MP :: Volume #51

#5033: Refining up

However such a, before the problem solve of that Secret Boundary, he is unable to begin with anyone again. 不过这么一来,在将那秘境的问题解决之前,他是无法再与什么人动手了。 Is good lives in peace with each other present Bi Luo war zone, Black Ink Clan at least is also ten over a hundred years of resting and building up strength, pours also has no need he to act. 好在如今碧落战区这边相安无事,墨族最起码还要数十上百年的休养生息,倒也没什么需要他出手的。 Goes out to explore Secret Boundary teams to return, each team harvests many, under the Zha Hu verbal command, Dawn Battleship changes to flowing light, plunders in the direction that Blue Sky Pass is. 外出探索秘境的一支支队伍都已归来,每个队伍都收获颇丰,在查虎的号令下,破晓战舰化作流光,朝碧落关所在的方向掠去。 After several days, Blue Sky Pass is in sight distantly. 数日后,碧落关遥遥在望。 But when takes a broad view looks, obviously outside the passes Void accumulated massive Universe World, these Universe World all are in the recent two ends of the year the officers transfers from various resources production areas, on each Universe World has different quantities of martial artist to mine busily. 而放眼望去时,可见关外虚空积存了大量的乾坤世界,这些乾坤世界皆都是最近两年关内将士从各处资源产区中挪移回来的,每一座乾坤世界上都有数量不等的武者在忙碌开采。 This is a big project, even if the area inside the Great Wall several tens of thousands officers send out together, does not have more than ten 20 years of time, Universe World that these were transferred still gave up any idea of that mining is clean. 这是一项大工程,就算关内数万将士一起出动,没有十几二十年时间,这些被挪移回来的乾坤世界也休想开采干净。 But the commodity that by that time, the area inside the Great Wall saves will become huge to be incomparable, even without the 3000 Worlds transportation, can still meet the Blue Sky Pass several hundred over a thousand years of needs surely. 而到那时候,关内积攒的物资将会变得庞大无比,即便没有三千世界的输送,也必定可以满足碧落关数百上千年的需求。 Can say Void Yin-Yang Mirror that Yang Kai brings, alleviated Blue Sky Pass at one fell swoop to the condition that the commodity earnestly seeks, Blue Sky Pass so, other Human Race mountain passes can also so. 可以说杨开带来的虚空阴阳镜,一举缓解了碧落关对物资渴求的状态,碧落关如此,其他人族关隘也会如此。 Close to the area inside the Great Wall, the Yang Kai's sound spreads from the cabin: Sir, disciple does not enter the pass, but also asked the Sir to look for a calm and steady place outside the passes, disciple needs to close up some date and time.” 临近关内,杨开的声音从船舱内传出:“大人,弟子就不入关了,还请大人在关外找个安稳之处,弟子需要闭关一些时日。” Zha Hu then must reject subconsciously, Yang Kai the responsibility is significant now, must close up, is naturally better at a safer place, entering the pass is the best choice, what matter closes up outside the passes is? 查虎下意识地便要拒绝,杨开如今干系重大,既要闭关,自然是处在越安全的地方越好,入关便是最好的选择,在关外闭关算什么事? However changes mind thinks, Zha Hu then understands Yang Kai what meaning, Yang Kai then closed up the matter that must do, places the words of area inside the Great Wall, will have some is not convenient, is naturally better because of outside the passes. 不过转念一想,查虎便明白杨开何意了,杨开接下来闭关要做的事,身处关内的话,会有一些不方便,自然是在关外更好一些。 At that moment nods assent: Good, this King seeks a place for you.” 当下点头应允:“好,本座为你寻一处地方。” Spiritual Mind spreads out all over, soon then found good location/position, the universe fragment that after that is a piece was mined, to leave behind. 