MP :: Volume #51

#5032: Receives World Tree

After half double-hour, all World Fruit had been picked. 半个时辰后,所有的世界果都已被采摘完毕。 Although the fruit picks cleanly, but this World Tree subtree also value is at present huge, naturally cannot miss. 果子虽然采摘干净,但眼前这一株世界树的子树本身也价值巨大,自然不能错过。 However Zha Hu does not have immediately to receive Small Universe World Fruit, after hesitating for a long time, just now said: Yang Kai, received this World Tree.” 不过查虎却没有第一时间世界果收入小乾坤,沉吟许久之后方才道:“杨开,将这世界树收了。” Yang Kai stunned. 杨开愕然 Zha Hu said: this King, although does not know that received this thing to have what advantage, but it was not only the World Tree subtree, was planted by the gentleman of ancient times Great Expert in own Small Universe, that decided however is harmless, although you now are only 7-Rank, but the responsibility was significant, could not accommodate what accident, received this thing, if did not have the advantage, if were good also to facilitate your quicker growth, had the strength of stronger self-preservation above this black ink battlefield.” 查虎道:“本座虽不知收了这此物会有什么好处,但它既是世界树的子树,又被远古大能之士种在自身小乾坤中,那定然是无害的,你如今虽只是七品,但干系重大,容不得什么闪失,收了此物若无好处也就罢了,若有好处也方便你更快成长,在这墨之战场上方有更强的自保之力。” Yang Kai is grateful, holds the fist saying: Many thanks Sir.” 杨开心生感激,抱拳道:“多谢大人。” Zha Hu beckons with the hand: 11 Secret Boundary are you discovered, without you, I and others will not have so many harvests, this thing is gathered by you by rights ought. However this King must first state clearly with you, although made you receive this thing, even if the area inside the Great Wall that side knows will not have the objection, but this thing actually needs the meritorious military service exchange, as for needed many meritorious military service specifically, must look at after you received this thing, can obtain many advantage, then the area inside the Great Wall, several Regiment's Commander will inquire about this matter.” 查虎摆摆手:“此间十一处秘境都是你发现的,若没有你,我等也不会有这么多收获,此物理当由你来收取。不过本座先要与你言明,虽让你收了此物,关内那边纵然知晓也不会有异议,但此物却是需要战功兑换,至于具体需要多少战功,就要看你收了此物后能得到多少好处了,回头到了关内,几位军团长自会过问此事。” Yang Kai nods: Should.” 杨开点点头:“应该的。” Although the thing in this Secret Boundary is he discovered that but in this black ink battlefield, any harvest needs to turn, then by meritorious military service exchange, this is the custom. 秘境中的东西虽说都是他发现的,但在这墨之战场中,任何收获都是需要上缴,然后以战功兑换,这是规矩。 Your automatic hand, I go to that side to have a look.” Zha Hu said that then goes toward the medicine garden that side line, in the medicine garden most medicinal herbs had been collected cleanly, then but is also left over keeps in place that some do not know, the people do not dare to pick at will, so as to avoid went bad the property. “你自动手吧,我去那边看看。”查虎说了一声,便朝药圃那边行去,药圃内大多数药材都已被采集干净,不过还剩下一些不认识的便留在原地,众人也不敢随意采摘,免得坏了药性。 Stands in front of that World Tree subtree, Yang Kai Spiritual Mind surges, Space Principle is unconstrained, oneself body becomes in Void twists slightly. 站在那世界树的子树面前,杨开神念涌动,空间法则跌宕着,己身所在虚空都变得微微扭曲。 He thinks that by the own present strength, transfers Small Universe should not to spend anything this World Tree subtree. 他本以为以自己如今的实力,将这一株世界树的子树挪移进小乾坤应该不费什么事。 But after when he noses carefully, just now discovered own thinks was too simple. 但当他仔细查探过后,方才发现自己想的太简单了。 Also a double-hour, after remaining many medicinal herbs of Zha Hu in the medicine garden picks is clean, discovered that Yang Kai has stood in front of that World Tree subtree unexpectedly, had not begun, in addition, the Yang Kai's complexion slightly somewhat is pale, obviously consumes heavily. 又过一个时辰,当查虎将药圃中剩下的诸多药材都采摘干净之后,才发现杨开居然一直站在那世界树的子树面前,一直未曾动手,不但如此,就连杨开的脸色都微微有些苍白,显然消耗不轻。 Zha Hu knits the brows, moves sideways to arrive at side him, calmly is waiting. 查虎皱眉,闪身来到他身边,静静等待着。 