MP :: Volume #51

#5034: 3 advantage

In an instant, Yang Kai then felt own Small Universe becomes close incomparable, cannot shake. 刹那之间,杨开便感觉自身小乾坤变得紧密无比,不可撼动。 He had of World Spring suppress and seal Small Universe Universe Four Pillars, can have no time by own Small Universe clearly, the external force does not invade, when with the powerful enemy battles, no matter the strength differs enemy many, Small Universe will not receive any shake. Now World Tree, Small Universe becomes even more impregnable. 他本就有乾坤四柱之一的天地泉封镇小乾坤,让自身小乾坤得以圆润无暇,外力不侵,在与强敌作战时,不管实力相差敌人多少,小乾坤都不会受到任何震荡。如今又得世界树,小乾坤变得愈发固若金汤。 World Tree has the Universe Four Pillars effect unexpectedly! 世界树竟有乾坤四柱的功效! This is Yang Kai has not thought that he has a feeling now, even oneself did not have World Spring, will not be corroded by the strength of black ink, because in Small Universe has World Tree, this subtree also has the effect of suppress and seal Small Universe, moreover is not the least bit off compared with the World Spring effect. 这是杨开未曾想到的,如今他有种感觉,即便自身没了天地泉,也不会被墨之力侵蚀,因为小乾坤中有世界树,这一株子树同样有封镇小乾坤之效,而且比天地泉的效果丝毫不差。 World Spring can definitely Contribution go out, making the area inside the Great Wall again many not to fear the powerhouse who the strength of black ink corrodes, if some 8-Rank Open Heaven can obtain World Spring, when does not have extra worries with the Black Ink Clan battle surely again. 如此说来,天地泉完全可以贡献出去,让关内再多一位不惧墨之力侵蚀的强者,如果某一位八品开天能得到天地泉的话,那在与墨族争斗时必定再无后顾之忧。 This, Yang Kai soon then detected another benefit that World Tree provided. 这也就罢了,杨开很快便察觉到了世界树带来的另一种好处。 That World Tree is close to Small Universe each area, just like the living creature, each breath shakes, can affect entire Small Universe, was obtained a concise strength by own world mighty force, although in short time cannot see anything, but continuously for a long time hence, own world mighty force even more will be surely pure, is even more concise. 世界树与自身小乾坤每一处疆域紧密相连,宛若活物,每一次呼吸震荡,都能牵动整个小乾坤,让自身的天地伟力得到一丝凝练之力,虽然短时间内看不出什么,但长此以往,自身的天地伟力必定会越发纯粹,愈发凝练。 In other words , pays the similar weight/quantity the world mighty force, the method that Yang Kai uses will have stronger attack strength. 换言之,付出同样分量的天地伟力,杨开施展出来的手段也会有更强的攻击力。 In Small Universe reared in a pen the innumerable lives, the Small Stone Race such unusual race, the time speed of flow is four times, Yang Kai even not practice, oneself background is still continue increase, the increased speed compared with average person practice slow many, the background quantity definitely does not need to be worried. 小乾坤内本就圈养了无数生灵,还有小石族这样奇特的种族,时间流速是外界的四倍,杨开就算不修行,自身底蕴也在持续增加着,增加的速度不比一般人修行慢多少,底蕴的量是完全无需担心的。 Now also obtains concise of World Tree, the background nature can be promoted. 如今又得到世界树的凝练,底蕴的质又能得到提升。 The nature and quantity are weigh a Open Heaven Stage strength strong and weak the standard, these two can surpass the same step the words, the achievement that if given time, Yang Kai can obtain is inconceivable surely. 质与量乃是衡量一位开天境实力强弱的标准,这两者都能超出同阶的话,假以时日,杨开能获得的成就必定难以想象。 Is can only the advantage, is so then obvious. 仅仅只是自身能够得到的好处,便如此显而易见。 In Small Universe innumerable Human Race can profit because of returning nurturing to parents of World Tree, in fact, in the flash that World Tree and Small Universe fuse, in Small Universe major Sect Emperor Senior Stage has felt, felt faintly this world seems any huge change, but the change where , cannot say, but the instinct will look at the direction that World Tree will be. 小乾坤内无数人族更可以因为世界树的反哺而受益,事实上,在世界树小乾坤融合的一瞬间,小乾坤内各大宗门帝尊境似都有所感受,隐隐感觉这个世界似有什么巨大的变化,但到底变化在何处,却又说不上来,只是本能地将目光投向世界树所在的方向。 Star Boundary results in World Tree to return nurturing to parents, will emerge the countless genius from generation to generation, Human Race that in Yang Kai Small Universe will live surely also so, and because of the reason of time speed of flow, can perhaps see the result in less than dozens years. 