神念铺展开来,很快便找到一处不错的位置,那是一片被开采之后所遗留下来的乾坤碎片。 Outside during Blue Sky Pass so many Universe World are mining, will produce many universe fragments naturally, these to Blue Sky Pass are the trash, needs to sweep clear, although there is a specialist to process, but always needs to save to the certain extent. 碧落关外那么多乾坤世界正在开采之中,自然而然会产生许多乾坤碎片,这些对碧落关来说都是垃圾,需要清扫掉,虽有专人处理,但总是需要积攒到一定程度才会着手。 This universe fragment is away from Blue Sky Pass is about several hundred li (0.5 km) from, the area is also not too big nor too small, words that Yang Kai closes up here, even if there is what accidental/surprised, the personnel in area inside the Great Wall can still support rapidly, the unexpected worry will be ridden by Black Ink Clan. 这一块乾坤碎片距离碧落关不过数百里距离,面积也不大不小,杨开在这里闭关的话,就算有什么意外,关内的人员也可以迅速支援,不虞担心会被墨族所乘。 Daybreak immediately shifts to fly toward that universe fragment, arrives at universe fragment above quickly. 破晓立刻转向朝那乾坤碎片飞去,很快来到乾坤碎片之上 Is pale, aura vicissitude uncertain Yang Kai goes out from the cabin, the footsteps somewhat are impractical, looked that this appearance is drunk general. 脸色苍白,气息浮沉不定的杨开从船舱内走出,就连脚步都有些虚浮,看这模样似是喝醉了酒一般。 But knows that Yang Kai this moment situation clear, this is not drunk, but Yang Kai's Small Universe was supported. 但知道杨开此刻情况的都清楚,这不是喝醉了酒,只是杨开的小乾坤被撑住了。 Dawn Squad stays behind, for your Team-Leader Protector, this King returns to the area inside the Great Wall to assign some Formation Law Expert to arrange formation, other team also respective chapter of passes/tests.” Zha Hu told one. 晨曦小队留下,替你们队长护法,本座回关内调派一些阵法师过来布置法阵,其他队伍都也都各自回关吧。”查虎吩咐一声。 The people all receive an order, squads leave the daybreak rapidly, spreads toward Blue Sky Pass, Zha Hu oneself am the figure rock, change to flowing light to disappear do not see. 众人皆都领命,一支支小队迅速离开破晓,朝碧落关驰去,查虎本人更是身形晃动,化作流光消失不见。 Yang Kai arrives at this universe fragment smooth place directly, sits cross-legged to take a seat, silently cultivates. 杨开径直来到这乾坤碎片一处平坦之地,盘膝落座,默运玄功 Before he received Small Universe that entire Secret Boundary, from this caused Small Universe to be supported extremely uncomfortably, if not there is World Spring suppress and seal, Small Universe had the possibility to damage extremely. 之前他将那整个秘境都收入自身小乾坤,由此导致自身小乾坤被撑得极为难受,若非有天地泉封镇的话,小乾坤极有可能已经破损。 This lets his secret heart startled, does not know that in ancient age, leaves behind that Small Universe master is what cultivation level, what we definitely know is that ancient has cultivation level absolutely own be higher, actually does not know that was 8-Rank or 9-Rank, will otherwise be insufficient to have the this kind of situation. 这让他暗暗心惊,不知在古老的年代中,留下那小乾坤的主人到底是什么修为,可以肯定的是,那位古老的存在修为绝对要比自己高,却不知到底是八品还是九品了,否则不至于会出现这样的情况。 To reduce and solve this aspect but actually also simply, only need rejects to oneself body useless impurities that swallowed Small Universe, when the time comes not only can by oneself worry-free, but can also leave behind the World Tree subtree. 想要化解这一局面倒也简单,只需将那被吞噬的小乾坤中对己身无用的杂质剔除出去便可,到时候不但能让自身无忧,还能留下世界树的子树。 