Also passed a double-hour, Yang Kai opens the view suddenly, shouted the one breath slightly. 又过了一个时辰,杨开才忽然睁开眼帘,微微呼了一口气。 What's the matter?” Zha Hu asked that Bai Yi is also looking at Yang Kai in the one side curiously. “怎么回事?”查虎问道,白羿也在一旁好奇地望着杨开 Yang Kai smiles bitterly: Sir, this World Tree subtree already and this entire Secret Boundary is close, is inalienable.” 杨开苦笑一声:“大人,这世界树的子树已经与这整个秘境紧密相连,根本不可分割。” Zha Hu astonished: Has this matter unexpectedly?” 查虎讶然:“竟有此事?” During speeches , the immersion mind sensation gets up. His strength cultivation level far ultra Yang Kai, therefore quick then nosing clear, the situation truly such as Yang Kai said that this World Tree subtree aura and Secret Boundary were firmly connected, each other fusion, inseparable. 说话间,也沉浸心神感知起来。他的实力修为远超杨开,所以很快便查探清楚,情况确实如杨开所言,这世界树的子树气息秘境牢牢相连,彼此融合,密不可分。 This he has not thought actually, before he made Yang Kai begin to gather World Tree, considered for Yang Kai, just like he said that although he does not know that received this World Tree to obtain what advantage, but definitely had no misdemeanor, if were really good, can make Yang Kai therefore profit, fast growth. 这倒是他不曾想到的,之前他让杨开动手收取世界树,本是为杨开考虑,正如他所言,他虽不知收了这世界树会得到什么好处,但肯定没什么坏事,万一真有好处,也能让杨开因此受益,快速成长。 7-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level is no doubt good, but facing Territory Lord was too frail, if stared again by Royal Lord, that may the strength of self-preservation not have. 七品开天修为固然不俗,但面对域主还是太单薄了一些,万一再被王主盯上,那可就连自保之力都没有了。 Zha Hu also hopes that Yang Kai can promote 8-Rank cultivation level as soon as possible, so can make many Contribution for Human Race. 查虎也希望杨开能尽早将修为提升到八品,如此才能为人族做出更多的贡献 However now this World Tree is unexpectedly close to entire Secret Boundary, don't said Yang Kai, is his 8-Rank Garrison's Chief, is unable easily to gather World Tree. 然而如今这世界树竟与整个秘境紧密相连,莫说杨开,便是他这个八品总镇,也无法轻易收取世界树 Pitifully!” Zha Hu sighed slightly. “可惜了!”查虎微微叹息一声。 Yang Kai knits the brows: Actually pours is not cannot gather, but needs to consume some time.” 杨开皱眉道:“其实倒也不是不能收取,只不过需要耗费一些时间。” Zha Hu first is puzzled, but understands in his words quickly the meaning: This law cannot, do not even think about it.” 查虎先是不解,但很快明白他话中之意:“此法不可,想都不要想。” Sir knows what I said is what?” “大人知道我说的是什么?” Zha Hu cold snort: This thing is close to entire Secret Boundary, to receive this thing, must receive Small Universe entire Secret Boundary.” 查虎冷哼:“此物与整个秘境紧密相连,若想收了此物,非得将整个秘境收入小乾坤。” Very much so!” Yang Kai nods, in addition, has no other alternative.” “正是如此!”杨开点头,“除此之外,别无他法。” Zha Hu said solemnly: All sorts of Principle Mark that but then, in this Secret Boundary contains will then integrate your Small Universe, if that many Principle Mark tally with your Small Universe, perhaps will also strengthen your strength, but if does not tally, that may be impurities to you, is very likely to affect your foundation, you must know, this method is equal to these demon outlets to enhance the strength, refining up the Universe World world mighty force forcefully.” 查虎沉声道:“但如此一来,这秘境之中蕴藏的种种道痕便会融入你的小乾坤,若那诸多道痕与你小乾坤吻合也就罢了,或许还会增强你的实力,但若是不吻合,那对你来说可就是杂质,极有可能影响你的根基,你要知道,这种方法等于是那些邪魔外道为了提升实力,强行炼化乾坤世界的天地伟力。” When this Secret Boundary, fundamentally, was the ancient times Small Universe that Human Race Great Expert left behind, contained the crystallization of that Human Race Great Expert life practice, all sorts of Principle Mark in that hidden Secret Boundary to Yang Kai, were completely not beneficial, was very likely to have the greatest fault to him, for this reason, Zha Hu strongly will oppose, he wanted Yang Kai to gather the World Tree subtree, thought of him, how also to look on him from breaking the foundation. 这一处秘境,从根本上来说,是远古之时人族大能遗留下来的小乾坤,其中蕴藏了那位人族大能一生修行的结晶,那暗藏秘境中的种种道痕杨开来说,并非全部有益,极有可能对他有莫大的坏处,正因如此,查虎才会极力反对,他要杨开收取世界树的子树,本是为他着想,又岂会坐视他自断根基。 