堂这边有天地人三种丹室,每一间丹室内都配有丹炉,引动丹火法阵,其中人字丹室共两百间,地字丹室五十间,至于天字丹室就有区区八间了,不知杨师兄想要炼制什么灵丹,需要何种丹室?” Yang Kai hears saying: Pill Refining is not anxious beforehand, has the incident to consult Tang the brother actually.” 杨开闻言道:“炼丹之事先不急,倒是有一事想要请教汤兄。” Tang Qun said: Senior Brother asked freely, Tang spoke out frankly.” 汤逡道:“师兄尽管问来,汤某自是知无不言。” Yang Kai takes out Spirit Grass conveniently: This thing, how many Pill Hall does here have to stockpile?” 杨开随手取出一株灵草:“这东西,丹堂这边有多少储备?” Tang Qun received that Spirit Grass, distinguished carefully: „Is this Lightless Grass? Words Pill Hall of this thing has some reserves, but are not many, this thing as refining the Tianji Fixing Soul Pill increase auxiliary material, the demand is not very big, although the medicine garden that side has had the planter, but planted little, is forearmed.” 汤逡将那灵草接过,仔细辨别了一下:“这是无光草?此物的话丹堂这边有一些储备,但是不多,此物只是作为炼制天玑定神丹的添加辅材,需求量一直不是很大,药圃那边虽然一直都有种植,但只是种植了一点点,有备无患而已。” Medicine garden?” Yang Kai hears to say stunned, Pill Hall has the medicine garden?” “药圃?”杨开闻言愕然,“丹堂这边有药圃?” Tang Qun said with a smile: Pill Hall naturally has the own medicine garden, found many medicinal herbs that from Secret Boundary, can transplant transplanted, after all black ink battlefield here many medicinal herbs and 3000 Worlds were different, Alchemy Grandmaster also had the time of not being able to distinguish, that side the medicine garden had some medicinal herbs, has not known that made anything to use, first transplanted to say again.” 汤逡笑道:“丹堂自然有自己的药圃,从秘境中找到的许多药材,能移植回来的都移植回来了,毕竟墨之战场这边许多药材三千世界不同,炼丹大师们也有分辨不出的时候,药圃那边有一些药材,至今还不知做什么用的,先移植回来再说。” Yang Kai nods: I need this type...... Lightless Grass.” 杨开点点头:“我需要这种……无光草。” In personally written letter that in that older generation Pill Master leaves behind, this Spirit Grass use exactly achievement refines the Tianji Fixing Soul Pill increase auxiliary material, but refines another Spirit Pill principal material, in the personally written letter to the name of this Spirit Grass is not Lightless Grass, since Blue Sky Pass has the name of own, Yang Kai was also disinclined to correct. 在那先辈丹师留下的手札中,这灵草的用途可不是作为炼制天玑定神丹的添加辅材,而是炼制另外一种灵丹的主材料,手札中对这灵草的称呼也不是什么无光草,不过既然碧落关这边有自己的称呼,杨开也懒得纠正了。 He must confirm one pill recipe that in the personally written letter records now, if cannot become, if can become, affects absolutely greatly to Human Race. 他如今只是要验证一下手札中记载的一种丹方,若是不能成也就罢了,若是能成,对人族绝对作用巨大。 Also said several other medicinal herbs, Tang Qun 11 remembered, passes on a message, obviously has the specialist to be responsible for sending. 又道出其他几种药材,汤逡一一记下,传讯出去,显然是有专人会负责送来。 At once Tang Qun asks: „Can Senior Brother this then start Pill Refining? Does not know that which first-level pill Room Senior Brother does need?” 旋即汤逡问道:“师兄这便要开始炼丹了吗?不知师兄需要哪一级的丹室?” Yang Kai slightly hesitates saying: Heaven Pill Room.” 杨开略一沉吟道:“天字丹室吧。” Since here pill Room minute Heaven, Earth, Human three ranks, then natural is the rank the higher the better. His Pill Refining technique long ago exquisite direct, but is opposite to his cultivation level now, can only say reluctantly, the Pill Refining Technique attainments could not have followed his cultivation level to promote, has good pill Room also to promote the Pill Refining success ratio. 这里的丹室既然分天地人三个级别,那么自然是级别越高越好。他炼丹的技艺早年精湛直接,但如今相对他的修为来说,只能说勉勉强强,炼丹术的造诣早已跟不上他的修为提升了,有个好丹室也能提升炼丹的成功率。 Tang Qun hears saying: Heaven Pill Room just right comes out spatially, Senior Brother please come along with me.” 汤逡闻言道:“天字丹室正好空出来一间,师兄请随我来。” So saying, when first shows the way to go. 这般说着,当先领路而去。
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