This is also the Yang Kai initial plan, but must achieve this matter, needed time will not be perhaps short. 这也是杨开最初的打算,而要达成此事,需要的时间恐怕也不会太短。 The sensation, Yang Kai was soon then detecting with rapt attention in that swallowed Small Universe, contained all sorts of mysterious Principle Mark, that was a crystallization of gentleman of practice ancient times Great Expert. 凝神感知着,杨开很快便察觉到那被吞噬的小乾坤中,蕴藏了种种玄妙道痕,那是远古大能之士一身修行的结晶。 Before he and Bai Yi explored that Secret Boundary, even placed, feeling was not obvious, but swallows into the body entire Secret Boundary now, after letting Secret Boundary was in Small Universe, many in this Secret Boundary mysterious, then tiny particle complete(ly) present under his sensation. 之前他与白羿探索那秘境之时,即便身处其中,感受的还不算明显,但如今将整个秘境都吞噬入体,让秘境处于自身小乾坤之后,这秘境中的诸多玄妙,在他感知之下便纤毫毕现。 Yang Kai from that Secret Boundary, felt huge Pill Way Principle Mark very much with ease! 杨开很轻松地就从那秘境中,感受到了庞大丹道道痕 The situation, showed that his beforehand speculation is correct, that Secret Boundary master before death truly is extremely Gao Ming/brilliant Alchemy Expert, otherwise is also insufficient to have the thoughts and skill causes such a medicine garden in own Small Universe. 如此情况,说明他之前的推测是正确的,那秘境的主人生前确实是一位极为高明炼丹师,否则也不至于有心思和本事在自身小乾坤内弄出那么一座药圃来。 Ancient times Pill Refining Technique and present of period have very big difference surely, however 3000 main roads, ancient until now actually never have changed. 远古时期的炼丹术与如今必定有很大的不同,然三千大道,亘古至今却是从未变过。 In this Secret Boundary residual Pill Way Principle Mark lets Yang Kai joyfully, if can refine these Principle Mark to use for oneself, his Pill Refining Technique can progress by leaps and bounds surely. 秘境之中残留的丹道道痕杨开欣喜不已,若是能够炼化这些道痕为己用,那他的炼丹术必定能突飞猛进。 Until now, Yang Kai on Pill Refining Technique does not pursue are too many. Then in medicinal herbs of this time collection, many are Human Race has not seen, perhaps has what effect, if can ravel taking this opportunity these medicinal herbs properties, pours does not waste his labor. 时至今日,在炼丹术杨开已经不追求太多了。然则这一次采集的药材中,许多都是人族不曾见过的,或许有什么奇效,若是能借此机会弄明白那些药材的药性,倒也不枉费他一番辛苦。 Thinks does, Yang Kai was swallowed into Small Universe Secret Boundary to divide that refining up Pill Way Principle Mark, useless impurities thoroughly eliminates, so as to avoid affects the foundation. 想到就做,杨开将那被吞噬入自身小乾坤秘境一块块分割开来,炼化其中的丹道道痕,无用的杂质则彻底清除,免得影响自身根基。 To refine Principle Mark in others Small Universe is not an easy matter, after all is not practice comes, even if beneficial to oneself, does not have the means to agree with completely. 想要炼化别人小乾坤中的道痕也不是一件容易的事,毕竟不是自身修行而来,纵然对自身有益,也没办法完全契合。 This potential cannot exempt will result in some waste, Pill Way Principle Mark in Secret Boundary refining up by way of Yang Kai screening, often ten do not save one. 这势不可免地会造成一些浪费,秘境中的丹道道痕经由杨开一番甄别炼化,往往十不存一。 This is he has the World Spring suppress and seal Small Universe result, without World Spring, could not do the this kind of matter. 这还是他有天地泉封镇自身小乾坤的结果,若是没有天地泉,根本做不了这样的事。 