Yang Kai nods said: This point disciple naturally is knows that but the Sir must forget not, disciple carries World Spring, Small Universe has no time clearly, the external force does not invade, disciple only need spend some time, can the world mighty force and many Principle Mark in this Secret Boundary drives out, at the appointed time this World Tree subtree naturally can remain.” 杨开颔首道:“这一点弟子自然是知道的,但大人莫要忘了,弟子身负天地泉,小乾坤圆润无暇,外力不侵,弟子只需花费一些时间,便可将此秘境中的天地伟力和诸多道痕驱除,届时这世界树的子树自然就能留下来。” Yang Kai has had the this kind of experience, in the past led Void Land many 6-Rank Open Heaven, when the new big territory chased down Zuo Quanhui, when Zuo Quanhui dead end spread out all over Small Universe, the life-and-death resistance, that fought Yang Kai to spread out all over similarly Small Universe, although finally killed Zuo Quanhui, but each other under the Small Universe collision fusion, making in Yang Kai's Small Universe many strength of much belonging to Zuo Quanhui, these strengths were impurities. 杨开不是没有过这样的经验,当年带领虚空地诸多六品开天,在新大域追杀左权晖的时候,左权晖穷途末路之时将自身小乾坤铺展开来,殊死反抗,那一战杨开同样将自身小乾坤铺展开来,结果虽然杀了左权晖,但彼此小乾坤碰撞融合之下,让杨开的小乾坤中多出不少属于左权晖的力量,那些力量便是杂质 Afterward Yang Kai also spent some strengths, these impurities drove out, except that no influence on own foundation. 后来杨开也是花费了一些力气,才将这些杂质驱除除去,没有影响到自身根基。 At that time he did not have World Spring, now had World Spring, naturally does not need to be worried. 当时他还没有天地泉,如今有了天地泉,自然就更不必担心了。 Zha Hu hesitates immediately. 查虎顿时犹豫起来。 Yang Kai strikes while the iron is hot saying: Sir, even that strength of black ink cannot corrode disciple Small Universe, what fears here Secret Boundary strength? It can be said that disciple gathers this thing best candidate.” 杨开趁热打铁道:“大人,连那墨之力都侵蚀不得弟子小乾坤,又何惧此处秘境的力量?可以说弟子乃是收取此物最好人选。” The Zha Hu look becomes less crowded finally: time that then, you need to spend is not short, if no advantage when the time comes, gain does not equal the loss?” 查虎神色终于松动:“可是如此一来,你需要花费的时间可不短,万一到时候没好处,岂不是得不偿失?” Yang Kai said with a smile: Tries always to might as well, even if no advantage when the time comes, disciple can still result in a World Tree subtree, raising in Small Universe, will perhaps pass some years to have World Fruit. Let alone, this after all is the World Tree subtree, if really can receive, how also not to have the advantage.” 杨开笑道:“试试总是无妨的,就算到时候没好处,弟子也能得一株世界树的子树,将之养在小乾坤中,或许过些年月便可结出世界果呢。更何况,这毕竟是世界树子树,若真能收了,又岂会没有好处。” Zha Hu is silent, after good moment, said: Good, depends on you saying that this King for your Protector, if there are any exceptionally, you need immediately give up.” 查虎默然不语,好片刻后才道:“好吧,就依你所言,本座为你护法,若有任何异常,你需得立刻放弃。” Many thanks Sir.” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand. “多谢大人。”杨开一抱拳。 Has decided to receive Small Universe this entire Secret Boundary, the necessity that has not explored again, under the order of Zha Hu, all did not have the customs employee and others to withdraw this Secret Boundary. 既已决定将这整个秘境收入小乾坤,那就没有再探索的必要了,在查虎的命令下,所有无关人等都撤出了这一处秘境 Quick, in Secret Boundary then is only left over Yang Kai and Zha Hu two people. 很快,秘境之中便只剩下杨开查虎两人 Yang Kai took a deep breath, stimulates to movement Small Universe, the spreading falls. 杨开深吸一口气,催动自身小乾坤,铺展落下。 Next flickers, oneself Small Universe area such as the light electricity, spreads loudly, covers to go toward all around rapidly. 下一瞬,自身小乾坤的疆域如光似电,轰然扩散开来,迅速朝四周覆盖而去。 Zha Hu stands erect Void, waits and sees with rapt attention, cannot bear the brow raise. 查虎屹立虚空,凝神观望,忍不住眉头一扬。 According to the truth, Yang Kai was new promote 7-Rank, the foundation cannot be too stable, but under his waiting and seeing, Yang Kai did not have the foundation not steady sign at this moment, instead background was rich, moreover with the expansion of Small Universe, he saw all sorts of lives that in Small Universe survived, had a clear spring, air/Qi of penetration world clear ice. 