星界世界树反哺,一代又一代涌现出数之不尽的天才人物,杨开小乾坤中生活的人族必定也会如此,而且因为时间流速的缘故,恐怕用不了几十年就能看到成效。 By that time, Yang Kai can definitely select the talent from own Small Universe, teaches Principle Law, lets them practice in Blue Sky Pass, all sorts of main roads that even if Yang Kai cultivates do not suit these people, Blue Sky Pass gather so many Cave Heaven Paradise powerhouses, always has to suit their, once and other talents promote Open Heaven Stage, will be one boost that will resist Black Ink Clan in large numbers! 到那时候,杨开完全可以从自身小乾坤中选拔人才,传授道法,让他们在碧落关修行,就算杨开所修的种种大道不适合这些人,碧落关汇聚那么多洞天福地的强者,总有适合他们的,一旦等这些天才晋升开天境,又将是一大批对抗墨族的助力! Now his Small Universe, has just like been able to regard as is second Star Boundary, similarly is the Open Heaven Stage cradle. 如今他的小乾坤,俨然已经可以看成是第二个星界了,同样是开天境的摇篮。 At present can feel, the benefit that World Tree provides is these, but Yang Kai felt, the World Tree so divine object, the advantage should continue this point of own discovery, perhaps own had not discovered that however this can only wait to excavate in the future slowly. 眼下能感受到的,世界树所带来的好处便是这些,但杨开觉得,世界树如此神物,好处应该不止自己发现的这一点,或许还有自己没有发现的,然而这只能等日后再慢慢发掘了。 In heart joyful, Yang Kai inspected Small Universe again, determines to have no issue, this opens the view slowly. 心中欣喜,杨开再检视了一遍自身小乾坤,确定没有任何问题,这才徐徐睁开眼帘。 Sees to see, front several great forms, calmly are looking at own, impressively is Zhong Liang et al . 入目所见,面前数位伟岸身影,静静地望着自己,赫然是钟良等人。 Yang Kai one startled, sets out to salute hastily: Has seen Sir!” 杨开一惊,连忙起身行礼:“见过诸位大人!” He does not know when Zhong Liang and the others come, but wants to come feels here unusuality, then immediately comes to nose. 他也不知道钟良等人是什么时候来的,不过想来是感受到了这边的异常,便第一时间前来查探。 Zhong Liang lifts the hand, hinting him is overly courteous, urgently urgently asked: What kind of?” 钟良抬手,示意他无需多礼,急急问道:“怎么样?” Yang Kai said respectfully: All well, disciple had stripped that World Tree subtree thoroughly, now that subtree is close to disciple Small Universe.” 杨开恭敬道:“一切安好,弟子已经将那世界树子树彻底剥离了出来,如今那子树已与弟子小乾坤紧密相连。” The Ding Yao brow raises: What advantage can have?” 丁耀眉头一扬:“可有什么好处?” Yang Kai slightly hesitates saying: „The advantage that now disciple can feel has three, first is this World Tree subtree has the Universe Four Pillars effect, even plans compared with Universe Four Pillars, has this subtree, disciple Small Universe became is closer than before not leaks.” Word to here, Yang Kai holds the fist saying: Sir, disciple has the World Tree subtree now, then did not need World Spring, is willing to offer World Spring, slightly made the pygmy effort for my Human Race.” 杨开略一沉吟道:“如今弟子能感受到的好处有三桩,第一便是这世界树子树有乾坤四柱的功效,比起乾坤四柱甚至更甚一筹,有这子树在,弟子小乾坤变得比以前更紧密无漏。”言至此处,杨开抱拳道:“诸位大人,弟子如今有了世界树的子树,便无需天地泉了,愿将天地泉献出,为我人族略作绵薄之力。” Several Regiment's Commander hears word look at each other one, obviously somewhat is surprised, the didn't expect World Tree subtree also has the Universe Four Pillars effect unexpectedly, after all before never some people had the this kind of experience, if not Yang Kai spoke frankly, they have really not known. 几位军团长闻言对视一眼,显然都有些惊讶,没想到世界树子树居然也有乾坤四柱的功效,毕竟以前从未有人有这样的经历,若非杨开坦言,他们还真不知道。 Zhong Liang knits the brows: Is rare you to have this thoughts, but you determined that lost World Spring, can that subtree resist the corrosion of strength of black ink? Do not lose World Spring actually unable to resist when the time comes, after you , may be unable to leave Blue Sky Pass.” 钟良皱眉道:“难得你有这份心思,不过你确定失了天地泉,那子树可以抵挡墨之力的侵蚀?别到时候失了天地泉却抵挡不住,那你以后可就再不能离开碧落关了。” Yang Kai returns said: Although without means confirmation this point, but that subtree really has the effect of suppress and seal world, is not worse than World Spring anything, to say the least, if really such as Regiment's Commander said that that disciple will then keep Blue Sky Pass in the future, with the Black Ink Clan contact was not.” 