On this occasion, he remembered Wu Kuang, this fellow may be the having god-given wisdom rare talent, cultivates Heavens Devourer Battle Law not to have the thing is not possible to swallow, if refine these Principle Mark by him, only feared that relaxed can refine is clean. 值此之时,他不禁想起了乌邝,这家伙可算是天纵奇才,所修噬天战法无物不可吞噬,若是由他来炼化这些道痕的话,只怕轻松便可炼化干净。 Heavens Devourer Battle Law he also knows that the wonder of revolution, because of all sorts of worries, Yang Kai does not dare to stimulate to movement at will. 噬天战法他也知道运转之妙,但因为种种顾虑,杨开根本不敢随意催动。 After all Wu Kuang carries Stainless Golden Lotus, stimulates to movement Heavens Devourer Battle Law how, regardless to swallow the external force, will not cause anything to affect to oneself, this point is he unable to compare. 毕竟乌邝身负无垢金莲,催动噬天战法无论怎么吞噬外力,都不会对自身造成什么影响,这一点是他所无法相提并论的 The world has the most precious object, one stalk twin lotus, Mild Soul Lotus, although with Stainless Golden Lotus with is the world most precious object, but one in view of Divine Soul, another in view of flesh body, the effect is different, matter Yang Kai that Wu Kuang can achieve cannot achieve, the matter that similarly, Yang Kai can do, Wu Kuang also can only stare dry/does. 天地有至宝,并蒂生双莲,温神莲虽然与无垢金莲同为天地至宝,但一是针对神魂,另一个是针对肉身,功效不同,乌邝能做到的事杨开做不到,同样地,杨开能做的事,乌邝也只能干瞪眼。 On the universe fragment, Zha Hu assigned many Formation Law Expert to come, arranges protected Formation, so as to avoid Yang Kai by external force interference. 乾坤碎片上,查虎调派了许多阵法师过来,布置了防护大阵,免得杨开被外力干扰。 Dawn Squad is also stationed in this universe fragment above, divides the school grade order to stand guard the protection. 晨曦小队也就此驻扎在这乾坤碎片之上,分班次警戒守护。 Outside Blue Sky Pass, several tens of thousands officers still keep busily. 碧落关外,数万将士依然忙碌不停。 In Black Ink Clan without the years that makes a harassing attack, black ink battlefield as if also became temperate, no longer the past fierceness. 在没有墨族袭扰的岁月,墨之战场似乎也变得温和了许多,不复往日的狰狞。 The place of Yang Kai closing up has lived in peace with each other, although in Feng Ying and the others under the attention sensations, the Yang Kai's aura vicissitude has been uncertain, but has no danger after all. 杨开闭关之地一直相安无事,虽然在冯英等人的关注感知下,杨开的气息一直浮沉不定,但总归没有什么危险。 Two months later, a bulk universe fragment appears in the place of Yang Kai closing up nearby suddenly, on that universe fragment the vegetation green, spirit rhyme is good, obviously contained extremely rich world mighty force. 两月之后,一大块乾坤碎片忽然出现在杨开闭关之地的附近,那乾坤碎片上草木葱翠,灵韵不俗,显然蕴藏了极为浓郁的天地伟力。 However this universe fragment appears in Void swiftly, the world mighty force that contains then four dissipate, quick vanishes cleanly, but did not have nourishing of the world mighty force, on that green vegetation also withers instantaneously. 不过这乾坤碎片倏一出现在虚空中,其中蕴藏的天地伟力便四下逸散,很快就消失干净,而没有了天地伟力的滋养,那上面的葱翠草木也瞬间枯萎。 Feng Ying when defends sees that one startled, but also thinks that had/left what accident, but quick then responded, this universe fragment should be Yang Kai in building up in the process rejects, is that swallowed Secret Boundary part, that green grass Mu Wu doubted to explain this point. 正值守的冯英见状一惊,还以为出了什么变故,但很快便反应了过来,这乾坤碎片应该是杨开在炼化的过程中剔除出来的,属于那被吞噬的秘境的一部分,那葱翠的草木无疑说明了这一点。 