按道理来说,杨开算是新晋七品,根基不会太稳定,但此刻在他的观望下,杨开丝毫没有根基不稳的迹象,反而底蕴浓郁,而且随着小乾坤的扩张,他更是见到了小乾坤内生存的种种生灵,更有一汪清泉,清凌之气贯通天地。 When oneself were being covered by Yang Kai Small Universe, he even has absent-minded of such faint trace, that flash, as if came under some influences including own sensation. 当自身所在被杨开小乾坤覆盖之时,他甚至有那么一丝丝的恍惚,那一瞬间,似乎连自身的感知都受到了一些影响。 Time Principle? The Zha Hu brow raises. 时间法则查虎眉头一扬。 Attainments of well-known Yang Kai on Principle of Space is extremely high, actually never knows him also to have such cultivation level on Principle of Time unexpectedly. 世人皆知杨开空间之道上的造诣极高,却从来不知他在时间之道上竟也有如此修为 Zha Hu secret heart startled, how this boy is practice, can be skilled in the space and Principle of Time unexpectedly simultaneously, must know these two types of main roads regardless of which type, and difficult to cross the threshold, do not say is skilled, can on these two main roads takes a path then be care of day, both main roads have this grade of attainments to be simply unthinkable. 查虎暗暗心惊,这小子是如何修行的,竟能同时精通空间和时间之道,要知道这两种大道无论哪一种,都及难入门,更不要说精通,能在这两条大道上走出一条道路的便是得天之眷顾,两条大道都有这等造诣简直匪夷所思。 When state of mind vicissitude, Yang Kai's Small Universe has covered entire Secret Boundary, and has no ill performance, this makes Zha Hu feel relieved slightly. 心绪浮沉之际,杨开的小乾坤已将整个秘境笼罩,并没有任何不适的表现,这让查虎微微放下了心。 Suddenly, Yang Kai raises the head looks toward him: Also asked the Sir to retreat temporarily!” 蓦然间,杨开抬头朝他望来:“还请大人暂时退去!” Zha Hu nods slightly, the figure changes to flowing light, plunders toward the gateway that side. 查虎微微颔首,身形化作流光,朝门户那边掠去。 The Yang Kai Small Universe spreading falls, he places also has no issue, but Yang Kai must take back Small Universe now, he did not have the means to continue to stay, after all his cultivation level must be higher than Yang Kai Rank, the Yang Kai Small Universe amount of space occupied was also not enough also to accept him. 杨开小乾坤铺展落下的时候,他身处其中还没什么问题,但如今杨开要将小乾坤收回,他就没办法继续停留了,毕竟他的修为要高出杨开一个品阶,杨开小乾坤的体量也不足以将他也收容进去。 Had/Left the gateway, turns head to look, sees only in that gateway to transmit the feeling of shake rapidly, once in a while has buzz the sound of cry, the gateway is becomes the distortion to fluctuate, resembles possibly collapses momentarily. 出了门户,扭头回望,只见那门户内迅速传来震荡之感,间或有嗡鸣之音,门户所在更是变得扭曲变幻,似随时可能崩溃。 This situation continued several days time, when to several days later some moment, the gateway is extinguishing does not see, the form appears there together towering, impressively is Yang Kai. 这情况足足持续了数日时间,待到数日后的某一刻,门户所在消弭不见,一道身影突兀地出现在那里,赫然便是杨开 But, Yang Kai is at this moment pale, aura is the vicissitude is more uncertain, as if received the heavy losses general. 只不过此时此刻,杨开脸色苍白,气息更是浮沉不定,仿佛受了重创一般。 Bai Yi immediately approaches, Yang Kai beckons with the hand to hint own unobstructive. 白羿第一时间靠近过去,杨开摆手示意自己无碍。 He now this condition, but is because received oneself Small Universe reason that Secret Boundary forcefully, that Secret Boundary is also Small Universe that the ancient leaves behind, will accept forcefully will inevitably have the tremendous blow to him, but will want that World Tree, will probably so not be possible. 他如今这状态,只不过是因为强行将那秘境收入了自身小乾坤的缘故,那秘境也是古人留下的小乾坤,强行收容势必会对他本身造成巨大冲击,但想要得到那世界树,非得如此不可。 Trades to make general 7-Rank to do that could not definitely have supported, Small Universe may be supported to explode, is good has World Spring suppress and seal Small Universe because of him, by, although difficult, will not always have anything to obstruct greatly. 换做一般七品这么做,肯定早就支撑不住,小乾坤都有可能被撑爆,好在他有天地泉封镇小乾坤,是以虽然艰辛,却总不会有什么大碍。
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