杨开回道:“虽然没有办法验证这一点,但那子树确实有封镇天地之效,不比天地泉差什么,退一步说,若真如军团长所言,那弟子日后便留在碧落关,不与墨族接触便是。” Zhong Liang immediately laughed: Good, this saying was you says.” He looks forward to Yang Kai one step not to leave Blue Sky Pass, just now is calm and steady, so as to avoid Yang Kai takes risk outside everywhere, he still such as the old lady worries in the area inside the Great Wall is common. 钟良顿时呵呵一笑:“好,这话可是你说的。”他巴不得杨开一步也不离开碧落关,如此方才安稳,免得杨开在外面四处冒险,他还在关内如老娘忧儿一般提心吊胆。 This matter is not but actually anxious. You vertical are willing to offer World Spring, this thing takes over by whom when the time comes, I and others must discuss, let alone, you, if gives World Spring, definitely will affect the completeness of Small Universe, when the time comes must take profound female Spirit Fruit to patch Small Universe, this also needs time.” “不过此事倒也不急。你纵是愿意献出天地泉,此物到时候由谁接手,我等还要商讨一番,更何况,你若将天地泉割舍出来,势必会影响自身小乾坤的完整,到时候还要服用玄牝灵果修补小乾坤,这也是需要时间的。” But arranges depending on several Sirs.” “但凭几位大人安排。” Offers the matter of World Spring to put down for the time being, Liang Yulong asked: What is that second advantage?” 献出天地泉之事暂且搁下,梁玉龙问道:“那第二桩好处是什么?” Yang Kai said: This second is the subtree has the effect of tempering world mighty force, had it, in the future disciple Small Universe World mighty force more and more purely concise.” 杨开道:“这第二桩便是子树有淬炼天地伟力之效,有了它,日后弟子小乾坤的天地伟力将会越来越纯粹凝练。” This advantage is actually big!” Ding Yao smacks the lips, Yang Kai this strength originally a little same step invincible meaning, if lets his Small Universe background again tempering, that strength meets to go up a level surely, when the time comes in the same step who endures the rival, is high 1-Rank the strength of Open Heaven Stage perhaps also war. “这个好处倒是不小!”丁耀咂了咂嘴,杨开这实力本就有点同阶无敌的意思,若让他小乾坤底蕴再得淬炼,那实力必定会更上一层楼,到时候同阶之中谁堪敌手,便是高一品开天境恐怕也有一战之力。 Zhong Liang hesitates saying: This advantage is big, but surely needs time, temporarily cannot see what effect.” 钟良沉吟道:“这好处是不小,不过肯定需要时间,暂时是看不出什么效果的。” Be that as it may, but Open Heaven Stage the life span was long, as 7-Rank Open Heaven, Yang Kai also fears the waiting? 话虽如此,但开天境本就寿命悠长,身为七品开天,杨开还怕等待吗? „The third advantage , there is nothing to do with disciple actually. In disciple Small Universe has many Human Race survivals, results in the strength of World Tree returning nurturing to parents, wants to have more than enough many years, after 2-3 generations, will then emerge large quantities of talents.” “还有第三桩好处,倒是与弟子无关。弟子小乾坤内有不少人族生存,得世界树反哺之力,想来用不了多少年,待到2-3代之后,便会涌现出大批天才。” Liang Yulong heard that said astonished: Talent, what talent?” 梁玉龙闻言讶然:“天才,什么样的天才?” Yang Kai said: Sir has not to know, the disciple native land Star Boundary then World Tree subtree, was disciple planted in the past personally, was only because the native land had the danger of collapse, planting World Tree was complete by the insurance native land, unexpectedly after several generations, native land Star Boundary martial artist aptitude unexpectedly overall has promoted, major Cave Heaven Paradise all set up the Buddhist temple there, opened the door to accept the disciple, in disciple set out came this black ink battlefield, that side has appeared considerable amount has been able straight promote 6-Rank, and even 7-Rank talent.” 杨开道:“大人有所不知,弟子故土星界便有一株世界树子树,乃是弟子当年亲手种下,原本只是因为故土有崩溃之险,种下世界树以保故土周全,谁料数代之后,故土星界武者资质竟整体有所提升,各大洞天福地皆在那里设下道场,开门收徒,在弟子出发来这墨之战场时,那边已经出现了数量不少的可以直晋六品,乃至七品的人才。” Straight promote 7-Rank?” Several Regiment's Commander all change countenance. “直晋七品?”几位军团长皆都动容。 Straight promote 7-Rank, that was means that the limit was 9-Rank, if not midway die young, then had the boundary of possibility achievement Old Ancestor. 