This is Yang Kai is also determined outside the passes to close up, but does not enter the Blue Sky Pass reason. 这也是杨开之所以执意要在关外闭关,而不入碧落关的原因。 Was swallowed into Secret Boundary of body by him, being doomed to be divided the innumerable blocks, was rejected again by him, if enters the pass, these will appear in the universe fragment suddenly will definitely cause some losses to the area inside the Great Wall construction, was different outside the passes, how regardless of Yang Kai will act will not have anything to affect. 被他吞噬入体的秘境,注定要被分割成无数块,再被他剔除出来,若是入关的话,这些忽然出现在乾坤碎片肯定会对关内建筑造成一些损失,在关外就不同了,无论杨开如何施为都不会有什么影响。 To understand this point, Feng Ying immediately rushes goes, receives own Small Universe the universe fragment that presents suddenly, will discard transferring to the distant place again. 想明白这一点,冯英第一时间冲上前去,将那忽然出现的乾坤碎片收入自己小乾坤,再将之挪移至远处丢弃。 This universe fragment last present world mighty force completely loses, is only the deathtrap, Feng Ying naturally cannot remain together it. 这乾坤碎片上如今天地伟力尽失,只是一块死地,冯英自然不会将它留下来。 After this day, for half a month, nearby Yang Kai will then present the universe fragment big or small every ten days suddenly, obviously is he is rejecting swallowed Secret Boundary. 自这一日之后,每隔十天半个月,杨开附近便会忽然出现或大或小的乾坤碎片,显然是他在剔除被吞噬的秘境 The Dawn team members who the value defends can always immediately process these fragments, exempts Yang Kai's extra worries. 值守的晨曦队员们总是能在第一时间将这些碎片处理掉,免去杨开的后顾之忧。 But with rejection of passing and Secret Boundary of time, Yang Kai vicissitude uncertain aura gradually is also steady, on face pale also vanishes does not see, obviously all are well underway. 而随着时间的流逝和秘境的剔除,杨开浮沉不定的气息也逐渐平稳下来,脸上的苍白也消失不见,显然一切进展顺利。 So the situation, continued six years of time. 如此情况,足足持续了六年时间 In this period Dawn has guarded near Yang Kai. 期间晨曦一直镇守在杨开附近。 But during six years, by the every big and small universe fragment that Yang Kai excludes are innumerable. 而六年间,被杨开剔除来的大大小小的乾坤碎片更是数不胜数。 Until six years later some on the 1st, as the universe fragment was rejected finally together, in Yang Kai Small Universe, does not have least bit impurities again, originally with World Tree that Secret Boundary fuses together, was stripped by him thoroughly, falls in own Small Universe. 直到六年后的某一日,随着最后一块乾坤碎片被剔除出去,杨开小乾坤内,再无半点杂质,原本与那秘境融为一体的世界树,也被他彻底剥离了出来,落在自身小乾坤之中。 The flash that palatial giant tree drops, entire Small Universe in buzz called the vibration, World Spring almost suppress and seal did not live in the this kind of phenomenon. 巍峨巨树落下的一瞬间,整个小乾坤都在嗡鸣震动,就连天地泉也几乎封镇不住这样的异象。 Yang Kai oneself am the dizziness tinnitus in an instant, is unable to restrain oneself. 杨开本人更是刹那间头晕耳鸣,不能自已。 The invisible strength fills the air from the World Tree subtree, as if not visible silk threads, are centered on World Tree, toward spreads out all over in all directions. 无形的力量自世界树的子树中弥漫而出,仿佛一道道看不见的丝线,以世界树为中心,朝四面八方铺展开来。 That not visible silk thread passed through oneself Small Universe each area, in extremely short time, World Tree is then close to Small Universe, inalienable. 那一道道看不见的丝线贯穿了自身小乾坤的每一处疆域,在极短的时间内,世界树便与自身小乾坤紧密相连,不可分割。
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