直晋七品,那可是意味着极限是九品,若不中途夭折,便有可能成就老祖之境。 „Are quantity many?” The Zhong Liang congealing sound asked. “数量多吗?”钟良凝声问道。 Yang Kai said: Straight promote 6-Rank were the case everywhere, 7-Rank was not too many, but wants to come each Cave Heaven Paradise always to have such 1-2, long ago Cave Heaven Paradise to receive the disciple incident in the native land, but also made many twists and turns.” 杨开道:“直晋六品们比比皆是,七品者不是太多,但想来每一家洞天福地总有那么1-2吧,早些年洞天福地为了在故土收徒一事,还闹出不少波折。” Circling is several people are 8-Rank Open Heaven, at this moment cannot bear hold breath cold air. 绕是几人都是八品开天,此刻也忍不住倒吸一口凉气。 Straight promote 7-Rank is almost the millenniums is difficult to meet, the rare talent who ten thousand world, various Cave Heaven Paradise had to present straight promote 7-Rank disciple, now the powerhouse of Old Ancestor rank, initially was straight promote 7-Rank, but the this kind of character, each Cave Heaven Paradise to grasp may count, in the event, will cause the stir surely, was regarded the treasure general, cultivated vigorously. 直晋七品的几乎都是千年难遇,万世不出的奇才,各家洞天福地不是没出现过直晋七品弟子,如今各位老祖级别的强者,当初都是直晋七品的,但这样的人物,每一家洞天福地屈指可数,一旦出现,必定会引起轰动,然后被当成宝贝一般,大力栽培。 But now, in Yang Kai that native land, each Cave Heaven Paradise has 1-2 this kind of talents, this is what concept. 而如今,在杨开那故土之中,每一家洞天福地都有1-2这样的人才,这是什么概念。 This means in several thousand over ten thousand years, Human Race possibly the powerhouses of 100-200 Old Ancestor ranks? 这岂不是意味着再过几千上万年,人族将可能会多出100-200位老祖级别的强者? By that time, these powerhouses step into black ink battlefield, what kind of pleasant surprise will also give Black Ink Clan? 到那时候,这些强者踏入墨之战场,又会给墨族怎样的惊喜? After resembling has given free reign to the imagination is remote the happy future, several Regiment's Commander feared, really by that time, the Human Race strength increases, can perhaps completely solve black ink battlefield here hidden danger. 似已畅想到久远之后的美好未来,几位军团长都惊住了,真到那时候,人族实力大增,或许就可以彻底解决墨之战场这边的隐患。 Yang Kai said: The population in disciple Small Universe compared with the native land, does not want not to be born so many talents, but the quantity should not be small, when the time comes can let them first practice in Small Universe to Emperor Senior Stage, then makes them continue practice in the area inside the Great Wall , to promote Open Heaven.” 杨开道:“弟子小乾坤中的人口数量不比故土,想来诞生不了那么多天才,但数量应该不会太少,到时候可以让他们先在小乾坤修行帝尊境,再让他们在关内继续修行,晋升开天。” Zhong Liang and the others get back one's composure finally, Ding Yao says immediately: When the time comes remembers looks for a good seedling to me, this King to instruct, to pass on my legacy personally!” 钟良等人总算回神,丁耀立刻道:“到时候记得给我找个好苗子,本座亲自指导,传我衣钵!” Yang Kai said with a smile: Can result in the Sir to teach personally, the reality is honored.” 杨开笑道:“能得大人亲自教导,实乃荣幸。” Zhong Liang coughs lightly: I also take one.” 钟良轻咳一声:“我也要一个。” Liang Yulong and Shentu Mo look at each other one, expressed that this good deed cannot favor one and discriminate against the other, they also want the rain and dew to moisten. 梁玉龙申屠墨对视一眼,纷纷表示这种好事不能厚此薄彼,他们也要雨露均沾。 Yang Kai naturally is 11 consents. 杨开自然是一一应允下来。 Zhong Liang suddenly sincere said/tunnel: Yang Kai, these Human Race, since lives in your Small Universe, this population issue, you must find the way to solve, that World Tree subtree can return nurturing to parents, the enhancement promotes Human Race aptitude, naturally is the quantity the more better, the quantity are more, more can present more talents.” 钟良忽然语重心长地道:“杨开啊,那些人族既然生活在你的小乾坤,这个人口数量问题,你得想办法解决一下,那世界树的子树既能反哺,增强提升人族资质,自然是数量越多越好,数量越多,越能出现更多的天才。” Shentu Mo in nearby fierce nod: Is is extremely extremely!” 申屠墨在旁边猛点头:“是极是极!” Yang Kai does not know whether to laugh or cry: This population, how do I solve?” 杨开哭笑不得:“这人口数量,我怎么解决?”
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